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March | April 2014
Volume 40
Number 2
March Meeting
April M e e t i n g
friday, march 14
7:30 p m
friday, april 11
7:30 p m
History of House Systems:
K enneth
M iller
From Castles to Condos
–Kenneth Miller–
What is absent from most astrologers’ educations is knowledge of the origins of the
different astrological house systems, what
they mean, and why and when you may
want to choose one house system over
another. Maybe you and/or your teacher
swear by “Placidus” houses, but how do we
explain the great results obtained by other
famous astrologers using Equal, Koch, or
Regiomontanus house systems? The extremely knowledgeable, creative, and versatile astrologer, SDAS member Kenneth
Miller, will enlighten us on this topic—and
will do so while entertaining us.
With the aid of two hula hoops and an
orange, (we don’t think he’s kidding on
this) Kenneth will explain how each house
system is made, WITHOUT THE USE OF
ANY MATH! If you can visualize a circle,
you will leave this lecture with the ability
to explain to your friends and colleagues exactly how you arrived at your house cusps!
Eliminate forever the embarrassment some
practicing astrologers feel from not understanding why we cut the houses the way we
do. And find out the common denominator
underlying ALL house systems! Don’t miss
this essential lecture for your astrological
education. Don’t miss the HULA HOOPS!
Kenneth took a very early interest in
Western astrology, casting his first charts by
hand at age 13. By his college years, he was
an amateur astrologer, seeing the occasional client and teaching the occasional class.
(Continued on page 2)
D on C erow
It’s a shame, but every time
I get something scientific in
the script, I read up to find out
what I’m talking about—but
then I’m on
to the next
script and it’s
–Jim Parsons,
from the editor 2
Feel the fear...
from the Prez 3
Grand Cross thoughts
a look at the moon’s nodes 4
by Joyce Wehrman
directions for astrolology 5
Words of wisdom from Uncle Mikey (Lutin)
P u t ti n g S tarligh t
B a ck I n t o M yth
–Don Cerow–
“When our ancestors gazed upon the
stars thousands of years ago they looked
up into the center of Creation and saw
a mighty Dragon, a great celestial serpent with wings circling ceaselessly
above them, night after night, century
after century:” so says SDAS’ April
speaker, Don Cerow, And that’s a great
way to start a lecture.
Don will lead us through the importance of this simple astronomical observation that helped facilitate the study of the
calendar, navigation, farming and social
organization. The circuit of the seasons was
marked by this cadence with the moving
center guarding the position of the equatorial and zodiacal circle for literally thousands of years. The secret of the circle was
hidden in its center, so its true center had
to be accurately observed and determined
or the entire system would be off.
This is a presentation about discovery,
following the mythology of various cultures
as it evolved into astrology and modern
astronomy, focusing primarily on what today’s astrologers would today call the Ages
of Gemini, Taurus and Aries.
Don is author of the recently released
(and impressive) When the Dragon Wore
the Crown, a ground breaking book that
covers a period of over six thousand years.
The book opens and closes with the Chinese mythological tradition and touches on
Sumerian, Babylonian, Phoenician, Hindu,
(Continued on page 2)
from the editor
Francesca Smith
S o that all-encompassing grand cross is looming in the not-so-distant distance. Word on the
street is , if you ’ re lucky enough to have something anywhere around
13 degrees anything , you ’ d
I tend to share J im S her ’ s notion that fear can be a great teacher
when it is acknowledged rather than ignored. Uncertainty
never my strong point. Give me a script
tells us that we are freer—we have more free choice then
anytime, even if it’s mostly silence and
than at other times. Sounds good in theory. In the midst
reaction. But improv? On stage, as in
of this little paradigm shift, I personally get to experience
life, I am the kind of person who needs to know that what
Saturn squaring my natal Pluto—twice—and passing over
I say, the actions I take, will all come out OK in the end.
my Ascendant — again—in the process. No worries. Lots
It’s all written down, it’s in the script; it’s the way it’s supand lots of freedom to look forward to. Lots. My planet of
posed to be. So it was with much trepidation that I walked
freedom, Uranus, is in Cancer, holding hands with Merinto the first class, having no idea what to expect, and
cury one degree over, with Ceres sandwiched in between
expecting to be totally humiliated.Which didn’t happen.
the two. Oh I’m all about freedom. So long as it’s safe.
