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"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
‫‏‬Table of Contents
T‫ ‏‬ribute to the Late Fouding President of ICA, Suzy Eban ....................................... 2
A Message from the Chairman ............................................................................ 4
‫‏‬ICA’s Fight against Cancer Budget Distribution for 2011....................................... 5
‫‏‬Medical Services and Innovative Projects
to Improve Patient Services and Treatment ........................................................... 6
‫‏‬ICA Supported Medical Institutions and Community Settings ............................... 9
‫‏‬Public Information and Education....................................................................... 11
‫‏‬Early Detection................................................................................................... 23
‫‏‬Rehabilitation and Welfare ................................................................................ 28
‫‏‬ICA Support Centers.......................................................................................... 45
‫‏‬Home Care Hospice........................................................................................... 50
‫‏‬Sir Charles Clore Hostel ..................................................................................... 51
Seminars and Conferences................................................................................. 52
‫‏‬Professional Training ......................................................................................... 59
‫‏‬International Conferences.................................................................................. 64
‫‏‬Research............................................................................................................ 67
‫‏‬Memorial Funds Donated to the ICA................................................................... 78
‫‏‬Data Collection and Follow-up; Equipment, Construction and Development....... 79
‫‏‬Volunteers and Local Fundraising Events ............................................................ 82
‫‏‬Friends of the ICA Abroad ................................................................................. 87
‫‏‬Jubilee Anniversary of the Annual
“Door Knock” Fundraising Campaign – 2010-2011............................................ 93
‫‏‬Annual “Door Knock” Fundraising Campaign Chairmen..................................... 98
‫‏‬Bequests, Legacies and Commemorations........................................................ 100
‫‏‬The Israel Cancer Association Board and Committee Members 2010-2011 ....... 101
‫‏‬ICA Branches Abroad ...........................................................................back cover
E‫ ‏‬diting: Or-Tal Hori | Translation: Rona Hilu | Graphic Design: Billet Studio
© Copyright 2012 Israel Cancer Association
‫‏‬The Israel Cancer Association mourns the passing of its Founding
President, Suzy Eban of blessed memory
A noble woman, a visionary,
and a dynamic spirit, who in
her own unique and decisive
way led the ICA on the path
to long-term success
The ICA’s Founding President, who
transformed a small group of volunteers
into Israel’s leading volunteer
organization that spearheads the
fight against cancer diseases, with a
proud record of national and global
achievements – has passed away at a
ripe old age. Her unique contribution to
the State of Israel and to Israeli society
in all its many facets, and the fact that
she was active until her last days – will
be forever cherished in our hearts.
first Director of the Department of Cancer
Research at the Weizmann Institute, and
one of the founders of the Israel Cancer
Association, established in 1952. Berenblum
requested her help in leveraging the activity
of the ICA, which up until then operated
as a small and limited organization, to help
further expand its efforts to conduct activity
on a national scale.
Suzy (Shoshana) Eban was born in Egypt
to parents Simcha and Leah Ambache (Ani
Ma’amin Be’emuna Shlema – I believe with
all my heart). She had two sisters Zila and
Aura (widow of former President of the
State of Israel, Chaim Herzog).
In 1959, Suzy Eban officially became
President of the ICA. She served in this
position with determination, great faith and
single minded devotion, until she retired
from active service in 1998, after 40 years
of broad-based activity.
Suzy’s husband, Abba Eban of blessed
memory, served the State of Israel in different
key positions, such as Foreign Minister and
Israel’s Ambassador to the United States.
Over the years, Suzy supported him and
accompanied him in his broad-based
diplomatic efforts.
Since her retirement, and until her last
days, serving as Founding President, Suzy
continued to be an active and loyal partner
of the ICA. She took part in many events,
received regular updates regarding ICA
activity, and offered assistance to lend a
hand in any way she could.
In the mid-1950’s, Suzy Eban responded
to the call of Prof. Isaac Berenblum, the
When she was appointed as President of
the ICA, Suzy enlisted several professionals
and public figures and well-known
personalities, who assisted her in transforming
the ICA into a leading national organization
that aimed to reduce cancer morbidity and
mortality in Israel by advancing the fight
on all fronts – by promoting research,
preventative measures and early
detection, and enhancing treatment
modalities and rehabilitation,
coordinating efforts at a national scale,
geared toward the general population
– cancer patients, those recovering from
the disease and the public at large.
As the wife of an Ambassador and Foreign
Minister, Suzy Eban used her name, status
and many personal ties and connections in
Israel and around the globe to her advantage,
addressing herself to individuals holding
key positions in the business, medical,
and financial worlds, and thanks to her
persistence and her engaging personality,
she leveraged the ICA and transformed it
into a leader in the fight against cancer
diseases in Israel.
The targets that the young Association
had set for itself were tremendous and
the lack of funds further underscored the
momentous task ahead. When the idea of
the “Door Knock” fundraising campaign
was conceived, Suzy grabbed the reins
and was the driving force behind the
organization and implementation of this
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
project. Suzy first implemented the “Door Knock”
fundraising campaign in 1960, and ever since then,
it has become a milestone in educating youth
toward giving, coupled with a public information
campaign for health education in schools and
among the general population. To achieve this
end, she enlisted the media to promote the issue
and persuaded then President of Israel, Yitzhak
Ben-Zvi of blessed memory, to serve as Israel
Cancer Association Patron. Thanks to her efforts,
from that day forward, the Presidents of Israel
officially opened the ICA’s annual “Door Knock”
fundraising campaign, and continue to do so to
this very day, at a moving gala ceremony held at
the President’s Residence in Jerusalem.
Upon her appointment as President, Suzy began
raising funds from her friends abroad and with
their help established Friends of ICA chapters
around the world. These chapters raised funds to
run programs and projects at oncology centers
throughout Israel for the welfare of cancer patients.
Under her leadership, the ICA became Israel’s most
prominent volunteer organization, and a highly
reputed and professionally managed association,
both on a national and international scale.
In 1999, Suzy was awarded the “President’s
Award for the Volunteer” for the years
1998-1999, by the National Council of Volunteerism
in Israel, for her exemplary volunteer leadership and for
the establishment and development of the
Israel Cancer Association during her term as the
organization’s President over a period of 4 decades.
In 2009, Suzy was also awarded the “The Shield of
the Ministry of Health for Outstanding Volunteers”
in recognition of her long-time dedicated efforts
to promote ICA activity and for transforming the
association into an organization that spearheads
the fight against cancer diseases in Israel.
Even after her retirement from her position as ICA
President, Suzy Eban continued to serve as Founding
President, and was a dedicated activist who shared
the ICA’s vision, serving as a member of the Board
of Trustees, and taking part in all its activities; her
efforts included hosting notable personalities in
her home, fundraising, and assisting in promoting
ICA targets. Her volunteer activity, and her work
to advance the fight against cancer in Israel, for
the patients and against the disease, should
be lauded and highly commended.
‫‏‬May her memory be blessed.
‫‏‬A Message from the Chairman
As the Jubilee anniversary of the Annual “Door Knock” Fundraising Campaign of the ICA, brimming
with activity and crowned with achievements, comes to a close, we can look back with tremendous
satisfaction at yet another productive, successful and eventful year that enhanced the well-being of
patients and battled against the disease.
Even in Israel, a country that grapples with a complex reality, cancer continues to be the leading cause
of death. The fight against cancer diseases is an ongoing, relentless battle that requires activity on
multiple fronts: promoting research, prevention and early detection, enhancing treatment modalities
and rehabilitation methods for cancer patients and their families, and promoting patients’ rights and
improving their quality of life.
We continued holding scores of seminars and conferences across the country, and also promoted new
rehabilitation and welfare programs and projects; additionally, new information campaigns were launched
to enhance public awareness of the “energy balance” and increase awareness of the importance of
maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, we held Awareness Months for prevalent cancers.
Prof. Eliezer Robinson
‫‏‬Chairman, Israel
Cancer Association
This year the ICA is part of an international declaration led by the UICC – the Union for International
Cancer Control – to promote the war against cancer diseases and transform it into a global fight that
knows no bounds. Many national and global accomplishments have already been recorded so far, such
as the decline in smoking rates and improved survival rates of patients suffering from diseases that may
be detected at an early stage.
This year saw many exciting events, such as the inauguration ceremony of the new Aliza Timor
Breast Examination Station, dedicated in memory of the late Aliza Timor of blessed memory,
who devoted many years to promoting awareness about breast cancer among female residents of Neve
Monson. Thanks to funding from the estate of Israel Yaakov and Leila Alter of blessed memory, a
gala inauguration ceremony took place for a new building that will serve as the ICA branch in Jerusalem
and as a Support Center for Patients and their Families who are from the Jerusalem area.
Leon Recanati,
‫‏‬Vice Chairman, Israel
Cancer Association
Thanks to the dedicated and energetic activity and support of ICA volunteers throughout Israel, and
of our dear supporters in Israel and abroad, as well as our productive and far-reaching endeavors
accomplished each year, and our direct relationship with patients, survivors and their families, we can
continue endeavoring in full force, in hope of a better future that will herald the eradication of cancer
Prof. Aaron Ciechanover,
Nobel Prize Laureate
Honorary President
Prof. E. Robinson
Chairman, Israel Cancer Association
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
‫‏‬ICA’s Fight against Cancer Budget Distribution for 2011
ICA’s Fight against Cancer ‫‏‬
Budget Distribution for 2011
Projected Programs
Organization, Administration
and Branch Offices
Equipment and
Medical and
Social Services
Public Education
and Information,
Prevention and Early
Detection Programs
Research and
Clinical Protocols
Collection and
Rehabilitation and Welfare
(including Hospice and Hostel)
‫‏‬In K NIS
‫‏‬In percentages
‫‏‬Medical and Social Services
‫‏‬Data Collection and Follow-up
‫‏‬Research and Clinical Protocols
‫ ‏‬ehabilitation and Welfare (including Hospice
and Sir Charles Clore Hostel)
‫‏‬Public Information and Education and Early
Detection Programs
‫‏‬Professional Training
‫‏‬Equipment and Construction
‫‏‬Organization, Administration and Branch Offices
‫‏‬Projected Programs
‫‏‬Total Appropriations
Medical Services and Innovative
Projects to Improve Patient
Services and Treatment
Breast Cancer Treatment Coordinators and
Patient Navigators - the ICA continues to finance
special posts for nurses and social workers
who work as breast cancer care coordinators and
patient navigators during all stages of diagnosis,
treatment and follow-up. The ICA project’s goal is
to accompany the breast cancer patient throughout
the treatment process, and to provide her with
information, support and assistance, thereby
significantly easing the burden of coping with
the disease. This service is currently provided in
many centers across the country. Other centers
have already adopted this service and the ICA
continues to update personnel. Thanks to the
ICA, there is a national network of professionals
who maintain regular contact with breast cancer
patients and attend to their wellbeing.
The National Umbilical Cord Blood Bank – The
Bank was established as a joint venture of the
Magen David Adom Blood Service, the Wolfson
Medical Center and the Hadassah Medical
Organization, with funding from a generous
donation provided by the Friends of the ICA in
London, headed by Vered Aharon. This ICA-funded
national service is operated by the Magen David
Adom Blood Service. ICA’s financial assistance has
helped purchase a freezer for preserving umbilical
cord blood dedicated in memory of Natalie
Shaya of blessed memory and has also funded
a part-time post for Dr. Ronit Goldman-Levi,
who serves as Lab Manager.
In July a special certificate of appreciation was
awarded to the ICA for its longtime support
of the National Umbilical Cord Blood Bank.
The certificate was awarded to ICA Director
General, Mrs. Miri Zvi, by the “Magen
David Adom” Blood Service Director, Prof.
Ayelet Shenar.
Welfare Service Programs – The ICA continues
to finance posts for social workers at the following
medical centers: Schneider Children’s Medical
Center of Israel, Rabin Medical Center – Belinson
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Campus, Meir Hospital, Wolfson Medical Center,
Western Galilee Medical Center Nahariya, Ha’emek
Medical Center, Bnei Zion Medical Center, Poriyah
Medical Center, Clalit Health Services, Maccabi
Healthcare Services, Ma’agan, Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center, Hadassah Medical Center, Mt.
Scopus, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem
Campus, Barzilai Medical Center, Rambam Health
Care Campus.
Psychology Services – The ICA continues to
finance the employment of psychologists in
oncology institutes at Hadassah Medical Center
Ein Karem Campus in Jerusalem, Rambam Health
Care Campus in Haifa, Rabin Medical Center –
Belinson Campus in Petah Tikva, Western Galilee
Medical Center in Nahariya, Meir Hospital in Kfar
Saba, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center in Tzrifin,
Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel in
Petah Tikva, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center,
Ha’emek Medical Center in Afula and Bnei Zion
Medical Center in Haifa.
Nursing Services – The ICA finances Stoma Care
Nursing and Palliative Care Nursing jobs, as well
as Bone Marrow Transplant Coordinator jobs
at the following medical centers: Western Galilee
Medical Center in Nahariya, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical
Center, Shaarei Zedek Medical Center, Hadassah
Medical Center, Mt. Scopus, and Hadassah Medical
Center Ein Karem Campus in Jerusalem, Rambam
Health Care Campus and Carmel Medical Center
in Haifa, Upper Galilee Hospice, Soroka Medical
Center in Be’er Sheva, Poriyah Medical Center in
Tiberias, Schneider Children’s Medical Center in
Petah Tikva, and Clalit Health Services.
Early September 2011 saw a conference of the
Project Graduates, attended by 70 graduates. The
project has been operating for the past 4 years
at the Oncology Institute at the Western Galilee
Medical Center, coordinated by Dr. Hadassah
Goldberg, Director of the Oncology Institute
at the hospital, and Alexandra Bellin a social
worker at the Institute. At a moving conference,
the participants celebrated the contribution of
movement and dance therapy to the quality of
their lives. The conference opened with greetings
delivered by Dr. Massad Barhoum, Hospital
Director, and Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director
General. Dr. Hadassah Goldberg, Director
of the Oncology Institute, described the unique
project and subsequent research study, Dr. Dalia
Nevot-Meltzer a family and sports physician,
lectured on “Physical Activity and Cancer” and Dr.
Dina Eisen, a specialist in Internal Medicine and
author, lectured on “Optimistic Health Promotion health includes a perception of happiness”.
The project is run in collaboration with Roche
Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.
Dietary Services – The ICA continues to support
dietary services at the following medical centers:
Ha’emek Medical Center in Afula and Assaf Harofeh
Medical Center in Tzrifin.
Bone Marrow Transplants – The ICA continues to
assist in financing the necessary professional posts
for the complicated procedure of self bone marrow
transplants and donor bone marrow transplants,
in children with cancer, at the Pediatric Oncology
Center at Schneider Children’s Medical Center in
Petah Tikva. The ICA has helped finance the unit’s
operation since its establishment, and continues to
assist in financing its personnel and professional
training. Additionally, assistance has been provided
to pediatric oncology wards at Hadassah Medical
Center Ein Karem Campus, Sheba Medical Center
at Tel Hashomer, Tel Aviv Medical Center, and
Rambam Health Care Campus, where the pediatric
oncology ward was set up with ICA assistance.
Palliative Care Programs for Advanced Stage
Cancer Patients – The ICA continues to support
health care programs combining palliative care and
psychosocial nursing care provided by professionally
trained staff. These care programs include hospices
and home hospice services. Additionally, the
Association continues to operate the home hospice
from the Hospice at Sheba Medical Center at Tel
Hashomer, funded and administrated by the ICA.
These services are geared towards terminally ill
patients requiring palliative care. The programs
are run at medical centers and community clinics
throughout Israel.
The ICA invests efforts in developing and
promoting new programs and innovative
projects to enhance services provided to cancer
patients, while prioritizing unique projects
concerning the treatment of patients and their
families. The following is a list of the projects
which the ICA has supported this year:
•Group meetings for patients on “Nutrition, Lifestyle
and Cancer” at the Hadassah Medical Center
Ein Karem Campus in Jerusalem.
•Palliative care for terminally ill cancer patients at
Ha’amek Medical Center in Afula.
•Project to expand psychology services at the
Oncology Institute at Meir Hospital in Kfar
•Research on the contribution of participating in a
movement therapy workshop, the quality of life
of breast cancer patients who have undergone
complementary chemotherapy over the past two
years, at the Oncology Institute at the Western
Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya (please
see caption).
•A psychology services group for women undergoing
mastectomy and breast reconstruction, at the
Plastic Surgery Dept. at Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center.
• “Supporting those who give support” - a support
group for individuals accompanying cancer
patients, at the Oncology Dept. at Soroka
Medical Center in Be’er Sheva.
•Teaching child cancer patients and reintegrating
them in the education system, at the Hematooncology Dept. at Rambam Health Care Campus
in Haifa.
•Interpersonal Communications Workshops
with terminally ill patients, for the Oncology
Complex staff at Sheba Medical Center at Tel
•Bibliotherapy – a program to support cancer
patients and their families at Ma’agan support
Center in Be’er Sheva.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
•Palliative care from a psycho-social aspect for
oncology patients admitted in internal wards at
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center.
•Accompanying bereaved families up to a year
after the loss of a loved one, at Rambam Health
Care Campus in Haifa.
•A guidance film for children with cancer and their
families preparing for a bone marrow transplant,
to be used as a training tool in the Dept. at
Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa.
•Promoting and enhancing treatment given to
patients with a lung tumor at Rambam Health
Care Campus in Haifa.
•Preserving fertility and gynecology for cancer
patients at Hadassah Medical Center in
•Support program for patients recovering from
breast cancer at Ma’agan Support Center in
Be’er Sheva.
•Long-term care for families who have children
with cancer at Rambam Health Care Campus
in Haifa.
•Support and rehabilitation for bereaved families
at Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem.
•Support groups for patients with colorectal cancer
(stoma and non-stoma patients) at Rambam
Health Care Campus in Haifa.
•Primary absorption and psycho-social guidance
at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center.
•Training in nutrition and traditional Arab medicine
for the provision of support to patients from the
Arab population, at Linn Clinic in Haifa.
ICA Supported
Medical Institutions
and Community
•Assaf Harofeh Hospital – Tzrifin: Oncology
Department, Psychological Services, Nutrition
•Barzilai Hospital – Ashkelon: Oncology Institute,
Social Services.
•Bnei Zion Hospital – Haifa: Early Detection Unit
for Breast Cancer, Psychological Services.
•Carmel Hospital – Haifa: Social and Nursing
Services. At the National Cancer Control Center:
Counseling Clinic for Families at High Risk and
Monitoring of the National Early Detection of
Breast Cancer Program.
•Clalit Health Care Services: Nursing and Social
Services at the Head Offices and in the following
regions: Central Region, Northern Region, Haifa
and the Western Galilee, Southern Region, Tel Aviv
Metropolitan area-Petah Tikva, and Jerusalem.
•Clalit Health Care Services Clinics: Northern
•Clalit Health Care Services, Haifa Regional
Clinic – Home Care Unit, Social Services.
•Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem –
Jerusalem: Oncology Ward, Pediatric Oncology
Day Care Unit, Surgical Complex, Nursing Services,
Breast Care Clinic, Social Services, Psychological
•Hadassah Medical Center, Mt. Scopus –
Jerusalem: Hospice, Early Detection Unit for
Breast Cancer, Nursing Services.
•Rebecca Sieff Hospital – Safed: Early Detection
Unit for Breast Cancer, Data Collection and
Follow-up, Oncology Unit.
•Ha’emek Medical Center – Afula: Oncology
Unit, Nutrition Services, Psychological Services.
•Schneider Children’s Medical Center of
Israel – Petah Tikva: Nursing, Social Services
at Pediatric Hemato-oncology and Pediatric
Oncology Depts.
•Hospice Upper Galilee: Nursing Services.
•Ma’agan: Psycho-social services, Ma’agan
Support Center, Be’er Sheva.
•Meir Hospital – Kfar Saba: Oncology Institute,
Pneumo-Oncology Unit, Hematology Clinic, Social
Services, Psychological Services.
•Poriyah Hospital – Tiberias: Nursing Services
at Oncology Institute, Social Services.
•Rabin Medical Center, Belinson Campus –
Petah Tikva: Oncology Complex, Social Services,
Hemato-oncology Department, Urology Institute,
Gastro Institute.
•Rambam Medical Center – Haifa: Oncology
Institute, Hematology Institute, Pediatric Hematooncology Department, Gyneco-oncology
Department, Bone Marrow Transplant Department,
Early Detection Unit for Breast Cancer, Nursing
Services, Social Services.
•Sha’arei Tzedek Hospital – Jerusalem: Nursing
Services, Hemato-oncology Dept, Consortium,
Oncology Institute.
•Sir Charles Clore Hostel – Givatayim.
•Soroka Hospital – Beer Sheva: Oncology
Institute, Nursing Services.
•Sourasky Medical Center – Tel Aviv: Oncology
Institute, Pediatric Hemato-oncology Department,
Breast Healthcare Center, Hematology Department,
Pain Unit, Gyneco-oncology Clinic, Oncology Day
Care Center, Social Services.
•State Hospital – Nahariya: Data Collection
and Follow-up, Oncology Unit, Early Detection
Unit for Breast Cancer, Nursing Services, Social
Services, Psychological Services.
•Wolfson Medical Center – Holon: Social
Services at Oncology and Hematology Institute,
Early Detection Unit for Breast Cancer.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Public Information and Education
The ICA invests tremendous efforts and huge
resources to reduce cancer morbidity and mortality
by making up-to-date cancer-related information
available to the general public, particularly, regarding
prevention and early detection of prevalent
cancers such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer
and prostate cancer; prevention of the harmful
effects of smoking, mitigating the harmful effects
of sun exposure and promoting early detection
of skin cancer; promoting proper nutrition and a
healthy lifestyle. Additionally, the ICA endeavors
to encourage people to adopt a healthy lifestyle
which maintains the “energy balance” – by
avoiding obesity and being physically active on a
regular basis, which may help reduce the risk of
developing cancer diseases.
ICA educational activity consists of public
information campaigns, publication of informative
material that is distributed in hundreds of thousands
of copies, in Hebrew, Arabic and Russian, use
of the media, while placing an emphasis on unique
sectors of the population and Israel’s geographical
periphery, organizing seminars and conferences,
training workshops, lectures and professional training
sessions. These diverse informational activities are
conducted in different settings: schools, community
centers, the workplace, healthcare funds, IDF
military bases, ICA branches and other locations.
around the globe. The Resource Center is staffed
by skilled information specialists who are trained to
search international computerized databanks and
are updated on crucial information that patients
require, including information regarding all the
clinical protocols conducted in Israel.
Prostate Cancer
Awareness Month
The ICA marked Prostate Cancer
Awareness Month in September
In keeping with tradition, the ICA marked
September as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.
A public information campaign was held on the
radio and in the written press, new research findings
were published, and lectures and seminars were
held for prostate cancer patients and their
The ICA also operates a special tele-information
service – Telemeida, which operates in Hebrew,
Arabic and Russian. This service provides information
on all aspects of cancer, prevention and early
detection. Additionally, the ICA operates a Resource
Center, housing up-to-date professional literature
and providing a link to many databases in Israel and
Breast Cancer
Awareness Month
New Publication
New booklet on breast
cancer for healthy women
“Making a healthy
choice – breast health
is in your hands”
Marking Breast Cancer
Awareness Month 2010,
the ICA launched its
Hebrew version of the
booklet that was originally
published by Europa
Donna – the European
Breast Cancer Coalition.
This booklet is geared
toward healthy women,
containing information
about the link between
proper nutrition and a
healthy lifestyle and breast
cancer, as well as practical
tips to maintain breast
health. The booklet was
published courtesy of
Roche Pharmaceuticals
Israel Ltd.
Each year, October is officially designated as the
International Breast Cancer Awareness Month,
to promote awareness of the importance of early
detection that has the potential to save lives.
Additionally, this month seeks to draw attention
to the numerous women coping with the disease.
Thanks to the exposure of this subject, the code
of silence has been broken and many myths have
been diffused. The ICA has been initiating Breast
Cancer Awareness Month activities for over 15
years now.
Media Advocacy Campaign
Marking Breast Cancer
Awareness Month
In keeping with tradition, the ICA launched an
extensive public information campaign through
all media channels, focusing on the importance
of early detection and treatment modalities for
breast cancer. This unique month saw various
events aimed at promoting awareness of the
disease and the importance of early detection,
namely: the “Light it Pink” Global Landmark
Illumination Initiative, conceived by Estée
Lauder Company in collaboration with the ICA,
the Hila March in the Galilee – a happening with
activities for families and more. Concurrent with
these activities the ICA held several seminars for
patients and their partners: Celebrating Life – a
seminar for women coping with breast cancer; A
Seminar for Young Women with Breast Cancer
(up to the age of 40), and a Seminar for Women
at High Risk of Developing Breast Cancer.
As every year, Breast Cancer Awareness Month
received extensive media coverage.
“Light it Pink” 2010
This year the Global Landmark Illumination
Initiative celebrated its 11th anniversary, lighting
up over 200 buildings, monuments and famous
sites all over the globe in shiny pink lights, as an
international symbol of hope, to empower and
encourage millions of women around the world.
This year the Old City of Jaffa was lit up in pink,
under the initiative of Estée Lauder Company,
in collaboration with the ICA. Mr. Oren Revah,
CEO of Elcalil Company, representing Estée Lauder
in Israel, and Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General,
attended the festive illumination ceremony. As part
of this joint initiative, hundreds of thousands of
pink ribbons, marking breast cancer awareness
month, were distributed throughout the month
of October at Super-Pharm pharmacy franchise
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Summary Report of the
National Breast Cancer
Detection Program 2010
The ICA-initiated National Breast Cancer Detection
Program, monitors all breast screening activity in
Israel financed by the ICA and sponsored by the
Ministry of Health. This program monitors diagnostic
radiology procedures conducted among the general
population in Israel as well as surgical procedures
and pathological diagnosis, and additionally,
monitors the admittance of women diagnosed
with malignancies into oncology institutes. Gaps
in screening compliance, previously identified
among sub-populations in Israel, have been
narrowed, and current compliance rates in new
immigrant and ultra-Orthodox populations
are only 5 to 10 lower than compliance rates
among veteran Jewish female populations.
The screening compliance rates among Arab
women are nearly equal to those of Jewish
women. These significant findings prove the
importance of the national program and its
efficacy in reducing breast cancer morality
rates in Israel.
monitoring program also enables the National
Detection Program staff to contact family physicians
and give them a heads up about patients who have
not been screened on time.
For further information on the National Breast
Cancer Detection Program
Please see the Chapter on “Early Detection”
page 23.
Early Detection of Breast
Cancer at the Israeli Knesset
Early January saw breast cancer early detection tests
at the Knesset, performed by Dr. Tanir Elweiss,
in conjunction with the Knesset clinic headed by
Dr. Yitzhak Lifshitz and the ICA. An information
booth on breast cancer early detection was set up
as part of this activity.
The National Detection Program
has begun to monitor MRI
activity in Israel
In recent years, there has been an increasing use
of MRI breast scans to detect breast cancer among
high risk groups. The MRI test serves to detect breast
cancer at an early stage in BRCA1 and BRCA2
gene mutation carriers, among whom regular
mammography screenings have been shown to
have limited effectiveness. The National Detection
program has also begun to monitor MRI activity
in Israel. The databases of the National Detection
Program currently enable easy access to reports
of a “family history” among tested women. The
New Publication
World Cancer Day
World Cancer Day led by the
UICC (Union for International
Cancer Control) was marked
in February by the ICA, in
collaboration with the Ministry
of Education.
Each year World Cancer Day focuses on a new
Radiotherapy to the
Whole Head (Brain)
Booklet – this booklet
provides information
about radiotherapy to the
whole head (brain), and
its side effects, as well
as answers to questions
frequently asked by
patients requiring this
type of treatment.
The information was
compiled by radiation
nurse Mrs. Sara Gardyn,
of the Rabin Medical
Center, with the assistance
of Prof. Avraham Kuten,
Director of the Oncology
Institute at Rambam
Medical Center.
New Publication
Oncology Lexicon
Booklet – new booklet in
Arab, courtesy of Roche
Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.
“Bama” booklet – an
ICA booklet on cancer
and its implications
geared towards health
care professionals. This
year, this comprehensive
booklet discusses prostate
cancer, detection methods,
treatment modalities,
coping strategies and
The publication was
scientifically edited by
Prof. Avishai Sela, Head
of the Oncology Institute
at Assaf Harofeh Medical
Center, and Prof. Yaakov
Ramon, Director of the
Urology Dept. at Sheba
Medical Center.
message aimed at preventing cancer and promoting
the targets of the World Cancer Declaration, initiated
by the Union for International Cancer (UICC). This
year revealed harsh statistics: Cancer diseases
kill a larger number of people than Israel’s
total population. About 12 million people are
diagnosed with cancer around the world and about
7.6 million die from it. In Israel, particularly in the
case of common cancers, cure rates are on the rise,
as a result of advanced treatment methods and ICAinitiated early detection screening programs.
World Cancer Day aims to heighten awareness of
the need for reinforcing the fight against cancer
on a global scale and to convey the following
message to all citizens of Israel and the world:
maintenance of healthy lifestyle behaviors may
reduce cancer morbidity and mortality rates; this
may be achieved by performing the following steps:
avoiding smoking, maintaining the proper diet, being
physically active, maintaining normal weight and
limited alcohol consumption. Additionally, individuals
must adopt sun smart behavior, avoid exposure to
passive smoking and other carcinogenic air pollutants,
and get vaccinations and undergo tests for bacterial
infections that may cause cancer, as well as undergo
early detection tests for breast and colorectal cancer.
