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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Land Subsidence (Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Land Subsidence, May 1991). IAHS Publ. no. 200,1991. Subsidence of the Former Texcoco Lake R. MORALES Y M. Comisiôn Nacional del Agua, Proyecto Lago de Texcoco R. MURILLO-FERNANDEZ Comisiôn Nacional del Agua, Instituto Mexicano de Tecnologia del Agua A. HERNANDEZ-RUBIO Comisiôn Nacional del Agua, Proyecto Lago de Texcoco, Mex i co ABSTRACT A report is made of the piezometric drawdowns and of the settlements recorded at the region since 1972 due to the extraction of water from underground aquifers, as well as the evolution of the subsidence at the zone where the largest lake at the Valley of Mexico basin existed. INTRODUCTION The Valley of Mexico is actually a closed basin which was provided with a man-made exit for its waters by means of works constructed in the past, which in turn induced the dessication of the former lakes. This basin is divided into 11 hydrologie sub-basins out of which the most important correspond to those of Mexico City, Churubusco, Xochimilco, Chalco and Texcoco on account of their economic and politic importance since the large Mexican metropolis has been developed above them. In addition, and with the purpose of supplying drinking water to the inhabitants, the aquifer of the Valley has been exploited since the end of the 19th century by means of deep wells and as a result there is an ever increasing drawdown rate of the piezometric levels, which in turn induces consolidation of the lacustrine deposits in the lower part of the Valley where the former lakes of Mexico, Texcoco and Chalco-Xochimilco are located. The subsidence phenomenon affects buildings and municipal facilities by inducing cracking, rupturing of conduits, apparent emergence of piled foundations, differential settlements and loss of hydraulic gradients. BACKGROUND The former Texcoco Lake is located in the lowest part of the Valley of Mexico to the NE of Mexico City and it is used at present as a regulating reservoir of the surface runoff in the southern and southeastern regions of the basin. It forms a plateau at an average elevation of 2234 m above mean sea level and it is bounded to the East by the Sierra de Rio Frio, to the West by the Sierra de Guadalupe, and to the North and South by the former Xaltocan and Chalco lakes, respectively. Some isolated volcanic cones can be seen as outcrops, such as those known as Peflôn de los Baflos, Peflôn del Marqués and Cerro de Chimalhuacân (Fig. 1). 35 R. Morales Y. M. et al. 36 FIG.l Geographical location of the former Texcoco Lake. GEOLOGY The basin of the Valley of Mexico is situated at the center of the volcanic belt that crosses the Mexican Republic from East to West and it has been subjected to major tectonic stresses and to volcanic eruptions from the beginning of the Tertiary to recent epochs. In order to determine the deep geology of the Valley, several studies have been carried out among which mention should be made of 37 Subsidence of the former Texcoco Lake the gravimetric survey of the Texcoco Lake performed from 1952 to 1953 as well as the drilling of the deep wells known as PP1 (2065 m) and PP3 (589 m) in 1967-1968 (SHCP & NF, 1969). The Texcoco sub-basin corresponds to a plateau underlaid by a highly compressible clay of lacustrine volcanic origin that covers alluvial and pyroclastic permeable materials from the Quaternary which in turn form the main aquifer of the region. Below these materials, igneous rocks of the Tertiary are encountered and they form the lower impervious barrier. The basal rock is constituted by marine limestone of the Cretaceous. The last cycle of vulcanism began during the Quaternary and there are still some manifestations. This period is representative of the volcanoes Cerro Gordo, Chimalhuacân and Chiconautla, among which the Texcoco sub-basin is located. Deep well PP1 The lithologie profile of the PP1 well is characterized by 60 m of lacustrine clays interbedded with thin strata of silt and sand; by sands, silt and clay from 60 to 180 m; from 180 to 505 m by clays, lutites, sandy clays, sands, sandstone and lacustrine limestone; from 505 to 1437 m by tuffs and igneous rocks, breccias and conglomerates; from 1437 to 1980 m by lithic tuffs, igneous rocks and sands; from 1980 to 2045 m by clayey anhydrites