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A monthly newsletter for Startup.Directory subscribers
January 2015
Featured Startup
University Spinout: NovoBiotic Pharmaceuticals and
Researchers Make News with New Antibiotic Discovery
Scientific researchers from Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts and
Bonn, Germany claim to have discovered a new antibiotic that can kill the bacteria
associated with medical issues including pneumonia, blood infections, and staph.
The newly discovered antibiotic is called teixobactin. Although it has not been tested
among the human population, the teixobactin has been tested with mice and has
cured the mice from different types of infections including skin infections, thigh
infections, and lung infections. The research has also shown that the antibiotic is not
like any other in that infectious germs may not be able to develop a resistance to it.
Like many other antibiotics, including streptomycin, vancomycin, and tetracycline,
teixobactin was found while researchers were using a new and advanced
technology testing the bacteria in soil. Slava Epstein, a researcher and biologist
Startup Scout:
The Latest Intelligence
on Research Spinouts
Each month, Startup Scout will
give you information on promising
new research institution startups.
You’ll also get dozens of updates
on startups we are tracking, as
well as interviews with startup
founders and industry leaders.
If you have questions about this
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Startup.Directory, email us at
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See NovoBiotic on page 2
In this Issue
Watch List
High-potential startups added to Startup.Directory in last 30 days
 Accion Systems (MIT) is printing propulsion systems for satellites based on
a proprietary ion beam technology. The revolutionary new approach ...
 Immuno-Matrix (Stony Brook University) is a needleless vaccination that is
as simple as putting on a Band-Aid®. The first of its kind
Feature Startup:
NovoBiotic .......................... 1
Watch List ............................ 1
Executive Interview:
TiFiber .................................. 3
 Iron Focus Medical (University of Maryland) is creating a new treatment
technique that capitalizes on the transient behavior of ferromagnetic s …
 Neurala (Boston University) creates software that enables robots to move,
work and learn among people. Its patent-pending Neurala Intelligence …
 TKAone (Columbia Universtiy ) is the first orthopedic implant that can de-
tect infections and immediately alert patients to the need ...
See complete High-Tech Scouting Report on page 4
Scouting Report .................. 4
Startup Updates .................. 4
Startup Scout / January 2015
continued from page 1
from Northeastern University, constructed ichip technology, a microfluidic chip about two inches long, and used it as a diffusion
chamber to dilute the soil. There, the bacteria were able to grow in its home environment and when enough had grown, the
bacteria were moved to a petri dish to be closely tested for the ability to create an antibiotic.
During the testing period, the antibiotic seemed to have destroyed the bacteria that are the cause of debilitating staph infections,
strep bacteria, and tuberculosis. The new antibiotic appears to be able to kill infectious bacteria by connecting to the cell’s fat
molecule. Because of this, it may be impossible for bacteria to ever develop a resistance to the antibiotic. Although research has
shown no known antibiotic that has not been resistant to
infectious bacteria, teixobactin could prove to be that
miracle antibiotic to form a strong barrier against bacteria
and provide a new weapon against infectious bacteria in
the body.
Since its discovery, teixobactin has been licensed to the
NovoBiotic Pharmaceutical in Cambridge, Massachusetts
which is also is startup from Northeastern University.
Although the research has proven that a new antibiotic
has come, there are still a few economic and regulatory
matters that must be handled before bringing the
antibiotic to the general market. It is expected that the
new antibiotic will take approximately two years to be
refined and safe enough to be tested in human subjects.
Researchers and the assisting spinout company are
hoping that the antibiotic will become available for human
use soon.
High-Tech Scouting Report
The following startups were added to the Startup.Directory database in the last 30 days. “WATCH LIST” companies have been
identified by the editorial staff as high-potential startups that will be of particular interest to subscribers.
Accion Systems (WATCHLIST) is printing propulsion systems for satellites based on a proprietary ion beam technology. The
revolutionary new approach to in-space electric propulsion uses simple, modular thruster chips that can go anywhere on a satellite, in any number.