An overview of research studies published by the ICA
emphasized the proven relationship between
alcohol intake and the risk for developing cancers
of the breast, colon, rectum, pharynx, larynx
and esophagus. Further to these studies, the ICA
published a national status report* on smoking,
obesity, alcohol intake, and physical exercise in
Israel, prepared by Dr. Lital Keinan-Boker, Vice
Director of the National Center for Disease Control
of the Ministry of Health and a member of the ICA
Cancer Prevention Committee:
*These statistics are taken from the Ministry of Health surveys,
“Acting for a Healthy Future 2020” Project, IDF surveys and
the Israel Anti-Drug Authority survey.
About 15% of Israel’s adult population suffers from
obesity. Obesity most commonly begins between
the ages of 12 and 18, occurring in 7% of Jewish
boys, 3.6% of Jewish girls, 9.3% of Arab boys and
5.2% of Arab girls.
Targets set for 2020: reducing obesity rates among
the general population age 21 and older by 36%;
reversing the upward trend of the obesity epidemic
among children and adolescents by 20%.
In Israel, about 23.5% of youths between the ages
of 11 and 15 (!) consume alcohol, at least once
a month. The percentage of those who consume
alcohol at least once a month is high among
Jewish males – 37.4% and among Jewish females
– 20.1%. 13.7% of children ages 11-15 consumed
five alcoholic beverages within several hours. 21%
of Israelis 18 years of age and older consumed 5
alcoholic beverages within several hours. 37.3%
drank at least one alcoholic beverage a week. It is
important to underscore that alcoholic beverages
are known to be human carcinogens; excessive
alcohol intake has been found to increase the risk
of developing different types of cancers as well as
other diseases such as liver disease.
Targets for 2020: significantly reducing alcohol
consumption, mainly among children and particularly
among “heavy drinkers”.
Physical Exercise
In Israel, 24.7% of Jewish children between the
ages of 11 and 15 engage in physical activity, at
least 4 times a week, and for no less than 2.5
hours. 55.9% of children ages 11-15 watch more
than 3 hours of TV daily. Only 35.3% of the Jewish
population engages in physical activity at least 3
times a week.
Targets for 2020: increasing the percentage of
adolescents who engage in physical activity, reducing
the number of adolescents who watch 2 hours or
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
more of TV per day, and increasing the percentage
of adults who engage in physical activity.
12.5% of children between the ages of 12 and
18 smoke cigarettes or a hookah. 5% of Jewish
children between the ages of 13 and 14 smoke once
in a while and 1.6% smoke regularly. The smoking
rates increase as young people are drafted to the
army, and subsequent to military service, these
rates increase even more sharply. 22.6% of the
general population in Israel smoke; 31.8% of
Arab men in Israel smoke over 20 cigarettes a day!
40.2% of the population are exposed to passive
smoke, which is a factor included in the list of
known human carcinogens.
Targets for 2020: reducing tobacco use (hookahs
and cigarettes) and significantly reducing smoking
rates among those drafted to the army, discharged
soldiers and adults over the age of 18.
World Cancer Declaration
Petition – Israel also joined!
As part of World Cancer Day activities, a call to
action, a world cancer declaration for a cancerfree world, was announced – serving as a tool
for motivating governments to invest in the fight
against cancer diseases, which take a great toll
on human lives, and impose a heavy financial
burden. This Call to Action was organized by the
Union for International Cancer Control (UICC),
represented by the ICA in Israel. The petition calls
upon decision and policy makers to promote
government action against cancer diseases,
by adopting targets such as:
• Ensuring the constant improvement in the
measurement of cancer rates on a national
and global scale, and examining the impact of
intervention programs on these rates (morbidity,
mortality, survival, etc.);
• Significantly reducing the consumption of tobacco
products, obesity rates, and alcohol intake.
• Improving public access to information regarding
cancer diseases;
• Improving the early detection rates of cancer
diseases, and more.
The UICC aimed to obtain at least one million
signatures for this petition (with a target of at least
10,000 signatures from Israel), submitted to global
leaders at the first-ever UN high level meeting on
NCDs, including cancer, held in September 2011.
The ICA obtained the signatures of 20,000
people, thus doubling its target.
New Information Campaign
marking World Cancer Day
Marking World Cancer Day, the ICA launched a
new public information campaign through the
media, focusing on the importance of maintaining
the “energy balance” and adopting a healthy life
style. The information campaign was produced
on a volunteer basis by Gitam BBDO SOHO. Two
new public service announcements were produced
for this campaign: a male version, in which actor
Halil Yitzhak volunteered his services, and a
female version, in which actress Michal Kachlon
volunteered her acting skills. The public service
announcement features the actors neglecting
their body – which is screaming that they listen to
what it has to say. The message – “f you continue
to abuse your body, you may lose it”. Proper
nutrition, physical activity, normal body weight,
maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding smoking
and limited alcohol consumption, all reduce the risk
of developing cancer by over 50%. The information
campaign was launched in the written media and
on the radio and TV.
ICA Facebook page:
“The Israel Cancer Association –
for a Healthy Lifestyle”
New Publication
Booklet on Nutrition
Therapy for children
with cancer – this booklet
has been updated and
reprinted. Ms. Noa
Leiterer, a children’s clinical
dietician, Clinical Nutrition
Dept. at Rambam Medical
Center, Ms. Irit Poraz, Chief
Dietician at Clalit Health
Services and Director of
the Nutrition and Diet Unit
at Schneider Children’s
Hospital, and Dr. Gila
Rozen, Head of the
Clinical Nutrition Division
at Rambam Medical
Center, contributed to
this updated version.
answer surfers’ questions; and activities are also
conducted to increase early detection awareness
and underline the importance of prevention. Ziv
Douchan, ICA Internet and Social Media Manager,
operates and regularly updates this page. Join the
page “The Israel Cancer Association – for a Healthy
Lifestyle” and maintain a healthy life style that has
life-saving potential!
Colorectal Cancer
Awareness Month
Kick- off press conference
for Colorectal Cancer
Awareness Month
A new ICA Facebook page has been launched.
The activity on the social network focuses on the
importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle,
increasing public awareness of prevention and
potentially life-saving early detection for certain
On this new page the ICA updates information
about risk reducing strategies for various cancers:
avoiding smoking, engaging in physical activity and
maintaining the proper diet, sun smart behavior,
avoiding carcinogenic air pollutants and limiting
alcohol consumption. Additionally, information
is provided to Web surfers on how to detect
prevalent cancers at an early stage. These early
detection tests have life-saving potential. On
this page one may answer a self-evaluation
questionnaire and discover how to enhance
one’s lifestyle in order to reduce the risk of
developing cancer. Additionally, regular updates
are uploaded on a daily basis; Dr. Lital KeinanBoker, an ICA consultant, and other experts
Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, announced
the launching of Colorectal Cancer Awareness
Month, held in March in Israel, coinciding with
International Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.
This campaign aims to increase awareness of the
disease and of the possibilities of prevention and
early detection. In Israel, 9 new cases of colorectal
cancer are diagnosed each day, and 4 patients
die of the disease. This is the second leading
cause of death by cancer. It is important to keep
in mind that this is a preventable cancer that may
be detected at an early stage with the help of a
potentially life-saving screening test. A screening
test facilitates the detection of pre-malignant lesions
– thus preventing the outbreak of the disease, and
increasing the chances of a cure by 90% and more.
During Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month,
the ICA held a public information campaign
through the electronic media channels and in
the print media, focusing on the importance
of early detection tests which may have a
life-saving impact.
The recommended proven test for populationbased screening is the fecal occult blood test
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
(for women and men between the ages of
50 and 74) – over 90 leading experts in Europe
convened for a meeting under the auspices of
the International Agency for Research on Cancer
(IARC) and published new consensus guidelines
for the early detection of colorectal cancer; these
recommendations were adopted by the European
Parliament (EU). These experts emphasize the
importance of quality control, to maximize testing
efficacy and to lower the risks.
Dr. Micha Barhanna, Head of the Ministry of
Health National Cancer Registry, reported on
morbidity and mortality rates, noting that 3,400
women and men are diagnosed each year with
colon and rectal cancer and about 1,240 patients
die of the disease. Incidence rates have shown a
downward trend since the outset of the second
Millennium, mainly among Jewish females. In
Arab society, incidence rates have been reported
to be increasing.
In a population survey conducted to review early
detection rates among sectors from different
countries of origin, it emerged that early detection
rates were similar across all sectors and that
significant improvement in early detection
rates has been recorded since the outset of the
second Millennium. It should be noted that the
ICA launched public information campaigns
and conducted broad-based activities related
to early detection of colorectal cancer during
this period of time.
Prof. Gad Rennert, Head of the National Program for
the Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer reported on
the Screening Program statistics, stating that about
36% of the target population for colorectal
cancer population-based screening currently
undergoes these early detection tests! This is
a 10% increase compared to last year, which
complies with the findings of the National
Cancer Registry that have indicated an increase
in early detection of the disease. According to
the International Agency for Research on Cancer
of the World Health Organization (IARC) – Israel’s
colorectal cancer incidence rates are among the
highest in the world. The Ministry of Health and the
Israel Cancer Association have been jointly operating
the National Colorectal Cancer Screening Program
for several years now. This screening program serves
as the basis for population-based screening and
follow-up. Additionally, for over a decade, the ICA
has been assisting gastroenterology institutes to
develop and implement programs to detect high
risk populations and increase compliance with
screening. Colonoscopy tests are part of routine
healthcare services for these high risk populations.
Prof. Rennert also reported on a new research
study which he conducted that detected a genetic
mutation causing colorectal cancer among Jews
of North African descent. In view of these results,
the research scientists who conducted this study
recommend including this genetic test among
the tests conducted on patients of North African
descent who have a history of the disease.
New Publication
Breast Restoration
Booklet – this booklet
has been updated and
reprinted. Dr. Yoav Barnea,
Director of the Plastic
Surgery of the Breast
Unit at Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center, Prof. Yaron
Har-Shai, Director of the
Plastic Surgery Dept., at
Carmel and Linn Medical
Centers in Haifa, and Dr.
Eyal Winkler, Deputy-Chief
of the Department of Plastic
Surgery at Sheba Medical
Center, Tel Hashomer,
contributed to this
updated version.
New Publication
World “No Tobacco” Day
The Annual School Competition
for Tobacco Prevention
named in honor of Dr. Marcus
of blessed memory, held in
conjunction with the ICA, Shefi
– Psychological and Counseling
Services of the Ministry of
Education and the League for
the Prevention of Lung Diseases
Booklet on Chemotherapy
related Nausea and
Vomiting – this booklet
has been updated and
reprinted in association
with the Israel Oncology
Nursing Society and contains
essential information for
patients dealing with
nausea and vomiting
during cancer treatment,
such as: information about
medicinal treatment,
non-medicinal approaches
to the management of
nausea and vomiting,
dietary recommendations
and other tips. Mrs. Sara
Ben Ami Chairperson of
the Israel Oncology Nursing
Society, and Prof. Pesach
Schwartzman of the Division
of Community Health at
Ben-Gurion University of
the Negev, contributed to
this updated version. This
booklet was published
courtesy of MSD.
This year also saw the Annual Competition between
Schools, at the end of May, which presented various
projects on smoking prevention, marking World
No Tobacco Day. The competition opened with
greetings delivered by ICA Spokesperson, Dr. Nava
Cohen-Avigdor, was held at Beit Mati- dedicated
in memory of Mathilde Recanati of blessed
memory, ICA Head Offices in Givatayim. These
greetings were followed by a lecture delivered by
Prof. Avraham Eliraz, Chairman of the League
for the Prevention of Lung Diseases, on “Smoking
and Health”. 20 schools from across the country
submitted their candidacy to the judging committee
and 7 schools reached the finals and received
awards. As part of this competition, the students
prepared diverse projects, highlighting smoking
prevention and heightened awareness of smoking’s
harmful effects, and during the ceremony, their
projects were displayed through presentations,
clips, posters and more. All the participants received
a certificate of appreciation for their activity. The
competition began in 1999, an idea conceived by
the late Dr. Marcus, who served as the Chairman
of the League for the Prevention of Lung Diseases
and Tuberculosis, and ever since his demise, eight
years ago, the competition is named in his honor.
Media-based Information
Campaign marking World No
Tobacco Day 2011
Coinciding with World No Tobacco Day, the ICA
launched a media-based information campaign and
marked May 31, 2011 as No Tobacco Day, aimed
at placing the smoking epidemic and its harmful
effects on the global agenda. This information
campaign was also designed to increase public
awareness about the prevention of morbidity
and mortality deriving from diseases caused by
tobacco smoking and passive smoking. This day
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
has been commemorated in Israel on the same day
as World No Tobacco Day, since 1987. The ICA
takes action against tobacco use all year round –
smoking is the number one preventable cause of
death. World No Tobacco Day seeks to increase
awareness throughout the world and to inform
both adults and young people of the steps to be
taken to avoid passive smoking, and to exercise
their right to breathe clean air and lead a healthy
life. The research studies detailing the harmful
effects of smoking are steadily on the rise, and
coinciding with its multitudinous and variegated
informational activities, the ICA has also called upon
many smokers who would like to quit smoking to
designate this date as the day for smoking cessation.
The ICA called upon the government to adopt
the Public Committee Report for Reducing
Smoking and the Damage It Causes. The
Committee Report, headed by Deputy Minister
of Health, MK Yaakov Litzman and Ministry of
Health Director General, Prof. Ronni Gamzu,
which was submitted to the government, is
designed to bring about the implementation
of the World Tobacco Treaty requirements,
to which the Israeli government has made a
commitment. One of the main problems in
implementing this law in practice is the lack
of sufficient enforcement. There is no doubt
that significant enforcement measures must
be put in place as required, as emerges from
the new research study, sections of which
have been published by the ICA, marking
World No Tobacco Day.
Marking World No Tobacco Day, the ICA
presented new research findings to the media,
taken from the doctoral thesis by Ms. Carmit
Stern, moderated by Prof. Orna Brown-Apple,
and Dr. Anat Derech-Zehavi, of the School of
Public Health at the Faculty of Social Welfare and
Health Sciences of Haifa University. This research
study was funded by the ICA. This study aimed to
examine the level of passive smoking in Israeli cities
and what is being done in terms of enforcement.
Data from 72 pubs in 29 different cities around
the country with a Jewish majority was collected
from 2009-2010. Nicotine pervades in the air
in most pubs. Only six pubs had a nicotine
level (8.33%) that meets the requirements of
the law. In general, the nicotine average that
was measured was medium. In most pubs the
physical environment (within the confines of
the pub) condones smoking and fails to meet
the requirements of the law: In most pubs no
separate smoking area was allocated within the
pub, “no smoking” signs were not posted, and
regular ashtrays or makeshift ashtrays were provided.
However, in most pubs that were sampled, there
were no cigarette vending machines, and no ads
and/or photos associated with tobacco companies.
Moreover it emerged that in half the cities there
is slight enforcement, in a fifth of the cities
there is no enforcement of the law, in 16%
of the cities there is medium enforcement,
in 12% strong law enforcement, and in one
city alone there is very strict enforcement
of the law. Despite the fact that the recent
amendment to the law prohibiting smoking in
public places has been in existence for nearly 4
years, it is not implemented in most pubs and
is not enforced by most of the municipalities
in Israel.
Preventing Skin Cancer
and the Harmful Effects
of the Sun
Kick-off press conference for
Skin Cancer and Early Detection
Awareness Week
The press conference marking the Skin Cancer and
Early Detection Awareness Week was held this year
New Publication
Rights and Services
Booklet 2011 – a basic
booklet for cancer patients
and survivors that is
regularly updated each
year. The booklet was
published courtesy of Roche
Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.
New Publication
Female Sexuality Booklets
in Arabic and Russian
Colostomy booklet
in Russian
in early May at the campus of Tel Aviv University.
Among the speakers were the GenoMEL Melanoma
Genetics Consortium (International Melanoma
Research Forum) investigators who were hosted in
Israel for the Annual GenoMEL Conference initiated
by Prof. Esther Azizi, a researcher from Tel Aviv
University and member of this significant project,
which was held courtesy of the Israel Cancer
Up-to-date data on
malignant melanoma were
presented at the press
conference (incidence,
morbidity, survival and
mortality rates) by Dr.
Lital Keinan-Boker,
Deputy Director of
the Israel Center for
Disease Control, and a
member of the ICA Early
Detection Committee;
Dr. Michal Lotem, Director of the Melanoma
and Immunotherapy Center at Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem Campus, and a member of
the ICA Dermatology Committee reported a new
and encouraging direction in the treatment of
metastatic melanoma, which has been funded
by the ICA; Prof. Antony Young, one of the
Consortium investigators, gave a brief overview of
the problematic nature of maintaining proper levels
of Vitamin D in the era of sunscreen-protected skin;
Prof. Julia Newton Bishop, Chairperson of the
Consortium, reported on findings from the human
genome project; Prof. Orna Brown Apple of the
School of Public Health at Haifa University reported
on data on sun exposure and protection behaviors;
and Dr. Niva Shapira, Clinical Dietician of the
Nutrition Research Institute at Belinson and ICA
Consultant, delivered a report on primary nutrients
that protect us from the harmful effects of the sun
and new research findings in this sphere.
The press conference was moderated by Mrs. Miri
Ziv, ICA Director General, followed by a workshop
on: Sun Exposure, Vitamin D and Early Detection
of Melanoma. The workshop was held by the
Sackler Faculty of Medicine Tel Aviv University
and the School of Public Health, in conjunction
with Haifa University and the investigators of the
GenoMEL Consortium, and under the auspices
of the Israel Cancer Association.
At the press conference it was reported
that the standardized morbidity rates (by
global population) of invasive melanoma
remained stable over the past decade, whereas
a significant increase in melanoma in situ
was recorded. Among women there was
about a 40% increase in the percentage
of those diagnosed at an early stage: 117
new cases were diagnosed (3.9/100,000) in
2000, as opposed to 228 cases (5.6/100,000)
in 2008. The diagnosis of melanoma in situ
facilitates higher cure rates. This increase in the
percentage of melanoma cases diagnosed at an
early stage may be the result of activity initiated
and operated by the ICA, with assistance from the
Ministry of Health and the healthcare funds, the
Israel Society of Dermatology and the Israel Society
of Plastic Surgery. Delivering up-to-date data, Dr.
Lital Keinan-Boker, Deputy Director of the Israel
Center for Disease Control and a member of the
ICA Early Detection Committee, reported that in
2008 (the last year reviewed) 1,330 new patients
were diagnosed with malignant melanoma (invasive
and in situ). The incidence rates among natives
of Asia and Africa were similar and 50% lower
or more than the incidence rates among
European and American natives. Most cases
of melanoma in situ occur in native Israelis,
Europeans and Americans. The relative 5-year
survival rates from malignant invasive melanoma
increased among Jewish males to 84%, whereas
among women the survival rate dropped to 87%.
The mortality rates among Jews have dropped
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
over the past decade, from 2.42/100,000 in
2000, to 2.05/100,000 in 2008.
The press conference further reported on a web
questionnaire about behaviors for prevention of
skin cancer, conducted as part of the international
GenoMEL research. The answers to the questionnaire
uncovered interesting findings: compared to
other countries, Israelis protected themselves
from the sun to a greater extent; and showed
lower tanning rates, akin to Australians and
“Be Sun Smart” over the PA system at major
beaches, as well as providing practical tips on how
to protect one’s body from the sun.
New Publication
The Israel Cancer Association and
the Children’s Channel launched an
information campaign for careful
sun exposure starring Roni Duani,
TV host on the Children’s Channel
This campaign was launched on the Children’s
Channel in early July. The clip
was aired several times a day
on the Children’s Channel
and Logi Channel. The clip
is an updated version of the
mythological “Sun Smart”
clip first written in 1995.
Performing artist Ron Duani
sings in this modern version,
alongside Tal Museri, Dawn
Lenny Gabay, Moshik
Glamin and the children’s
photo credit: Ran Eliyahu
band “Katsabres”, comprised
of 10-14 year old children, is
In keeping with tradition, this year saw
seen drumming on different objects and captivating
parachute paragliders soaring above Israel’s
those around them, transporting them into an
beaches, during the hottest hours, reminding
engaging rhythmic experience, while conveying
sun bathers: “Tanning without protection
ICA sun safety reminders.
- once the damage is done it can never be
ICA launched a unique informational activity in July.
The Israel Cancer Association and
Parachute paragliders carrying the slogan: “Tanning
Disney Channel launched a joint
without protection – once the damage is done it
public information campaign “Sun
can never be undone” in Hebrew, Russian and
Smart” on how to protect oneself
French, flew over the coast of Israel during
the unsafe hours, reminding sun bathers that they
from the sun’s harmful effects
are putting themselves and their health at risk. This joint information campaign conveyed sun
In addition to the parachute paragliders, the smart behavior, starring beloved Disney characters:
ICA recruited the Israeli Life Guard Association. Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and Daisy Duck.
The lifeguards accompanied the information Disney Channel aired animated clips throughout
campaign, playing the leading sun safety reminder the day during the summer months, teaching
“Prostate Cancer –
when should you
get checked?” –
new in Arabic
“Everything you
always wanted
to know about
cancer” booklet –
new in Arabic
toddlers about proper sun behavior and safe hours
to spend in the sun, the importance of using sun
screen lotion, drinking a lot of fluids and wearing
the proper clothing. This year also saw the
production of new clips featuring the star of
popular TV show “After the Bell Rings” (Achrei
Ha’Tsiltsul), Neta and Yaheli, who discussed
sun smart behavior; these clips are geared toward
older viewers.
Health Promotion training
sessions, lectures and activities
Informational events and health days were held
during the course of the year, in collaboration
with various entities: local authorities, academic
institutions, companies, and more. Information
booths distributing informational material were
set up at these events to provide relevant health
information to the general public. Likewise,
lectures were held on health promotion: tobacco
prevention, “the energy balance” and “sun smart
behavior”. The ICA also trains dozens of students
who visit schools around the country and lecture on
these topics, and “sun smart” activities are held in
preschools. Similarly, smoking cessation workshops
continue to be held at workplaces.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Early Detection
National Mammography
Screening Program
The National Mammography Screening Program
initiated and implemented by the ICA in conjunction
with the Ministry of Health and healthcare funds,
has been monitoring all breast examination activity
in Israel for the past 18 years – from diagnostic
radiology tests among the general population in
Israel, to surgical procedures, pathological diagnosis
and the monitoring of women diagnosed with
malignant tumors at oncology institutes. Prof. Gad
Rennert, Director of the Community Medicine
and Epidemiology at Carmel Hospital, oversees
this program.
Summary of the National
Mammography Screening
Program 2010
Since the project’s inception, the number of
mammography units operating in Israel has grown
from 20 to 58 - 50 of which are currently monitored
by the National Mammography Screening Program.
This monitoring program operates under defined
national and international standards, implementing
standard computing methods that provide the
necessary information and facilitate monitoring of
detection quality. These institutes operate through
effective quality assurance processes financed by the
ICA, and receive complete information on the breast
cancer detection rates among women who have
been examined, as well as the features of tumors
detected and possible indicators of failure.
The aim of the National Mammography Screening
Program is to ensure a decrease in breast cancer
mortality rates in Israel, as has been demonstrated
by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics data. Gaps
in mammography compliance rates previously
identified between the various sub-populations in
Israel have been narrowed and current compliance
rates among new immigrant and ultra-Orthodox
populations are only about 5% to 10% lower
than the compliance rates among veteran Jewish
female population sectors.
This year has seen the continuation of the scheduled
appointments for mammography screenings,
conducted in close collaboration with the healthcare
funds. All women between the ages of 50 and 74
are routinely summoned to be tested once every
two years. The mammography screening program
and summoning activity have raised the screening
compliance rate, which currently stands at about
*Figure 3: Five-year relative survival of patients diagnosed with breast cancer (%) in 2000-2002
Breast Cancer
*Source: EUROCARE-4 European Cancer Registry-based study on survival and care of cancer patients
72%. Over 4 million mammography tests have
been performed on about 1 million women in
Israel, of which over 60,000 tests were performed
in the mobile mammography unit and about
370,000 tests were performed at mammography
screening institutes.
Dr. Micha Barhanna and Ms. Ziona Halkai, of
the Ministry of Health, presented Israel’s ranking in
survival rates of breast cancer patients, ranking 4th
out of the top 5 European countries. The following
is a graph that presents Israel in 4th place:
Declining Trend in Breast
Cancer Mortality Rates
The Israel Central Bureau of Statistics (2011) data
revealed that breast cancer age-standardized mortality
rates, from 1998-2009, decreased from 22.6%
in 1998 to 17.4% in 2009. In other words, a 30%
decrease! This proves that thanks to the National
Mammography Screening Program initiated by the
ICA, and thanks to its information and education
efforts, women are diagnosed at an earlier stage,
which enables quick and more effective treatment
that consequently has live-saving impact.
National Mobile Mammography
Vehicle – “Michal”
The ICA Mobile Mammography Vehicle – “Michal”
is now in its tenth year of operation throughout
the country. The aim of the mobile vehicle is to
enable women who reside in remote areas, as well
as those who are unaware of the importance of
the detection test, to undergo a mammography
screening close to home. The aim is to improve
access to and compliance with this potentially lifesaving screening test. The Mobile Mammography
Vehicle “Michal” operates in collaboration with
Clalit Healthcare Services, Maccabi Healthcare
Services and Leumit Healthcare Services.
This is the second year that the mobile vehicle
is staffed by a professional team from Assuta
Hospital. Within the coming months, a new mobile
vehicle, purchased by “Assuta Medical Services”,
with financial assistance from the ICA, will begin
operating throughout Israel.
A personal invitation letter is sent to women of
the appropriate age in each destination of the
mobile vehicle and ads are placed in the local
newspapers announcing the mobile’s scheduled
activity in the region.
Regional Early Breast Cancer
Detection Stations
The ICA continues to assist in operating regional
early breast cancer detection stations throughout
the country. The National Breast Health and Early
Detection Awareness Program is conducted
among the general female Israeli population to
promote the fight against breast cancer. Countless
resources have been invested in diverse sectors
such as the Arab society, kibbutzim (collective
settlements), the new immigrant population, the
ultra-Orthodox sector, and others. Informational
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
material is distributed in hundreds of thousands
of copies in Hebrew, Arabic and Russian, and the
breast health lecture notes kit has been updated
for Breast Health Nurses who lecture across the
country on behalf of the ICA.
Inauguration Ceremony of
the Aliza Timor Breast Health
Station in Neve Monson
Early June saw a gala inaugural ceremony in
honor of the Aliza Timor Breast Health Station
in Neve-Monson, in the presence of the Mayor of
Yehud-Monosson, Mr. Yossi Ben-David, Chairman
of the Municipality Authority, Mr. Eitan Pollak,
ICA Director General, Mrs. Miri Ziv, the Timor
Family, Dr. Shlomo Ayalon, breast surgeon, and
scores of the town’s residents. Aliza, of blessed
memory, ran the station on a volunteer basis
for 29 years, until she succumbed to cancer. The
station moved from one building to another,
and to her dying day, Aliza struggled to find a
permanent abode for the station. The Mayor
of Yehud-Monosson, in conjunction with the
Monosson Local Administration, Ashdar-Einav
Construction Companies, and the ICA, dedicated
a permanent structure in Aliza’s memory. The
building was renovated and the station is now
run by Ms. Gili Iron-Timor, daughter of Aliza
of blessed memory, who has chosen to continue
her mother’s legacy.
Familial Cancer – Counseling
Program for Families at High Risk
People with a family history of certain types of
cancer among first-degree relatives, such as
colorectal, breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer,
and melanoma, are considered to be at high risk
for developing cancer diseases. For the past several
years, the Carmel Medical Center in Haifa has
been operating a counseling clinic for high-risk
populations. This project is run in association with
the ICA, which continues to finance the employment
of the professional staff operating the service at
Carmel Medical Center, under the supervision of
Prof. Gad Rennert; this familial cancer clinic serves
as the headquarters for this field.
Colorectal Cancer
Identifying High-Risk
For over a decade, the ICA has adopted World
Health Organization and the Union for International
Cancer Control (UICC) guidelines regarding the
importance of screening populations at high risk for
colorectal cancer. This education program focuses
on the general public within the community and in
the workplace. Aiming to promote early detection
awareness and raise the test compliance rate, the
ICA annually finances two years of targeted activity
at centers that have demonstrated outstanding work
in screening programs for high-risk populations,
while conducting training activity for professional
staff and educational programs for the general
Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva, and
Kaplan Medical Center in Rehovot took part in
this program in 2011 (for the second year).
The above medical centers were requested to operate
according to recommendations formulated at the
consensus meeting sponsored by the Ministry of
Health, the ICA, and the Israel Medical Association,
with specialists from abroad in attendance. These
recommendations received further reinforcement
from the International Agency For Research on
Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization,
which convened about 90 experts to establish
guidelines for the detection of cancer diseases
in general and colorectal cancer in particular.
Recommendations were also provided regarding
the necessity for the implementation of targeted
screening for early colorectal cancer detection
among the healthy population over the age of 50,
and also defined the need to conduct educational
activity among health professionals and the general
National Program for Early
Colorectal Cancer Detection
The Ministry of Health has responded affirmatively
to ICA’s initiative, and over the past six years, has
implemented the National Program for the Early
Detection of Colorectal Cancer in conjunction with
all local healthcare funds. This program, headed
by Prof. Gad Rennert, resembles the longtime
National Program for Early Breast Cancer Detection
in women, and its necessity is evidenced by the
high colorectal cancer mortality rates; furthermore,
this is a disease which may be prevented, and its
early detection may significantly increase chances
for a cure and recovery.
As part of this program, conducted by the healthcare
funds, every person over the age of 50 is summoned
to undergo a fecal occult blood test. Patients at high
risk are entitled to a colonoscopy exam according
to their physician’s recommendation. The National
Program for the Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer,
delivers reports on and monitors early detection
tests under the supervision of Prof. Gad Rennert,
who compiles the information.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
The National Program for the Early Detection of
Colorectal Cancer monitors early detection tests
conducted in Israel and develops databases that
contain information about colonoscopy activity
conducted in Israel and its findings, radiology
diagnosis activity, including GI barium tests and
virtual colonoscopy procedures, all the histological
intestinal tissue reports (both benign and malignant
lesions) and information from oncology institutes.
