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Imaging Mat ters | august 2011 University Pointe
Imaging Center
Earns Recognition
for Exceptional
University Pointe Imaging
Center (UPIC) has been
recognized as one of the
“highest performing health
care facilities,” as measured
by an independent survey
of patients to gauge patient
satisfaction and loyalty.
CTQ Solutions recently
recognized the center and its
staff ’s outstanding efforts
with the APEX Quality
Award. CTQ
and monitors patient
for outpatient health
Gavin Udstuen, MD
the highest
levels of
Michael Regg
excellence in
patient satisfaction throughout U.S. health care markets
served by CTQ. Health care
providers must exceed the
90th percentile of their peers’
overall score, meet a minimum survey response
threshold and measure a
minimum number of key
performance indicators
selected by CTQ to be
considered for the award.
Congratulations to
operations director Sara
Deem, medical director
Gavin Udstuen, MD, clinical
operations manager Michael
Regg and the UPIC staff for
this achievement.
n adiology
Renovation Update
University of Cincinnati Radiology
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
uc Department of
Ongoing construction has resulted in many
changes to the department.
Three much-needed staff restrooms were
renovated and are now in use. Radiology now
has two staff restrooms on the east side of the
department and one staff restroom located
central to the reading rooms. Lockers scheduled to be installed
adjacent to the east
side restrooms should
arrive shortly. In addition, the inpatient
MRI hallway and
hallway to the east
of the waiting area
are nearing completion. Updating of the
hallways will continue
from the east side of
the department to the west.
Casework for the EU Renovation has been
installed. New network switches and CAT 6
cable have been installed. Relocation of CR
equipment and workstations to the new area is
now complete.
The MRI renovation is complete except for
detail work.
In Nuclear
Medicine, the
existing GE VG
camera has been
removed. Scheduled
is the Siemens
Symbia E installation
and the Siemens
Symbia T6 SPECT/CT
arrival in early
August. n
Overseas Experience is an Opportunity to Share Skills
Jerrell Ingalls lectured UC
Radiology residents and faculty
June 6 about his May trip to
Kenya. His wife, Nichole, a
surgeon, spent four weeks
serving at Tenwek Hospital. The
300-bed missionary hospital in
western Kenya is the principal
medical facility for 800,000
residents; surgical referrals may
come from an area with over 8.5
million people. Jerrell joined his
wife for the final week, working
in surgery doing ultrasound and
showing surgical residents how
to perform US-guided biopsies.
Dr. Ingalls says that working
in a developing nation involves
“finding innovative ways to
accomplish the same things we
do here with fewer resources.”
In an area without electricity,
Dr. Ian Cunningham (left) and Dr. Jerrell Ingalls (center) review an ultrasound screen with a
Kenyan surgery resident preparing to biopsy a liver mass in the OR at Tenwek Hospital. Dr.
Cunningham, an interventional radiologist, was visiting from Wenatchee, Washington.
Tenwek hospital gets power
from its own hydroelectric
dam. The facility was enlarged
to accommodate a CT scanner
that will be installed shortly.
Dr. Ingalls encourages
doctors trained in America to
share their skills with others.
He says, “Radiologists may feel
they have limited possibilities
to go overseas because equipment is lacking, but modern
imaging technology is increasingly available in the Third
World.” Teleradiology to
developing countries is also a
possibility. When the proper
equipment exists, images can
be produced by technologists
and sent to the U.S., interpreted
by a radiologist, and the results
emailed back.
The couple spent several
more days in Kenya, participating in a photo safari and other
adventures. UC Radiology
residents raised $150 to give to
Tenwek’s school of nursing.
U nivers ity of Cincinnati R adiology | 2
Imaging Matters
Upgrades Continue Across the Department | [email protected] | UC Physicians Radiology Vol. 9 No. 3 August 2011
Jannette Collins, MD,
Ben Felson Professor and
abdominal Imaging
Jonathan Moulton, MD
Breast Imaging
Mary Mahoney, MD
Imaging Mat ters | august 2011 Publications
Argus A and Halton L. Case of the season: Osteosarcoma of the breast. Seminars in Roentgenology 2011; 46:4-6
Collins J. Letter from the Editor: The
Scope of Interventional Radiology.
Seminars in Roentgenology 2011;
Hawkins CM, Towbin AJ. Rupture of
the left mainstem bronchus following
endotracheal intubation in a neonate.
Pediatr Radiol. 2011; 41(5):201-3. Epub
2010 Nov 13.
Hendry D, Wissman RD. Case 165:
Oncogenic osteomalacia. Radiology
2011; 258(1):320-2.
Lee SJ, Mahoney MC. The Protean
Manifestations of Granular Cell Tumors
of the Breast. Breast J. 2011; 17(2):201-3.
Yaghjyan L, Pinney SM, Mahoney MC,
Morton AR, Buckholz J. Mammographic Breast Density Assessment: A
Methods Study. Atlas Journal of
Medical & Biological Sciences 2011;
Molleran, V. Postbiopsy Management.
Seminars in Roentgenology 2011;
Rehani B. Imaging overutilisation: is
enough being done globally? Published online Biomed Imag & Interv
Starnes, Sandra L.; Reed, Michael F.;
Meyer, Cris A.; Shipley, Ralph T.; Jazieh,
Abdul-Rahman; Pina, Elsira M.;
Redmond, Kevin; Huffman, Lynn C. adiology
et. al. Can lung cancer screening by
computed tomography be effective in
areas with endemic histoplasmosis? J
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 141(3): 688-693.
Verma S, Rajesh A, Morales H, Lemen L,
Bills G, Delworth M, Gaitonde K, Ying J,
Samartunga R, Lamba M. Assessment
of aggressiveness of prostate cancer:
correlation of apparent diffusion
coefficient with histologic grade after
radical prostatectomy. AJR 2011 Feb;
Weiss KL, Cornelius RS, Greeley AL, Sun
D, Chang IJ, Boyce WO and Weiss JL.
Hybrid convolution kernel: Optimized
CT of the head, neck and spine. AJR
2011; 196:403-406
Argus A and Mahoney M. Initial Clinical
Experience with Breast Cancer Staging
Using Positron Emission Mammography
(PEM) and Same-Day PEM-Guided
Biopsy. Scientific session, American
Roentgen Ray Society annual meeting,
Chicago IL, May 2011.
Jannette Collins, MD, MEd, FCCP, FACR,
Ben Felson Professor and Chair of
Radiology, presented “Opportunities in
Education and Education Research” at
the annual meeting of the American
Roentgen Ray Society in Chicago, IL,
May 1, 2011.
Jannette Collins, MD, MEd, FCCP, FACR,
Ben Felson Professor and Chair of
Radiology, directed a 4-hour Item
Writing Workshop at the annual
meeting of the American Roentgen
Ray Society in Chicago, IL, May 1, 2011.
She gave interactive presentations on
“Writing Behaviorally-based Objectives”
and “Writing Multiple Choice Questions.” Fujimoto S, Venkatesh R, Ermentrout R,
Cohen A, Lamba R, Clayman R, Verma S
and Lall C. Making sense of postoperative imaging following partial
nephrectomy. Educational exhibit,
American Roengten Ray Society annual
meeting, Chicago IL, May 2011.
Garg D, Prasad S, Chintapalli K,
Woodfield C, Verma S, Garg N,
Shanbhogue A and Ojili V. MRI findings
in placental implantation abnormalities
(Placenta Accreta, Increta, Percreta).
Educational exhibit, American Roengten
Ray Society annual meeting, Chicago IL,
May 2011.
Klausing RE, Hawkins CM and Ristagno
RL. Radiologist assistant training within
an academic radiology department: A
single institution’s experience. Poster
presentation, Society of Interventional
Radiology annual scientific meeting,
Chicago IL, March 2011.
Nepute J, von Fischer N, Copeland C and
Wissman RD. Multimodality review of
the foot: What the podiatrist wants to
know. Poster presentation, Association
of University Radiologists annual
meeting, Boston MA, April, 2011.
Radhakrishnan R, von Fischer N, Nepute
J, Aeron G, Ingalls J and Wissman R.
Secondary findings of rotator cuff
disease: A multimodality review. Poster
presentation, Association of University
Radiologists annual meeting, Boston
MA, April, 2011.
Scheler J and Verma S. Utility of 18FFDG PET/CT in the evaluation of renal
cell carcinoma: A pictorial review.
Educational exhibit, American
Roengten Ray Society annual meeting,
Chicago IL, May 2011.
Verma S, Rehani B, Lall C and Rajesh A.
