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Curriculum Vitae
Niel Hens
Updated: March 31, 2016
Personal Information
Current Work Address
Interuniversity Institute for Biostatistics and statistical Bioinformatics
Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek
Agoralaan 1, gebouw D,
3590 Diepenbeek,
Phone: +32-11-268232
Fax: +32-11-268299
Email: [email protected]
Centre for Health Economics Research and Modeling Infectious Diseases
Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination
Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute (WHO Collaborating Centre)
University of Antwerp, Campus Drie Eiken
Universiteitsplein 1,
2610 Antwerpen,
Phone: +32-3-2652658
Fax: +32-3-2652540
Email: [email protected]
Home Address
Kanunnik Davidlaan 41,
3550 Heusden-Zolder
Phone: +32-11-720814
Phone (mobile): +32-496-749191
Email: [email protected]
Personal Details
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 29th of June, 1977
Place of Birth: Turnhout, Belgium
Present Citizenship: Belgian
Marital Status: Married to Kelly Jannis
Children: Lena Hens (F) 30th of June 2007; Louisa Hens (F) 9th of September 2011; Leonie Hens
(F) 12th of May 2014
Other Interests
22 years of basketball at an amateur level with 10 years of coaching; holder of the degree: Basketball
Initiator (Flemish school of trainers).
Degrees obtained:
Bachelor in Mathematics
Master in Mathematics
Aggregate in Teaching
Doctor in Science, Mathematics
Master in Science, Biostatistics
July 13, 1997
July 8, 1999
February 22, 2001
June 10, 2005
November 10, 2005
KUL: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium)
LUC: Limburgs Universitair Centrum (Limburgs University Centre, Belgium)
UH: Universiteit Hasselt (Hasselt University, Belgium, former LUC)
Master Thesis “Cellular Automata and Reaction-diffusion equations from the first degree” Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, June, 1999. Supervisor: Dr. Eric Pauwels
Doctoral Thesis “Non- and Semi-parametric techniques for handling missing data” Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Diepenbeek, Belgium, June, 10, 2005. Supervisor: Prof. dr. Marc Aerts & Prof.
dr. Geert Molenberghs
Master of Science Thesis “Modelling Age-time Dependent Incidence Rates for Hepatitis B in Bulgaria: 1983-2000” at Hasselt University, November 10, 2005. Supervisor: Prof. dr. Marc Aerts
Working Experience
Teaching assistant, LUC: September 9, 1999 - December 31, 2004
Research assistant, LUC, grant FWO G.0393.04: January 1, 2005 - June 30, 2005
Doctoral researcher, UH, grant FWO G.0393.04: July 1, 2005 - December 31, 2006
Doctoral researcher, UH, grant POLYMOD: January 1, 2007 - February 28, 2007
Doctoral researcher, UH, grant SBO SIMID: March 1, 2007 - September 30, 2008
Doctoral researcher (90%), UH, grant Methusalem: October 1, 2008 - August 31, 2010
Guest professor (10%), UH: October 1, 2008 - August 31, 2010
Guest professor (50% - article 95), University of Antwerp: February 1, 2009 - December 31, 2013
Assistant professor (100%), UH: September 2010 - December, 31, 2014
Associate professor (50% - article 95), University of Antwerp: since January 1, 2014 - ongoing
Associate professor (100%), UH: since January 1, 2015 - ongoing
Scientific collaborator, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium: February 1, 2010 - ongoing
Language Knowledge
Dutch: native;
English: near native (C1 certified);
French: basic knowledge;
German: basic knowledge.
Computing and Software Experience
Statistics: GAUSS, R, SAS, SPSS
Mathematics: Maple, Mathematica, Matlab
Other: LATEX, Microsoft Office
Activities for the Profession
- Session on the development of Toetsmatrijzen, University of Antwerp, 18 October 2015
- Media training, University of Antwerp, 23 March 2015
- Use of online voting systems: Poll Everywhere and Socrative (28/09/2015)
- Onderwijsdag Universiteit Hasselt (17/11/2015)
- Professionaliseringssessie OMT BMW (16/11/2015)
July 17, 2003: 1st Prize Poster Competition: “The Likelihood Ratio Test For Missing Not At
Random” (Hens, N., Aerts, G., Molenberghs, G., Thijs, H.) 17 th IWSM, Leuven, Belgium
March 30th - April 1st, 2005: 1st Prize Poster Competition: ”Modelling the Herd-specific Force Of
Infection for BoHV-1: The Influence of Clustering” (Faes, C., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Shkedy, Z.,
Geys, H., Mintiens, K., Laevens, H., Boelaert, F.) Annual Conference of the Society for Veterinary
Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Nairn, Scotland
May 12, 2006: Quetelet Prize for Master Thesis in Biostatistics: 2005-2006. “Modeling Age-time
Dependent Incidence Rates of Hepatitis B in Bulgaria: 1983-2000.”
February 1, 2009 Scientific Chair ‘Evidence-based vaccinology’ with promotors Prof. dr. Philippe
Beutels and Prof. dr. Pierre Van Damme. Antwerp University, Belgium.
Top-article JRSS-C for the year 2010. Goeyvaerts et al. 2010.
Mathematical Biosciences Top Cited Article 2008-2010. Ogunjimi et al. 2009.
November 19-22, 2013: Poster Prize: ‘Exploring Infectious Disease Models Through Active Learning
to Improve Policy Making’, 4th Epidemics conference, Amsterdam 2013
Projects/Grants - Collaborator
FWO G039304: ‘Statistical properties of the force of infection, the contact matrix and the reproduction rate: estimation, interrelation and impact on mathematical models for the dynamic
transmission of infectious diseases’.
Improving public health policy in Europe through Modelling and Economic Evaluation (POLYMOD, EU project 6th framework).
IWT: Simulation models of infectious disease transmission and control processes (SIMID), with
applications to five major health policy issues in Flanders: 2007-2011.
Methusalem project - VAXINFECTIO (University of Antwerp, Belgium) - Center for Statistics
(Hasselt University, Belgium): 2008-2015.
Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN), PI: Scott Halperin, 2015-2017
(Co-)Promotor of the Following Research Projects
WHO grant on collecting social contact data in South-East Asia: 2009-2010 (10,000 US dollar).
FWO onderzoeksproject ‘Informatie-gestuurde modellering van de impact van vervroegde HIV
behandeling op de incidentie van HIV in Zuidelijk Afrika (2010-2013)’ (80,000 euro)
AXA Research Fellowship dr. Nele Goeyvaerts (2011-2013: 80,000 euro)
FWO onderzoeksproject ‘Kwantificering van varicella-zoster virus boosting mechanismen met
hun volksgezondheidsimplicaties voor vaccinatie (2011-2014)’ (87,000 euro)
KCE-influenza study: 2011-2012 (50,000 euro)
BOF NI grant ‘Infectious disease modelling using new statistical methodology based on network
theory and incomplete data methodology’ University of Hasselt: 2011-2014 (PhD position 160,000 euro)
BOF Short Stays ‘Estimating vaccination coverage based on trivariate serological data and
incidence data’ 2-month visit of James Wood to the Center for Statistics: 2011 (10,000 euro)
Contact patterns in Peru, Vanderbilt University: 2012-2013 (15,000 US dollar)
BOF bilateral grant Guillaume Béraud, Hasselt University: 2014-2017 (31,115.2 euro)
Aspire contract Pfizer - UHasselt 2014: 6750 euro
FWO Wetenschappelijke Onderzoeksgemeenschap: ‘Network Statistics for Sexually Transmitted Infections Epidemiology’ 2014-2018 (62,500 euro)
Research project in collaboration with Stellenbosch University, South Africa: 2014-2015 (94,329
FWO postdoctoral fellow: Wim Delva (270,000 euro), role: promotor
FWO Tournesol Travel Grants (9040 euro), role: PI
FWO bilateral grant - Quebec: PI Annemie van Damme (KU Leuven): 2016-2017 (50,000
euro), role: co-PI
ERC consolidator grant: (1,6m euro) role: PI
Marie Curie fellowship: Benny Borremans (258,530 euro): promotor together with Jamie Lloyd
Smith (UCLA)
Analyses to support the validation of the estimated persistence of immunity provided by
Havrix: 2010-2011 (61,835 euro)
BOF/ID The development and the optimization of stochastic individual-based simulation models by means of parallel multicore computing: 2011-2013 (PhD position - 180,000 euro)
ABC-RBOD A Retrospective Study to Assess the Clinical Burden of Hospitalized CommunityAcquired Pneumonia (CAP) in Adults in Belgium, following the Statistical Analysis Plan (S
- SAP) 23 February 2010 (CARENET-database): 2011 (1500 euro)
FAGG: Research related to intussusception and rotavirus vaccination: 2011 (8264 euro)
FAGG: Research related to the Guillain-Barré syndrome and Pandemrix vaccination: 20112012 (10,000 euro)
Quantification of varicella-zoster virus infection: from immunology to epidemiology: 2012-2014
(160,000 euro)
Quantification of varicella-zoster virus boosting mechanisms with their public health implication for vaccination: 2013-2015 (143,000 euro)
Analyses to support the validation of the estimated persistence of immunity provided by
Havrix: 2014 (30,000 euro)
Referee of the following journals
American Journal of Epidemiology (2), Biometrical Journal (1), Biometrics (7), Biometrika (1), Biostatistics (1), BMC infectious diseases (3), BMC public health (2), Columbian Journal of Statistics
(1), CSDA (4), Emerging Themes In Epidemiology (1), Epidemics (4), Epidemiology and Infection
(6), Eurosurveillance (2), Fundamenta Informaticae (1), International Journal of Biostatistics (1),
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (1), JABES (1), Journal of
Biomedicine and Biotechnology (1), Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics (1), Journal
of the Royal Society Interface (1), JRSS-A (1), Lancet Infectious Diseases (3), Malaria Journal (1),
Mathematical Biosciences (2), Nature Communications (1), Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (1),
Statistics in Medicine (8), Statistical Modelling (3); PLoS Computational Biology (3); PLoS One
(3); Statistical Method in Medical Research (1), Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling (1)
Associate Editor for Biometrics since 2011 (20); for Biostatistics since 2012 (26).
Referee of Project Applications
FWO mandates: 2010 (2); prize: 2015 (1)
RIVM project: 2010 (1); 2013 (2)
Food and Health Bureau (FHB) of the Hong Kong SAR Government: 2012 (1), 2013 (1), 2014 (1),
2015 (1)
IWT mandates: 2013 (11)
ASPIRE EU: 2014 (18)
HKU The Croucher Foundation: 2015 (1)
Referee of Research Institutes
- AERES: CNAM, Paris (PI: William Dab), 9 December 2012.
Referee of Education Institutes
- Universiteit van Wageningen, Wageningen (PI: Fred Van Eeuwijk), 16 June 2015
Former PhD-students
UH Nele Goeyvaerts: Statistical and Mathematical Models to Estimate the Transmission of Airborne
Infections from Current Status Data. PhD student SBOSIMID grant together with Prof. dr. Marc
Aerts and Prof. dr. Philippe Beutels. End: February 2011; role: supervisor
co, UH An Creemers: Models for Incomplete and Clustered Data with Applications in Clinical Trials and
Health Economic Studies. PhD student/teaching assistant together with Prof. dr. Marc Aerts.
End: June 2011; role co-supervisor
co, UH Girma Minalu: Using Statistical Methodology for Integrated Vaccine and Microbiological Research,
with a Focus on Antibiotic Use and the Containment of Antibiotic Resistance. PhD student
Methusalem-grant together with Prof. dr. Marc Aerts. End: September 2012; role: co-supervisor
UH Amin Azmon: Modeling Epidemics Using Modern Statistical Methods. PhD student Methusalemgrant together with Prof. dr. Christel Faes: 2010-2014: role: supervisor
co-UH Amparo Castro Sanchez: Mathematical and Statistical Models for HIV and Co-Infections. PhD
student BOF-grant together with Prof. dr. Marc Aerts: 2008-2014
UH Benson Ogunjimi: Kwantificering van varicella-zoster virus boosting mechanismes met hun volksgezondheidsimplicaties voor vaccinatie’ (FWO referentienummer G040912N) PhD student FWO
together with Prof. dr. Philippe Beutels and Prof. dr. Vigo Van Tendeloo: 2011-2015; role:
UH Lander Willem: Developing and optimizing stochastic individual-based infectious disease simulation
models by parallel multicore computing techniques. PhD student UA together with Prof. dr. Jan
Broeckhove and Prof. dr. Philippe Beutels: 2010-2015; role: supervisor
UH Steven Abrams: Statistical models for estimating heterogeneity in acquisition of infectious diseases
and outbreak risk in highly vaccinated populations. PhD student BOF NI together with Prof. dr.
Geert Molenberghs: 2011-2015; role: supervisor
co-UH Yannick Vandendijck: Semi-Parametric Methods for Applications in Survey Data and Geostatistical
Data PhD student BOF together with Prof. dr. Christel Faes: 2011-2015; role: co-supervisor
UH Guillaume Béraud: Mathematical Models of Infectious Diseases. PhD jointly with l’Université de
Poitiers: 2013-2015; role: supervisor
UH Adriaan Blommaert: Statistical and mathematical models to study economic and epidemiological
aspects of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination and antibiotic consumption. PhD student UA-grant
together with Prof. dr. Philippe Beutels: 2010-2016
PhD (co-)supervisor
UH Kim Van Kerckhove: Estimating transmission rates from incidence data using contact data and a
network-based approach. PhD student/teaching assistant together with Prof. dr. John Edmunds
and Dr. Ken Eames: 2010-2017
co, UH Osvaldo Loquiha: Statistical and Mathematical Methodology for Epidemiology and Public Health,
with focus on Reproductive Health & AIDS/HIV in Mozambique. PhD student VLIR-grant together
with Prof. dr. Marc Aerts and Prof. dr. Marleen Temmerman: 2011-2015
UH Fei Meng: Individual-based modelling of HIV prevention and treatment in South Africa. PhD
student VLIR-grant together with Prof. dr. Marc Aerts, Prof dr. Marleen Temmerman and Dr.
