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World Geography 3202 Practice Multiple Choice
Unit 1 – Landforms and Water Forms
SCO 1.1: The student will be expected to demonstrate an understanding that the earth’s surface is shaped
by building-up forces resulting from tectonic activity, including the following delineations:
1.1.1 Explain how compressional forces are caused. (k)
1.1.2 Explain how tensional forces are caused. (k)
1.1.3 Relate selected plate movements to compressional and tensional forces. (a)
1.1.4 Explain how compressional forces create fold mountains. (k)
1.1.5 Differentiate between the terms anticline and syncline. (k)
1.1.6 Explain how tensional forces create a normal fault. (k)
1.1.7 Explain how compressional forces create reverse and overthrust faults. (k)
1.1.8 Explain what causes a volcano to erupt. (k)
1.1.9 Describe the characteristics of an ash-and-cinder cone, a shield cone, and a composite cone. (k)
1.1.10 Conclude how the location of active volcanoes is related to places where plates meet. (a)
1.1.11 Describe global patterns in the location of landforms. (k)
SCO 1.2: The student will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of how the process of
weathering helps wear down the land, including the following delineations:
1.2.1 Distinguish between the terms physical weathering and chemical weathering. (k)
1.2.2 Describe the mechanical processes by which physical weathering occurs. (k)
1.2.3 Describe the main interactions that result in chemical weathering. (k)
1.2.4 Infer the relationship between environmental conditions and the rate of physical and chemical
weathering. (a)
SCO 1.3: The student will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of how running water acts as an
agent of erosion and deposition, including the following delineations:
1.3.1 Describe the three stages in the life cycle of a river. (k)
1.3.2 State two ways in which water erosion occurs. (k)
1.3.3 Examine evidence to determine the life cycle stage of a river. (a)
1.3.4 Explain how deltas are formed. (k)
1.3.5 Contrast the terms arcuate delta, digitate delta, and estuarine delta. (k)
SCO 1.4: The student will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of how moving ice acts as an
agent of erosion and deposition, including the following delineations:
1.4.1 Define the terms outwash plain, terminal moraine, erratic, drumlin, and esker. (k)
1.4.2 Examine evidence for the direction of movement of a continental glacier. (a)
1.4.3 Define the terms cirque, arLte, hanging valley, lateral moraine, and terminal moraine. (k)
1.4.4 Define the term fiord. (k)
Pg. 1/14
World Geography 3202 Practice Multiple Choice
Unit 1 – Landforms and Water Forms
SCO 1.5: The student will be expected to demonstrate an understanding that ocean waves and
currents change coastlines, including the following delineations:
1.5.1 Define the term spit. (k)
1.5.2 Define the terms sea cave, sea arch, and stack. (k)
1.5.3 Explain how sea caves, sea arches and stacks are formed. (a)
1.5.4 Analyze the processes that result in the “straightening out” of an irregular coastline. (a)
SCO 1.6: The student will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of how landforms and
water forms influence human activity, including the following delineations:
1.6.1 Examine how human activity adapts to landforms and water forms. (a)
1.6.2 Examine how humans respond to hazards posed by selected landforms and water forms. (a)
1.6.3 Develop a proposal for the economic use of selected landforms or water forms. (i)
1.6.4 Justify a preference for the aesthetic appeal of selected landforms and water forms. (i)
1.6.5 Propose a solution to a threat posed by selected landforms and water forms. (i)
Multiple Choice Questions:
Which refers to the zone at the Earth’s surface made up of rocks and minerals?
A) inner core
B) lithosphere
C) mantle
D) outer core
Which creates fold mountains?
A) compressional forces
B) sea floor spreading
C) subduction
D) tensional forces
Which is an example of chemical weathering?
A) formation of green stains on a copper roof
B) fracturing of rocks around a campfire
C) peeling away of layers from a sandstone monument
D) splitting of pavement by tree roots
Which features result from continental glaciation?
A) cirque, arete
B) erratic, drumlin
C) hanging valley, medial moraine
D) horn, lateral moraine
Which refers to an accumulation of finely layered soil deposited by wind in arid regions?
A) hamada
B) loess
C) moraine
D) scree
Pg. 2/14
World Geography 3202 Practice Multiple Choice
Unit 1 – Landforms and Water Forms
According to the map, which sequence represented by the arrow correctly identifies the west-to-east pattern of
landforms across southern Africa?
A) hills, plateaus, mountains, hills, plains
B) mountains, hills, plains, hills, plateaus
C) plains, hills, plateaus, mountains, hills
D) plateaus, mountains, hills, plains, hills
According to the map, which phrase best describes the location of earthquakes on the Earth’s surface?
A) along the northern edges of continents
B) along the edges of plate boundaries
C) in the middle of continents
D) in the middle of oceans
Pg. 3/14
World Geography 3202 Practice Multiple Choice
Unit 1 – Landforms and Water Forms
In the diagram, at what stage in its life cycle is this river?
A) late maturity
B) maturity
C) old age
D) youth
According to the diagram of a drumlin, in which direction did the glacier move?
A) east-to-west
B) north-to-south
C) south-to-north
D) west-to-east
Which term refers to the thin layer of material that forms Earth’s crust?
(A) inner core
(B) lithosphere
(C) mantle
(D) outer core
Which type of volcano cone has a symmetrical shape, with steep sides and a large crater?
(A) ash-and-cinder
(B) ash-and-lava
(C) composite
(D) shield
Pg. 4/14
World Geography 3202 Practice Multiple Choice
Unit 1 – Landforms and Water Forms
Which sequence illustrates the process in the formation of a sea stack?
A) 2, 1, 4, 3
B) 3, 1, 4, 2
C) 4, 1, 2, 3
D) 4, 2, 1, 3
Which is a feature of alpine glaciation?