Reality check: I’m a Gemini. As mentioned previously,
So the big players in this upcoming cosmic square
I also have Mercury conjunct Uranus (OK, so it’s in Candance —Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto—how do you
cer, I deal). They—along with almost every other planet
think they’ll play together? Mars being retrograde cerin the solar system—are in my eighth house. Do the math.
tainly doesn’t help matters. My experience of that, on a
This was a leap of faith. I was taken far out of my comfort
much smaller scale, is things tend to implode. And being
zone. But I did it anyway. On the walk back to my car after
in Libra... oh that can’t be pretty. So... do we put everythat first class, one of the other students said to me, “You
thing on hold, batten down our respective hatches, and
are so funny—you have so much energy!” I was floored; it
try to remain in a state of suspended animation for a few
was such a far cry from the report cards that I always got
months—or do we take the Pollyanna approach (my own
declaring that I did not “work up to my potential”, and my
personal favorite), and look for that silver lining? OK, it’s
own report card that I continuously have to have a check
gotta be there somewhere. Really. It does.
on my energy level—don’t get too excited about anything,
In what appeared to be a random Mercury-Uranus moat least don’t show it; what you want will inevitably be taken
ment, I signed up for a 6-week improv workshop at the
away. So it appears I am experiencing my own personal
National Comedy Theatre. I have no clue what possessed
grand cross of sorts. As they say, feel the fear and do it
me at the time. But as the date of the first class drew near,
anyway. Screw the seatbelts. Happy Grand Cross, everyI seriously began to doubt my sanity. I grew up being a
one! u
teenage actor in New York City, but improvisation was
— Beannachtaí
best fasten your seatbelt .
(Kenneth Miller continued from page 1)
(Don Cerow continued from page 1)
He transitioned from amateur to professional astrologer in
2005. Since then he has been active seeing clients, researching, and recently completed his master’s degree in the history
of astrology.
Kenneth is skilled in both Vedic and Western astrology.
In addition to being a certified Indian astrologer, he has studied Hellenistic astrology with Demetra George and Robert
Schmidt, medieval astrology with Robert Zoller, and Renaissance astrology with Lee Lehman. He is one of the few professional astrologers with a working knowledge of all four of these
He holds an ACVA Level II and CVA’s Jyotish Kovid certificates, and has also studied in India where he earned the
title of Fellow of the Institute of Vedic Astrology (FIVA). He
practices astrology in San Diego.
For more information about Kenneth, please visit u
Norse, Native American and even Mayan myths, weaving together many of their celestial serpentine similarities.
Don’s interest in astrology has been how astrology evolved
from the mythology and astronomy of ancient civilizations. He’s
produced shows for radio and TV including a multi-media show
for planetariums. He is a certified NCGR Level IV astrologer and
a featured speaker at conferences. Check out his website and blog
at u
| 2 | T h e U ra nia n | March / April 2014
Arlene Hougland
Debi Keil-Levitt
Rick Levine
Solstice Party
from the president
Jim Hennum
The big talk this spring is all about the Cardinal Grand Cross that happens in April. And it’s
certainly nothing to sneeze at from an astrological perspective—we’ve got big players at work
here: Jupiter,
Pluto, Uranus, and Mars each staking out their own corner of the cross, with Mars
military is not nearly as prepared as the
and Pluto retrograde as well. And while Saturn isn’t involved
powers-that-be thought it was.
in the configuration, it, too is retrograde, so the stability it usuThe thing I have noticed with these
ally lends may not be as available as one might hope.
grand configurations that everyone gets the heebie-jeebies
One note of hope, perhaps, is that Jupiter is in the sign of its
over is that they seem to be far worse in our radar than they are
exaltation (Cancer), while Mars is in the sign of its fall (Libra).
