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Attention: Network Marketers Who Are Serious About Becoming
The Next Top Earner In Your MLM Company…
How A Lazy Way Of Marketing Your MLM Business
Can Automatically Blast Your Leads And Pour People
Into Your Downline…
All With The Click Of Your Keyboard
Now, It’s Your Turn To Be Taken By The Hand And Shown How
To Make A FORTUNE Promoting Your MLM Product On The
Dear Frustrated Network Marketer,
If you’re ready to make money with your MLM business the easy, fun, and lazy way,
and receive monthly checks like the one below, then this is the most important letter
you’ll ever read.
Do any of these statements sound familiar to you?
 Your friends and family members scatter when they see you in hopes to avoid
your lecture of yet another business opportunity?
 You’re tired of hounding people, in the most embarrassing places, such as the
grocery stores, book stores, and restaurants just to meet your monthly goals?
 You feel your life could be better spent with your family instead of listening to
another boring evening tele-call, weekend meeting, or out-of- state seminar?
 You’re fed up with prospecting people to attend your next “rah-rah” meeting,
only to get a few (if any) attendees?
 You’re confidence is dissolving because you work so hard building your
downline but your residual income doesn’t match your efforts?
 You’ve been promoting your current MLM product, for months (even years)
and still haven’t progressed to the next income level?
I bet, you’re wallowing deeper into sorrow now, after reading the statements above.
And, you feel down right MAD because you just can’t seem to make MLM work for
Let’s face it. The only thing that’s keeping you in “the game” is your dreams of
building a massive downline that’ll earn you a passive, residual income so you’re
FREE to quit your day job and live the life you want.
But, you’ve come to the realization that getting rich from MLM is not as easy as those
“Top Earners” in your company make it out to be.
Well, what if you took all the sales tools and techniques you learned from your
current marketing company and… threw them out the door ! (Besides, what
they’ve been taught hasn’t worked for you anyway, right?)
And, instead, your time was spent pre-qualifying prospects to fill your
downline, without ever leaving the house?
What if your friends and family saw you as the “go-to” guy (or gal) with all the
answers on how to achieve success?
What if you could wake up every single morning with a full voicemail box and inbox
with people who can’t wait to pile into your downline?
What if you could increase your downline filled with people who only come to you
because they know you won’t turn them into a “used car salesman” pushing products
to people who don’t even need them just so you can make a commission?
The fact is, you may not be cut out for network marketing, when trained the old
fashioned way. But, when you change your prospecting approach with a different, yet
effective twist, things start to come together effortlessly.
So, do you think that if an entirely new, innovative internet marketing business plan
could make your residual income soar beyond belief, without you putting too much
work into it, you’d want to hear about it?
How I Can Help You Overcome…
“Network Marketing Disaster”
HI! I’m Ewen Chia. It’ll help you to know, I’m an 11 year veteran of internet
marketing and a self-taught entrepreneur.
Today, I’m known around the world as an internet marketing “Guru.” I’ve been
successful at making $100,000 with a new product launch in less than 30 days.
And I also received the first ever World Internet Summit “World Internet Challenge:
Award” as I showed a group of 1000 international internet marketers how to start a
brand new online business from scratch that generated $80,000 in 3 days.
To add to that! It’ll also help you to know I’m one of the Top Recruiters in the
WORLD for Success University.
But, most recently, I was awarded “2008’s Top Sponsor of the Year.”
What’s important to know is, I wasn’t born with super marketing abilities. The truth
is, when I first started marketing products online, I struggled too.
That’s why my success has lead me to teach other people how to use the internet to
create real wealth.
You see, I’ve been apart of the network marketing industry for a while now, and I
can’t tell you how much it saddens me to hear people who’ve jumped from one MLM
company to another and continue to struggle to make their dreams a reality.
Now, for the first time, I’m branching out to help network marketers, just like you, to
live a better life and achieve your dreams.
"One Of The TOP Recruiters In The MLM World!"
Ewen Chia is without doubt one of the TOP
recruiters in the world in the online MLM
Out of almost 100,000 consultants we've
enrolled in Success University, Ewen is one of
our top 3 recruiters worldwide!
