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Section 1.5 23
A homogeneous equation is always consistent. TRUE - The
trivial solution is always a solution.
The equation Ax = 0 gives an explicit descriptions of its
solution set. FALSE - The equation gives an implicit
description of the solution set.
The homogeneous equation Ax = 0 has the trivial solution if
and only if the equation has at least one free variable. FALSE
- The trivial solution is always a solution to the equation
Ax = 0.
The equation x = p + tv describes a line through v parallel to
p. False. The line goes through p and is parallel to v.
The solution set of Ax = b is the set of all vectors of the form
w = p + vh where vh is any solution of the equation Ax = 0
FALSE This is only true when there exists some vector p such
that Ap = b.
Linear Algebra, David Lay
Week Three True or False
Section 1.5 24
If x is a nontrivial solution of Ax = 0, then every entry in x is
nonzero. FALSE. At least one entry in x is nonzero.
The equation x = x2 u + x3 v, with x2 and x3 free (and neither
u or v a multiple of the other), describes a plane through the
origin. TRUE
The equation Ax = b is homogeneous if the zero vector is a
solution. TRUE. If the zero vector is a solution then
b = Ax = A0 = 0. So the equation is Ax = 0, thus
The effect of adding p to a vector is to move the vector in the
direction parallel to p. TRUE. We can also think of adding p
as sliding the vector along p.
The solution set of Ax = b is obtained by translating the
solution set of Ax = 0. FALSE. This only applies to a
consistent system.
Linear Algebra, David Lay
Week Three True or False
Section 1.7 21
The columns of the matrix A are linearly independent if the
equation Ax = 0 has the trivial solution. FALSE. The trivial
solution is always a solution.
If S is a linearly dependent set, then each vector is a linear
combination of the other vectors in S. FALSE- For example,
[1, 1] , [2, 2] and [5, 4] are linearly dependent but the last is
not a linear combination of the first two.
The columns of any 4 × 5 matrix are linearly dependent.
TRUE. There are five columns each with four entries, thus by
Thm 8 they are linearly dependent.
If x and y are linearly independent, and if {x, y, z} is linearly
dependent, then z is in Span{x, y}. TRUE Since x and y are
linearly independent, and {x, y, z} is linearly dependent, it
must be that z can be written as a linear combination of the
other two, thus in in their span.
Linear Algebra, David Lay
Week Three True or False
Section 1.7 22
Two vectors are linearly dependent if and only if they lie on a
line through the origin. TRUE. If they lie on a line through
the origin then the origin, the zero vector, is in their span thus
they are linearly dependent.
If a set contains fewer vectors then there are entries in the
vectors, then the set is linearly independent. FALSE For
example, [1, 2, 3] and [2, 4, 6] are linearly dependent.
If x and y are linearly independent, and if z is in the
Span{x, y} then {x, y, z} is linearly dependent. TRUE If z is
in the Span{x, y} then z is a linear combination of the other
two, which can be rearranged to show linear dependence.
Linear Algebra, David Lay
Week Three True or False
Section 1.7 22 Continued
If a set in Rn is linearly dependent, then the set contains more
vectors than there are entries in each vector. False. For
example, in R3 [1, 2, 3] and [3, 6, 9] are linearly dependent.
Linear Algebra, David Lay
Week Three True or False
Section 1.8 21
A linear transformation is a special type of function. TRUE
The properties are (i) T (u + v) = T (u) + T (v) and (ii)
T (cu) = cT (u).
If A is a 3 × 5 matrix and T is a transformation defined by
T (x) = Ax, then the domain of T is R3 . FALSE The domain
is R5 .
If A is an m × n matrix, then the range of the transformation
x 7→ Ax is Rm FALSE Rm is the codomain, the range is where
we actually land.
Every linear transformation is a matrix transformation.
FALSE. The converse (every matrix transformation is a linear
transformation) is true, however. We (probably) will see
examples of when the original statement is false later.
Linear Algebra, David Lay
Week Three True or False
Section 1.8 21 Continued
A transformation T is linear if and only if
T (c1 v1 + c2 v2 ) = c1 T (v1) + c2 T (v2 ) for all v1 and v2 in the
domain of T and for all scalars c1 and c2 . TRUE If we take
the definition of linear transformation we can derive these and
if these are true then they are true for c1 , c2 = 1 so the first
part of the definition is true, and if v = 0, then the second
part if true.
Linear Algebra, David Lay
Week Three True or False
Section 1.8 22
Every matrix transformation is a linear transformation. TRUE
To actually show this, we would have to show all matrix
transformations satisfy the two criterion of linear
The codomain of the transformation x 7→ Ax is the set of all
linear combinations of the columns of A. FALSE The If A is
m × n codomain is Rm . The original statement in describing
the range.
If T : Rn → Rm is a linear transformation and if c is in Rm ,
then a uniqueness question is ”Is c is the range of T .” FALSE
This is an existence question.
A linear transformation preserves the operations of vector
addition and scalar multiplication. TRUE This is part of the
definition of a linear transformation.
The superposition principle is a physical description of a linear
transformation. TRUE The book says so. (page 77)
Linear Algebra, David Lay
Week Three True or False