Download The Healing Powers of "NEEM" The Neem tree, which is a botanical

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About NEEM
For over 3,000 years the people of India have enjoyed the health restoring benefits of their native neem
tree. They revere it as the Goddess Neemari Devi and honor its herbal tradition as the “village
The ancient Indian system of health, Ayurveda, highly recommends the use of neem for its rejuvenating
effect on the skin, and its powerful detoxifying and purifying attributes.
Neem applied externally provides non-toxic, safe protection from the sometimes pesky environment. In
parts of India, it is known as the “toothbrush tree” and used daily to promote health in teeth and gums.
The Healing Powers of "NEEM"
The Neem tree, which is a botanical cousin of mahogany, is well established in 30 countries but is
native to India and Burma. It has an almost magical effect on chronic skin conditions such as eczema,
psoriasis, scabies, acne, wrinkles, skin cancer, herpes and dermatitis. As well as doing wonders for
chronic skin conditions, it is just as beneficial in the treatment of burns, diaper rash, sunburns as well as
helping to heal simple cuts and abrasions. It has the ability to increase vascular permeability and
increase blood flow around a wound and helps the body rapidly create collagen fibers to close the
wound. The seeds, bark and leaves contain compounds with proven antiseptic, antiviral, antiinflammatory, anti-fungal and immune enhancing properties among others.
Neem has been a major ingredient in skin care products of India for over 4,000 years. Its skin healing
properties are outlined in some of the earliest Sanskrit writings. It aids in reducing fine lines and
wrinkles by providing a natural moisturizer. Neem Oil is absorbed quickly and is beneficial in recovering
the natural balance to dry skin. Applied to the scalp; extracts and oils can be used in the control of
dandruff. Neem contains some of the most powerful anti-fungal plant extracts that are available for the
control of fungal skin diseases that affect humans, including those that cause athletes foot, ringworm
and Candida. Even today, India's Neem tree is known as the "Village Pharmacy" because of its
miraculous healing powers. Neem can be found in a variety of products such as Vegicapsules,
toothpaste, certain varieties of hand soaps, as well as an extract or a cold pressed oil.
Entomologists have seen remarkable results in the control of more than 200 species of insects using
this natural pesticide. It has been used safely for centuries to repel and disrupt their growth and
reproduction. Neem is an effective and desirable alternative to synthetic insect repellents because it is a
natural vegetable oil; it has been proven to repel annoying and dangerous insects including the
mosquito for up to twelve hours.
NeemAura Naturals
All of NeemAura Naturals products contain only the purest, natural ingredients. The unique quality of
their soaps, lotion, cream and spray are derived from virgin cold-pressed neem oil, used for centuries
by the women of India to maintain beautiful skin. NeemAura Naturals uses their own certified
organically grown neem leaf, direct from their farms for the Extracts and Vegicaps. To assure the
highest quality and purity, they selected remote locations on tropical islands and forest lands where
they have complete control of production, from seed to harvest. Reforestation and land regeneration
projects are ongoing. Their neem leaf is the purest form of this powerful herb available, anywhere in
the world. We hope you enjoy their products.