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Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Haier, LL.M.
Humanmedizin, Humboldt - Universität zu Berlin (Charité),
Master Medizinrecht, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Master Medizinrecht, LL.M.
Gebietsanerkennung 2003; Facharzt für Chirurgie
2009; Zusatzbezeichnung Ärztliches Qualitätsmanagement
1993; Humboldt - Universität zu Berlin (Charité)
2003, Medizinische Fakultät der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität
Münster, Venia legendi für Chirurgie
2007; Medizinische Fakultät der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität
2015; Medizinische Fakultät, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Aktuelle Positionen
Direktor des Universitären Cancer Centers Hamburg
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Adjunct Research Professor, Institute for Molecular Medicine,
Huntington Beach, CA, USA
Editorial Board:
Clinical & Experimental Metastasis, seit 2005
Brit. J. Medical Practitioners, seit 2008
World J. Gastrointestinal Surgery, seit 2009
Cancers, seit 2009
Wissenschaftliche Auszeichungen:
Studentenpreis 1986, Charitè, Berlin
Stipendiat des DAAD, 1990
New Jersey Society for Colorectal Surgeons Award 1999; 100th
Annual Conference of the American Society for Colorectal Surgeons,
Weitere wissenschaftliche Posterpreis
Visiting Professorship:
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesien, 2013, 2014
seit 2008, Vorstandsmitglied Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher
Tumorzenten (ADT)
2008-2015, Vorstandsmitglied Krebsgesellschaft NRW
2004, Kongresspräsident Chirurgische AG Qualitätssicherung
Beruflicher Werdegang
Geschäftsführer und Koordinierender Direktor des
Comprehensive Cancer Centers Münster (CCCM) des
Universitätsklinikums Münster (UKM)
Leiter der Stabsstelle Internationales Patientenmanagement, UKM
Leiter der Sektion Chirurgische Endoskopie, UKM
Oberarzt der Klinik und Poliklinik für Allgemeine Chirurgie, UKM
Visiting Scientist und Research Assistant Professor, Institute for
Molecular Medicine, Huntington Beach, CA, USA
Weiterbildungsassistent/wiss. Mitarbeiter in der Chirurgischen Klinik I,
Universitätsklinikum B. Franklin, Freie Universität Berlin
Weiterbildungsstipendium der Jung-Stiftung
Chirurgische Universitätsklinik, Karls - Universität Heidelberg
Assistenzarzt, Abteilung Chirurgie und Chirurgische Onkologie
der Robert - Rössle - Klinik, Humboldt - Universität zu Berlin
Publikationsliste Jörg Haier
Publikationsliste - J. Haier
Publikationen - Originalarbeiten:
Haier J, Hohenberger P, Schlag PM. Kontinuierliches
Monitoring kardiozirkulatorischer Effekte der isolierten
hyperthermen Extremitätenperfusion mit rhTNF
alpha/Melphalan mit der Thermodilutionsmethode.
(Continuous monitoring of cardiocirculatory effects during
isolated hyperthermic limb perfusion with rhTNF
alpha/Melphalan using thermodilution). Langenbecks Arch.
Chir./ Chirurgisches Forum für experimentelle und klinische
Forschung 1995: 251-257
14. Nicolson GL, Nasralla MY, Franco AR, De Meirleir K, Nicolson
NL, Haier J. Role of Mycoplasmal Infections in Fatigue
Illnesses: Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Syndromes, Gulf
War Illness and Rheumatoid Arthritis. J. Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome 1999; 12: 19-21
15. Haier J, Nicolson GL. Role of the cytoskeleton in adhesion
stabilization of human colorectal carcinoma cells to
extracellular matrix components under dynamic conditions of
laminar flow. Clin. Exp. Metastasis 1999, 17: 713-721
Hohenberger P, Haier J, Schlag PM. Rhabdomyolysis and
renal function impairment after isolated limb perfusion –
Comparison between the effects of perfusion with rhTNFa
and a “Triple-drug” regimen. Eur. J. Cancer 33; 1997: 596601
Haier J, Schön M, Hänsch W. Leiomyoma as a rare
differential diagnosis of Paget’s disease of the nipple. Acta
Obst. Gyn. Scand. 76; 1997: 490-491
Haier J, Hohenberger P, Beck K, Schlag PM. O2-Utilisation
während und nach isolierter Extremitätenperfusion mit
rhTNFα und melphalan (Oxygen utilisation during and after
isolated limb perfusion with rhTNFα and melphalan).
Langenbecks Arch. Chir. 382; 1997: 128-133
Hohenberger P, Haier J, Kettelhack CH, Schulze G, Schlag
PM. Erfassung regionaler und systemischer Toxizität der
isolierten, hyperthermen Extremitätenperfusion mit TumorNekrose-Faktor α und Melphalan (Assessment of regional
and systemic toxicity of isolated limb perfusion with tumor
necrosis factor-alpha and melphalan). Chirurg 1997; 68:
13. Nasralla M, Haier J, Nicolson GL. Multiple Mycoplasmal
Infections Detected in Blood of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and
Fibromyalgia Syndrome Patients. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect
Dis 1999; 18: 859-865
16. Haier J, Nicolson GL. Tumor cell adhesion of human colon
carcinoma cells with different metastatic properties to
extracellular matrix under dynamic conditions of laminar flow. J
Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 2000, 126: 699-706
17. Haier J, Nicolson GL. Time-dependent dephosphorylation
through Serine/Threonine phosphatases is required for stable
adhesion of highly and poorly metastatic HT-29 colon
carcinoma cell lines to collagen. Anticancer Res. 2000; 20:
18. Nasralla MY, Haier J, Nicolson GL. Examination of
mycoplasmas in blood of 565 Chronic Illness patients by
polymerase chain reaction. Int. J. Med. Biol. Environ. 28(1):
15-23 (2000).
19. Nicolson GL, Nasralla M, Franco AR, De Meirleir K, Nicolson
NL, Ngwenya R, Haier J. Mycoplasmal infections in fatigue
illnesses: Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Syndromes, Gulf
War Illness and Rheumatoid Arthritis. J Chronic Fatigue Syndr
2000; 6(3/4):23-39.
