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Health Bulletin
Health Advice and Guidance
Seasonal Colds, Flu and Norovirus
You may have seen the Department of Health campaign to ‘Catch it, bin it and kill it’. This message
reminds us that disposable tissues are best used to catch germs from sneezing and runny noses,
noses and
then dispose of the tissues as soon as you can in the bin – germs can live for several hours on a tissue
and any surfaces you touch with your hands.
hands. Clean and dry your hands as soon as is possible.
Common Cold
Many people confuse colds with ‘flu’ (influenza), and the NHS have introduced a ‘symptom check’ on-line
questionnaire that is simple and easy to use with lots of good supporting information –
Whatever the diagnosis there isn’t any cure for the common cold or ‘flu;
‘flu and symptoms usually go away in 4-10
Antibiotics are usually reserved for patients who become very unwell and whose infection seems to be getting worse.
Seasonal Flu
Public Health
alth England latest reports show that the number of cases of flu last winter was low.
Flu symptoms include a sudden fever, cough, sore throat, as well as aching muscles and joints.
Every winter the Department of Health recommend ‘flu’
‘flu immunisation to all people over 65 years and to those under
65 who are considered to be ‘at risk’, e.g. they have a chronic lung problem. The ‘flu’
‘flu viruses change every year so a
new vaccine is produced annually to combat the likely prevalent strains of ‘flu that year.
If you are unfortunate enough to become unwell with a cold or flu, make sure you look after yourself and carryout the
• Drink 8-12 glasses of clear fluid per day (unless you have an existing medical condition where you have been
advised not to drink this much).
• Warm or iced drinks and ice lollies may be soothing.
• Rest as much as you can.
• Gently blow your nose one nostril at a time and use disposable tissues – then bin them and wash your hands.
• Take suitable medicine for pain.
• Keep the house at a comfortable
rtable temperature.
• Try to avoid people who are smoking – if you are a smoker try to cut down or quit!
• If you have a persistent temperature or develop other symptoms, e.g. a rash, persistent cough, then you will
need to ask your GP for advice.
he number of cases of Norovirus or the ‘winter vomiting bug’ for this year was as expected,
expected and was slightly lower
than the same period in the previous year.
In most cases this highly infectious illness is generally mild and people usually recover fully within
2-3 days. It is vital
that anyone who is feeling unwell with vomiting and or diarrhoea should not visit hospitals or their GP because this
increases the risk of spreading the infection.
Regularly wash hands with soap and water, especially after using the toilet; this helps to avoid and stop the spread of
this virus.
If you develop the symptoms then you can reduce the risk of infection in others at home thorough cleaning of hard
surfaces with detergent followed by disinfection with a bleach solution, paying
aying particular attention to the toilet and
toilet area, and cleaning up vomit and the surrounding area quickly will help to reduce environmental contamination.
Symptoms that persist for more than three or four days, or those who already have a serious illness, are advised to
seek medical attention through contacting their G.P. for advice.
Nothing we do is so important that we cannot
cannot take the time to consider OUR health
Date issued: 10 September 2013
Author: Steve Hewings
Issued by: Steve Hewings
Health Bulletin No: HB 13 01