when they are actually upon us or in our rear-view mirror reMars, a traditional malefic planet, has little oomph to make
ceding. And, having said that, I know there are any number of
trouble when in the sign of its fall, although it isn’t above a
astrologers who can point to various ominous configurations
little under-handed activity there. Jupiter has expansive room
in the past and the horrific events that transpired in their lives
to allow growth, and is probably eager to resume after being
at that time.
retrograde the past several months. Uranus in Aries, is ruled by
So, I’m not going to say we’re all going to come out of this
Mars, so whatever menace Uranus hopes to stir up, really gets
throwing lilacs in the air while we dance around the maypole
very little help from Mars, as Mars has little power to act.
singing “tra-la-la” and “fiddle-de-dee.” But I think recognizing
Pluto in Capricorn is looking to completely reform the
that humanity has survived and even thrived after the darkcorporate world. My take on this, along with Jupiter being in
est of times is worth our consideration. If this nasty line-up
Cancer, is that Jupiter will do its best to protect the families
gives your world a tumble, maybe the best thing to do is to see
in this world while the corporations strain to maintain their
how other people in the past overcame their adversities and
rapidly-changing oligarchies. Powers-that-be looking to lean
thrived. And if you are one of those at the maypole, invite
on the military to enforce outdated oppression may find the
me over—I can belt out a pretty mean “fiddle-de-dee.” u
military is not as willing to be at their beck-and-call as they
were in the past (Mars ruling the military). Or perhaps the
— Jim
Thoughts for a Grand Cross
What would it mean to live
in a city whose people were changing
each other’s despair into hope? —
You yourself must change it.—
what would it feel like to know
your country was changing? —
You yourself must change it. —
Though your life felt arduous
new and unmapped and strange
what would it mean to stand on the first
page of the end of despair?
In addition to April 15th being the Full Moon,
it is also a total lunar eclipse.
— Adrienne Rich
“Dreams Before Waking”, 1983
And your taxes are due.
T h e U ra nia n | March / April 2014
Moon’ s Nodes
By Joyce C. Wehrman
R eprint
of an article by former
president J oyce
W ehrman
that first appeared in
T he U ranian
A pril , 1988.
I n Reinhold Ebertin’s book, Combination of Stellar Influences, the node is referred to as: Principle: Association or alliance
Psychological Correspondence: Adaptability, the urge to unite with others, sociableness [sic], good fellowship, obliging manner...OR Lack of adaptability, unsociableness [sic], anti-social conduct, incompatibility.
Sociological Correspondence: Meetings, societies. contact-men, blood-ties, kindred and related people.
contained within the Nodes. This tends to create a feeling of
I find the above meanings to work extremely well.
helplessness or no way out. When the Moon would move out
Shortly after moving to California (Aug. ’77) I attended
of the axis, then Moon-related things tend to show the way
an Aquarius Workshop meeting where there were several
out of situations.
speakers. One of the speakers was John Bradford; he was talkI use ONLY the TRUE NODE! Mean node is an average
ing on the Nodes. One of his key, points was that the Nodes
position and, like all averages, only works on the average –
had to do with MONEY. Having never heard this before, I
just as the family is supposed to consist of two adults, male
was a touch skeptical. The following week I had a chance to
and female and two and one third children. First of all, I have
observe this for myself. Being more than a little skeptical, I
never met that one-third child, although some act like it. Secdecided to do nothing to and the transit of the Nodes, rather
ond, I know many families that do not match that status. It is
sit back and see what happened. To shorten the story, yes!
what it is, and is not what it is not. The
The Nodes indeed had meant money.