Haier J, Nasralla M, Buhr HJ, Nicolson GL. Differente
Integrin-vermittelte Adhäsion von hoch hepatisch
metastasierenden und gering metastasierenden ColonCarcinom-Zellen an extrazellulärer Matrix (Different integrinmediated adhesion of poorly and highly metastatic colon
carcinoma cell lines on extracellular matrix). Langenbecks
Arch. Chir./ Chirurgisches Forum für experimentelle und
klinische Forschung 1998; 383: 307-313
20. Haier J, Gallick GE, Buhr HJ, Nicolson GL. Adhesion
stabilization of HT-29 colon carcinoma cells to extracellular
matrix is regulated by pp60src under dynamic conditions of
laminar flow. Owen Wangensteen Surgical Forum, 2000, Vol
LI, 260-262
Nicolson GL, Nasralla M, Haier J, Nicolson NL. Diagnosis
and treatment of chronic mycoplasmal infections in
fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndromes: Relationship to
gulf war illness. Biomedical Therapy, 1998; 16: 266-271
Haier J, Nasralla M, Franco AR, Nicolson GL. Detection of
mycoplasmal infections in blood of patients with Rheumatoid
Arthritis. Rheumatol 1999; 38: 504-509.
Haier J, Nasralla M, Nicolson GL. Different adhesion
properties of highly and poorly metastatic HT-29 colon
carcinoma cells with extracellular matrix components: Role
of integrin expression and cytoskeletal components. Brit. J.
Cancer 1999; 80: 1867-1874
21. Haier J, Buhr HJ, Nicolson GL. Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK)
reguliert Zelladhäsion von HT-29 Kolon-Karzinomzellen an
extrazellulärer Matrix unter hydrodynamischen
Flowbedingungen. (Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) regulates cell
adhesion of HT-29 colon carcinoma cells to extracellular matrix
under hydrodynamic conditions of fluid flow.) Langenbecks
Arch. Surg./ Surgical Forum for Experimental Research 2001;
30: 55-57
22. Kruschewski M, Noske A, Haier J, Runkel N, Anagnostopoulos
Y, Buhr HJ. Is reduced expression of mismatch repair genes
MLH1 and MSH2 in patients with sporadic colorectal cancer
related to their prognosis? Clin. Exp. Metastasis 2002; 19(1):
23. Haier J, Nicolson GL. PTEN regulates tumor cell adhesion of
colon carcinoma cells under dynamic conditions of fluid flow.
Oncogene, 2002; 21(9): 1450-1460
10. Haier J, Nasralla M, Nicolson GL. Influence of
phosphotyrosine kinase inhibitors on adhesive properties of
highly and poorly metastatic HT-29 colon carcinoma cells to
collagen. Int. J. Colorect. Dis. 1999; 14: 119-127
24. Haier J, Senninger N, Nicolson GL. The tumor suppressor
PTEN regulates metastatic tumor cell adhesion of colon
carcinoma cells. Langenbecks Arch. Surg./ Surgical Forum for
Experimental Research, 2002, 31,
11. Haier J, Nasralla M, Nicolson GL. β1-integrin mediated
dynamic adhesion of colon carcinoma cells to extracellular
matrix under laminar flow. Clin. Exp. Metastasis 1999; 17:
25. Haier J, Gallick GE, Nicolson GL. Src protein kinase pp60c-src
influences adhesion stabilization of HT-29 colon carcinoma
cells to extracellular matrix components under dynamic
conditions of laminar flow. J. Exp. Ther. Oncol., 2002; 2: 237245
12. Nicolson GL, Nasralla MY, Haier J, Erwin R, Nicolson NL,
Ngwenya R: Mycoplasmal infections in chronic illnesses:
Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndromes, Gulf War
illness, HIV-AIDS and rheumatoid arthritis. Medical Sentinel
1999; 4: 172-175.
26. Haier J, Goldmann U, Hotz B, Runkel N, Keilholz N. Inhibition
of tumor progression and neoangiogenesis using cyclic RGDpeptides in a chemically induced colon carcinoma in rats. Clin.
Exp. Metastasis, 2002, 19: 665-672
Publikationsliste Jörg Haier
27. Nicolson GL, Nasralla M, Haier J, Pomfret J. High frequency 43. Ciarimboli G, Ludwig T, Lang D, Koepsell H, Piechota HJ ,
of systemic mycoplasmal infections in Gulf War veterans and
Haier J, Schlatter E. Cisplatin nephrotoxicity is related to
civilians with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). J Clin
uptake in human proximal tubules via the organic cation
Neurosci. 2002; 5: 525-529
transporter hOCT2. Am. J. Pathol. 2005 ; 167: 1477-1484
28. Nicolson GL, Berns P, Nasralla MY, Haier J, Nicolson NL,
Nass M. Gulf War Illnesses: Chemical, Biological and
Radiological Exposures Resulting in Chronic Fatigue
Illnesses. J Chronic Fatigue Syndr, 2003; 11: 135-154
44. Kriegeskotte C, Möller J, Lipinsky D, Wittig A, Sauerwein W,
Haier J, Arlinghaus HF. Imaging of atomic and molecular
species in tissue with laser-SNMS for pharmaceutical studies.
Surf. Interface Anal. 2006; 38: 121–125
29. Nicolson GL, Nasralla M, Nicolson NL, Haier J. High
Prevalence of Mycoplasmal Infections in Symptomatic
(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) Family Members of
Mycoplasma-Positive Gulf War Illness Patients. J Chronic
Fatigue Syndr 2003; 11:176-191.
45. Schlüter K, Korb T, Enns A, Gassmann P, Spiegel HU,
Senninger N, Haier J. Organ-specific metastatic tumor cell
adhesion correlates with metastasis formation. Am. J. Pathol.
2006; 169: 1064-1073
30. Nicolson GL, Nasralla M, Gan R, Haier J, De Meirleir K.
Evidence for bacterial (mycoplasma, Chlamydia) and viral
(HHV-6) co-infections in chronic fatigue syndrome patients.
J. Chronic Fatigue Syndr. 2003; 11:162-175.
31. Haier J, Korb T, Hotz B, Spiegel HU, Senninger N. An
intravital model to monitor steps of metastatic tumor cell
adhesion within the hepatic microcirculation. J Gastrointest.
Surg. 2003; 7: 507-515
32. Brockmann JG, Hernandez CA, Emparan C, Wolters H,
Haier J, Dietl KH, Senninger NJ. Trypsinogen activation
peptide (TAP) expression in gallbladder bile identifies biliopancreatic carcinoma. Anticancer Res. 2003; 23: 819-826
33. Nicolson GL, Gan R, Haier J. Multiple co-infections
(mycoplasma, Chlamydia, human herpes-6) in blood of
chronic fatigue syndrome patients. APMIS 2003; 111: 557566.
34. Kunze U, Ganslandt T, Preusser P, Bürkle T, Prokosch HU,
Senninger N, Haier J. Ein interdisziplinäres Modul zur
onkologischen Dokumentation in einem Klinikinformationssystem. Zentralbl Chir, 2004; 129: 10-13
35. Korb T, Schlüter K, Enns A, Spiegel HU, Senninger N,
Nicolson GL, Haier J. Integrity of actin fibres and
microtubules influences metastatic tumor cell adhesion. Exp.