Wim Delva: 2011-2015
UH Eva Santermans: Statistical and mathematical perspectives on present-day infectious disease epidemiology and hematology. PhD student Methusalem together with Prof. dr. Geert Molenberghs
and Prof. dr. Marc Aerts: 2012-2016
UH Robin Bruyndonckx: Modeling Antibiotic use and resistance. PhD student Methusalem joint PhD
UH together with Prof. dr. Marc Aerts & UA together with Prof. dr. Samuel Coenen: 2012-2016
UH Yimer Kifle Wasihun: Statistical and mathematical methods to improve models of infectious disease
transmission between humans and animals and/or vectors . Joint PhD UA, UH together with
Philippe Beutels and Christel Faes 2013-2017
UH Levicatus Mugenyi: Modelling Malaria in Uganda. ICP PhD Scholarship with Sarah Staedke:
co, UH Roxanne Beauclair together with Wim Delva: 2014-2017
co, UH Tapiwa Ganyani together with Christel Faes: 2014-2020
UH Thomas Kovac together with Frank Van Reeth: 2015-2018
UH Thiago Gentil together with Edwin Moises Marcos Ortega: 2015-2016
UH,UA Nina Keersmaekers together with Philippe Beutels, Pierre Van Damme: 2015-2019
UH Thao Mai Phuong Tran together with Christel Faes, Philippe Beutels: 2015-2019
UH Toon Braeye: Jan 2016 - Dec 2020
Scientific Collaborator
Koen Vanden Driesche (UMCN, Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Frequent Member of the Following Juries
Master in Science: Applied Statistics, Hasselt University (former LUC)
Master in Science: Biostatistics, Hasselt University (former LUC)
Master in Applied Economic Sciences, Hasselt University
Member of PhD Committees/PhD Juries
Wim Delva (UGent): promoters: Marleen Temmerman, Stijn Vansteelandt - Thesis Defense: May
2010 - jury member
Emanuele Del Fava (UHasselt): promoters: Ziv Shkedy, Piero Manfredi - Thesis Defense: September
2012 - jury member
Aklilu Ghebretinsae (UHasselt): promoters: Christel Faes, Geert Molenberghs - Thesis Defense:
September 2013 - jury member
Mehreteab Fantahun Aregay (UHasselt): promoters: Geert Molenberghs, Geert Verbeke, Ziv Shkedy
- Thesis Defense: September 2013 - jury member
Bewketu Bekele (Stellenbosch University): promotors Rachid Ouifki and Wim Delva - Thesis Defense - January 2014 - externel expert
Reshma Kassanjee (Stellenbosch University): promotor: Alex Welte - September 2014 - externel
Chellafe Ensoy (UHasselt): promoters: Christel Faes, Marc Aerts - Thesis Defense - September
2014 - jury member
Felix Weidemann (Ludwig-Maximilians, University of Munich), Michael Höhle, Volker Schmidt December 2015 - jury member
Sebastian Meyer (University of Zürich), Leonhard Held - January 2016 - external expert
Ruth Nysten (UHasselt): promoters: Marc Aerts, Christel Faes
Suzanne Smit (UCL): Niko Speybroeck, Jozef Vercruysse and Pierre Dorny
Joseph Okebe (UA): Jean-Pierre van Geertruyden
Alan Vazquez Alcocer (UA): Peter Goos
Abhishek Bakuli (Helmholtz-Zentrum fur Infektionsforschung, Braunschweig Germany): Rafael
Wim De Mulder (I-Biostat, KU Leuven), Geert Molenberghs en Geert Verbeke
Wilfried Bonou (ULg), Philippe Lambert
Member of the Following Committees
Expert panel for the FAVV (federal food safety authority) Belgium (2007-2012).
Scientific advisor NIHR fellow Dr. Ken Eames (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
Scientific advisor Centre of Research Excellence in Infectious Diseases Modelling to Inform Public
Health Policy. NHMRC grant Australie: PI Jodie McVernon (University of Melbourne).
Member of the Organizing Committee
Survey Methodology. VEE-studiedag Diepenbeek, Belgium, October 27th, 2005.
1st SIMID Workshop. CHERMID (CEV,Vaxinfectio), University of Antwerp, April 12-14, 2010.
2nd SIMID Workshop. CHERMID (CEV,Vaxinfectio), University of Antwerp, January 31 - February 2, 2011.
19th meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society, Hasselt, October 12-14, 2011.
3rd SIMID Workshop. CENSTAT, Hasselt University, April 25-27, 2012.
4th SIMID Workshop. CHERMID (CEV,Vaxinfectio), University of Antwerp, April 17-18, 2013.
5th SIMID Workshop. CENSTAT, Hasselt University, April 16-17, 2014.
WOG Summer School on Networks. Ghent University, August 18-22, 2014.
WOG kick-off meeting, Hasselt University, 2-3 December 2014.
6th SIMID Workshop. CHERMID, University of Antwerp, April 28-29, 2015.
7th SIMID Workshop - slim version. CENSTAT, Hasselt University, April 25, 2016
Member of the Scientific Committee
1st SIMID Workshop. CHERMID (CEV,Vaxinfectio), University of Antwerp, April 12-14, 2010.
2nd SIMID Workshop. CHERMID (CEV,Vaxinfectio), University of Antwerp, January 31 - February 2, 2011.
3rd SIMID Workshop. CENSTAT, Hasselt University, April 25-27, 2012.
4th SIMID Workshop. CHERMID (CEV,Vaxinfectio), University of Antwerp, April 17-18, 2013.
5th SIMID Workshop. CENSTAT, Hasselt University, April 16-17, 2014.
ICCS 2013 Barcelona, 16-20 September 2013
20th meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society, Gent, 9-11 October 2013
Hexa-symposium on Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Epidemiology. Celebration event of the Center for Statistics, November 14-15, 2013 - President
6th SIMID Workshop. CHERMID, University of Antwerp, April 28-29, 2015.
22nd meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society, Antwerp, October 14-16, 2015 - President
ISCB 2015, Utrecht, 23-27 August 2015 - Scientific Committee
7th SIMID Workshop - slim version. CENSTAT, Hasselt University, April 25, 2016
Member of the following Associations
- Belgian Statistical Society, since 1999; board member since 2015
- Quetelet Society, since 1999; board member since 2016 (-2018)
- American Statistical Association, since 2010
- BAPH, since 2010
- EUPHA, since 2011
Contributor to Science Communication Activities
- Zeg’t Eens! Summerschool voor wet. com. en communicatieve vaardigheden. 2-4 July 2014,
- Invited presentation at the 1st Science Festival of Hasselt University ‘De onvoorspelbaarheid van
de Ebola uitbraak in West Afrika’, 9 May 2015, Hasselt
- Spectrumlezing UA: ‘Wiskunde en statistiek als hulpmiddel om de verspreiding van infectieziekten
te voorspellen en in te dijken’, 26 Nov 2015
- Prof. voor de klas: 5 lessen per jaar sinds 2011
Referee of Research Institutes
Referee of Education Institutes
Main Research Interests
Research Visits
Research Visits to I-Biostat (from 2012)
Current Research Cooperation with Others (outside I-biostat/Vaxinfectio)
Conferences, Workshops and Symposia (attendance only)
Courses (attendance only)
Short Courses
Teaching Activities
Master Theses Supervision
Main Research Interests
Modelling Infectious Diseases: Prevalence, Force of Infection, Transmission Parameters, Vaccination, Mathematical Modelling, Stochastic Models, Network Models,. . .
Missing Data: Multiple Imputation, Inverse Probability Weighting, Nonresponse, Missing Covariates, Selection Models, Shared Parameter Models, Influence Measures, . . .
Clustering: GEE, Random Effects, . . .
Data Mining: Classification and Regression Trees, Bagging, Boosting, Random Forests, Association Rules, Clustering, . . .
Model Selection Criteria, Multi-model Inference: AIC, BIC, AICW , AICS . . .
Non-and Semi-parametrics: Bootstrap, Kernel Density Estimators, Bandwidth and cross validation, . . .
Research Visits
- Research visit at the Health Protection Agency in London on the mathematical modelling of infectious diseases in collaboration with John Edmunds and Nigel Gay.
1-18 May, 2006// 13-16 December, 2006// 11-13 June, 2007.
- Research visit at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine on statistical analyses of
serological samples and avenues for further research with John Edmunds and Nigel Gay.
22-26 February, 2009// 12-15 December, 2010// 18-19 April, 2011.
- Research visit at the Martin-Luther Universität Halle - Wittenberg on modelling current status data
in collaboration with Andreas Wienke.
16-17 January, 2008// 24-26 July, 2012
- Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus in collaboration
with Kostas Fokianos and Marc Aerts
2-3 November, 2005
- Research visit at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Estimating vaccination
coverage from trivariate MMR serological data with James Wood.
8-12 September, 2010
- Research visit at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. Estimation of delay in stochastic
epidemic models with Slavik Koval and Odo Diekmann
15 -19 December, 2008
- Research visit at the University of Washington, Seattle. Stochastic modelling of pandemic influenza
with Elizabeth Halloran and Ira Longini.
21 July - 21 August, 2008, 22 -24 June, 2009
- Research visit at the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston. Modelling Infectious Diseases with
Marc Lipsitch.
8-14 May, 2011
- Research visit at INSERM, Paris. Meta-population models and contact patterns with Vittoria
7-8 February, 2013
Research Visits to I-Biostat (from 2012)
- Giancarlo Camarda (Max Planck Institute, Rostock, Germany) 15-17 February 2012
- James Wood (UNSW, Sydney, Australia) 23-27 April 2012
- Trish Campbell (University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia) 17-21 September 2012
- Guillaume Béraud (Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France) 12-16 November 2012
- Michael Höhle (Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany) 22-23 November 2012 & 10-16 December
- James Wood (UNSW, Sydney, Australia) 11 April - 20 April 2013
- Vittoria Colizza (INSERM), 10-11 February 2014
- Ken Eames (LSHTM), 11-12 February 2014
- James Wood (UNSW, Sydney, Australia) 7 April - 17 April 2014
- Rebecca Nsubuga (Medical Research Council, Uganda Virus Research Institute) 12 May - 1 June
Current Research Cooperation with Others (outside I-biostat/Vaxinfectio)
- Wim Delva (UGent, Belgium) “HIV and networks”
- John Edmunds, Nigel Gay and Alessia Melagaro (Health Protection Agency, London, UK) “Elucidation on differences in the sero-epidemiology of VZV and B19 in five European countries.”
- John Edmunds & Ken Eames (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK)
- Paul Eilers (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) and Carlo Giovanni Camardo (Max Planck
Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany.) “A constrained smoothing approach”
- Carlos Gijalva (VanderBilt University, Nashville, US) Contact patterns in Peru
- Gail Potter (University of Washington, Seattle, US) “Estimating network structures from egocentric
- Jacco Wallinga (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands) “Generation interval contraction”
- Gianpaolo Scalia Tomba (University of Rome Tor Vergata Rome, Italy) “Generation interval contraction”
- Andreas Wienke (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg) “Modelling bivariate current status
- Peter Horby (Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Vietnam, Centre for Tropical Medicine,
Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K) “Social contact patterns in Vietnam and its relationship to H1N1 incidence”
- James Wood (University of New South Wales) “Estimating vaccination coverage from trivariate
serological data”
h-index: 21 (WoK), 28 (Google Scholar)
- Hens, N., Shkedy, Z., Aerts, M., Faes, C., Van Damme, P. and Beutels, P. Modeling Infectious Disease Parameters Based on Serological and Social Contact Data: A Modern Statistical Perspective.
Springer-verlag New York. 2012
Book Chapters
- Hens, N.. (2008) Exploiting Data for Risk Evaluation. In: Scientific exploitation of databases
within the framework of food safety risk assessment. Federal Food Safety Authority. Brussels,
- Theeten, H., Lefevere, E., Vandermeulen, C., Van Damme, P. and Hens, N. (2013) Factors influencing infant and adolescent vaccine uptake in Flanders, Belgium. In: Modeling the Interplay
Between Human Behavior and the Spread of Infectious Diseases. Editors: Piero Manfredi and
Alberto d’Onofrio. Springer-Verlag.
- Praet Jelle, Santermans Eva, Reekmans Kristien, de Vocht Nathalie, Le Blon Debbie, Hoornaert
Chloé, Daans Jasmijn, Goossens Herman, Berneman Zwi Nisan, Hens Niel, van der Linden AnneMarie, Ponsaerts Peter.- Histological characterization and quantification of cellular events following
neural and fibroblast(-like) stem cell grafting in healthy and demyelinated CNS tissue Animal models
for stem cell therapy / Christ, Bruno [edit.]; et al. - ISBN 978-1-4939-1453-1 - New York, N.Y.,
Springer Science + Business Media, 2014, p. 265-283 DOI:
- Beutels P, Luyten J, Lejeune O, Hens N, Bilcke J, De Schrijver K, et al. Evaluatie van universele en doelgroep hepatitis A vaccinatie opties in België. Health Technology Assessment (HTA).
Brussel: Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCE); 2008. KCE reports 98A
- Bilcke J., Marais C., Ogunjimi B., van Hoek A.J., Lejeune O., Callens M., Vancorenland S., van
Kerschaver E., Callaerts K.., Hens N., van Damme P., Beutels P. Cost-utility of vaccination against
chickenpox in children and against herpes zoster in elderly in Belgium Brussels: Belgian Health Care
Knowledge Centre, 2010.- 134 p. - (KCE reports ; 151)
- Beutels, P., Vandendijck, Y., Willem, L., Goeyvaerts N., Blommaert A., Van Kerckhove, K., Bilcke
J., Hanquet G., Neels, P., Thiry N., Liesenborgs, J., Hens, N. Seasonal influenza vaccination: prioritizing children or other target groups? Part II: cost-effectiveness analysis 2013, Health Technology
Assessment (HTA) Brussels: Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). p. KCE Reports 204.
- Lambert, M.L., Hammami, N., Catry, B., Bruyndonckx, R., Aerts, M., Hens, N. Antimicrobial
consumption in Belgian hospitals for selected diagnoses 1999-2010 and assciation with policies aimed
at promoting rational use. Scientific Institute of Public Health, 2014 - 72p
- Contributed to: ‘Impact van luchtvervuiling en klimaat op korte termijn mortaliteit in BelgiŚ’ Na,
CES-2014-02 by Katrien Tersago for the ‘Nationaal Actieplan voor Milieu en Gezondheid (NEHAP),
België’ Collaborators: Nathalie Bossuyt (WIV-ISP), Frans Fierens (IRCEL), Niel Hens (UH, UA),
Pascal Mailier (KMI) en Sophie Quoilin (WIV-ISP), 2015.
National Refereed Journals
- Hens, N., Bruckers, L., Arbyn, M., Aerts, M., Molenberghs, G. (2002). “Classification trees and
its application to cervix cancer screening in the Belgian Health Interview Survey 1997.” Archives of
Public Health, 60, 275-294.
- Theeten, H., Roelants, M., Lernout, T., Braeckman, T., Hens, N., Hoppenbrouwers, K., Van
Damme, P. (2013) Vaccinatiegraad bij jonge kinderen en adolescenten in Vlaanderen in 2012. Infectieziektebulletin, 4, 86
International Refereed Journals
- Coenen, S., Bruyndonckx, R., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Goossens, H. (2014) Comment on: Measurement units for antibiotic consumption in outpatients. J. Antimicrob Chemother 69, 12, 3445-3446
- Vanden Driessche, K., Hens, N., Tilley, P., Quon, B.S., Chilvers, M.A., de Groot, R., Cotton, M.F.,
Marais, B., Speert, D.P., Zlosnik, (2015) J.E.A. Effect of masks on airborne spread of Pseudomonas
aeruginosa by people with cystic fibrosis when coughing. American Journal of Respiratory and
Critical Care Medicine, 192 (7), 897-899
A2 Journals
A2 Del Fava, E., Kasim, A.S., Usman, M., Shkedy, Z., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Bollaerts, K., Scalia
Tomba, G., Vickerman, P., Sutton, A.J., Wiessing, L. and Kretzschmar, M. (2011) The Co-Infection
between HCV and HIV: A Joint Modeling Approach. Statistical Communications in Infectious
Diseases, 3, 1, 1
A2 Del Fava, E., Shkedy, Z., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Suligoi, B., Vallejo, F., Wiessing, L., Kretzschmar,
M. (2011) ‘Joint Modeling of HCV and HIV Infections among Injecting Drug Users in Italy Using
Repeated Cross-Sectional Prevalence Data.’ Statistical Communications in Infectious Diseases: Vol.