(A) arête
(B) drumlin
(C) erratic
(D) esker
Which zone of Earth is 1- 100 km thick and can be divided into two layers: the sial and
the sima?
(A) inner core
(B) lithosphere
(C) mantle
(D) outer core
Which weathering process is at work when rock layers peel away from a sandstone
(A) exfoliation
(B) frost fracture
(C) hydrolysis
(D) oxidation
Which refers to a level, rocky desert that has been smoothed by abrasion?
(A) barchan
(B) erg
(C) hamada
(D) loess
Pg. 5/14
World Geography 3202 Practice Multiple Choice
Unit 1 – Landforms and Water Forms
Which landform feature is illustrated in the drawing?
(A) block mountain
(B) normal fault
(C) overthrust fault
(D) reverse fault
At which letter location on the map are tensional forces at work?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
Pg. 6/14
World Geography 3202 Practice Multiple Choice
Unit 1 – Landforms and Water Forms
Which volcano results from successive eruptions of thin lava, covers a large area, and consists of a broad, gentle-slope
(A) ash and cinder
(B) composite
(C) lava dome
(D) shield
In which stage of its life cycle is a river described as: “The relief around the river is very flat. The water is muddy with a
very low velocity. Flooding is very common during periods of high run-off.”?
(A) late maturity
(B) maturity
(C) old age
(D) youth
In which direction did the glacier flow through the area in the drawing?
(A) east to west
(B) north to south
(C) south to north
(D) west to east
Pg. 7/14
World Geography 3202 Practice Multiple Choice
Unit 1 – Landforms and Water Forms
Which glacial feature is formed at X in the drawing?
(A) cirque
(B) esker
(C) lateral moraine
(D) terminal moraine
Which coastal feature is found at position “X” in the diagram below?
(A) bay bar
(B) bay beach
(C) sea cave
(D) spit
Pg. 8/14
World Geography 3202 Practice Multiple Choice
Unit 1 – Landforms and Water Forms
Which term is defined as the reaction of minerals in rocks containing iron?
(A) exfoliation
(B) hydrolysis
(C) oxidation
(D) solution
Answer the next two questions based on the graphic below.
In the graphic, which letter identifies a mountain landform region?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
In the graphic, which letter identifies a location which will experience tensional forces as a result of tectonic plate
(A) W
(B) X
(C) Y
(D) Z
Under which environmental conditions would the rate of physical weathering be fastest?
(A) hot, dry conditions year-round
(B) hot, dry summers; cold-wet winters
(C) warm, wet conditions year-round
(D) warm, wet summers; cold, dry winters
Which statement is true of water erosion processes in rivers?
(A) Abrasion involves the dissolving of minerals in rocks.
(B) Lateral erosion occurs mainly in rivers with steep slopes.
(C) Meanders form as a result of vertical erosion in old age rivers.
(D) Vertical erosion is the main direction of erosion in youthful rivers.
Pg. 9/14
World Geography 3202 Practice Multiple Choice
Unit 1 – Landforms and Water Forms
Which term is defined as the sorted layers of debris deposited by the meltwater of a glacier?
(A) erratic
(B) lateral moraine
(C) outwash plain
(D) terminal moraine
What would you have likely found if you encountered a large boulder made of materials completely different from the
surrounding area?
(A) cirque
(B) drumlin
(C) erratic
(D) esker
What is formed when a glaciated valley is filled by the sea?
(A) arête
(B) cirque
(C) fiord
(D) hanging valley
What distinguishes an erg from a hamada?
(A) elevation
(B) latitude
(C) presence of sand
(D) shape of dunes
Identify the glacial feature at letter X in the graphic.
(A) arête
(B) cirque
(C) hanging valley
(D) horn
Pg. 10/14
World Geography 3202 Practice Multiple Choice
Unit 1 – Landforms and Water Forms
In which earth zone do earthquakes and volcanoes occur?
(A) inner core
(B) lithosphere
(C) mantle
(D) outer core
Which is a feature of continental glaciation?
(A) arete
(B) esker
(C) horn
(D) truncated spur
Which is an example of physical weathering?
(A) appearance of sinkholes in a limestone formation
(B) formation of green stains on a copper roof
(C) fracturing of rocks around a campfire
(D) rusting of iron structures
Which type of volcano is made up of hardened lava and has a broad gently-sloping cone?
(A) ash-and -cinder cone
(B) ash-and-lava cone
(C) composite cone
(D) shield cone
What is the upfold of rock depicted by "X" in the graphic below?
(A) anticline
(B) normal fault
(C) reverse fault
(D) syncline
Pg. 11/14
World Geography 3202 Practice Multiple Choice
Unit 1 – Landforms and Water Forms
Which stage in the life cycle of a river is depicted in the graphic below?
(A) early maturity
(B) late maturity
(C) late youth
(D) youth
Which term is used to refer to the landscape feature shown in the graphic below?
(A) barchan
(B) erg
(C) esker
(D) Hamada
Pg. 12/14
World Geography 3202 Practice Multiple Choice
Unit 1 – Landforms and Water Forms
According to the graphic below, which sequence illustrates how a sea stack is formed?
(A) 1,2,4,3
(B) 2,1,4,3
(C) 3,2,1,4
(D) 4,1,2,3
Which term refers to the type of delta shown in the graphic below?
(A) arcuate
(B) bay bar
(C) digitate
(D) estuarine
Pg. 13/14
World Geography 3202 Practice Multiple Choice
Unit 1 – Landforms and Water Forms
According to the diagram of a drumlin below, in which direction did the glacier move?
(A) east-to-west
(B) north-to south
(C) south-to-norm
(D) west-to-east
Pg. 14/14