Startup Scout Insights: January 2015 the company received $2 million in a seed round. Accion was part of MIT's Global Founders' Skills Accelerator. Their first product is in development and will launch in 2015. The management team has both academic
and business experience. This is a startup from MIT in 2014.
Codagenix utilizes breakthrough platform technology termed SAVE (Synthetic Attenuated Virus Engineering) to construct live-attenuated viral vaccines against multiple targets. Codagenix presents a breakthrough approach to live-attenuated vaccine design. The SAVE platform relies on synthetic biology and the rational "re-design" of a target virus' entire genome to yield a
vaccine strain.
Startup Scout Insights: The Company’s technology is very intriguing, but the current management team has very limited business
experience. Codagenix is housed at the Long Island High Technology Incubator in Stony Brook. The company has raised $1.7
million from the National Institutes of Health to help develop a group of vaccines for diseases like influenza, dengue virus, respiratory syncytial virus, and E. coli.
Startup Scout / January 2015
Executive Interview: TiFiber
This month we interviewed Miriam Hudson-Courtney who is the Communications Manager at VIC Technology Venture
Development .
TiFiber was formed in 2010 to commercialize a patented titanium dioxide based nanofiber membrane technology exclusively
licensed from the University of Arkansas. TiFiber initially focused on photocatalytic membranes for water and air filtration where
there is great need for filtration improvement, especially in
cases where high temperature sterilization is required or where
biofouling occurs rapidly. In 2013 the company expanded its
intellectual property foundation by licensing an additional
technology, a family of synthetic antimicrobial polymers,
originally developed at the University of Auckland (New
Zealand). Initial applications being developed are for personal
care products, wound care dressings, medical devices and
textiles. Products are currently in the research and development
stage and discussions are underway with large, multi-national
companies for co-development of products.
Your website indicates that you have been in the R&D phase for a number of years. What is the first product you plan
to bring to market? When do you plan to release this?
TiFiber's antimicrobial polymer product is presently being scaled-up for pilot-scale product in support of FDA approval
process. First application is for soap products as a replacement for triclosan and triclocarban which have safety and
antimicrobial resistance concerns. First product sales following FDA approval expected by mid-2017.
Can you tell us in laymen’s terms how antimicrobial polymers work? What advantages do they have over existing
A key feature of the TiFiber’s antimicrobial polymer (AMP) family of antimicrobial polymers is that they exhibit a multifaceted
mode of kill consisting of both metabolic and physical modes of attack which separates it from other antimicrobial
agents. Many antimicrobial agents focus on metabolic or DNA disruption as the mechanism of action, which not only limits the
broadness of the antimicrobial effect, but is also known to allow for the development of resistant strains over time. AMP's
combination of (i) physical disruption of the cell membrane and (ii) inhibition of metabolic pathways significantly reduces the
potential of resistance formation and allows for bactericidal activity towards current drug resistant strains, such as Methicillin
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). In additional to personal care products, medical applications are being
pursued. AMP has numerous potential medical applications. For wound care, AMP has the potential to be a safer and more
effective antimicrobial agent than currently used nanosilver. In addition, AMP can be blended with other thermopolymers to
create medical products ranging from catheters to medical trays to dental cements with built-in antimicrobial functionality.
Your site states that discussions are underway with large, multi-national companies for co-development of products.
What industries are these companies in? And do you expect the product to be released in the US or overseas?
The two main areas are personal care and medical. We have partners in both of these. Products will be released
Can you describe the status of the funding for TiFiber? How much capital have you raised? Are you in the process
raising capital now?
We have raised close to $1m in investment and are presently raising additional capital.
Startup Scout / January 2015
High-Tech Scouting Report
Flytenow helps people live the dream of flight. Flytenow connects aviation
enthusiasts with local pilots and facilitates ride sharing, making it the easiest and
most affordable way to explore the sky.