3: Iss. 1, Article 1.
A2? Leuridan, E., Ieven, M., Hens, N., Van Damme, P. (2012) High susceptibility to cytomegalovirus
infection of pregnant women in Flanders, Belgium. FVV in ObGyn, 4(2), 76-81.
A2 Acheampong, E., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Okyere, E., Boyetey, D. (2014) On a Model for the Cross
Protection of Two Infectious Diseases. Mathematical Theory and Modeling, 4(2).
A1 Journals
1. Aerts, M., Claeskens, G., Hens, N., Molenberghs, G. (2002).
Biometrika, 89, 375-388.
“Local multiple imputation.”
2. Speybroeck, N., Berkvens, D., Mfoukou-Ntsakala, A., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Van Huylenbroeck, G.
and Thys, E. (2004) “Classification trees versus multinomial models in the analysis of urban farming
systems in Central Africa.” Agricultural Systems, 80(2),133-149.
3. Hens, N., Aerts, M., Molenberghs, G., Thijs, H., Verbeke G. (2005) “Kernel Weighted Influence
Measures.” Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 48, 467-487.
4. Faes, C., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Shkedy, Z., Geys, H., Mintiens, K., Laevens, H. and Boelaert, F.
(2006). “Estimating herd-specific force of infection by using random-effects models for clustered
binary data and monotone fractional polynomials.” JRSS-C, 55(5), 595-613.
5. Hens, N., Aerts, M., Molenberghs, G. (2006) “Model Selection for Incomplete and Design-Based
Samples.”. Statistics in Medicine, 25, 2502-2520.
6. Jansen, I., Hens, N., Molenberghs, G., Aerts, M., Verbeke, G., Kenward, M.G. (2006), “The Nature
of Sensitivity in Monotone Missing Not At Random Models”, Computational Statistics and Data
Analysis, 50, 830-858. IF: 1.126 (2008)
7. Hens, N., Faes, C., Aerts, M., Shkedy, Z., Mintiens, K., Laevens, H. and Boelaert, F. (2007).
“Handling missing data when modeling the force of infection: a population averaged approach.”
JABES, 12, 498-513(16).
8. Theeten, H., Hens, N., Vandermeulen, C., Depoorter, A.M., Roelants, M., Aerts,M., Hoppenbrouwers, K. and Van Damme, P. (2007). “Infant vaccination coverage in 2005 and predictive
factors for incomplete or invalid vaccination in Flanders, Belgium: an EPI survey.” Vaccine, 25,
4940-4948. IF: 3.298 (2008)
9. Hens, N., Aerts, M., Shkedy, Z., Theeten, H., Van Damme, P., Beutels, Ph. (2008) “Modelling
multi-sera data: The estimation of new joint and conditional epidemiological parameters.” Statistics
in Medicine, 27, 2651-2664.
10. Hens, N., Aerts, M., Shkedy, Z., Kimani, P.K., Kojouharova, M., Van Damme, P., and Beutels, P.
(2008). “Estimating the impact of vaccination using age-time-dependent incidence rates of hepatitis
B.” Epidemiology and Infection, Volume 136, Issue 03, pp 341-351
11. Mossong, J., Hens, N., Friederichs, V., Davidkin, I., Broman, M., Litwinska, B., Siennicka, J.,
Trzcinska, A., van Damme, P., Beutels, P., Vyse, A., Shkedy, Z., Aerts, M., Massari, M., Gabutti,
G. (2008) “Epidemiology of parvovirus B19 infection in Europe: results from a seroprevalence studies
in Belgium, England and Wales, Finland, Italy and Poland. Epidemiology and Infection, 136(8).
p. 1059-1068.
12. Mossong, J., Hens, N., Jit, M., Beutels, P., Auranen, K., Mikolajczyk, R. Massari, M., Scalia
Tomba, G., Wallinga, J., Sadkowska-Todys, Rosinska, M., Edmunds, J.W. (2008) Social contacts and mixing patterns relevant to the spread of infectious diseases. PLoS Med 5(3) e74.
13. Bilcke J., Van Damme P., Van Ranst M., Hens N., Aerts M., Beutels P. (2009) “Estimating the
Incidence of Symptomatic Rotavirus Infections: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” PLoS
ONE 4(6): e6060. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0006060
14. Boulet, G.A.V., Benoy, I.H., Depuydt, C.E., Horvath, C.A.J., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Vereecken, A.J.,
Bogers, J.J.(2009) Human Papillomavirus 16 Load and E2/E6 Ratio in HPV16-Positive Women:
Biomarkers for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia >= 2 in a Liquid-Based Cytology Setting? Cancer
Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention; 18(11): 2992-2999.
15. Hens, N. Goeyvaerts, N., Aerts, M., Shkedy, Z., Van Damme, P. and Beutels, P. (2009) “Mining social mixing patterns for infectious disease models based on a two-day population survey in
Belgium. BMC Infectious Diseases, 9, 5
16. Hens, N., Minalu Ayele, G., Goeyvaerts, N., Aerts, M., Mossong, J., Edmunds, W.J., Beutels, P.
(2009) “Estimating the Impact of School Closure on Social Mixing Behaviour and the Transmission
of Close Contact Infections in Eight European Countries” BMC Infectious Diseases. 9, 187
17. Hens, N., Wienke, A., Aerts, M., Molenberghs, G. (2009)“The Correlated and Shared Gamma
Frailty Model for Bivariate Current Status Data: An Illustration for Cross-sectional Serological
Data.” Statistics in Medicine. 28, 2785-2800
18. Ogunjimi, B., Hens, N., Goeyvaerts, N., Aerts, M. and Beutels, P. (2009) Using empirical social
contact data to model person to person infectious disease transmission: an illustration for varicella.
Mathematical Biosciences, 278(2). p. 80-87.
19. Theeten, H., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Vandermeulen, C., Roelants, M., Hoppenbrouwers, K. and
Van Damme, P., Beutels, P. (2009) Caregivers’ willingness to pay to reduce the number of vaccine
injections in infants. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 28(1). p. 61-63.
20. Theeten, H., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Vandermeulen, C., Roelants, M., Hoppenbrouwers, K. and Van
Damme, P., Beutels, P. (2009) Common attitudes about concomitant vaccine injections for infants
and adolescents in Flanders, Belgium. Vaccine. 27(13). p. 1964-1969. IF: 3.616
21. Aerts, M., Hens, N., Simonoff, J.S. “Model Selection Based on Presmoothing.” Journal of Applied
Statistics. 37-9, 1455
22. Bilcke, J.; van Hoek, A.; Hens, N.; Aerts, M.; Edmunds, W. & Beutels, P. Cost-effectiveness of
varicella and zoster vaccination in England & Wales: importance measures for correlated parameters
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010, 2, 7611 - 7612
23. Creemers, A., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Molenberghs, G., Verbeke, G. and Kenward, M.G. (2010)
Sensitivity Analysis for Shared-parameter Models for Incomplete Longitudinal Outcomes. The
Biometrical Journal. 52, 111-125.
24. Goeyvaerts, N., Hens, N., Ogunjimi, B., Aerts, M., Shkedy, Z., Van Damme, P., Beutels, P. (2010)
“Estimating transmission parameters and the basic reproduction number using social contact data
and serological data on varicella zoster virus in Belgium.” JRSS-C, 59, 255-277.
25. Hens, N., Aerts, M., Faes, C., Shkedy, Z., Lejeune, O., Van Damme, P. and Beutels, P. (2010)
“Seventy-five years of estimating the force of infection” Epidemiology and Infection, 138(6), pp.
26. Hens, N., Kvitkovicova, A., Aerts, M., Hlubinka, D., Beutels, P. (2010) Modelling Distortions in
Seroprevalence Data Using Change-point Fractional Polynomials. Statistical Modelling, 10, 159-175
27. Lenders, K., Ogunjimi, B., Beutels, Ph., Hens, N., Van Damme, P., Berneman, Z.N., Van Tendeloo,
V.F.I. and Smits, E.L.J.M. (2010) “The effect of apoptotic cells on virus-specific immune responses
detected using IFN-Gamma elispot” Journal of Immunological Methods. 31, 357(1-2) 51-4.
28. Leuridan, E., Hens, N., Hutse, V., Ieven, M., Aerts, M., Van Damme, P. (2010) “Early Waning
of Maternal Measles Antibodies in the Era of Global Measles Vaccination” The British Medical
Journal. 340:c1626
29. Adriaenssens, N., Coenen, S., Versporten, A., Muller, A., Minalu Ayele, G., Faes, C., Vankerckhoven, V., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Molenberghs, G., Goossens, H. on behalf of the ESAC Project
Group ‘European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC) (2011): Outpatient antibiotic
use in Europe (1997-2009).’ Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Vol. 66, S6, VI3-VI12. IF:
30. Adriaenssens, N., Coenen, S., Versporten, A., Muller, A., Minalu Ayele, G., Faes, C., Vankerckhoven, V., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Molenberghs, G., Goossens, H. on behalf of the ESAC
Project Group ‘European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC) (2011): Outpatient
macrolide, lincosamide and streptogramin (MLS) use in Europe (1997-2009).’ Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Vol. 66, S6, VI37-VI45. IF: 5.068
31. Adriaenssens, N., Coenen, S., Versporten, A., Muller, A., Minalu Ayele, G., Faes, C., Vankerckhoven, V., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Molenberghs, G., Goossens, H. on behalf of the ESAC Project
Group ‘European surveillance of antimicrobial consumption (ESAC) (2011): Outpatient quinolone
use in Europe (1997-2009).’ Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Vol. 66, S6, VI47-VI56. IF:
32. Coenen, S., Adriaenssens, N., Versporten, A., Muller, A., Minalu Ayele, G., Faes, C., Vankerckhoven, V., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Molenberghs, G., Goossens, H. on behalf of the ESAC Project
Group. (2011) ‘European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): Outpatient use of
tetracyclines, sulfonamides and trimethoprim, and other antibacterials in Europe’ Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Vol. 66, S6, VI57-VI70. IF: 5.068
33. Creemers, A., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Shkedy, Z., Desmet, F. and Beutels, P. (2011) Revealing agespecific past and future unrelated costs of pneumococcal infections by flexible generalized estimation
equations. Journal of Applied Statistics, Volume 38 Issue 8, 1533.
34. Creemers, A., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Molenberghs, G., Verbeke, G. and Kenward, M.G. (2011)
“Shared-parameter Models and Missingness at Random” Statistical Modelling 11 279-310.
35. Delva, W., Beauclair, R., Welte, A., Vansteelandt, S., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Beyers, N., Temmerman, M. and du Toit, E.(2011) Age-disparity, sexual connectedness and HIV infection in disadvantaged communities around Cape Town, South Africa: A study protocol. BMC Public Health,
36. Faes, C., Molenberghs, G., Hens, N., Muller, A., Goossens, H., Coenen, S. (2011) ‘Analysing the
composition of outpatient antibiotic use: a tutorial on compositional data analysis.’ Journal of
Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Vol. 66, S6, VI89-VI94. IF: 5.068
37. Flasche, S., Hens, N., Boëlle, P.Y., Mossong, J., van Ballegooijen, W.M., Nunes, B., Rizzo, C.,
Popovici, F., Santa-Olalla, P., Hrubá, F., Parmakova, K., Baguelin, M., van Hoek, A.J., Desenclos,
J.C., Bernillon, P., M., Larrauri Cámara, A., Wallinga, J., Asikainen, T., White, P.J., Edmunds,
W.J. (2011) “Different transmission patterns in the early stages of the influenza A(H1N1)v pandemic: a comparative analysis of 12 European countries” Epidemics. 3, 125-133
38. Goeyvaerts, N., Hens, N., Aerts, M. and Beutels, P. (2011) “Model structure analysis to estimate
basic immunological processes and maternal risk for parvovirus B19” Biostatistics 12, 283-302.
39. Hens, N., Van Ranst, M., Aerts, M., Robesyn, E., Van Damme, P., Beutels, P. (2011) Estimating
the effective reproduction number for pandemic influenza from notification data made publicly
available in real time: A multi-country analysis for influenza A/H1N1v 2009. Vaccine 29 (2011)
896-904. IF: 3.766
40. Horby, P., Thai, P.Q., Hens, N.; Yen, N.T.T., Mai, L.Q., Thoang, D.D. Nguyen Manh Linh;
Nguyen Thu Huong; Neal Alexander; W Jonh Edmunds; Tran Nhu Duong; Annette Fox; Nguyen
Tran Hien Social contact patterns in Vietnam and implications for the control of infectious diseases.
PLoS One 6(2): e16965. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016965
41. House, T., Baguelin, M., van Hoek, A.J., Flasche, S., White, P., Sadique, Z., Eames, K., Read,
J., Hens, N., Melegaro, A., Edmunds, W.J., Keeling, M.J. (2011) “School closures and English
NHS capacity during the current influenza pandemic” Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological
Sciences. Vol.278(1719); 2753-2760
42. Lefevere, E., Hens, N., Theeten, H., Van den Bosch, K., Beutels, P., De Smet, F. and Van Damme,
P. (2011) Like mother, like daughter? Mother’s history of cervical cancer screening and daughter’s
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine uptake in Flanders (Belgium). Vaccine 29 (46), pp. 8390-8396. IF:
43. Lefevere, E., Hens, N., De Smet, F., Van Damme, P. (2011) Dynamics of HPV vaccination initiation in Flanders (Belgium) 2007-2009: a Cox regression model. BMC Public Health 11:470
44. Leuridan E, Hens N, Hutse V, Aerts M, Van Damme P. (2011) Kinetics of maternal antibodies
against rubella and varicella in infants. Vaccine Mar 3;29(11):2222-6. IF: 3.766.
45. Leuridan E., Hens N., Peeters N., de Witte L., Van der Meeren O., Van Damme P (2011) Effect
of a Prepregnancy Pertussis Booster Dose on Maternal Antibody Titers in Young Infants In: The
Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. Volume 30, Number 7, p. 608-610.
46. Luyten, J., Marais C., Hens, N., De Schrijver, K. and Beutels, P. (2011) “Imputing QALYs from
single time point health state descriptions on the EQ-5D and the SF-6D: a comparison of methods
for hepatitis A patients” Value in Health, 14, 282-290.
47. Minalu Ayele, G., Aerts, M., Coenen, S., Muller, A., Adriaenssens, N., Beutels, P., Molenberghs,
G., Goossens, H. and Hens, N. (2011) ‘Application of mixed-effects models to study the countryspecific outpatient antibiotic use in Europe: a tutorial on longitudinal data analysis.’ Journal of
Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. In Vol. 66, S6, VI79-VI87. IF: 5.068
48. Ogunjimi, B., Smits, E., Hens, N., Hens, A., Lenders, K., Ieven, M., Van Tendeloo, V., Van
Damme, P., Beutels, P. (2011) ”Exploring the impact of exposure to primary varicella in children
on varicella-zoster virus immunity of parents” Viral Immunology 24, 151-157.