Cell Res., 2004; 299: 236-247
46. Mader R, Kocher Th, Haier J, Wieczorek G, Pfannkuche HJ,
Ito M. Investigation of 5-HT4 receptor expression in human
and non-human primate gastrointestinal samples. Eur. J.
Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 2006; 9: 945-950
47. Haier J, Owzcareck M, Guller U, Spagnoli GC, Burger H,
Senninger N, Kocher T. Expression of MAGE-A cancer/testis
antigens in esophageal squamous cell carcinomas. Anticancer
Res. 2006; 26: 2281-2287
48. Rodel C, Liersch T, Hermann R, Arnold D, Reese T, Hipp M,
Furst A, Schwella N, Bieker M, Hellmich G, Ewald E, Haier J,
Lordick F, Flentje M, Sülberg H, Hohenberger W, Sauer R.
Multicenter Phase II Trial of the German Rectal Cancer Study
Group: Preoperative Radiation with Concomitant and Adjuvant
Capecitabine and Oxaliplatin for Rectal Cancer. J Clin Oncol,
2007; 25: 110-117
49. Nicolson GL, Gan R, Nicolson NL, Haier J. Evidence for
Mycoplasma ssp., Chlamydia pneunomiae and Human Herpes
Virus-6 Co-Infections in the Blood of Patients with Autistic
Spectrum Disorders. J. Neuroscience Res, 2007, 85:11431148
50. Küpper S, Mees ST, Gassmann P, Brodde MF, Kehrel B,
Haier J. Hydroxyethyl starch normalizes platelet and leukocyte
adhesion within pulmonary microcirculation during
lipopolysaccharide induced endotoxemia. Shock, 2007,
36. Enns A, Gassmann P, Korb T, Schlüter K, Spiegel HU,
Senninger N, Haier J. Integrins can directly mediate
metastatic tumor cell adhesion within the liver sinusoids. J
Gastrointest Surg, 2004; 8:1049-1060
51. Palmes D, Röttgermann S, Classen C, Haier J, Horstmann R.
Randomized clinical trial of the influence of intraperitoneal
applied local anaesthesia in laparoscopic surgery on
postoperative analgesic requirement and pain intensity. Br. J.
Surg, 2007 ; 94 : 824-832
37. Beauchamp RD, Arnoletti, Haier J, et al. Mechanisms of
resistance to erbitux (anti-epidermal growth factor receptor)
combination therapy in pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells. J
Gastrointest Surg, 2004; 8: 969-970
52. Bahde R, Palmes D, Minin E, Stratmann U, Diller R, Haier J,
Spiegel HU. Bromelain Ameliorates Hepatic Microcirculation
After Warm Ischemia. J Surg Res. 2007, 139: 88-96
38. Müthing J, Meisen I, Kniep B, Haier J, Senninger N,
Neumann U, Langer U, Witthohn K, Milosevic J, PeterKatalinic J. Tumor-associated CD75s-gangliosides and
CD75s-bearing glycoproteins with Neu5Acalpha26Galbeta1-4GlcNAc-residues are receptors for the
anticancer drug rViscumin. FASEB J, 2005; 19: 103-105
39. von Sengbusch A, Gassmann P, Fisch K, Enns A, Nicolson
GL, Haier J. Focal Adhesion Kinase regulates dynamic
adhesion of carcinoma cells to collagens. Am. J. Pathol.,
2005; 166: 585-593
40. Enns A, Korb T, Schlüter K, Spiegel HU, Senninger N,
Mitjans F, Haier J. αvβ5-integrins mediate early steps of
metastasis formation. Eur. J. Cancer, 2005; 41: 1065-1072
41. Nicolson GL, Berns P, Gan R, Haier J. Chronic Mycoplasmal
Infections in Gulf War Veterans’ Children and Autism
Patients. Medical Veritas, 2005; 2: 383-387
42. Nicolson GL, Gan R, Haier J. Evidence for Brucella spp. and
Mycoplasma spp. co-infections in the blood of chronic
fatigue syndrome patients. J. Chronic Fatigue Syndr. 2004;
12: 5-17
53. Bembenek A; Rosenberg R; Wagler E; Gretschel S; Sendler A;
Siewert, JR; Nahrig J; Witzigmann H; Hauss J; Knorr C;
Dimmler A; Grone J; Buhr HJ; Haier J; Herbst H; Tepel J;
Siphos B; Kleespies A; Koenigsrainer A; Stoecklein N;
Horstmann O; Grutzmann R; Imdahl A; Svoboda D; Wittekind
W; Schneider W; Wernecke KD; Schlag PM. Sentinel Lymph
Node Biopsy in Colon Cancer: A Prospective Multicenter Trial.
Ann Surg 2007; 245: 858-863
54. Mees ST, Gwinner M, Marx K, Faendrich F, Schroeder J,
Haier J, Kahlke V. Influence of sex and age on morphological
organ damage after hemorrhageic shock. Shock, 2008,
55. Vogel T, Vadonis R, Kühn J, Eing BR, Senninger N, Haier J.
Viral reactivation is not related to septic complications after
major surgical resections. APMIS 2008, 116(4):292-301
56. Rosenow F, Ossig R, Thormeyer D , Gaßmann P, Schlüter K,
Brunner G, Haier J, Eble JA. Integrins as antimetastatic
targets of RGD-independent snake venom components in liver
metastasis. Neoplasia 2008, 10(2):168-76
Publikationsliste Jörg Haier
57. Distler U, Hülsewig M, Souady J, Dreisewerd K, Haier J,
Senninger N, Friedrich A, Karch H, Hillenkamp F,
Berkenkamp S, Peter-Katalinic J, Müthing J. Matching IRMALDI-o-TOF Mass Spectrometry with the TLC Overlay
Binding Assay and its Clinical Application for Tracing
Tumor-Associated Glycosphingolipids in Hepatocellular and
Pancreatic Cancer. Analyt. Chem. 2008, 80(6):1835-46
58. Mees ST, Palmes D, Mennigen R, Tuebergen D, Senninger
N, Haier J, Bruewer M. Endo-VAC treatment for rectal
anastomotic insufficiency. Dis Colon Rectum, 2008,
59. Sidler D, Studer P, Küpper S, Gloor B, Candinas D, Haier J,
Inderbitzin D. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
increases hepatic sinusoidal perfusion during liver
regeneration in mice. J Invest Surg. 2008;21(2):57-64
60. Distler U, Souady J, Hülsewig M, Drmić-Hofman I, Haier J,
Denz A, Grützmann R, Pilarsky C, Senninger N, Dreisewerd
K, Berkenkamp S, Schmidt MA, Peter-Katalinic J, Müthing J.
Tumor-associated CD75s- and iso-CD75s-gangliosides are
potential targets for adjuvant therapy in pancreatic cancer.