True Node is where it is. The retrograde
Since then I have observed over the
and direct periods are fascinating in Secyears that interpretation is quite correct.
ondary Progressions. Until the advent of
Those of you living in states that have
computers, we had to put up with an avlotteries might be interested in knowing
erage, because the mathematics to calcuthat in Iarge lottery wins, the Nodes are
late the True position was unreal. Now
the common factor – either a transit of
that we have advanced calculations at
the Nodes to the natal chart or a transit
our fingertips, they should be used.
to the natal Nodes. Now, I can find NO
When the Moon is conjunct one
DIFFERENCE between the North and
or the other of the Nodes it is at miniSouth Node when it comes to financial
mum latitude, giving little choice in the
matters! It is, after all, an axis.
handling of Moon- and Node-related
Several years ago I had access to an
things. When the Moon is square the
astrology book published in the 1700’s
Nodes it is at maximum latitude and
(no, I do not remember the name). It regives great choice in the dealing with
ferred to the North Node as the Dragon’s
Moon- and Node-related things. SomeHead, a point, as all heads are, of feeding
where in between simply goes one way
or taking in. In a way it is like eating, you
and the other.
can choose between substantial food or
Sure, the Nodes “may” refer to karma. So what? The enjunk food but you do eat. The South Node was referred to as
tire chart refers to karma, or you would not be alive. If somethe Dragon’s Tail, a point of release or giving out. The givone asks me, “Is this relationship Karmic,” my answer is really
ing out could be productive and growth giving, just as we use
simple! If it WASN’T before you began the relationship then
fertilizer or it could be totally indigestible junk. And IF we fail
it certainly WILL BE by the time you finish it! The trick is to
to give out, we become mentally or figuratively or literally,
do the best that you can at the time you are doing it. It is sort
constipated. The either/or of interpretation is always up to the
of the way that you tell if your life’s work is finished…if you
are alive…it isn’t.
I was on a cruise ship at the time that Saturn sextile/trined
One day, when thinking about the Dragon’s Head and the
my nodal axis. What I knew was the people around me would be
Dragon’s Tail, it occurred to me to wonder what the reference
winners at games on casinos, for that is often the nature of the
to the “Dragon” meant. The Dragon is the Moon! The Moon
trine. It was mischievously fun to be able to walk up to someone
was called the Dragon by people in earlier years, because of
and say “I came to watch you win.”...and they would win.
the way it weaves and changes latitude. With that knowledge
I beg, for those of you who only put the North Node into
comes a little insight; think about it, both in a natal chart or
charts, please include the South Node. Without it, the tempany other. Think about the entire symbolic meaning of the
tation is to forget it is indeed an axis.
“Dragon.” u
There are times when for several months all the planets are
T h e U ra nia n | March / April 2014
Michael Lutin
Originally written for a 1989 edition of The Uranian, Michael recently updated this article for SDAS. Thank you!
S hould we legalize astrology like abortion or marijuana ? W hich type of astrology is the most accurate ?
H ow can we guarantee the skill or knowledge of anyone who hangs out a shingle and calls it astrology ?
S eekers of astrological wisdom reach the level they have achieved at a certain point , and have the right to
will bring your practice to life. That means you have to examspeak about the subject with the knowledge they have gained.
ine your own psychic life, face who it is you’re trying to please
Certainly many phonies have done lot of harm, but then, even
with your predictions, and see the helping profession for what
in other so-called accepted professions, plenty of pros with
it really is—your way of giving voice to your own strengths
sheepskins from fancy universities have done their own damand weaknesses, drives and wishes.
age to unsuspecting souls who have needed help.
Something is going on between you and your client—
While the excellent certification and testing programs
granted, some of it altruistic, but some of
do much to assure us of the proficiency and
it is more about you than it is about them.
knowledge of practitioners when it comes’s only been as you grow
Whether or not it’s easy or comfortable for
to certain basic techniques, the art of of
more seasoned that you come
you to be aware of it, your own drives and
healing through astrology is another matter.
needs are being met every time you read a
Healing will always be as difficult to mas- to understand that your
ter and measure as it is through medicine or
Not everybody wants, or should have, an
any other field of endeavor. And it will be own personal development,
practice. There are researchers,
just as rare.
your inner life, and the playtheorists, artists, dancers—and anyone who
From the very moment you decide to
has a love for this art/science who should be
become an astrologer, you need to know ing out on the surface of your
free to contribute to it and in any way he or
that your commitment is profound and seri- deepest unconscious wishes.
she pleases.