49. Theeten H, Hutse V, Hens, N., Yavuz Y, Hoppenbrouwers K, Beutels P, Vranckx R and Van
Damme P. (2011) “Are we hitting immunity targets? The 2006 age-specific seroprevalence of
measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria and tetanus in Belgium.” Epidemiology and Infection, 139,
50. Versporten, A., Coenen, S., Adriaenssens, N., Muller, A., Minalu Ayele, G., Faes, C., Vankerckhoven, V., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Molenberghs, G., Goossens, H. on behalf of the ESAC
Project Group ‘European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC) (2011): outpatient
cephalosporin use in Europe (1997-2009).’ Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Vol. 66, S6,
VI25-VI35. IF: 5.068
51. Versporten, A., Coenen, S., Adriaenssens, N., Muller, A., Minalu Ayele, G., Faes, C., Vankerckhoven, V., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Molenberghs, G., Goossens, H. on behalf of the ESAC Project
Group ‘European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC) (2011): outpatient penicillin
use in Europe (1997-2009).’ Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Vol. 66, S6, VI13-VI23. IF:
52. Andraud, M., Lejeune, O., Muzoro, J., Beutels, P. and Hens, N.. (2012) ‘Living on Three Time
Scales: the Dynamics of Plasma Cell and Antibody Populations Illustrated for Hepatitis A Virus.’
PLoS Computational Biology. March; 8(3): e1002418. IF 4.867
53. Andraud, M., Hens, N., Marais, C., Beutels, P. (2012) Dynamic Epidemiological Models for Dengue Transmission: A Systematic Review of Structural Approaches. PLoS One. IF: 3.730
54. Bilcke, J., Marais, C., Ogunjimi, B., Willem, L., Hens, N. and Beutels, P. (2012) ‘Cost-effectiveness
of vaccination against herpes zoster in adults aged over 60 years in Belgium.’ Vaccine; 30(3):675-684.
IF: 3.492
55. Bilcke, J., Ogunjimi, B., Hulstaert F., Van Damme P., Hens, N., Beutels P. (2012) ‘Estimating
the age-specific duration of herpes zoster vaccine protection: a matter of model choice?’ Vaccine;
30(17):2795-2800. IF: 3.492
56. Bollaerts, K., Aerts, M., Faes, C., Shkedy, Z., Van der Stede, Y., P., Beutels, P., Hens, N. (2012)
“Estimation of population prevalence and force of infection directly from antibody titres.” Statistical
Modelling. 12, 441-462. IF: 0.680
57. Castro-Sánchez A., Shkedy, Z., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Wiessing, L., Kretzchmar, M., Prins, M.,
Geskus, R. (2012) “The estimation of the force of infection for HCV among Injecting Drug Users
using Interval Censored Data.” Epidemiology and Infection; 140(6);1064-1074. IF: 2.867
58. Creemers, A., Aerts, M., Hens, N. and Molenberghs, G. (2012)“A nonparametric approach to
weighted estimating equations for regression analysis with missing covariates”. Computational
Statistics and Data Analysis. Vol. 56(1), 100-113. IF: 1.304
59. Goeyvaerts, N., Hens, N., Theeten, H., Aerts, M., Van Damme, P., Beutels, P. (2012) Estimating
vaccination coverage for the trivalent measles-mumps-rubella vaccine from trivariate serological
data. Statistics in Medicine. 31(14), 1432-1449. IF: 2.044
60. Hens, N., Calatayud, L., Kurkela, S., Tamme, T. and Wallinga, J. (2012) “Robust reconstruction
and analysis of outbreak data: influenza A(H1N1)v transmission in a school-based population”
American Journal of Epidemiology 176(3): 196-203. IF: 4.780
61. Leuridan E., Goeyvaerts, N., Hens, N., Hutse, V., Van Damme, P. (2012) Maternal Mumps
Antibodies in a Cohort of Children up to the age of 1 year. European Journal of Pediatrics. 171(8),
1167-1173. IF: 1.907
62. Ogunjimi, B., Peeters, D., Hens, N., Malfait, R., Van Tendeloo, V., et al. (2012) Sampling Site Matters When Counting Lymphocyte Subpopulations. PLoS ONE 7(7): e41405.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041405. IF: 3.730
63. Praet, J., Reekmans, K., Lin, D., De Vocht, N., Bergwerf, I., Tambuyzer, B., Daans, J., Hens,
N., Goossens, H., Pauwels, P., Berneman, Z., Van der Linden, A., Ponsaerts, P. (2012) Cell typeassociated differences in migration, survival and immunogenicity following grafting in CNS tissue.
Cell Transplantation, 21(9), 1867-1881. IF: 4.422
64. Van Heirstraeten, L., Coenen, S., Lammes, C., Hens, N., Goossens, H., Malhotra-Kumara, S.
(2012) Antimicrobial drug use and macrolide-resistant Streptococcus pyogenes, Belgium. Emerg
Infect Dis. 18(9) p1515-1518. IF: 5.993
65. Van Puyenbroeck, K., Hens, N., Beunckens, C., Coenen, S., Michiels, B., Molenberghs, G., Van
Royen, P. and Verhoeven, V. (2012)“Daily probiotic protects healthy elderly nursing home residents
against respiratory tract infections and improves effect of influenza vaccination. A randomised
controlled clinical trial.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 95(5); 1165-1171. IF:
66. Willem L., Van Kerckhove K., Chao, D., Hens, N. and Beutels, P. (2012) A Nice Day for an
Infection? Weather Conditions and Social Contact Patterns Relevant to Influenza Transmission.
PLoS ONE 7(11): e48695. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048695. IF: 3.730
67. Andraud, M., Hens, N., Beutels, P. (2013) A Simple Periodic-Forced Model for Dengue: Mathematical analysis and application to Singapore outbreaks. Mathematical Biosciences, 244 (1), 22-28
doi: 10.1016/j.mbs.2013.04.001. IF: 1.454
68. Beauclair, R., Meng. F., Deprez, N., Temmerman, M., Welte, A., Hens, N., Delva, W. (2013)
Evaluating Audio Computer Assisted Self-Interviews in Urban South African Communities: Evidence for Good Suitability and Reduced Social Desirability Bias of a Cross-sectional Survey on
Sexual Behaviour. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 13:11 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2288-13-11. IF:
2.211 (2012)
69. Bervoets, L., Van Hoorenbeeck, K., Kortleven, I., Van Noten, C., Hens, N., Vael, C., Goossens,
H., Desager, K. and Vankerckhoven, V. (2013) Important alterations in gut microbial composition
of obese children and the influence of lifestyle factors. Gut Pathogens 5:10, doi: 10.1168/1757-47495-10. IF: 2.738 (2012)
70. Blommaert, A., Coenen, S., Gielen, B., Goossens, H., Hens, N., Beutels, P. (2013) Patient and
prescriber determinants for the choice between amoxicillin and broader spectrum antibiotics: a
nationwide prescription level analysis. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. (2013) 68 (10): 2383-2392
doi:10.1093/jac/dkt170. IF: 5.338 (2012)
71. Bollaerts, K., Antoine, J., Van Casteren, V., Ducoffre, G., Hens, N. and Quoilin, S. (2013) Contribution of respiratory pathogens to consultations of influenza-like illness. Epidemiology and Infection, 141, 10, 2196-2204. IF: 2.867 (2012)
72. Castro-Sánchez, A.Y., Aerts, M., Shkedy, Z., Vickerman, P., Faggiano, F., Salamina, G., Hens,
N. (2013) A mathematical model for HIV and Hepatitis C co-infection and its assessment from a
statistical perspective, Epidemics, 5, 56-66 doi:10.1016/j.epidem.2013.01.002. IF: 2.261 (2012)
73. De Vocht, N., Lin, D., Praet, J., Hoornaert, C., Reekmans, K., Le Blon, D., Daans, J., Pauwels, P.,
Goossens, H., Hens, N., Berneman, Z., Van der Linden, A. and Ponsaerts P. (2013) Quantitative
and phenotypic analysis of mesenchymal stromal cell graft survival and recognition by microblia
and astrocytes in mouse brain. Immunobiology, 218(5):696-705. doi: 10.1016/j.imbio.2012.08.266.
IF: 2.814 (2012)
74. Delva, W., Meng, F., Beauclair, R., Deprez, N., Temmerman, M., Welte, A., Hens, N. (2013)
Coital frequency and condom use in monogamous and concurrent sexual relationships in Cape
Town, South Africa. Journal of the International AIDS Society 16:18034. IF: 3.936 (2012)
75. Fraeyman J., Verbelen, M., Hens, N., Van Hal, G., De Loof, H. and Beutels, P. (2013) Evolutions
in Both Co-Payment and Generic Market Share for Common Medication in the Belgian Reference
Pricing System. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 11:543-552 Doi: 10.1007/s40258-0130054-9.
76. Kenyon, C., Colebunders, R., Buvé, A., Hens, N. (2013) Partner-concurrency associated with
herpes simplex virus 2 infection in young South Africans. International Journal of STD & AIDS
24(10), 804-812. IF: 1.000 (2012)
77. Kenyon, C., Colenbunders, B. and Hens, N. (2013) Determinants of generalized herpes simplex
virus 2 epidemics: the role of sexual partner concurrency International Journal of STD & AIDS.
24(5), 375-382. IF: 1.000 (2012)
78. Loquiha, O., Hens, N., Chavane, L., Temmermans, M., Aerts, M. (2013) Modelling Heterogeneity
for Count Data: A Study of Maternal Mortality in Health Facilities in Mozambique. Biometrical
Journal. 55(5), 647-660. IF: 1.152 (2012)
79. Luyten, J., Dorgali, V., Hens, N., Beutels, P. (2013) Public preferences over efficiency, equity and
autonomy in vaccination policy: an empirical study. Social Science and Medicine. 77. 84-89 doi:
10.1016/j.socscimed.2012.11.009. IF: 2.733 (2012)
80. Minalu Ayele, G., Aerts, M., Coenen, S., Versporten, A., Muller, A., Adriaenssens, N., Beutels, P.,
Molenberghs, G. Goossens, H. and Hens, N. (2013) Adaptive change-point mixed models applied
to data on outpatient tetracycline use in Europe. Statistical Modelling. 13, 3, p253-274. IF: 0.680
81. Ogunjimi, B., Hens, N., Malfait, R., Van Tendeloo, V., Smits, E. (2013) Creating a robust framework for the analysis of cryopreserved samples in quantitative immunological experiments Journal
of Immunological Methods. 392, 1-2, p63-67. IF: 2.225 (2012)
82. Potter, G. and Hens, N. (2013) A penalized likelihood approach to estimate within-household
contact networks from egocentric data. JRSS-C (Applied Statistics), 62, 4, p629-648, doi:
10.1111/rssc.12011. IF: 1.253 (2012)
83. Vandendijck, Y., Faes, C. and Hens, N. (2013) Eight Years of the Great Influenza Survey to Monitor Influenza-like Illness in Flanders. PLoS ONE 8(5): e64156. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064156.
IF: 3.730 (2012)
84. Van Kerckhove, K., Hens, N.,, Edmunds, J. and Eames, K. (2013) The impact of illness on social
networks: implications for transmission and control of influenza. American Journal of Epidemiology.
178. 11, 1655-1662. IF: 4.780 (2012)
85. Abrams, S., Beutels, P., Hens, N. (2014) Assessing outbreak risk in highly vaccinated populations
using spatial seroprevalence data on mumps American Journal of Epidemiology. 179(8), 1006-1017.
IF: 4.780 (2012)
86. Azmon, A., Faes, C., and Hens, N. On the estimation of the reproduction number based on
misreported epidemic data Statistics in Medicine 33(7), 1176-1192. doi: 10.1002/sim.6015. IF:
2.044 (2012)
87. Biermans, G., Horemans, N., Hens, N., Vives i Batlle, J., Vandenhove, H., Cuypers, A. (2014)
A dynamic dosimetry model for radioactive exposure scenarios in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of
Theoretical Biology, 347, 54-62. IF: 2.351 (2012)
88. Blommaert, A., Bilcke, J., Vandendijck, Y., Hanquet, G., Hens, N., Beutels, P. (2014) Costeffectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccination in pregnant women, health care workers and persons
with underlying illnesses in Belgium. Vaccine. 32(46), 6075-6083. IF: 3.492 (2012)
89. Blommaert, A., Hens, N. and Beutels, P. (2014) Data Mining for Longitudinal Data under Multicollinearity and Time Dependence using Penalized Generalized Estimating Equations Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,71, 667-680. IF: 1.304 (2012)
90. Blommaert, A., Marais, C, Hens, N., Coenen S., Muller, A., Goossens, H. and Beutels, P. (2014)
Determinants of between-country differences in ambulatory antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance
in Europe: a longitudinal observational study. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 69: 535-547. IF: 5.338
91. Braeckman, T., Theeten, H., Lernout, T., Hens, N., Roelants, M., Hoppenbrouwers, K. and Van
Damme, P. Rotavirus vaccination coverage and adherence to recommended age among infants in
Flanders (Belgium) in 2012. Eurosurveillance, 19(20):pii=20806. IF: 5.49 (2012)
92. Bruyndonckx, R., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Goossens, H., Molenberghs, G. and Coenen, S. Measuring
trends of outpatient antibiotic use in Europe: jointly modelling longitudinal data in defined daily
doses and packages. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 69: 1981-1986 IF: 5.338 (2012)
93. Coenen, S., Gielen, B., Blommaert, A., Beutels, P., Hens, N. and Goossens, H. (2014) Appropriate
international measures for outpatient antibiotic prescribing and consumption: recommendations
from a national data comparison of different measures. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 69: 529-534.
IF: 5.338 (2012)
94. Le Blon, D., Hoornaert, C., Daans, J., Santermans, E., Hens, N., Goossens, H., Berneman,
Z. and Ponsaerts, P. (2014) Distinct spatial distribution of microglia and macrophages following
mesenchymal stem cell implantation in mouse brain. Immunology and Cell Biology 92, 8, 650-658
IF: 3.925 (2012)
95. Lernout, T., Theeten, H., Hens, N., Braeckman, T., Roelants, M., Hoppenbrouwers, K. and Van
Damme, P. (2014) Timeliness of infant vaccination and factors related with delay in Flanders,
Belgium. Vaccine. 32(2), 284-9. IF: 3.492 (2012)
96. Luyten. J., Desmet, P., Hens, N. and Beutels, P. (2013) Kicking against the pricks: vaccine
skeptics have a different social orientation. The European Journal of Public Health 24(2): 310-314;
doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckt080. IF: 2.516 (2012)
97. Hens, N., Ghebretinsae, A.H., Hardt; K., Van Damme, P., Van Herck, K. (2014) Model based
estimates of long-term persistence of inactivated hepatitis A vaccine-induced antibodies in adults.