Imaging the neurovascular bundle
in presurgical planning for robotic
prostatectomy. Educational exhibit,
American Roengten Ray Society
annual meeting, Chicago IL, May 2011.
Awarded ARRS Certificate of Merit.
von Fischer N, Nepute J, Hendry D,
Wissman R, and Ingalls J. Imaging
of the hindfoot: An anatomical tour
crucial in understanding pathology.
Educational exhibit, American
Roengten Ray Society annual meeting,
Chicago IL, May 2011.
Sangita Kapur, MD
Ross Ristagno, MD
Rob Wissman, MD
Nuclear Medicine
Mariano Fernandez, MD
Pediatric Radiology
Bernadette Koch, MD
Resident Education
Rob Wissman, MD
University Pointe
Gavin Udstuen, MD
Varsity Village
Imaging Center
Rob Wissman, MD
Veterans Hospital
Austin Wand, MD
ABR Oral Boards were conducted in
Louisville, Kentucky May 21-26, 2011.
Doctors Jannette Collins, Rebecca
Cornelius, and Mary Mahoney from
UC Radiology served as examiners,
as did Dr. Daniel J. Podberesky from
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical
Center. n
Imaging Matters is a publication
for alumni, current employees
and friends of the University of
Cincinnati Radiology Department.
Please send comments and story
ideas to the editor, Clint Bramkamp,
at [email protected]
or call (513) 584-1845. n
2 APEX Award
2 Renovation Update
3 Latest Resident Activities
4 Kapur to Section Chief
5 New Residents and
From the Chair
This issue of Imaging Matters features
two significant developments, ACR
accreditation of UC Health University Hospital Diagnostic Imaging
Services, and a performance award
for University Pointe Imaging Center.
With the start of a new academic
year, we welcome a new group of
fellows and residents, and offer our
thanks and congratulations to those who have
successfully completed their programs. This is
also a time when terms in office
begin or end for many elected or
appointed positions in professional
responsibilities. I am proud to
recognize the contributions we
make to the academic radiology
community. Our physicians treat as
well as educate the public and our
fellow professionals; I hope you will
enjoy reading about some of those activities,
including an African adventure.
ACR Accreditation For All Diagnostic Imaging Services
An Honor Exclusive in Cincinnati to UC Health University Hospital
UC Health University Hospitalbased imaging services have
received accreditation from the
American College of Radiology
(ACR) for all types of diagnostic
imaging—an honor UC Health
holds exclusively in the Cincinnati area.
The accreditation applies to
imaging services at University
Hospital as well as two outpatient imaging centers located on
the UC campus at the UC Health
Physicians Office (Clifton) and
Varsity Village.
“This is not only about giving
the best care. It’s setting standards for the physicians, the
technologists and the physicists
that support the program to
ensure those care expectations
are met, if not exceeded,” says
Arthur Ray Morton, the senior
medical physicist at University
Hospital who led the accreditation review.
“The ACR sets a high
threshold for quality—everything from daily calibration to
radiation dose exposure in each
modality must adhere to the
ACR’s standards,” adds Michael
Regg, clinical operations
manager, UC Health Radiology.
The Food and Drug Administration requires that all facilities
providing mammography be
accredited by the ACR to receive
certification under the Mammography Quality Standards
Act. Outpatient imaging centers
offering advanced imaging
modalities—including nuclear
medicine, MRI, PET, and CT—
must achieve ACR accreditation
by January 2012 to comply with
the Medical Improvements for
Patients and Providers Act.
University Hospital was the
first ACR-accredited breast imaging center in Cincinnati and
remains the only local facility
accredited for breast MRI.
Imaging Mat ters | august 2011 University Pointe
Imaging Center
Earns Recognition
for Exceptional
University Pointe Imaging
Center (UPIC) has been
recognized as one of the
“highest performing health
care facilities,” as measured
by an independent survey
of patients to gauge patient
satisfaction and loyalty.
CTQ Solutions recently
recognized the center and its
staff ’s outstanding efforts
with the APEX Quality
Award. CTQ
and monitors patient
for outpatient health
Gavin Udstuen, MD
the highest
levels of
Michael Regg
excellence in
patient satisfaction throughout U.S. health care markets
served by CTQ. Health care
providers must exceed the
90th percentile of their peers’
overall score, meet a minimum survey response
threshold and measure a
minimum number of key
performance indicators
selected by CTQ to be
considered for the award.
Congratulations to
operations director Sara
Deem, medical director
Gavin Udstuen, MD, clinical
operations manager Michael
Regg and the UPIC staff for
this achievement.
n adiology
Renovation Update
University of Cincinnati Radiology
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
uc Department of
Ongoing construction has resulted in many
changes to the department.
Three much-needed staff restrooms were
renovated and are now in use. Radiology now
has two staff restrooms on the east side of the
department and one staff restroom located
central to the reading rooms. Lockers scheduled to be installed
adjacent to the east
side restrooms should
arrive shortly. In addition, the inpatient
MRI hallway and
hallway to the east
of the waiting area
are nearing completion. Updating of the
hallways will continue
from the east side of
the department to the west.
Casework for the EU Renovation has been
installed. New network switches and CAT 6
cable have been installed. Relocation of CR
equipment and workstations to the new area is
now complete.
The MRI renovation is complete except for
detail work.
In Nuclear
Medicine, the
existing GE VG
camera has been
removed. Scheduled
is the Siemens
Symbia E installation
and the Siemens
Symbia T6 SPECT/CT
arrival in early
August. n
Overseas Experience is an Opportunity to Share Skills
Jerrell Ingalls lectured UC
Radiology residents and faculty
June 6 about his May trip to
Kenya. His wife, Nichole, a
surgeon, spent four weeks
serving at Tenwek Hospital. The
300-bed missionary hospital in
western Kenya is the principal
medical facility for 800,000
residents; surgical referrals may
come from an area with over 8.5
million people. Jerrell joined his
wife for the final week, working
in surgery doing ultrasound and
showing surgical residents how
to perform US-guided biopsies.
Dr. Ingalls says that working
in a developing nation involves
“finding innovative ways to
accomplish the same things we
do here with fewer resources.”
In an area without electricity,
Dr. Ian Cunningham (left) and Dr. Jerrell Ingalls (center) review an ultrasound screen with a
Kenyan surgery resident preparing to biopsy a liver mass in the OR at Tenwek Hospital. Dr.
Cunningham, an interventional radiologist, was visiting from Wenatchee, Washington.
Tenwek hospital gets power
from its own hydroelectric
dam. The facility was enlarged
to accommodate a CT scanner
that will be installed shortly.
Dr. Ingalls encourages
doctors trained in America to
share their skills with others.
He says, “Radiologists may feel
they have limited possibilities
to go overseas because equipment is lacking, but modern
imaging technology is increasingly available in the Third
World.” Teleradiology to
developing countries is also a
possibility. When the proper
equipment exists, images can
be produced by technologists
and sent to the U.S., interpreted
by a radiologist, and the results
emailed back.
The couple spent several
more days in Kenya, participating in a photo safari and other
adventures. UC Radiology
residents raised $150 to give to
Tenwek’s school of nursing.
U nivers ity of Cincinnati R adiology | 2
Imaging Matters
Upgrades Continue Across the Department | [email protected] | UC Physicians Radiology Vol. 9 No. 3 August 2011
Jannette Collins, MD,
Ben Felson Professor and
abdominal Imaging
Jonathan Moulton, MD
Breast Imaging
Mary Mahoney, MD
Imaging Mat ters | august 2011 Publications
Argus A and Halton L. Case of the season: Osteosarcoma of the breast. Seminars in Roentgenology 2011; 46:4-6
Collins J. Letter from the Editor: The
Scope of Interventional Radiology.
Seminars in Roentgenology 2011;
Hawkins CM, Towbin AJ. Rupture of
the left mainstem bronchus following
endotracheal intubation in a neonate.
Pediatr Radiol. 2011; 41(5):201-3. Epub
2010 Nov 13.
Hendry D, Wissman RD. Case 165:
Oncogenic osteomalacia. Radiology
2011; 258(1):320-2.
Lee SJ, Mahoney MC. The Protean
Manifestations of Granular Cell Tumors
of the Breast. Breast J. 2011; 17(2):201-3.
Yaghjyan L, Pinney SM, Mahoney MC,
Morton AR, Buckholz J. Mammographic Breast Density Assessment: A
Methods Study. Atlas Journal of
Medical & Biological Sciences 2011;
Molleran, V. Postbiopsy Management.
