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Issue No.34
February 2014
Tur ning Ourselves Around
“Turn around and the shore is there.” This wellknown saying is a good reminder in life. When the
prodigal turns around and changes for the better,
he/she is as good as gold. If an individual fails to
see what is ahead and charges forward blindly, the
result will be either crashing into a wall or falling
over the cliff. Therefore, knowing when to turn
around is very important.
The journey of life is full of temptation and traps.
When lured by temptation, if we do not turn
ourselves around in time, we may find ourselves
on the road of no return. For instance, many
people indulge themselves in sex and alcohol.
They should know when to turn things around,
because their fate is in their own hands. Others
blindly pursue fame and high status, not realizing
how their lives have become shackled by their
pursuits. If they turn their minds around, they will
be so much more carefree.
By looking ahead, we can only see half of the world.
But by turning around, we will find the other half.
The world in front is like a narrow door everyone
is fighting to go through, and someone is bound
to get hurt. If we can turn around and look at the
world behind us, where there is no one fighting,
we will see it is so much more open and free!
In life’s boundless ocean of suffering, it is important
for us to turn around to look for the shore. When we
are forced into a corner by circumstances, or find
ourselves walking down a dead-end alley because
of our thoughts, it is crucial that we know how to
turn things around and give ourselves some space.
Just as in driving a car, we should know how to
make a turn ahead of time. When crossing each
other’s path on the street, we need to know when
to step aside. We should ask ourselves, “Is it really
victory for us when we do not yield and move?”
There are so many embarrassing situations where
we need to find a way out. Similarly, when we are
engaged in conflicts with others, we should step
back to look for a solution. Without leaving enough
ground for negotiation in our relationships with
others, we will not be able to reap good results.
When there are financial disputes, we need to
leave enough space for both sides to turn the
situation around. Whatever the situation, when we
are faced with obstacles, we have to understand
when and how to turn ourselves around.
As the saying goes, “Reaching the end of
mountains or rivers, we naturally need to turn
around.” Sailing in an ocean of suffering, we must
understand that because the ocean is boundless,
we must turn around to find the shore. In moving
down the path of life, we also need to know where
to turn around.
There is a verse on the front gates of Fo Guang
Shan in Taiwan, “Where do you want to go? Please
consider carefully when you plan to come back!
Turn around and the shore is there.” Once we
understand this concept, need we still fear not
having room to turn ourselves around in life?
(adapted from Tending Life’s Garden, between Ignorance and
Enlightenment VI, published by Buddha’s Light Publishing)
A Noble Steed Gallops into a Bright Future
-- 2014 New Year’s Blessings
from Venerable Master Hsing Yun
There is a Chinese idiom: “Soar across the miles like a
roc.” When a roc, a mythical bird, stretches its wings, it
can fly across thousands of miles. As we come across
the year of the Horse, a steed can also gallop across the
great distance.
Every one of us wishes to improve and progress.
Therefore I wish everyone, in the year of the Horse, to
achieve great things in your career and life. May you
be like the noble steed which gallops into the bright
Buddha’s Light Shines Bright!
The annual ‘Lunar New Year Lantern Festival’ - featuring
decorative lantern designs based on the twelve ‘Chinese
Zodiac Signs’ and the ‘Three Acts of Goodness’ - was
held at Nan Tien Temple from Friday, January 31st to
Sunday, February 9th.
Master Hsing Yun’s ‘One-Stroke Calligraphy’, Tea Chan
and a Teapot exhibition.
Inthe Buddha’s day, people were encouraged to make
lamp offerings as one ofthe ‘ten kinds of offerings to a
Buddha’. Lamp offering is a merit-making act, with the
profound meaning of providing brightness to illuminate
the world. Pervading the world with Buddha’s light
thus fills it with warmth, happiness and harmony; and
signifies peace, safety and auspiciousness.
The Buddha further expounded on the excellent merits
of lamp offerings in the ‘Sutra of the Benefits of Offering
Besides the many wonderful lanterns on display,other
activities at this year’s festival included Venerable
BBEP Start off for 2014
On January 15th, the Gandha Hall was filled once
again with the talents, goodness of heart and
commitment of many project members. The
Buddha’s Birthday Education Project (BBEP) brings
back to life historical and literary descriptions of
the world’s oldest birthday party of the Buddha
(over 2500 years)! It is also a localisation effort
enabling a research-based, educational and
artistic vision to become reality.