All this information is monitored in order to ensure
a high standard national procedure, which is
anticipated to culminate in a decline in colorectal
cancer incidence and mortality rates in Israel.
Skin Cancer Awareness Week
Now in its 20th year, the Skin Cancer Awareness
Campaign aims to increase awareness as to the
importance of preventing the harmful effects of
the sun and the significance of early detection
of melanoma. The campaign emphasizes public
education in all that concerns avoiding exposure
to the sun at dangerous hours and taking safety
precautions for ‘sun smart’ exposure, as well as raising
awareness of the importance of early detection.
During Skin Cancer Awareness Week, the ICA
launches a public information campaign and ICA
informative material is distributed at IDF bases, in
schools, etc. Additionally, a national network of 300
screening stations is made available to the public.
These booths are manned by dermatologists and
plastic surgeons at all healthcare funds throughout
the country. Thousands of Israelis participated in
the campaign this year and many appointments
were scheduled throughout the year for people to
get tested. A press conference covered the latest
available statistics for the disease and presented new
research studies and more (for more information
about ICA activity in this area, please see the chapter
on “Public Information and Education” p.11).
Early Detection Research
Programs and Projects
The ICA encourages the submittal of early detection
research proposals. The Early Detection Committee
received approval for funding for the following
• Dr. Hadassah Goldberg of Western Galilee
Hospital on “Increasing Awareness about Early
Detection of Breast Cancer among Arab Women
in the Western Galilee”.
• Dr. Rinat Yerushalmi of Beilinson Medical
Center on “Dynamics and Function of the Telomere
System and the Telomerase Enzyme in BRCA 1,
2 Genetic Mutation Carriers”.
• Dr. Miri Sklaire-Levi of the Sheba Medical
Center on “The Comparison between the
breast sonogram obtained using an Automated
Breast Volume Scanner (ABVS) that provides a
3-dimensional image, and the breast MRI scan
in females who are BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene
mutation carriers”.
• Dr. Nir Peled of the Sheba Medical Center on
“Non-Invasive Diagnoses of Lung Cancer”.
Rehabilitation and Welfare
‫‏‬Seminars for Patients and
their Families
The Rehabilitation and Welfare Dept. organizes
many seminars focusing on diverse subjects
related to cancer diseases and their implications,
namely: the most up-to-date treatment
modalities, dealing with side effects and
different coping strategies for the patient
and his/her family. The positive feedback
and the warm responses to these seminars
attest to their importance and reinforce the
need to continue holding such seminars
for cancer patients and their families on an
annual basis.
National Conferences
A Prostate Cancer Seminar was held in September
2010 at Kfar Hamaccabiya in Ramat Gan, moderated
by Prof. Yaakov Ramon, Director of the Dept. of
Urology at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer.
The seminar opened with greetings delivered by
Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, followed
by enriching lectures delivered on risk factors,
prevention and diagnosis, surgical treatment,
state-of-the-art technologies, sexual dysfunction in
prostate cancer patients and more. The following
volunteered to deliver lectures: Dr. Ilan Leibovitch,
Prof. Ofer Netiv, Dr. Eli Rosenbaum, Dr. Zohar
Dotan, Prof. Arie Lindner, Dr. Mark Shilkrot
and Dr. Ran Katz. The day closed with a question
and answer panel session featuring the lecturers.
The seminar was held courtesy of Novartis and
‫‏‬The Traditional
“Celebrating Life” Seminar
Hundreds of women from all over Israel, who
contracted and coped with breast cancer, met in
early October 2010 at the traditional “Celebrating
Life” Seminar held at Kfar Hamaccabiya, marking
breast cancer awareness month. The seminar
opened with greetings from Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA
Director General, followed by lectures on breast
cancer innovations and updates, delivered on a
volunteer basis by: Dr. Nava Zigelman, Dr. Noa
Efrat (Ben Baruch), Dr. Shulamit Rizel, Dr. Shani
Paloch-Shimon, Dr. Yoav Barnea, Dr. Gil BarSela and Dr. Dina Eisen. The seminar ended with
a panel of experts to answer audience questions,
featuring seminar lecturers and physiotherapist,
Ms. Dafna Politi. The seminar was held courtesy
of Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.
A Seminar for Lung
Cancer Patients
was held in early November 2010 at KfarHamaccabiya
in Ramat Gan, and moderated by Dr. Shoshana
Keren-Rosenberg, Senior Oncologist at Linn
Medical Center. The seminar opened with greetings
from Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, followed
by enriching lectures on lung cancer treatment
innovations and updates, surgical treatment,
palliative care and more. The following volunteered
to deliver lectures: Dr. Maya Gottfried, Dr. Milton
Saute, Dr. Amir On, and Prof. Einat Even
Sapir. The seminar concluded with a question and
answer panel featuring the lecturers. The seminar
was held courtesy of Roche Pharmaceuticals
Israel Ltd.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
A seminar on colorectal cancer
was held in early March 2011 at Kfar Hamaccabiya
and was moderated by Dr. Baruch Brenner, Head
of the Gastrointestinal Malignancy Unit at Rabin
Medical Center – Beilinson Campus. The seminar
opened with greetings from Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA
Director General, followed by enriching lectures on
risk factors, prevention, genetics and the mechanism
of the development of the disease, focused and
advanced colorectal cancer updates and innovations,
and coping with cancer treatment side effects.
The following volunteered to deliver lectures: Dr.
Alexander Benny, Dr. Einat Shaham-Shmueli, Dr.
Ayala Hubert and Dr. Sophia Mann. The seminar
concluded with a question and answer panel featuring
the lecturers. The seminar was held courtesy of
Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.
A seminar for lymphoma, CLL
and acute leukemia patients
was held in early May 2011 at Kfar Hamaccabiya
in Ramat Gan, under the direction of Prof. Eliezer
Rahmilevitz, Director of the Hematology Institute at
Wolfson Medical Center. The seminar opened with
greetings from ICA Director General, Mrs. Miri Ziv,
followed by enriching lectures on advancements
in CLL treatment, updates and innovations in
lymphoma treatment, bone marrow transplants, and
palliative care. The seminar featured the following
lecturers who volunteered their services: Prof. Dina
Ben Yehuda, Dr. Ella Neferstak, Dr. Moshe
Yeshurun and Dr. Dina Attias. The seminar
was held courtesy of Roche Pharmaceuticals
Israel Ltd.
A seminar for head and neck
tumor patients
was held at the end of May 2011 at Beit Mati, ICA
offices in Givatayim, under the direction of Dr. Aron
Popovtzer, Director, Head-Neck Tumors Center at
Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus. Enriching
lectures were delivered on a volunteer basis by:
Dr. Aviram Netzer, Prof. Rafael Feinmesser,
Ms. Jillian Bracha, Dr. Iris Gluck, and Dr. Ilana
Kaplan. A question and answer panel was held
towards the end of the seminar, featuring the
lecturers and Frieda Kornbrut, Regional ICA
Speech Therapist. The seminar was held courtesy
of Mark Sereno.
A Seminar for Melanoma Patients
was held in mid-June 2011 at Beit Mati, ICA offices
in Givatayim, moderated by Prof. Haim Gutman,
Director of the Surgical Oncology Service at Rabin
Medical Center – Beilinson. The seminar featured
lectures on risk factors, early detection and the
mechanism of the development of the disease,
surgical treatment, targeted biological therapy,
and more. The following delivered lectures on a
volunteer basis: Prof. Esther Azizi, Prof. Rafael
Shafir, Dr. Michal Lotem, and Prof. Yaakov
Shechter. Towards the end of the seminar there
was a question and answer panel featuring the
lecturers. The seminar was held courtesy of
Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.
A seminar for kidney
cancer patients and bladder
cancer patients
was held in mid-July at Kfar Hamaccabiya in Ramat
Gan, under the direction of Prof. Haim Matzkin,
Director of the Urology Dept. at Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center. The seminar featured lectures
about updates and innovations in the treatment of
kidney cancer and bladder and urinary tract cancer,
surgical treatments for these diseases, palliative
care, and coping with sexual dysfunction. The
following delivered lectures on a volunteer basis:
Prof. Avishai Sela, Prof. Ofer Nativ, Prof. Yaakov
Ramon, Dr. Avivit Noiman and Dr. Raanan Tal.
The seminar was held courtesy of Pfizer.
A seminar on metastatic breast cancer was held in
mid-July 2011 at Beit Mati, ICA offices in Givatayim,
moderated by Dr. Meirav Ben David, Director of the
Breast Radiation Unit at the Oncology Complex at
Tel Hashomer. Lectures were delivered on medical
aspects, enhancing quality of life, and intimacy
during the disease. The following delivered
lecturers on a volunteer basis: Dr. Noa Efrat (Ben
Baruch), Dr. Rinat Yerushalmi and Lena Kurtz. The
seminar concluded with a chi kong lesson delivered
by Mr. Sinai Harel, and Ms. Yael Pazuelo recounted
her personal story. The seminar was held courtesy
of Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.
‫‏‬Regional Seminars
A Seminar on Breast Cancer in Haifa
was held at the end of July 2010 at Rambam Health
Care Campus, with 180 people in attendance.
Prof. Abraham Kuten, Director of the Dept. of
Oncology, Rambam Health Care Campus, greeted the
attendants. Dr. Farid Gaogreta, Dr. Karen Daruma,
Mrs. Hana Zohar, and Mr. Adi Amit enriched
the audience with their innovative professional
knowledge. The seminar was moderated by
Mrs. Liora Groisman, Head of the Social Services
Team of the Oncology Complex. ICA volunteers,
Mrs. Hana Solomon, and Mrs. Alona Liraz
assisted Mrs. Ariela Litvitz-Sherman, Northern
Region Social Worker. The seminar was held courtesy
of Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.
A seminar on colorectal
cancer in Haifa
was held at the end of October 2010 at Rambam
Health Care Campus. 120 people attended.
Prof. Abraham Kuten greeted the participants.
Dr. Daniel Duek, Dr. Yakatarina Shulman,
Dr. Alexander Benny, Mr. Adi Amit and
Ms. Alhem Suan-Badarna enriched the audience
with their professional knowledge. ICA volunteers,
Mrs. Hana Solomon, Mrs. Dina Menashes, and
Mrs. Alona Liraz assisted Mrs. Ariela LitvitzSherman, Northern Region Social Worker in
organizing this event. The seminar was held courtesy
of Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.
A Seminar for Lung Cancer
Patients in Haifa
was held at the end of December 2010 at Rambam
Health Care Campus, with 100 in attendance.
Prof. Abraham Kuten greeted the participants.
Dr. Shoshana Keren-Rosenberg of Clalit Health
Services – Linn Oncology Institute, Dr. Emilia
Haradak, Dr. Dan Feber, Dr. Abed Agaberia,
Dr. Mariana Wolner, Ms. Michal Haberer-Barzilai
and Ms. Orit Zorer enriched the audience with
their innovative professional knowledge. ICA
volunteers, Ms. Hana Solomon and Ms. Dina
Menashes assisted Northern Region Social Worker,
Ms. Ariela Litvitz-Sherman in organizing this
event. The seminar was held courtesy of Roche
Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.
A Seminar on Early Detection of
Colorectal Cancer in Tiberias
was held in mid-December 2010 at the Leonardo Plaza
Hotel in Tiberias sarved as a volunteer host hotel for
the event. Cancer patients, their families, interested
parties, and professionals attended the seminar.
Dr. Ben Zion Eitan, Deputy Director of the Dept. of
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Surgery at Padeh Medical Center - Poriya, lectured
on the importance of early detection, answered all
the audience’s questions and urged people to get
themselves checked. Mrs. Rinat Moshe, clinical
dietician, Padeh Medical Center-Poriya, recommended
a healthy diet, which has the potential to reduce
the risk of developing cancer.
Joint ICA-Maagan Support
Center Seminar for Cancer
Patients in Be’er Sheva
was held in early February 2011 at Maagan Support
center in Be’er Sheva. The meeting discussed
cancer patients’ rights and was attended by
Mrs. Sima Avraham, Director of Medical
Committees at the National Insurance Institute,
Be’er Sheva Branch, Mrs. Iris Weiss, Director
of the General Disability Dept. at the National
Insurance Institute, Be’er Sheva Branch, and
Mrs. Rachel Ofir, ICA Southern Region Social
A seminar on Bone Health in
Cancer Patients at Rambam
Health Care Campus
was held in early March 2011 and opened
with greetings delivered by Prof. Abraham
Kuten, Director of the Division of Oncology at
the Rambam Health Care Campus, followed by
lectures delivered by the Rambam Health Care
Campus physicians, Dr. Orit, Keidar-Pearson,
Dr. Gil Bar Sela, Dr. Karen Daruma, Dr. Tal
Berg, and Dr. Shirli Shapira, on subjects
related to bone health. The seminar was held
courtesy of Novartis.
A seminar for Colorectal and
Lung Cancer Patients in Nazareth
was held in early June 2011, convening colorectal
and lung cancer patients and their families for a
seminar on “Colorectal and Lung Cancer – Early
A seminar on Lymphoma
and CLL at Rambam Health
Care Campus
was held at the end of March 2011, featuring
enriching lectures on this subject delivered
by Rambam Health Care Campus physicians,
Prof. Binyamin Brenner, Dr. Irit Avivi, and
Dr. Zila Zuckerman.
Dr. Tamar Tadmor of Bnei Zion Medical
Center lectured on “Silent Lymphoma” and
Ms. Ruthi Hai led a laughter yoga session for
the attendees. The seminar was held courtesy
of Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.
Detection and Risk Factors”, held at Rimonim
Hotel in Nazareth. The seminar featured lectures
on innovations, treatments, incidence trends and
coping strategies, delivered on a volunteer basis
by: Dr. Osama Abu Hatum, Dr. Salem Balan,
Mrs. Elham Badarna Suan, Dr. Jalal Tarbiye,
Dr. Ajabarie Abed and Mrs. Amal Darowsha.
The day concluded with a panel of experts featuring
the lecturers. The seminar, which received wide
media coverage, was held courtesy of Roche
Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.
S‫ ‏‬eminars for “Yad
Lehachlama” Volunteers
Diverse “refresher” seminars were held for dozens
of Yad Lehachlama volunteers throughout Israel.
These seminars feature open ended discussions
on relevant topics, moderated by a social worker.
A Russian speaking Yad Lehachlama volunteer
group was established at the end of January,
at Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon. Yonina
Rendler-Meller coordinates Yad Lehachlama
volunteer activity.
Inauguration of the new Hila
Center in Karmiel and the Hila
March in the Galilee
Early January saw the inauguration of the new
Hila Center building, which provides services
such as beauty care treatments, and wig fitting
for women with cancer who reside in the north.
The Hila Center operates in conjunction with the
Karmiel-Misgav-Pittsburg Joint Women’s Forum,
Partnership 2000, Karmiel Municipality, Misgav
Regional Council and the Israel Cancer Association.
Each year a special march takes place, initiated by
the Center to increase public awareness of the
importance of early detection of breast cancer –
“the Hila March in the Galilee”. The march was held
marking a decade of activity, with representatives
from the community of Pittsburg, participating as
well as bicyclists on two bike routes, and a huge
family happening.
Meeting of “Yad
with Ben-Gurion University
medical students in Be’er Sheva
Early May saw the third consecutive meeting of
first year Ben Gurion medical students with Yad
Lehachlama volunteers. The meeting is conducted
on an annual basis to expose students to the
world of breast cancer patients and their personal
struggle. The volunteers recounted their personal
story with an emphasis on issues of pertinent
to medical students – as future physicians. The
fascinating meeting was led by Mrs. Rachel Ofir,
ICA Southern Region Social Worker.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
“The Talent for Memory even after Chemotherapy”.
The conference concluded with a lecture delivered
by culinary consultant, Mrs. Tammy SirkisAckerman on “The Ten Commandments for the
Sane Hostess”. The conference was held courtesy
of Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.
The Annual Yad Lehachlama
Volunteers Conference
The Annual Yad Lehachlama Volunteers Conference
was held close to the holiday of Shavuot at the
Convention Center of Council for a Beautiful Israel
at Ganei Yehoshua Park in Tel Aviv. Dozens of
veteran and new Yad Lehachlama volunteers from
all over Israel were in attendance. The conference
began with a “Zumba” lesson, led by Mrs. Irit
Kurtz. Following greetings delivered by Mrs.
Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, and Social Worker
Orit Spira, Director, Rehabilitation and Welfare
Dept., Prof. Ilan Ron lectured on innovations in
the treatment of breast cancer and new clinical
studies in this field. Mrs. Chana Zohar, a Breast
Care Nurse, presented breast cancer care from a
woman’s perspective, Mrs. Anat Shefran-Or, a
speaker on literature and film, lectured on “The
caterpillar that turned into a butterfly”, and the
movie “The Butterfly” was screened. Neuropsychologist Nechama Zilberman lectured on
“Yad Lehachlama”
representatives participated in
the Europa Donna Annual Breast
Cancer Advocacy Training Course
As part of “Europa Donna” activities held in Milan
in mid-November, the Europa Donna Annual
Breast Cancer Advocacy Training Course featured
professional lectures on mammography screening,
updates on medical research studies and stateof-the-art treatments, diagnosis, risk factors,
and more. The ICA was represented by Social
Worker Orit Spira, Head of the Rehabilitation
and Welfare Dept. and Mrs. Orit Pringle-Prince,
a Yad Lehachlama volunteer.
Yad Lehachlama volunteer
wins Outstanding Volunteer
Award in Cyprus
Photo credit: Sheba Medical Center.
Mrs. Zehavit Blumenfeld, a veteran Yad Lehachlama
volunteer, and a native of Cyprus also serves as a
volunteer who assists cancer patients in the medical
tourism framework in Cyprus, at Tel Hashomer
Medical Center. She was invited at the end of
December to Limassol to receive the Outstanding
Volunteer Award that was presented to her in
honor of International Volunteer Day. Thanks to her
dedicated efforts, close ties have been formed with
the Foreign Ministry, the embassy and the Ministry
of Health of Cyprus. This exhilarating event was
held in the presence of the Israeli Ambassador to
Cyprus and his wife.
‫”‏‬Look Good Feel Better” Project
This project was initiated by Mrs. Francine
Robinson who continues to manage this initiative
on a volunteer basis, and Coordinator, Mrs. Silvia
Alshvilli. Cosmeticians, wig stylists, make-up
artists, and hairdressers all volunteer their services
to give beauty care treatments to women with
cancer, admitted in hospitals and in ICA branches
across Israel. The following are several make up
and beauty care workshops that were held as part
of the project this year:
‫ ‏‬orkshops at Medical
Centers and within the
‫ ‏‬appy butterfly – Beauty
care and fun-filled day at the
Rambam Health Care Campus
A Fun-filled Beauty Care Day was held at the end
of November at the Pediatric Hematological Dept.
at Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa. Young
girls who specialize in body painting milled about
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
among the children with oncology diseases and
gave them body paintings – pictures that would
make them happy. Goodie bags filled with sweets
that were distributed to the children and medical
clowns also completed this lively atmosphere, in a
department where you rarely see people smiling.
“Yarin Shahaf” make-up artists also volunteered
their services, and made up the children who were
admitted in the department, and pampered the
mothers with professional make-up, rendering
these services straight from the heart. Upon the
completion of this exciting celebration each mother
received a gift from the project.
“A Fun-Filled Morning”
at the Pediatric Oncology
Dept. at Safra Tel Hashomer
‫‏‬Fun-filled Morning at the
Oncology Dept. at Dana
Children’s Hospital
In early January, volunteer make-up artists from
MAC Cosmetics and a volunteer children’s make-up
artist, Ms. Harmony Roth, visited the Oncology
Dept. at Safra Medical Center at Tel Hashomer,
and applied make-up to the children and mothers
and gave them a “Fun-filled Morning”. Balloons
were handed out to the children and beauty care
packages to the mothers.
MAC Cosmetics make-up artists visited the Tel
Aviv Medical Center’s Dana Children’s Hospital
Oncology Dept. The children admitted at the
hospital enjoyed face and body painting and other
sweet and colorful surprises that accompanied the
activity. The mothers who were with their children
at the Dept. were also invited for a pampering
cosmetic treatment, including make-up and
beauty care.
Young girl Esther Rosenberg and her mother,
Karen Rosenberg.
Photo: Photography Unit, Sheba Medical Center.
10-year old Ivgenia Ostimenko, from Ashdod,
with a clown who arrived specially to the Dept.
Credit: Gadi Segal, Tel Aviv Medical Center.
”‫ ‏‬Beauty Care Visit” at the
Oncology Day Care Center at
Hadassah Medical Center
Ein Karem
I‫‏‬n mid-May, a group of volunteer Yarin Shahaf
make-up artists visited the Oncology Day Care
Center at Hadassah Medical Center, and applied
make up to the patients and their escorts.
Make-up and beauty care workshop at the new Strong
Together Center in Jerusalem, in collaboration with
volunteer make-up artists from Yarin Shahaf.
‫‏‬New at Beit Mati – ICA Offices:
Beauty Care Center, Wig Rental
and Design and Prosthesis
Consultation, free of charge
A beauty care center for cancer patients opened
at the end of March 2011 at Beit Mati, ICA Offices
in Givatayim. You can meet with a wig stylist at
the center for a personal wig fitting and bring in
wigs for washing and styling, free of charge. The
center operates in conjunction with Rivka Zehavi
Wigs Ltd. Additionally, the center offers prosthesis
consultation and fittings offered by Ms. Orit Kariel,
a Yad Lehachlama volunteer, in collaboration with
the Tel Aviv branch.
S‫ ‏‬upport Groups,
Workshops and
Activities for the Wellbeing of Cancer Patients
‫‏‬In addition to the support groups that operate in
the Strong Together Centers and ICA branches all
over Israel (Please see page 45)
‫‏‬Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle
among Cancer Survivors
This is a workshop designed to accompany cancer
survivors as they cope with the aftermath of the
disease, to enhance the quality of their lives, steer
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
them towards a healthy life and encourage them to
return to their personal routine and take an active
part in community life. The participants take part in
a series of meetings on different subjects: returning
to a normal routine and to family life, sexuality,
health in the wake of treatments and coping with
side effects, taking part in physical activity adapted
to cancer survivors, diet adjusted to the disease and
thereafter, complementary medicine for patients
and survivors. The meetings are led by psychooncology professionals, social workers, nurses,
physiotherapists, dieticians, and others. Over the
past few months workshops were held in Haifa,
Jerusalem, Modi’in, and additional localities. The
workshops are held at Strong Together Support
Centers of the Israel Cancer Association and
ICA branches throughout Israel.
“Steps to Quality
of Life” Project
This ICA-funded project renewed its activity after
a 3-year hiatus. The project aims to expose cancer
patients to the healthy advantages of physical
activity, and to encourage them to build time in
their schedule for planned, structured physical
activity and make it part of their daily routine.
Additionally the program offers consultation and
guidance to patients who wish to join. Workshops
are held at the various medical centers and ICA
branches in the community, under the professional
direction of Dr. Naama Constantini, a sports
medicine expert, and Mr. Shahar Nice, a Stress
Physiologist from Hadassah Medical Center. ICA
Head Nurse, Mrs. Ronit Ovadia is in charge of
this program. The program includes a personal or
group training session led by physical education
and physiotherapy professionals. Each participant
receives an explanation booklet, a follow up booklet,
a pedometer and tension elastic for exercises.
The project currently operates in the following
centers: Hadassah Medical Center Ein Karem in
Jerusalem, Davidoff Medical Center in Petah Tikva,
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Sheba Medical
Center Tel Hashomer, Meir Medical Center in
Kfar Saba, Laniado Medical Center in Netanya,
Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, Poriya
Medical Center in Tiberias, Ha’emek Medical
Center in Afula, Western Galilee Medical Center
in Nahariya, Sieff Medical Center in Safed, Barzilai
Medical Center in Ashkelon, and Soroka Medical
Center in Be’er Sheva. The Edith Wolfson Medical
Center in Holon, the Shaarei Zedek Medical Center
in Jerusalem and the Bnei Zion Medical Center in
Haifa will soon join.
In addition to the many support groups that run at
the ICA branches and in Strong Together Support
Centers around the country, other ICA support
groups also continue to convene at Beit Mati,
ICA Offices in Givatayim. The groups are led by
the Head of the Rehabilitation and Welfare Dept.,
Social Worker Orit Spira and Social Worker
Anat Zakkai, Breast Care Coordinator from Assaf
Harofeh Medical Center:
•A unique support group for couples was
set up for the first time at the ICA. The group
is geared towards couples in which one of the
members is a cancer patient, or alternately for
healthy spouses coping with an ill partner. These
groups are open to either couples or the care
giving partner.
•A support group for young women coping
with cancer has been operating for four years
as a “train”group which enables women to join
the group at any stage, and also enables women
who completed the support process to leave the
group and to return to a healthy routine. The
group deals with issues relating to couplehood,
family, communication with children, anxieties
and more.
•A unique support group for couples has
been set up due to a need for support for
partners of young women coping with cancer,
a need that arose in a group setting, within
the Young Women and Cancer support group.
Social worker, Orit Spira, Head of Rehabilitation
and Welfare Dept., has “pulled up her sleeves”
and has created this group, a separate support
group – for these women and their partners.
•“Young Adults” Support group is geared
towards young men and women over the
age of 18, who have developed cancer in the
transition from childhood to adulthood. The
group holds social meetings and various activities
(for additional information please see further on
in this chapter).
•Bereaved parents support group (for parents
of children over the age of 18 who succumbed
to cancer) serves as a source of support and a
forum for sharing experiences where bereaved
parents can discuss the grieving process, how
one can go on living after the loss of a child,
and more.
•Support group for parents coping with
bereavement (for parents of children under
the age of 18 who succumbed to cancer)
constitutes a source of support and a forum to
share coping strategies to deal with the terrible
loss of a child under the age of 18. This group
discusses issues such as continuing life in the
shadow of loss, healthy siblings who survive the
cancer patient and more.
•“Art Therapy” support groups were held in
northern Israel, personal coaching, support
groups for volunteers and cancer patients, yoga,
cosmetics services and distribution of wigs for
•The Netanya Branch continues to hold a support
group for cancer patients and their families, led by
Social Worker Orit Spira, Head of Rehabilitation
and Welfare Dept. and ICA Central Region Social
Worker, Irit Goldstein.
•Support groups were held in Ashkelon for
Russian speaking breast cancer patients, and
were funded by the ICA, and moderated by Social
Worker Faina Zeitlin.
•A project geared toward adolescents whose
parents have cancer was held in Kfar Yona.
The project included a teen support group that
was held at school. Additionally, once every two
weeks, two support groups – a bereavement
group and a patient group – are held at the ICA
Branch in Kfar Yona, led by ICA Central Region
Social Worker, Irit Goldstein, and Healthcare
Fund Social Worker, Rita Drahani.
•A support group for patients and their families
opened in the ICA branch in Rishon LeZion; this
group meets once a month, and is led by ICA
Central Region Social Worker, Irit Goldstein.
•Two support groups for patients and their families
operate in Modiin, led by Dr. Inbar Cohen, a
psycho-oncology psychologist, of the Hadassah
Medical Center, Ein Karem, and ICA Central
Region Social Worker, Irit Goldstein.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
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‫‏‬Activities for Children with Cancer
Annual Family vacation
for Children with Cancer
and their Families
120 child cancer patients and their
families from all over Israel participated
in the ICA Annual Family Vacation,
held towards the end of the summer.
The indulging vacation took place at
Shefayim Hotel, and included full board
at the hotel, daily entrance to the water
park, a young talent contest, arts and
crafts, inflatable bounce houses, movies
and more. Mothers were pampered
at a make-up workshop delivered by
MAC Cosmetics make-up artists,
courtesy of Estée Lauder, Benny Zadok
organized an American happening for
the entire family - a musical activity
with percussion instruments entitled
“To Brazil via Africa”, Vitaly the
magician made everyone laugh, and
Sarit Bekoach-Yakar led the families
in energetic zumba dancing.
The IDF Education Corps Band
moved the children who went up on
stage and joined in on the singing and
“Star is Born” talent show finalists,
Hagit Yaso, David Lavi and Liron
Ramati volunteered a performance
for the children and posed for pictures
with them. This vacation was crafted
to enable families to take a break
from a difficult routine, consisting of
treatments and hospitalization, and
enjoy an indulging and relaxing vacation
with the entire family – parents, child
cancer patients, and healthy siblings.
“A Star is Born 2011” (Israeli version of American Idol) finalists: Hagit Yaso,
David Lavi, and Liron Ramati. Photo: “Red Photography”
Hula Hupa, a percussion
workshop “To Brazil via Africa”
for parents and children
Inflated bounce houses
IDF Education Corps Band and
children in a moving performance
“Hope for Life” Project
The ICA-funded Hope for Life project assigns
qualified teachers or students to school-age
children, from kindergarten through high school.
Children coping with cancer are forced to miss
many days of school and may therefore “fall
behind”. These specially trained teachers tutor
these children and assist them in catching up with
their schoolwork and preparing for matriculation
exams, to keep them up to par despite their illness.
The investment in the kids’ future gives them and
their parents the hope and strength to persevere
in their complicated battle with the illness. There
have been very positive reverberations from families
and students involved in this project. Over 300
children with cancer participated in the project
this year. Preparatory and guidance meetings are
held during the course of the year by ICA Central
region social worker Irit Goldstein and Zehava
Katz, Project Coordinator.
IMPACT Project
This year approx. 130 students from all over Israel
participated in the Impact Project; the project
makes bursaries available to these students and
they in turn get involved in community service in
return for the funding they have been provided.
Ms. Orna Pessach, Director of Impact Foundation,
is in charge of the project at the Soldier’s Welfare
Association. The students are assigned to cancer
patients in the community or to children of
families who have a child with cancer. Some of the
students are placed in oncology departments in
hospitals, to assist the dept. staff and to maintain
direct contact with the patients. The students
are assigned by regional social workers and the
Project Coordinator, Social Worker Dalia Stern,
maintains contact with the student and the family
throughout the year.
