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Professor Andrew McCulloch
Distinguished Professor of
Bioengineering and Medicine
University of California San Diego
Dr. Andrew McCulloch served as Chair of the Bioengineering Department from 2005 to 2008. He is currently chair of the
Physiome and Systems Biology Committee of the International Union of Physiological Sciences. He directs the HHMI-NIBIB
Interfaces Graduate Training Program and the UCSD Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Specialization in Multi-Scale Biology. Dr. McCulloch
is a Principal Investigator of the National Biomedical Computation Resource and the Cardiac Atlas Project, and Co-Director of the
Cardiac Biomedical Science and Engineering Center at UCSD. He is member of the UCSD Institute for Engineering in Medicine,
the Qualcomm Institute and a Senior Fellow of the San Diego Supercomputer Center.
He was educated at the University of Auckland, New Zealand in Engineering Science and Physiology receiving his Ph.D. in 1986.
Dr. McCulloch was an NSF Presidential Young Investigator and is a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological
Engineering and a Fellow of the Cardiovascular Section of the American Physiological Society. He is currently Associate Editor
of PLoS Computational Biology and co-Editor-in-Chief of Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models. He is on the editorial boards of
four other journals.
Dr. McCulloch’s lab uses experimental and computational models to investigate the relationships between the cellular and
extracellular structure of cardiac muscle and the electrical and mechanical function of the whole heart during ventricular
remodeling, heart failure and arrhythmia.
Multi-Scale Mechanisms of Heart Failure:
From Mouse to Man
时间:2015.5.19 16:00-17:30
We use multi-scale computational modeling,
magnetic resonance imaging and biophysical
studies in genetically engineered mice to
investigate how cellular and molecular defects
can give rise to heart failure at the organ and
system scales. Here I will show recent studies
on the mechanisms by which gene defects in
the contractile regulatory protein myosin
regulatory light chain and the cytoskeletal
protein vinculin can lead to dilated
cardiomyopathy and heart failure. Recent
progress in using patient-specific models of
dyssynchronous heart failure to understand
clinical responses to cardiac resynchronization
therapy will also be presented.
学术报告 二
Multi-Scale Modeling of the Heart:
From Cell to Organ System
时间:2015.5.20 10:00-12:00
We are developing multi-scale models of the heart that integrate
both functionally across biomechanical, electrophysiological
and regulatory functions and structurally across physical scales
of organization from molecule to organ system. Biomechanics
models integrate from the level of the crossbridge to the
myofilament lattice to the cell, tissue, organ and circulatory
system. Electrophysiological models start at the scale of the
individual ion channel, then integrate their currents into the
whole cell action potential, which then propagates in threedimensions through the myocardium and gives rise to
electrocardiograms on the body surface. These models can then
be used to investigate electrical alterations in arrhythmia and
mechanical alterations in heart failure and other disorders. Here,
we illustrate the development of these computational models to
using several examples including: Microanatomically detailed
models of subcellular and cellular biophysics generated from
3D electron tomograms; multi-scale models of murine
ventricular mechanics derived from mouse cardiac magnetic
resonance imaging; and patient-specific computational models
of human atrial fibrillation and dyssynchronous heart failure to
improve diagnosis and treatment efficacy.