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Seeing Shaytaan in the form of an enemy as
he is here for our destruction
The relationship between iblees and his
troops is that they must follow his orders
This is a must in any war
Misleading at time of death
Prophet (pbuh) used to pray: O Allah, I seek refuge with You
from being thrown from a high place, old age, drowning and
burning; and I seek refuge with You from being beaten by the
Shaytaan at the time of death”
Shaytaan could take control of a person when he is about to
depart this world, and misguide him or stop him from
“Allahumma innee a’oodhu bika min al-taraddi wa’l-haram wa’l-gharaq wa’l-harq,
wa a’oodhu bika an yatakhabatani al-shaytan ‘ind al-mawt [al-Nasai]
Throne of iblees
“The throne of Iblees is on the sea and he sends out
his troops to spread mischief (fitnah) among the
people. The greatest of them in his sight is the one
who causes the most fitnah.” (Narrated by Muslim, 5031; Ahmad, no. 1427)
He put his throne on the sea so he can see the action
from far and have a good view. He has troops on
horseback with arrows/bullets and these arrows are
intended to be shot at the heart of man to cause harm
Introduction to Roqya
The recitation of Qur’an
using authentic supplications
and seeking refuge in Allah
using His Names and Attributes
Treatment for evil eye
• envy
• possession
• black magic
• other illnesses such as
Ruqya ash-Shariyyah
free from shirk
• involves the recitation of Qur’an
authentic supplications
and seeking assistance and refuge in Allah alone
• the words of Allah (Qur’an), his names and his attributes
• in the Arabic language or a language that is understood
• That the person believe that Roqya has no benefit by itself
the benefits and cure are from
“Fath al Bari” and in the sayings of “Ibn Taymiyyah”
concerning healing the one who is possessed
Roqya ash-Shar’iyyah is permissible and legal in
Islam as the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wa salam)
himself performed this type of Roqya and
commanded others to do so
Ruqya ash-Shirkiyyah
• leads to sin and destruction
• involves calling upon other than Allah
• seeking assistance from the jinn, magic,
horoscopes, charms & amulets
Contains Shirk
completely forbidden in Islam
• Many dangers in the field of Roqya
• Raqi needs to be strong physically and spiritually
• A Raqi is a Mujahid fi Sabeelillah on the front line
serving Allah
• As a Raqi you will be helping:
Work Colleagues
Strangers etc.
Introduction to a Raqi
Tawheed fully
the decree of Allah
the tactics of shaytaan and his enmity towards man
Getting to know yourself
Am i possessed or not?
Do i have sihr or not?
Do i have Ayn or not?
Challenges of a Raqi
assess yourself before helping others in the
correct way.
challenging … but take care of yourself
and then think about others
Prophet’s (pbuh) statement is that the
religion is advice
Genuine Raqi
Follows the example of the Prophet Muhammad
AND the examples of the Sahaba, the righteous
use du'as free from shirk and use everything which
has evidence
using medicines that help with treatment such as
Black seed oil, hijamah etc.
Mubtadi’ Raqi’s
• Overstep the boundaries of ijtihaad
• Anyone who practices innovation as far as religious matters
• Use methods that are not from the Sunnah and can reach the extent where they
are out of the fold of Islam
having secrets which they only know
resembling magicians
doing signs with their hands
mumbling words or names
writing the Qur’an in a circle manner
separating the letters
writing different versus in different colours
blatantly doing something against the shariah
Raqi's who use the jinn
they are magicians
claim to know the unseen such as Peers, Molvies etc.
they cause more harm than good
individuals who are trusted in their communities by people who don't
have a good understanding of Tawheed
These “Raqi’s” use ta’weez and other objects and commit so much shirk
completely leaving the fold of Islam and become a danger to the
some raqi’s who have been deceived by the permissibility of using
Muslim jinn
they go into it so much that they come out of reality until they resemble
soothsayers and magicians
they claim to know things which have been lost and news that has been
passed on to them from the jinn
What is:
• jinn hunting
• jinn catching
• non-Muslim individuals
• don't use the Qur'an and Sunnah in
their methods
• people of the book such as the Jews
and Christians
• There's a difference of opinion when it
comes to seeking Roqya from them.
Imam Ash-Shafi’I’s opinion
Imam Ash-Shafi’i is of the opinion that we can seek
Roqya from them as long as they use words from
their books which are completely free from shirk
The evidence for this is when Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (RAA)
came to A'isha (RAA) and found her complaining of pain
and a jewish lady was doing Roqya on her He said "Recite
the book of Allah on her" i.e the words of Allah. No
Sahabah went against him in regards to this statement
Ibn Malik’s opinion
Ibn Malik did not like this opinion as well as
other scholars.
Their arguments is that most Roqya from
non-Muslims contains shirk which makes it
dangerous hence it should be avoided to
avoid falling into haram
Ibn Baz (RA) was in agreement with Imam
Shafi’s view and said it should be allowed as
long as it has no shirk in it.
Who can perform Roqya
In Islam, anyone can perform Roqya. There is no
law that says you can't perform Roqya as long as
you follow the Qur'an and Sunnah without
transgressing the limits and falling into shirk.