and marls; and finally, from 2045 to 2065 m by clays, marls and calcareous conglomerates (SHCP & NF, 1969). UNDERGROUND WATERS Geophysical surveys point towards the presence of two seismic refractors inclined to the SE, at depths of 770 and 1850 m, respectively. Geoelectric studies have identified four units related to boring PP1 as follows: the first unit shows a seismic wave velocity of 600 m/s and it corresponds to the surface clay layer saturated with brackish water which has a saline concentration in excess of 10 000 mg/L, and a thickness of 30 m that decreases to the North; the second unit or stratum is mostly clayey and it behaves as an aquitard saturated with brackish water with a saline concentration ranging from 5000 to 10 000 mg/L, has a seismic wave velocity of 1700 m/s and a thickness varying from 30 to 50 m. The third unit, with a wave velocity of 2200 m/s, has water of medium quality with a concentration of dissolved solids equal to 2000 mg/L and a thickness from 300 to 500 m, and it corresponds to the main aquifer and is constituted by a clayey-sandy alluvial deposit. The thickness of this formation augments towards the West - Mexico City - and decreases to the East and South. Finally, the fourth geoelectric unit, which belongs to the lower refractor, is formed by tuffs and marls with very low permeability, and therefore it constitutes the lower boundary of the main aquifer; it has a wave velocity of 4500 m/s and has been interpreted as faulted blocks (SHCP & NF, 1969; Morales et. al,, 1989). Magnetic and gravimetric anomalies have been detected which indicate the presence of a buried volcano at the northern part of the zone under study, as well as magnetic minimums starting at the crater, that make evident former erosion courses. The high contents of solids dissolved in the water of the formations existing in the former 38 R. Morales Y. M. et al. Texcoco Lake are attributed to the fact that this was the lowest zone since the valley was closed during the Quaternary and consequently the floods of the fresh water lakes of Mexico, Xaltocan and Chalco-Xochimilco were discharged into it and after evaporation the salts became concentrated during filling of the basin. Pump i nq During 1980 a total of 1685 wells were surveyed in the region which extract a volume equivalent to 12.59 m3/s, from which 5.3 are used to supply potable water to Mexico City and 0.5 correspond to the exploitation of brackish water for the alkali industry "Sosa Texcoco". The distribution of these flows as related to their use is shown in Table 1 (SARH, 1972). TABLE 1 Uses of the underground water. Use Municipal serviices Agriculture Industry Domestic Electric power generation Other uses TOTAL Wells (No.) Mean flow rate Cm3/s> 121 431 647 301 2 183 6..817 3..110 1..540 0 .951 0..057 0 .057 1685 12 .590 PIEZOMETRIC EVOLUTION Static level in wells At the center of the lacustrine zone wells PP1 and PP3 are located; their casing is grooved from 213 to 1844 m in depth and from 222 to 527 m, respectively, and they provide an outstanding reference of the evolution of the piezometric levels at great depths. From 1968 to 1984 an average annual loss of hydraulic head of 0.93 m was recorded starting at a static level found at a depth of 6.8 m; at depths ranging from 56 to 95 m the static level showed a drawdown rate of 1.38 m/year. From 1984 to 1990 the static level recedes at a rate of 1.1 m/year at a depth beyond 200 m (Murillo, 1984; 1990). Piezometric levels Figure 2 depicts the evolution of the static level at wells PP1 and PP3 and in piezometers of the Casagrande type mounted at the center of the region. The water table elevation has varied from 0.0 to 1.2 m in Subsidence of the former Texcoco Lake 39 E = -10 * -»« o % o -SO o -to g.imcmwB -L. @7 M 1 -I I I t » I Ji i » • • Vi • • S l_ - i W 7 0 71 72 7S 74 78 70 77 ?0 70 CO 01 0 2 0 0 0<3 0G OB 07 GO 0 0 CO 01 ' Y«or FIG.2 Evolution of the piezometric levels from 1967 to 1990. depth and it shows the effects of the shallow pumping from 1979 to 1992. The hydraulic pressure at a depth of 35 m evidences the effect of pumping from 50 to 65 m in depth at an approximate distance of 3 km, from 1973 to 1982. The piezometer tip placed at a depth of 54 m, within a silty and sandy stratum, clearly registers the effect of pumping operations carried out from 1973 to 1982 and it shows a rate of drawdown equal to 0.4 m/year from 