Vaccine 32(13), 1507-1513. IF: 3.492 (2012)
98. Jombart, T., Aenensen, D.M., Baguelin, M., Birrell, P., Cauchemez, S., Camacho, A., Colijn, C.,
Collins, C. Cori, A., Didelot, X., Fraser, C., Frost, S., Hens, N., Hugues, J., Höhle, M., Opatowski,
L., Rambaut, A., Ratmann, O., Soubeyrand, S. Suchard, M.A., Wallinga, J., Ypma, R., Ferguson,
N. OutbreakTools: A new platform for disease outbreak analysis using the R software. Epidemics
7, 28-34. IF: 2.261 (2012)
99. Ogunjimi, B., Theeten, H., Hens, N. and Beutels P. (2014) Serology indicates Cytomegalovirus
infection is associated to Varicella-Zoster Virus reactivation. J. Med. Virol. 86(5), 812-819
doi:10.1002/jmv.23749. IF: 2.373 (2012)
100. Vanlinthout, L.E.H., Mesfin, S.H., Hens, N., Vanacker, B.F., Robertson, E.N., Booij, L.H.D.J.
(2014) Factors affecting intubation conditions created by mivacurium. A systematic review and
meta-regression analysis. Anaesthesia 69(12), 1377-1387. doi:10.1111.anae.12785 IF: 3.846 (2012)
101. Willem, L., Stijven, S., Vladislavleva, E., Broeckhove, J., Beutels, P. and Hens, N. (2014) Active
learning to understand infectious disease models and improve policy making. PLoS Computational
Biology. 10(4): e1003563. IF: 4.867 (2012)
102. Abrams, S., Hens, N. Modeling individual heterogeneity in the acquisition of recurrent infections:
an application to parvovirus B19. Biostatistics 16, 1, 129-142 doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxu031. IF:
2.427 (2012)
103. Beauclair, R., Hens, N., Delva, W. (2015) Concurrent partnerships in Cape Town, South Africa:
race and gender differences in prevalence and duration of overlap. Journal of the International
AIDS Society, 18, 19372
104. Béraud, G., Kazmercziak, S., Beutels, P., Levy-Bruhl, D., Lenne, X., Mielcarek, N., Yazdanpanah,
Y., Boëlle, P.Y., Hens, N., Dervaux, B. The French connection: The first large population-based
contact survey in France relevant for the spread of infectious diseases. PLoS One. 10, 7,e0133203
105. Bruyndonckx, R., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Goossens, H., Abrahantes, J., Coenen, S. (2015) Exploring
the association between resistance and outpatient antibiotic use expressed in defined daily doses or
packages. JAC, 70:1241-1244 doi: 10.1093/jac/dku525
106. Costa, R., Bergwerf, I., Santermans, E., De Vocht, N., Praet, J., Daans, J., Le Bron, D., Hoornaert,
C., Reekmans, K., Hens, N., Goossens, H., Berneman, Z., Parolini, O., Alviano, F., Ponsaerts, P.
(2015) Distinct in vitro properties of embryonic and extra-embryonic fibroblast-like cells are reflected
in their in vivo behaviour following grafting in the adult mouse brain. Cell Transplantation 24(2),
223-33. IF: 4.422 (2012)
107. Deckx, N., Wens, I, Nuyts, A.H., Lee, W.P., Hens, N. Koppen, G., Goossens, H., Van Damme,
P., Berneman, Z., Eijnde, B.O. and Cools, N. (2015) Rapid exercise-induced mobilization of dendritic cells is potentially mediated by a Flt3L- and MMP-9-dependent process in MS. Mediators of
Inflammation vol 2015, article ID 158956, 10 pages, doi:10.1155/2015/158956
108. Frederix, I., Hansen, D., Coninx, K., Vandervoort, P., Vandijck, D., Hens, N., Van Craenenbroeck,
E., Van Driessche, N., Dendale, P. (2015) Long-term effectiveness of an internet-based, comprehensive and patient–specific telerehabilitation program with short message service support for cardiac
patients: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 17, 7, e185
109. Goeyvaerts, N., Leuridan, E., Faes, C., Van Damme, P., Hens, N. (2015) Multi-Disease Analysis
of Maternal Antibody Decay in Infants Using Non-Linear Mixed Models Accounting for Censoring.
Statistics in Medicine. 34(20), 2858-2871
110. Goeyvaerts, N., Willem, L., Van Kerckhove, K., Vandendijck, Y., Hanquet, G., Beutels, P.,
Hens, N. (2015) Estimating dynamic transmission model parameters for seasonal influenza
by fitting to age and season-specific influenza-like illness incidence. Epidemics. 13, 1-9
111. Grijalva, C., Goeyvaerts, N., Verastegui, H., Edwards, K.M., Gil, A.I., Lanata, C.F., Hens, N.
(2015) A household-based study of contact networks relevant for the spread of infectious diseases
in the highlands of Peru PLoS One, 10, 3, e0118457
112. Hens, N., Abrams, S., Santermans, E., Theeten, H., Goeyvaerts, N., Lernout, T., Leuridan, E., Van
Kerckhove, K., Goossens, H., Van Damme, P., Beutels, P. (2015)Assessing the risk of measles resurgence in a highly vaccinated population: Belgium anno 2013. Euro Surveill. 2015;20(1):pii=20998.
Available online:
113. Kifle, Y.W., Goeyvaerts, N., Van Kerckhove, K., Willem, L., Faes, C., Leirs, H., Hens, N., Beutels,
P. (2015) Animal ownership and touching enrich the context of social contacts relevant to the spread
of human infectious diseases. PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0133461
114. Lambert, M.L., Bruyndonckx, R., Goossens, H., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Catry, B., Neely, F., Vogelaers, D., Hammai, N. (2015) The Belgian policy of funding antimicrobial stewardship in hospitals
and trends of selected quality indicators for antimicrobial use, 1999-2010: a longitudinal study BMJ
Open 5(2): e006916. 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006916
115. Lefevere, E., Theeten, H., Hens, N., De Smet, F., Top, G., Van Damme, P. (2015) From non schoolbased, co-payment to school-based, free Human Papillomavirus vaccination in Flanders (Belgium):
A retrospective cohort study describing vaccination coverage, age-specific vaccination coverage and
socio-economic inequalities. Vaccine 33(39), 5188-95
116. McDonald, S.A., Devleesschaumer, B., Speybroeck, N., Hens, N., Praet, N., Torgerson, P.R.,
Havelaar, A.H., Wu, F., Tremblay, M. Amene, E.W., Döpfer, D. (2015) Data-driven methods for
imputing national-level incidence rates in global burden of disease studies. Bulletin of the World
Health Organization 93:228-236. doi:
117. Ogunjimi, B., Hens, N., Pebody, R., Janssens, H., Seale, H., Quinlivan, M., Theeten, H., Breuer,
J. and Beutels, P. (2015) Cytomegalovirus seropositivity is associated with herpes zoster in the
general population. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. 11, 6, 1394-1399
118. Ogunjimi, B., Willem, L., Beutels, P. and Hens, N. (2015) Integrating between-host transmission
and within-host immunity to analyze the impact of varicella vaccination on zoster. eLife;4:e07116.
DOI: 10.7554/eLife.07116
119. Praet, J., Orije, J., Kara, F., Guglielmetti, C., Santermans, E., Daans, J., Hens, N., Verhoye,
M., Berneman, Z., Ponsaerts, P., Van der Linden, A. (2015) Cuprizone-induced demyelination and
demyelination-associated inflammation result in different proton magnetic resonance metabolite
spectra. NMR in Biomedicine: 28, 505-513 doi: 10.1002/nbm.3277
120. Praet, J., Santermans, E., Daans, J., Le Blon, D., Hoornaert, C., Goossens, H., Hens, N., Van der
Linden, A., Berneman, Z., Ponsaerts, P. (2015) Early inflammatory responses following cell grafting
in the CNS trigger activation of the sub-ventricular zone: a proposed model of sequential cellular
events. Cell Transplantation, 24 (8)
121. Santermans, E., Goeyvaerts, N., Melegaro, A., Edmunds, J.W., Faes, C., Aerts, M., Beutels, P., Hens, N. (2015) The social contact hypothesis under the assumption of endemic
equilibrium: elucidating the transmission potential of VZV in Europe. Epidemics, 11, 14-23.
122. Theeten, H., Van Herck, K., Van Der Meeren, O., Crasta, P., Van Damme, P., Hens, N. Long-term
antibody persistence after vaccination with a 2-dose HavrixTM (inactivated hepatitis A vaccine):
20 years of observed data, and long-term model-based predictions. Vaccine. 2015;33(42):5723-7.
123. Wens, I., Dalgas, U., Verboven, K., Kosten, L., Stevens, A., Hens, N., Eindje, B.O. (2015) Impact
of High Intensity Exercise on Muscle Morphology in EAE Rats. Physiological Research Volume: 64
Issue: 6 Pages: 907-923
124. Willem, L., Stijven, S., Beutels, P., Hens, N. and Broeckhove, J. Optimizing Stochastic IndividualBased Models for Infectious Diseases. BMC Bioinformatics. 16:183 DOI 10.1186/s12859-015-0612-2
125. Wood, J.G., Goeyvaerts, N., MacIntyre, C.R., Menzies, R.I., McIntyre, P.B., Hens, N. (2015) Estimating vaccine coverage from serial trivariate serological data in the presence of waning immunity.
Epidemiology. May;26(3):381-9. doi: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000278
126. Aelvoet, W., Terryn, N., Blommaert, A., Molenberghs, G., Hens, N., De Smet, F., Callens, M.,
Beutels, P. (2016) Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) hospitalisations and deaths: is there a
role for quality improvement through inter-hospital comparisons? International Journal for Quality
in Health Care 28(1), 22-32
127. Deckx, N., Wens, I., Nuyts, A.H., Hens, N., De Winter, B., Koppen, G., Goossens, H.J., Van
Damme, P., Berneman, Z.N., O Eijnde, B., Cools, N. (2016) 12 weeks of combined endurance and
resistance training reduces innate markers of inflammation in a randomized controlled clinical trial in
patients with multiple sclerosis. Mediators of Inflammation. 13 pages, doi: 10.1155/2016/6789276
128. Lefevere, E., Hens, N., De Smet, F., Beutels, P. The impact of non-financial and financial encouragements on participation in non school-based human papillomavirus vaccination: a retrospective
cohort study The European Journal of Health Economics, 17(3), 305-315
129. Maertens, K., Cabore, R.N., Huygen, K., Hens, N., Van Damme, P., Leuridan, E. (2016) Pertussis
vaccination during pregnancy in Belgium: results of a prospective controlled cohort study. Vaccine.
34(1), 142-150
130. Ha, T.T.H., Leuridan, E., Maertens, K;, Nguyen, TD, Hens, N., Vu, N.H., Cabore, R.N., Duong,
H.T., Huygen, K., Van Damme, P., Dang, A.D. (2016) Pertussis vaccination during pregnancy in
Vietnam: Results of a randomized controlled trial Pertussis vaccination during pregnancy Vaccine.
34(1), 151-159
131. Santermans, E., Robesyn, E., Ganyani, T., Sudré, B., Faes, C., Quinten, C., Van Bortel, W., Haber,
T., Kovac, T., Van Reeth, F., Testa, M., Hens, N., Plachouras, D. (2016) Spatiotemporal evolution
of Ebola virus disease at sub-national level during the 2014 West Africa epidemic: model scrutiny
and data meagreness. PLoS One. 11, 1, e0147172.
132. Vandendijck, Y., Faes, C. and Hens, N. (2016) Prevalence and Trend Estimation from Observational Data with Highly Variable Post-Stratification Weights. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 10,
E-version online
133. Frederix, I., Hansen, D., Coninx, K., Vandervoort, P., Vandijck, D., Hens, N., Van Craenenbroeck,
E., Dendale, P. Effect of comprehensive cardiac telerehabilitation on 1-year cardiovascular rehospitalisation rate, medical costs and quality of life: a cost-effectiveness analysis. European Journal of
Preventive Cardiology. 2047487315602257, first published on August 19, 2015
134. Martins-Fonteyn, E.M.V., Loquiha, O., Wouters, E., Raimundo, I., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Degomme, O., Meulemans, H. HIV Susceptibility among Migrant Miners in Chokwe: a case study.
International Journal for Health Services. May 19, 2015 0020731415585988
135. Ramires, T.G., Ortega, E.M.M., Cordeiro, G.M., Hens, N. A new biomodal flexible distribution
for lifetime data. JSCS 01 Dec 2015 10.1080/00949655.2015.1115047
In Press
136. Bruyndonckx, R., Aerts, M. and Hens, N. Guidelines for multi-level analyses with sparseness at
the level of the primary unit. Biometrical Journal In press.
In Revision
137. Azmon, A. et al. PLoS Computational Biology In revision
138. Vosters et al. BMC Public Health In revision
Invited Oral Presentations
- Hens, N., Aerts, M., Molenberghs, G., Jansen, I., Thijs, H., Verbeke, G., Kenward, M.G. “Some
Issues in Modelling Incomplete Longitudinal Data using Selection Models.” At: ‘Recent Developments in the Analysis of Repeated Measurements Studies in the Presence of Missing Data’, May
19, 2006 in Leuven.
- Hens, N., Aerts, M., Edmunds, J. and Gay, N. “Joint Modelling of Serological Data: Dependencies
and Frailties” At: Polymod Meeting, May 18, 2006, Pisa, Italy.
- Hens, N., Aerts, M., Van Damme, P., Beutels, Ph. and Theeten H. “Flexible Modelling of Multivariate Serological Data” At: Polymod Meeting, October 24, 2006, Bielefeld, Germany.
- Hens, N., Aerts, M., Shkedy, Z., Gay, N., Edmunds, J. A comparison of heterogeneity in the
acquisition of varicella zoster virus and parvovirus B19 for five different European countries. The
European Public Health Association; The future of public health in the Unified Europe, Helsinki,
Finland, 11-13 October 2007.
- Hens, N. Exploiteerbaarheid van gegevens voor risico-evaluatie. At the FAVV workshop on ’Wetenschappelijke exploitatie van databanken voor risico-evaluatie in het kader van de voedselveiligheid.’
Brussel, Belgium, 23 November, 2007.
- Hens, N., Aerts, M., Beutels, P. “10 years of collaboration on estimating infectious disease parameters for simulation models” At the first Methusalem meeting at Antwerp University, 4 September
- Hens, N. “Elucidation of the factors producing any observed differences in the epidemiological
patterns of airborne infections across Europe.” at GSK Rixensart 11 March 2009.
- Hens, N. “ Reconstructing Transmission Trees from Partially Observed Epidemic Trees” at GSK
Rixensart 11 March 2009.
- Hens, N., Cortinas, A.J. Using tree-based methods and support vector machines to identify dengue
hemorrhagic fever cases based on symptoms and blood test results, at the Data Mining in Leuven
Workshop sponsored by Arenberg Doctoral School, September 18, 2009
- Hens, N. Current Topics in Vaccinology: from Basic “Who Infects Whom” Research to Modelling
H1N1 Flu. Inaugural lecture of the chair in evidence-based vaccinology. University of Antwerp.
September 23, 2009
- Hens, N., Beutels, P. “Modelling of H1N1 influenza infection based on confirmed cases” at the
second Methusalem day at the University of Antwerp, 22 October 2009.
- Hens, N., Theeten, H. “Vaccination coverage in infants, Flanders 2008” at the second Methusalem
day at the University of Antwerp, 22 October 2009.
- Hens, N., Leuridan, E. “Duration of protection through maternal antibodies” at the second
Methusalem day at the University of Antwerp, 22 October 2009.
- Hens, N. Quantifying the association in multisera data using marginal, conditional and frailty
models. RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, 31 March 2010
- Hens, N. Modelling serological data, Hepatitis B. RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, 31 March
- Hens, N. A study of the early stage of the A/H1N1v pandemic in Europe and the mitigation effect
of school closure. Dag van de statistiek, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1 April 2010
- Hens, N. Analysis of correlated and longitudinal data (LS2009): ESAC Workshop Stockholm
Sweden, 27-28 May 2010
- Hens, N. Inferring Household Contact Networks from Egocentric Data Using a Penalized Likelihood Approach. K.U.Leuven and UHasselt HPC User Day, June 10, 2011, Leuven.