In addition to this project, there are about 90
students who enhance the well-being of patients
through Shahak, Heseg and the Chief Scientist’s
Office, in various academic institutions throughout
the country.
A Computer for Every Child
As part of the Computer for Every Child project,
the ICA distributes dozens of PC’s to children with
cancer who are over the age of 9 whose families
cannot afford to purchase a PC. The computers are
distributed all over Israel, to enable child patients to
play, study, and maintain contact with their friends
‫”‏‬Amudido” Project
A unique ICA-funded project under the
direction of Mrs. Tal Zaltogora, continues
its activity. This project has children
treated at oncology departments make
colorful paper mâché dolls that are built
on chemotherapy infusion bag stands.
Preparing the dolls eases the treatment
and takes the young patients’ mind off
the difficulty they are facing.
Dolls made by children admitted at Dana Children’s Hospital.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
and teachers, even when they are confined to a
bed. About 50 computers have been distributed
since the beginning of the year; the project is
coordinated by Social Worker Dalia Stern.
‫”‏‬Give Kids the World” Project in
memory of Miri Sheetrit
The ICA funds a week-long vacation for families of
children with advanced-stage cancer at the “Give
Kids the World” Children’s Village in Orlando Florida.
The children visit parks and enjoy free admission to
facilities and rides as well as additional attractions.
The families have a car at their disposal as well as
an English speaking escort, as required. 6 families
have gone on this trip over the past year. The project
is coordinated by Mrs. Frieda Kornbrut.
‫‏‬Carriage Theater Project
Through games, writing one’s life story, and other
activities, the Carriage Theater staff aims to alleviate
the suffering of child cancer patients receiving
treatments, and seeks to assist them in coping
with the disease and returning to their normal life
routine. This project is run at Hadassah Medical
Center Ein Karem in Jerusalem, and is led by
Mr. Erez Meshulam.
‫‏‬Hannuka Activity for
Children with Cancer
A special fun-filled day was held on Hannuka –
“Olympic experience of Champions” – at the new
museum “The Olympic Experience” in Tel Aviv.
Children who have cancer, their friends, siblings
and parents took part in an adventure filled day,
which included lighting the Hannuka candles, a
tour of the museum and a personal demonstration
delivered by Mr. Alex Shtilov, Israel’s gymnastics
champion who placed fourth at the 2010 World
Artistic Gymnastics Championships. This special
day was held courtesy of the ICA and Roche
Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.
F‫ ‏‬un-filled days and
performances for children with
cancer sponsored by Tel-AvivJaffa Municipality
On Hannuka, the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa Municipality Events
Dept. donated tickets for children with cancer to the
Festigal show at the Mercaz Hayeridim (Exhibition
Center) and “Motek Shel Festival” at the Nokia
Hall in Tel Aviv. Additionally, the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa
Municipality gave out tickets to the Luna Park
during the Passover vacation. The children and
their families enjoyed a fun-filled day, as well as
refreshments specially prepared for them.
‫”‏‬Young Adults - Embarking on Life” Project
The Young Adults Embarking on Life group continues to hold meetings and activities
with assistance from volunteers, in collaboration with “Ruah Tova” Association. The
group serves as a source of inspiration, strength and support – crucial elements that
empowering vulnerable young people who contended with cancer at the precipice of
their adulthood, so that they may return to a “normal” young adult life. In addition to
the young adults support group, led by ICA social workers throughout the year, about
six trips were taken across Israel, accompanied by volunteers, and many social events
were held during Jewish holidays (Hannuka and Purim parties, a Lag Ba’omer camp fire
and sing-along, and more). In mid-August the young adults will embark on a traditional
sailing trip off the coast of Holland. This time the group was led by ICA Central Region
Social Worker, Irit Goldstein, Dr. Valeria Simanisti of Rambam Health Care Campus,
volunteer Mrs. Sigal Ben Zion, and Young Adult escorts, Nir Segal and Orna Feder.
‫‏‬Continuing Education Courses, General Courses and
Meetings for Professionals
‫ ‏‬he ICA is an institution approved by the Ministry
of Education for professional development
credit (study fund). The organization finances
professional continuing education courses
which form an important part of ICA’ s activity
for training professionals in treating cancer
patients and their families. This targeted
training in oncology-related fields is not
offered in any university training program.
•Continuing education course for interdisciplinary
palliative care staff at Kibbutz Gavim, aimed
at enriching knowledge among community
palliative care professionals (nurses and social
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
workers) moderated by Prof. Lea Baider, Head
of the Psycho-Oncology Unit at Hadassah Ein
Karem Medical Center, and organized by ICA
Head Nurse, Mrs. Ronit Ovadia. Southern Region
Social Worker Mrs. Rachel Ofir accompanied
the continuing education course in field work.
•A “Primary Palliative Care Nurses and
Community Health Course” opened at the end
of March at Beit Mati, ICA Offices in Givatayim.
The aim of the course is to expand the circle of
patients in palliative care, to impart knowledge
in palliative care, develop communication skills
with cancer patients and to strengthen ties with
palliative care specialists. In September additional
courses opened in the central region and in the
south, for nurses on moshavim and kibbutzim
(collective settlements).
•A three-tier course has recently opened to
group moderators on “Intensive Short Term
Group Intervention in a Psychodynamic
Approach - also known as the “Train Group””,
moderated by Dr. Zohar Rubinstein, a clinical
and organizational psychologist from Tel Aviv
University. An additional course is scheduled to
open in 2012.
•A course “Fundamentals in the application
of psycho-social interventions with cancer
patients and their families” moderated by Social
Worker Margalit Drori, Head of the “Strong
Together”Support Center in Givatayim, aimed
at developing and expanding clinical knowledge
and proficiencies in family intervention, assisting
in understanding family-related processes and
imparting practical tools to cope with crises
experienced by cancer patients and their families.
The course, geared toward oncology nurses
opened in November 2010, and ended in March
2011. An additional course opened in September
•A “Neck and Head Tumors” Course aimed at
imparting basic knowledge in the treatment and
rehabilitation of patients with head and neck
tumors opened in October 2011.
•A seminar for oncology nurses entitled
“Innovations and Updates in Treating Pain”
was held in early May at Beit Mati, ICA Offices
in Givatayim.
‫‏‬Israel Psycho-Oncology Society
Conferences sponsored by the ICA:
•A bi-annual seminar on “Life after Treatment
– the Patient and his Family” was held in
early November 2010 at Beit Mati, ICA Offices
in Givatayim. The seminar discussed issues such
as how the disease and its treatment affect
the functioning of the brain, loss of memory
common in cancer patients, quality of life after
cancer diagnosis, childhood cancer, the impact
of prostate cancer on sexual intimacy and more.
•The Annual Israel Psycho-Oncology Society
Conference was held in mid-March 2011 at Beit
Mati, ICA Offices in Givatayim. The highlight of
the conference was the arrival of Prof. Christoffer
Johansen of Denmark, Head of the Dept. of
Psychosocial Cancer Research and member of the
Danish Psycho-Oncology Society, who delivered a
lecture. His visit was sponsored by the ICA.
Seminar for Medical Students
from Ben-Gurion University
June saw an intensive seminar attended by 50
students accompanied by Prof. Shmuel Ariad,
Director of the Oncology Institute at Soroka
Medical Center in Be’er Sehva. The participants
heard lectures on throat removal rehabilitation
delivered by Regional Speech Therapist, Mrs.
Frieda Kornbrut, ICA Sexuality Consultant
Mrs. Lena Kurtz delivered a lecture on sexuality
and body image, Resource Center Director Mrs.
Nira Tammuz gave an overview of ICA activity,
Mrs. Yonina Randler-Meller,Yad Lehachlama
Coordinator, lectured on women’s rehabilitation
following a mastectomy, and Mrs. Dana VederWeiss, a Yad Lehachlama volunteer, shared her
personal story with attendees, describing how she
coped with breast cancer.
‫‏‬Interest Group Meetings
‫‏‬Meetings of ICA specialty nurses, led by Head Nurse
Ronit Ovadia, were held this year as well:
•Palliative care nurses convened at the ICA for
enriching meetings: Rabbi Binyamin David
lectured on sexuality and fertility in cancer patients
in the spirit of Jewish law, Mrs. Aliza Ackerstein
discussed a terminally-ill patients’ participation in
medical research studies from the perspective of
the patient and the caregiver, Dr. Alex Weller,
lectured on the use of cannabis among cancer
patients, Dr. Eitan Nachshoni lectured on mood
swings in cancer patients and end-of-life issues.
Social Worker Margalit Drori, Head of the ICA
“Strong Together” Support Center in Givatayim,
also accompanied the group.
•The Breast Care Nurse Coordinators meeting
featured Rabbi Binyamin David, who lectured
on sexuality and fertility and Dr. Merav Ben
David, who lectured on innovations and clinical
research studies on radiation. This year the nurses’
meetings focused on redefining their role, and
changing their title from Breast Care Coordinator
to Breast Health Specialist. An application for this
change was submitted to the Ministry of Health.
At this year’s last meeting, the nurses bid farewell
to two long-time breast care coordinators. These
two nurses began their professional career under
the auspices and with financial support of the ICA
– Mrs. Pnina Gabai, Breast Health Coordinator,
of Ichilov Hospital and Ms. Mira Pecker of Mt.
Scopus Hospital, Jerusalem.
•Stoma Care Nurse Coordinators expanded
their knowledge by listening to a lecture delivered
by Mrs. Lena Kurtz, ICA Sexuality Consultant,
on body image and self-image in health and in
sickness, Mrs. Bella Algoshvilli, of Clalit Health
Services and Ms. Haya Morag of Maccabi
Healthcare Services presented case studies.
•Meetings of Radiation Nurses from all medical
centers are held at Beit Mati, ICA Offices in
Givatayim, moderated by Mrs. Sara Gardyn,
Head Nurse, Radiation Therapy Unit at the Davidoff
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Belinson Medical
•Sexuality Interest Group led by Mrs. Lena
Kurtz, ICA Sexuality Consultant, convenes nurses
from all over Israel, who would like to further
develop this subject in the caregiving field they
are engaged in. The lectures recently held in the
group discussed sex change surgery and prosthesis
implant procedures, treating symptoms, and
more. Additionally, communication simulations
on this subject were also conducted.
‫ ‏‬Similar meetings are also held for social workers
who care for patients, survivors and their families
across Israel; these meetings are held at the ICA
Offices in Givatayim. The following meetings
were held this year:
•The Childhood Cancer Interest Group, featuring
a training forum for social workers assigned to
pediatric oncology departments, moderated by
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Social Worker Rivka Harel, psychotherapist
and a couples and family therapist. The forum
consisted of three meetings throughout the course
of the year, aimed at training social workers and
equipping them with tools for developing personal
coping strategies.
•The Breast Care Coordinating Social Workers
Interest Group held a meeting featuring a Breast
Cancer and Pregnancy workshop delivered by
Dr. Tamar Karni, Senior Surgeon at Assaf Harofeh
Medical Center.
“Strong Together” - I‫‏‬CA Support Centers
For Patients, Survivors and Their Families
“Strong Together” Center Givatayim
“The Strong Together” Center
in Givatayim celebrates a decade of activity
In early January, the Support Center in Givatayim celebrated a decade of
activity, at a gala event attended by Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General,
the Schneider Family, Center Director, Social Worker Margalit Drory,
professionals and Support Center attendees. As the event drew near,
a theater group consisting of patients who are active participants in
the center, formed under the direction of Social Worker Limor RegevPeretz and Mrs. Silia Bonoit. The group performed humorous skits
“Confronting Life with a Smile”. Additionally, a performance was delivered by
Topaz Rozen and Shiri Roth, female survivors who participated in one
of the center’s support groups at the outset of its activity; in this performance
these two women gave their own personal and moving account – “It’s
not all hopeless”.
“Namal Hateufa (Airport)”, the Airports Authority Band, performed
a medley of Israeli songs. This was a unique and moving evening where one
could get a sense of the closeness and homey atmosphere provided by the
Center. The Support Center in Givatayim has grown from several support
groups and physical activity lessons in 2001 to dozens of activities including
support groups, treatment workshops and diverse physical activities.
‫‏‬Support Groups
Meetings and Support Groups
Diverse support groups operate on a regular basis
at the Support Center: a support group for patients
coping with various cancer diseases, a support group
for young women coping with female cancers, a
support group for parents of children of school
age who have cancer, a support group for families
of cancer patients, and a support group for those
coping with loss and bereavement.
Support Groups dealing with different issues have
opened at the Support Center: Women and Cancer,
Loss and Bereavement, and a support group for
relatives assisting cancer patients. Additionally,
a special meeting devoted to various topics is
held once a month for Arabic speaking patients
and survivors, moderated by Social Worker
Mrs. Hanan Kassem of the Oncology Center at
Shaarei Zedek Medical Center.
Various workshops were held over the year,
namely: expression and art, “Getting in touch
with your Heart”, “Ways of Finding Meaning”,
coaching groups, a nature therapy workshop, a
cooking class, and nutrition and healthy lifestyle
workshops. A special belly dancing workshop
was also held over the summer. In addition to the
existing workshops, the center also hosts activities
that focus on the body-mind connection, such as
yoga, feldenkrais, chi kong and pilates.
‫‏‬Lectures and Trips
Monthly lectures are delivered on various topics
and trips to different sites in Israel are offered.
This year there were trips to the Dead Sea, the
Jerusalem area and Gush Etzion, as well as Acre
and the surrounding areas.
I‫‏‬srael and Leila Alter
Activity and Support
Center in Jerusalem
January saw the opening of the new “Strong
Together” Support Center in Jerusalem that offers
many diverse activities for patients, survivors and
their families in the Jerusalem area.
Activities and Workshops
The Center holds various activities on a weekly
basis: Pilates, chi Kong, art therapy, ceramics, belly
dancing and the list goes on and on. Every month,
a cosmetician arrives to give a pampering facial to
patients. Likewise, a “playback” workshop was held
in honor of Purim, as well as a make-up workshop
and a nutrition and healthy lifestyle workshop.
April-May saw a “Survivors for a Healthy
Lifestyle”workshop, in which cancer survivors
participated in a series of meetings on various topics,
moderated by health professionals. The workshop
is held in additional branches around the country
throughout the year (for more information about
this project please see chapter on “Rehabilitation
and Welfare”).
Lectures on different topics are delivered on a
monthly basis: happiness combined with a laughter
workshop, the importance of physical activity for
patients and survivors alike.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
I‫‏‬nauguration Ceremony for the Israel Yaakov and Leila Alter “Strong
Together”: Support Center and the Yitzhak Kukia Jerusalem Branch Offices
‫ ‏‬t a moving ceremony held in early June,
the new ICA complex in Jerusalem opened
in the presence of the city’s Mayor, Mr. Nir
Barkat, ICA Director General, Mrs. Miri
Ziv, a representative of the donor family,
Mr. Emanuel Blass, Chairperson of the
Jerusalem Branch, Advocate Etya Simcha,
Director of the Hemato-Oncology Complex
at Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem,
Prof. Dina Ben Yehuda, ICA representatives,
volunteers, and many other guests.
‫‏‬Jerusalem’s Mayor, Nir Barkat, put up a
mezuzah on the doorpost and commended
the ICA on its activity. Barkat noted that he
is proud of the ICA’s activity in Jerusalem,
and considers the cooperation between the
Municipality and the ICA to be of extreme
importance. Barkat also recounted that
many families, including his own extended
family, have had to cope with the pain and
T‫ ‏‬he Emanuel G.
Rosenblatt “Strong
together”Activity and
Support Center at
Rosenfeld House, Haifa
the treatment, while one family member
is inflicted with cancer. Barkat also signed
the World Cancer Declaration, calling for
a global fight against cancer diseases. The
inauguration of this new complex enables
significant expansion of ICA activity – for
patients, survivors and their families – in
Jerusalem and the surrounding areas.
•A unique holistic body-mind coping group for
patients including the study of holistic skills such
as: meditation, relaxation, chi kong, movement
and breathing techniques, guided imagery, positive
coping thoughts and art-mediated strategies.
‫‏‬Support Groups
‫‏‬Art Workshops and
Body-Mind Activities
The Haifa-based Support Center hosts diverse
support groups:
•A Coping Group for the main caregivers who
accompany the cancer patient throughout the
stages of the disease.
•A Coping Group for relatives experiencing loss
and bereavement, to help participants part ways
with their loved ones and continue with life’s
T‫ ‏‬he Center holds diverse workshops:
•Bibliotherapy, consisting of various writing exercises,
helps participants release inner emotions.
•Movement and dance therapy, conducted on an
individual basis or in a group.
•Coaching for cancer survivors.
•Emotional Freedom Therapy techniques
•“Focusing” workshop skills
•Laughter Yoga 47
A selection of works made by the
Support Center Participants in Haifa
‫ ‏‬ctivities held at the
Ruthi Vrubell (Schneider)
“Strong Together” Support
Center in Afula
‫‏‬Support Groups for Patients
A support group for cancer patients continues to
run at the Center, led by social workers who assist
in enhancing coping and adaptation strategies in
situations of duress.
Art Workshops and
Body-Mind Activities
This year saw diverse workshops and body-mind
activities, namely: yoga, feldenkrais, hydrotherapy,
belly dancing (Middle Eastern dancing), music
therapy, art therapy, Tibetan bowl workshop,
drawing, computers, and cooking therapy.
‫‏‬Trips and Lectures
The Center members and their families went on a trip
to Lake Hula area, and toured the site accompanied
by a tour guide. Additionally, they visited the Prehistoric Man Museum at Kibbutz Maayan Baruch
and the Monument in memory of the IDF Helicopter
Crash Victims at Kibbutz Dafna in Ilaniya. Similarly,
monthly lectures are delivered on various topics
related to cancer coping strategies.
‫‏‬Support Groups
The Center holds support groups for patients
and their partners, as well as a support group for
couples – new cancer patients (who have developed
the disease over the past year) and their partners,
a support group for patients coping with chronic
disease and a support group for couples and
longtime patients.
‫‏‬Body-Mind Workshops
and Activities
Diverse workshops were held over the past year,
such as creative writing, psychodrama, guided
imagery, yoga, movement therapy (chi kong),
tai chi, feldenkrais, bone-building (bone density)
exercises and enhancement of cognitive functions
(Feuerstein’s method).
‫‏‬Arts and Leisure
T‫ ‏‬he center held many enrichment activities, such
as music, drawing, computers, English, ceramics,
arts and crafts, flight workshop (aeronautics) and
belly dancing.
‫ ‏‬elfare activities, support groups and additional
workshops are held throughout the year
within the community and at ICA branches
(for more information please see Chapter on
“Rehabilitation and Welfare”, page. 28)
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
‫‏‬Edy’s House – “Ma’agan” Support Center Be’er Sheva
‫‏‬In conjunction with the Israel Cancer Association
‫‏‬The ‘Ma’agan’ Support Center for Cancer Patients in the Negev celebrated a decade of
activity and named the Center in honor of the late Edy Freedman of blessed memory
I‫‏‬n early June, the Ma’agan Center celebrated
its 10th anniversary and changed its name to
the “Edy’s House”. The Center was established
thanks to a donation to the University made by
Solomon and Edith Freedman of blessed
memory of New York, United States,
through the Poliar Foundation, in memory
of Edith Freedman’s parents, Benjamin
and Sima Poliar, and thanks to the Israel
Cancer Association, which lent assistance
in equipping and operating the center
since its establishment.
‫‏‬During the 10th anniversary celebrations, the
Center changed its name to “Edy’s House” in
honor of Edith Freedman, of blessed memory,
who passed away in January 2010. Mr. Sol
Freedman, Edy’s husband, was present at the
name changing ceremony. The President of
Ben-Gurion University in the Negev, Prof. Rivka
Carmi, delivered greetings at the ceremony, and
was joined by Beer Sheva’s Mayor, Mr. Ruvik
Danilovich, ICA Director General, Mrs. Miri
Ziv, Prof. Miriam Cohen, former Dean of the
Faculty of Natural Sciences, a representative
of the patients and others.
‫”‏‬Ma’agan” Center, headed by Prof. Pessach
Schwartzmann, has been in operation since
October 2000 in collaboration with the ICA
and the Municipality of Be’er Sheva; this is a
center that is geared toward cancer patients
from all over the Negev, Be’er Sheva and the
entire southern region, and their families, such
that patients from Arad also frequent the center
on a weekly basis.
‫‏‬The center hosts lectures, yoga and tai chi workshops,
music and art workshops, physical exercise classes,
and more. There is a library, an information resource
center and computer rooms for surfing the web, a
play room for children whose parents participate in
the center’s activity, special programs and lectures
for children who have cancer, and social events – all
in a homey atmosphere, and free of charge. Diverse
activities and events are held as part of the close
cooperation between the ICA and “Ma’agan”
Support Center. The meeting between patients and
representatives of the National Insurance Institute
in Be’er Sheva, for information exchange and to
clarify questions on “Cancer Patient Rights”, has
become a local tradition. The meeting is organized
by Mrs. Rachel Ofir, ICA Social worker of the
southern region.
Home Care Hospice
The Home Care Hospice service was
established by the ICA in 1989 as Israel’s
first ever palliative home care service, to
provide an optimal solution to advancedstage cancer patients who prefer to remain
at home with their family and in a supportive
environment, and to enable them to achieve a
better quality of life. This service is also offered
to patients receiving active oncology treatment
and experiencing severe symptoms.
The service operates through the Home Hospice
offices located at the Friedman House Hospice at
Sheba Medical Center, funded and administrated by
the Israel Cancer Association. This service provides
care to patients who reside in the central region,
within a 30 km radius of Sheba Medical Center,
Tel Hashomer; these are patients who suffer from
severe symptoms and are in need of relief.
Patients and their families are referred by different
hospital departments or by community physicians,
nurses and social workers who are personally
acquainted with the patients; all patients undergo an
admission procedure after a request for admission
has been presented to the Admissions Committee
via the healthcare funds.
This service is operated by an interdisciplinary
staff trained in coping with the complexities of
the disease itself and complications deriving
from treatments. The supportive home care staff
is comprised of oncology nurses, physicians and
social workers, under the direction of Mrs. Sari
Cohen, Head Nurse and the Medical Director,
Dr. Alexander Waller.
The home care service boasts increased nurse
and physician staffing levels at the supportive
care unit over the past year:
•Dr. Abed Bashara joined medical staff Dr. Irit
Zaltz and Dr. Vladimir Chesnin; in addition to
Dr. Bashara’s work as part of the Home Hospice
staff, he is also participating in a clinical trial
underway at the Cancer Hospice located at Sheba
Medical Center and at the Palliative Clinic at the
Oncology Institute at Sheba Medical Center.
•An additional social worker, Mrs. Pedut Bir
joined social worker Mrs. Dalia Stern.
•Mrs. Iris Spivak, who successfully completed a
Ministry of Health course for nurses who coordinate
the medicinal use of cannabis, joined the nursing
This significant personnel growth has enabled
the unit to increase the number of patients
who benefit from its services by 100% in
comparison to years gone by.
The end of July saw a visit of nurses from Thailand
who arrived to get an impression of the nature
of the activity and work conducted at the Home
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Hospice service in Israel. The special visit reinforced
the desire for collaboration in the future as well.
The Home Hospice staff continues to guide palliative
care trainees during all stages of their study, and
continues to actively participate in course delivered
to community nurses who engage in palliative
care and who are enrolled in a course for palliative
nurses. Moreover, some of the staff is involved in
the steering committee of a research study on
“Sexuality among Terminally Ill Patients”.
The Home Hospice staff continues to serve as a
clinical field for nurses studying in the post-basic
oncology course. The staff consults guides and
supports community nurses and also continues
to collaborate with interdisciplinary staff in the
From August 2010 to July 2011, the Home
Hospice has cared for 250 patients referred
from all healthcare funds.
‫‏‬The Sir Charles Clore Hostel
The Sir Charles Clore Hostel was
established by the ICA in 1976, with the
help of a generous contribution made by
Sir Charles Clore of blessed memory.
The ICA-operated Hostel is located in
Givatayim, adjunct to the ICA offices,
Beit Mati, in a building encompassing
a lovely garden. The building recently
underwent renovations for the welfare of
Hostel patients, with financial assistance
from the Clore Foundation, headed
by Dame Vivien Duffield, Sir Charles
Clore’s daughter. The Hostel admits
cancer patients who receive treatment
at oncology institutes at hospitals located
in the central region.
The volunteers accompany the patients
daily to one of three medical facilities
in the central region (Sourasky, Sheba,
Assuta or Beilinson). The patients
receive oncology treatment and return
to the Hostel every day, where they
are provided with professional and
dedicated oncology nursing care, as well as
diverse rehabilitation and welfare activities.
The Clore Hostel caregiving staff, headed by Mrs. Roma
Luria, possesses vast experience in palliative care as well as
skills to assist in a wide range of complications that arise in
oncology nursing care. The nurses maintain regular contact
with physicians attending to patients at oncology institutes
and within community settings, and treat all complications
arising from treatment. About 800 patients were treated
at the Hostel from August 2010 until the end of July
2011, similar to last year’s figures.
A crochet/knitters club
was organized under the
supervision of Ms. Zila Perry,
a Hostel patient. Pictured
in the photo – crocheted
pieces made at the club.
A moving make-up session was held for Hostel patients as part of the
“Look Good Feel Better” project.
Early January saw an informative meeting on
patient rights and services at the Hostel. At
the meeting, led by Central Region social worker,
Irit Goldstein, a discussion was held with the
Hostel residents about their rights and needs. The
participants were updated on various community
and ICA services, and received a personal and
quick response to their questions; if necessary,
they were referred to a contact person who could
be of assistance.
The Hostel residents celebrated Hannuka with a
group of adolesents of HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed
(Federation of Working Youth) Youth Movement,
Givatayim branch. The youth lit candles, sang
Hannuka songs and distributed sufganiyot (jelly
doughnuts) provided by the Buaron Family, relatives
of one the Hostel residents.
An uplifting Purim party was held on Purim with
grade 4-i students from “Amit” School in Modi’in,
accompanied by homeroom teacher Mrs. Zippi Levi,
and a group of parents, who came to lift the spirits
of the Hostel residents. This noteworthy endeavor
was initiated last year by the school’s pupils who
enthusiastically orchestrated this celebration once
again this year. The Hostel patients gathered in the
Cultural Hall, where they rejoiced and enjoyed a
performance delivered by the students, who spared
no effort to invest in costumes and content. As
the party wound down, the students distributed
personal food baskets (misholoach manot) to each
resident along with large and colorful hand-made
parchment scrolls (the Book of Esther) that they
themselves designed. Kudos to Mrs. Shula Zak,
Chairperson of the ICA Modi’in Branch, the driving
spirit behind this moving initiative.
‫‏‬Seminars and Conferences
Israel Association of Midwives and Gynecology
(Jerusalem) Conference
The end of September saw a regional conference of
the Israel Association of Midwives and Gynecology
at the Inbal Hotel in Jerusalem. The conference
opened with greetings delivered by Chairman
of the Association’s Jerusalem Branch, Dr. Ariel
Ravel. A special session was devoted to breast
cancer updates for gynecologists, and discussed
subjects such as imaging, types of surgery used to
treat breast cancer, and genetically personalized
medicine. The ICA Director General, Mrs. Miri
Ziv, opened the session with a brief overview of
ICA breast cancer activity.
The First Israeli Oncosexology Seminar
in conjunction with the Israel Cancer
The first ever Israeli Oncosexology Seminar,
sponsored by the International Society for
Sexuality, and the Israel Society for Sex Therapy, in
collaboration with the Israel Cancer Association,
was held in early November at Yad Hashemona
Hotel. Lectures and workshops were delivered
by Dr. Woet Gianotten, one of the founders
of the International Society for Oncosexology,
a physician, psychotherapist and sexologist
boasting 25 years of experience, and an expert
in sexual rehabilitation of oncology patients and
patients with disabilities. The seminar aimed to
enrich knowledge and therapeutic capacities
among professionals attending to cancer patients’
"Door Knock" Fundraising
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sexual health and who provide treatments that
impact sexuality.
Seminar on “Sexuality and Fertility after
Bone Marrow Transplants” for Health
This seminar was held at the end of December at
Beit Mati, ICA Headquarters in Givatayim, under
the direction of Mrs. Lena Kurtz, ICA Oncology
Nurse and Sexuality Therapist. The seminar featured
fascinating lectures such as “Graft-versus-host
Disease (GVHD)” and more. Dr. Yeshurun Moshe,
Dr. Ahinoam Lev Sagi, Prof. Dror Meirov and the
event moderator delivered lectures at the meeting.
The seminar closed with a personal account and a
discussion featuring the lecturers.
Annual Conference of the Israeli Society for
Clinical Oncology and Radiation Therapy
Early January saw the 10th Annual Conference
of the Israeli Society for Clinical Oncology and
Radiation Therapy. This year the conference focused
on malignancies in women. Breast cancer was the
focal issue at the various meetings, and controversial
subjects were also discussed, such as minimizing
radiation therapy in breast cancer and complementary
treatment for endometrial and uterine cancer. The
conference featured lectures and seminars on topical
issues, and local and international research studies
were presented. Lectures were also delivered by
internationally renowned experts. This year, ICA
Director General, Mrs. Miri Ziv, presented awards
to two outstanding specialists: Dr. Raya LeibovitzAmit, of Sheba Medical Center, in recognition of
and appreciation for her professional work as a
physician and as an outstanding investigator and
for her humanitarian approach in patient care; and
to Dr. Orit Kedar-Parson, of Rambam Medical
Center, in recognition of and appreciation for her
outstanding clinical skills, professional dedication,
diligence, wonderful interpersonal relations with
patients and her promising academic research
efforts. Likewise, ISCORT awarded Miri Ziv with
a special gold medal, marking ISCORT’s 10 th
anniversary, for her outstanding contribution to
the Society’s activities.