Seminars in Roentgenology 2011;
Rehani B. Imaging overutilisation: is
enough being done globally? Published online Biomed Imag & Interv
Starnes, Sandra L.; Reed, Michael F.;
Meyer, Cris A.; Shipley, Ralph T.; Jazieh,
Abdul-Rahman; Pina, Elsira M.;
Redmond, Kevin; Huffman, Lynn C. adiology
et. al. Can lung cancer screening by
computed tomography be effective in
areas with endemic histoplasmosis? J
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 141(3): 688-693.
Verma S, Rajesh A, Morales H, Lemen L,
Bills G, Delworth M, Gaitonde K, Ying J,
Samartunga R, Lamba M. Assessment
of aggressiveness of prostate cancer:
correlation of apparent diffusion
coefficient with histologic grade after
radical prostatectomy. AJR 2011 Feb;
Weiss KL, Cornelius RS, Greeley AL, Sun
D, Chang IJ, Boyce WO and Weiss JL.
Hybrid convolution kernel: Optimized
CT of the head, neck and spine. AJR
2011; 196:403-406
Argus A and Mahoney M. Initial Clinical
Experience with Breast Cancer Staging
Using Positron Emission Mammography
(PEM) and Same-Day PEM-Guided
Biopsy. Scientific session, American
Roentgen Ray Society annual meeting,
Chicago IL, May 2011.
Jannette Collins, MD, MEd, FCCP, FACR,
Ben Felson Professor and Chair of
Radiology, presented “Opportunities in
Education and Education Research” at
the annual meeting of the American
Roentgen Ray Society in Chicago, IL,
May 1, 2011.
Jannette Collins, MD, MEd, FCCP, FACR,
Ben Felson Professor and Chair of
Radiology, directed a 4-hour Item
Writing Workshop at the annual
meeting of the American Roentgen
Ray Society in Chicago, IL, May 1, 2011.
She gave interactive presentations on
“Writing Behaviorally-based Objectives”
and “Writing Multiple Choice Questions.” Fujimoto S, Venkatesh R, Ermentrout R,
Cohen A, Lamba R, Clayman R, Verma S
and Lall C. Making sense of postoperative imaging following partial
nephrectomy. Educational exhibit,
American Roengten Ray Society annual
meeting, Chicago IL, May 2011.
Garg D, Prasad S, Chintapalli K,
Woodfield C, Verma S, Garg N,
Shanbhogue A and Ojili V. MRI findings
in placental implantation abnormalities
(Placenta Accreta, Increta, Percreta).
Educational exhibit, American Roengten
Ray Society annual meeting, Chicago IL,
May 2011.
Klausing RE, Hawkins CM and Ristagno
RL. Radiologist assistant training within
an academic radiology department: A
single institution’s experience. Poster
presentation, Society of Interventional
Radiology annual scientific meeting,
Chicago IL, March 2011.
Nepute J, von Fischer N, Copeland C and
Wissman RD. Multimodality review of
the foot: What the podiatrist wants to
know. Poster presentation, Association
of University Radiologists annual
meeting, Boston MA, April, 2011.
Radhakrishnan R, von Fischer N, Nepute
J, Aeron G, Ingalls J and Wissman R.
Secondary findings of rotator cuff
disease: A multimodality review. Poster
presentation, Association of University
Radiologists annual meeting, Boston
MA, April, 2011.
Scheler J and Verma S. Utility of 18FFDG PET/CT in the evaluation of renal
cell carcinoma: A pictorial review.
Educational exhibit, American
Roengten Ray Society annual meeting,
Chicago IL, May 2011.
Verma S, Rehani B, Lall C and Rajesh A.
Imaging the neurovascular bundle
in presurgical planning for robotic
prostatectomy. Educational exhibit,
American Roengten Ray Society
annual meeting, Chicago IL, May 2011.
Awarded ARRS Certificate of Merit.
von Fischer N, Nepute J, Hendry D,
Wissman R, and Ingalls J. Imaging
of the hindfoot: An anatomical tour
crucial in understanding pathology.
Educational exhibit, American
Roengten Ray Society annual meeting,
Chicago IL, May 2011.
Sangita Kapur, MD
Ross Ristagno, MD
Rob Wissman, MD
Nuclear Medicine
Mariano Fernandez, MD
Pediatric Radiology
Bernadette Koch, MD
Resident Education
Rob Wissman, MD
University Pointe
Gavin Udstuen, MD
Varsity Village
Imaging Center
Rob Wissman, MD
Veterans Hospital
Austin Wand, MD
ABR Oral Boards were conducted in
Louisville, Kentucky May 21-26, 2011.
Doctors Jannette Collins, Rebecca
Cornelius, and Mary Mahoney from
UC Radiology served as examiners,
as did Dr. Daniel J. Podberesky from
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical
Center. n
Imaging Matters is a publication
for alumni, current employees
and friends of the University of
Cincinnati Radiology Department.
Please send comments and story
ideas to the editor, Clint Bramkamp,
at [email protected]
or call (513) 584-1845. n
2 APEX Award
2 Renovation Update
3 Latest Resident Activities
4 Kapur to Section Chief
5 New Residents and
From the Chair
This issue of Imaging Matters features
two significant developments, ACR
accreditation of UC Health University Hospital Diagnostic Imaging
Services, and a performance award
for University Pointe Imaging Center.
With the start of a new academic
year, we welcome a new group of
fellows and residents, and offer our
thanks and congratulations to those who have
successfully completed their programs. This is
also a time when terms in office
begin or end for many elected or
appointed positions in professional
responsibilities. I am proud to
recognize the contributions we
make to the academic radiology
community. Our physicians treat as
well as educate the public and our
fellow professionals; I hope you will
enjoy reading about some of those activities,
including an African adventure.
ACR Accreditation For All Diagnostic Imaging Services
An Honor Exclusive in Cincinnati to UC Health University Hospital
UC Health University Hospitalbased imaging services have
received accreditation from the
American College of Radiology
(ACR) for all types of diagnostic
imaging—an honor UC Health
holds exclusively in the Cincinnati area.
The accreditation applies to
imaging services at University
Hospital as well as two outpatient imaging centers located on
the UC campus at the UC Health
Physicians Office (Clifton) and
Varsity Village.
“This is not only about giving
the best care. It’s setting standards for the physicians, the
technologists and the physicists
that support the program to
ensure those care expectations
are met, if not exceeded,” says
Arthur Ray Morton, the senior
medical physicist at University
Hospital who led the accreditation review.
“The ACR sets a high
threshold for quality—everything from daily calibration to
radiation dose exposure in each
modality must adhere to the
ACR’s standards,” adds Michael
Regg, clinical operations
manager, UC Health Radiology.
The Food and Drug Administration requires that all facilities
providing mammography be
accredited by the ACR to receive
certification under the Mammography Quality Standards
Act. Outpatient imaging centers
offering advanced imaging
modalities—including nuclear
medicine, MRI, PET, and CT—
must achieve ACR accreditation
by January 2012 to comply with
the Medical Improvements for
Patients and Providers Act.
University Hospital was the
first ACR-accredited breast imaging center in Cincinnati and
remains the only local facility
accredited for breast MRI.
Imagi ng Mat ters | august 2011 adiology
Collins Hands Over Presidency of ACER
Jannette Collins, MD, MEd, FCCP, FACR, Ben Felson Professor
and Chair of
completed her
term as President of the
Alliance of
Educators in
is an organization under the
umbrella of the
Association of
Drs. Chertoff (left) and Collins
Radiologists (AUR) that promotes the careers of clinician educators through programming at the AUR meeting and networking
opportunities. Jocelyn Chertoff, MD, took over as ACER President
at the AUR meeting in Boston, MA, in April 2011. Dr. Collins is
also a past President of AUR, the Association of Program Directors
in Radiology, and the Society of Thoracic Radiology.
Medical Director Named
for Imaging Center
Kapur new Section Chief of
Cardiopulmonary Imaging
Dr. Bruce Mahoney has accepted the
position as
Director at
the imaging
center at
UC Health
Bruce Mahoney, MD
Physicians Office in Clifton (MAB), replacing
the late Dr. Jerome Wiot who
filled this role for several years.
Dr. Mahoney will meet
regularly with Mike Regg to
review performance metrics,
troubleshoot operational problems, and suggest performance
improvement initiatives. Dr.
Mahoney works predominantly in Nuclear Medicine and
Abdominal Imaging at the UH
and the VA.
Dr. Sangita Kapur, Director
of Cardiac
Imaging, has
accepted the
role of Section Chief of
Cardiopulmonary Imaging.
Sangita Kapur, MD
She replaces
Dr. Ralph Shipley, who is wellknown and highly regarded
throughout the institution as an
expert cardiopulmonary radiologist. One of Dr. Kapur’s tasks,
in conjunction with hospital
administration, will be to implement a dashboard of measurable
goals for the section. Dr. Kapur
is working with Cardiology to
build the cardiac imaging program within UC Health and will
continue to lead that effort.