1973 to 1984 and to 0.63 m/year during the last five years (Murillo, 1984; 1990). It can be observed in figure 2 the effect of a smaller recharge in 1982 which has been the driest in the last 18 years. Overexploitation of the aquifer It has been assumed at present that the aquifer reaches down below tht: former lacustrine zone and that its formations emerge towards the sierras surrounding the basin where the largest part of the recharge takes place. In 1975 (DDF) a recharging equivalent to 38 m3/s was reported for the period 1920-1970 as well as an extraction of 30.3 m3/s in 1960 and consequently the geohydrological balance was positive. However, in the lower part of the basin the piezometric levels went down. It has been estimated that a flow rate of about 57 m3/s is extracted nowadays with a recharge of 25 m3/s and therefore the overexploitation amounts to 32 m3/s (Murillo, 1990) and it becomes evident in the fastest rate of piezometric drawdown and in the acceleration of the subsidence, in addition to the saline intrusion toward the periphery of the former lake which was reported since 1972 (SRH). SUBSIDENCE In 1972 a W-E leveling axis was established with a precision of 1 mm/km which starts in a fixed reference point. Figure 3 shows the 40 R. Morales Y. M. et al. Elev. in m 2238 SNA SNB BNC BfêD BNE above 2236 mean 2234 . sea 2232 level g BNF BNG BNH BNI BNJ BM< BNL 300, 400 500 Settlement profiles, P e f i o n - T e s c o c o road AV. RIO C0NSULAD0 g j ^ R O A D PENON-TEXCOCO »/BNF ^BW" BNL BN^ .PNJ 6*1 INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WELL PP1R.R. WELL PP 3 £>W TO TEXCOOO -_ CITY ~M NABOR CARRIIK: LAKE Location of benchmarks along the Penon - TeKcoco rood FIG.3 Settlement profiles, Texcoco Lake. topographic profile in 1972, the settlement profiles as of 1990 and the location of the control points. The maximum regional subsidence has reached 5 m in 18 years and the minimum is equal to 3.15 m toward the East, and consequently there exists a differential settlement of 1.85 m in that same period. It is worth mentioning that the thickness of the clay strata becomes smaller in that direction. 41 Subsidence of the former Texcoco Lake It is evident that several settlement rates exist among the benchmarks BNA and BND; the mean rate was equal to 16.9 cm/year up to 1984. This zone corresponds to urban areas developed before 1972; the benchmark BNE showed then a higher rate of 28 cm/year induced by artificial fills, and urban development occurred from 1968 to 1982. Among reference marks BNF and BNJ, with an average rate of 21.6 cm/year, no recharges were placed and no pumping took place. Between points BNJ and BNL pumping in the vicinity has been carried out from 1973 to 1978 and from 1978 to date and an average settlement rate of 14.2 cm/year has been recorded from 1972 to 1984. This irregular behavior in the zone has not been satisfactorily explained. In general terms, the rate of subsidence has shown an increase since 1978 at the benchmarks placed near Mexico City and from 1981 to date in other parts CMurillo, 1984; 1990). Table 2 shows the settlement rates. TABLE 2 Settlement rate at Texcoco Lake. Maximum Average Minimum 1972-1977 cm/year 1977-1982 cm/year 1982-1987 cm/year 22.8 16.7 12.0 33.4 23.6 14.4 27.8 22.7 16.6 1987-1990 cm/year 33.1 28.0 26.0 Compression of the clay strata In areas subjected to heavy pumping operations from the pervious layers found at depths from 30 to 31 m and from 50 to 60 m, with no superficial surcharge, the contribution of the settlement at the surface, expressed in percentage, was determined (Table 3 ) . TABLE 3 Distribution of the compression. Layer Depth Cm) Contribution (%) Upper Clay Formation Lower Clay Formation Deep Deposits 0-30 31-50 > 50 15.0 70.5 14.5 Additional observations At wells PP1 and PP3 it was observed that their casings emerged 1.7 and 2.3 m from 1968 to 1984, which represent emersion rates of 10.6 and 14.5 cm/year, respectively (Murillo, 1984), and they showed an R. Morales Y. M. et al. 42 emersion of 1.1m from 1984 to 1990 at the PP1 and of 0.9 m from 1984 to 1988 at PP3, i.e. rates of 18.3 and 22.5 cm/year, respectively, for the last few years. The casing of well PP1 emerges at a smaller rate than that of the regional subsidence and it is subjected to a strong negative friction, whereas the casing of well PP3 emerges at a rate equivalent to the subsidence. ARTIFICIAL RECHARGE