Seminar on cancer treatment that can cause
heart damage: damage mechanisms, damage
estimation, prevention and treatment
A seminar on cancer treatment that can cause
heart damage was held in early January at Beit
Mati, ICA offices in Givatayim, in conjunction
with the Oncology Society, the Israel Heart Society,
the Israeli Working Group on Heart Muscle and
Pericardial Diseases, and the Israeli Working
Group on Ecocardiography. Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA
Director General delivered the opening address of
the conference. Diverse subjects were discussed,
namely the impact of chemotherapy and biological
treatments on the heart, advanced methodology
for evaluating cardiac function, cardiac monitoring
and treatment for patients receiving chemotherapy,
and case studies were presented. The conference
was sponsored by Medison Pharmaceuticals.
Conference on Sexuality in Sickness and in
Health at Rambam Medical Center
A conference was held on Sexuality in Sickness
and in Health at Rambam Medical Center. The
conference discussed diverse aspects of sexuality,
such as the impact of cancer treatments on sexual
function, sexual function disorders in patients with
chronic pain, and results of a survey on nurses’
attitudes towards sexuality were also presented.
Mrs. Lena Kurtz, ICA Sexuality Consultant, also
spoke at the conference.
Seminar for Professionals on the Implications
of Cancer on Child and Adolescent Sexuality
(ages 11-18)
In mid-February, a seminar for professionals on the
Implications of Cancer on Child and Adolescent
Sexuality between the ages of 11 and 18, was
held at Beit Mati, ICA offices in Givatayim. The
seminar was held under the initiative and direction
of Mrs. Lena Kurtz, ICA Sexuality Consultant,
and Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, delivered
opening remarks. The seminar featured lectures on
related topics, such as the Implications of Cancer
on Physiological Sexual Development in Young
People, Coping Emotionally, and more, delivered
by Dr. Roni Shtarkeshel, Dr. Fuad Azam, Social
Worker Dina Elad and Dr. Monique Peretz. The
day concluded with a question and answer panel
featuring the seminar experts.
16th “Tmicha” Association - the Israeli Association
of Palliative Care – Seminar
Early February saw the 16th Annual “Tmicha”
Association Seminar on Palliative Care in Israel,
held at the Conference Center at Airport City.
The conference discussed many issues related
to palliative care in Israel, such as psycho-social
aspects and attending to the cancer patient’s family,
developing palliative care services, palliative care
research and education, balancing symptoms,
nutritional support, sexuality at end of life, legal
aspects, medical cannabis as a form of treatment
for oncology patients, and more.
‫ ‏‬nnual Conference of the Israel Society of
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
The end of March saw the Annual Conference of the
Israel Society of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
in Neve Ilan. The conference featured four guest
lectures delivered by overseas experts, sponsored in
part by the Israel Cancer Association: Dr. Blanche
Alter, of the Division of Cancer Epidemiology
and Genetics Institute of the National Cancer
Institute, Dr. Maria Domenica Cappellini, Chief
of the Hereditary Anaemia Center of Milan Italy,
and Dr. David Malkin, Paediatric Hematologist
of the Oncology Fellowship at the Hospital for
Sick Children in Toronto Canada. ICA Director
General, Mrs. Miri Ziv wished Dr. Nili Remo
and Prof. Ian Cohen well in their retirement,
and presented ICA awards to two outstanding
specialists: Dr. Shulamit Barzilai Barbenboim
and Dr. Michal Manisterski. The awards were
presented to them for their outstanding work and
their ongoing contribution to the field of pediatric
hematology in Israel.
Seminar toward the implementation of the
National Protocol for Childhood Acute
Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Israel (ALL-INS
Early April saw a seminar at Beit Mati, ICA offices in
Givatayim, in preparation for the implementation of
the National Protocol this year. The seminar provided
participants with a brief history on international and
national infrastructure deployment for the current
protocol and how it differs from its predecessors.
Lectures were delivered on lab tests to diagnose
leukemia and detect high risk groups, treatment
and its objectives, monitoring and follow up,
treatment complications and palliative care. The
seminar concluded with discussion on organizational
matters, reporting and communication between
hospitals and centers in Israel and abroad.
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ICA Annual Conference on Breast and Prostate
Cancer Updates
Early April saw ICA’s annual conference on breast
and prostate cancer updates, at the Leonardo
City Tower Hotel in Ramat Gan, with hundreds of
health professionals in attendance. The conference
was held in conjunction with the Israeli Society for
Clinical Oncology and Radiation Therapy, the Israel
Association of Family Physicians, the Israel Society
of Breast Diseases and the Israeli Urologic Oncology
Association. Opening remarks were delivered by
Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, Prof. Shlomo
Winker, Chairman of the Israel Family Physicians
Association, Prof. Ofer Merimsky, Chairman of the
Israeli Society for Clinical Oncology and Radiation
Therapy, Prof. Reuven Orda, Chairman of the Israel
Society of Breast Diseases and Dr. Zohar Dotan,
Chairman of the Urologic Oncology Association.
This was followed by five sessions: two sessions
that discussed breast cancer updates, two that
discussed prostate cancer updates and the last
session that discussed case studies. The seminar
was organized by “MEDICAL expo”.
Northern Israel Annual Pediatric Oncology
Early May saw the Northern Israel Annual Pediatric
Oncology Meeting held at Rambam Healthcare
Campus, headed by Prof. Myriam Ben Arush,
in conjunction with the Israel Cancer Association,
the Middle East Cancer Consortium (MECC) and
the Technion Faculty of Medicine. The conference
focused on germ cell tumors in children and
adolescents and was attended by two guests of
honor from abroad; Chair, International Society
for Pediatric Oncology, Dr. Gabriele Calaminus
of Germany, whose travel expenses were financed
by the ICA, Prof. Dr. Rejin Kebudi of Turkey,
Division of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Istanbul
University, who also serves as President of the Turkish
Pediatric Oncology Group in her native country. The
conference discussed various topics related to germ
cell tumors, such as surgical approach, radiation
treatments, fertility complications, etc.
from right to left: Prof. Kebudi, Prof. Ben Arush,
who initiated this conference, and Dr. Calaminus,
Photographer: Peuter fliter
Supplementary Training in Disease-related
Data Collection Systems in conjunction with
the Middle East Cancer Consortium (MECC)
Early May saw supplementary training in diseaserelated data collection systems for head-neck
cancer, held at Beit Mati, ICA offices in Givatayim,
as part of the existing collaboration between the
ICA and the Israel Center for Disease Control and
the National Cancer Registry of the Ministry of
Health. Lectures were delivered on epidemiology
of head-neck cancer, risk factors, diagnosis and
follow-up, pathology, and surgical approach,
and head-neck cancer treatment updates and
innovations. Mrs. Yehudit Fishler of the Ministry
of Health coordinates the training sessions each
year with great dedication.
Eighth Annual Workshop Conference for the
Prevention, Treatment and Accompaniment
of Cancer Patients and their Families
Mid May saw the Seventh Annual Workshop
Conference for the Prevention, Treatment and
Accompaniment of Cancer patients and their
Families, held at the Cultural Center in Ness Ziona.
This conference is held annually under the auspices
of the Israeli Association of Family Physicians, and
the Family Medicine Dept. of Tel Aviv University in
conjunction with the Israel Cancer Association. This
year the conference highlighted “Dilemmas and
Challenges Facing the Family Physician in Treatment
and Caregiving for Patients of Advanced Age”, and
was dedicated in the memory of Dr. Erica Harel of
blessed memory. The conference opened with
a panel that discussed the topic and consisted of
two workshops: decision making, and side effects
of cancer treatment in very elderly patients, and
how to cope with these phenomena.
The Institute of Pathology at Sheba Medical
Center hosts Prof. Ira J. Bleiweiss of New York
Early June saw a unique event at the Institute of
Pathology at Sheba Medical Center, held in conjunction
with the Israel Society of Breast Diseases and the
Israel Cancer Association; this meeting hosted
Prof. Ira J. Bleiweiss, a breast pathology and
oncology expert from Mt. Sinai Medical Center in
New York. This meeting consisted of two sessions,
the first session was dedicated to the MultiDisciplinary Forum and the second session, held
in the Institute of Pathology laboratory, reviewed
unique pathological cases, which were presented by
the participants. At the first session opening remarks
were delivered by Prof. Iris Bareshek, Director of the
Institute of Pathology at Sheba Medical Center, and
Dr. Tanir Allweis, Chair of the Israel Society of Breast
Diseases. This was followed by a lecture delivered
by Prof. Ira J. Bleiweiss on breast surgeries and
breast pathology in a new era. The meeting was
sponsored by Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.
and Gamidor Ltd.
Annual Seminar of the Israel Oncology Nursing
Mid-June saw the annual seminar of the Israel
Oncology Nursing Association at Airport City. The
seminar was divided into six sessions that discussed
diverse fields related to oncology nursing, such as
radiation treatments, nutrition for cancer patients,
cancer treatment and rehabilitation, palliative
care, family support and quality of life, integrating
spiritual guidance in nursing, community oncology,
and more. The seminar opened with a report on
the Association’s activity, introductory lectures, and
the presentation of two awards for outstanding
achievement granted by the ICA, presented by
Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General. One award,
presented for the development of a new service,
was awarded to Mrs. Zipi Fuchs and to Mrs.
Yael Stern of the Rabin Medical Center, and an
additional award for oncology nursing research
was presented to Mrs. Sirat Abu Hamid of Sheba
Medical Center. The third session, which discussed
cancer survivors, opened with a lecture delivered
by Prof. Eliezer Robinson, Chairman of the ICA:
“Cancer Survivorship – Past, Present, Future”.
Moving Tribute to the Public Umbilical Cord
Blood Banks in Israel held at Knesset (Israeli
Marking the approval of the standards regulating
the legislation of the Public Umbilical Cord Blood
Law in Israel and the collection of 25,000 units of
umbilical cord blood enabling the preservation of
8,000 units of blood available for saving lives, the very
first tribute to the Public Umbilical Cord Blood Banks
was held at the Knesset. At this event, the Knesset
paid tribute to all those involved in this noteworthy
activity, in the presence of the Knesset Chairman,
MK Reuven (Rubi) Rivlin, Deputy Minister of
Health, MK Rabbi Yaakov Litzman, Chairman
of the Labor, Welfare and Health Committee, MK
Chaim Katz, MK Zeev Bielski, heads of academic
instituions, physicians and experts specializing in
this field, patients who received cord-blood stem
cell transplants and cord-blood donors. MK Zeev
Bielski, who endeavored a great deal to have this
law enacted, and Prof. Ayelet Shinar, Director of
the Magen David Adom Public Cord-Blood Bank
presented a certificate of appreciation to the ICA
for its support for this noteworthy project.
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Conferences of the Israel Society of Breast
Diseases in conjunction with the Israel Cancer
Scientific Meeting of the Urologic Oncology
The end of July saw a scientific meeting of the
Urologic Oncology Association at Beit Mati, ICA
offices in Givatayim. The meeting opened with
greetings delivered by Dr. Ofer Yosefovitz,
Chairman of the Association, followed by lectures
on several topics such as different approaches
to taking prostate biopsies, HIFU (High Intensity
Focused Ultrasound), treating radiation damage
and other subjects. A guest lecture was delivered
by Dr. Scott E. Eggener, of the University of
Chicago, United States, on active follow up and
targeted treatment. This meeting was sponsored
by Astra-Zenica and Novartis.
• The end of November 2010 saw the Society’s
annual meeting at the Royal Dead Sea Hotel. The
meeting opened with greetings delivered by Prof.
Reuven Orda, Chairman of the Israel Society of
Breast Diseases. The conference was divided into
three days, with each session focusing on various
fields related to breast cancer. The highlight was
the participation of lecturers Prof. Vered Stern of
the John Hopkins Medical Institute, Baltimore on
“Neoadjuvant Therapy – State of the art”; Prof.
Giuseppe Viala of the European Institute of
Oncology in Milan, who lectured on Senitel Lymph
Node Evaluation, and Prognostic and Predictive
Factors; and Prof. Umberto Veronesi, Head
of the European Institute of Oncology in Milan,
who lectured on Paradigms in breast cancer.
Additional subjects discussed at the conference
were: Perspectives on MRI, Oncoloplastic Breast
Surgery, Monitoring for Early Detection Breast
Cancer in Women, Quality of Life and Longevity
following breast cancer treatment and more.
The conference concluded with a round table
discussion on breast cancer and pregnancy.
• A professional meeting of the Israel Society of
Breast Diseases was held in early April at Beit
Mati, ICA offices in Givatayim, moderated by
Dr. Michael Kurtz, of Soroka Medical Center.
The meeting opened with greetings delivered
by Prof. Reuven Orda, outgoing Chairman
of the Israeli Society of Breast Diseases, and a
guest lecture delivered by Prof. W.D. Stein of
the United States, on “Extending Treatment of
Breast Tumors with ixabepilone might lead to
enhanced patient survival”. This was followed
by a discussion on “Is underarm lymph node
removal still justified following the diagnosis of
an infected sentinel lymph node?” with Dr. Tanir
Allweis, Prof. Shlomo Shneibaum, and Dr.
Irena Jabliuk participating. The day concluded
with chairmanship elections.
• An additional professional meeting of the
Israeli Society of Breast Diseases dedicated to
Oncoplastics and Breast Cancer was held in
early July at Beit Mati, ICA offices in Givatayim.
The meeting opened with greetings delivered by
Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General and Dr. Tanir
Allweis, Chairperson of the Israeli Society of
Breast Diseases. The meeting featured a discussion
on oncoplastic surgery, nipple preservation and
new breast surgical techniques. Towards the end
of the meeting, the participants received global
news from the ASCO conference.
‫ ‏‬eetings of the Gynecological Oncology
• Winter meeting of the Group on: “The
interrelationship between malignancies, pregnancy
prevention and fertility control” was held in
February at Beit Mati, ICA offices in Givatayim.
The meeting focused on the relationship between
malignant tumors and pregnancy prevention and
fertility control, and lectures were delivered on this
topic, such as the relationship between fertility
treatments and malignancies, oral contraceptive
use and malignancies, fertility preserving surgery
in cervical cancer and germ cell tumors, and
preserving ovarian reserve in gynecological
• Summer meeting of the Group was held in May
at Beit Mati, ICA offices in Givatayim, coordinated
by Prof. Uzi Beller, Director of the Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Shaarei Zedek
Medical Center. A scientific exhibition was held
with discussions on molecular genetics, pathology,
new research studies on uterine malignancies,
uterine sarcoma – pathology grading, adjuvant
chemotherapy for women with high risk early
stage endometrial cancer.
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‫‏‬Professional Training
Encouraging participation
of oncology departments
in international EORTC
clinical research studies
In view of the fact that precise data and proper
conclusions are derived from broad-based research
studies, the ICA encourages Israeli centers to
participate in international clinical research conducted
under the aegis of the EORTC (the European
Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer).
As an appendage of a large-scale project, some
of the centers participating in high level clinical
research studies maintain high standard quality
control. Prof. A. Kuten is a member of the Steering
Committee of the EORTC Radiotherapy Group. This
year the ICA continues to support the participation
of Oncology Departments in EORTC Radiotherapy
Group activities with the aim of encouraging them
to participate in European clinical research.
The ICA supports the participation of research
students and interns in the annual conference of
the Cancer Biology Research Center.
The ICA finances the purchase of professional
literature and scientific journals for oncology
departments in medical centers throughout the
country. Thanks to this project, new and up to date
information is available to professionals. Likewise,
the ICA Information Center is a resource available
to professionals, where they may conduct a search
of international computer databases.
Clinical Research Project
The ICA continues to fund basic or clinical research
projects conducted by oncology department interns
at oncology institutes with the aim of encouraging
research work in these settings.
This year’s grant recipients were:
•Dr. Rinat Bernstein, Sourasky Medical Center –
Clinical Project on: “Correlation between ERCCI
expression and treatment response in women
with metastatic triple – negative breast cancer,
treated by platinum-based regimens”.
•Dr. Keren Cohen, Oncology Institute of the
Shaarei Zedek Medical Center – Clinical project
in palliative care, led by Prof. Nathan Cherney.
•Dr. Damian Orban, Sheba Medical Center
Oncology Institute – participation in a prestigious
course delievered at FLIMS on the Process of
Developing a Clinical Trial Protocol.
•Dr. Noa Shani-Shrem, Soroka Medical Center participation in a workshop on the development
of a zebrafish melanoma model in Edinburgh,
•Dr. Mark Shilkrot, Rambam Medical Center
Institute of Oncology - advanced study course
on clinical and lab radiotherapy at the Cancer
Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
•Dr. Rinat Yerushalmi, Rabin Medical Center,
Belinson Campus – Development of the Productive
Parameter GRP87 to chemically treat breast cancer.
Travel Grants for Short-Term
Advanced Study Abroad
•Mrs. Doreen Mira, Oncology Institute, Sheba
Medical Center - ESTRO course held in March
2011, in Italy.
•Mrs. Alder-Buk Anat, Faculty of Medicine, Tel
Aviv University – conference on New Characteristics
and Horizons in Cancer Research scheduled for
November 2011 in Lucerne, Switzerland.
•Dr. Felder Shira, Oncology Institute Sheba
Medical Center – ESTRO course held in June
2011 in London, Britain.
•Dr. Ash Shifra, Pediatric Hemato-oncology Dept.,
Schneider Children’s Medical Center - application
for a travel grant for the International Society of
Pediatric Oncology conference held in October
2010 in Boston, United States.
•Dr. Bardruma Rachel, Oncology Dept. at
Rambam Medical Center – European Society
for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 11th
Congress on Physics and Radiation Technology
for Clinical Radiotherpay, held in June 2011 in
London, England.
•Mrs. Granot Hila, Oncology Institute at Sheba
Medical Center – ESTRO course on Dosimetry
held in October 2011 in Portugal.
•Mrs. Kodsizda Azizala, Oncology Home Care
Service Unit, Clalit Health Services – Palliative
Conference, held 11-14 November 2011, in
Budapest, Hungary.
•Dr. Kondel Yulia, Oncology Institute at Davidoff
Center – course on new technologies in radiotherapy
held in March 2011 in Las Vegas, United States.
•Mrs. Ben-Ari Anat, Radiotherapy Institute at
Soroka Medical Center – course on IGRT techniques
and practical implementation, scheduled for
November 2011 in Amsterdam, Holland.
•Dr. Kraus, Aviva Hana, Pediatric Hemato-oncology
Dept. at Schneider Children’s Medical Center –
Annual Bone Marrow Transplants Conference
held in April 2011 in Paris, France.
•Mrs. Ben-Gal Yael, Pediatric Oncology, Schneider
Children’s Medical Center - SIOP Conference held
in October 2011 in New Zealand.
•Mrs. Lev Shulamit, Orthopedic Oncology Dept.,
Tel Aviv Medical Center – advanced course study
on supporting adolescent cancer patients and
their families, held in September 2011 in Memphis
Tennessee, United States.
•Mrs. Cohen Maya, Urology Dept., Rabin Medical
Center, Belinson Campus – European Oncology
Nursing Conference held in March 2011 in Vienna,
•Mrs. Dadosh Ruth, Radiotherapy Dept. at
Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem – ESTRO
course held in March 2011 in Athens, Greece.
•Mrs. Doreen Mira, Oncology Institute, Sheba
Medical Center – ESTRO course held in March
2011 in Italy.
•Dr. Lutzek Miroslav, Oncology Institute, Rambam
Medical Center, Multi-disciplinary Cancer Congress
held in September 2011 in Stockholm, Sweden.
•Mrs. Ohayon Regina, Oncology and Home
Care Unit, Clalit Health Care Services - Palliative
Care Conference 11-14 November, in Budapest,
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
•Dr. Peres Weinstock Debby, Shalvata School,
Raanana and Maccabi Healthcare Services –
advanced course study in Palliative Psychiatry
scheduled for February 2012 in California – San
Diego Hospice, United States.
•Mrs. Porat Iris, Pediatric Hemato-oncology
Dept. at Rambam Medical Center – Annual Bone
Marrow Transplant Conference held in April 2011
in Paris, France.
•Mr. Seberdlov Yaakov, Pediatric Hematooncology Dept., Schneider Children’s Medical
Center – Annual Bone Marrow Transplants
Conference held in April 2011 in Paris, France.
•Mrs. Tonin Rina, Nursing School, Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem – Fifth Pan-Pacific Nursing
Conference and Seventh Nursing Symposium
on “Cancer Care” held in September 2011 in
Hong Kong.
•Dr. Wolf Ido, Oncology Dept. Sheba Medical
Center – AACR conference held in April 2011.
T‫ ‏‬ravel Grants for LongTerm Advanced Study
•Dr. Galinski-Tzoref Dalia, Oncology Dept.,
Hadassah Medical Center - long-term advanced
study course on Gynecology and Palliative Care
in Toronto Canada.
•Dr. Nesher Lior, Dept. of Internal Medicine Heh,
Soroka Medical Center – advanced study course
on Joint Replacement in Toronto, Canada.
•Dr. Peretz-Avraham Galit, Hemato-oncology
Dept., Soroka Medical Center - long-term advanced
study course on Bone Marrow Transplants from
a Donor in Portland, Oregon, United States.
•Dr. Reshef Avi, Dept. of Surgery B, Sheba Medical
Center, long-term advanced study course on
Colon and Rectal Cancer, in Ohio, United States.
•Dr. Sela Eyal, Ear Nose and Throat Dept., Carmel
Medical Center - long-term advanced study
course on Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology
in Montreal, Canada.
•Dr. Tal Hadar, General Surgery Dept., Hadassah
Medical Center, Ein Karem – long-term advanced
study course on Breast Surgical Oncology in
Washington, Untied States.
•Dr. Weiss Israel, Orthopedics Dept. Sheba
Medical Center, long-term advanced study course
on Orthopedic Oncology in Houston, Texas.
Invitations to Guest
Lecturers from Abroad
•Dr. Shlomit Perry, Israel Psycho-oncology
Association, initiated the invitation of Prof.
Christoffer Johansen of Denmark to lecture at
the seminar of the Psycho-oncology Association,
March 2011. Prof. Johansen delivered two
lectures: “Psychosocial Problems During the
Cancer Trajectory” and “The Burden of Cancer
•Dr. Miri Sklair, Breast Imaging Unit, Sheba Medical
Center, initiated the invitation of Dr. Thomas
Stavros of the United States who is an international
expert on Breast Ultrasound, to lecture at the 2nd
Joint US-Israel Breast Imaging Update held in July
2011.Dr. Stavros delivered several lectures on
this subject, such as the Anatomy of the Breast,
Evaluating Nipple Discharge, Complicated Breast
Tumors, and more.
•Dr. Efrat Dagan and Dr. Dorit Pud, Nursing
Dept, Haifa University, initiated the invitation
of Dr. Andrea Marie Barsevick to lecture at
the conference on “Challenges in Research and
Treatment in Complicated Health Care Situations”,
March 2011.
•Prof. Myriam Ben-Harush, Chairperson of
the Society of Pediatric Hematology Oncology
initiated the invitation of Dr. Blanche Alter of
the United States to lecture at the Annual Pediatric
Hematology Oncology Conference, March 2011.
Dr. Alter delivered two lectures on : Inherited
Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes: Benign Feature,
and Inherited Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes:
•Dr. Daniel Duek, Chairman of the Israel Society of
Colon and Rectal Surgery, initiated the invitation
of Dr. Stanley M. Goldberg of the United States
to lecture on “What’s New in the Management
of FISTULA-IN-ANO” at the Annual Society of
Colon and Rectal Surgery Conference in October
•Prof. Myriam Ben-Harush initiated the invitation
of Prof. Gabriele Calaminus of Germany
to lecture at the Northern Israel Annual
Pediatric Oncology Meeting held by the Pediatric
Hematology Oncology Dept. at Rambam Medical
Center, May 2011. Prof. Calaminus delivered two
lectures on germinal tumors (in and outside the
‫‏‬Support for Professional
•Dr. Roberto Einbinder, Family Medicine Dept.,
Clalit Healthcare Services, Central Region, requested
financial support for the 8th Annual Conference
for the Prevention of Cancer Morbidity and
Mortality, held in May 2011 in Ness Ziona.
•The Israel Cancer Association supported the
International GENOMEL Research Consortium,
a unique project that monitors the human genome,
held in May 2011 (for additional information,
please see the Chapter on “Public Information
and Education”).
•The Israel Cancer Association supported the
3rd Annual Conference of the Israel Society for
Cancer Research (ISCR) held at the end of May
2011 (for additional information please see the
Chapter on “Research”).
•Prof. Nadir Arber, Director of the Integrated
Center for the Diagnosis and Prevention of
Cancer at Tel Aviv Medical Center, requested
financial support for the Annual Conference
of the Cancer Biology Research Center, held
in September 2011 in Safed.
‫‏‬Summer Grants
The ICA continues its summer grants program for
medical students at oncology institutes. This year’s
grant recipients were:
•Maayan Pollak, received a grant for a summer
program at the Oncology Institute at Soroka
Medical Center, Be’er Sheva.
•Neta Geva, received a grant for a summer
program at the Oncology Institute at Soroka
Medical Center, Be’er Sheva.
•Oded Yaakovi, received a grant for a summer
program at the Oncology Institute at Sheba
Medical Center, Tel Hashomer.
•Omer Shwartzman, received a grant for a
summer program at the Oncology Institute at
Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer.
•Idan Barzilai, received a grant for a summer
program at the Oncology Institute at Sheba
Medical Center, Tel Hashomer.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
•Badarna Hiba, received a grant for a summer
program at the Oncology Institute at Rambam
Medical Center, Haifa.
•Nir Noimark, received a grant for a summer
program at the Oncology Institute at Rambam
Medical Center, Haifa.
•Mr. Ivgeny Plotkin, received a grant for a
summer program at the Oncology Institute at
Shaarei Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem.
The Israeli Oncology
Nursing Society:
•An award for developing a service for cancer
patient groups was presented to Mrs. Zippi
Fuchs and Mrs. Yael Stern of Rabin Medical
•An award for promoting nursing through research
was presented to Mrs. Sirat Abu Hamid of
Sheba Medical Center.
This year the ICA presented annual awards to
physicians and nurses who care for cancer patients
and demonstrate professionalism in their work
and outstanding interpersonal relationship skills
with their patients. The relevant professional
associations select the award recipients who in
turn receive the award at the specific association’s
annual conference.
The 2011 ICA award winners were:
‫‏‬The Israel Society of Pediatric
Hematology Oncology
T‫ ‏‬wo outstanding researcher awards were
presented to Dr. Shulamit Barzilai Barenboim
and Dr. Michal Manistersky for their outstanding
work and their ongoing contribution in the area
of pediatric hematology oncology.
The Israeli Society for
Clinical Oncology and Radiation
Therapy (ISCORT)
The outstanding specialist awards were presented
•Dr. Raya Leibovitch-Amit, of Sheba Medical
Center, Tel Hashomer, in appreciation for her
professional work as an outstanding physician and
investigator and for her humanitarian approach
to her patients.
•Dr. Orit Keidar-Parson of Rambam Medical
Center in appreciation for outstanding clinical skills,
dedication, diligence, wonderful interpersonal
relations with patients and her promising researchacademic efforts.
‫‏‬International Conferences
‫ ‏‬nnual Conference of the
European Coalition against
Breast Cancer (Europa Donna)
in Milan, Italy
Mrs. Sara Brum, a long-time ICA “Yad Lehachlama”
(Reach to Recovery) volunteer, and a member of
the Israeli Forum of Europa Donna, represented
the organization at the Annual Conference of the
European Coalition against Breast Cancer, held at the
end of September in Italy. The conference featured
lectures on fascinating topics: Dr. Peter B. Dean
of Finland reported on a Swedish research study
that recorded a 43% decline in mortality thanks to
mammography screening, Dr. Carlo La Vecchia
of Italy lectured on the impact of lifestyle on breast
cancer and more. Likewise, joint workshops were
held on how to work towards eradicating the health
inequality prevailing between different European
countries in all that concerns treatments and services
offered to breast cancer patients, and additionally,
presentations were delivered about activities to
improve public awareness, and the list goes on
and on. At the workshop, Sara presented activities
conducted in Israel to heighten public awareness
of breast cancer, namely: seminars for women
recovering from breast cancer and young breast
cancer patients, art projects, Comprehensive Breast
Health Centers, and the Mobile Mammography
Vehicle, that helps narrow the gaps in mammography
screening compliance between central regions and
the periphery of Israel, and more.
The 11th Annual Northern Israel
Oncology Conference – Joint
on Personalized Therapy of
Breast Cancer and Cancer of
the Head & Neck
Early February saw the 11 th Annual Northern
Israel Oncology Conference held in Haifa. As
every year, hundreds of participants attended the
conference, including nurses, technicians, physicists,
welfare workers, physicians and leading Israeli and
international research scientists, hailing even from
the Palestinian Authority. The conference featured
enriching lectures delivered by the top local and
global experts on focused and personalized therapy
of breast cancer and cancer of the head & neck.
The annual conference was initiated by Prof.