Not only that, he's an absolutely wonderful person to work with and I'm proud to have him
as a friend.
- Matt Morris
President, Success University
"#1 Recruiter - Top Sponsor Peak Performer!"
We're delighted to have Ewen on the SFI team.
A valued member of SFI since 2003, Ewen rose through the ranks to
attain Platinum Team Leader status and has been our #1 recruiter for
several years in a row.
In 2007 and again in 2008, Ewen was awarded Top Sponsor Peak Performer
trophy. He has proven himself again and again to be a world-class Internet
- Gery Carson
Founder, SFI
"Thousands In Residual Income Every Month!
Ewen has been a stand-out leader in Empowerism since 2005,
consistently holding the #1 or #2 sponsor position and earning
thousands in residual income every single month.
He's also one of the most likable people I've worked with in
Empowerism's 11-year history!
There are very few people in Internet marketing who are qualified to lead the
way to MLM success, and Ewen is definitely one of them.
Anyone who passes up the chance to walk in his footsteps and learn from his system
is simply not serious about making money online!
- Janet Wilson
President, Empowerism
Do you want to know my secret to making a FORTUNE from MLM? Well, my
success is as simple as taking my past online promotion skills and applying those
techniques to sell my products and to create a MASSIVE downline – generating
thousands of dollars in residual income.
Want to see more proof?
The Secret To MLM Riches From One of The Top
Marketers In the World
You’ll be glad to know all my secrets to making a profit-pulling network marketing
business is included in my new program, Internet MLM Marketing System.
Here’s the best part. Internet MLM Marketing System is a step-by-step
program that’ll show you exactly how to take any MLM program and build a
HUGE downline on… AUTOPILOT!
That’s right! You’ll be taken by the hand and guided through how to set up your own
MLM business so prospects come to YOU – not the other way around. How?
By tapping into a marketplace of over a billion internet surfing prospects and
discovering how to identify HOT leads and get them to sign up to your program.
And, instead of hounding prospects from the most embarrassing places to make your
monthly quota, marketing your MLM business on the internet can be F.U.N. The best
part is you don’t even have to leave the comforts of your home to build your internet
MLM business.
Look at it this way. You’re already in a position to succeed much faster than I did
because I had to take time away from my business to create this incredibly useful
system. What’s even better is I’ve created for you 15 easy to follow videos that walk
you through my entire process of building a money-hungry MLM business online.
So, you don’t have to worry about reading some long, boring book… or spending
money to travel to another seminar before you’ve made your first commission… or
take quality time away from your family’s evening dinner to jump on another call
you’ve heard a millions times before.
The best part about following videos is you can listen to them anywhere you want (in
the comforts of your home, in the car, or in your office). It’s that simple.
And, you’ll be happy to know in these videos, I leave nothing out! I reveal…
EVERYTHING in Internet MLM Marketing System.
Video 1 –Understanding MLM
Discover what MLM is.
Understand the components of a good MLM System that’ll make you a boat
load of money.
Take the guess work out of MLM Matrix and Downlines.
Get a snap shot of what money-making treasures lie within the rest of the
Internet MLM Marketing System course.
Video 2 – Introduction To Internet MLM Marketing
Understand what Internet MLM Marketing is.
And how to use the global marketplace to your financial benefit.
Learn proven methods to using the internet to market your MLM program.
Get my top secrets techniques to promoting, selling, and recruiting a downline
that makes me thousands of dollars each month in residual income, via the
Video 3 - The Internet MLM Marketing System
Get your own step-by-step guide to putting the right Internet MLM Marketing
System in place to reel in profits into your bank account for years and years to
Discover the key techniques guaranteed to making your MLM program more
Look no further! Everything you’ll ever need to build a profit-generating online
business is right here!
Video 4 – Lead Generation
Find out how to make your website convert leads into recruits - without doing
additional legwork.
Learn the best methods to get TONS of sales to your online MLM business.
Video 5 – My Free Website Builder Demo
Build a website in just a few minutes - without using complicated html
programs such as Dreamweaver and FrontPage.