Residents Active in Local and National Professional Societies
• Matt Hawkins, Tony Livorine, Bhavya Rehani, and Josh Nepute
attended the American College of Radiology (ACR) Annual
Meeting and Chapter Leadership Conference (AMCLC) in
Washington, DC, May 14-18. Hawkins was elected Vice Chair/
Chair-elect of the ACR (RFS) Executive Committee (
• Matt Hawkins was elected Ohio State Medical Association
(OSMA) RFS Chair. Josh Nepute was elected Vice Chair of the
OSMA. Tony Livorine was elected Secretary of the Ohio State
Radiological Society (OSRS) RFS. The OSRS RFS is an organization that allows radiology residents to be active in the ACR and
OSRS. Hawkins and Livorine also served as OSMA RFS
delegates to the American Medical Association RFS Annual
Meeting in Chicago in June.
Josh Nepute, Sen. Rob Portman, and Matt Hawkins (left to right) on
AMCLC Capitol Hill Day.
3 | U n iversi ty of Cinc innat i R adi ology
Bhavya Rehani adi ology
Verma Appointed by Urology Group
Morton Awarded ACR Diplomate
Dr. Sadhna Verma has been appointed to a one
year term as Chair of the Society
of Uroradiology (SUR) Research
Committee. The Committee
coordinates collaborative
research within SUR and
recommends allocations from
their research endowment fund.
Sadhna Verma, MD
It also reviews applications for
the annual SUR Research Award.
Ristagno Speaks to Church Group
One of Radiology’s functions is community
education. On a recent Sunday,
Dr. Ross Ristagno and Carmen
Schatzman, RN, went offsite
to perform a community health
talk to a group of about 125
women from the Word of
Deliverance Ministries of
Ross Ristagno, MD
the World to discuss uterine
fibroid embolization (UFE).
In addition, they also made an
appearance on 1230 AM WDBZ
to discuss UFE and answer a
few questions. Princess Turner
helped arrange these appearCarmen Schatzman, RN ances.
• Bhavya Rehani was elected Chair of the American Alliance of
Academic Chief Residents in Radiology (A3CR2) Membership
Committee. The A3CR2 is an organization of academic
radiology residents. The mission of the organization is to
encourage residents and other trainees in academic pursuits,
to involve the leadership of residency programs with the leaders
of academic radiology, to encourage scientific inquiry among
residents and to provide a voice for academic radiology
residents in the affairs of organized radiology. The organization
supports the discussion of common problems in residency
training, interactions with the American Board of Radiology
and the American College of Radiology, and experience for the
residents with a number of endeavors in scholarly activities.
Tony Livorine
Imag in g Mat ters | august 2011 In a related item: Dr. Katherine Andriole presents Matt
Hawkins with the Roger
Bauman MD award for best
resident/PhD paper at the
2011 annual meeting of the
Society of Imaging Informatics
in Medicine, held in Washington, DC, in June.
Oral Boards Passed
Carolina Guimaraes, MD, Kamlesh Kukreja,
MBBS, Marcia Komlos Kukreja, MD, and
Humberto Morales, MD, have passed Oral
Boards for Alternate Pathway to board certification in Diagnostic Radiology. In May, fourth-year
residents Ray Decanio, Makana Edwards, Ian
Fischer, Radhika Gorantla, Scott King, Kalpesh
Panchal, Biraj Patel, and Brian Ravert passed
Oral Boards for Diagnostic Radiology.
Alden Meets Professional Standard for
GME Training Administrators
Rose Alden, Program Coordinator for the UC
Diagnostic Radiology Residency
Training Program, received
certification from the Training
Administrators of Graduate
Medical Education (TAGME).
Rose is one of 5 coordinators at
University Hospital to be certiRose Alden
fied and one of only 14 radiology
coordinators to be certified nationally.
Radiation Safety Officer Arthur
Ray Morton, MS, was awarded a
Diplomate in Radiographic
Physics by the American Board
of Radiology.
Arthur Ray Morton, MS
Mahoney Interviewed on WKRC-TV 12
Dr. Mary Mahoney, Professor of Radiology and
Director of Breast Imaging at
the University of Cincinnati,
was interviewed on March 12,
2011, by Local 12 News reporter
Liz Bonis for her “Medical
Edge” feature. Mahoney and her
colleagues are using tomograMary Mahoney, MD
phy as a research tool to image
the breast. She explained how 3-D imaging using
tomosynthesis makes it easier to identify possible
tumors in dense breast tissue.
Ingalls Leaving for New Post in Nevada
Dr. Jerrell Ingalls, Assistant Director of the Radiology Residency program, is
leaving UC to join a 40-radiologist private practice group in Las
Vegas called Desert Radiologists. His wife, Nichole Ingalls,
MD, will be working nearby at
Nellis Air Force base.
Jerrell Ingalls, MD
Carolyn Duckworth Will Be Missed
Radiology Resident Administrative Assistant
Carolyn Duckworth leaves Radiology after
almost thirteen years with the Department. At
a party recognizing her contributions, Resident
Program Director Dr. Rob Wissman described
Carolyn as “a good friend to the residents and
a strong advocate for the program.” n
Dr. Su-Ju Lee and Carolyn Duckworth
University of Cincinnati R adiology | 4
to our 2011
Fellows and
Our Neuroradiology fellow
Richard Jackson will be
entering private practice
in Salt Lake City; Breast
Imaging fellow Anne
Kleimeyer is now with
Kettering Network
Radiologists in Dayton;
and Neuroradiology fellow
James Martin begins a
fellowship in Interventional
Radiology at Emory
University in Atlanta.
Residents Ray Decanio,
Makana Edwards and
Kalpesh Panchal have
accepted fellowships at UC.
Ian Fischer will begin an
Interventional Radiology
fellowship at Emory
University in Atlanta;
Radhika Gorantla is practicing in the New York area;
Scott King will complete an
Interventional Radiology
fellowship at The Ohio
State University in Columbus; Biraj Patel begins
fellowships in Diagnostic
Neuroradiology followed
by Neurointerventional
Surgery at Northwestern
University in Chicago; and
Brian Ravert will complete
an Interventional Radiology Fellowship at Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology
in St. Louis.
We wish them all
continued success in the
Imag ing Mat ters | august 2011 adiology
Welcome New Residents
2011 Match Day Results
The Department of Radiology welcomed the new arrivals to our Residency program on July 1.
They come from seven different medical schools and six internship programs in five states.
Aditya Bahel, DO
Daniel LoCascio, MD
Jason Passafiume, MD
Mahati Reddy, MD
Matthew Smetts, MD
Daniel Wannemacher, MD
Charles Young, MD
Jason Young, MD
Kansas City Osteopathic
School of Medicine
Jewish Hospital,
University of Toledo
College of Medicine
Grand Rapids Medical
Education Partners,
Indiana University
School of Medicine
IU Medical Center,
Indianapolis Indiana
University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine
The Christ Hospital,
University of Louisville
School of Medicine
Baptist Health System,
Ohio State University
College of Medicine
and Public Health
Jewish Hospital,
Northeastern Ohio
Universities College
of Medicine
Aultman Hospital,
Canton Ohio
University of Toledo
College of Medicine
Riverside Methodist
Hospital, Columbus Ohio
2011 Match Day Results were
announced March 17. Match
Day is always very exciting for
medical students as they
prepare to transition from
medical school into residency.
The following medical students
matched into Radiology at the
University of Cincinnati/UC
Health, and they will join the
Department in July 2012:
William Boyce, University of
Cincinnati; Jason Broomhall,
Wright State University; Ben
Brown, University of Louisville;
Xiaopei Chen, Zhejiang
University; David Dow,
University of Cincinnati;
Emily Orscheln, University
of Missouri-Columbia;
Thomas Qualter, III,
University of Cincinnati;
and Jeffrey Youngquist,
University of Cincinnati.