- Hens, N. The next generation of social contact surveys: POLYMOD and beyond. ECDC Infectious
Disease Modelling Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 14 November, 2011.
- Hens, N. Estimating infectious disease parameters in a time-heterogeneous setting: Hepatitis A
in Flanders, Belgium. Statistical Methods for Infectious Diseases. 21-23 May 2012, the Open
University in Milton Keynes, UK.
- Hens, N. Estimating infectious disease parameters from serology and social contact data. ECCS
Satellite Meeting ‘Data Driven Modeling of Contagion Processes’ 5 September 2012, Brussels
- Hens, N. Modeling infectious diseases. IBS Uganda, 2-4 September 2013, Kampala, Uganda
- Hens, N. Modelling HIV in South Africa: SIPACT, an event-driven individual simulator. IBS
Uganda, 2-4 September 2013, Kampala, Uganda
- Hens, N. Estimating MMR vaccine coverage from Australian sero-surveillance data. ROeS, 9-12
september 2013, Dornbirn, Austria
- Hens, N. On modelling heterogeneity in the acquisition of infectious diseases. SMIDDY, 13 september 2013, Zürich, Switserland
- Hens, N. Vaccination and behaviour as an experiment to test epidemiological theory. Ecology and
Evolution of Parasites and Infections 17-19 September 2014, Antwerp, Belgium
- Hens, N. and Abrams, S. Combining serological data and data on social contact patterns to
quantify individual heterogeneity to single and recurrent infections. 12 November 2014, 2014,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
- Hens, N. Measuring vaccination coverage and outbreak potential from serological data. Seromod
workshop, 12 November 2014, 2014, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
- Hens, N. & Faes, C. New years event VLIR 27 January 2015, VLIR, Brussels, Belgium
- Hens, N. Mathematical modeling: the dynamics of infection. Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious
Diseases (23-)24 April, 2015, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
- Hens, N. Modeling infectious diseases. Ebola, HIV and parasites: threatening mankind? 25 April,
2015, Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine, Brussels, Belgium
- Hens, N. The dynamics of plasma cell and antibody populations illustrated for hepatitis A virus.
Be there or die? The role of the microenvironment in B cell behaviour in health and disease.
ESF-EMBO Symposium, 17 May 2015, Sant Feliu De Guixols, Spain
- Hens, N. Infectious disease epidemiology: slowly moving towards open science. Foster Seminar
‘Embracing Data Management - Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice’ June 4, 2015,
- Hens, N. “Estimating vaccine coverage, quantifying outbreak risk and unravelling different sources
of heterogeneity in acquisition of infection using multivariate serological data. Mathematical and
Computational Epidemiology, Erice 2015, Italy, August 31 - September 4, 2015
- Hens, N. “Meta-population models and the spread of infectious diseases: quantifying the impact of
spatio-temporal mixing behaviour of adults and children GEOMED 2015, Florence, Italy, September
10 - 12, 2015
- Hens, N.“Spatiotemporal evolution of Ebola virus disease at sub-national level during the 2014
West Africa epidemic: model scrutiny and data meagreness” The 17th Annual J&J Pharma Statistics Conference, Beerse, Belgium, November 9, 2015
- Hens, N.“Inferring time-dependent basic reproduction numbers from serial seroprevalence data on
hepatitis A.” ISCB Birmingham, August 21-25, 2016
- Hens, N., Jansen, I., Thijs, H. “Modelling (Incomplete) Longitudinal Data.”, ‘QMSS Workshop’,
Diepenbeek, Belgium, October 13, 2005.
- Hens, N. and Aerts, M. “Applications of Nonparametric Techniques in Infectious Disease Modelling
and Missing Data.” Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus,
November 2, 2005.
- Hens, N. “Modelling Age-Time Dependent Incidence Rates of Hepatitis B and Estimating the
Prevalence and Force Of Infection using Generalized Additive Models.” At: Health Protection
Agency, London, May 11, 2006.
- Hens, N. “Joint Modelling of Serological Data: Dependencies and Frailties” At: Health Protection
Agency, London, May 16, 2006.
- Hens, N., “Kernel Weighted Influence Measures”, ‘QMSS Workshop’, Diepenbeek, Belgium, October 21, 2006.
- Hens, N., “Estimating the association and heterogeneity in the acquisition of varicella zoster
virus and parvovirus B19 for five different European countries.” Martin-Luther Universität Halle Wittenberg, January 17, 2008.
- Hens, N., “Measuring social mixing patterns and their impact on modelling the spread of airborne
infections among humans.” Hasselt University, March 14, 2008.
- Hens, N., “Measuring social mixing patterns and their impact on modelling the spread of airborne
infections among humans.” IPK Havana, May 23, 2008.
- Hens, N., “Measuring social mixing patterns and their predictiveness for observed epidemiological
patterns.” University of Washington, July 30, 2008.
- Hens, N., “Infectious Disease Parameters for Transmission Models: a Modern Statistical Perspective.” London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, February 23, 2009, London, UK.
- Hens, N., “Intussusception and rotavirus vaccination in Belgium: a case-control study.” University
of Antwerp, April 26, 2010, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Hens, N., “The Statistical Analysis of Contact Patterns Relevant for the Spread of Infectious
Diseases: from basic ‘Who Acquires Infection from Whom’ research to modelling A/H1N1v 2009”
Erasmus Medical Center, April 18, 2010, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Hens, N. “The Statistical Analysis of Contact Patterns Relevant for the Spread of Infectious
Diseases.” University of New South Wales, September 10, 2010, Sydney, Australia.
- Hens, N. “The Statistical Analysis of Contact Patterns Relevant for the Spread of Infectious Diseases. Varicella Zoster Virus and Parvovirus B19” CBG Workshop, Melbourne University, September 16, 2010. Australia.
- Hens, N. “Inferring plasma cell kinetics predicted by hepatitis A antibody decay after vaccination”
Hasselt University, April 7, 2011
- Hens, N. “Estimating infectious disease parameters from serological and social contact data” Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, US, May 11, 2011
- Hens, N. “The Statistical Analysis of Serial Seroprevalence and Final Size Data to Estimate
Infectious Disease Parameters for Hepatitis A in Belgium” University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland,
November 3, 2011.
- Hens, N. “Estimating Within-household contact networks from egocentric data using a penalized
likelihood approach.” Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium, December 16, 2011.
- Hens, N. “Estimating household contact networks from egocentric data: empirical evidence against
random mixing.” University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium, February 27, 2012
- Hens, N. “Topics in ‘Who Infects Whom’ Research and Epidemic Modelling Ziekenhuis OostLimburg, November 20, 2012
- Hens, N. “Estimating vaccination coverage and waning from serial seroprevalence data on MMR
in Australia University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium, 2013
- Hens, N. “Network structure and implications for epidemic modelling REGA Instituut KU Leuven,
January 15, 2015
- Hens, N. “Quantifying heterogeneity in the acquisition of infectious diseases using frailty models”,
ULg, LiègeApril 17, 2015
- Hens, N. “Quantifying heterogeneity in the acquisition of infectious diseases using frailty models”,
Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Munich, Dec 2, 2015
Contributed Oral Presentations
- Hens, N., Aerts, M., Claeskens, G., Molenberghs, G. (2000), “Local Multiple Imputation”, ‘8th
Annual meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society’, Herbeumont s/ Semois, Belgium, October 5-6,
- Hens, N. “Resampling Methods for Non-and Semi-Parametric Regression.”, ‘Topics in Modern
Statistics: Bootstrap and Statistical Genetics’, Diepenbeek, Belgium, May, 31, 2000.
- Hens, N., Aerts, M., Claeskens, G., Molenberghs, G. (2001), “Multiple Nonparametric Bootstrap
Imputation”,‘16th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling’, Odense, Denmark, July 1-6,
- Hens, N., Aerts, M., Molenberghs, G., Thijs, H., Verbeke, G. “Weighted Influence Measures” ’10th
Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society’, Kerkrade, Nederland, October 18-19, 2002
- Hens, N., Aerts, M., Molenberghs, G., Thijs, H., Verbeke, G. “Weighted Influence Measures” ’54th
Session of International Statistical Institute’, Berlijn, Duitsland, October 13-20, 2003
- Hens, N., Aerts, M., Molenberghs, G. “Model Selection in a Regression Setting with Missing
Covariate Data.” At the Joint Statistical Meetings, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 8-12, 2004.
- Hens, N., Faes, C., Aerts, M., Mintients, K., Laevens, H., Boelaert, F. “Handling Missing Data
when Modelling the Force of Infection” At the VEE-studiedag, Melle, Belgium, 2004.
- Hens, N., Doctoral Thesis “Non- and Semi-parametric techniques for handling missing data” Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Diepenbeek, Belgium, June, 10, 2005.
- Hens, N., Faes, C., Aerts, M. “Constrained flexible weighted generalized estimating equations” At
the 3rd IASC World Conference on Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, CSDA, Limassol,
Cyprus, October 27 - November 1, 2005.
- Hens, N., Master Thesis “Modelling Age-time Dependent Incidence Rates for Hepatitis B in Bulgaria: 1983-2000” at Hasselt University, November 10, 2005.
- Hens, N., Aerts, M., Shkedy, Z., Van Damme, P. and Beutels, P. “Flexible Bivariate Modelling of
Serological Data” At: ‘The XXIII International Biometric Conference’, July 16-21, 2006 in Montreal.
- Hens, N., Aerts, M., Eilers, P., Beutels, P. “A Symmetric Two-dimensional B-spline Approach to
Model Social Contacts and Mixing Patterns Relevant to the Spread of Infectious Diseases.” At the
56th Session of the International Statistical Institute, 22-29 August, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Hens, N., Wienke, A., Aerts, M. and Molenberhgs, G. “On the correlated frailty model for bivariate
current status data.” Workshop on composite likelihood methods. Warwick, UK, 15-17 April 2008.
- Hens, N., Aerts, M., Melagaro, A., Gay, N., Edmunds, J. Elucidation of the factors producing any
observed differences in the epidemiological patterns of airborne infections across Europe. The 24th
International Biometric Conference, Dublin, Ireland, July 13-18, 2008
- Hens, N., Wienke, A., Aerts, M. and Molenberhgs, G. “A Simulation-based Assessment of the
Correlated Frailty Model for Bivariate Current Status Data.” IAP Network Workshop on Missing
Information in Survival Data Beyond Right Censoring, Ghent University, Belgium, 18-20 September
- Hens, N., Wallinga, J. and Tamme, T. Identifying Missing Links in Pneumonic Plague Epidemics
using a Prior-based EM-algorithm, at the 16th annual meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society,
Wépion, Belgium, October 16-17, 2008.
- Hens, N. Reconstructing transmission trees from partially observed epidemic trees: an illustration
of H1N1. Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach 1-7 November 2009
- Hens, N. Modelling incomplete epidemic trees. SIMID workshop University of Antwerp, Belgium,
12 April 2010
- Hens, N. Modeling Infectious Disease Parameters Based on Serological and Social Contact Data:
A Modern Statistical Perspective. SIMID workshop University of Antwerp, Belgium, 12 April 2010
- Hens, N. On the Correlated Gamma Frailty Model for Current Status Data. Proceedings of the
Joint Statistical Meetings, 31 July - 5 August, 2010, Vancouver, Canada
- Hens, N. On the Correlated Gamma Frailty Model for Current Status Data. Proceedings of the
19th Conference on Computational Statistics, 22-27 August, 2010, Paris France (ISBN: XXX)
- Hens, N. Estimating the reproduction number from final size data for hepatitis A in Belgium.
SIMID Workshop, 31 Jan - 1 Feb, 2011, Antwerp, Belgium
- Hens, N. Estimating the reproduction number from final size data for hepatitis A in Flanders,
Belgium: Truncation, Censoring and Heterogeneity. InFER, 28 April - 1 May, 2011, Warwick, UK.
- Hens, N. Current and future topics in modelling contact data. 3rd SIMID Workshop, 25-27 April
2012, Hasselt
- Hens, N. Estimating the distribution of household contact networks using penalized likelihood.
IMS, 9-14 July 2012, Instanbul, Turkey
- Hens, N. Modeling individual heterogeneity for recurrent infections. JSM, 2-8 August 2013, Montreal, Canada
- Hens, N. Exponential-family random graph models for within-household contact networks.
BENET 2015, Namur, Belgium
Poster Presentations
- Hens, N., Aerts, M., Claeskens, G., Molenberghs, G. “Non- and Semi-Parametric Bootstrap Imputation.” Statistical Modeling and Inference for Complex Data Structures. Louvain La Neuve,
Belgium May, 21-23, 2002.
- Hens, N., Aerts, M., Molenberghs, G., Thijs, H., Verbeke, G. “Kernel Weighted Influence”, ’17th
International Workshop on Statistical Modelling’, Theme: Statistical Modeling in Society, Chania,
Crete, July, 8-12, 2002.
- Hens, N., Aerts, M., Molenberghs, G., Thijs, H. “The Behavior of the Likelihood Ratio Test for
Testing Missingness.” In: Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,
Verbeke, G., Molenberghs, G., Aerts, A., and Fieuws, S. (Eds.). Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven. July 7-11, 2003.
- Hens, N., Faes, C., Aerts, M., Shkedy, Z., Geys, H., Mintiens, K., Laevens, H., Boelaert, F.
”Modelling the Herd-specific Force Of Infection for BoHV-1: The Influence of Missing Data”. Annual
Conference of the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Nairn, Scotland,
March 30th - April 1st, 2005.
- Faes, C., Hens, N., Aerts, M. , Shkedy, Z., Geys, H., Mintiens, K., Laevens, H., Boelaert, F.
”Modelling the Herd-specific Force Of Infection for BoHV-1: The Influence of Clustering”. Annual
Conference of the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Nairn, Scotland,
March 30th - April 1st, 2005.
- Hens, N., Faes, C., Bollaerts, K., Aerts, M., and Shkedy, Z. Estimating the force of infection
from serological data: the impact of clustering, incomplete data and diagnostic uncertainty. VEEstudiedag Diepenbeek, Belgium, October 27th, 2005.
- Hens, N., Goeyvaerts, N., Aerts, M., Van Damme, P. and Beutels, Ph. “Mining social mixing
patterns and their influence on modelling infectious diseases: a Belgian Contact Survey.” 4th
Congress of the European Society for Emerging Infections, Lisbon, Portugal, 30 Sept - 01 Oct 2007.
- Leuridan E, Hens N, Ieven G, Aerts M, Van Damme, P. Maternal antibodies against measles after
natural infection or vaccination in parturient women. 26th Annual Meeting of the European Society
for Paediatric Infectious Diseases - ESPID, Graz, Austria, 14-16 May 2008.
- Vankerckhoven, V. Lammens, C., Chapelle, S., Vanderstraeten, A., Hens, N., Molenberghs, G.,
Goossens, H. Analysis of the gut microbiotica in irritable bowel syndrome patients and healthy
volunteers using selective media and real-time PCR. In Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 19th
European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Helsinki, Finland, 16 May 19 May 2009, P1249
- Loens K., Hens N., Ursi D., Goossens H., Aerts M., Ieven M. Application of an expanded gold
standard and latent class analysis to decide on the strategy for the diagnosis of M.pneumoniae
infections. 19th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Helsinki,
Finland, 16 - 19 May 2009
- Theeten, H., Roelants, M., Hens N., Aerts, M., Depoorter, A.-M., Vandermeulen, C., Boonen, M.,
Hoppenbrouwers, K., Van Damme, P. Coverage of recommended vaccines in infants in Flanders,
Belgium, anno 2008. Poster presentation at the 27th annual meeting of the European society for
paediatric infectious diseases. Brussels, Belgium, June 9-13, 2009.