Startup Scout Insights: March 2014 the company received a $10,000 grant.
January 2014 the company received a $15,000 Convertible Note. The company
website has limited information. No details on the management team are included.
Licensed from Northeastern University in 2014.
Grip Boost is a product that restores football gloves to their ‘like-new’
tackiness without leaving residue on the ball and enables players to make gamechanging plays. Grip Boost is a patent pending gel formula derived from crabshells
that is squirted onto gloves and quickly dried into a tacky thin-film polymer coating
in less than 15 seconds. Grip Boost is the only product that can restore old gloves
to ‘like-new’ tack without leaving residue on the ball, which is crucial for legal
usage in a game.
Startup Scout Insights: The company has received seed grants from Maryland
TEDCO, University of Maryland OTC and private investments. Spring 2014 the
company was a finalist for UMD's Invention of the Year. Licensed from the
University of Maryland in 2015.
Immuno-Matrix (WATCHLIST) is a needleless vaccination that is as simple as
putting on a Band-Aid®. The first of its kind, Immuno-Matrix is a non-invasive skin
patch that uses nanofibers to hold and effectively deliver a vaccine through the
skin; it’s painless, self-administered, and doesn't produce bio hazardous waste.
Startup Scout Insights: The company took 1st place in the 2014 national Collegiate
Investors Competition. The company does not yet have a website. We will
continue to monitor the growth of this company. This is a student startup from
Stony Brook University.
Iron Focus Medical (WATCHLIST) is creating a new treatment technique that
capitalizes on the transient behavior of ferromagnetic rods to focus therapies to a
precise location. By applying quick magnetic pulses, the technology will both
image and control magnetic particles. This technology will grant clinicians a tool
capable of delivering therapy in real-time to exactly where it is needed.
Startup Scout Insights: The company has limited information available. We will
follow the development of this company. Licensed from the University of Maryland
in 2014.
Startup Updates
Asklepios BioPharmaceutical is
developing novel protein and cellular
based therapies through the design of
proprietary Biological Nano Particles.
The company was awarded $50,000
grant from the One North Carolina
Small Business Fund.
BIoM, previously iwalk, is
developing the FootPower BiOM
robotic foot prosthetic and other
products that will emulate or even
augment physiological function
through electromechanical
replacement. BiOM received $6
million in debt and equity funding
from 18 investors.
BioMarck Pharmaceuticals is
focusing on developing new medicine
for treating pulmonary diseases or
disorders linked to mucus and
pulmonary inflammation. The
company received $40,466 grant.
Cell Microsystems is developing
simple, affordable solutions for
performing research cell separations
and isolations based on their IsoRaft
technology. The company received
$50,000 grant from the One North
Carolina Small Business Fund.
Cerevast Therapeutics is
developing technology in the field of
SonoLysis for the treatment of acute
ischemic stroke and other vascular
disorders. The company received $10
million in venture funding.
Meryx develops novel Mer tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapeutics for critically
ill patients in areas of cancer and other major unmet diseases. Currently the
company is developing a treatment for leukemia.
Startup Scout Insights: The company does not have a website. January 2015 has
received $1.5 million in funding. Earlier in 2014 the company raised $3.1 million in
a separate round. Licensed from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Dato, formerly GraphLab, is the
company behind the fastest and most
complete platform for building
predictive and intelligent applications.
The company received $18.5 million
in funding.
Neurala (WATCHLIST) creates software that enables robots to move, work and
learn among people. Its patent-pending Neurala Intelligence Engine (NIE) is based
on the scientific research done by the founders on biological intelligence,
fundamental computational principles of perception, motivation, decision making,
navigation, and motor control, and bio-inspired robots and processors.
Startup Scout Insights: The Company’s technology could be critical to the rapidly
growing robotics and UAV market. Neurala was founded in 2006 but became
active in 2013 when it was accepted into Techstars Boston's startup incubator
program. December 2014 the company closed $750,000 in a seed round. The
company has received funding from NASA and the US Air Force Research Labs.