The following doctors begin fellowships in the Radiology Department:
Breast Imaging
Robert Ballard, MD
Kalpesh Panchal, MBBS
Medical School:
University of Miami College of Medicine 2002
Medical School:
Medical College of Baroda, India 1990
Residency: Diagnostic Radiology
SUNY/Downstate Medical Center/
Kings County Hospital 2011
Residency: Diagnostic Radiology
University of Cincinnati 2011
Interventional Radiology
Ray E. Decanio, MD
Stephanie Horton, DO
Medical School:
University of Cincinnati 2006
Medical School:
University of North Texas at Fort Worth College
of Osteopathic Medicine 2002
Residency: Diagnostic Radiology
University of Cincinnati 2011
Interventional Radiology
Residency: Diagnostic Radiology
University of California Davis 2007
D. Makana Edwards, MD
Shivashankar Ravishankar, MBBS
Medical School:
Northeastern Ohio Universities
College of Medicine 2006
Medical School:
Government Medical School of India 1992
Residency: Diagnostic Radiology
University of Cincinnati 2011
Fellowship: Neuroradiology
National Institute of Mental Health and
Seven years of residencies in India
Uni versi ty of Ci ncinnat i R adi ology | 5
Imagi ng Mat ters | august 2011 adiology
Collins Hands Over Presidency of ACER
Jannette Collins, MD, MEd, FCCP, FACR, Ben Felson Professor
and Chair of
completed her
term as President of the
Alliance of
Educators in
is an organization under the
umbrella of the
Association of
Drs. Chertoff (left) and Collins
Radiologists (AUR) that promotes the careers of clinician educators through programming at the AUR meeting and networking
opportunities. Jocelyn Chertoff, MD, took over as ACER President
at the AUR meeting in Boston, MA, in April 2011. Dr. Collins is
also a past President of AUR, the Association of Program Directors
in Radiology, and the Society of Thoracic Radiology.
Medical Director Named
for Imaging Center
Kapur new Section Chief of
Cardiopulmonary Imaging
Dr. Bruce Mahoney has accepted the
position as
Director at
the imaging
center at
UC Health
Bruce Mahoney, MD
Physicians Office in Clifton (MAB), replacing
the late Dr. Jerome Wiot who
filled this role for several years.
Dr. Mahoney will meet
regularly with Mike Regg to
review performance metrics,
troubleshoot operational problems, and suggest performance
improvement initiatives. Dr.
Mahoney works predominantly in Nuclear Medicine and
Abdominal Imaging at the UH
and the VA.
Dr. Sangita Kapur, Director
of Cardiac
Imaging, has
accepted the
role of Section Chief of
Cardiopulmonary Imaging.
Sangita Kapur, MD
She replaces
Dr. Ralph Shipley, who is wellknown and highly regarded
throughout the institution as an
expert cardiopulmonary radiologist. One of Dr. Kapur’s tasks,
in conjunction with hospital
administration, will be to implement a dashboard of measurable
goals for the section. Dr. Kapur
is working with Cardiology to
build the cardiac imaging program within UC Health and will
continue to lead that effort.
Residents Active in Local and National Professional Societies
• Matt Hawkins, Tony Livorine, Bhavya Rehani, and Josh Nepute
attended the American College of Radiology (ACR) Annual
Meeting and Chapter Leadership Conference (AMCLC) in
Washington, DC, May 14-18. Hawkins was elected Vice Chair/
Chair-elect of the ACR (RFS) Executive Committee (
• Matt Hawkins was elected Ohio State Medical Association
(OSMA) RFS Chair. Josh Nepute was elected Vice Chair of the
OSMA. Tony Livorine was elected Secretary of the Ohio State
Radiological Society (OSRS) RFS. The OSRS RFS is an organization that allows radiology residents to be active in the ACR and
OSRS. Hawkins and Livorine also served as OSMA RFS
delegates to the American Medical Association RFS Annual
Meeting in Chicago in June.
Josh Nepute, Sen. Rob Portman, and Matt Hawkins (left to right) on
AMCLC Capitol Hill Day.
3 | U n iversi ty of Cinc innat i R adi ology
Bhavya Rehani adi ology
Verma Appointed by Urology Group
Morton Awarded ACR Diplomate
Dr. Sadhna Verma has been appointed to a one
year term as Chair of the Society
of Uroradiology (SUR) Research
Committee. The Committee
coordinates collaborative
research within SUR and
recommends allocations from
their research endowment fund.
Sadhna Verma, MD
It also reviews applications for
the annual SUR Research Award.
Ristagno Speaks to Church Group
One of Radiology’s functions is community
education. On a recent Sunday,
Dr. Ross Ristagno and Carmen
Schatzman, RN, went offsite
to perform a community health
talk to a group of about 125
women from the Word of
Deliverance Ministries of
Ross Ristagno, MD
the World to discuss uterine
fibroid embolization (UFE).
In addition, they also made an
appearance on 1230 AM WDBZ
to discuss UFE and answer a
few questions. Princess Turner
helped arrange these appearCarmen Schatzman, RN ances.
• Bhavya Rehani was elected Chair of the American Alliance of
Academic Chief Residents in Radiology (A3CR2) Membership
Committee. The A3CR2 is an organization of academic
radiology residents. The mission of the organization is to
encourage residents and other trainees in academic pursuits,
to involve the leadership of residency programs with the leaders
of academic radiology, to encourage scientific inquiry among
residents and to provide a voice for academic radiology
residents in the affairs of organized radiology. The organization
supports the discussion of common problems in residency
training, interactions with the American Board of Radiology
and the American College of Radiology, and experience for the
residents with a number of endeavors in scholarly activities.
Tony Livorine
Imag in g Mat ters | august 2011 In a related item: Dr. Katherine Andriole presents Matt
Hawkins with the Roger
Bauman MD award for best
resident/PhD paper at the
2011 annual meeting of the
Society of Imaging Informatics
in Medicine, held in Washington, DC, in June.
Oral Boards Passed
Carolina Guimaraes, MD, Kamlesh Kukreja,
MBBS, Marcia Komlos Kukreja, MD, and
Humberto Morales, MD, have passed Oral
Boards for Alternate Pathway to board certification in Diagnostic Radiology. In May, fourth-year
residents Ray Decanio, Makana Edwards, Ian
Fischer, Radhika Gorantla, Scott King, Kalpesh
Panchal, Biraj Patel, and Brian Ravert passed
Oral Boards for Diagnostic Radiology.
Alden Meets Professional Standard for
GME Training Administrators
Rose Alden, Program Coordinator for the UC
Diagnostic Radiology Residency
Training Program, received
certification from the Training
Administrators of Graduate
Medical Education (TAGME).
Rose is one of 5 coordinators at
University Hospital to be certiRose Alden
fied and one of only 14 radiology
coordinators to be certified nationally.
Radiation Safety Officer Arthur
Ray Morton, MS, was awarded a
Diplomate in Radiographic
Physics by the American Board
of Radiology.
Arthur Ray Morton, MS
Mahoney Interviewed on WKRC-TV 12
Dr. Mary Mahoney, Professor of Radiology and
Director of Breast Imaging at
the University of Cincinnati,
was interviewed on March 12,
2011, by Local 12 News reporter
Liz Bonis for her “Medical
Edge” feature. Mahoney and her
colleagues are using tomograMary Mahoney, MD
phy as a research tool to image
the breast. She explained how 3-D imaging using
tomosynthesis makes it easier to identify possible
tumors in dense breast tissue.
Ingalls Leaving for New Post in Nevada
Dr. Jerrell Ingalls, Assistant Director of the Radiology Residency program, is
leaving UC to join a 40-radiologist private practice group in Las
Vegas called Desert Radiologists. His wife, Nichole Ingalls,
MD, will be working nearby at
Nellis Air Force base.
Jerrell Ingalls, MD
Carolyn Duckworth Will Be Missed
Radiology Resident Administrative Assistant
Carolyn Duckworth leaves Radiology after
almost thirteen years with the Department. At
a party recognizing her contributions, Resident
Program Director Dr. Rob Wissman described
Carolyn as “a good friend to the residents and
a strong advocate for the program.” n
Dr. Su-Ju Lee and Carolyn Duckworth
University of Cincinnati R adiology | 4
to our 2011
Fellows and
Our Neuroradiology fellow
Richard Jackson will be
entering private practice
in Salt Lake City; Breast
Imaging fellow Anne
Kleimeyer is now with
Kettering Network
Radiologists in Dayton;
and Neuroradiology fellow
James Martin begins a
fellowship in Interventional
Radiology at Emory
University in Atlanta.
Residents Ray Decanio,
Makana Edwards and
Kalpesh Panchal have
accepted fellowships at UC.
Ian Fischer will begin an
Interventional Radiology
fellowship at Emory
University in Atlanta;
Radhika Gorantla is practicing in the New York area;
Scott King will complete an
Interventional Radiology
fellowship at The Ohio
State University in Columbus; Biraj Patel begins
fellowships in Diagnostic
Neuroradiology followed
by Neurointerventional
Surgery at Northwestern
University in Chicago; and
Brian Ravert will complete
an Interventional Radiology Fellowship at Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology
in St. Louis.