- Theeten, H., Roelants, M., Hens N. Vandermeulen, C., Boonen, M., Hoppenbrouwers, K., Depoorter, A.M., Van Damme, P. Timeliness of infant vaccination in Flanders Belgium. Eurovaccine,
Stockholm, 11 December 2009
- Leuridan, E., Hens N., Van Damme, P. Maternal antibodies against measles. Eurovaccine, Stockholm, 11 December 2009
- Hens, N., Goeyvaerts, N., Ogunjimi, B., Lejeune, O., Aerts, M. and Beutels, Ph. ”Estimating
transmission parameters for infectious diseases using social contact data.” Joint Statistical Meetings,
Washington, DC, USA, August 1-6, 2009.
- Goeyvaerts, N., Hens, N., Edmunds, W.J., Aerts, M. and Beutels, P. ”Statistical inference on parvovirus B19 immunology using data on social contacts and serological status.” Epidemics2 , Athens,
Greece, December 2-4, 2009.
- Van Heirstraeten, L., Vervoort, J., Lammens, C., Coenen, S., Hens, N., De Falleur, M., Goossens,
H., Malhotra-Kumar, S. Molecular epidemiology of macrolide- and telithromycin-resistant group A
Streptococcus and correlation with antibiotic use in Belgium. ECCMID, Vienna, 10-13 April 2010.
- Van Heirstraten, L., Lammens, C., Coenen, S., Hens, N., Goossens, H., Malhotra-Kumar, S.
Impact of Changes in Antibiotic Use on The Molecular Epidemiology of Macrolide-Resistant (MACR) Genotypes in Group A Streptococcus (GAS). 50th ICAAC meeting, Boston, US, 12-15 September
- Hens, N., Goeyvaerts, N., Aerts, M., Van Damme, P. and Beutels, Ph. “Mining social mixing
patterns and their influence on modelling infectious diseases: a Belgian Contact Survey.” BAPH
Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 17 December 2010
- Van Heirstraten, L., Lammens, C., Coenen, S., Hens, N., Goossens, H., Malhotra-Kumar, S.
“Impact of changes in antibiotic use on the molecular epidemiology of macrolide resistance in group
A Streptococcus” at the 100th Anniversary NVvM & Scientific Spring Meeting 2011, April 18th,
Arnhem, The Netherlands.
- Van Kerckhove, K., Hens, N., Edmunds, J.W., White, P.J. and Eames, K. Quantifying the effects
of illness on contact patterns and the spread of infectious diseases at SCaMPIE 2011, April 18th,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK.
- Beutels, P., Marais, C., Hens, N., Blommaert, A., Coenen, S., Muller, A., Goossens, H.. Identifying
determinants of antibiotic use in Europe. ECCMID, Milan, Italy, 7-10 May 2011.
- Castro-Sanchez, Y.A., Aerts, M., Shkedy, Z., Vickerman, P. and Hens, N. Assessment and Calibration of a Joint Mathematical Model for HCV and HIV using Statistical Methods. Belgian Statistical
Society. Hasselt 12-14 October 2011.
- Castro-Sanchez, Y.A., Aerts, M., Shkedy, Z., Vickerman, P. and Hens, N. Statistics toolbox to
calibrate a mathematical model. Epidemics3 Boston, 29 Nov - 2 Dec 2011.
- Goeyvaerts, N, Leuridan, E. and Hens, N. Multivariate Decay Models for Maternal Antibodies
Against Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella in Infants. Epidemics3 Boston, 29 Nov - 2 Dec
- Andraud, M., Lejeune, O., Musoro, J., Ogunjmi, B., Beutels, P., Hens, N. Modeling the Dynamics
of Plasma Cell and Antibody Populations: An Application to Hepatitis A. Epidemics3 Boston, 29
Nov - 2 Dec 2011.
- Delobelle, P., Onya, H., Langa, C., Hens, N. and Depoorter, A. The extended Health Belief Model
and HIV/AIDS health seeking behavior in rural South Africa. At the 26th EHPS Conference,
Prague, Czech Republic, August 21st -25th, 2012
- Castro-Sanchez, A.Y., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Shkedy, Z. Frailty models for interval-censored infectious disease data. Statistical Methods for Infectious Diseases. 21-23 May 2012, the Open University
in Milton Keynes, UK.
- Van Kerckhove K., Hens, N., Edmunds, W.J., Eames, K.T.D. Quantification of the change in
contact behaviour and in the spread of diseases as a result of illness. Statistical Methods for
Infectious Diseases. 21-23 May 2012, the Open University in Milton Keynes, UK.
- Blommaert, A., De Smet, F., Callens, M., N. Hens, Beutels, P. A retrospective study to assess the
costs of hospitalised community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in adults in Belgium. ECCMID 27-30
April 2013 Berling, Germany.
Conferences, Workshops and Symposia (attendance only)
- ‘Workshop on Statistical Inference’, Diepenbeek, Belgium, April 10-12, 2000.
- ‘European Mathematical Genetics Meeting’, Diepenbeek, Belgium, April, 13-15, 2000.
- ‘The First Belgian-Dutch Biometric Conference 2001’, (Organized by the Belgian and Dutch Regions
of the International Biometric Society and the National Statistical Society), Peer, Belgium, May,
28-29, 2001
- ’Workshop on Statistical Modeling for Complex Data’, Diepenbeek, Belgium, March 31 - April 2,
- ’Celebration 15 years Master of Science in Biostatistics’, Diepenbeek, Belgium, May 23, 2003
- ’International Conference of the Royal Statistical Society’, Theme: Statistical genetics and bioinformatics, Diepenbeek, Belgium, July 14-17, 2003
- Annual Conference of the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Nairn,
Scotland, March 30th - April 1st, 2005.
- Survey Methodology. VEE-studiedag Diepenbeek, Belgium, October 27th, 2005.
- 3CC Meeting. Multivariate Data Analysis. Beerse, Belgium, November 21, 2005.
- Symposium Mathematical Models of Infectious Diseases as advanced tools in Epidemiology and
Public Health, Bilthoven, the Netherlands, January 27, 2006
- Polymod Meeting: Improving Public Health Policy in Europe through the Modelling and Economic
Evaluation of Interventions for the Control of Infectious Diseases, Pisa, Italy, May 18, 2006.
- The 14th Annual meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society, Houffalize, October (11), 12 & 13, 2006.
- Polymod Meeting: Improving Public Health Policy in Europe through the Modelling and Economic
Evaluation of Interventions for the Control of Infectious Diseases, Bielefeld, Germany, October
24-26, 2006.
- Workshop on Statistical Inference for Dependent Data, Hasselt University, 26-27 April 2007.
- Workshop on Shape Restrictions, EURANDOM, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 8-10 October 2007.
- ‘Advances in Infectious Diseases Modelling’ Les Pensières Conference Center - Veyrier du Lac France, 10-12 December, 2007.
- The Joint Lustrum Conference of the Dutch and Flemish Societies for Veterinary Epidemiology and
Economics. Wageningen University, The Netherlands. December 12-13, 2007.
- Workshop on Infectious Disease Epidemiology for Decision Making. Brussels 12 December 2008.
- Second IBS Channel Network Conference Ghent, Belgium, April 6-8, 2009.
- NSDN+ Workshop on Statistics and the Life Sciences: High-dimensional inference and complex
data, Groningen, The Netherlands, 23-25 November 2009.
- 8ste Valentijn Vaccinatiesymposium, Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerpen, 12 February 2010.
- ECDC-meeting on H1N1 and school closure, Stockholm, Sweden, 19-20 October 2010.
- SCaMPIE 2011, April 18th, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK.
- BVS-BSS 2011, October 12-14, Hasselt, Belgium
Courses (attendance only)
- SAS course. Franky de Cooman (3-day course, 01/2009), Hasselt University.
- The first modelling infectious disease course: SISMID at the University of Washington, Seattle,
USA, June 16-29, 2009.
- Short course on Statistical Models for Social Network Data by Tom Snijders, Lecture series, Leuven.
January 16, 17, 18 and February 23, 24, 2010.
Short Courses
- Cart Workshop: Learning From Data, by Hens, N. and Bruckers, L. Diepenbeek, Master in Applied
Statistics, November 19, 2002.
- QMSS Workshop (2005): Longitudinal Data, by Molenberghs, G., Verbeke, G., Alonso, A., Beunckens, C., Hens, N., Jansen, I., Litiere, S., Sotto, C., Thijs, H.
- 1st SIMID Course. Antwerp, February 3 - 4, 2011 together with Z. Shkedy, M. Andraud and O.
- 2nd SIMID Course. Bruges, February 21 - 22, 2011 together with M. Andraud.
- 3rd SIMID Course. Bruges, September 9 - 10, 2012 together with N. Goeyvaerts and M. Andraud.
- Generalized Linear Models. Methusalem short course Antwerp 7 Maart 2012.
- Missing Data in Clinical Studies. Methusalem short course Antwerp 14 November 2012.
- Introduction to modelling R + Practical Ecology and Evolution of Parasites and Infections, Antwerp
17-19 September 2014.
Data Mining Course. Master in Statistics, Havana, Cuba
12-29 May 2008.
Missing Data in Clinical Studies. Utrecht, The Netherlands
16-18 December 2008.
An Introduction to R, together with Marc Aerts, Maputo, Mozambique
30 November 2009.
Modelling Infectious Diseases, together with Marc Aerts, Maputo, Mozambique
1-2 December 2009.
Generalized Linear Models in R, together with Marc Aerts, Paramaribo, Suriname
25-31 Oktober 2010.
Design and Analysis of Studies for Medical Research, Maputo, Mozambique
6-10 February 2012.
- Exam committee Biology (UH): 2011 - . . .
- OMT geneeskunde (UH): 2012 - . . .
- CWO master epidemiologie (UA): 2012 -. . .
- OMT wiskunde (UH): 2013 - . . .
Teaching Activities
Teaching assistant for the following courses at Hasselt University (former LUC), (20-25 hours on
Academic Year 1999-2000
- Medische statistiek en basisgebruik Computer: 1ste kan Geneeskunde. (Prof. Dr. N. Veraverbeke)
- Beleidsstatistiek: 2de kan TEW. (Prof. Dr. P. Janssen)
- Algemene Wiskunde (deel 2): 1ste kan TEW. (Prof. Dr. P. Wauters)
- Biometrie: 1ste kan Biomedische Wetenschappen. (Prof. Dr. N. Veraverbeke)
- Beleidsstatistiek: 2e kan HI. (Prof. Dr. P. Janssen)
- Numerieke Analyse: 2e kan Wiskunde en Informatica. (Prof. Dr. P. Janssen)
- Medische Statistiek: 1e kan Biomedische Wetenschappen en 2e kan Geneeskunde. (Prof. Dr. P.
- Kanstheorie en Statistiek: 2de kan Wiskunde en Informatica. (Prof. Dr. N. Veraverbeke)
Academic Year 2000-2001
- Medische statistiek en basisgebruik Computer: 1ste kan Geneeskunde. (Prof. Dr. N. Veraverbeke)
- Beleidsstatistiek: 2e kan TEW. (Prof. Dr. P. Janssen)
- Epidemiologie: 3e kan Geneeskunde (Prof. Dr. G. Molenberghs)
- Numerieke Analyse: 2e kan Wiskunde (Prof. Dr. P. Janssen)
- Medische Statistiek en Computertoepassingen: 1e kan Biomedische Wetenschappen (Prof. Dr. P.
- Medische Statistiek en Computertoepassingen: 2e kan Geneeskunde (Prof. Dr. P. Janssen)
- Kanstheorie en Statistiek: 2e kan Informatica/Kennistechnologie (Prof. Dr. N.Veraverbeke)
Academic Year 2001-2002
- Medische Statistiek en Basisgebruik Computer: 1e kan Geneeskunde (Prof. Dr. N. Veraverbeke)
- Beleidsstatistiek: 2e kan TEW (Prof. Dr. P. Janssen)
- Beleidsstatistiek (deel 1): 2e kan HI (Prof. Dr. P. Janssen)
- Epidemiologie: 3e kan Geneeskunde (Prof. Dr. G. Molenberghs)
- Numerieke Analyse: 2e kan Wiskunde (Prof. Dr. P. Janssen)
- Medische Statistiek en Computertoepassingen: 2e kan Biomedische Wetenschappen (Prof. Dr. P.
- Medische Statistiek en Computertoepassingen: 2e kan Geneeskunde (Prof. Dr. P. Janssen)
- Kanstheorie en Statistiek: 2e kan Informatica/Kennistechnologie (Prof. Dr. N. Veraverbeke)
Academic Year 2002-2003
- Medische Statistiek en Basisgebruik Computer: 1e kan Geneeskunde (Prof. Dr. N. Veraverbeke)
- Beleidsstatistiek: 2e kan TEW (Prof. Dr. M. Aerts)
- Statistiek: 2e kan Informatica (Prof. Dr. M. Aerts)
- Medische Statistiek en Computertoepassingen: 2e kan Geneeskunde (Prof. Dr. P. Janssen)
- Computerarithmetiek en Besliskunde: 1e kan Informatica (Prof. Dr. P. Janssen)
- Medische Statistiek en Basisgebruik Computer: 1e kan Biomedische Wetenschappen (Prof. Dr. N.
- Medische Statistiek en Epidemiologie: 3e kan Geneeskunde (Prof. Dr. G. Molenberghs, Prof. Dr.
J. Weyler)
- Van individu tot populatie (Prof. Dr. G. Molenberghs)
Academic Year 2003-2004
- Medische Statistiek en Basisgebruik Computer: 1e kan Geneeskunde (Prof. Dr. N. Veraverbeke)
- Regression: Master in Applied Statistics (Drs. F. Tibaldi)
- Beleidsstatistiek: 2e kan TEW (Prof. Dr. M. Aerts)
- Statistiek: 2e kan Informatica (Prof. Dr. M. Aerts)
- Medische Statistiek en Computertoepassingen: 2e kan Geneeskunde (Prof. Dr. P. Janssen, Prof.
Dr. J. Weyler)
- Medische Statistiek en Basisgebruik Computer: 1e kan Biomedische Wetenschappen (Prof. Dr. N.
- Medische Statistiek en Epidemiologie: 3e kan Geneeskunde (Prof. Dr. G. Molenberghs, Prof. Dr.
J. Weyler)
Academic Year 2004-2005
- Beleidsstatistiek: 2e kan TEW (Prof. Dr. M. Aerts)
- Statistiek: 2e kan Informatica (Prof. Dr. M. Aerts)
- Medische Statistiek en Basisgebruik Computer: 1e kan Biomedische Wetenschappen (Prof. Dr. N.