Mol Cancer Ther. 2008; 7: 2464-2475
61. Mees ST, Mennigen R, Spieker T, Rijcken E, Senninger N,
Haier J, Bruewer M. Expression of tight and adherens
junction proteins in ulcerative colitis associated colorectal
carcinoma: upregulation of claudin-1, claudin-3, claudin-4,
and beta-catenin. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2009; 24(4): 361-368
70. Mees ST, Mardin WA, Wendel C, Baeumer N, Willscher E,
Senninger N, Schleicher C, Colombo-Benkmann M, Haier J.
EP300 - a miRNA-regulated metastasis suppressor gene in
ductal adenocarcinomas of the pancreas. Int J Cancer. 2010
Jan 1;126(1):114-24. doi: 10.1002/ijc.24695
71. Mees ST, Kebschull L, Senninger N, Wolters H, Haier J.
Nachweis virusspezifischer T-Zellen bei Patienten nach
allogener Nierentransplantation. Transplantationsmedizin
2010; 22: 123-127
72. Gassmann P, Kang ML, Mees ST, Haier J. In vivo tumor cell
adhesion in the pulmonary microvasculature is exclusively
mediated by tumor cell - endothelial cell interaction. BMC
Cancer. 2010;10:177.
73. Gassmann P, Spieker T, Haier J, Schmidt F, Mardin WA,
Senninger N. Prognostic Impact of Underlying Liver Fibrosis
and Cirrhosis After Curative Resection of Hepatocellular
Carcinoma. World J Surg. 2010; 34; 2442-2451
74. Hummel R, Hussey DJ, Michael MZ, Haier J, Bruewer M,
Senninger N, Watson DI. MiRNAs and Their Association with
Locoregional Staging and Survival Following Surgery for
Esophageal Carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 2011 Jan;18(1):25360. doi: 10.1245/s10434-010-1213-y
75. Mardin WA, Petrov KO, Enns A, Senninger N, Haier J, Mees
ST. SERPINB5 and AKAP12 -- Expression and Promoter
Methylation of Metastasis Suppressor Genes in pancreatic
ductal Adenocarcinoma. BMC Cancer. 2010 Oct 12;10:549
62. Deitmar S, Anthoni C, Palmes D, Haier J, Senninger N,
76. Souady J, Hülsewig M, Distler U, Haier J, Denz A, Pilarsky C,
Brüwer M. Are Leukocytes and CRP Early Indicators for
Senninger N, Dreisewerd K, Peter-Katalinic J, Müthing J.
Anastomotic Leakage after Esophageal Resection? Zentralbl
Differences in CD75s- and iso-CD75s-ganglioside content and
Chir. 2009; 134(1): 83-89
altered mRNA expression of sialyltransferases ST6GAL1 and
63. Mees ST, Mardin WA, Sielker S, Willscher E, Senninger N,
ST3GAL6 in human hepatocellular carcinoma and non-tumoral
Schleicher C, Colombo-Benkmann M, Haier J. Involvement
liver tissues. Glycobiology. 2011 May;21(5):584-94. Epub 2010
of CD40 Targeting miR-224 and miR-486 on the Progression
Dec 7
of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinomas. Ann Surg Oncol.
Hummel R, Watson DI, Smith C, Kist J, Michael MZ, Haier J,
2009 Aug;16(8):2339-50. doi: 10.1245/s10434-009-0531-4
Hussey DJ. MiR-148a improves response to chemotherapy in
64. Gassmann P, Haier J, Schlüter K, Domikowsky B, Wendel
sensitive and resistant esophageal adeno and squamous cell
C, Wiesner U, Kubitza R, Engers R, Schneider SW, Homey
carcinoma cells. J Gastrointest Surg. 2011 Mar;15(3):429-38.
B, Müller A.. CXCR4 regulates the early extravasation of
Epub 2011 Jan 19.
metastatic tumor cells in vivo. Neoplasia 2009; 11: 651-661
78. Hummel R, Wang T, Watson DI, Michael MZ, Van der Hoek M,
65. Gassmann P, Hemping-Bovenkerk A, Mees T, Haier J.
Haier J, Hussey DJ. Chemotherapy-induced modification of
Metastatic tumor cell arrest in the liver-lumen occlusion and
microRNA expression in esophageal cancer. Oncol Rep. 2011;
specific adhesion are not exclusive. . Int J Colorectal Dis.
26: 1011-1017. doi: 10.3892/or.2011.1381.
2009 Jul;24(7):851-8.
79. Mees ST, Schleicher C, Mardin WA, Senninger N, Colombo66. Mees ST, Toellner S, Marx K, Faendrich F, Kallen KJ,
Benkmann M, Haier J. Analyzing miRNAs in Ductal
Schroeder J, Haier J, Kahlke V. Inhibition of Interleukin-6Adenocarcinomas of the Pancreas. J Surg Res. 2011
Transsignaling via gp130-Fc in Hemorrhagic Shock and
Sepsis. J Surg Res. 2009 Dec;157(2):235-42. doi:
80. Schweer C, Doering S, Haier J, Heuft G, Fritz F, Dugas M,
10.1016/j.jss.2008.08.035. Epub 2008 Sep 29
Schneider G. Psychoonkologische Angebote – was wünschen
67. Distler U, Souady J, Hülsewig M, Drmić-Hofman I, Haier J,
über 60-jährige Krebspatienten? Z. Psychosom Med
Friedrich AW, Karch H, Senninger N, Dreisewerd K,
Psychother 2011; 57: 223-232
Berkenkamp S, Schmidt MA, Peter-Katalinić J, Müthing J.
81. Mees ST, Mardin WA, Schleicher C, Colombo-Benkmann M,
Shiga toxin receptor Gb3Cer/CD77: tumor-association and
Senninger N, Haier J. Role of tumor microenvironment on
promising therapeutic target in pancreas and colon cancer.
gene expression in pancreatic cancer tumor models. J Surg
PLoS One. 2009 Aug 28;4(8):e6813.
Res. 2011 Nov;171(1):136-42
68. Kriegeskotte C, Cantz T, Haberland J, Zibert A, Haier J,
82. Wendel C, Hemping-Bovenkerk A, Krasnyanska J, Mees ST,
Köhler G, Schöler HR, Schmidt HH, Arlinghaus HF. Laser
Kochetkova M, Stoeppeler S, Haier J. CXCR4/CXCL12
secondary neutral mass spectrometry for copper detection in
participate in extravasation of metastasizing breast cancer
micro-scale biopsies. J Mass Spectrom. 2009
cells within the liver in a rat model. PLoS One. 2012;
7(1):e30046. Epub 2012 Jan 13
69. Souady J, Soltwisch J, Dreisewerd K, Haier J, Peter83. Stahl O, Löffler B, Haier J, Mardin WA, Mees ST. Mimicry of
Katalinić J, Müthing J. Structural profiling of individual
human sepsis in a rat model - Prospects and limitations. J
glycosphingolipids in a single thin-layer chromatogram by
Surg Res. 2013 Jan;179(1):e167-75. doi:
multiple sequential immunodetection matched with Direct IR10.1016/j.jss.2012.01.042. Epub 2012 Apr 1.