We wish them all
continued success in the
Imag ing Mat ters | august 2011 adiology
Welcome New Residents
2011 Match Day Results
The Department of Radiology welcomed the new arrivals to our Residency program on July 1.
They come from seven different medical schools and six internship programs in five states.
Aditya Bahel, DO
Daniel LoCascio, MD
Jason Passafiume, MD
Mahati Reddy, MD
Matthew Smetts, MD
Daniel Wannemacher, MD
Charles Young, MD
Jason Young, MD
Kansas City Osteopathic
School of Medicine
Jewish Hospital,
University of Toledo
College of Medicine
Grand Rapids Medical
Education Partners,
Indiana University
School of Medicine
IU Medical Center,
Indianapolis Indiana
University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine
The Christ Hospital,
University of Louisville
School of Medicine
Baptist Health System,
Ohio State University
College of Medicine
and Public Health
Jewish Hospital,
Northeastern Ohio
Universities College
of Medicine
Aultman Hospital,
Canton Ohio
University of Toledo
College of Medicine
Riverside Methodist
Hospital, Columbus Ohio
2011 Match Day Results were
announced March 17. Match
Day is always very exciting for
medical students as they
prepare to transition from
medical school into residency.
The following medical students
matched into Radiology at the
University of Cincinnati/UC
Health, and they will join the
Department in July 2012:
William Boyce, University of
Cincinnati; Jason Broomhall,
Wright State University; Ben
Brown, University of Louisville;
Xiaopei Chen, Zhejiang
University; David Dow,
University of Cincinnati;
Emily Orscheln, University
of Missouri-Columbia;
Thomas Qualter, III,
University of Cincinnati;
and Jeffrey Youngquist,
University of Cincinnati.
The following doctors begin fellowships in the Radiology Department:
Breast Imaging
Robert Ballard, MD
Kalpesh Panchal, MBBS
Medical School:
University of Miami College of Medicine 2002
Medical School:
Medical College of Baroda, India 1990
Residency: Diagnostic Radiology
SUNY/Downstate Medical Center/
Kings County Hospital 2011
Residency: Diagnostic Radiology
University of Cincinnati 2011
Interventional Radiology
Ray E. Decanio, MD
Stephanie Horton, DO
Medical School:
University of Cincinnati 2006
Medical School:
University of North Texas at Fort Worth College
of Osteopathic Medicine 2002
Residency: Diagnostic Radiology
University of Cincinnati 2011
Interventional Radiology
Residency: Diagnostic Radiology
University of California Davis 2007
D. Makana Edwards, MD
Shivashankar Ravishankar, MBBS
Medical School:
Northeastern Ohio Universities
College of Medicine 2006
Medical School:
Government Medical School of India 1992
Residency: Diagnostic Radiology
University of Cincinnati 2011
Fellowship: Neuroradiology
National Institute of Mental Health and
Seven years of residencies in India
Uni versi ty of Ci ncinnat i R adi ology | 5
Imagi ng Mat ters | august 2011 adiology
Collins Hands Over Presidency of ACER
Jannette Collins, MD, MEd, FCCP, FACR, Ben Felson Professor
and Chair of
completed her
term as President of the
Alliance of
Educators in
is an organization under the
umbrella of the
Association of
Drs. Chertoff (left) and Collins
Radiologists (AUR) that promotes the careers of clinician educators through programming at the AUR meeting and networking
opportunities. Jocelyn Chertoff, MD, took over as ACER President
at the AUR meeting in Boston, MA, in April 2011. Dr. Collins is
also a past President of AUR, the Association of Program Directors
in Radiology, and the Society of Thoracic Radiology.
Medical Director Named
for Imaging Center
Kapur new Section Chief of
Cardiopulmonary Imaging
Dr. Bruce Mahoney has accepted the
position as
Director at
the imaging
center at
UC Health
Bruce Mahoney, MD
Physicians Office in Clifton (MAB), replacing
the late Dr. Jerome Wiot who
filled this role for several years.
Dr. Mahoney will meet
regularly with Mike Regg to
review performance metrics,
troubleshoot operational problems, and suggest performance
improvement initiatives. Dr.
Mahoney works predominantly in Nuclear Medicine and
Abdominal Imaging at the UH
and the VA.
Dr. Sangita Kapur, Director
of Cardiac
Imaging, has
accepted the
role of Section Chief of
Cardiopulmonary Imaging.
Sangita Kapur, MD
She replaces
Dr. Ralph Shipley, who is wellknown and highly regarded
throughout the institution as an
expert cardiopulmonary radiologist. One of Dr. Kapur’s tasks,
in conjunction with hospital
administration, will be to implement a dashboard of measurable
goals for the section. Dr. Kapur
is working with Cardiology to
build the cardiac imaging program within UC Health and will
continue to lead that effort.
Residents Active in Local and National Professional Societies
• Matt Hawkins, Tony Livorine, Bhavya Rehani, and Josh Nepute
attended the American College of Radiology (ACR) Annual
Meeting and Chapter Leadership Conference (AMCLC) in
Washington, DC, May 14-18. Hawkins was elected Vice Chair/
Chair-elect of the ACR (RFS) Executive Committee (
• Matt Hawkins was elected Ohio State Medical Association
(OSMA) RFS Chair. Josh Nepute was elected Vice Chair of the
OSMA. Tony Livorine was elected Secretary of the Ohio State
Radiological Society (OSRS) RFS. The OSRS RFS is an organization that allows radiology residents to be active in the ACR and
OSRS. Hawkins and Livorine also served as OSMA RFS
delegates to the American Medical Association RFS Annual
Meeting in Chicago in June.
Josh Nepute, Sen. Rob Portman, and Matt Hawkins (left to right) on
AMCLC Capitol Hill Day.
3 | U n iversi ty of Cinc innat i R adi ology
Bhavya Rehani adi ology
Verma Appointed by Urology Group
Morton Awarded ACR Diplomate
Dr. Sadhna Verma has been appointed to a one
year term as Chair of the Society
of Uroradiology (SUR) Research
Committee. The Committee
coordinates collaborative
research within SUR and
recommends allocations from
their research endowment fund.
Sadhna Verma, MD
It also reviews applications for
the annual SUR Research Award.
Ristagno Speaks to Church Group
One of Radiology’s functions is community
education. On a recent Sunday,
Dr. Ross Ristagno and Carmen
Schatzman, RN, went offsite
to perform a community health
talk to a group of about 125
women from the Word of
Deliverance Ministries of
Ross Ristagno, MD
the World to discuss uterine
fibroid embolization (UFE).
In addition, they also made an
appearance on 1230 AM WDBZ
to discuss UFE and answer a
few questions. Princess Turner
helped arrange these appearCarmen Schatzman, RN ances.
• Bhavya Rehani was elected Chair of the American Alliance of
Academic Chief Residents in Radiology (A3CR2) Membership
Committee. The A3CR2 is an organization of academic
radiology residents. The mission of the organization is to
encourage residents and other trainees in academic pursuits,
to involve the leadership of residency programs with the leaders
of academic radiology, to encourage scientific inquiry among
residents and to provide a voice for academic radiology
residents in the affairs of organized radiology. The organization
supports the discussion of common problems in residency
training, interactions with the American Board of Radiology
and the American College of Radiology, and experience for the
residents with a number of endeavors in scholarly activities.
Tony Livorine
Imag in g Mat ters | august 2011 In a related item: Dr. Katherine Andriole presents Matt
Hawkins with the Roger
Bauman MD award for best
resident/PhD paper at the
2011 annual meeting of the
Society of Imaging Informatics
in Medicine, held in Washington, DC, in June.
Oral Boards Passed
Carolina Guimaraes, MD, Kamlesh Kukreja,
MBBS, Marcia Komlos Kukreja, MD, and
Humberto Morales, MD, have passed Oral
Boards for Alternate Pathway to board certification in Diagnostic Radiology. In May, fourth-year
residents Ray Decanio, Makana Edwards, Ian
Fischer, Radhika Gorantla, Scott King, Kalpesh
Panchal, Biraj Patel, and Brian Ravert passed
Oral Boards for Diagnostic Radiology.
Alden Meets Professional Standard for
GME Training Administrators
Rose Alden, Program Coordinator for the UC
Diagnostic Radiology Residency
Training Program, received
certification from the Training
Administrators of Graduate
Medical Education (TAGME).
Rose is one of 5 coordinators at
University Hospital to be certiRose Alden
fied and one of only 14 radiology
coordinators to be certified nationally.
Radiation Safety Officer Arthur
Ray Morton, MS, was awarded a
Diplomate in Radiographic
Physics by the American Board
of Radiology.
