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The problem is vaginal flora: natural competition for antibiotics
Two mild vaginal gels provide a remedy for dryness, itching, and
malodorous discharge
Itching, burning, malodorous discharge, vaginal dryness – despite perfect hygiene,
over 70% of women suffer from such symptoms. Often the complaints are medically
harmless, but nevertheless extremely disagreeable and impair your quality of life. This
doesn't have to be the case! We will show you how vaginal problems arise and what
you can do about them.
Vaginal infection is one of the most frequent medical syndromes in gynaecological practice.
Every fifth women undergoing a routine medical check-up suffers from a hitherto undetected
vaginal infection, especially in the summer. The pathogens are various: viruses, bacteria,
fungi, or unicellular organisms can cause this annoying medical syndrome. The symptoms
can also vary from pain in the vaginal area to itching, malodorous discharge, and a burning
How does a vaginal infection develop?
Usually it starts with a disturbance of the healthy vaginal flora. That means that the natural
and healthy colonization of the vagina by microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, is
impaired. A certain organism can then multiply unchecked and trigger infections. Possible
triggers are a visit to a swimming pool, antibiotics, contraceptive pills, weakened general
health after birth or sicknesses, diabetes, stress, or too frequent use of tampons.
Vaginal dryness
Dry vaginal mucous membranes are often connected with itching, a burning sensation, or
pain. 37% of women suffer from vaginal dryness at least once in their lives, especially during
and after menopause and after childbirth. A dry vaginal mucous membrane is more
vulnerable to injuries and infections. Many women first notice vaginal dryness when sexual
intercourse is disagreeable or painful. Vaginal dryness can also occur after cancer therapy.
What can you do to prevent it?
As with other vaginal complaints, it is usually embarrassing for the sufferer to speak about it,
and usually women assume the matter is not important enough to warrant a visit to the
gynaecologist. However, untreated vaginal dryness can lead to serious infectious
consequences. The Gynofit series was developed in collaboration with gynaecologists to
successfully counteract both the problem of vaginal infection as well as vaginal dryness: a
moisturizing gel for vaginal dryness and a lactic acid gel to restore the vaginal flora to
equilibrium.The simple and hygienically flawless treatment is ideal for home use as well as
on the road, since the two gels are packaged in separate individual one-time applicators.
Both products are purely natural, without perfume or preservative additives. In a short time
the mucous membranes return back to their normal elastic and moist condition, and the
vaginal flora condition is restored to the necessary balanced bacterial equilibrium. Gynofit
can be purchased without a prescription in pharmacies.
Additional information at
[Information box]
You should know
Antibiotics and disinfectants destroy bacteria, also the useful ones. The vaginal flora must
be restored to a natural, healthy equilibrium.
For intimate care, use water and a cleansing lotion that is mild, natural, and harmonized
to the genital area.
Wash the genital area best with your hand, not with a wash cloth. A wash cloth is an ideal
breeding ground for bacteria. Or use a single-use wash cloth.
Cleaning after going to the toilet should proceed from the vagina towards the back, not
vice-versa. Otherwise the vaginal area comes in contact with intestinal bacteria.
Wear air-permeable clothing so as not disturb the necessary air circulation. Underclothing
made of natural fibres is better than slips made of synthetic material.
Preferably maintain a low-sugar diet, since excessive sugar promotes the proliferation of
fungi and represses valuable bacteria.
As a rule, Gynofit vaginal gels act very rapidly.
Gynofit gels are also suitable for long-term application since they contain no
preservatives or hormones.