Download Heart Doily Recipe Card 1

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Hear t Doily Assor tment
dd romance to your
decor and Valentine
gifts with heart
Valentine Box
Assorted Wimpole Street Creations heart doilies
Wimpole Street Creations chenille, fabric or paint
Paint or cover the box with chenille or fabric. Arrange
and glue lace hearts and flowers to decorate the box.
Heart Garland
Three matching or assorted 2”-4” Wimpole Street Creations heart doilies
Satin ribbon
Chenille needle
Sugar stiffener
Weave 1/8” satin ribbon around the hearts if desired. Saturate
the hearts with the sugar stiffener and lay on foil or waxed
paper. Allow to air dry completely. Tie the hearts side-to-side
with bows, leaving 10" - 12" of ribbon at each end of the
garland. Decorate the hearts with ribbon roses or tiny dried
flowers. Create a hanger with matching ribbon. ALTERNATE: You can also thread
the hearts end-to-end for a vertical garland.
Sugar Stiffener
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
Mix sugar and water and bring to a boil. Let cool. This is a non-permanent hard
Hear t Doily Assor tment
Candy Door Hanger
Two matching Wimpole Street Creations heart doilies
Satin ribbon
Chenille needle
Glue, optional
Place the hearts with wrong sides together. Weave the ribbon through
the lace edges of both doilies, beginning and ending at the top of
both sides of the heart. Attach a double ribbon handle and tie into
bows at the sides. Decorate as desired. Fill the heart door hanger
with candy, jewelry or a valentine and leave on your sweetheart’s
Beaded or Personalized Heart
Wimpole Street Creations cutwork or fabric and Battenburg doily
Needle and thread
Assorted beads
Glue, optional
Bead tiny hearts and flowers or trace a name on the center fabric of the heart
and outline with beads.
Apron with Hearts
Purchased apron
Three matching Wimpole Street Creations heart doilies
Three 3/4” buttons
One yard of coordinating embroidery floss
Iron-on liquid fusible
Chenille needle
Apply a thin line of liquid fusible on the wrong side, outside edge of the doilies.
Center the doilies on each pocket or on the front of the apron. Fuse in place, following manufacturer’s instructions. Hand-sew the buttons to each doily, using six strands
of floss. Tie knots on top of the buttons.
Infant Onesie with Hearts
Three matching 4” Wimpole Street Creations fabric and
Battenburg hearts
Infant onesie
Two ribbon roses
Sewing machine and matching thread or
washable fabric glue
Pin the heart doilies along the hip line on the back of the onesie as shown. Sew
around the outside lace edges of the hearts with a narrow zigzag stitch. Hand-stitch
or glue the roses between the hearts. Allow the glue to dry thoroughly.
For more recipes see