- Medische Statistiek en Epidemiologie: 2e kan Biomedische Wetenschappen (Prof. Dr. G. Molenberghs, Prof. Dr. J. Weyler)
- Kanstheorie en Statistiek: 2e kan Wiskunde (Prof. Dr. P. Janssen)
Instructor of the following courses
Academic Year 2005-2006
- Capita Selecta van de informatica: 2e jaar informatica (weekendonderwijs), UHasselt
- Data Management: Master in Applied Statistics, UHasselt
Academic Year 2006-2007
- Capita Selecta van de informatica: 2e jaar informatica (weekendonderwijs), UHasselt
- Data Management: Master in Applied Statistics, UHasselt
- Statistisch Modelleren: 2e bachelor biomedische wetenschappen, UHasselt
- Topics in Statistics: 3e bachelor Wiskunde, UHasselt
Academic Year 2007-2008
- Data Management in Statistics: Master in Statistics, UHasselt
- Statistisch Modelleren: 2e bachelor biomedische wetenschappen, UHasselt
- Topics in Statistics: 3e bachelor Wiskunde, UHasselt (co-instructor)
- Data Mining: Master of Statistics, Havana, Cuba
Academic Year 2008-2009
- Data Management in Statistics: Master in Statistics, UHasselt
- Statistisch Modelleren: 2e bachelor biomedische wetenschappen, UHasselt
- Topics in Statistics: 3e bachelor Wiskunde, UHasselt (co-instructor)
- Data Mining: Master of Statistics, UHasselt
Academic Year 2009-2010
- Data Management in Statistics: Master in Statistics, UHasselt
- Statistisch Modelleren: 2e bachelor biomedische wetenschappen, UHasselt
- Statistisch Modelleren: 3e bachelor biologie, UHasselt
- Topics in Statistics: 3e bachelor Wiskunde, UHasselt (co-instructor)
- Data Mining: Master of Statistics, UHasselt
Academic Year 2010-2011
- Statistisch Modelleren: 2e bachelor biomedische wetenschappen, UHasselt
- Statistisch Modelleren: 3e bachelor biologie, UHasselt
- Beleidsstatistiek: 2e bachelor Handelsingenieur, UHasselt
- Topics in Statistics: 3e bachelor Wiskunde, UHasselt
- Data Mining: Master of Statistics, UHasselt
Academic Year 2011-2012
- Wetenschappelijke vorming 2: medische statistiek en epidemiologie: 2e bachelor geneeskunde, UHasselt
- Statistisch Modelleren: 2e bachelor biomedische wetenschappen, UHasselt
- Statistisch Modelleren: 3e bachelor biologie, UHasselt
- Beleidsstatistiek: 2e bachelor Handelsingenieur, UHasselt
- Topics in Statistics: 3e bachelor Wiskunde, UHasselt
- Data Mining: Master of Statistics, UHasselt
Academic Year 2012-2013
- Wetenschappelijke vorming 2: medische statistiek en epidemiologie: 2e bachelor geneeskunde, UHasselt
- Statistisch Modelleren: 2e bachelor biomedische wetenschappen, UHasselt
- Statistisch Modelleren: 3e bachelor biologie, UHasselt
- Topics in Statistics: 3e bachelor Wiskunde, UHasselt
- Data Mining: Master of Statistics, UHasselt
- Mathematical and stochastic models for epidemiology and population biology, Master of Statistics,
- Inleiding tot de statistiek, Master in epidemiologie, University of Antwerp
- Epidemiologie van infectieziekten, Master in epidemiologie, University of Antwerp
Academic Year 2013-2014
- Wetenschappelijke vorming 2: medische statistiek en epidemiologie: 2e bachelor geneeskunde, UHasselt
- Statistisch Modelleren: 3e bachelor biologie, UHasselt
- Topics in Statistics: 3e bachelor Wiskunde, UHasselt
- Data Mining: Master of Statistics, UHasselt
- Mathematical and stochastic models for epidemiology and population biology, Master of Statistics,
- Wiskundige modellen in de levenswetenschappen: 1e bach Wiskunde, UHasselt
- Inleiding tot de statistiek, Master in epidemiologie, University of Antwerp
- Epidemiologie van infectieziekten, Master in epidemiologie, University of Antwerp
Development of the Following Courses
The following courses have been renewed our build from scratch.
Academic Year 2002-2003
- Braekers R., Hens N. Opgavenbundel Beleidsstatistiek. (2002)
2e kan TEW
- Aerts M., Braekers R., Hens N. Kanstheorie en Statistiek. (2002)
2e kan Informatica
- Bruckers L., Hens N. Classification and Regression Trees. Course Notes (2002) Master Program
in Applied Statistics.
Academic Year 2005-2006
- Hens, N., Thijs, H., Jansen, I., Beunckens, L. and Faes, F. Capita Selecta van de informatica
(2005) - 2e jaar informatica (weekendonderwijs)
- Hens, N. Data Management (2006) - Master Program in Applied Statistics
Academic Year 2007-2008
- Hens, N. Data Management in Statistics (2007): Master in Statistics, UHasselt
Academic Year 2009-2010
- Hens, N. Statistisch modelleren: 2e bach Biomedische wetenschappen, UHasselt
- Hens, N. Statistisch modelleren: 3e bach Biologie, UHasselt
Academic Year 2011-2012
- Hens, N. Wetenschappelijke vorming: 2e bach Geneeskunde, UHasselt
Academic Year 2012-2013
- Hens, N. Wetenschappelijke vorming 2: 2e bach Geneeskunde, UHasselt
- Hens, N. Mathematical and stochastic models for epidemiology and population biology, Master of
Statistics, UHasselt
- Hens, N. en Aerts, M. Inleiding tot de statistiek, Master in epidemiologie, University of Antwerp
- Hens, N. en De Schrijver, K. Epidemiologie van infectieziekten, Master in epidemiologie, University
of Antwerp
Academic Year 2013-2014
- Faes, C. and Hens, N. Wiskundige modellen in de levenswetenschappen: 1e bach Wiskunde,
Master Theses Supervision
Bachelor in Mathematics
Kim Van Kerkhove en Ynte Van Der Hoydonc (2007-2008): Het modelleren van heterogeniteit en
seroprevalentie voor Hepatitis A, B en C in België anno 1993.
Steven Abrams, Stijn Jaspers, Yannick Vandendijck (2008-2009): Het schatten van het effectieve
reproductienummer voor hepatitis A epidemieën in Vlaanderen
Master in Applied Statistics
Brenda Nalwadda (2003-2004): Factors that determine cervix cancer screening in the female Belgian
Edward Acheampong (2006-2007): Mathematical Simulation Models for Joint Modelling of Similarly Transmitted Infectious Diseases.
Master in Biostatistics
Habtamu Kassa (2003-2004): Modelling the force of infection of bovine herpes virus-1 in Belgian
Reuben Ogollah (2004-2005): A sensitivity analysis on handling missing data for cervix cancer
screening in the Belgian Health Interview Survey.
Luwis Diya (2004-2005): Statistical methods for decomposing health inequality in infant mortality.
Mugo Caroline (2005-2006): Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves
Marek Molas (2005-2006): Indirect MNAR in selection models.
Teele Tamme (2005-2006): Finding the missing links in pneumonic plague epidemics: who infected
Nuria Pérez-Álvarez (2005-2006): A comparison of methods for the imputation of human resources
information in the modelling of under-five mortality rate outcome.
Andrea Kvitkovicova (2006-2007): To monotonize or not to monotonize: modelling seroprevalence
data. Awarded with the Quetelet Prize
Xue Fenchao (2006-2007): Modeling Antibody Level Data for Multiple Infection Using Mixed Model
Philippe Gichuru (2006-2007): Nonparametric estimation of ROC curves based on Bayesian models
when the true disease state is unknown.
Sarka Dosla (2006-2007): Applying Case Series Analyses to Traffic Accident Data
Susan Rumisha (2006-2007): Dealing with Missing Data in Cross Sectional Data on Transport
Leen Slaets (2006-2007): Dealing with Missing Data in the Structural Time Series Modelling of
Traffic Accident Data.
Xue Fenchao (2006-2007): Modeling Antibody Level Data For Multiple Infection Using Mixed
Model Splines
Yalcin Yavuz (2007-2008): Sero-epidemiology of measles, mumps and rubella in Belgium anno 2002
and 2006.
Master in Statistics
Girma Minalu (2007-2008): Statistical Analyses of Contact Surveys across Eight Different European
Marek Omelka (2007-2008): Spline models with change-points, applied to seroprevalence data
Edward Acheampong (2007-2008): Modelling influenza incidence using time series methodology
Vishva Manohara Danthurebandara (2007-2008): Modelling contact patterns using a Bayesian
Changepoint Approach
Yovanna Castro Sanchez (2007-2008): An overview of HIV-modelling through the years
Tom Cattaert (2007-2008): Correlated frailty models for current status data
Matus Maciak (2007-2008): Spline models with change-points applied to seroprevalence data
Aklilu Habteab Ghebretinsae (2008-2009): Modelling antibody levels using nonlinear mixed models
Elasma Immaculate Milanzi (2008-2009): Distinguishing Between Routes of Transmission Using
Frailty Models
Jianxing Chen (2008-2009):The impact of misspecification on the correlated frailty model under
various censoring schemes
Jozef Juríc̀ek (2008-2009): Testing for monotonicity of the age-dependent prevalence, based on
current status data
Alimi, Nurudeen Adeniyi (2008-2009): Estimating Transmission Parameters for Airborne Infections
Using Time Use Surveys
Adetunji Ibraheem Olalekan (2008-2009): Modeling the Spatial Association of Outcomes Measured
at Different Resolution (Incidence of Bluetongue as Function of the Weather in Belgium, 2006)
Samuel Iddi (2008-2009): Mathematical Simulation Models for Joint Modelling of Similarly Transmitted Infectious Diseases
Chellafe Ensoy (2009-2010): Parametric Fitting in Modelling Demography for Epidemiology Forecasting
Zebedee Musoro (2009-2010): Testing antibody dynamics by parametric fitting of data
John Kissa (2009-2010): Analyzing trivariate current status data with applications in infectious
disease epidemiology
Kim Van Kerckhove (2009-2010): The influence of influenza A(H1N1) infection on social contact
behavior in the UK
Alemnkia Morfaw (2009-2010): Inferring transmission parameters from multisera data
Suo Mingbo (2009-2010): Individual-based models for H1N1
Nkengim Immaculate: (2009-2010) Factors affecting intubation conditions of succinylcholine and
rocuronium. A meta-analysis and meta-regression analysis.
Nele Goeyvaerts (2010-2011): Multivariate decay models for longitudinal censored maternal antibody levels against measles, mumps, rubella and varicella
Moira Verbelen (2010-2011): Decompositional analysis of sales volume and costs of pharmaceutical
products in the three most important medicine groups in Belgium (1997-2009)
Susan Nakiweewa (2010-2011): Factors affecting the intubation conditions by succinylcholine. A
meta-regression analysis
Madona Wijaya (2010-2011): Bi-level selection in Longitudinal Analysis with Time Dependent
Francis Batomen (2010-2011): Identifying determinants of life expectancy in the EU
Dejene Bikila (2010-2011): Mathematical models for H1N1
Maria Veronica Dorgali (2010-2011): ”A statistical analysis of the general public”s ethical preferences
regarding various vaccination policy options
Steven Abrams (2010-2011): ”The trivariate correlated gamma frailty model for current status data
Jose C Juga Adelino (2011-2012): ”Statistical Methodology for HIV Serodiscordance among Couples: The case of Mozambique”
Robin Bruyndonckx (2011-2012): ”Longitudinal data analysis of data on outpatient antibiotic use
in Europe”
Samson Hadush Mesfin (2011-2012): ”Factors Affecting the Intubation Conditions Created by Mivacurium. A Meta-analysis and Meta-regression analysis.”
Mulugeta Tohye Abera (2011-2012): ”Flexible modeling of the cost evolution of pneumococcal
Lucas Malla (2011-2012): ”Assessing the health related quality of life in the general population”
Melkie Chernet Leykun (2011-2012): ”Modelling the Persistence of Trimethoprim and Sulfonamide
Resistance in Escherichia coli Bacteria”
Tadele Worku Mengesha (2011-2012): ”adaptive change-point mixed models to data on outpatient
antibiotic use in Europe”
Katrien Jeuris (2011-2012): ”Detection and prognostic significance of circulating tumour cells in
patients with metastatic breast cancer”
Cabrale Nango (2011-2012): ”The neonatal and paediatric antimicrobial web-based Point Prevalence
Survey (PPS): variation in prescribed doses of antibiotics in hospitalized children worldwide”
De Carvalho Yokota Renata Tiene (2012-2013): ”Estimation of vaccination coverage and waning
immunity for measles, mumps, and rubella from serological surveys in Belgium, 2002 and 2006”
Kifle Yimer Wasihun (2012-2013): ”Human-animal interactions: Survey of contact behavior relevant
for the spread of infectious diseases”
Mekuria Mhiret Ayele (2012-2013): ”Exploring the relationship between different instruments for
measuring and valuing health”
Bakuli Abhishek (2012-2013): ”Testing non-autonomous models of antibody dynamics by parametric fitting of data on HAV vaccination: Exploratory study”
Mtumwa Abdalla (2012-2013): ”Persistence of resistance selection by common antibiotic substances
in streptococci: a case-control study as surrogate for a randomized placebo controlled trial”
Musingila Paul (2012-2013): ”Prevalence of high risk HPV in female sex workers in Antwerp,
Kourkouni Eleni (2012-2013): ”Assessing outbreak risk in highly vaccinated populations using spatial seroprevalence data on rubella”
Rungo Antonio (2012-2013): ”Assessing the health related quality of life in Flanders and the possible
factors influencing it”
Kourkouni Eleni (2013-2014): ”Assessing outbreak risk in highly vaccinated populations using spatial seroprevalence data on rubella”
Rungo Antonio (2013-2014): ”Assessing the health related quality of life in Flanders and the possible
factors influencing it”
Martins Adelino (2013-2014): ”A new model for multivariate current status data”
Waithaka Michael (2013-2014): ”Likelihood-based estimation of dynamic transmission model parameters for seasonal influenza by fitting to age and season specific ILI data”
Atanga Marcelius (2013-2014): ”Demographics for Epidemiology Forecasting”
Nguyen Van Kinh (2013-2014): ”A new prediction tool for upcoming influenza epidemics using data
of general practice out-of-hour services”
Le Thi Phuong Thao (2013-2014): ”Statistical analysis of multiplex serological data: new tools to
evaluate malaria transmission in pre-elimination settings.”
Houben Kendra (2013-2014):
”Using stochastic simulation models to reconstruct B19 sero-
Kabwaago Abdallah (2014-2015): ”A probabilistic model to analyse magnitude and time course of
neuromuscular block induced by short- and fast-acting agents”
Karim Md. Rezaul (2014-2015): ”Longitudinal modeling of T-cell dynamics during in vitro stimulation experiments”
Ngantcha Nganou Blaise (2014-2015): ”Micro-epidemics of campylobacteriosis in Luxembourg: Statistical cluster detection using extended multi-locus sequence typing”
Tendongfor Nicholas (2014-2015): ”Modelling health and socio-demographic indicators of social
contacts in the Flranders, Belgium”
Tran Mai Phuong Thao (2014-2015): ”Longitudinal modeling of antibody dynamics during herpes
zoster infection”
Gyaase Stephaney (2015-2016): ”Impact of SES on Malaria Vaccine Efficacy taking into account
Recurrent Event.”