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ECOLOGICAL VEGETATION CLASS PROFILE: 132 PLAINS GRASSLAND Structure: Environment: Pre-1750 distribution: Present distribution: Peninsula status: Bioregional status: Nearest relative: Adjacent EVCs: Typical site: Notes: Grassland, 0.5–1.0 metres in height Floodplains on ‘black clay’, receives occasional flooding Localised, known from Safety Beach and Point Leo, probably elsewhere Safety Beach, Point Leo Endangered Endangered Grassy Woodland Swamp Scrub Pont Leo Foreshore Reserve, Point Leo Distinguished by dominant Tussock-grass and Kangaroo Grass with several species indicating periodic waterlogging; originally with a partial woodland overstorey of Blackwood on the Brokil Creek floodplain; listed as a threatened community under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 (Vic.) as 'Plains Grassland (South Gippsland)' General notes: (1) This profile is generalised with only the major species listed; individual sites may differ in composition due to site characteristics (geology, aspect, rainfall, drainage) and site history; look at the composition of adjacent vegetation to fine tune the species list for your site. (2) Heights for trees are in metres, other plants in centimetres. (3) Availability from nurseries is for species, not necessarily for your soil-type genetic provenance within the species; plants should be sourced from same soil type / geology for genetic conservation and best growth; contact your local indigenous nursery and ask them to collect seed from local sites or ensure that plants are local provenance. (4) Planting of locally sourced indigenous species appropriate for the EVC should be undertaken where remnant indigenous vegetation is absent or where carefully applied bush regeneration techniques have failed to stimulate adequate recruitment of new indigenous plants within remnant indigenous vegetation; managing for natural regeneration preserves the ecological integrity of native vegetation rather than turning it into a plantation. Scientific name Common name Trees Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood Shrubs Ozothamnus ferrugineus Grasses Agrostis rudis Austrodanthonia laevis Austrodanthonia setacea Elymus scaber Height Available 15 Tree Everlasting 400 Ruddy Bent Smooth Wallaby-grass Bristle Wallaby-grass Common Wheat-grass 80 60 100 80 1/2 Scientific name Common name Height Available Hemarthria uncinata Lachnagrostis filiformis Microlaena stipoides Notodanthonia semiannularis Poa labillardierei Themeda triandra Mat Grass Common Blown-grass Weeping Grass Wetland Wallaby-grass Common Tussock-grass Kangaroo Grass 50 60 70 80 100 100 Ground covers Acaena agnipila Acaena novae-zelandiae Asperula scoparia Astroloma humifusum Bossiaea prostrata Brachyscome graminea Calocephalus lacteus Carex breviculmis Centella cordifolia Dianella revoluta s.l. Dichondra repens Drosera whittakeri Eleocharis acuta Epilobium billardierianum Eryngium vesiculosum Gonocarpus tetragynus Haloragis heterophylla Juncus bufonius Juncus holoschoenus Leptorhynchos tenuifolius Lomandra longifolia Microtis parviflora Opercularia ovata Oxalis perennans Schoenus apogon Schoenus tesquorum Sebaea ovata Selliera radicans Senecio glomeratus Solenogyne dominii Tricoryne elatior Veronica gracilis Wahlenbergia multicaulis Hairy Sheep's Burr Bidgee-widgee Prickly Woodruff Cranberry Heath Creeping Bossiaea Grass Daisy Milky Beauty-heads Common Grass-sedge Centella Black-anther Flax-lily Kidney-weed Scented Sundew Common Spike-sedge Variable Willow-herb Prickfoot Common Raspwort Varied Raspwort Toad Rush Joint-leaf Rush Wiry Buttons Spiny-headed Mat-rush Slender Onion-orchid Broad-leaf Stinkweed Grassland Wood-sorrel Common Bog-sedge Soft Bog-sedge Yellow Sebaea Shiny Swamp-mat Annual Fireweed Smooth Solenogyne Yellow Rush-lily Slender Speedwell Many-stemmed Bluebell 50 20 15 50 10 70 70 30 20 80 4 5 60 100 10 30 50 20 20 60 100 50 10 15 25 45 30 5 120 2 70 60 75 Ferns, climbers, parasites None 2/2