MALDI-o-TOF mass spectrometry. Anal Chem. 2009 Nov
Publikationsliste Jörg Haier
84. Storck W, Meisen I, Gianmoena K, Pläger I, Kouzel I,
Bielaszewska M, Haier J, Mormann M, Humpf HU, Karch H,
Muething J. Shiga toxin glycosphingolipid receptor
expression and toxin susceptibility of human pancreatic
ductal adenocarcinomas of differing origin and
differentiation. Biol Chem. 2012 Aug 1;393(8):785-99
96. Meier C, Spitschak A, Abshagen K, Gupta S, Mor JM,
Wolkenhauer O, Haier J, Vollmar B, Alla V, Pützer BSM.
Regulatory feedback loop between E2F1 and RHAMM
promotes extravasation of circulating tumor cells. J Pathol.
2014 Nov;234(3):351-64. doi: 10.1002/path.4400. Epub 2014
Aug 28
85. Matthews P, Alpert M, Rahav G, Rill D, Zito E, Gardiner D,
Pedersen R, Babinchak T, McGovern PC; Tigecycline 900
cSSSI Study Group. A randomized trial of tigecycline versus
ampicillin-sulbactam or amoxicillin-clavulanate for the
treatment of complicated skin and skin structure infections.
BMC Infect Dis. 2012 Nov 12;12:297. doi: 10.1186/14712334-12-297
97. Lindner K, Borchardt C, Schöpp M, Bürgers A, Stock C,
Hussey DJ, Haier J, Hummel R. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)
impact on tumour cell survival metastatic potential and
chemotherapy resistance and affect expression of resistancerelevant miRNAs in esophageal cancer. J Exp Clin Cancer
Res. 2014, 33:73. DOI: 10.1186/s13046-014-0073-x
86. Funke K, Bonrath E, Mardin WA, Becker JC, Haier J,
Senninger N, Vowinkel T, Hoelzen JP, Mees ST. Blended
learning in surgery using the Inmedea Simulator.
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2013 Feb;398(2):335-40. doi:
87. Maurer J, Schöpp M, Thurau K, Haier J, Köhler G, Hummel
R. Immunohistochemical analysis on potential new
molecular targets for esophageal cancer. Dis Esophagus.
2014; 27(1): 93-100. doi: 10.1111/dote.12065
88. Mardin WA, Haier J, Mees ST. Epigenetic regulation and
role of metastasis suppressor genes in pancreatic ductal
adenocarcinoma. BMC Cancer. 2013 May 29;13:264. doi:
89. Bartsch F, Kang ML, Mees ST, HaierJ, Gassmann P. In Vivo
Quantification of Metastatic Tumor Cell Adhesion in the
Pulmonary Microvasculature In: Troy A. Baudino (ed.), CellCell Interactions: Methods and Protocols, Methods in
Molecular Biology, 2013;1066:89-101. DOI 10.1007/978-162703-604-7_8
90. Vahle AK, Domikowsky B, Schwöppe C, Krähling H, Mally S,
Schäfers M, Hermann S, Shahin V, Haier J, Schwab A,
Stock C. Extracellular matrix composition and interstitial pH
modulate NHE1-mediated melanoma cell motility. Int J
Oncol. 2014 Jan;44(1):78-90. doi: 10.3892/ijo
91. Krumm R, Semjonow A, Tio J, Duhme H, Bürkle T, Haier J,
Dugas M, Breil B. The Need for Harmonized Structured
Documentation and Chances of Secondary Use - Results of
a Systematic Analysis with Automated Form Comparison for
Prostate and Breast Cancer. J Biomed Inform. 2014
Oct;51:86-99. doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2014.04.008. Epub 2014 Apr
92. Mees ST, Kebschull L, Mardin WA, Senninger N, Suwelack
B, Wolters H, Haier J. Detection of Different Virus-Specific
CD8+ T Cells after Kidney Transplantation. Surg Infect
(Larchmt). 2014 Jun;15(3):274-82. doi:
10.1089/sur.2013.083. Epub 2014 May 6
98. Listing H, Mardin W, Wohlfromm S, Mees T, Haier J. miR-23a/
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integration of pancreatic cancer. Br J Cancer. 2015 Jan
6;112(1):131-9. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2014.587. Epub 2014 Nov 25
99. Lindner K, Palmes D, Grübener A, Senninger N, Haier J,
Hummel R. Esophageal cancer specific risk score is
associated with postoperative complications following open
Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy for adenocarcinoma. Dig Surg.
2016;33(1):58-65. doi: 10.1159/000439442.
100. Mardin WA, Ntalos D, Mees ST, Spieker T, Senninger N,
Haier J, Dhayat SA. SERPINB5 Promoter Hypomethylation
differentiates Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma from
Pancreatitis. Pancreas. 2015 Dec 5. [Epub ahead of print]
101. Dhayat SA, Mardin WA, Seggewiß J, Ströse AJ, Matuszcak C,
Hummel R, Senninger N, Mees ST, Haier J. MicroRNA
Profiling Implies New Markers of Gemcitabine
Chemoresistance in Mutant p53 Pancreatic Ductal
Adenocarcinoma. PLoS One. 2015 Nov 25;10(11):e0143755.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0143755. eCollection 2015.
102. Dhayat SA, Hüsing A, Senninger N, Schmidt HH, Haier J,
Wolters H, Kabar I. Circulating microRNA-200 Family as
Diagnostic Marker in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. PLoS One.
2015 Oct 8;10(10):e0140066. doi:
103. Dhayat SA, Abdeen B, Köhler G, Senninger N, Haier J, Mardin
WA. MicroRNA-100 and microRNA-21 as markers of survival
and chemotherapy response in pancreatic ductal
adenocarcinoma UICC stage II. Clin Epigenetics. 2015 Dec
23;7:132. doi: 10.1186/s13148-015-0166-1. eCollection 2015.
Publikationen – Übersichtsarbeiten/Editorials
Haier J, Otto G, Herfarth Ch. Antithrombin III - Substitution in
der Chirurgie. (Antithrombin III - Substitution in surgery).
Aktuelle Chirurgie 1995; 30: 180-184
Haier J, Nasralla M, Nicolson GL. Cell surface molecules and
their prognostic values in assessing colorectal carcinomas.
