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Verfasser, Titel
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Iwata, Takashi (1974): Pratyakṣa no ba no kōzō ni yoru kaimei (2) - Pratyakṣa ni okeru shunkansei [On Instanteity in
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Shūkyō Kenkyū 32, 100-80 (1-21).
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Kanakura, Enshō (1935): Hōshō ni okeru ketsugō no kansatsu [Investigation of saṃbandha in Dharmakīrti]. Shūkyō
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Kimura, Toshihiko (1976): U no mujō-sei - Ronri-gakuha ni okeru genshi Bukkyō tese no tenkai [Noneternal
SD S 28.5 296 character of Being - The development of the early Buddhist theses in Buddhist logical School]. Bukkyō Kenkyō 5,
Kuwatsuki, Shin (1979): Uddyotakara no setsuna-metsu-ronshō hihan [Uddyotakara's Criticism against the Buddhist
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Theory of Momentariness]. Ryūkoku Daigaku Daigaku-in Kiyō 1, 1-15.
Kamidate, Yoshirō (1958): Vedānta-bunken ni arawareta artha-kriyā-kāritva no gainen [Das arthakriyā-kāritvaSD S 28.5 298 Konzept, wie es sich in der Vedānta-Literatur findet]. Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū [Journal of Indian and
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Yamaguchi, Eshō (1952): Inmyō ronshiki-seiritsu no jōken - Inmyō no ronrisei ni tsuite (2) [Background of
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Takemura, Shōhō (1967): Stcherbatsky Bukkyōronrigaku [Logic by Th. Stcherbatsky]. Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 24, 66SD S 28.5 301
Sueki, Takehiro (1979): Inmyō ni okeru gobyūron [The logic of fallacy in hetuvidyā]. In: Tamaki Kōshirō (ed.),
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Kanaoke, Shūyū (1961): Ga to kaku to meguru ronjō - Tattvasaṃgraha, Mīmāṃsāparikalpātmanirākaraṇa [Dispute
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Kakei, Mukan (1970): Jñānaśrīmitra no "Sākārasiddhiśāstra" dairokushō - shiyaku to chūki (1) [Das sechste Kapitel
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Namai, Mamoru (1979): Kyamu to Ronri - Bārhaspatya no ronri taki tachiba [Nichts und Logik - Der logische
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Namai, Mamoru (1983): Kyamu to Ronri zoku - Kōki Bukkyōto no Ronritakitachiba (1) [Nichts und Logik
(Fortsetzung) - Der logische Standpunkt der späteren Buddhisten]. Mikkyō Bunka 143, 84-69.
Yamasaki, Tsugihiko (1960): "Ryūjaku gūko" to sono genkai [A Logical Norm and its Limits]. Indogaku
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Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū [Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies] 8/2, 593-597.
SD S 28.5 317 Ogawa Hideyo (1981): Jñānaśrīmitra no gainenron [Concept-Theory of Jñānaśrīmitra]. Tetsugaku Kenkyū 33, 67-80.
Oki, Kazufumi, Dharmakīrti no "citrādvaita" riron [Dharmakīrti's citrādvaita Theory]. Indogaku Bukkyōgaku
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Herzberger, Hans G. (1975): Double Negation in Buddhist Logic. Journal of Indian Philosophy 3/1-2, 3-16.
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Ota, Shinkai (1981): Dharmakīrti's Criticism of Sāṃkhya Theory of Universal. A Translation of Pramāṇavārttika 1
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38/2, 73-99.
Much, Michael Torsten (1986): Dharmakīrti's definition of "points of defeat" (nigrahasthāna). Buddhist Logic and
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Kimura, Toshihiko (1970): Shōri Katsurongakuha no Yūshinron ni taisuru Bukkyōronrigakuhan no hihan SD S 28.5 387a
Dharmakīrti ni okeru. Bunka 34/3, 70-101 (224-255).
Kimura, Toshihiko (1970): Shōri Katsurongakuha no Yūshinron ni taisuru Bukkyōronrigakuhan no hihan SD S 28.5 387b
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Steinkellner, Ernst (1985): On a newly identified manuscript of the Hetubinduṭīkā in the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
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Journal of the Asiatic Society 27/4, 78-83.
SD S 28.5 390 Steinkellner, Ernst (1984): Svabhāvapratibandha again. Acta Indologica 6, 457-476.
Hishida, Kunio (1970): Kazu (saṅkhyā) hihan ni tsuite [On the criticism of saṅkhyā - Translation of TS v.639-646
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Agrawal, Madan Mohan (1983): The Buddhist doctrine of Apoha. Presented at The 31st International Congress of
SD S 28.5 396 Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa, Tokyo and Kyoto: Toho Gakkai (Institute of Eastern Culture),1-7
SD S 28.5 397 Mikogami, Eshō (1983): Śubhagupta's Criticism of the Vāsanā Theory. Presented at The 31st International Congress
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Honour of Dr. Shozen Kumoi on His Seventieth Birthday. Kyoto: Heirakuji Shoten, 279-294.
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Ono, Motoi (1984): Dharmakīrti ni okeru kotoba to ronri [Sprache und Logik bei Dharmakīrti]. Hikaku Shisō no
Michi 3, 42-46.
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