To start off the meeting, Ven. Juewei introduced
a reflection activity where we put in the good
things we will do in the year. We now have
the image of a large jar for conservation and
honouring of good ideas, intentions and actions
which can be reviewed at year end!
complementing local festival and ritual, but
is producing and updating a highly attractive
website and other media enabling accessibility
of relevant materials.
For enquiries or interests in joining, email [email protected]
Visit our site at or on facebook
The meeting was firing with ideas new and
surprising! It began with Sarah, the project
manager, charting the BBEP organisational
structure, enabling us to understand how
each of us fits in the scheme of things. And,
with around three months to go we took
stock of progress made to date which covered
refinement of event logistics (marquees I, II, III).
Reports from team leaders prior to and after the
session’s workshopping were simply impressive
and amazing, from Synergy to IT, Dharma Cards,
Educational Resource Kit, Timeline, Art Exhibits
(old and new) merchandise plus Buddha’s
Birthday Party.
So, already BBEP 2014 is appearing quite tangibly
a quality, portable annual event! Not only is the
project incorporating reusable materials for
CAMParadise Fun @ Nan Tien
Welcoming 2014 with Pilgrimage and Lights on
New Year’s Eve
Sarah Cooper reflects on the magic of the Nan Tien‘
Cultural Festival’…
For the past few years,I’ve attended the temple’s
‘Cultural Festival’. I reallydelight inthe hustle and
bustle of it all.And this yearthere were so many
new things to see and do.
The sounds of children laughing, musicians
performing and people of all ages sharing in the
wonder and excitement of the festivalcreated a
light-hearted, joyful atmosphere. Even the rain
cleared and the sun came out to play!
At one point, I just stood there observing, thinking
how nice it is to be surrounded by cheerful, friendly
people from diverse cultures and backgrounds.
I felt grateful forthe freedom to be able to come
together and celebrate the New Year in such a
multicultural, inclusive manner.
For me, the magic of the festival is really in seeing
things through the eyes of the children with whom
I’ve had the pleasure to interact and get to know.
One little girl, about three years old, sat ever so still
to have her face painted like a fairy queen, hardly
a flinch from her as she had various shades of
pink whisked around her nose and eyes. Her eyes
widened in surprise, a look of shock on her face
emergingas she was handed the mirror to see the
masterpiece. As the day drew to a close, I decided
to bring out the big kid within, and have my face
painted, too!
This year, I joined fellow volunteer, Meich Chua
behind the microphone to present a radio show,
which was broadcast throughout the temple
grounds. After figuring out how to work the
equipment, and navigating our way around corners
and cables, we settled in to discuss the various
yummy foods available, the fun activities, and
the array of performances held in the courtyard.
We played songs from the ‘Sounds of the Human
World’ CD, shared reflections on volunteering at
Nan Tien, and interviewed Venerables Jue Wei and
Miao You about activities in the templeand Nan
Tien Institute.
Throughout my time at the festival, I felt rich - not
in a material or monetary sense, but rich because
there was so much love and generosity on display.
Being able to put down our own worries to give
and share with others - even if their story is not our
story, their background not our background –that’s
a special kind of treasure!
Sitting in Quiet Contemplation
“Buddhism is not a religion,nor an academia. It is a
way of life that offers guidelines and precepts into
how to live life” - Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
On the journey of life, we face many challengesand,
sometimes, we forget who we are, and our life’s
The Buddha taught the Dharma to help people
realise their own true natureof compassion,
wisdom, and joy.
Nan Tien Temple’s ‘English Buddhism’ class offers
this opportunity to all.
One student commented - “Amidst the routine of life
and the problems I face, I forget that I am supposed
to be humanand act with loving kindness. This
class was a great reminder of the more important
things in life; a reminder not to get carried away by
day to day stress.”