Ann. Surgery 2000; 231: 11-24
93. Dhayat S, Mardin WA, Köhler G, Bahde R, Argyris I,
Vowinkel T, Wolters H, Senninger N, Haier J, Mees ST. The
microRNA-200 family – a potential diagnostic marker in
hepatocellular carcinoma? J Surg Oncol. 2014;110:430–438.
doi: 10.1002/jso.23668
94. Hummel R, Sie C, Watson DI, Wang T, Ansar A, Michael
MZ, Van der Hoek M, Haier J, Hussey MJ. MicroRNA
signatures in chemotherapy resistant esophageal cancer cell
lines. World J Gastroenterol. 2014 Oct 28;20(40):14904-12.
doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i40.14904
95. Kettling H, Vens-Cappell S, Soltwisch J, Pirkl A, Haier J,
Müthing J, Dreisewerd K. MALDI Mass Spectrometry
Imaging of Bioactive Lipids in Mouse Brain with a Synapt
G2-S Mass Spectrometer Operated at Elevated Pressure:
Improving the Analytical Sensitivity and the Lateral
Resolution to Ten Microns. Anal Chem. 2014 Aug
5;86(15):7798-805. doi: 10.1021/ac5017248. Epub 2014 Jul
Haier J, Nicolson GL. Prognostic value of cell surface
molecules in colorectal carcinomas. [Prognostischer Wert von
Zelloberflächenmolekülen bei kolorektalen Karzinomen.]
Visceralchirurgie 2000, 35, 172-181
Haier J, Nicolson GL. Cell Biology and clinical implications of
adhesion molecules in colorectal diseases: colorectal cancers,
infections and inflammatory bowel diseases. Clin. Exp.
Metastasis, 2001, 18(8): 623-638
Haier J, Nicolson GL. The role of tumor cell adhesion as an
important factor in formation of distant colorectal metastasis.
Dis Colon Rect, 2001, 44(6):876-884
Haier J, Nicolson GL. Tumor cell adhesion under
hydrodynamic conditions of fluid flow. APMIS, 2001, 109: 241262
Haier J, Nicolson GL. Cell surface molecules as indicators of
prognosis in colorectal carcinomas. New Surgery 2001; 1: 152157
Publikationsliste Jörg Haier
Haier J, Senninger N. Neoadjuvante Chemotherapie,
mehrzeitige Leberresektionen und präoperative portale
Embolisation bei primären und sekundären Lebertumoren.
Onkologe 2001; 7: 1244-1246
Gaßmann P, Haier J, Senninger N. MUC1 als Marker zum
molekularen Staging cholangiozellulärer Karzinome
Onkologe 2002; 10: 1114-1115
Publikationen –
Haier J. (K)ein notwendiges Übel? Forschungsausbildung in
der Weiterbildung. Management & Krankenhaus, 2006, (12),
Haier J, Berdel W, Roeder N. New developments in tumor
medicine: New structure of integrated tumor medicine at the
University Hospital Münster. Das Krankenhaus 04.2009, 323327
Haier J. Data management in integrated cancer centers:
Structure and data flow models for different interests. Dtsch
Arztebl 2009; 106(21): A-1040
Haier J. Qualitätsindikatoren in der Onkologie. Quo vadis? Das
Krankenhaus, 2011, 103: 882-886
Haier, J, Ückert F. Wieviel Biobank braucht die Forschung?
Spannungsfeld zwischen Forschungsfreiheit,
Selbstbestimmung und ethischer Verpflichtung. Gesundh .
ökon. Qual.manag. 2012; 17: 97-102
Haier J. Wann ist ein Zentrum ein “Zentrum”? – Gegenläufige
Urteile von BVerfG und BGH: Konsequenzen für die
Krankenhäuser. KU Gesundheitsmanagement 2012, 81 (12):
Ott R, Haier J. Aus der Not eine Tugend machen: Wie sich
Pharmaunternehmen als Partner der Krankenhäuser
etablieren können. Market Access & Health Policy, 2012, Heft
6, 26-27
Haier J, Bergmann KO. Medizinrechtliche Aspekte von
Tumorboards. Chirurg. 2013 Mar;84(3):225-30. doi:
Haier J, Bergmann K. Rechtliche Verantwortlichkeit
patientenferner Entscheider in Krankenhäusern (I). Das
Krankenhaus, 2013, Heft 8, 828-834
10. Haier J, Senninger N. Klinischer Nutzen der intraoperativen
Sentinel-Lymphknoten-Biopsie beim Magenkarzinom.
Onkologe 2003; 11: 1270-1271
11. Schleicher C, Haier J, Senninger N. Operationsrisiko nach
neoadjuvanter Therapie gastrointestinaler Karzinome.
Onkologe, 2003; 9: 1383-1401
12. Haier J. Genexpressionsprofile von Kolonkarzinomen:
Korrelation mit histologischen und klinischen Parametern.
Onkologe 2004; 10: 525-526
13. Gassmann P, Enns A, Haier J. Role of Tumor Cell Adhesion
and Migration in specific Metastasis Formation. Onkologie
2004; 27: 577-582
14. Senninger N, Krieglstein CF, Haier J. Preface. Transplant.
Proc. 2005; 37: 1593
15. Eble JA, Haier J. Integrins in cancer treatment. Current
Cancer Drug Targets 2006: 6: 89-105
16. Gaßmann P, Haier J. The tumor cell-host organ interface in
the early onset of metastatic organ colonisation. Clin. Exp.
Metastasis 2008, 25(2):171-81
17. Nicolson GL, Haier J. Role of Chronic Bacterial and Viral
Infections in Neurodegenerative, Neurobehavioral,
Psychiatric, Autoimmune and Fatiguing Illnesses: Part 1.
BJMP 2010; 2: 20-28
18. Nicolson GL, Haier J. Role of Chronic Bacterial and Viral
Infections in Neurodegenerative, Neurobehavioral,
Psychiatric, Autoimmune and Fatiguing Illnesses: Part 2.
