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Western Astrology has originating roots at least as far back as Babylonia and is historically
based on Ptolemy’s work, the “Tetrabiblos”, from the 2nd century. This system of assessing
the cosmos has been practiced for thousands of years in Arabia and Europe. Western
Astrology uses the “tropical” ecliptic coordinate system, and thus the constellations are
based on the path of the Sun as seen from Earth. The constellation where the Sun was
located at your birth conveys the encodings that drive your will and personality.
Sun in Leo
The Basics
Leo is the fifth sign of the 12sign 360º Zodiac (the band of
constellations as seen from
earth). Thus, Leo represents the
fifth stage or cycle of life: it is
here to shine its creativity.
Leo is one of four signs that is
“fixed” in nature (not “cardinal
or “mutable”): thus, you as Leo
embody fixed functionality.
Leo is one of three signs that imbues the qualities of the element of “fire”: thus, you as Leo
embody the characteristics of fire.
About your Fixed nature: (from Astrologer Susan Miller) “The role of the Fixed signs is to
maintain, uphold and defend positions, responsibilities, goals or desires in everyday
situations. These signs are the least welcoming of change. Their role in the zodiac is to
preserve tradition. Fixed signs are not easily distracted - they keep their hands on the
steering wheel and their eyes on the road. They can be a bit stubborn or stuck in a rut, a
down side of their ability to stay the course. Yet these signs are valued for their consistent,
loyal, devoted, reliable and patient natures. Yes, they do hold strong opinions and at times
they can be inflexible, but there are some areas in life that those traits are needed and
even encouraged.”
About your Leo encoding: Ruled by the Sun, Leo is here to shine in the world. With this
embodiment, you inherently emanate warmth, liveliness, and you project a natural
charisma. These qualities all act as a dynamic and effortless attractor force. When you as
Leo are expressing positively and willing to be vulnerable, you will readily experience
attention and adoration from others. Energetically, you project pride, a sense of
entitlement, a strong sense of Self, independence, energy, playfulness, creative
expression, and dynamism. This acts to attract others to you and, indeed, like the Sun, you
are seeded with vibrancy and brilliance.
With Leo embodied, however, like with all signs, many growth edges are inherent and
meaningful to the path. You are on a journey to evolve egocentric “me” consciousness to
become humbly confident and gregariously appreciative. Arrogance is a key issue so
humility is specifically called for. You are here to mature lower frequency tendencies of
insecurity, over-sensitivity, pride, self-righteousness, and the need for attention so to express
the other end of the spectrum. It is then that the compliments, love and support will flow.
When the whole of these qualities and patterns are recognized, accepted and allowed to
express and evolve naturally, you are optimally aligned with your intrinsic authentic
nature. This is when maturation will emerge and you will be able to shine your light with
ease. When you as Leo are expressing from a place of growth, you are a natural leader
who is confident yet humble and wants everyone to succeed: You have moved from a
perspective of individuality to a perspective of inclusiveness. On this path, you are here to
be generous with your character as well as with your creative inspiration and expression.
Leo Affirmation from Astrologer Elizabeth Jones
I open to the highest expression possible of my own Godself.
I draw my strength from Spirit and am filled with the courage needed to move forward.
I choose to connect to the life force within me.
I am vital, loving, strong, generous and alive!