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The Current Issue of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS) BrachyBlast is Now Available
January, 2015
In This Issue
Global Brachytherapy
Volunteerism: A Success Story
Quick Links
Our Website Publications Guidelines Thomʹs Corner Winter Newsletter
2014 Board of Directors David E. Wazer, MD
David K. Gaffney, MD, PhD
Vice President
Firas Mourtada, PhD
Catheryn M. Yashar, MD
Akila Viswanathan, MD, MPH
Chairman of the Board
Bradley R. Prestidge, MD, MS
Past Chairman of the Board
Steven J.Frank, MD
Mira Keyes, MD, FRCPC
Gerard C. Morton, MD
Subir Nag, MD, FACR, FACRO
Brachytherapy Journal: New Membership Benefit!
ABS is pleased to announce that
the Brachytherapy Journal may
Welcome to the monthly communication of the American
Brachytherapy Society called BrachyBlast. The BrachyBlast is
somewhat informal and we welcome your feedback on issues
relevant to your practice. This monthʹs topic is the Global
Brachytherapy Volunteerism: A Success Story.
Thank you,
David E. Wazer, MD
David K. Gaffney, MD, PhD
Daniel G. Petereit, MD For the January 2015 BrachyBlast issue, we have the privilege of
hearing from our fellow ABS members, Drs. David Gaffney and
Brandon Fisher. Their work is an example of what can be
accomplished by a small group of motivated individuals. In
this case, Dr. Fisher and colleagues took on an insurmountable
problem of addressing lack of adequate radiation sources for
treating cervical cancer in low and middle income countries
(LMIC). His story was recently published in the July 2014 Red
Journal issue addressing global cancer disparities ‑ a must read
‑ and is an inspiration for all of us. Dr. Fisher represents a
growing number of recently trained radiation oncologists who I
believe who will transform radiation oncology. His experience
nicely dovetails with an international effort that Dr. Norm
Coleman is leading called the International Cancer Expert Corps
(ICEC) ‑ see reference below. To quote Margaret Meade: ʺNever doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed
citizens can change the world; indeed, itʹs the only thing that
ever hasʺ. Congratulations to both Drs. David Gaffney and
Brandon Fisher for their vision and for taking radiation
oncology to parts of the world who are in dire need.
We are always looking for ABS BrachyBlast ʺguest editorsʺ. Feel free to contribute a short section on a brachytherapy or
related topic. A short review of an article is always welcome ‑
The Current Issue of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS) BrachyBlast is Now Available
now be accessed online through
the Elsevier Science website via the
members‑only portion of the ABS
website. Members can access the
journal articles quickly by clicking
on the link below and logging in
using your ABS username and
just email it to me and we will share with our membership.
Daniel Petereit, MD, FASTRO
References:Fisher, BJ et al. Radiation Oncology in Africa: Improving Access to
Cancer Care on the African Continent.
Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 89 (3), 458; 2014
C Norman Coleman. Bringing Cancer Care to the Underserved Globally: A
Challenging Problem for Which Radiation Oncology Can Pioneer Novel
Solutions. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 89 (3), 443; 2014
Brachytherapy Quick Access
Upcoming Meetings 2015 ABS Annual Meeting
April 9‑11, 2015
Renaissance Orlando SeaWorld
Orlando, FL
Registration is NOW OPEN
2015 GYN School
November 9‑10, 2015
Westin Chicago River North
Chicago, IL
2016 World Congress
June 27 ‑ 29, 2016
San Francisco Hilton
San Francisco, CA
2016 Breast School
November 14‑15, 2015
Westin Chicago River North
Chicago, IL
HDR Brachytherapy
Scholarship Program
Deadline to submit your application is
Friday, January 30th, Click here for
more information.
Social Media
The ABS has added the social media
site Twitter to its communication. You
can follow us @AmerBrachy, and stay
Global Brachytherapy
Volunteerism: A Success Story
David K. Gaffney, MD, PhD
Brandon Fisher, MD
As the faithful know, brachytherapy is standard management in
the curative treatment for common cancers such as prostate,
breast and cervix cancer. We all make a difference in countless
lives by providing this cost effective technology. Sadly, in the
case of cervix cancer much of the world does not have access to
curative therapy. Creative volunteer solutions are helping to
solve this conundrum. Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in
women worldwide; it is by far the largest viral‑caused
malignancy, with 528,000 new cases of cervix cancer and 266,000
deaths annually worldwide in 2012. By comparison, the recent
Ebola virus outbreak resulted in 7,088 deaths as of 12/30/14.2 Cervical cancer is by far a greater threat to womenʹs health. Cervical cancer is the result of human papillomavirus infection.
Cervical cancer disproportionately affects young, reproductive‑
aged women and has significant social and economic impacts
on individuals, families, and children.