Licensed from Boston University.
Imbio received clearance from the
FDA to sell its Lung Density Analysis
software platform to analyze images
of the lungs of patients suffering with
chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease or COPD.
Red Cloud Communication is an optical communication component
company. Red Cloud was created to commercialize SiP (Silicon Photonics)
Juno Therapeutics had a $264
million IPO.
Kalon Biotherapeutics was
acquired by Fuji Diosynth
Startup Scout / January 2015
Startup Updates
Knopp, a drug discovery company
focused on developing treatments in
neurological disorders raised $5 million in
venture funding.
Narrative Science offers an
application that generates news stories,
industry reports, headlines, at scale and
without human authoring or editing has
raised $10 million.
Neurala creates software that enables
robots to move, work and learn among
people. The company closed $750,000 in
a seed round.
technology. The initial target for the SiP technology is to improve the cost and power
consumption capabilities associated with existing 100Gb/s optical transceivers.
Startup Scout Insights: December 2014 The Wall Street Journal published a story
"Universities Push Harder Into Realm of Startups" that mentioned Red Cloud
Communications. The company does not disclose any funding on their website. The
management team appears to have academic backgrounds. Licensed from the
University of Colorado in 2014.
Sunn has developed a state-of-the-art connected platform to automatically mimic
what’s going on outside – down to the minute – to help people tune in to rhythms
found in nature. Sunn’s initial hardware solution, the Sunn Light, addresses an
opportunity to offer dynamic interior lighting that not only saves energy but also
promotes human well-being.
Startup Scout Insights: November 2014 Sunn began a Kickstarter campaign. Their
original goal was $50,000 and they have $117,106 pledged as of December 2014.
This company began as a project at Cornell University in 2012.
Qualtre is developing solid state
silicon MEMS-based motion sensor
solutions for use in portable consumer
electronics based on its proprietary multiaxis bulk acoustic wave (BAW) MEMS
gyroscope technology. The company
received $9 million in venture funding.
Talos X is specialized in advanced engineering consulting for industrial and
commercial operations. They provide domain expertise in Robotics, Unmanned
Vehicles, Hardware Design, Software Design, and Engineering Strategy.
Startup Scout Insights: The company has a website and a presence on social media.
There is no funding listed. The management team has business backgrounds.
Licensed from Cornell University in 2014.
RE2-Robotics Engineering Excellence
produces advanced, intelligent robotic
arms and end-effectors for unmanned
ground vehicles y was awarded
$150,000 NIH grant.
TKAone (WATCHLIST) is the first orthopedic implant that can detect infections
and immediately alert patients to the need for treatment. This early warning system
will reduce failed surgeries, and have patients walking again sooner.
Startup Scout Insights: This is a student startup from Columbia University in 2013.
The company has a website and a student management team. They were a finalist at
the 2014 Collegiate Inventors Competition.
RFS Pharma merged with Cocrystal
Rebellion Photonics is
commercializing the unique 'snap-shot'
hyperspectral imaging technology. The
company received $4.25 million from the
WattGlass' coating is designed to make glass anti-reflective, self-cleaning and
highly transparent.
Startup Scout Insights: January 2015 the company received $150,000 Phase I SBIR
grant from the NSF. WattGlass is based at the UA's Arkansas Research &
Technology Park. The company has received seed capital from the Arkansas Science
and Technology Authority's Technology Development Program and angel investors.
The company does not have a website but has been mentioned in several news
articles. We will monitor the company to see additional funding and the establishment
of a website. Licensed from the University of Arkansas in 2014.
Selecta Biosciences is synthetic
nanoparticle vaccines using its
proprietary targeted Synthetic Vaccine
Particle technology. The company
received $3.2 million grant from the
Skolkovo Foundation.
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