BJMP 2010; 3: 301-310
19. Hummel R, Hussey DJ, Haier J. MicroRNAs: Predictors and
modifiers of chemo- and radiotherapy in different tumour
types. Eur. J. Cancer 2010: 46: 298-311
20. Dhayat S, Mardin W, Mees S, Haier J. Epigenetic markers
for chemosensitivity and chemoresistance in pancreatic
cancer – A Review. Int J Cancer. 2011 Sep 1;129(5):103141
21. Dhayat S, Mardin W, Mees S, Haier J. Cover Page. Int. J.
Cancer, 2011; 129 (9)
22. Hummel R, Maurer J, Haier J. MicroRNAs in Brain Tumors:
A New Diagnostic and Therapeutic Perspective? Mol
Neurobiol. 2011; 44: 223-234
23. Haier J, Gassmann P. Current Concepts of Metastasis
Formation (Editorial). Cancers 2011, 3(3), 2886-2887
24. Matuszcak C, Haier J, Hummel R, Lindner K. MicroRNAs:
promising biomarkers for chemoresistance in gastric cancer
with diagnostic and therapeutic potential. World J
Gastroenterol. 2014 Oct 14;20(38):13658-66. doi:
10. Haier J, Bergmann K. Sorgfaltspflichten patientenferner
Entscheider in Krankenhäusern (II). Sorgfaltspflichten, Das
Krankenhaus, 2013, Heft 10, 1036-1040
11. Haier J, Bergmann K. Rechtliche Verantwortlichkeit
patientenferner Entscheider in Krankenhäusern (III). Die
Haftung übergeordneter Kommissionen und die Organisationsverantwortung. Das Krankenhaus, 2013, Heft 11, 1120-1126
12. Haier J. Gegenwärtige rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für den
Betrieb und die Nutzung von Biobanken. Teil 1:
Rechtsgrundlagen, Chirurg. 2013 Sep;84(9):785-93. doi:
13. Haier J. Gegenwärtige rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für den
Betrieb und die Nutzung von Biobanken. Teil 2: Datenschutz
bei Biobanken, Chirurg. 2013 Oct;84(10):892-901. doi:
14. Haier J, Möslein G. Das Krebsregistergesetz als Teil des
Nationalen Krebsplans. Der Onkologe, 2013, 19: 1037-1046.
15. Möslein G, Haier J, Schlag PM. Einführung zum Thema:
Klinische und epidemiologische Krebsregister? Krebsregister
in Deutschland – qou vadis. Der Onkologe, 2013, 19: 10221024
25. Lindner K, Haier J, Wang Z, Watson DI, Hussey DJ, Hummel
16. Haier J. Das Patientenrechtegesetz: Bedeutung im Alltag
R. Circulating microRNAs: emerging biomarkers for
operativer Disziplinen. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2014
diagnosis and prognosis in patients with gastrointestinal
Jan;139(1-2):47-52. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1359881
cancers. Clin Sci (Lond). 2015 Jan 1;128(1):1-15. doi:
17. Haier J. Gegenwärtige rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für den
Betrieb und die Nutzung von Biobanken Teil 3: Eigentum und
26. Haier J, Ströse A, Matuszcak C, Hummel R. miR clusters
Nutzungsrechte, Chirurg. 2014 Oct;85(10):918-28. doi:
target cellular functional complexes by defining their degree
of regulatory freedom. Can Met Rev, 2016, in press
Publikationsliste Jörg Haier
18. Arnholdt J, Haier J. Kostentrend Klinischer Prüfungen:
Ergebnisse einer Vertragsanalyse. Gesundh . ökon.
Qual.manag. 2014, DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1366824
19. Haier J, Mardin WA. How does biobanking affect the patientphysician relationship? Future Med, 2016 in press
20. Haier J, Bamberg M. Editorial: Klinische Onkologie im
stetigen Wandel. Der Onkologe, 2016, Heft 1, in press
21. Haier J. Tasks and Limitations of Tumor Boards [Aufgaben
und Grenzen von Tumorkonferenzen]. Der Onkologe, 2016,
in press
Guest Editor:
Transplantation Proceedings 2005; 37: Issue 3
Cancers 2011, 3: Issue 3: Current Concepts of Metastasis
Der Onkologe, Themenheft Klinische Krebsregister, 2013,
Heft 11
Der Onkologe, Themenheft Struktur und Organisation der
klinischen Onkologie, 2016, Heft 1
1. Alison M, Nicolson GL, Haier J, et al.: Cancer Handbook,
Macmillan, London, 2001
2. Alison M, Haier J, et al.: Cancer Handbook 2nd ed., Wiley &
Sons, London, 2007
1. Haier J, Schlag PM. Karzinome der Gallenblase und der
Gallenwege (Carcinoma of gall bladder and bile duct). In:
Angewandte Onkologie (Hrsg. P. M. Schlag), Springer
Heidelberg Berlin New York Tokyo, 1995
3. Haier J. Indikation und Strategie der operativen Therapie von
Fernmetastasen kolorektaler Karzinome (Indication and
strategy of surgical treatment in metastatic colorectal cancer).
In: Operationskurs: Kolorektales Karzinom (Hrsg. H.-J. Buhr,
N. Runkel), Ambrosius Barth Verlag, Leipzig, 1997, 138-145
11. Fisch KM, von Sengbusch A, Schlüter A, Haier J. Inhibition
früher Schritte der Metastasierung durch Blockade von FAK
(Focal Adhesion Kinase) in vivo. Chirurgisches Forum 2005,
Band 34: Hrsg.: M. Rothmund, K.-W. Jauch, H. Bauer;
12. Gaßmann P, Enns A, Spiegel HU, Haier J. Organspezifische
Adhäsion metastatischer humaner Kolonkarzinomzellen in
unterschiedlichen Targetorganen in vivo. Chirurgisches Forum
2005, Band 34: 75-76; Hrsg.: M. Rothmund, K.-W. Jauch, H.
Bauer; Springer-Verlag 2005
13. Enns A, Gaßmann P, Spiegel HU, Haier J. Ein neues Modell
zur Quantifizierung der Turmorzellmigration in vivo.
Chirurgisches Forum 2005, Band 34: 71-73; Hrsg.: M.
Rothmund, K.-W. Jauch, H. Bauer; Springer-Verlag 2005
14. Gassmann P, Haier J. Molecular mechanisms of cancer
metastasis. In: G. V. Sherbet (ed.) The Molecular and Cellular
Pathology of Cancer Progression and Prognosis, Research
Signpost, Kerala, India, 2006: 1-52
15. Gassmann P, Haier, J., Nicolson, G.L. Cell adhesion and
invasion during secondary tumor formation. In: Cancer Growth
and Progression, vol. 3, Kluwer, Amsterdam, (2005).
16. Krasnyanska J, Gaßmann P, Haier J. Wachstumsfaktoren
steigern die trajektorielle chemotaktische Tumorzellmigration in
Abhängigkeit von der extrazellulären Matrix. Chirurgisches
Forum 2006, Band 35: 89-91; Hrsg.: H.-D. Saeger, K.-W.