Arthur Ray Morton, MS
Mahoney Interviewed on WKRC-TV 12
Dr. Mary Mahoney, Professor of Radiology and
Director of Breast Imaging at
the University of Cincinnati,
was interviewed on March 12,
2011, by Local 12 News reporter
Liz Bonis for her “Medical
Edge” feature. Mahoney and her
colleagues are using tomograMary Mahoney, MD
phy as a research tool to image
the breast. She explained how 3-D imaging using
tomosynthesis makes it easier to identify possible
tumors in dense breast tissue.
Ingalls Leaving for New Post in Nevada
Dr. Jerrell Ingalls, Assistant Director of the Radiology Residency program, is
leaving UC to join a 40-radiologist private practice group in Las
Vegas called Desert Radiologists. His wife, Nichole Ingalls,
MD, will be working nearby at
Nellis Air Force base.
Jerrell Ingalls, MD
Carolyn Duckworth Will Be Missed
Radiology Resident Administrative Assistant
Carolyn Duckworth leaves Radiology after
almost thirteen years with the Department. At
a party recognizing her contributions, Resident
Program Director Dr. Rob Wissman described
Carolyn as “a good friend to the residents and
a strong advocate for the program.” n
Dr. Su-Ju Lee and Carolyn Duckworth
University of Cincinnati R adiology | 4
to our 2011
Fellows and
Our Neuroradiology fellow
Richard Jackson will be
entering private practice
in Salt Lake City; Breast
Imaging fellow Anne
Kleimeyer is now with
Kettering Network
Radiologists in Dayton;
and Neuroradiology fellow
James Martin begins a
fellowship in Interventional
Radiology at Emory
University in Atlanta.
Residents Ray Decanio,
Makana Edwards and
Kalpesh Panchal have
accepted fellowships at UC.
Ian Fischer will begin an
Interventional Radiology
fellowship at Emory
University in Atlanta;
Radhika Gorantla is practicing in the New York area;
Scott King will complete an
Interventional Radiology
fellowship at The Ohio
State University in Columbus; Biraj Patel begins
fellowships in Diagnostic
Neuroradiology followed
by Neurointerventional
Surgery at Northwestern
University in Chicago; and
Brian Ravert will complete
an Interventional Radiology Fellowship at Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology
in St. Louis.
We wish them all
continued success in the
Imag ing Mat ters | august 2011 adiology
Welcome New Residents
2011 Match Day Results
The Department of Radiology welcomed the new arrivals to our Residency program on July 1.
They come from seven different medical schools and six internship programs in five states.
Aditya Bahel, DO
Daniel LoCascio, MD
Jason Passafiume, MD
Mahati Reddy, MD
Matthew Smetts, MD
Daniel Wannemacher, MD
Charles Young, MD
Jason Young, MD
Kansas City Osteopathic
School of Medicine
Jewish Hospital,
University of Toledo
College of Medicine
Grand Rapids Medical
Education Partners,
Indiana University
School of Medicine
IU Medical Center,
Indianapolis Indiana
University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine
The Christ Hospital,
University of Louisville
School of Medicine
Baptist Health System,
Ohio State University
College of Medicine
and Public Health
Jewish Hospital,
Northeastern Ohio
Universities College
of Medicine
Aultman Hospital,
Canton Ohio
University of Toledo
College of Medicine
Riverside Methodist
Hospital, Columbus Ohio
2011 Match Day Results were
announced March 17. Match
Day is always very exciting for
medical students as they
prepare to transition from
medical school into residency.
The following medical students
matched into Radiology at the
University of Cincinnati/UC
Health, and they will join the
Department in July 2012:
William Boyce, University of
Cincinnati; Jason Broomhall,
Wright State University; Ben
Brown, University of Louisville;
Xiaopei Chen, Zhejiang
University; David Dow,
University of Cincinnati;
Emily Orscheln, University
of Missouri-Columbia;
Thomas Qualter, III,
University of Cincinnati;
and Jeffrey Youngquist,
University of Cincinnati.
The following doctors begin fellowships in the Radiology Department:
Breast Imaging
Robert Ballard, MD
Kalpesh Panchal, MBBS
Medical School:
University of Miami College of Medicine 2002
Medical School:
Medical College of Baroda, India 1990
Residency: Diagnostic Radiology
SUNY/Downstate Medical Center/
Kings County Hospital 2011
Residency: Diagnostic Radiology
University of Cincinnati 2011
Interventional Radiology
Ray E. Decanio, MD
Stephanie Horton, DO
Medical School:
University of Cincinnati 2006
Medical School:
University of North Texas at Fort Worth College
of Osteopathic Medicine 2002
Residency: Diagnostic Radiology
University of Cincinnati 2011
Interventional Radiology
Residency: Diagnostic Radiology
University of California Davis 2007
D. Makana Edwards, MD
Shivashankar Ravishankar, MBBS
Medical School:
Northeastern Ohio Universities
College of Medicine 2006
Medical School:
Government Medical School of India 1992
Residency: Diagnostic Radiology
University of Cincinnati 2011
Fellowship: Neuroradiology
National Institute of Mental Health and
Seven years of residencies in India
Uni versi ty of Ci ncinnat i R adi ology | 5
Imaging Mat ters | august 2011 University Pointe
Imaging Center
Earns Recognition
for Exceptional
University Pointe Imaging
Center (UPIC) has been
recognized as one of the
“highest performing health
care facilities,” as measured
by an independent survey
of patients to gauge patient
satisfaction and loyalty.
CTQ Solutions recently
recognized the center and its
staff ’s outstanding efforts
with the APEX Quality
Award. CTQ
and monitors patient
for outpatient health
Gavin Udstuen, MD
the highest
levels of
Michael Regg
excellence in
patient satisfaction throughout U.S. health care markets
served by CTQ. Health care
providers must exceed the
90th percentile of their peers’
overall score, meet a minimum survey response
threshold and measure a
minimum number of key
performance indicators
selected by CTQ to be
considered for the award.
Congratulations to
operations director Sara
Deem, medical director
Gavin Udstuen, MD, clinical
operations manager Michael
Regg and the UPIC staff for
this achievement.
n adiology
Renovation Update
University of Cincinnati Radiology
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
uc Department of
Ongoing construction has resulted in many
changes to the department.
Three much-needed staff restrooms were
renovated and are now in use. Radiology now
has two staff restrooms on the east side of the
department and one staff restroom located
central to the reading rooms. Lockers scheduled to be installed
adjacent to the east
side restrooms should
arrive shortly. In addition, the inpatient
MRI hallway and
hallway to the east
of the waiting area
are nearing completion. Updating of the
hallways will continue
from the east side of
the department to the west.
Casework for the EU Renovation has been
installed. New network switches and CAT 6
cable have been installed. Relocation of CR
equipment and workstations to the new area is
now complete.
The MRI renovation is complete except for
detail work.
In Nuclear
Medicine, the
existing GE VG
camera has been
removed. Scheduled
is the Siemens
Symbia E installation
and the Siemens
Symbia T6 SPECT/CT
arrival in early
August. n
Overseas Experience is an Opportunity to Share Skills
Jerrell Ingalls lectured UC
Radiology residents and faculty
June 6 about his May trip to
Kenya. His wife, Nichole, a
surgeon, spent four weeks
serving at Tenwek Hospital. The
300-bed missionary hospital in
western Kenya is the principal
medical facility for 800,000
residents; surgical referrals may
come from an area with over 8.5
million people. Jerrell joined his
wife for the final week, working
in surgery doing ultrasound and
showing surgical residents how
to perform US-guided biopsies.
Dr. Ingalls says that working
in a developing nation involves
“finding innovative ways to
accomplish the same things we
do here with fewer resources.”
In an area without electricity,
Dr. Ian Cunningham (left) and Dr. Jerrell Ingalls (center) review an ultrasound screen with a
Kenyan surgery resident preparing to biopsy a liver mass in the OR at Tenwek Hospital. Dr.
Cunningham, an interventional radiologist, was visiting from Wenatchee, Washington.
Tenwek hospital gets power
from its own hydroelectric
dam. The facility was enlarged
to accommodate a CT scanner
that will be installed shortly.
Dr. Ingalls encourages
doctors trained in America to
share their skills with others.
He says, “Radiologists may feel
they have limited possibilities
to go overseas because equipment is lacking, but modern
imaging technology is increasingly available in the Third
World.” Teleradiology to
developing countries is also a
possibility. When the proper
equipment exists, images can
be produced by technologists
and sent to the U.S., interpreted
by a radiologist, and the results
emailed back.
