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Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
Bible Portion
1. Numbers 10:33
2. Numbers 14:44
3. Joshua 3:3, 14-17.
4. Joshua 6: 6-20
5. Joshua 8:33,34
6. Judges 20:27
7. 1 Samuel 4:11,18,21
8. 1 Samuel 5:2,38
9. 2 Samuel 6:3
10. 2 Samuel 6:1217
Observation regarding the Ark
1. Ark went before as a guide
10. Ark brought to city of David
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
Tabernacle # 4
The Ark of the Covenant.
Exodus 25:10-16
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
First pieces of furniture instructed in Exodus 25.
Wooden chest 2 ½ Cubits X 1 ½ X 1 ½
Overlaid with pure gold inside and outside.
Design of the ark was given first – before sanctuary or its
courts or priesthood or others
Throne of God dwelt there
Brazen altar pointed to the ark
Ark alone transferred from Tabernacle to Temple
Symbol of God’s presence and covenant blessings.
Whole sanctuary was built for habitation of the Ark.
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
It’s Names
It’s Significance
It’s Dimensions
It’s Materials
It’s Contents
It’s Journeying
It’s Coverings.
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
1. It’s Names
1. The Ark of Testimony Ex 25:22
2. The Ark of the covenant Nu 10:33
3. The Ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth
Josh 3:13
4. The Ark of God 1 Sam 3:3
5. The Ark of the Lord God 1 Kin 2:26
6. The holy Ark 2 Chr 35:3
7. The Ark of thy strength Ps 132:8
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
2. It’s significance
Typified the person of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Baby Moses ark – salvation for an infant
Noah’s Ark – salvation for a family
Ark of the covenant – salvation for a nation –
foreshadowed Christ – salvation for humanity.
Two tablets of stone – Psalm 40:8
“Thy law is within my heart”.
Other vessels  Christ’s work – what He did.
Ark spoke of His person –> Who He is.
Evangelical circles – Much emphasis on His work.
Scripture often reverses this order.
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
Day of atonement – the High Priest
First sweet incense, Then the blood Lev 16:12,14
First The perfections of Christ’s person, then His
redemptive work.
John the Baptist: ‘Behold the Lamb of God that takes
away the sin of the world’ – John 1:29
Apostle Paul : "I determined not to know anything
among you save Jesus Christ (His person) and Him
crucified"—His work" (1 Cor. 2:2).
John the Apostle : ‘I beheld . . . and in the midst of the
elders, stood a Lamb (His person) as it had been
slain"—His work (Rev. 5:6).
First the Ark which tells of His person, then the Mercy
seat which point to His work.
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
3. It’s Dimensions
L 2 ½ Cu X B 1 ½ X H 1 ½
Repeated half cubits.
Half (Hebrew) = cut in two.
Knowledge given to us only
partial – 1 Cor 13:9
Queen of Sheba overwhelmed.
‘It was a true report that I
heard… and behold the half
was not told me’…
1 Kings 10:5-7.
Breadth and height same
Breadth – dealings with man
Height – God-ward.
John 11:4-6 Balanced
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
4. It’s Materials.
A big Acacia tree in Israel.
Acacia – Shittim wood
Typified His humanity.
Isaiah 53:2 speaks in the
language of this type:
"For He shall grow up
before Him as a tender
plant, and as a root out
of a dry ground."
Grows to any size.
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
It can thrive in a very dry soil.
It has very sharp long thorns.
It gives gum Arabic, used for
medical preparations.
Incorruptible wood –
Septuagint Bible
His humanity was uncorrupt
1 John 3:5 In Him was no sin
Luke 1:35 Holy thing which
shall be born
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
Grew in dry and thirsty land – constant communion
with God.
Now crowned with glory – crown of thorns in this
Pierced side flowed the blood – balm for troubled
Shittim wood never rotted – sinless humanity
Never again mentioned in the Bible.
Overlaid with gold – he was all divine.
Mystery of godliness – God manifest in flesh.
Word became man and dwelt among us.
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
5. It’s contents.
Hebrews 9:4: "The ark of the covenant overlaid
round about with gold, wherein was the
golden pot that had manna, and Aaron’s rod
that budded, and the tables of the covenant."
1 Kings 8:9: "There was nothing in the ark save
the two tables of stone.“
During the days of the Tabernacle
After it came to rest in the Temple.
3 Articles – God’s provisions in Christ.
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
Golden Pot of Manna
The manna - food of Israelites
during wilderness journey.
Foreshadowed Christ as the
Bread of life, the food of His
pilgrim people.
In Exodus 16:3 Moses said unto
Aaron "take a pot and put an
omer full of manna therein
and lay it up before the
testimony, to be kept;
Hebrews 9:4, the Spirit tells us it
was "a golden pot.“
Omer was the measure of man
Golden pot – man was glorified.
Hebrews 9:5 Cherubim of glory.
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
Aaron’s budded rod
Numb 16,17 Revolt against Moses
and Aaron
God vindicates Aaron.
Twelve rods – each tribe –
Levi, write Aaron’s.
Laid it before the ark.
One that blossoms is chosen of
Aaron’s blossomed and yielded
Dead rod was quickened.
Resurrection life manifested.
To be kept as a token against the
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
Two tables of stone
Two occasions the Lord
gave to Moses.
First one Moses dashed
seeing the idolatry Ex 32.
Fallen man unable to keep
the law.
Second set of tables of
stone are deposited in
the ark.
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
6. It’s journeying.
Tabernacle was borne from one camping to another.
"And thou shall cast four rings of gold for it, and put them in
the four corners thereof; and two rings shall be in the one
side of it, and two rings in the other side of it. And thou
shall make staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with
gold. And thou shall put these staves into the rings by the
sides of the Ark, that the Ark may be borne with them. The
staves shall be in the rings of the Ark: they shall not be
taken from it" (Ex. 25:12-15).
In the Temple the staves were withdrawn 2 Chr 5:9 because
the ark had entered its rest.
"And thou shall anoint the Tabernacle of the congregation
therewith, and the Ark of the Testimony."
Acts 10:38: "God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy
Spirit and with power: who went about doing good and
healing all that were oppressed of the devil."
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
"And they departed from the mount of the Lord
three days’ journey and the Ark of the
covenant of the Lord went before them in the
three days’ Journey, to search out a resting
place for them" (Num. 10:33).
The cloud was to guide them Nu 9:18-20.
Hobab, Mose’s father in law Num 10:31 – Moses
lean on the arm of flesh.
Ark was now before them to guide.
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
"But they presumed to go
up unto the hill top:
nevertheless the Ark of
the Covenant of the Lord
and Moses departed not
out of the camp" (Num.
Josh 3: 5 to 17 Crossing
the Jordan – Ark went
before them.
Joshu 6:4-20 Walls of
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
7. It’s coverings
Num 4:5,6
"And when the camp sets
forward, Aaron shall
come, and his sons, and
they shall take down the
covering veil, and cover
the Ark of testimony with
it: And shall put thereon
the covering of badgers"
skins, and shall spread
over it a cloth wholly of
blue, and shall put in the
staves thereof."
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson
Lesson for Life
Every feature connected with the ark brings something
of Christ before us, that which is for our edification,
our instruction, and pleasure.
It is our privilege to bear Him in testimony during our
sojourn in this world, to manifest the beauties of
Jesus as we speak of Him, so that He might be
magnified in our lives, and God glorified in His royal
Do you show forth the praises of Him who hath called
you out of darkness into His marvelous light ?
(1 Peter 2: 9).
Taberncale #4 Ark Polson