English Buddhism and Meditation Classes are held
on Wednesday evenings. Term 1 begins March
12th. To register, or for more information call (02)
4272 0600 - or email [email protected]
Nan Tien Temple Mar ~ Apr 2014 Upcoming Events
Ven. Master Hsing Yun One-Stroke Calligraphy &
Tea Chan Exhibitions
Hai Hui Hall
Tea Pot Exhibition
Self Development & Cultivation*
Meditation Hall
Weekend Meditation Retreat*
Meditation Hall
Buddhism & Meditation Classes Term 1*
Nan Tien Temple
Guan Yin Dharma Service
Front Shrine
Baby Blessing*
Main Shrine
Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s Birthday
Main Shrine
One Day Retreat*
Meditation Hall
Qing Ming Dharma Service
Main Shrine
1/12/13~31/3/14 Tues~Sun 9am~5pm
Starts 16/2
Sat~ Sun
10:30 ~
One Day Retreat*
Meditation Hall
Buddha’s Birthday Celebration
Nan Tien Temple
Weekend Meditation Retreat*
Meditation Hall
*Requires registration, contact 4272-0600 for more information or to register online at
The latest in holistic postgraduate education
grounded in Buddhist values and wisdom
‘Ethics and Social Harmony’ key topic of
2014 Harmony Day
Scholarships and FEE-HELP
available for 2014 studies
Academics and religious leaders from around the region participated in
Harmony Day 2014 events at Nan Tien Temple on 9 February.
NTI is making it easy for you to take advantage of unique and
life-changing studies in 2014, with a range of scholarships for domestic
and international students, and FEE-HELP for Australian domestic
The 2014 Interfaith Festival of Music and Dance for Social Harmony
included a Prayer for World Peace, a Light Offering, and sacred songs
and dances from interfaith communities.
This was followed by an interesting panel discussion involving various
religious groups on the topic ‘Ethics and Social Harmony’.
Scholarships are available for 2014 in a range of areas – including
Health, Education, Research and general postgraduate studies. These
are valued at between $3,400 and $38,960.
FEE-HELP lets students study with no up-front cost. This interest-free
Australian government loan scheme allows eligible students to defer
payment of their NTI tuition fees.
See photos of this event at:
See for details.
NTI launches new CBD English Language Centre
NTI will open its’ English Language Centre (ELC) in the Sydney CBD in
early 2014. The programs will provide students with personal and
professional development, and prepare them for further educational
Mindfulness and Mind-Body Wellness
focus of upcoming subjects
Nan Tien Institute started its’ 2014 teaching program with ‘Introduction
to Buddhism’ in early February. This subject provided students with a
comprehensive overview of Buddhist history and thought. If you missed
out, there are still places available in this subject running 28 July-1
Enrol now in the upcoming subjects – ‘Mindfulness: Theory and Practice’
(3-7 March), the new ‘Mind-Body Wellness’ (24-28 March)* and ‘Selected
Readings of Buddhist Literature’ (31 March-4 April).
Visit for more details and to enrol.
*Note: Nan Tien Institute’s Master of Arts (Health & Social Wellbeing), Graduate Diploma in Health and Social
Wellbeing and Graduate Certificate in Health and Social Wellbeing courses have been accredited by the
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act). The application for CRICOS
registration to offer the courses to overseas students is under consideration. The commencement date for the
courses will be confirmed when the conditions attached to the accreditation have been satisfied. Please
check with the Institute for information on the indicative dates for the subjects.
NTI’s ELC will provide quality-assured programs run by highly qualified
and experienced teachers. It will provide a safe, nurturing and
stimulating environment that supports the unique needs of
international English language students.
Contact NTI for more information: tel 02 4272 0648 or email
[email protected].
Key upcoming dates
3 - 7 March
Mindfulness: Theory and Practice subject
24 - 28 March
NEW Mind-Body Wellness subject*
31 Mar - 4 Apr
Selected Readings of Buddhist Literature subject
Where will your learning journey take you in 2014?
Postgraduate | Masters | Diploma | Certificate | Short Courses | Professional Development
180 Berkeley Road, Berkeley (Wollongong), NSW Australia 2506 Tel +61 (2) 4272 0648 Email [email protected] CRICOS: 03233C ABN: 80 139 338 819