The couple spent several
more days in Kenya, participating in a photo safari and other
adventures. UC Radiology
residents raised $150 to give to
Tenwek’s school of nursing.
U nivers ity of Cincinnati R adiology | 2
Imaging Matters
Upgrades Continue Across the Department | [email protected] | UC Physicians Radiology Vol. 9 No. 3 August 2011
Jannette Collins, MD,
Ben Felson Professor and
abdominal Imaging
Jonathan Moulton, MD
Breast Imaging
Mary Mahoney, MD
Imaging Mat ters | august 2011 Publications
Argus A and Halton L. Case of the season: Osteosarcoma of the breast. Seminars in Roentgenology 2011; 46:4-6
Collins J. Letter from the Editor: The
Scope of Interventional Radiology.
Seminars in Roentgenology 2011;
Hawkins CM, Towbin AJ. Rupture of
the left mainstem bronchus following
endotracheal intubation in a neonate.
Pediatr Radiol. 2011; 41(5):201-3. Epub
2010 Nov 13.
Hendry D, Wissman RD. Case 165:
Oncogenic osteomalacia. Radiology
2011; 258(1):320-2.
Lee SJ, Mahoney MC. The Protean
Manifestations of Granular Cell Tumors
of the Breast. Breast J. 2011; 17(2):201-3.
Yaghjyan L, Pinney SM, Mahoney MC,
Morton AR, Buckholz J. Mammographic Breast Density Assessment: A
Methods Study. Atlas Journal of
Medical & Biological Sciences 2011;
Molleran, V. Postbiopsy Management.
Seminars in Roentgenology 2011;
Rehani B. Imaging overutilisation: is
enough being done globally? Published online Biomed Imag & Interv
Starnes, Sandra L.; Reed, Michael F.;
Meyer, Cris A.; Shipley, Ralph T.; Jazieh,
Abdul-Rahman; Pina, Elsira M.;
Redmond, Kevin; Huffman, Lynn C. adiology
et. al. Can lung cancer screening by
computed tomography be effective in
areas with endemic histoplasmosis? J
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 141(3): 688-693.
Verma S, Rajesh A, Morales H, Lemen L,
Bills G, Delworth M, Gaitonde K, Ying J,
Samartunga R, Lamba M. Assessment
of aggressiveness of prostate cancer:
correlation of apparent diffusion
coefficient with histologic grade after
radical prostatectomy. AJR 2011 Feb;
Weiss KL, Cornelius RS, Greeley AL, Sun
D, Chang IJ, Boyce WO and Weiss JL.
Hybrid convolution kernel: Optimized
CT of the head, neck and spine. AJR
2011; 196:403-406
Argus A and Mahoney M. Initial Clinical
Experience with Breast Cancer Staging
Using Positron Emission Mammography
(PEM) and Same-Day PEM-Guided
Biopsy. Scientific session, American
Roentgen Ray Society annual meeting,
Chicago IL, May 2011.
Jannette Collins, MD, MEd, FCCP, FACR,
Ben Felson Professor and Chair of
Radiology, presented “Opportunities in
Education and Education Research” at
the annual meeting of the American
Roentgen Ray Society in Chicago, IL,
May 1, 2011.
Jannette Collins, MD, MEd, FCCP, FACR,
Ben Felson Professor and Chair of
Radiology, directed a 4-hour Item
Writing Workshop at the annual
meeting of the American Roentgen
Ray Society in Chicago, IL, May 1, 2011.
She gave interactive presentations on
“Writing Behaviorally-based Objectives”
and “Writing Multiple Choice Questions.” Fujimoto S, Venkatesh R, Ermentrout R,
Cohen A, Lamba R, Clayman R, Verma S
and Lall C. Making sense of postoperative imaging following partial
nephrectomy. Educational exhibit,
American Roengten Ray Society annual
meeting, Chicago IL, May 2011.
Garg D, Prasad S, Chintapalli K,
Woodfield C, Verma S, Garg N,
Shanbhogue A and Ojili V. MRI findings
in placental implantation abnormalities
(Placenta Accreta, Increta, Percreta).
Educational exhibit, American Roengten
Ray Society annual meeting, Chicago IL,
May 2011.
Klausing RE, Hawkins CM and Ristagno
RL. Radiologist assistant training within
an academic radiology department: A
single institution’s experience. Poster
presentation, Society of Interventional
Radiology annual scientific meeting,
Chicago IL, March 2011.
Nepute J, von Fischer N, Copeland C and
Wissman RD. Multimodality review of
the foot: What the podiatrist wants to
know. Poster presentation, Association
of University Radiologists annual
meeting, Boston MA, April, 2011.
Radhakrishnan R, von Fischer N, Nepute
J, Aeron G, Ingalls J and Wissman R.
Secondary findings of rotator cuff
disease: A multimodality review. Poster
presentation, Association of University
Radiologists annual meeting, Boston
MA, April, 2011.
Scheler J and Verma S. Utility of 18FFDG PET/CT in the evaluation of renal
cell carcinoma: A pictorial review.
Educational exhibit, American
Roengten Ray Society annual meeting,
Chicago IL, May 2011.
Verma S, Rehani B, Lall C and Rajesh A.
Imaging the neurovascular bundle
in presurgical planning for robotic
prostatectomy. Educational exhibit,
American Roengten Ray Society
annual meeting, Chicago IL, May 2011.
Awarded ARRS Certificate of Merit.
von Fischer N, Nepute J, Hendry D,
Wissman R, and Ingalls J. Imaging
of the hindfoot: An anatomical tour
crucial in understanding pathology.
Educational exhibit, American
Roengten Ray Society annual meeting,
Chicago IL, May 2011.
Sangita Kapur, MD
Ross Ristagno, MD
Rob Wissman, MD
Nuclear Medicine
Mariano Fernandez, MD
Pediatric Radiology
Bernadette Koch, MD
Resident Education
Rob Wissman, MD
University Pointe
Gavin Udstuen, MD
Varsity Village
Imaging Center
Rob Wissman, MD
Veterans Hospital
Austin Wand, MD
ABR Oral Boards were conducted in
Louisville, Kentucky May 21-26, 2011.
Doctors Jannette Collins, Rebecca
Cornelius, and Mary Mahoney from
UC Radiology served as examiners,
as did Dr. Daniel J. Podberesky from
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical
Center. n
Imaging Matters is a publication
for alumni, current employees
and friends of the University of
Cincinnati Radiology Department.
Please send comments and story
ideas to the editor, Clint Bramkamp,
at [email protected]
or call (513) 584-1845. n
2 APEX Award
2 Renovation Update
3 Latest Resident Activities
4 Kapur to Section Chief
5 New Residents and
From the Chair
This issue of Imaging Matters features
two significant developments, ACR
accreditation of UC Health University Hospital Diagnostic Imaging
Services, and a performance award
for University Pointe Imaging Center.
With the start of a new academic
year, we welcome a new group of
fellows and residents, and offer our
thanks and congratulations to those who have
successfully completed their programs. This is
also a time when terms in office
begin or end for many elected or
appointed positions in professional
responsibilities. I am proud to
recognize the contributions we
make to the academic radiology
community. Our physicians treat as
well as educate the public and our
fellow professionals; I hope you will
enjoy reading about some of those activities,
including an African adventure.
ACR Accreditation For All Diagnostic Imaging Services
An Honor Exclusive in Cincinnati to UC Health University Hospital
UC Health University Hospitalbased imaging services have
received accreditation from the
American College of Radiology
(ACR) for all types of diagnostic
imaging—an honor UC Health
holds exclusively in the Cincinnati area.
The accreditation applies to
imaging services at University
Hospital as well as two outpatient imaging centers located on
the UC campus at the UC Health
Physicians Office (Clifton) and
Varsity Village.
“This is not only about giving
the best care. It’s setting standards for the physicians, the
technologists and the physicists
that support the program to
ensure those care expectations
are met, if not exceeded,” says
Arthur Ray Morton, the senior
medical physicist at University
Hospital who led the accreditation review.
“The ACR sets a high
threshold for quality—everything from daily calibration to
radiation dose exposure in each
modality must adhere to the
ACR’s standards,” adds Michael
Regg, clinical operations
manager, UC Health Radiology.
The Food and Drug Administration requires that all facilities
providing mammography be
accredited by the ACR to receive
certification under the Mammography Quality Standards
Act. Outpatient imaging centers
offering advanced imaging
modalities—including nuclear
medicine, MRI, PET, and CT—
must achieve ACR accreditation
by January 2012 to comply with
the Medical Improvements for
Patients and Providers Act.
University Hospital was the
first ACR-accredited breast imaging center in Cincinnati and
remains the only local facility
accredited for breast MRI.