The burden of cervical cancer is disproportionately large (and
growing) in low‑ and middle‑income countries (LMIC)1. 87% of
cervix cancer deaths occur in less‑developed regions, and
mortality rates are 18‑fold greater for women diagnosed in
LMIC versus those diagnosed in high income countries. There
are glimmers of hope amongst this dire situation. Radiating Hope is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization committed
to bring cancer care to areas of the world where it is desperately
needed. Founded by Dr. Brandon Fisher in 2010, Radiating
The Current Issue of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS) BrachyBlast is Now Available
up to date with the latest news.
Extend your ABS conference experience
through the ABS Live Learning Center‑
your ultimate digital conference!
Receive hours of carefully selected
sessions captured live during the event.
Sessions are recorded using the latest
screen capture technology to include the speakerʹs audio,
presentation slides and anything else
that appeared on the presenterʹs
screen. Content on the Live Learning Center is
compatible with iPads and other mobile
devices for learning on‑the‑go. Share
critical information and research with
your colleagues and extend your
education long after the conference
What can YOU do for the ABS?
As a Member of ABS, what can YOU do to Support Your Association?
‑ Recruit new members both locally and
at national meetings that you attend
during the year
‑ Contact the national office with the
names of potential corporate members,
potential exhibitors and sponsors,
based on the various vendors that you
come into contact with on an annual
‑ Participate on an ABS committee
‑ Submit an article for publication in
Brachytherapy, the official journal of
the Society
‑ Renew your membership each year in
Hopeʹs mission is to provide radiation oncology equipment to
developing countries and to advance cancer care in these
countries. Trained radiation personnel are needed to assist with
providing radiation equipment, mentoring colleagues,
assistance with treatment planning, implementation of new
devices/procedures, radiation protection and staff training.
As a resident Dr. Fisher wanted to do a service mission in
radiation oncology, and was surprised to find there were no
opportunities available. He began researching cancer in
developing countries, and found that cancer is one of the
leading causes of death in Africa, killing more people annually
than HIV/AIDS, malaria and Tuberculosis combined. Africa is
severely unequipped to treat cancer. The worldwide standard
for cancer care is that there should be one radiation
megavoltage machine for every 150,000 people living in the
vicinity. In Africa, there are nine countries that have no
machines at all, and most countries have one machine for tens
of millions of people. For example, Ethiopia has one
functioning cobalt machine for 70 million people. Radiating Hope is currently working with a cancer center in
Senegal, West Africa. They provided them with their first ever
Brachytherapy machine, which will cure their most common
cancer, cervical cancer. In addition to helping with equipment,
Radiating Hope provides training and ongoing support for the
physicians in Senegal, who are very competent and frustrated at
the lack of resources to save their patients. Radiating Hope is
also working to build a cancer center from the ground up in
Tanzania, and is accepting applications to climb Kilimanjaro in
2015 to help with this project. There are challenges with brachytherapy delivery in developed
countries too. We would urge you to look beyond your own
community and get involved in brachytherapy on a large scale. This is desperately needed. There are several ways to get
involved. The top ways to embrace global cancer care include:
1. Donate today! Either to Radiating Hope or another worthy
2. Join Radiating Hope on a climb, This will directly support
the Cancer Center in Tanzania. Radiating Hope climbs
Kilimanjaro annually, join the climb!
3. Do you have talents in the areas of medical physics,
dosimetry, or radiation oncology? Volunteer your time.
4. Do you own used or new radiation equipment? Consider
donating it to our cause. Itʹs fully tax‑deductible!
5. Consider planning a local fundraiser such as a 5K run, a
gala dinner, golf tournament, etc.
6. Are you a journalist or a blogger? Write about us and help
The Current Issue of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS) BrachyBlast is Now Available
a timely fashion
‑ Submit topics and speaker
suggestions for the next Annual
Meeting, or for a future ABS School
raise awareness
7. Participate in our Prayer Flag program, donate a prayer
flag in honor of a cancer patient. We put their name on our
expedition prayer flags, and the patient receives a prayer flag
certificate, as well as updates on their flagʹs journey.
Despite the persistent hurdles we encounter, most of us practice
medicine in a privileged setting. We have many positive
modalities to share with our patients. We urge you to reach
upward and outward to provide brachytherapy and other
radiation modalities to all citizens of the globe.
The Current Issue of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS) BrachyBlast is Now Available
2015 Membership Renewals
The membership renewal process for 2015 has been underway since
the fall, please renew now to ensure that your membership stays
current. Membership Committee Participation
The ABS Membership Committee is looking for volunteers for
regional membership recruitment efforts ­ if you are interested please
contact committee chair Peter Orio
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American Brachytherapy Society | 12100 Sunset Hills Road | Suite 130 | Reston | VA | 20190