Abraham Kuten Director, Division of Oncology,
Rambam Health Care Campus, and was sponsored
by the ICA, the Technion Faculty of Medicine, the
Israeli Society for Clinical Oncology and Radiation
Therapy (ISCORT) and the Rambam Health Care
Campus. The conference took place in conjunction
with AROME (Association of Radiotherapy and
Oncology of the Middle Eastern Area) an organization
established five years ago that assembles oncology
experts from 21 countries of the Middle East and
the surrounding region. Prof. Kuten, who also
serves as a member of the Executive Committee of
AROME, represents Israel in this organization. 12
members of the Executive Committee participated
at the conference, among them the organization’s
President, Prof. Yazid Belkacemi of Monaco.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
‫‏‬Mrs. Miri Zvi, ICA Director
General, has been chosen by
the American Cancer Society
(ACS) to serve as Global Cancer
Ambassador to support the fight
against cancer
Prof. Abaham Kuten,Photo credit: Pyoter Fliter
S‫ ‏‬econd US-Israel
Breast Imaging Update
Mid-July saw the Second US-Israel Breast Imaging
Update. This unique conference, held for the second
time under the initiative of Prof. Rachel F. Brem
of the U.S. and organized by Dr. Miri Sklair-Levy,
Director of the Breast Imaging Unit at Sheba Medical
Center, Tel Hashomer, was aimed at expanding the
knowledge of radiologists and imaging technicians
regarding the diagnosis of benign and malignant
breast tumors. The conference featured enriching
lectures on this topic, using ultrasound to evaluate
solid tumors, guidelines on how to use the MRI,
and more. The ICA sponsored the participation of
Dr. A. Thomas Stavros, Medical Director and
Senior Radiologist of the University of Colorado, U.S.
Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General and member of
the Executive Committee of the Union for International
Cancer Control (UICC) has been chosen to
serve as a Global Cancer Ambassador by the
American Cancer Society (ACS). September 2011
saw a High-Level Meeting on the Prevention and
Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)
(including cancer) of the UN General Assembly in
New York, attended by heads of state, dignitaries,
and leaders from across the globe. The aim of
the meeting was to set global policy guidelines
for contending with these diseases - a golden
opportunity to make cancer a global priority.
Mrs. Miri Ziv was chosen by virtue of her activity
as ICA Director General and in view of the fact that
she has initiated and served as the driving force
behind the implementation of projects advancing
the fight against cancer in Israel. Additionally, Miri
suffered the loss of both her son and brother, who
succumbed to cancer. While preparing for the
special UN meeting, Miri Ziv represented Israel
at an unprecedented event held in New York in
June that was organized by the American Cancer
Society and orchestrated by cancer survivors and
activists. This meeting was held to put a face on
the global cancer burden and engage the UN and
its member states in addressing the global cancer
issue. Upon the approach of the event, under the
slogan: “We Can, We Should, We Will Conquer
Cancer”, the ACS invited 80 inspirational “Global
Ambassadors” from around the world who have
a compelling story to tell about how the disease
is affecting their countries, their lives and their
families. Additional meetings were held at the UN
so that the different delegations could encourage
their governments to lend support on a global scale
to the fight against these diseases. ICA Ministry
of Health Director General, Prof. Roni Gamzu,
invited Mrs. Ziv to join the delegation to be led by
acting Minister of Health, Rabbi Yaakov Litzman.
Prof. Eliezer Robinson, ICA
Chairman, was granted two
international appointments:
the only off-shore member of
the ASCO Cancer Survivorship
Committee and a member of
“THE ASCO POST” Editorial
Advisory Board
Prof. Eliezer Robinson, ICA Chairman,
was appointed to serve as member of the
ASCO Cancer Survivorship Committee (The
American Society of Clinical Oncology), the
only non-American member of this Committee.
Additionally, Prof. Robinson was invited to
serve as a member of the International Editorial
Advisory Board of the ASCO POST published
by the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
This is a prestigious journal for oncology
professionals who treat the disease from
different professional angles. The ICA is proud
of Prof. Robinson’s many achievements and
commends him on his appointments that will
lead the Israeli healthcare system and the world
on the path to enhanced healthcare services
for cancer patients and survivors.
From right to left – Ann Lise Ryel CO
Norwegian Cancer Society, Princess
Nikky of Nigeria of the Breast
Cancer Foundation and Miri Ziv, ICA
Director General
Miri Ziv with the Israeli Ambassador
to the UN, Mr. Ron Prosor, who,
only several days after being
appointed to this important
position, took the time to meet
with Miri, along with Consul Mrs.
Shuli Davidovitch, who undertook
to do their utmost to promote
this issue.
Prof. Robinson
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Each year, the ICA awards dozens of fellowship
grants to physicians in medical centers and to
scientists in research institutes and universities
throughout the country. This involves basic, clinical
and epidemiological research, as well as studies
investigating the psycho-social aspects of the disease
and the coping strategies of cancer patients and
their families. Prof. Yossi Yarden heads the ICA
Research Committee and Mrs. Sabrina Cassuto
oversees the Research Committee.
Fellowships for
Research Scientists:
The Ber Lemsdorf
Memorial Fund:
•Dr. Ayoub Nabieh of the Technion, for his study
on “High-throughput Mapping of Target Genes
Regulated by the Histone Demethylase Activity of
KDM4C” in memory of the late John Furman,
Chairman of the Israel Cancer Association from
•Dr. Elana Kadmon of Hadassah Medical Center,
Ein Karem Campus, for her study on “The
Perceptions of Israeli Women with Breast
Cancer Regarding the Role of the Breast Care
Nurse throughout all Stages of Treatment: A
Multi-Center Study”, in memory of the late
Prof. Nathan Trainin, Chairman of the Israel
Cancer Association from 1991-1995.
The late Alter Jacob Israel
& Layla Environment and
Epidemiologic Research
•Dr. Dalit Modan-Moses, of Sheba Medical Center,
for her study on “Vitamin levels in pediatric and
adolescent patients with malignant diseases”.
•Dr. Lital Keinan-Boker, of Haifa University, for
her study on “The effect of breastfeeding and
infant nutrition on childhood cancer risk”.
The Buksnbaum-Neta
•Prof. Sidi Yehezkel and Dr. Avni Dror of
Sheba Medical Center, for their study on “The
role of promoter associated RNA (paRNA) in the
regulation of Surviving Expression”.
•Prof. Fibach Eitan, Dr. Perlman Riki and
Dr. Dina Ben Yehuda of Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem Campus, for their study
on “Genetic stability of hematopoietic stem
cells in healthy individuals and patients with
myeloproliferative diseases”.
•Prof. Rubinshtein Avraham and Dr. Nissan
Aviram of Hebrew University, for their study
on “Multi-target novel PNA constructs for early
diagnosis of colorectal cancer by luminal oriented
molecular imaging”.
•Prof. Lavi Sara of Tel Aviv University, for her
study on “Genomic instability and tumorigenesis:
heterochromatin contraction and the generation
of extrachromosomal circular DNA”.
A grant from the Boaz Adar Memorial
Foundation was awarded to Prof. Deborah
Fass of the Weizmann Institute of Science, for
her study on “Inhibiting Disulfide Formation in the
Extracellular Matrix to Disrupt Stromal Support of
Tumor Cell Survival and Metastasis”.
The Susan G. Komen for the Cure non-profit
organization, which seeks to increase global awareness
of early detection to save lives, empower people,
ensure quality care for all and energize science to
find the cures, awarded a research fellowship to
Prof. Ron-Natan Apte of Ben-Gurion University,
for his study on “Involvement of microenvironmentderived IL-1 in tumor dormancy and relapse in
breast cancer”.
From the proceeds of a fundraising concert to promote
bone marrow research in honor of Mr. Menashe
Menny, a research fellowship was awarded to
Dr. Amir Orian (Oryan) of the Technion, for his
study on “Targeting RNF4, a co-factor essential for
wnt-myc pathway in Multiple Myeloma”.
Outstanding Researcher
Grants were awarded to:
•Dr. Zvi Fridlender of Hadassah Medical Center, Ein
Karem Campus, for his study on “Characterization
and polarization of tumor associated neutrophils
in thoracic malignancies”.
•Prof. Idit Shachar of the Weizmann Institute of
Science, for her study on “The role of CD84 in
the interaction between chronic B lymphocytic
leukemia (B-CLL) and its microenvironment, and
in the regulation of leukemia cell survival”.
•Dr. Neta Erez of Tel Aviv University, for her study
on “Defining the role of fibroblast-mediated
inflammation in mammary carcinogenesis”.
•Dr. Ilana Kaplan of Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical
Center, for her study on “Human papillomavirus
infection and the risk for squamous cell carcinoma
of the head and neck area in Israel: A multicenter
•Prof. Ron Apte of Ben-Gurion University, for
his study on “Involvement of microenvironmentderived IL-1 in tumor dormancy and relapse in
breast cancer”.
•Dr Esti Yeger-Lotem, of Ben-Gurion University,
for her study on “A network biology approach
to decipher melanoma pathways”.
Israel Cancer Association
Annual Research Day
Dozens of leading cancer research scientists
participated in the third Israel Cancer Association
Research Day held in early October at Beit Mati,
ICA Head Offices in Givatayim. At the opening
session, greetings were delivered by Prof. Yossi
Yarden, Chairman of the ICA Research Committee,
who initiated this annual Research Day, and
Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, who gave
a brief overview of ICA activity. The opening
lecture was moderated by Prof. Rafi Catane,
Chairman of the Department of Oncology at
Sheba Medical Center and was delivered by
Prof. David Sidransky, a cancer researcher from
Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, United
States on “Personalizing Cancer Therapy Today”.
The morning session which focused on genetics,
biological and chemical responses was moderated
by Prof. Israel Vlodavsky of the Technion, and
lectures were delivered by Prof. Ronit Sarid,
Prof. Reuven Reich, Dr. Yifat Abadi-Korek and
Dr. Yuval Shaked. At the intermission, participants
were invited to take a look at posters that displayed
many research studies that were financed by the
ICA. The afternoon session was moderated by
Prof. Uri Nir, Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences
at Bar-Ilan University, and featured lectures delivered
by Dr. Itai Ben-Porat, Prof. Benny
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Dekel, Dr. Mary Bakhanashvili and Prof.
Arie Admon. A round table discussion was held
thereafter on ”Oncology: future perspective –
where will we be in 2030?” moderated by Dr. Noa
Ben-Baruch, Director, Department of Oncology
at Kaplan Medical Center and featuring lecturers
Prof. Abraham Kuten, Prof. Eitan Galon, Dr.
Gal Merkel, and Prof. Gidi Rechavi. The day
ended with an announcement regarding the
outstanding posters – those of Dr. Ella Evron
of Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Prof. Arie
Admon of the Technion, and Prof. Jacob Gopas
of Soroka Medical Center, who were awarded
with cash prizes.
based on research activity judged to be worldleading. Since the organization’s inception, its
activity has been sponsored and accompanied
by the ICA on an ongoing basis. The end of May
saw the Third Annual Conference of the ISCR,
which was held at the Givat Ram Campus of the
Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The conference
was attended by 300 scientists and physicians
and featured lectures delivered by leading cancer
researchers hailing from Israel and abroad.
The highlight was the participation of two leading
scientists from abroad, Prof. J.H.J. Hoeijmakers
of Holland and Prof. Mariano Barbacid of Spain;
additionally, dozens of research studies were
presented in poster format.
The Third Annual Conference
of the Israeli Society for
Cancer Research (ISCR)
The Israeli Society for Cancer Research (ISCR)
has set its sights on convening all Israeli cancer
research - scientists – in academic institutions,
hospitals, government institutes and the private
sector - to promote collaborative efforts among
Israeli cancer research scientists and between
Israeli scientists and their overseas colleagues and
to facilitate mutually productive relationships that
will help achieve the overall objective: improving
outcomes in cancer prevention and treatment,
The following is a list of the research fellowships
awarded by the ICA for 2011:
Inst. + Researcher
Research subject
Funded By
Prof. Siegal Tali
Dr. Lavon I.
Hadassah Medical
Center,Ein- Karem,
Monitoring of circulating tumorspecific DNA in brain tumors a promising strategy for clinical
and biological follow-up.
ICA USA, from Golf proceeds
Prof. Shachar I.
Weizmann Institute
of Sceince, Rehovot
The role of CD84 in the interaction The Estate of the late Lea Bartal
between chronic B lymphocytic
leukemia (B-CLL) and its
microenvironment, and in the
regulation of leukemia cell survival.
Dr. Kadmon E.
Hadassah Medical
Center,Ein- Karem,
The Perceptions of Israeli Women
with Breast Cancer Regarding
the Role of the Breast Care
Nurse throughout all Stages of
Treatment: A multicenter study
The Ber-Lehmsdorf Memorial
Fund in memory of the late
Prof.Nathan Trainin
Prof. Kupiec M.
Tel-Aviv University
Genetics of telomere length
Lee and Harvey Poppel, Florida
Dr. Arama Eli
Weizmann Institute of
Sceince, Rehovot
A novel nonapoptotic physiological
cell death pathway.
Dr. Yeger-Lotem Esti
Ben Gurion University.
Beer- Sheva
A network biology approach to
decipher melanoma pathways.
Dr. Ella Sklan
Tel-Aviv University
Establishing the role of Hepatitis
C virus non-structural protein
5A in viral assembly using live
cell imaging- implications to
viral inducted Hepatocellular
Dr. Sprecher Eli
Dr. Nelkenbaum Gila
Dr. Sarig Ofer
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
The genetic basis of Generalized
Basaloid Follicular Hamartoma
The Estate of the late Lea Bartal
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Inst. + Researcher
Research subject
Funded By
Prof. Cohen M.
Prof. Pollack S.
Haifa University
Cancer related fatigue in old and
young breast patients: assessment
of the relationship between
emotional symptoms and immune
dysregulation and the moderating
role of psycological and genetic
The Estate of the late Lea Bartal
Prof. Baider L.
Dr. Merims S.
Hadassah Medical
Center,Ein- Karem,
Between loss and hope:
Appraising the needs of elderly
cancer patients’ caregivers.
The Estate of the late Lea Bartal
Dr. Mabjeesh N.
Prof. Kam Z.
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Optimization of bladder cancer
therapeutics using cell-based
Nancy and Peter Brown
Dr. Keinan-Boker L.
Haifa University
The effect of breastfeeding and
infant nutrition on childhood
cancer risk.
The late Alter Jacob Israel
and Layla Environment and
Epidemiologic Research
Dr. Blum Galia
Tel-Aviv University
Cathepsin Photodynamic
Quenched Activity Based Probes
for Detection and Targeted
Cancer Therapy.
Dr. Kaplan I.
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Human papillomavirus infection
and the risk for squamous cell
carcinoma of the head and neck
area in Israel: A multicenter study.
The Estate of the late Lea Bartal
Prof. Friedman E.
Sheba Medical Center,
Tel Hashomer
Defining new genes that
underlie inherited predisposition
to breast cancer in Ashkenazi
Jewish women.
Mrs. Linda R. Kaminow
Dr. Zuckerman T.
Rambam Medical
Center, Haifa
Phylogentic analysis of single
leukemia cells, in the study of relapse mechanisms.
Mrs. Dorothy R. Freiden, in
memory of Philip and Mary
Inst. + Researcher
Research subject
Funded By
Dr. Shibolet O.
The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem
Exploring a novel oncogenic
role for Endoplasmic reticulum
(ER) - stress signaling in hepatic
carcinogenesis in mice and man.
Dr. Gavrilov V.
Ben Gurion University,
Beer- Sheva
Valproic Acid in combination
with chemoradiotherapy using
gemcitabine for enhanced
treatment of unresectable locally
advanced pancreatic cancer.
Dr. Mandel Mathilda
Sheba Medical Center,
Tel Hashomer
Assessment of drug interactions
and cross reactivity between
Hypericin scheduled to enter
a Phase II-b clinical study in
glioblastoma patients with
recurrent disease,and other drugs
functioning through similar or
different mechanisms.
The Estate of the late
Grimberg Paolina
Dr. Berger R.
Sheba Medical Center,
Tel Hashomer
TMPRSS2: ERG Gene-fusion
promotes Epithelial to
Mesenchymal Transition in
Immortalized Human Prostate
Epithelial Cells.
The Estate of the late
Grimberg Paolina
Dr. Shomron Noam
Tel-Aviv University
microRNAs may contribute to patient cancer drug resistance.
The Estate of the late
Grimberg Paolina
Prof. Fass Deborah
Weizmann Institute of
Sceince, Rehovot
Inhibiting Disulfide Formation in
the Extracellular Matrix To Disrupt
Stromal Support of Tumor Cell
Survival and Metastasis.
The Boaz Adar Memorial
Dr. Gilad W. Vainer
Dr. Karen Meir
Hadassah Medical
Center,Ein- Karem,
Clinically classifying the triple
negative breast cancers by DEUS
(Discretely Expressed Unique
Sequences) Genes.
David and Rhoda Chase
Prof. Hanani Menachem
Dr. Halpern Naama
Hadassah Medical Center,
Ein- Karem, Jerusalem
ICA USA, from Golf proceeds
Neuropathic Pain: A New Approach
to Mechanisms and Therapy.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Inst. + Researcher
Research subject
Funded By
Dr. Avni D.
Prof. Sidi Y.
Sheba Medical Center,
Tel Hashomer
The role of promoter associated
RNA (paRNA) in the regulation
of Survivin expression.
Buksnbaum-Neta Foundation
Dr. Nabieh Ayoub
Technion, Haifa
High-throughput Mapping of Target The Ber-Lehmsdorf Memorial
Genes Regulated by the Histone
Fund in memory of the late
Demethylase Activity of KDM4C.
John Furman
Dr. Erez Neta
Tel-Aviv University
Defining the role of fibroblastmediated inflammation in
mammary carcinogenesis.
The Estate of the late Lea Bartal
Dr. Ben-Yehuda Dina
Prof. Fibach Eitan
Dr. Perlman Riki
Hadassah Medical
Center,Ein- Karem,
Genetic stability of hematopoietic
stem cells in healthy individuals
and patients with
myeloproliferative diseases.
Buksnbaum-Neta Foundation
Prof. Apte R.
Ben Gurion University,
Beer- Sheva
Involvement of microenvironment- Susan G. Komen for the Cure
derived IL-1 in tumor dormancy
and relapse in breast cancer.
Dr. Orian (Oryan) Amir
Technion, Haifa
Targeting RNF4, a co-factor
essential for wnt-myc pathway
in Multiple Myeloma.
Prof. Neufeld G.
Technion, Haifa
The roles of the plexin-A4 receptor
and its semaphorin-6B ligand in
tumor angiogenesis and tumor
Prof. Assaraf Y.
Technion, Haifa
Impaired FPGS splicing as a novel
mechanism of antifolate- esistance
in acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Prof. Keisari Y.
Tel-Aviv University
Are DNA damage and repair
mechanisms responsible for
differences in the sensitivity of solid
tumors to a novel radioactive
treatment utilizing intratumoral
Ra-224 loaded wires, which spread
in the tumor atoms emitting lethal
alpha particles?
Inst. + Researcher
Research subject
Funded By
Prof. Rubinshtein A.
Dr. Nissan A.
Multi-target novel PNA constructs
for early diagnosis of colorectal
cancer by luminal oriented
molecular imaging.
Buksnbaum-Neta Foundation
Dr. Avni Orly
Technion, Haifa
Target-dependent function of
Polycomb group proteins in
T helper (CD4+) cells.
ICA USA, from Golf proceeds
Prof. Lavi S.
Tel-Aviv University
Genomic instability and
tumorigenesis: heterochromatin
contraction and the generation of
extrachromosomal circular DNA.
Buksnbaum-Neta Foundation
Dr. Fridlender Z.
The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem
Characterization and polarization
of Tumor associated neutrophils in
thoracic malignancies.
The Estate of the late Lea Bartal
Dr. Volovitz Ilan
Prof. Ram Z.
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Development and use of a
spontaneous model for brain
tumors in dogs to model the effect
of the ‘Split immunity’ method to
immunologically treat brain tumors.
Dr. Modan-Moses D.
Sheba Medical Center,
Tel Hashomer
Vitamin D levels in pediatric
and adolescents patients with
malignant diseases.
The late Alter Jacob Israel
and Layla Environment and
Epidemiologic Research
Dr. Bonstein Lilach
Dr. Haddad N.
Rambam Medical Center,
Identification of diagnostic
and therapeutic tools for the
prevention of immune platelet
refractoriness in patients
diagnosed with acute myeloid
ICA USA, in honor of Herme’
De-Wyman Miro
Dr. Lovan D.
Haemek Medical Center
Effects of regimen-dependent
chemotherapy (maximal tolerated
dose Vs. low dose metronomic)
on tumor angiogenesis in breast
cancer: clinical and laboratory studies.
Dr. Onn Amir
Dr. Damianovich Maya
Sheba Medical Center,
Tel Hashomer
The biology of pleural effusion in
patients with lung cancer.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Inst. + Researcher
Research subject
Funded By
Dr. Shaulian E.
The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem
JunB inhibits autophagy:
mechanisms and implication on
chemotherapy-induced cell death.
The Ber-Lehmsdorf Memorial
Prof. Mandelboim O.
The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem
Learning from viruses:
identification of novel cellular
microRNAs which enable tumor
escape from NK cell attack.
Prof. Sherman L.
Tel-Aviv University
Role of human papillomavirus in
the pathogenesis of skin cancer:
Transforming functions of the viral
E6 and E7 genes.
Prof. Ast G.
Tel-Aviv University
Exonization in cancer.
Dr. Rahat M.
Carmel Medical
Role of miR-146a in iNOS
regulation in mouse renal cell
carcinoma: Translational inhibition
as means to escape macrophageinduced apoptosis.
Louis and Marcia
Schneider Fund
Prof. Aqeilan R.
The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem
Role of the Wwox tumor
suppressor in the pathogenesis
of osteosarcoma.
The Polishook Family (ICA USA)
Prof. Reich R.
The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem
Lysyl oxidase-like enzymes in tumor The Ber-Lehmsdorf Memorial
progression in ovarian carcinoma. Fund in memory of the late
John Furman
Prof. Katzav-Shapira S.
The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem
The role of Vav1 and its responsive
genes in lung cancer development.
Dr. Varon D.
Dr. Gofrit Ofer
Hadassah Medical
Center,Ein- Karem,
Platelet derived microparticles
content and properties as a marker
for prostate cancer progression.
Dr. Tadmor T.
Bnei Zion Medical Center
Efficacy of transduced B-CLL cells
with Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
vector Encoding human 4-1BBL
to produce an anti tumor
immune response.
Barry Neustein in memory of
Irving Neustein
The ICA friends in Switzerland
Inst. + Researcher
Research subject
Dr. Markel G.
Sheba Medical Center,
Tel Hashomer
Targeting CEACAM1 for novel
cancer therapy.
Dr. Haran T.
Technion, Haifa
High throughput studies on
sequence-specific binding of
wild type p53, mutant p53, and
second-site suppressor mutations,
to DNA target sites.
Prof. Karin N.
Technion, Haifa
The role of CCR5 ligands in cancer
of the prostate.
Prof. Admon A.
Technion, Haifa
Development of a new method
for blood based cancer diagnostic.
Dr. Shaked Y.
Technion, Haifa
The regulatory role of SDF-1 and
bone marrow derived CXCR4+
cells in the growth of metastases
following chemotherapy.
Prof. Ganot I.
Tel-Aviv University
Photothermal Imaging System
for Diagnosis of Oral Cancer.
Dr. Israeli Y.
The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem
Novel methods for targeted
therapy of pancreatic carcinomaskilling cells expressing VICKZ.
Dr. Sarid R.
Bar Ilan University,
Functional characterization of the
interaction between the KS-Bcl-2
encoded by KSHV and the putative
glioma tumor suppressor gene
product (PICT-1/ GLTSCR2).
Dr. Cohen C.
Bar Ilan University,
Targeting of multiple malignancies
by T-lymphocytes engineered to
express NK receptors.
Prof. Kerem B.
The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem
The molecular events leading to
replication stress and genome
instability in cancer development.
Dr. Bentur L.
Rambam Medical Center,
Examining the acute impact of
smoking hookah on the respiratory
Funded By
Jane and Richard Karp
The Ber-Lehmsdorf Memorial
Fund in memory of the late
Prof. Nathan Trainin
Mr. David Brown in memory of
Beatrice K. Brown
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Inst. + Researcher
Research subject
Dr. Mardor Y.
Sheba Medical Center, Tel
The effect of infusate temperature
on convection-enhanced drug
delivery in normal rat brain.
Dr. Parvari R.
Ben Gurion University.
Beer- Sheva
Dr. Wreschner D.
Tel-Aviv University
Tubulin-specific chaperone E
(TBCE): A possible novel player in
cancer and drug response.
Eradication of MUC1-expressing
cancer cells via the MUC1 SEA
Novel insights concerning RAP80,
a novel DNA damage response protein involved in heredity
breast cancer.
Dr. Goldberg M.
The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem
Dr. Hirshberg A.
Tel-Aviv University
Oral lichen planus - a risk factor for
the development of oral cancer.
Epidemiological and molecular
cytogenetic study.
Prof. Werner H.
Tel-Aviv University
Evaluation of the proliferative
activities of insulin analogues in
tumor cells.
Blocking CD74 pathway as a novel
therapeutic approach in chronic
lymphocytic leukemia.
Dr. Haran M.
Kaplan Medical
Dr. Karni R.
The Hebrew University of
The role of the splicing factor
hnRNP A2/B1 in breast cancer
metastasis and identification
of its target genes.
Dr. Mayner V.
Dr. Goldberg Y.
Hadassah Medical
Center,Ein- Karem,
Prof. Vardimon L.
Tel-Aviv University
Identification and characterization
of patients with deficiency in
mismatch repair (MMR-D)
among individuals with clinical
features of NF1.
Aberrant expression of the
proto-oncogene c-Jun in
glioblastoma cells.
Evaluation of radiation induced
cardiotoxicity by Multi-detector
computed tomography.
Dr. Goldberg H.
Prof. Kuten A.
Funded By
The ICA friends in Switzerland
Mr. Adam Brown
Memorial Funds Donated to ICA
•The Boaz Adar Memorial Fund established by
Yael and Shimon Adar, in memory of their son
Boaz, for the provision of research grants.
•The Israel Jacob Alter Memorial Fund for
the provision of an annual research grant for
outstanding research project in environment
and/or epidemiology.
•The Israel Jacob and Layla Alter Memorial
Fund for the operation of the Activity Support
Center for cancer patients and their families.
•The Lea Arbel Memorial Fund to finance training
programs for para-medics who attend to cancer
• The Ben Eliezer Avigdor Memorial Fund for
the support of activity for children who have
•The Ber-Lehmsdorf Memorial Fund managed
by executors of the estate of the late Dr. BerLehmsdorf of Switzerland, for the provision of
research grants.
•The Chaya and Naftali Bloch Memorial Fund
bequeathed by the late Chaya Bloch for the
provision of research grants.
•The Annetta Cherna Fund, bequeathed by the
deceased to finance activity on behalf of child
cancer patients.
•The Sir Charles Clore Foundation in support
of maintaining the Sir Charles Clore Hostel in
•The Ethel Cohen Memorial Fund for the
provision of cancer research grants.
•The Rivka Dror, Esther and Leon Arditi, Miriam
and Shlomo Hasid Fund for cancer research
and the purchase of medical equipment.
•The Dina and Zalman Goldberg Memorial
Fund for the promotion of research conducted
by students and young doctors working in the
Oncology Division at the Rambam Health Care
Campus in Haifa.
•The Raya (Rela) Golombo Memorial Fund
bequeathed by the late Raya (Rela) Golombo
in memory of Reuven and Meir Golombo and
their mother Sonya Golombo; Miriam Gerster
and her parents Raphael Gerster and Rela (Raya)
Gerster-Golombo née Kaplanowitz; Sonya
Lev, husband Yossef and their daughters Kasnya
and Avigail, who perished in the Holocaust;
Yossef Golombo and Dina Kaplanowitz.
•The Ronit Greenfas Memorial Fund for special
•The Simon and Irma Gross Memorial Fund
for cancer research.
•The “I Care” Fund in memory of the late Ofira
Navon, for the support of psycho-oncology
conferences, workshops and seminars.
•Joint Headquarters of Quality Assurance
•The Yehudit Kleinberger Memorial Fund of
Munich for the provision of research grants.
•The Charlotta Kolber Memorial Fund bequeathed
by the late Charlotta Kolber for the provision of
research grants.
•The Mina Margot Laveh Memorial Fund for
the support of cancer research.
• The Mathilde Recanati Memorial Fund for
the support of special programs advancing the
fight against cancer.
•The Tamar Rodich Memorial Fund established
by her son Ilan Rodich to support Hospice and
Home Hospice Care (special programs).
•The Miriam Eva Sharoni (Stern) nee Lang
Memorial Fund established by her husband,
Avraham Sharoni, to support ICA activities.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
•The Alexander Smidoda Memorial Fund
bequeathed by the deceased for the provision
of research grants.
•The Leah and Yosef Solomon Memorial Fund
bequeathed by the late Yosef Solomon to
finance fellowship grants.
•The Miriam and Benjamin Stanton Fund
established by Miriam and Benjamin Stanton
of England, for the support of cancer research.
•The Hanna Uldak Memorial Fund, for the
purchase of computers for children who have
cancer, as part of the Hope for Life project.
•The Moshe Wolf Memorial Fund for the
provision of cancer research grants.
•The Ronni Yudison Memorial Fund, established
by the deceased’s husband, Meir Yudison, for
the provision of research grants.
•The Ronit Zilberfarb (Mer) Memorial Fund for
financing a stomach cancer research fellowship.
Data Collection and Follow-up,
Equipment, Construction and
The National
Mammography Project
The ICA assisted in establishing an infrastructure
for mammography device quality control and also
helped fund the purchase of new equipment for
screening centers across the country. Approximately
58 centers in operation have Ministry of Health
approval for medical equipment quality and
radiation levels. The Ministry stipulates that each
center run regular tests to examine image quality
and film development procedures.
Fifty-one mammography centers currently operate
under clinical quality assurance, as part of the joint
ICA-Ministry of Health National Mammography
Project. This ICA-funded program supervises and
controls imaging, surgery and oncology data.
The database of this program, headed by Prof. Gad
Rennert of the National Disease Control Center
at Carmel Medical Center, has so far accumulated
data on 4 million tests. The ICA funds data quality
control each year.
Following an ICA-initiated discussion at a meeting
of the Israel National Oncology Council, a special
task committee was formed to recommend rules
of procedure reflecting further aspects to be
implemented by the Ministry of Health. (Further
information on the National Mammography Program
may be found in the “Early Detection” chapter and
the “Information and Education” chapter).