ous. Though we all have all endured times
Every astrologer I know is at a different spot along the path
when we cry and doubt and look toward heaven during the
of personal development. We are all approaching the mystery
dark times, your dedication has to be total. No matter what
through different modes, methods, and techniques. That is as
branch of astrology you choose to pursue, your drive to conit should be. So it would be ridiculous to call for a mass unitribute and participate must include with your zeal a dimenform transformation of everyone in the field. We all share the
sion of clear awareness of what the hell it is you are actually
joy and enthusiasm about the work we do. Every astrologer
getting into. Astrology is not a profession. You don’t choose
and astrology student needs to be encouraged to investigate all
it. It chooses you.
branches of the work, and at the same time, explore fearlessly
So many times astrologers get frustrated, wondering why
his or her own inner psychic life.
they don’t have more clients, why it’s so hard to make a living
Under those conditions, the fufrom astrology. And it’s only been as you grow more seasoned
ture of astrology will be completely
that you come to understand that your practice is a reflection
secure. u
of your own personal development, your inner life and the
playing out on the surface of your deepest unconscious wishes.
Michael Lutin is an astrologer and auSo it’s only to your advantage to become aware of them.
thor living in New York City; San Deigo
There’s a huge difference between a horoscope on paper
is his former home and he still returns
and the person it belongs to. Becoming alive to the intense
occasionally for a visit. His entertaining
relationship that is taking place between you and your client
website is
and first-time guests, $5 for Seniors, and $12 for non-members.
SDAS MEMBERSHIP DUES are yearly at a rate of $25 single/$35 dual for two people at the same address, and include a
one-year subscription to The Uranian. Dues can be paid at meetings or mailed to SDAS, 1010 University Avenue, PMB #1772,
San Diego, CA 92103-3395.
SDAS LIBRARY BOOKS are located off site. If you wish to
borrow a library book, please let a board member know.
welcomed (time limit one minute). Please notify the president or
the vice president in advance.
New Moon
March 1
Full Moon
March 16
New Moon
March 30
Full Moon
Aptil 15
Full Moon
April 29
T h e U ra nia n | March / April 2014
Directions to the
Joyce Beers
Community Center
From the North: Take 163 South to University
Avenue exit. Turn left, go about 5 blocks to the
corner of University and Vermont Street. Turn left
on Vermont.
From the South: Take 163 North to the Robinson exit. Turn left, and go just over one block to
Vermont and turn left onto Vermont. Continue
straight on Vermont Street.
The Joyce Beers Community Center is two blocks
off University Avenue, next to the Aladdin restaurant. Ahead, to your left, is the entrance to the free
underground parking lot. Please park underground!
We look forward to seeing you!
The San Diego Astrological Society was founded in 1974 as
an unincorporated, non-profit association. The purpose of
SDAS is to promote the art and science of astrology through
education and research, to give the public information to better understand the principles and purposes of astrology, and
to cultivate a sense of unity with all astrologers.
The Uranian is published six times a year by the
San Diego Astrological Society and is included
in yearly membership. For dues and subscription
information, please see “Announcements” on
page 3. For membership information, please write
to SDAS, 1010 University Avenue PMB #1772,
San Diego, California 92103-3395, or email the
Membership Director.
All issues accept display advertising. For advertising rates, email the editor at [email protected]. Articles are accepted for submission.
Please email an electronic file to the above email
Jim Hennum
[email protected]
Vice President
Deborah Smith Parker
[email protected]
Corresp. Secretary
Tamara McCollough
[email protected]
[email protected]
Membership Director April Elliott
[email protected]
Newsletter Director Francesca Smith
[email protected]
Publicity Director
Loda Shaw
[email protected]
Recording Secretary Barbara Murphy
[email protected]
Jeff Parker
[email protected]
If you wish to be added to the SDAS e-mail list to receive
monthly event notices, or you are a member and are not
receiving a monthly e-mail notice, please forward your address
to [email protected]
Creativity is just connecting
things. When you ask creative
people how they did something,
they feel a little guilty because
they didn’t really do it, they just
saw something. It seemed obvious
to them after a while.
—Steve Jobs, Pisces