In this video, you’ll get a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the same website
builder that’s helped me create attractive looking websites with very little effort.
Video 6 – Email Marketing
This video reveals exactly how to automatically sell products with your own
personal email campaign.
Understand how to make sure you’re email messages are doing their job by
getting as many prospects as you can to buy your products.
Discover how to write winning email messages that keeps in constant contact
with your upline and downline.
Video 7 – Autoresponder Demo
This video will show you how to put your business on autopilot while you’re
free to focus your attention on other profit-boosting aspects of your MLM
You’ll also get a personalized tutorial of how to set up an autoresponder series
that’ll automatically recruit your prospects for you - quickly and easily.
Video 8 – Relationship Building
Use the key techniques of Top MLM earners to communicate and interact
with your prospects and downline.
Discover the most effective ways to get more traffic to your MLM product
sales page by using a blog.
Understand why using a blog to provide website visitor’s with the latest
information on your product is ESSENTIAL to your business.
Learn how to build solid relationships that’ll keep money rolling in to your
bank account for years and years to come.
Video 9 – Setting Up A Blogger Blog
With this video, you’ll learn how to develop your own MLM community online
with a free Blogger blog.
I’ll show you exactly how to build a blog that gets indexed in search engines
and more traffic to your website within record time.
Video 10 – Setting Up A Wordpress Blog
You’ll learn how keeping in contact with interested prospects or our downline
with a blog is so easy.
Discover how the flexibility of a blog can enhance your
Internet MLM Marketing System success.
Video 11 – Installing Wordpress With Fantastico
Take control of your blog by using your own hosting account.
Let me show you how with this easy to follow instructional Fantastico video.
Video 12 – Targeted Traffic Generation - Part 1
Explode your Internet MLM business using key components to turn prospects
and leads into sales.
Learn how targeted traffic benefits your business with high conversion rates
and more people buying your products.
In this video, you’ll understand the profit-potential of FREE and PAID traffic
Video 13 – Targeted Traffic Generation - Part2
Get the inside scoop on ADVANCED traffic methods such as Web 2.0.
Instantly convert leads into product users or to your downline with PPC
Before you jump in to paid traffic methods, get these essential warning signs to
prevent you from losing your shirt!
Video 14 – Backing Income Generation
Use backing income generation methods to DRAMATICALLY increase your
earnings from subscribers and your downline.
Get alternative income generation techniques you MUST USE in order to
make a massive difference in the amount of money you make from your
Internet MLM Marketing System.
How to turn one MLM program into multiple streams of income - adding to
your bottom line.
Video 15 – Conclusion
Get a review of the entire Internet MLM Marketing System.
And, learn how to succeed in your MLM company by creating residual income
automatically…every month.
Now, ask yourself this. What if you could generate a residual monthly income from
your current network marketing company and all you needed to do was work a few
hours a week just to maintain your online MLM business? And you reeled in profits of
$3,000… or $5,000… or $10,000… or more! a month like clock work, from just a few
days of work?
Let me tell you. Once you see how easy it is to get as many people in your downline as
I do, you’ll wonder why you ever listened to anyone tell you to hunt down family and
friends who have no need or interest in your product.
And, best of all! You also get each of these bonus items, specially chosen to help you
make the most of your MLM program.
Internet MLM Marketing Blueprint!
(Value $47.00!)
Get the exact blueprint I use to put the entire Internet MLM Marketing System
in place, with this easy to follow report.
Understand how the entire Internet MLM Marketing System works by
transforming your old traditional marketing approach to reach billions of
online prospects who are eager to hop into your downline!
Get my automated formula for continuous residual income for years and years
to come.
Free up your time by using online methods to build close relationships with the
people who make a BIG difference in your overall success.
Build your internet MLM business to new heights, the easy way, regardless of
your background or education.
Let me show you how to use the internet for serious and often immediate
boost in profits.
Internet MLM Spy Report (Value 47.00!)
Get my own secret weapon to making HUGE profits from the MLM niche.
Form the right plan of attack to making a FORTUNE in MLM.
