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AP Statistics
Test 1 Syllabus
Chap. 1
AP Statistics: Test 1 Syllabus1
1.11 ( After working this exercise, suppose that the categories
A, B, C, and D represent grades. Would it make sense to regard these as quantitive variables?) 1.12, 1.13, 1.15, 1.19–1.20,
graphical displays
2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.10, 2.12.
qualitative vars.
graphical displays
2.18 , 2.20, 2.23 (for parts (a), (b) just make estimates; for part
(d) see page 49 for an understanding of “skewness”); 2.26
2.30 (use your TI-83 calculator), 2.31.
quantitative vars.
Introduction to M INITAB.
central tendency
2.44, 2.48, 2.50, 2.51, 2.52 , 2.53.
mean, median, mode
variance and
2.56, 2.62 , 2.63.
standard deviation
Interpreting variance:
Impirical Rule
2.70, 2.72 (also use your TI-83 calculator to create a
histogram—use sensible window settings!) Use M INITAB to
create a histogram.
1 All exercises in this batch are from our textbook, S TATISTICS , by James T. McClave and Terry Sincich, Eighth Edition, Prentice
Hall, 2000, ISBN 0-13-022329-8.
AP Statistics: Test 1 Syllabus, continued
1.11 ( 2.85 (do you really need the z-scores to do this one?),
2.89, 2.93 ,
relative standing
the “z-score”
P ROBLEM A: Refer to the graph on page 73 of the “normal
distribution” with mean µ and standard deviation σ. As we
have seen, a z-score of 1 approximately marks the upper 68
percentile, and a z-score of 0 marks the upper 50 percentile.
Would you say, therefore, that a x-score of 0.5 would mark
the upper 59 percentile? What about the score z = 1.5?
Roughly where (that is what z-score) would mark the upper
75 percentile?
P ROBLEM B: Assume that the variable x is sampled from a
normally distributed population. Find the (approximate) zscores which correspond to QL and QU . (Remember: in a normal population, the mean and median agree.)
2.97, 2.100 , 2.101
box plots
P ROBLEM A: The authors say that a potential outlier is
a data value x such that either x < QL − (1.5)IQR or
x > QU + (1.5)IQR If we assume that the underlying population is normal, what are the z-scores corresponding to the
P ROBLEM B: The authors say that an outlier is a data value x
such that either x < QL − (3.0)IQR or x > QU + (3.0)IQR. If
we assume that the underlying population is normal, what
are the corresponding z-scores?
P ROBLEM C: Input the EPA milage data (Table 2.3, page 30)
as a list variable on your TI-83.
(i) Give a picture of the box plot.
(ii) Give a picture of the histogram (Use the window values
Xmin=28, Xmax=48, Xscl=1, Ymin=-5, Ymax=35, Yscl=5.
(iii) Sketch the two graphs, superimposed on the same picture. (This can all be done very nicely on the TI-83 and
even more nicely on M INITAB)
bivariate data;
2.110, 2.111, 2.114.
bivariate data;
telling lies
‘EYECUE,” page 95. Don’t just follow the text’s instructions,
use your own judgement and imagination!