Upgrading National
Protocol of Childhood Acute
Lymphatic Leukemia
The ICA continues to provide financial aid to collect
and process data on children afflicted with acute
lymphatic leukemia and who are undergoing
treatment according to the National Protocol, which
is a unique extension of the German Protocol – BFM.
All statistics are processed with ICA funding by
the Department of Statistics at Hebrew University.
The Protocol is coordinated by Prof. Batya Shtark
and Prof. Shai Izraeli.
Since the protocol’s inception some 19 years
ago, disparities in survival no longer exist
among children who contracted leukemia
and received treatments at various medical
centers. Additionally, there is no longer a gap
between the survival rates of Jewish and Arab
children afflicted with the disease.
The past decade has seen the development of
methods for submicroscopic detection of leukemia
cells, whereby intensive treatment in patients
at low risk for recurrence may be reduced, thus
evading long-term treatment damage and enabling
the detection of high risk patients who require
intensive treatment with potentially life-saving
impact. The ICA has assumed the task of assisting
in the upgrade of this method until its effectiveness
is proven. The ICA assists in upgrading the Israeli
Protocol for Children with Acute Lymphoblastic
Leukemia, aid which enables all pediatric oncologists
in Israel to provide the most advanced and upto-date treatment. The National Protocol was
upgraded in May this year and joined the New
European Protocol.
Involvement of Pediatric
Oncology Wards in Israel in
the treatment of Children
with Rhabdomyosarcoma
and other Sarcomas according
to the European Protocol
For the past three years, Israel has been involved
in the European Protocol for the Treatment of
Children with Soft Tissue Sarcomas, coordinated by
Prof. Myriam Ben-Arush. The ICA finances two
trips a year for Israeli delegates in this Protocol and
assists in funding a part-time post for a technician
who conducts the molecular biology tests at Sheba
Medical Center at Tel Hashomer and Schneider
Medical Center, for the rest of the medical centers
throughout the country.
ICA-funded Israel Genetic
Analysis Consortium
The institutes engaging in cancer genetics research
continue to conduct the joint and multi-center
study on the Genetics of Breast Cancer and Ovarian
Cancer in Israel. Prof. Efrat Levi-Lahad of Shaarei
Tzedek Hospital coordinates the Consortium in
collaboration with the Sheba, Rambam, Rabin,
Sourasky Wolfson, Kaplan, Soroka, Sha’arei
Tzedek, Assaf Harofeh, and Nahariya Medical
The Consortium is also conducting a research study
under the direction of Prof. Efrat Levi-Lahad,
in conjunction with Prof. Mary Claire King of
Washington University, Seattle. Over 660 female
BRCA1 and BRAC2 gene mutation carriers in Israel
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
and the United States were examined in this research.
This study, published in a highly reputed scientific
journal, demonstrated that genetic modifiers may
have a significant impact on the risk of contracting
a specific type of malignancy among BRCA1 or
BRCA2 gene mutation carriers.
About 3,000 male and female gene mutation
carriers have been entered in the Israeli
database; the ICA supports Consortium activity
and also financed the purchase of software, and
provided funding for the post of a research nurse
whose job it is to coordinate the research activity.
The Bnei Zion Medical Center in Haifa and the
Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon have recently
joined this initiative. Ha’emek Medical Center
in Afula and Maccabi Health Care Services are
soon to join the program as well.
at the Ministry of Health in a format defined and
formulated by the Data Collection and Follow up
Committee. Institutes are required to regularly
report on statistics relating to disease staging
data at diagnosis, as well as information relating
to the date of demise and cause of death of
patients. In order to implement this project,
the ICA provides funding for data collection
and analysis clerks at 14 oncology centers
throughout the country.
The Israel Center for Disease
Control of the Ministry of Health
ICA provides financial
assistance that allows hospitals
to purchase medical equipment
The National Cancer Registry is an important
entity that enables the evaluation of intervention
programs and the design of the oncology network.
Since the ICA funded its establishment in the
1960s, there has been productive collaboration
between the two.
This year, at the request of Prof. Tami Shohat, the
Director of the Israel Center for Disease Control of
the Ministry of Health, the ICA has been providing
funding for the post of a quality control supervisor
to represent the National Cancer Registry, and has
been fleshing out this position.
Cancer Patient Databases
In the past, the ICA installed computer systems
in oncology institutes, with the aim of enhancing
database quality and cancer registry records. Every
year, patient data collected from oncology institutes
are transferred to the Cancer Data Collection Unit
The ICA ascertains that public medical
institutes attending to cancer patients are
provided with the necessary funding for the
purchase of equipment, construction and
renovation of medical departments, and for
the provision of medical services:
Financial assistance was approved for “Ma’ayanei
Hayeshua” Medical Center in Bnei Brak for the
purchase of a mammography device for the Center’s
Mammography Institute.
Earmarked donations for
the construction of medical
departments and the purchase
of medical equipment
The Israel Cancer Association building in Jerusalem
was inaugurated this year at a gala ceremony (for
additional information, please see the “Strong
Together” Chapter). The purchase of the building
was made possible by the estate in memory of Israel
Jacob and Layla Alter of blessed memory.
Volunteers and Local
Fundraising Events
Thousands of energetic and dedicated ICA
volunteers dispersed in over 70 branches
all over Israel actively participate in diverse
events throughout the year for the wellbeing
of cancer patients and their families and the
promotion of ICA targets. These activities
include: conferences, seminars, lectures,
information booths and community health
promotion activities, support meetings,
and various performances and events, the
proceeds of which go directly to the ICA.
Some of these events have become a longstanding tradition.
Brief overview of the
fundraising events held
by ICA Branches
The end of December saw the traditional gala
held by Ashdod Branch. The event took place
at the Laguna Al Hahof Halls, sponsored by the
city’s Mayor, with hundreds in attendance. The
participants opened their pockets and bought
tickets to this gala event to assist cancer patients.
The tireless Branch Chairman, Mr. Moshe Banai,
didn’t spare any effort and with the help of the
branch volunteers, organized an enjoyable and
moving event. Heartwarming greetings from
Ashdod’s mayor, Dr. Yehiel Lasri, opened the
ball. Dr. Lasri, who lost his wife this year to cancer,
emphasized the importance of the fight against the
disease, and shared his personal story of battling
cancer with the audience. Mrs. Rivka Balistra,
Branches Dept. Manager thanked the Mayor for
his contribution, the Branch Chairperson and the
dedicated volunteers who do noteworthy work.
The guests enjoyed the meal, captivating dancing
and a raffle.
Tiberias Branch and Chairperson Ms. Dalia Slutzki,
initiated the 2nd Annual Young Talent Contest at
the multidisciplinary school “Nofarim Bagalil”.
The school staged a huge production of “Kochav
Nolad” (A Star is Born), which they performed at
the Yad Sheetrit Cultural Hall in Tiberias. The project
coordinators, Ms. Orna Yair and Ms. Inbal Rozen
put great efforts into producing this event.
The competition was held with unprecedented
enthusiasm, featuring numerous contestants
who showed great determination and persistence
while vying for the 10 spots as finalists. 18 young
talents reached the finals, delivering 10 impressive
performances to the large audience. In keeping with
the original competition, the “star” is chosen via
SMS text messages and the contest is overseen by
judges and professionals, teacher representatives
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
and parents. Until a final decision is made, the
audience enjoyed the stand-up performance give
by comedian Menny Ozeri.
Placing first were dancers Ateret Nahum, Raz
Binyamin, Eden Ben Ezra, Tom Zarchi, and
Gal Abadi. Tair Bahbut placed second in the
singing category and Sapir Kakun placed third
in the singing category.
Thanks to the productive collaboration between the
school and the Tiberias Branch, all the proceeds from
the event were dedicated to ICA’s commendable
activity. Mr. Zvika Biran, Head of the Northern
Branches and Chairperson of the Tiberias Branch,
Ms. Dalia Slutzi, greeted the audience and the
students and thanked all those who participated
in this noteworthy activity. Branch volunteers also
attended this event. Kudos for this wonderful
Kiryat Haim
The Kiryat Haim high school youth band prepared
a moving and special surprise a day after the Door
Knock fundraising campaign. The band staged the
musical “The Wizard of Oz” at Beit Nagler, delivering
a performance featuring lavish costumes and amazing
sets which offered the audience an enjoyable and
high quality experience. Ms. Zippi Horesh, Vice
Principal of the high school, moderated the event.
Among those attending were: Dr. Dudi Goshen
Managing Director of the Kiryat Haim High School
who opened the performance and greeted the
audience, ICA Chairman, Prof. Eliezer Robinson
and his wife; Director of the ICA Branches Dept.
and Door Knock Fundraising Campaign Manager,
Mrs. Rivka Balistra; Northern Branches Director,
Mr. Zvika Biran, Social Coordinator at the IAF
Technological College, Ms. Billy Miller, and,
tireless Chairperson of the Kiryat Haim Branch Ms.
Sarka Morgenstern, who greeted and thanked
all the guests who honored the event with their
presence, and all the band members for their moving
performance. The front rows were occupied by
a group of physically impaired youth and young
adults who are confined to wheelchairs and reside
at Beit Kessler, whose tickets were donated by Mr.
Adi Baliblau. All proceeds from the performance
were dedicated to ICA activities.
New Israel Cancer Association Branch opened in Kiryat Bialik
A new Israel Cancer Association Branch in
Kiryat Bialik was inaugurated in February
at the Volunteer House “Makom Balev”
(a place in the heart), and the event
was attended by many guests. The
ceremony opened with greetings from
Mr. Zvika Biran, ICA Northern Branches
Director, and Branch Chairman, Mr.
Sammy Benisti. The branch provides
guidance, assistance and support to
patients and their families in different
ways: by enhancing patients’ quality
of life through lessons and workshops
to be delivered at the Beit Hamitnadev
(Volunteer House), as well as by holding
meetings and lectures, and disseminating
information concerning patient rights
and services.
Unique collaborative
projects dedicated to
advancing the fight
against cancer:
Belle Mode magazine and
ICA joint breast cancer
awareness campaign
In early October 2010, Breast Cancer Awareness
Month, and marking Breast Health Day of the
European Breast Cancer Coalition, Europa Donna,
hundreds of distinguished guests filled the Cassiopeia
Hall at the Arena Shopping Mall in Herzliya joining
forced to achieve one important objective: increasing
awareness of breast cancer and the importance of
early detection. BelleMode magazine owned by
Haim Revivo and Jacky Ben Zaken, contacted 12
of Israel’s leading fashion designers and received
their consent to donate a dress they designed. The
dresses were on display in the magazine’s October
edition, and were then sold at a gala event featuring
a unique and impressive fashion show and a public
auction. Alon Livne, Alian Stollero, Gideon
Oberson, Karen Oberson, Maya Nagari, Yosef,
Lilach Algerbali, Dafna Levinson, Na’ama Bezalel,
and others were among the leading designers
who participated in this project and attended the
event. In addition to the spectacular fashion show
and lavish buffet, every woman who attended the
event received an exclusive bracelet consisting of
a Hamsa Hand charm and a pink ribbon designed
by Sagit Revivo. The event opened with moving
speeches from Mrs. Miri Zvi, ICA Director General,
Haim Revivo, event producer and business man,
Mr. Oren Revah, CEO of Elcalil, representative of
Estée Lauder in Israel, and Tali Zonenfeld-Barzilai,
magazine editor. The event was moderated by
performing artist Sharon Haziz, who recovered
from breast cancer, and pop singer Tzvika Pick
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Photo credit: Reuven Schneider
captivated the audience with his vocal performance.
Among the guests were many celebrities such
as Ofira Asayag, Gil Riva, Shelly Gafni, Ofek
Kairi, Moshe Datz, Arik and Niva Ben Zino,
Eyal Ben Simhon, Moshe Edri, Haim Castiel,
Yoav Gross, Lea Shnirer, Sorela Katorza, Haim
Sakal, Nir Sevilla, Rani and Hila Rahav, Karin
Donsky, Marina Kavisher, Dana Dankner and
Lee Greenbau, Shay Avital, and others.
The Israel Cancer Association took an active part
in the Jerusalem International Marathon events
The end of March 2011 saw the first-ever Jerusalem
International Marathon marking the story of the
city of Jerusalem through the ages, rooted in 3000
years of history. The marathon, coinciding with
a special 3-day EXPO exhibit, was divided into
three races. A popular race extending 4.2 km was
dedicated to the fight against cancer diseases. A
unique was held at the Sports, Health and Leisure
Expo was held at the Jerusalem International
Convention Center at Binyanei Ha’ooma, and was
open to the public and to thousands of marathon
runners who participated in the event. As an
organization which endeavors to promote a healthy
lifestyle in Israel, the ICA actively participated in
all the events, including the health and sports
exhibit, and the prestigious launch evening held
at the Mamilla Hotel. At the exhibit, the ICA set
up a distinguished and impressive booth. About
a week previous to this, a gala evening of the
international marathon was held at Mamilla Hotel.
Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, greeted and
thanked the participants, Jerusalem municipality,
and Mizrahi Tefahot Bank, who sponsored the
popular marathon heat. Later on in the evening,
Miri Ziv, ICA Director General and
Mr. Eli Yonas, CEO Mizrahi - Tefahot
Bank Sound the starting gun
Jerusalem’s mayor, Mr. Nir Barkat, awarded
Miri a certificate of appreciation which bore the
inscription: “To the Israel Cancer Association in
appreciation for your contribution to the success
of the Jerusalem Marathon”. Two days later,
ICA’s popular heat, attended by 1000 spectators,
began as Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, and
Mr. Eli Yonas, CEO Mizrahi Tefahot Bank, sounded
the starting gun. At the end of the heat, ornate
medals were awarded to all the participants and a
huge happening was held, featuring entertainment
stages and activities enjoyed by tens of thousands
of visitors who frequented the site.
“Door knock” Fundraising Campaign
Chairman, Presidet and CEO of Shufersal Ltd.,
Efi Rosenhaus, participating in the marathon
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
‫‏‬Friends of the ICA Abroad
Friends of the ICA chapters worldwide – in the
United States, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, the
Netherlands and the United Kingdom – continue
their devoted support for the ICA and continually
and persistently promote the tireless battle against
This assistance is greatly appreciated and held
in high esteem, as overseas donations enable
the ICA to attain significant achievements in the
promotion of research and support for patients:
the development of treatment modalities and
rehabilitation, enhancement of quality of life, and
promotion of the fight against cancer diseases in
Israel on all fronts.
United States of America
At the November 2011 Annual Meeting of Israel
Cancer Association USA (ICA USA), Mr. Bruce
S. Koppel was elected as President of the Board
of Directors for 2011-2012. Special thanks to
Immediate Past President Mr. Peter Brown,
who, we are sure, will continue to be a major
pillar promoting ICA USA activities for the patients
and against the disease. ICA also congratulates
Mr. Bruce S. Koppel on his appointment as ICA USA
President of the Board of Directors, and thanks the
devoted committee members for years of selfless
volunteer work.
Last January, Nobel Laureate Scientist and ICA’s
Honorary President, Prof. Aaron Ciechanover,
addressed intimate gatherings of donors in Palm
Beach homes on the topic of “Cancer therapy and
personalized medicine – there is hope at the end
of the tunnel”. The unique events were hosted by
Nancy and Peter Brown and by Jane and Richard
Karp. Dozens of groundbreaking cancer research
fellowships were reserved by guests who attended
the events. These fellowships will be awarded to
distinguished Israeli scientists in ICA’s fight to find a
cure for cancer. ICA USA Board President Mr. Bruce
Koppel said “We were so pleased to have had Prof.
Ciechanover in Palm Beach to meet our donors
and discuss Israel’s groundbreaking research”.
As a young scientist and physician, Prof. Ciechanover
received research fellowships from ICA and served as
a member of its Research Committee for a decade,
where he got an up-close look at the Association’s
activity to promote research, prevention and early
detection and to enhance patients’ quality of life.
As proof of his appreciation for ICA’s support,
Prof. Ciechanover has been serving as Honorary
President of ICA since 2009.
(L-R) Mrs. Nancy Brown, Prof. Aaron Ciechanover,
and Mr. Peter Brown, former President of ICA USA
Board of Directors.
ICA USA organized several spectacular events,
including ICA USA’s 2012 Gala, “Israel – A Place in Our
Hearts”, celebrating Israel’s many accomplishments
on February 22nd in Palm Beach, Florida. Mrs. Ari
Rifkin, a native of Israel, and Mrs. Gail Worth
co-chaired the fundraising event to support ICA’s
cancer research fellowships. The evening featured
a Photography Exhibition displaying photographic
vistas of life in Israel, captured by Mrs. Ari Rifkin
and Mr. Ferenc Illenyi, as well as a panoramic
view of African landscapes and candid wildlife
images, courtesy of Mrs. Ari Rifkin and Mr. Eric
Zvejnieks. Guests also enjoyed a virtuoso Musical
Interlude performed by the renowned Houston
Chamber Symphony concertmaster and violinist
Mr. Ferenc Illenyi, as well as a Live Auction, dinner
and dancing.
Mr. J. Scott Carpenter’s many years of experience
as a Middle East expert were evident in his insightful
presentation coined “Israel: An Asset at a Time
of Revolutionary Change in the Mid-East” at ICA
USA’s Annual Membership Brunch. The brunch,
held in December 2011 in Palm Beach, was
attended by more than 130 of the association’s
patrons. Co-Chairmen of the annual event were
Ann and Richard Sommer, and Nancy and Ellis
Jay Parker III.
(L-R) Mr. Bruce Koppel, President of ICA USA Board
of Directors, and Mr. J. Scott Carpenter, Membership
Brunch Guest Speaker.
112 golfers participated in ICA USA’s second annual
“Pitch In for Cancer Research” Golf Classic, to
support groundbreaking cancer research in Israel.
The golf tournament was held in April, 2011 at the
exclusive Banyan Golf Club in West Palm Beach.
Lauren and Jeremy Schneider, ICA USA board
members, chaired the 2011 Golf Classic.
(L-R) Mr. Eric Zvejnieks and Mrs. Ari Rifkin
(2012 Gala co - chairman) posing in front
of the photography exhibition
ICA USA’S donations to promote cancer research
for 2011 were provided by: Lee and Harvey L.
Poppel; Nancy and Peter Brown; Mrs. Linda R.
Kaminow; Rhoda and David Chase; Lillian and
William B. Sandler; Louis and Marcia Schneider
Fund; the Polishook Family; Mr. Barry Neustein,
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
The Friends of the ICA in Switzerland, headed by the
devoted Dr. Ronald Fried, continue their dedicated
efforts and support of various cancer research
fellowships. Since cancer knows no geographical
boundaries, every research breakthrough is applied
both in Israel and worldwide. Thanks to these
achievements obtained through research grants,
universal implications have been attained in the
promotion of the fight against cancer.
(L-R) Mr. Bernie Marcus, Founder of Home
Depot, and Mr. Peter Brown, Immediate
Past President of ICA USA.
in memory of Mr. Irwin Nautstein of blessed
memory; Jane and Richard Karp; Mr. Adam
Brown and Mr. David Brown – in memory of
Mrs. Beatrice K. Brown, of blessed memory.
Additionally, the ICA-USA dedicated a research
grant in honor of the distinguished Herme’ De
Wyman Miro. All the proceeds from the ICA-USA
Annual Golf Classic were dedicated to providing
financial support for two more research fellowships.
Mr. Doron Opher, Chairman of the Canadian
Friends of the ICA, continues his devoted support
for the ICA and persistently promotes the fight
against cancer.
The Friends of the Israel Cancer Association in
Munich, headed by the dedicated Mrs. Anita
Kaminski, have been doing wonderful work for
ICA for the past ten years. ICA has been witness to
the magnificent fundraising events the Friends have
been organizing with great devotion and passion.
It has been quite clear that the Munich Friends have
fully understood the crucial importance of ICA’s
mission. Mrs. Anita Kaminski and the Group lend
an outstretched hand to the ICA, promoting the
fight against cancer, and supporting the National
Treatment Protocol for Pediatric Leukemia. Since
the Protocol’s inception, disparities in survival rates
no longer exist among child leukemia patients
receiving treatments at various medical centers.
Additionally, there is no longer a gap between the
survival rates of Jewish and Arab children afflicted
with the disease.
A very moving and unforgettable event took place
in Frankfurt in July 2011, as the 90th birthday
of Mrs. Ruth Hofmann was celebrated in the
presence of, among others, Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA
Director General.
The guests attending the birthday were kindly
requested not to buy any presents but to donate
to ICA’s “Hope for Life” Project, which the Friends
in Frankfurt have been supporting for the past
years. As a token of appreciation, ICA dedicated
an inscription in honor of Mrs. Ruth Hofmann in
ICA’s Book of Life.
Mrs. Ruth Hofmann was the founder of the Friends
of ICA in Frankfurt, which was established on
September 13, 1984, by seven women with one
vision. Mrs. Hofmann became the first President
of the group and was honored in 1992 by then
President of Israel, the late Mr. Chaim Herzog.
Indeed, her activities and her dedication are very
much appreciated.
As usual, the gala was a tremendous success and
extremely elegant. Among the participants were:
Prof. Dr. Korn, Vice President of the Central Council
of Jews in Germany, accompanied by his wife
Maruscha, and President of B’nai B’rith Europe,
Mr. Ralph Hofmann, accompanied by his wife.
Our dedicated Friend, Mrs. Petra Kaffeesieder,
serves as the energetic and devoted Chairperson
of the ICA Friends in Frankfurt. For many years,
along with her loyal team, she has been engaged
in noteworthy endeavors such as the Chapter’s
annual gala held in October, attended by many
supporters and donors.
Inscription in honor of Mrs. Ruth Hofmann
in ICA’s Book of Life.
Mrs. Petra Kaffeesieder and
Dr. H. C. Ernst Gerhardt
ICA Director General, Mrs. Miri Ziv, presents
Mrs. Ruth Hofmann with a special certificate
of appreciation recognizing her devoted efforts.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
wife Jutta, as well as former participant of the
“Tour der Hoffnung”, Dr. Winni Huber.
The ICA Friends in Frankfurt Patron, Dr. Ernst
Gerhardt, who celebrated his 90th birthday this
year, thanked everybody and kindly asked that
people keep donating to the “Hope for Life”
Project. This project provides tutors who help
children keep up with their schoolwork while
confronting the disease.
The Netherlands
Mrs. Sharon Haziz
Mrs. Sharon Haziz, a famous Israeli singer who
recovered from breast cancer, honored the ICA
Friends in Frankfurt with her presence, contributing
a great deal to this event’s success. She delivered
a wonderful performance, captivating the audience
and getting everybody to sing along and even
dance to her songs.
A very interesting and informative lecture
was delivered by Dr. Buss of the Heidelberg
Comprehensive Cancer Center about new stem
cell research and its productive results.
The Hotel Intercontinental Frankfurt opened
its doors to the event and the highly reputed chef,
Mr. Bramkamp, prepared a wonderful dinner,
which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Thanks to some donations received, such as jewelry
and paintings, a raffle could once again be held,
raising a nice sum of money.
Another surprise of the evening was the participation
of the captain of the “Tour der Hoffnung”, Prof.
Dr. Fritz Lampert, accompanied by his wife Felicitas,
and Mr. Klaus Peter Thaler, accompanied by his
Friends of the ICA in the Netherlands, headed by
its fervent chairman, Mr. Bob Drake, continue
to help finance cancer research. This year, the
Friends of the ICA in the Netherlands assisted in
financing research on – “Impaired FPGS splicing
as a novel mechanism of antifolate-resistance in
acute lymphoblastic leukemia”, conducted by
Prof. Yehuda Assaraf of the Technion, Haifa.
In March, Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General,
visited the Friends of the ICA in the Netherlands,
for a meeting with volunteers held at a unique and
remarkable gallery of breathtaking art creations at
the home of the Chapter’s Chairman.
In honor of Mr. Rob Hompes’ birthday, his family
invited all his friends to a concert held at the local
synagogue. Mr. Hompes requested that his friends
refrain from giving him gifts, and urged them to
donate to the fight against cancer diseases instead.
The munificent proceeds that were collected upon
his request went to the ICA’s annual “Family
Vacation” project.
Thanks to Mr. Bob Drake’s unconditional support
and care, a noteworthy donation was allocated to
ICA by the Sonja van Tijn Foundation whose
main aim is to help young people in need of
special guidance to realize their full potential and
to expand their horizons beyond the limitations
of their disability. The Sonja van Tijn Foundation
provides grants to a few selected organizations
that cater to the educational and personal needs of
physically and mentally challenged Jewish children.
This contribution is earmarked for ICA’s “Sunsmart”
project which includes education packages that
are distributed in all educational establishments
throughout Israel.
This project aims to promote awareness and
education in order to prevent skin cancer among
children, using creative means.
United Kingdom
The Friends of the ICA in London, headed by the
energetic Mrs. Vered Aaron, tirelessly endeavors
to promote the fight against cancer in Israel and
continues its loyal and longtime support of the ICA.
Thanks to Mr. David Reuben’s assistance,
Mr. Paisner agreed to replace Mr. Jonathan
Morris among the London Friends of ICA. We
wish to thank Mr. Jonathan Morris for his devoted
work over the past years and wish Mr. Paisner great
success in his new position at the ICA.
The ICA bows its head in memory of veteran volunteer
of the Friends of the ICA in London, Mr. Stephan
Wingate of blessed memory, who passed away
in June 2011. Mr. Wingate served as Chairperson
of the Friends of the ICA in London from 1973 to
1993. In 1993, the late Mr. Wingate asked Mrs.
Vered Aaron to join the ranks of the Friends of the
ICA in London as the organization’s Chairperson,
and he continued to serve devotedly and loyally as
Deputy Chair of the Friends of the ICA in London
for many more years. His many years of volunteer
service saw a multitude of accomplishments which
have furthered ICA activities.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
J‫ ‏‬ubilee Anniversary of the Annual
“Door Knock” Fundraising Campaign
About 100,000 children
and volunteers enlisted
on behalf of 200,000
cancer patients and those
recovering from the disease
at the Annual Door Knock
Fundraising Campaign
Jubilee Anniversary
This year the Annual Door Knock Fundraising
Campaign was held on October 11th in a unique
format and with great excitement as the campaign’s
50th Anniversary approached. About 100,000 children,
school students, youth movement members, and
ICA volunteers from all walks of life participated
in the ceremony. The ICA, consisting of over 70
branches extending across the country, maintains
close ties with the education system. The goal was
to reach every Israeli household, from north to
south, including Israeli embassies throughout the
globe. The children arrived in all cities, kibbutzim
and moshavim (collective settlements), including
the towns of Arab and Bedouin society and areas
inhabited by religious and ultra-Orthodox sectors.
Campaign Manager, Mrs. Rivka Balistra, initiated
an unprecedented campaign strategy in the form of
a special ICA magnet explaining how to donate to
the organization left on doors where nobody was
home. Marking the Annual Door Knock Campaign
Jubilee events, the ICA launched a new public
information campaign, and held a press conference
that revealed new cancer morbidity and mortality
data, and also presented ground breaking research
studies that were financed by the ICA and opened
the official fundraising campaign with a moving
gala ceremony, traditionally held at the President’s
Press Conference
Marking the 2010
“Door Knock” Fundraising
Campaign Kickoff
Prof. Eliezer Robinson, ICA Chairman, and
Mr. Efi Rosenhaus, 2010-2011 Annual Door Knock
Fundraising Chairman, announced the opening
of the ICA’s 50th Annual Door Knock Fundraising
Campaign at a press conference. In an unprecedented
move, the Director of the National Cancer Registry
presented new statistics on children and cancer
diseases at the press conference and reported that
there are currently 1,400 children in Israel who have
cancer, and 380 new cases are diagnosed each year
among children, with five out of every six children
recovering from the disease.
The National Breast Cancer Early Detection Program
statistics in Israel indicate that over 70% of women
who were regularly checked in the program were
diagnosed at an early stage, thus enabling higher
recovery rates. Similarly, a new study conducted
specially for the press conference was revealed,
presenting statistics such as: 60% of the public
fear cancer more than heart disease or diabetes,
approx. 53% of Israelis have a family member who
and innovative treatments. About 65% of cancer
related deaths could be prevented by refraining
from smoking, and abstaining from uncontrolled
sun exposure, by maintaining a balanced diet
and proper weight, and engaging in regular
physical exercise. Adopting a healthier lifestyle
enables significantly improved health and helps
prevent prevalent cancer diseases. Additionally,
implementation of early detection tests for many
diseases may lead to very high cure rates. He
asserted that many research studies most definitely
point to risk factors that increase the percentage
of cancer patients, as opposed to factors that
protect our body from these diseases, reduce the
risk of contracting them, and even prevent them.
has contracted cancer, and about 85% would
prefer that the medical staff provide them with
the relevant information should they contract the
disease. Mr. Efi Rosenhaus, President and CEO
of Shufersal Ltd., who assumed the position of
Chairman of the 2010-2011 Annual Door Knock
Fundraising Campaign, revealed his connection
with the disease and the reasons why he agreed
to be recruited to fill the position of Campaign
Dr. Micha Barhanna, Director of the Healthy
Ministry National Cancer Registry, presented new
statistics on different cancer diseases prevalent
in children. He asserted that there are currently
1,400 child cancer patients in Israel and each year
380 new cases are detected. The relative 5-year
survival rate of children diagnosed with a malignant
tumor currently stands at 84%. The significance
of this statistic is that five out of every six children
with cancer will live at least 5 years from the day
of diagnosis and this group is generally referred
to as the survivor group.
Prof. Eliezer Robinson, ICA Chairman, indicated
that the number of cancer survivors continually
grows from year to year, thanks to early detection
2010 “Door Knock”
Campaign Kickoff
As every year, the President of the State of Israel,
Mr. Shimon Peres, opened the highly impressive
Annual Door Knock Fundraising Campaign at
the President’s Residence. ICA Director General,
Mrs. Miri Ziv, moderated the ceremony and greetings
were delivered by the Honorable President of the State
of Israel, the Honorable Deputy Minister of Health,
Mr. Yaakov Litzman, ICA Honorary President,
Prof. Aharon Ciechanover, ICA Chairman, Prof.