Get two highly profitable affiliate opportunities that are sure to turn your
internet MLM venture into cold-hard cash!
Follow your dreams and create your own MLM internet programs for
marketers to promote and make YOU money!
Discover how credibility and proof is KEY to making your internet MLM
programs sell like… Hotcakes.
Get 3 powerful ways to market your online MLM business for the fastest
profit-pulling results.
To make a FORTUNE selling MLM products online, you’ve got to start
thinking like a MLM high roller and I’ll show you how!
There’s no double about it. The bonus materials I’m giving to you are more valuable
than the entire Internet MLM Marketing System program itself, and you’re getting
them for FREE!
Why? Because, now’s my chance to give you the same lazy lifestyle I have. Traveling
anywhere in the world you choose; having the ability to buy anything you want (in
cash) and just having a good time– on your own time.
In fact, I may average about 10 hours a week on my MLM business and that’s the
time it takes me to sign up DROVES of people to my downline or to buy my
products. But, no matter which type of customers I sign up, you can better believe,
I’m making money off each one of them.
What’s even better is my program is backed by a 60 day money back guarantee. So,
you can feel confident Internet MLM Marketing System…WORKS!
60-Day 100% Risk-Free Guarantee
When you purchase my powerful Internet MLM Marketing System video program
you’ll have a full 60 days to put my secret methods into practice. And if you’re not
absolutely delighted by the step-by-step video training given to you. All you have to
do is contact me for a rapid and courteous refund.
Remember, your satisfaction is most important to me. That’s why I’m giving you my
personal No Hassle – No Questions Asked – Satisfaction Guarantee.
How Much Is MLM Wealth Worth To YOU?
I’m sure you’re wondering… what’s the costs?
Well, let me put it to you this way. The information I’m giving you WILL help you
generate more leads, automatically, the easy, fun, and lazy way as opposed to any other
training program you’ve received from your upline… combined!
Let’s face it. You can hear over and over again how rich someone else has become by
selling the exact same products as you promote, but if there not willing to come to
your house and show you exactly what they did to make their MLM fortunes, then it’s
no good to you. Right?
Then, ask yourself, how much would you pay to have one of your company’s “heavyhitters” fly to your home and give you their step-by-step plan on how to make a
Fortune in residual income from your MLM Company? I know. How? Because, I’ve
charged people as much as $10,000 to fly me to their home for only a weekend of
On the other hand, that’s exactly what this program is worth to you. Look at Internet
MLM Marketing System as your own personal coaching program from one of the
TOP marketers in the World who’s come to your home to expose the most
innovative secrets in network marketing, to date.
But, because my mission is to help you succeed. My plan is not to charge you $10,000.
I won’t even charge you $1,000 for my program, which I’m sure you’ll make back in
less than a month after applying the methods I’ve laid out for you.
To show you what I mean, you’ll get the entire Internet MLM Marketing System
video program along with the FREE bonuses, right now for only $27!
Hurry! This program won’t remain at the same low price I’m offering today for very
long. So, if you’re serious about making your network marketing dreams a reality, just
check YES, below and continue.
YES Ewen! I Want To Grab Your
Internet MLM Marketing System Videos Now For ONLY $27
I understand that the price will go up to $97 soon - and special bonuses will be
removed, once the next 50, 34, 16 copies have been taken.
I also know I can grab this incredible offer for 60 days – Risk Free on the basis,
I’m ready to download my copies NOW!
Click Here To Order Now!
Your Chance To Become The Next Network Marketing Hot
Shot – The Lazy Way Is Just Moments Away
Here’s how it works!
After making your purchase, you’ll immediately get a download of the videos. It’s that
simple! Then, all you’ll need to do is apply my simple techniques to turbo charge your
MLM earning power starting today!
To Your Success!
P.S. You’re just moments away from building a residual income while reducing your
workload. Now you’re FREE to quit your job, travel or live anywhere in the world
you want and enjoy the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.
P.P.S. This is the only opportunity I know of where you can get one of MLM’s top
earners to hold you by the hand and show you secret techniques to making a
FORTUNE in any Network Marketing business you choose.