Ai'sha (RAA) narrated: "When the Messenger of Allah
(PBUH) was ill, he used to recite al-Mu'awidhatayn over
himself and spit dryly. When his pain grew more intense, I
recited over him and wiped him with his own hand,
seeking its blessing. (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
Who can perform Ruqya
A person can also perform Roqya on themselves
and their families and a wife can perform Roqya
on her husband and vice-versa.
The Prophet of Allah (PBUH) was asked about
Roqya, and he replied: "Whoever among you is
able to help his brother he should do so (Sahih Muslim)
Attributes and principles of a Raqi
• Tawheed is one of the fundamental principles
• someone Muslims can account for
• known in his community as a practicing and
pious Muslim
• striving in the path of Allah
• intention behind his Roqya practice should not
be for worldly gain
• but to aid the oppressed and enjoin the good
and forbid the evil purely for the sake of Allah
Attributes and principles of a Raqi
• guard the affairs of his patients, protect their
• Have knowledge and sufficient experience in
the field of Ruqya
• not treat women without a mahram present
• If a mahram isn't available, then he must make
sure that he has a Muslim who fears Allah and is
practicing present
Attributes and principles of a Raqi
• He must give his patients sound advice to the
best of his ability
• He must not fall into the trap of shaytaan by
talking unnecessarilyto the Jinn and prolonging
conversations with them
• He must always rely on Allah (SWT) for cure and
humble himself at all times
Attributes and principles of a Raqi
• Allah (SWT) says in many places in the Qur’an that the Qur’an itself is a
source of healing.
• “And We send down of the Qur'an that which is healing and mercy for the
believers, but it does not increase the wrongdoers except in loss.” (AlIsra’:82)
• “Say it is for those who believe a guidance and a healing.” (Fussilat:44)
“Allah has not sent down an illness except that Allah sent down with it a
Likewise in the Ahadeeth of the Prophet (PBUH) there is evidence to show
the permissibility of seeking treatment.
Allah has never created a disease but created its cure, it is known by some
people and unknown to others, except death.” (At-Tabarani)
Permissibility of seeking Ruqya
Narrated that Aisha (RAA) said: “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH)
used to tell me to seek Roqya from others against the evil eye.”
(Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
Narrated that Aisha (RAA) said: “When the Messenger of Allah
(PBUH) was sick, Jibreel performed Roqya on him.” (Sahih Muslim)
Aisha (RAA) would perform Roqya on the prophet during his last
days. The prophet (PBUH) would blow in his blessed hands and
recite the three Quls and then wipe his hands over his body. When
his illness intensified, Aisha (RAA) would blow and recite in his
hands and then wipe his hands over his body. (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
Ruqya and healing
Misconception that Roqya is only for Jinn possession, Ayn and sihr
Hadith of the Sahabi who did Roqya with Surat Al-Fatihah on a
tribal leader who was stung by a scorpion and was cured using
In another Hadeeth, the Prophet (PBUH) called for salt and water
as he was bitten by a scorpion and then recited Qur’an.
In another Hadeeth, Aisha (RAA) narrates the prophet (PBUH) said:
“In the name of Allah, the earth of our land along with the spittle
from amongst us cures the ill amongst us by the permission of
Ruqya and healing
The Prophet (PBUH) therefore combined both physical medicine
with spiritual medicine. The evidence for this can be taken out
from the following two ayaat.
“And We send down of the Qur'an that which is healing and mercy
for the believers, but it does not increase the wrongdoers except in
loss.” (Al-Isra’:82)
“Then eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of your Lord made easy
for you. There comes forth from their bellies (i.e Bees), a drink of
varying colours wherein is healing for men. Verily in this is indeed a
sign for people who think. (An-Nahl:69)
Ruqya and healing
• The law of Islam came to preserve five things:
Religion, Life, Mind, Honour and Wealth
• The Qur’aan mentions the principle of
maintaining good health.
• Ibn al-Qayyim said: The basic principles of
medicine are three: prevention, maintaining
and removing harmful substances
Ruqya and healing
Allaah says concerning the maintenance of good health:
• “and whoever is ill or on a journey, the same
number [of days which one did not observe
Sawm (fasts) must be made up] from other days”
[al-Baqarah 2:185]
• The traveller is allowed to break his fast during
Ramadaan, to protect his health lest the
combination of fasting and the difficulties of
travel weakens him and affects his health.
Ruqya and healing
• Islam is a religion that encourages and gives importance to physical
and spiritual wellbeing. [Zaad al maad by ibn al qayyim]
• Islam promotes protection, prevention and treatment from any
illnesses that can cause harm to ones physical and spiritual health.
• For example ‘wudu’ (ablution – the act of cleansing ones face and
limbs to enter a state of purity), not only does this purify a person in a
spiritual sense but it also purifies and cleanses a person’s limbs from
dirt and bacteria.
• Similarly, the prayer and fasting have immense spiritual benefit and
recently scientists have found out that fasting actually helps protect
oneself against brain diseases.