OF THE AQUIFER The National Water Commission treats 50 L/s of residual waters to a tertiary level to be infiltrated in the ground by means of absorption wells, with the purpose of determining the technical and economical feasibility of achieving the artificial recharging of the aquifer at an accelerated rate and of reducing its overexploitation. Although highly permeable zones are found in the surrounding mountain ranges, the cost of rising with pumping the residual waters located in the lower part of the basin restrains the use of this alternative, and therefore it was decided to carry out the experiment in grooved infiltration wells from 70 to 200 m in depth. The permeability of those layers ranges from 10 E-2 to 10 E-4 cm/s. The static level in the recharge wells was found between 23 and 29 m in depth and in the pumping tests specific capacities from 1.1 to 4.7 L/s/m were determined for flow rates smaller than 100 L/s CMurillo & Pifton, 1986). The first results of the recharging point toward a rapid decrease of the infiltration capacity from 27 to 11 L/s in the first five months and from 11 to 4 L/s in the following five months, with a recovery of the static level equal to 11 m which in turn diminished subsequently although at a slower rate (Morales & Pifion, 1990). It has been estimated that the flow rate during recharging is quite slow because upon injection of fluorescein this substance was never detected in the test wells (Leor, 1986-1987). CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS As a result of the overexploitation of the aquifer in the region, particularly in the perimetric zones, the regional subsidence will proceed with rates ranging from 26 to 33 cm/year. Out of this superficial settlement, 70% corresponds to the consolidation of the Lower Clay Formation found at depths varying from 31 to 50 m. Since it is not possible to diminish appreciably the water extraction and therefore the overexploitation of the aquifer, it has been proposed to carry out an exchange of treated residual waters by the underground supplies for farming purposes and for industrial uses; to perform an artificial groundwater recharge with residual water treated to a tertiary level; and to expand the projects of reforestation, overturning of the surface layer, terrace construction and building of infiltration dams to increase the natural recharging of the sierras surrounding the Texcoco sub-basin. REFERENCES DDF (1975) Memoria de las Obras del Si sterna de Drenaie Profundo del 43 Subsidence of the former Texcoco Lake Distrito Federal (Proceedings of the Works for the Deep Sewer System of Mexico City), Vol. I, Mexico. Leor, S.A. (1986-1987) Estudios de transmisibilidad del acuîfero y segunda aplïcaciôn de trazadores en los pozos de recarga (Studies of transmissibility of the aquifer and second application of tracers in the recharge wells), Mexico. Morales R., Pinôn N., Alvarez A. & Lesser J.M. (1989) Resistividades en el Ex-Lago de Texcoco (Resistivities in the Former Texcoco Lake). Topicos Geol6qicos del Valle de Mexico. Sociedad Mexicana de Mecânica de Suelos, Mexico. Morales R. & Pi non N. (1990) Resultados de un modulo experimental de recarga de acuiferos (Results from an experimental module for recharging the aquifers). Proceedings of the 11th National Congress of Hydraulics, Asociacion Mexicana de Hidrâulica, Zacatecas, Mexico. Murillo R. (1984) Comportamiento regional del Ex-Lago (Regional behavior of the former lake). Obras Recientes en el Laqo de Texcoco. Sociedad Mexicana de Mecânica de Suelos, Mexico. Murillo R. & Pinôn N. (1986) Modulo experimental de recarga de acuiferos en el Valle de Mexico (Experimental module for recharging the aquifers in the Valley of Mexico). Proceedings of the 9th National Congress of Hydraulics, Asociacion Mexicana de Hidrâulica, Querétaro, Mexico. Murillo R. (1990) Sobreexplotaciôn del acuifero de la Cuenca del Valle de Mexico: efectos y alternativas (Overexploitation of the aquifer of the Valley of Mexico Basin: effects and alternatives). El Subsuelo de la Cuenca del Valle de Mexico v su Relaciôn con la Ingénier!a de Cimentaciones a Cinco Aftos del Sismo. Sociedad Mexicana de Mecânica de Suelos, Mexico. SHCP & NF (1969) Provecto Texcoco (Texcoco Project). SRH, Comisiôn Hidrologica de la Cuenca del Valle de Mexico (1972) Aguas subterrâneas de la zona de Texcoco (Underground waters of the Texcoco zone), Mexico.