Jauch, H. Bauer; Springer-Verlag 2006
17. Enns A, Haier J. Hereditäre kolorektale Erkrankungen. Stand,
Indikation und klinische Konsequenzen genetischer
Untersuchungen. In: Chirurgie von Kolon und Rektum (Hrsg:
Colombo-Benkmann M, Senninger N), Lehmanns Media, Berlin,
2006: 48-59
18. Haier J, Sulkowski U. Allgemeinchirurgie. In: Jahn U, van Aken
HK, Zusatzweiterbildung Intensivmedizin, Thieme Stuttgart,
2006, 91-128
19. Gassmann P, Nicolson GL, Haier J. Models for tumor cell –
endothelial cells interactions. The Cancer Handbook, 2nd
edition, editor-in-chief: Malcolm R. Alison, John Wiley & Sons
Ltd.,Chichester 2007; ISBN-13 978-0-470-01852-1
4. Nasralla M, Haier J, Nicolson GL. Mycoplasmal Infections in
Blood from Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
Fibromyalgia Syndrome or Gulf War Illness. Proceedings of
International CFS Conference, Sydney, Australia, 1998
20. Haier J, Nicolson GL. Advantages and Limitations of Models for
Cancer and Malignant Cell Progression. The Cancer Handbook,
2nd edition, editor-in-chief: Malcolm R. Alison, John Wiley &
Sons Ltd.,Chichester 2007; ISBN-13 978-0-470-01852-1
5. Haier J, Nicolson GL. Role of the Vascular Endothelium in
Cancer Metastasis. In: Intramolecular Cross-talk in
Metastasis, (G. Skouteris and G. L. Nicolson, Eds.), NATO
ASI series, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 225-249 (1999).
21. Cavanaugh P, Haier J. Basic Tissue and Cell Culture in Cancer
Research The Cancer Handbook, 2nd edition, editor-in-chief:
Malcolm R. Alison, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,Chichester 2007;
ISBN-13 978-0-470-01852-1
6. Nicolson GL, Nasralla M, Haier J, Nicolson NL. Gulf war
illnesses: Role of chemical, radiological and biological
exposures. In: War or Health, Taipale I et al, eds., Zed Books,
London & New York, 2001, 431-446.
22. Clarke R, Haier J. Human tumors in animal hosts. The Cancer
Handbook, 2nd edition, editor-in-chief: Malcolm R. Alison, John
Wiley & Sons Ltd.,Chichester 2007; ISBN-13 978-0-470-018521
7. Haier J, Nicolson GL. Models for Tumor Cell Adhesion. In:
Alison M, Nicolson GL, Haier J, et al.: Cancer Handbook,
Macmillan, London, 2001, 983-998
23. Gassmann P, Haier, J., Nicolson, G.L. Cell adhesion and
invasion during secondary tumor formation. In: Cancer Growth
and Progression, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Volume 11, 2008,
pp 21-32; DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6729-7_3
8. Haier J, Nicolson GL. Models for Hematological Malignancies.
In: Alison M, Nicolson GL, Haier J, et al.: Cancer Handbook,
24. Haier J, Schmidt F. In vivo animal models in tissue
Macmillan, London, 2001, 1009-1024
engeneering. In: Fundamentals of tissue engeneering and
regenerative medicine (Eds. U. Meyer, Th. Meyer, J. Hantschel,
HP. Wiesmann) Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009: 773-778;
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-77755-7_53
9. Haier J, Nicolson GL. Models for Tumor Cell-Endothelial Cell
Interactions. In: Alison M, Nicolson GL, Haier J, et al.: Cancer
Handbook, Macmillan, London, 2001, 1101-1114
10. Nicolson GL. Nasralla M, De Meirleir K, Haier J. Bacterial and 25. Fisch KM, Haier J. Tumor cell adhesion and invasion. The
Cancer Handbook, 2nd edition, editor-in-chief: Malcolm R.
viral co-infections in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME)
Alison, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,Chichester 2007; ISBN-13 978patients. Proc. Clinical & Scientific Conference on Myalgic
Encephalopathy/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the Practitioners
Challenge, Alison Hunter Foundation, Sydney, Australia, 2002
Publikationsliste Jörg Haier
26. Enns A, Haier J. Models for lymphoma. The Cancer
Handbook, 2nd edition, editor-in-chief: Malcolm R. Alison,
John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,Chichester 2007; ISBN-13 978-0-47001852-1
27. Krasnyanska J, Gaßmann P, Wendel C, Haier J.
Zusammensetzung der extrazullulären Matrix determiniert
Ausmaß und Art der Chemokin-induzierbaren Zellmotilität.
Chirurgisches Forum 2007; Forumsband 36: 91-39.
Hrsg. H.U.- Steinau, H.K. Schackert, H. Bauer
28. Gaßmann P, Hemping-Bovenkerk A, Küpper J, Haier J.
Einfluß der sinusoidalen Architektur und der T-Zellimmunität
auf metastatische Tumorzelladhäsion und –migration in vivo.
Chirurgisches Forum 2007; Forumsband 36: 91-39.
Hrsg. H.U.- Steinau, H.K. Schackert, H. Bauer
29. Wendel C, Haier J. Focal Adhesion Kianse. In: Schwab M
(Ed.): Encyclopedia of Cancer. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
2009, 1148-1151¸DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-47648-1_2228
30. Haier J, Schmidt F. In vivo animal models in tissue
engineering. In: Meyer U et al: Fundamentals of Tissue
Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. Springer Heidelberg
Berlin, 2009: 273-280, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-77755-7,
ISBN: 978-354077754-0
31. Hummel R, Hussey DJ, Haier J. The Impact of miRNAs on
Resistance to Anticancer Treatment: The Future for miRNABased Targeted Therapy? In: MicroRNA: Expression,
Detection and Therapeutic Strategies. James A. Mulligan
(Ed.). Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY, USA. 2011 (A).
Chapter 6, 125-140. ISBN 978-1-61122-846-5.
32. Hummel R, Maurer J, Haier J. Clinical Role of MiRNAs in
Different Brain Tumors. In: Tumors of the Central Nervous
System, Volume 3, Brain Tumors (Part 1). M.A. Hayat (Ed.).
Springer 2011 (C), 185-192. ISBN: 9789400713987
33. Fritz M, Hussey DJ, Haier J, Hummel R. The impact of the let7 family on resistance to anticancer treatment. In: Dahiya N,
MicroRNA let-7: Role in Human Diseases and Drug
Discovery. Nova Science Publishers, NY, USA. January
2013, p. 75-87 (ISBN: 978-162081152-8)
34. Haier J. Anforderungen an den modernen Vertrieb – die
Sichtweise von Krankenhausärzten. In: Strauß F. Inspirieren
statt rabattieren. SPS-Institut Weisendorf/Nürnberg, 2013, S.
35. Haier J, Sulkowski U. Allgemeinchirurgie. In: Jahn U, van
Aken HK, Zusatzweiterbildung Intensivmedizin, 2. Auflage,
Thieme Stuttgart, 2013, 148-187
36. Lindner, K., Haier, J., Hummel, R. (2014) MicroRNAs and
Their Clinical Impact on Resistance to Anticancer Treatment.
In Babashah, S.: MicroRNAs: Key Regulators of
Oncogenesis. Springer 1 (1): 369-386