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Summary Of “FOUR BLOOD MOONS” by Pastor John Hagee
Ps 102:13 “Set Time” ● NOT Astrology, but ASTRONOMY! ● Bible is a book of 7’s. ● “ELECT” refers to Jews
 Genesis 1:14 NLT - And God said, "Let bright lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night.
They will be signs [signals] to mark off the seasons, the days, and the years.
 Joel 2:30-31 NLT - "I will cause wonders in the heavens and on the earth -- blood and fire and pillars of
smoke. The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon will turn bloodred before that great and
terrible day of the LORD arrives. (Repeated by Peter on Day of Pentecost - Acts 2:19-20 NLT)
Four Calendars
 Roman Calendar
 Julian Calendar
 Gregorian Calendar (Western Calendar, Christian Calendar) – 365 days, months 30 or 31 and 28
 Jewish Calendar – takes into precise account of 1) Days – rotation of the earth about its axis, 2)
Months - revolution of moon around the earth every 29.5 days, 3) Years – revolution of earth about
the sun 365.25 days (12.4 lunar months)
Shemitah Years (Sabbatical Year every 7th Year to let the land rest – Israel punished severely in Bible breaking)
 1973 – Roe v Wade – 62 Million Babies Slaughtered in America alone
 1980 – Saddam Hussein invaded Iran (signaling beginning of Gulf War years)
 1987 – US Stock Market Crash
 1994 – Rare earthquake New Madrid faultline – Midwest
 2001 – 9/11, Over 3,000 Americans murdered by Muslim hijacked airlines on our own soil
 2008 – Stock Market Crash – 777 points in one day
 2015 - ???
Four Blood Moons of 1493-1494
Total Solar Eclipse
Feast Of Tabernacles
Feast Of Tabernacles
April 2, 1493
September 24, 1493 September 25, 1493
March 22, 1494 September 15, 1494
 1492 - Columbus discovers America who eventually becomes Israel’s greatest ally and friend.
 The Expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 after thousands murdered by Catholic Spanish
Inquisition. (King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella)
Four Blood Moons of 1949-1950
Feast Of Tabernacles
Total Solar Eclipse Feast Of Tabernacles
April 13, 1949
October 7, 1949
April 2, 1950
September 12, 1950 September 26, 1950
 Rebirth of the Nation of Israel from 1948-1950 – HAD TO OCCUR TO FULFILL PROPHECY.
 Proclamation – May 14, 1948
 1st Government – January 25, 1949
 War of Independence Truces signed with Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria from January 25 – July 20, 1949
Four Blood Moons of 1967-1968
Feast Of Tabernacles Total Solar Eclipse
Feast Of Tabernacles
April 24, 1967
October 18, 1967
November 2, 1967
April 13, 1968
October 6, 1968
 1967 – Arab nations decide to drive Israel out of their land
 6 Day War – Many miracles for Vastly Outnumbered Israelis
 Only 779 Israeli soldiers die – 21,000 Arab soldiers die
 City of Jerusalem reunited with Israel in 1967 (after 1900 years)–HAD TO OCCUR TO FULFILL PROPHECY
Occurrence of a lunar eclipse is COMMON
Occurrence of a total lunar eclipse LESS COMMON
Occurrence of TETRAD (4 total lunar eclipses) RARE
Occurrence of TETRAD + Total Solar Eclipse in the series VERY RARE
Occurrence of TETRAD + Total Solar Eclipse + Jewish Feasts VERY, VERY RARE
Occurrence of TETRAD + Total Solar Eclipse + Jewish Feasts + Shemitah Year VERY, VERY, VERY RARE
Occurrence of ALL OF THE ABOVE + Feast of Trumpets (Jewish New Year) ASTRONOMICALLY RARE! (2014-15)
Four Blood Moons of 2014-2015
April 15, 2014
Feast Of Tabernacles
October 8, 2014
Total Solar Eclipse
March 20, 2015
Feast Of Trumpets
April 4, 2015 Jewish New Year-Sept 28, 15
Signs that we MIGHT be “The Terminal Generation” (The Generation Raptured)
Rebirth of Israel
The Ingathering of Jews to Israel
Jewish Control of Jerusalem
Deception on a global scale
Resurrection of the Hebrew language
Knowledge & Travel Explosion prophesied by the prophet Daniel
Birth of Nuclear Warfare
By discussing these feasts, and this astronomy we are NOT advocating the observance of Jewish feasts or
holidays. The scripture is CLEAR that we are COMPLETE in Christ and we are no longer encouraged or required
to observe Jewish days, feasts, or holidays. To do such would be to go back under the Law, at least in some
measure. NT believers, Jew or Gentile, should NOT observe these feasts, etc. Colossians 2:8-23 is VERY
CLEAR on this matter. However… since God Himself created planets, moons, stars, galaxies, solar systems,
and because He is the one that instituted and timed these feasts under the OT, we CAN INDEED learn from
their significance and Divine coincidences! This is DIFFERENT than ASTROLOGY (occult practice) which is evil,
and that seeks guidance apart from God or His Word based on stars, etc. “The Cross + Nothing – Nothing!”