Eliezer Robinson, and 2010-2011 Chairman of
the Annual Door Knock Fundraising Campaign,
Mr. Efi Rosenhaus, President and CEO of Shufersal
Ltd., who announced that the company would be
donating a sum of one million NIS. Performing
artist, Sharon Haziz, who recovered from breast
cancer, moved the audience with her speech and
entertained them with two songs accompanied
by guitarist Yovav Avraham.
The ceremony highlight was the presence of 50
children who participate in the Carriage Theater
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
project, operated with assistance from the ICA, at
Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem and moderated
by Mr. Erez Meshulam. The children, some of
who are still coping with the disease and some
of who have recovered, delivered a performance
highlighting 50 years of the campaign and handed
over the torch to the new Chairman. Coral Veder,
a 14-year-old girl who participated in the Hope for
Life and Carriage Theater projects sponsored by
the ICA, spoke on their behalf.
President Shimon Peres:
The President of the State of Israel addressed the volunteers in his speech: “You have helped many
people regain their right to life. Millions of people have lost their lives in the war being waged between
different peoples, but no less have lost their lives in the war waged between people and cancer.
The war against cancer is perhaps the greatest of wars that man has fought, a war against what
is deemed to be the Angel of Death, a battle which for many years was thought to be a losing
battle. It was as though man’s fate had been terminated. And that his destiny was in the hands
of an enigmatic and mysterious disease, like life itself…however, in recent years, we have seen
that this is not necessarily the true picture. Cancer is not a death sentence. One may fight for an
appeal against it in new and triumphant medical courts of justice. Seeing as there are hundreds
of different types of cancers, the battle against cancer is being fought on many fronts. On some
of these fronts we have already learned how to subdue the disease. Once again, cancer no longer
Photo: Rafi Daluya
appears to be an unbeatable phenomenon. Medicine has achieved victory after victory in this battle….
The outcome of this fight also depends on us, and the fact that cancer treatment does not only relate to the investigation into
the nature and causation of cancer, but also depends on how much we actually invest in combating the disease. And the truth is
that even when there is a cure for several types of disease, its price is so high, that it is not accessible to all those who desperately
need it. Peres, in his address to the “Door Knock” volunteers said: in a sphere beset by tremendous obstacles, and where the
government encounters many difficulties, it is you, noble volunteers, who assist cancer patients in their struggle to ward off the
disease and reduce the impact it has on their lives. You support life”.
2010 Annual Door Knock
Fundraising Campaign
Closing Ceremony
The Annual Door Knock Fundraising Campaign
event marking the end of the 50th Jubilee of the
Annual Door Knock Fundraising Campaign and
embodied a tribute to the dedicated ICA volunteers
who work tirelessly to promote its targets. Attendees
who arrived at Givatayim Theater were welcomed
by dozens of gold and white balloons, and trivets
with posters and special news items from years
past, tags bearing the Jubilee symbol in gold, a
magnificent stage decorated with two golden
balloons shaped in the form of the digits 50, white
and yellow flower bouquets, and a Presidential table
laden with special awards presented to schools for
outstanding achievement.
Mrs. Sarka Morgenstern, energetic Chairperson
of the Kiryat Haim Branch, opened the morning
with song, writing new words to the famous song
by Yehoram Gaon “Od Lo Ahavti Day” (I Haven’t
Loved Enough). Sarka was accompanied by her
grandson Assaf Parger and moved the audience
who joined her in song and clapped along with
the music.
The ceremony opened in tribute to Mrs. Suzy Eban,
ICA Founding President, with a slide presentation
showcasing photos of her endeavors and giving
an account of her activity that transformed vision
into a reality; it was this activity that paved the
way for the Door Knock Fundraising Campaign.
Suzy served as a role model for all volunteers and
her legacy continues to inspire everyone to get
Mrs. Rivka Balistra Branches Manager and Chief
of Staff of the Annual Door Knock Fundraising
Campaign who moderated the ceremony thanked
all those who assisted in activity of the Branches
Dept., and to the steering committee for the Jubilee
Anniversary events. Rivka commemorated the
memory of all the ICA long-time volunteers who
passed away in 2010, some of whom volunteered
for over 40 years. May their memory be blessed!
The Deputy Mayor of Givatayim, Mrs. Iris Avraham,
delivered warm greetings to the audience and
praised the commendable activity led by the
ICA and its volunteers. Prof. Eliezer Robinson,
ICA Chairman, delivered greetings, thanked the
volunteers for the commendable and tireless
efforts and emphasized the importance of early
detection. Once the greetings were delivered,
Rivka gave an overview of Annual Door Knock
Fundraising Campaign and all the innovations that
were introduced this year, she also commended
the marketing and advertising activity conducted in
the branches to promote the fundraising campaign
on a local level, under the guidance of the ICA
Information and Education Dept.
Following the overview of the 2010 Annual
Door Knock Campaign, 12 outstanding school
representatives from across the country came up
to the stage to receive awards of excellence for
their achievement in the fundraising campaign.
Lili Yitzhakov delivered greetings on behalf of the
youth from Zinman Junior High in Dimona. Mr. David
Flaver, representative of the Ministry of Education
commended the students from the schools that
garnered outstanding achievements.
Mr. Leon Recanati, ICA Vice Chairman delivered
greetings and emphasized the commendable activity
of the volunteers at the ICA branches. Mr. Efi
Rosenhaus, 2010 Annual Door Knock Fundraising
Campaign Chairman, delivered warm greetings
and thanked the ICA for giving him the privilege
of filling the position of Door Knock Chairman.
Collaborative efforts between the ICA and other
entities and organizations were highlighted this
year as well. Rivka mentioned the fundraising
drives that are run in prisons throughout Israel,
in collaboration and with assistance from the
Israel Prison Service education officers, and called
upon the prison representatives who excelled
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
in fundraising activity to receive certificates of
appreciation. Subsequently, certificates of appreciation
were awarded to Discount Bank, represented by
Mr. Yitzhak Contenata, and to Estée Lauder Israel
General Manager, Mr. Oren Revach of “Elkalil”
that has assisted the ICA in the “Light up in Pink”
and “Look Good – Feel Better” projects, and to
Gitam BBDO that has been accompanying ICA’s
information and public relations campaigns for
many years on a completely volunteer basis.
ICA Director General, Mrs. Miri Ziv, delivered warm
greetings to the volunteers and gave updates on the
ICA’s broad-based activity over the past year. One
of the many fronts on which the ICA endeavors is
that of research. Prof. Yossi Yarden, Chairman
of the ICA Research Committee, presented ICA
fellowship grants to research scientists, while
providing a brief explanation on each research
study and highlighting the innovations and the
hope inherent in each one of the studies. Dr. Esti
Yager Lotem of Ben-Gurion University extended
thanks on behalf of all the research scientists who
were awarded a fellowship grant.
Eyal Ariel, a young cancer patient, opened the
second half of the event, describing his struggle
with the disease and how he transformed cancer
into a driving force in his life. After he recounted
his story, he delivered a rendition of the song
“Ta’aminu Bahayim” (Believe in Life) accompanied
by guitarist Eran Montener.
An overview was given of all the branches’ volunteer
activity and branches that excelled in each sphere
were mentioned. Branches that did not receive
certificates of excellence, but also deserving of
appreciation for their commendable activity,
received a word of thanks. Ms. Ruth Abramovitz,
Chairperson of Rishon LeZion Branch, delivered
greetings on behalf of the volunteers.
The last part of the ceremony was dedicated to the
presentation of a special award to six long-time
volunteers who have been active in the ICA for over
50 years: Mr. Avraham Azarzar, Outstanding
Citizen of Dimona and Chairman of the city’s
ICA Branch, Mrs. Miriam Kreini, a volunteer in
Arab society with the longest record of activity,
Mrs. Sarka Morgenstern, Chairperson of Kiryat
Haim Branch, Outstanding Citizen of the Krayot and
of Haifa, Mrs. Sarka Arkin, Chairperson Gedera
Branch, who volunteered at the Branch while she
worked as a public servant in the City Council,
Mrs. Frieda Itzkovitz, long-time volunteer at
Netanya Branch, who served as a volunteer during
the late Mrs. Suzy Eban’s term as President of
the ICA, and delivered a speech on behalf of
the veteran volunteers, and last but not least,
Mrs. Shosh Levitta, the oldest volunteer, who
has been volunteering at the branch since 1958,
and who represents the branch’s distinguished
and unique group of veteran volunteers who are
still active.
Upon the closing of the ceremony, singer Mrs. Ofira
Gluska delivered a performance, singing a medley
of her songs and Israeli folk songs, captivating the
audience with her performance.
Annual ‘Door Knock’ Fundraising
Campaign Chairmen
The following is a list of public figures who served as ‘Door Knock’ Campaign Chairman on behalf of
the Israel Cancer Association and the positions they held at the time of appointment:
1962 – Lt. General (Res.) Mr. Haim Laskow (dec.), Managing Director, Port Authority
1963 – Attorney Gideon Hausner (dec.), Government Legal Advisor
1964 – Mr. David Ben-Gurion (dec.), Israel’s first Prime Minister and a Member of Knesset
1965 – Mr. Kadish Luz (dec.), Knesset Speaker
1966 – Mr. Yisrael Barzilai (dec.), Minister of Health
1967 – Mr. Yigal Alon (dec.), Minister of Labor
1968 – Mr. Teddy Kolleck (dec.), Mayor of Jerusalem
1969 – Mr. David Horowitz (dec.), Governor, Bank of Israel
1970 – Prof. Albert Sabin (dec.), President, Weizmann Institute of Science
1971 – Mr. Victor Shem Tov, Minister of Health
1972 – Mr. Yosef Almogi (dec.), Minister of Labor
1973 – Mr. Shimon Peres, then Minister of Defense, current President of the State of Israel
1974 – Mr. Asher Yadlin, Chairman, Clalit Health Services
1975 – Dr. Yosef Burg (dec.), Minister of the Interior
1976 – Mr. Mark Moshewitz (dec.), President, Manufacturers Association
1977 – Mr. Gideon Patt, Minister of Housing and Construction
1978 – Mr. Yisrael Pollack (dec.), Industrialist, Textile Conglomerate Owner
1979 – Mr. Benno Gitter (dec.), Economist, Businessman
1980 – Mr. Moshe Schnitzer (dec.), President, Israel Diamond Exchange
1981 – Mr. David Hachmey (dec.) Chairman, Insurance Companies Association
1982 – Mr. Yekutiel Federman (dec.), Hotelier, Businessman
1983 – Mr. Aharon Meir (dec.), Managing Director, Bank Hamizrahi Hameuhad
1984 – Mr. Avraham Agmon (dec.), Managing Director, Delek Co.
1985 – Mr. Mordechai Gur (dec.), Minister of Health
1986 – Mr. Shlomo Lahat, Mayor of Tel Aviv
1987 – Mr. Yisrael Kessar, Secretary General, Histadrut Labor Federation
1988 – Mr. Dani Gillerman, President, Chamber of Commerce Association
1989 – Mr. Leon Recanati, Company Executive, I.D.B.
1990 – Mr. Ehud Olmert, Minister of Health
1991 – Mr. Simcha Dinitz (dec.), Chairman, Jewish Agency
1992 – Mr. Eli Horowitz, Managing Director, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
1993 – Mr. Benny Gaon (dec.), Managing Director, Koor Industries Ltd.
1994 – Mr. Emanuel Gil, President, Elbit
1995 – Mr. David Wainshal, Managing Director, Migdal Insurance Ltd.
1996 – Mr. Yair Hamburger, Managing Director, Shiloah-Harel Insurance Ltd.
1997 – Mr. Yaakov Peri, President and Managing Director, Cellcom
1998 – Ms. Galia Maor, Director General, Bank Leumi
1999 – Mr. Shlomo Nechama, Managing Director, Arison Investments, Chairman of
the Board of Directors, Bank Hapoalim
2000 – Mr. Kobi Alexander, Chairman of the Board of Directors and International
President, Comverse Technology
2001 – Mr. Lev Leviev, Chairman, Africa Israel Investments
2002 – Mr. Yossi Meiman, President of Merhav Group and Chairman of the Board of
Directors of Channel 10
2003 – Mr. Shraga Biran, Attorney and Businessman
2004 – Mr. Muzi Vertheim, Chairman Coca Cola Israel
2005 – Mr. Israel Makov, CEO Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
2006 – Mr. Avigdor Kaplan, CEO Clal Insurance Company
2007 – Mr. Benny Steinmetz, Businessman
2008 – Mr. Haim Katzman, Chairman of the income-yielding real estate company Gazit-Globe
2009 – Mr. David Franklin, Chairman and CEO of Sugat Industries Ltd.
2010 – Mr. Efi Rosenhaus, President and CEO of Shufersal Ltd.
2011 – Mr. Hubert Leven, President of the Rashi Foundation and Vice President of the
Alliance Israelite Universelle (Kol Yisrael Haverim)
‫‏‬Bequests, Legacies and
T‫ ‏‬he Israel Cancer Association deeply appreciates all its friends and volunteers who during their lifetime
established special perpetual memorial funds to ensure continued support for ICA activities on behalf
of patients and their families
Adler Emma of blessed memory
Blumfeld Robert of blessed memory
Bokovsky Leah of blessed memory
Carmon Arie of blessed memory
Feiner Helena of blessed memory
Hornbein Etina of blessed memory
Itzkovitz Hana of blessed memory
Kochavi Ahuva of blessed memory
Levitt Josephine of blessed memory
Lieberman Bernard of blessed memory
Matoshkovitz Yadviga of blessed memory
Reznikoff Moshe Meir of blessed memory
Samovsky Miriam of blessed memory
Verner Edith of blessed memory
Yehoshua Zvi of blessed memory
Kibbutz Evron
Tel Aviv
Kfar Shmaryahu
Tel Aviv
Petah Tikva
Commemorations honoring the
memory of loved ones may be made
through the Israel Cancer Association
in several ways:
Commemorative Wall in the Sir Charles Clore Hostel garden in Givatayim.
The name of the loved one may be
engraved on an ornate plaque on
the Commemorative Wall situated
in the Sir Charles Clore Hostel
garden, or at ICA headquarters, or
in different hospital wards around
the country.
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
The Israel Cancer Association Board
and Committee Members 2010-2011
Member since 2002, completing his/her term – (marked with a ** )
New member – (marked with a *)
Executive Board
Dr. S. Batzia
Prof. A. Ciechanover Honorary President and
Nobel Prize Laureate
Prof. H. Brenner
Prof. R. Catane
Prof. E. Robinson
Prof. S. Chaitchik
Mr. L. Recanati
Vice Chairman
Prof. Y. Cohen
Prof. A. Durst
Prof. A. Durst
Public Figure
**Mr. Y. Feldshaw
Prof. Avraham Kuten Oncologist, Scientist
Mr. Y. Feldshaw
Public Figure
Prof. M. Inbar
Prof. A. Levitzky
Research Scientist, Israel
Prize Laureate
Prof. Y. Kedar
Prof. M. Mittleman
Ms. A. Kimchi
Health Educator
Mr. Tzvi Neta
Public Figure
Prof. Y. Klausner
Prof. Bracha Reger
Oncologist, Scientist
Ms. M. Klein
Former ICA
Director General
Prof. A. Kuten
Prof. S. Lelchuk
Prof. A. Lubin
Nuclear Medicine
Prof. M. Mittleman
Internal Medicine
Mr. T. Neta
Public Figure
Prof. T. Peretz
Executive Committee
Prof. A. Ciechanover Honorary President and
Nobel Prize Laureate
Prof. E. Robinson
Chairman, Oncologist
Mr. L. Recanati
Vice Chairman, Corporate
Ms. R. Sheetrit
Chairperson, ICA
Foreign Relations
Prof. E. Rachmilewitz Hematologist
Prof. B. Reger
Prof. G. Rennert
Prof. V. Rotter
Prof. A. Azizi
Prof. M. Schlesinger
Dr. Y. Balshar
Former IMA Chairman
Prof. M. Shani
Health Policy Expert
Mr. M. Sheetrit
MK, former Minister
Prof. A. Azizi
Prof. Y. Skornik
Dr. Y. Balshar
Former IMA Chairman
Prof. S. Slavin
Ms. O. Banai
Prof. A. Sulkes
Prof. R. Bar
Prof. Y. Weitz
Internal Medicine,
Prof. Y. Yitzhak
Prof. G. Barabash
Prof. A. Zeligson
Dr. G. Rennert
ICA Advisor on
Epidemiology and
Cancer Control,
Director General
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Ms. A. Bar-Shalom
Public Figure
Dr. S. Batsia
Prof. G. Ben-Ari
Prof. Y. Ben-Bassat
Prof. M. Ben-Harush
Pediatric Hematologist,
Chairperson, Israeli
Society of Pediatric
Hematology Oncology
Mr. A. Ben-Nun
Public Figure
Dr. Y. Alkelai
ICA Advisor on Early
Detection of Skin Cancer,
Board of Trustees
Prof. A. Ciechanover Honorary President, Nobel
Prize Laureate
Prof. H. Ben-Shachar Public Figure
Mr. R. Ben-Shaul
Corporate Executive
Dr. Y. Berlovitz
Director General, Wolfson
Medical Center, Holon
Prof. R. Bier
Director General, Rambam
Medical Center, Haifa
Mr. S. Biran
Prof. H. Brenner
Judge Mr. A. Carmi
Public Figure
Prof. R. Catane
Holon Branch
Prof. S. Chaitchik
Mr. Y. Ciechanover
Public Figure
Dr. A. Ambon
Director, Rebecca Sieff
Hospital, Safed
Prof. Y. Cohen
Prof. S. Ariad
Oncologist, Soroka
Medical Center
Mr. I. Dar
Mr. Y. Dori
President, Dori Group
Advocate S. Atiya
Jerusalem Branch
Mr. B. Dotan
Public Figure
Prof. A. Durst
Mr. A. Azarze
Dimona Branch
Ms. Y. Efron
Judge M. Eilon
Retired Judge
Prof. E. Robinson
Chairman, Oncologist
Mr. L. Recanati
Vice Chairman,
Corporate Executive
Judge S. Adler
President, National
Labour Relations Board
Mr. D. Agmon
Public Figure
Ms. S. Akerstein
Ms. G. Almagor
Former Chairperson,
Tel Aviv Branch
Ms. Y. Alon
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Mr. A. Eiran
Public Figure
Prof. S. Lavi
Dr. Y. Farbstein
Director, Poriya
Medical Center
Prof. S. Lelchuk
Mr. L. Leviev
Mr. Y. Feldshaw
Public Figure
Prof. A. Levitzky
Prof. B. Fiyora
Mr. D. Levitan
Public Figure
Prof. B. Freund
Prof. A. Lubin
Nuclear Medicine
Mr. M. Gaon
Mr. Y. Makov
Public Figure
Mr. A. Gil
Ms. A. Manoach
Public Figure
Prof. M. Green
Director of the School of
Public Health, Haifa
Ms. G. Maor
President and CEO,
Bank Leumi Group
Prof. A. Halevi
Prof. J. Menczer
Prof. Y. Halevi
Director General, Shaarei
Zedek Medical Center,
Ms. L. Meridor
Public Figure
Prof. O. Merimsky
Oncologist, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical Center
Chairman, Israeli Society
for Clinical Oncology and
Radiation Therapy
Prof. J. Michel
Former Chair, Helsinki
Committee Hadassah
Medical Center
Prof. M. Mittleman
Internal Medicine
Dr. M. Modaei
Public Figure
Prof. S. Mor-Yosef
Director General,
Hadassah Medical
Mr. S. Nechama
Public Figure
Mr. T. Neta
Public Figure
Mr. Y. Nimrodi
Public Figure
Prof. R. Orda
Outgoing Chair of the
Israeli Society of Breast
Prof. Y. Orgler
Outgoing Chairman of
the Board Tel Aviv Stock
Prof. T. Peretz
Mr. J. Perry
Chairman of the Board of
Directors Mizrahi Tefahot
Bank Ltd.
Dr. A. Halperin
Director General, Rabin
Medical Center, Petah
Ms. N. Hilu
Former MK
Mr. A. Horowitz
Outgoing Chairman of the
Board and Former CEO
of Teva Pharmaceutical
Prof. M. Inbar
Prof. V. Insler
Prof. A. Israeli
Former Director General
of the MOH
Mr. A. Kaplan
CEO, Clal Health Insurance
Company Ltd.
Prof. Y. Kedar
Ms. A. Kimchi
Health Educator
Prof. Y. Klausner
Ms. M. Klein
Former ICA Director
Ms. L. Koenig
Prof. A. Kuten
Mr. G. Lahav
Public Figure
Mr. D. Lautman
Industrialist, Public Figure
Dr. Y. Peterburg
Public Figure
Mr. M. Shitrit
MK, former Minister
Prof. S. Pinchas
Former Hospital
Ms. R. Sheetrit
Mr. S. Preminger
CEO Gaon Holdings
Public Figure, Chairperson
ICA Foreign Relations
Ms. D. RabinPhilosoph
Public Figure
Prof. Y. Skornik
Prof. S. Slavin
Prof. E. Rachmilewitz Hematologist
Dr. M. Steiner
Advocate T. Raveh
Attorney, Public Figure
Ms. D. Stern
Public Figure
Prof. M. Ravid
Internal Medicine
Prof. A. Sulkes
Prof. G. Rechavi
Oncologist, Rabin Medical
Center, Petah Tikva
Prof. B. Reger
Mr. D. Tal
Former MK
Prof. G. Rennert
Prof. H. Tabenkin
Dr. M. Rimon
Prof. M. Rerach
Former Hospital
Director, Family
Medicine Dept. Ha’emek
Medical Center, Afula
Dr. D. Tchernihovsky
Prof. P. Rosen
Ad-hoc Advisor on
Medical Economics
Prof. V. Rotter
Mr. D. Wainshall
Public Figure
Prof. Y. Rowe
Prof. Y. Weitz
Mr. A. Sadeh
Public Figure
Prof. Y. Yodfat
Family Physician
Ms. R. Saker
Honorary President,
Haifa Branch
Dr. G. Zaidan
Prof. A. Zeligson
Mr. A. Sapir
Public Figure
Prof. M. Schlesinger
Prof. P. Schwartzman Director, Family Medicine
Dept., Beer Sheva
Early Detection Committee
Prof. Y. Skornik
Surgeon, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Dr. P. Barak
Oncologist, Barzilai
Medical Center
Ms. A. Serugi
Public Figure
Prof. A. Shani
Prof. M. Shani
Gartner Institute
Prof. Y. Sheinfeld
Internal Medicine
Dr. R. Belitzer
Prof. J. Shemer
Chairman of the
Board, Assuta Medical
Health Policy Planning,
Clalit Health Services
Prof. M. Carmon
Dr. S. Sherf
Director Barzilai Medical
Center, Ashkelon
Surgeon, Shaarei
Zedek Hospital
Dr. Y. Dresner
Family Medicine, CHS
Ms. M. Shezifi
Former Chairperson,
Haifa Branch
Prof. A. Friedman
Oncogenetics, Sheba
Medical Center
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Dr. M. Haj
Surgeon, Upper Galilee
Medical Center
Prof. M. Cohen
Social Worker,
Haifa University
Prof. M. Kraus
Surgeon, Rambam
Medical Center
Dr. M. Gottfried
Oncologist, Meir
Dr. T. Karni
Surgeon, Assaf Harofeh
Medical Center
Prof. N. Hayim
Oncologist, Rambam
Medical Center
Dr. L. Keinan-Boker
Deputy Director, Disease
Control Center
Dr. A. Hubert
Prof. I. Lavi
Chairperson, Gynecooncology Society, Carmel
Oncologist, Hadassah
Medical Center,
Ein Karem
Ms. N. Pessach
Social Worker,
Ministry of Health
Dr. N. Mavajish
Urologist, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Dr. R. Pfeffer
Oncologist, Sheba
Medical Center
Ms. S. Reicher
Prof. A. Nativ
Urologist, Bnei Zion
Medical Center, Haifa
Nursing Services,
Ministry of Health
Prof. S. Shtemer
Prof. Y. Niv
Rabin Medical Center
Oncologist, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. D. Weiss
Dr. M. Ramon
Surgeon, Holy
Family Hospital
Head of Community
Nursing Division,
Dr. T. Sela
Imagining Institute,
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Dr. S. Winker
Family Medicine
CHS, Central Region
Dr. M. Sklair-Levy
Imaging Institute,
Sheba Medical Center
Prof. G. Zaidan
Oncologist, Rebecca
Sieff Hospital
Prof. G. Rennert
Carmel Medical Center
Medical & Welfare
Services Committee
Data Collection and
Follow-up Committee
Dr. M. Bar-Hanna
Chairman, Cancer
Registry, Ministry
of Health
Prof. S. Ariad
Oncologist, Soroka
Medical Center
Dr. L. Friedman
Bar-Ilan University
Prof. M. Mittleman
Chairman – Internist,
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical
Dr. T. Safra
Oncologist, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Prof. A. Balin
Hematologist, Wolfson
Medical Center
Dr. A. Salmon
Oncologist, Hadassah
Medical Center
Professional Training
Prof. A. Kuten
Chairman, Oncologist,
Rambam Medical
Prof. R. Catane
Oncologist, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. D. Engelberg
Scientist, Hebrew
Prof. A. Gabizon
Oncologist, Shaarei
Zedek Medical Center
Dr. O. Gofrit
Urologist, Hadassah
Medical Center, Ein
Dr. T. Elweiss
Surgical Ward, Kaplan
Medical Center
Dr. H. Goldberg
Oncologist, Western
Galilee Hospital,
Prof. A. Gilber
Linn Clinic Haifa, CHS
Prof. H. Gutman
Prof. H. Gutman
Prof. S. Izraeli
Pediatric Hematooncologist, Sheba
Medical Center
Surgeon, Rabin
Medical Center
Prof. M. Horowitz
Scientist, Tel Aviv
Dr. A. Lahad
Family Medicine CHS
Dr. B. Kaufman
Dr. A. Levi
Hematologist, Soroka
Medical Center
Oncologist, Sheba
Medical Center, Public
Dr. S. Nakar
Family Medicine, CHS
Prof. A. Livne
Prof. S. Schneibaum
Surgeon, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Macrobiology and
Ben-Gurion University
Prof. A. Levi-Lahad
Geneticist, Shaarei
Tzedek Medical
Prof. A. Nir
Scientist, Bar-Ilan
Dr. E. Pikarsky
Clinician, Scientist,
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Prof. G. Rennert
Carmel Hospital
Prof. O. Spielberg
Hematologist, Rabin
Medical Center
Prof. B. Sredni
Chief Scientist Office,
Ministry of Health
Prof. I. Vlodavsky
Oncologist, Hadassah
Medical Center,
Ein Karem and the
Prof. A. Sela
Dr. N. Zigelman
Oncologist, Assaf
Harofeh Medical
Oncologist, Maccabi
Healthcare Services
Research Committee
Prof. Y. Yarden
Research Scientist,
Weizmann Institute
Prof. M. Ben-Harush
Pediatric Hematooncologist, Rambam
Medical Center
Dr. N. Ben-Baruch
Oncologist, Kaplan
Medical Center
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Psycho-oncology Research
Prof. O. Merimsky
Oncologist, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Center, Chairman of
the Israeli Society of
Clinical Oncology &
Radiation Therapy
Prof. A. Gilber
Linn Clinic, Haifa, CHS
Dr. N. Ben-Baruch
Oncology, Kaplan
Medical Center
Dr. S. Perry
Social Services, Rabin
Medical Center
Prof. M. Cohen
Social Services,
Haifa University
Dr. A. Salmon
Dr. B. Kaufman
Oncologist, Sheba
Medical Center, Tel
Hashomer, and Public
Oncologist, Hadassah
Medical Center, Ein
Karem, and Ministry
of Health
Prof. A. Sela
Oncologist, Assaf
Harofeh Medical
Dr. S. Perry
Social Services, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. S. Wine
Head of Palliative Care
Dept., Davidoff Center
Finance & Audit
Committee for Continuing
Education Abroad
Prof. Y. Orgler
Chairman – Outgoing
Chairman of the
Board, Tel Aviv Stock
Prof. B. Klein
Oncologist, Meir
Mr. N. Gur
Public Figure
Prof. U. Beller
Shaarei Zedek
Medical Center
Mr. D. Levitan
Corporate Executive
Prof. A. Ofer
Tel Aviv University
Mr. Y. Shahak
Prof. Z. Beniel
Urologist, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. D. Yariv
Bank of Israel
Dr. Z. Yosef **
Ms. S. Ben Ami
Oncology Nursing
Supervisor, Sheba
Medical Center
Ms. A. Zochovitzky
Prof. A. Cherniak
Surgeon, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. D. Hershko
Investigator, Surgeon,
Rambam Medical
Prof. J. Kapelushnik
Pediatric Oncology,
Soroka Medical Center
Investments Committee
Prof. R. Eldor
Center, Herzliya
Mr. T. Hoffman
Mr. Y. Katz
Prof. A. Ofer
Tel Aviv University
Mr. S. Preminger
CEO Gaon Holdings
Mr. A. Sapir
Chairman, Ma’alot
Mr. Y. Toitsh
Dr. Z. Yosef **
Advisory Committee
on Environmental
Dr. Y. Shacham
Expert on
Head Physician of the
Public Servants Service
Ms. R. Ashkenazi
Ministry of Agriculture
Dr. Y. Bar-Or
Chief Scientist,
Protection Agency
Dr. M. Bar-Hanna
Cancer Registry Unit,
Ministry of Health
Dr. S. Brenner
Private Consultant
on Environment and
Environmental Health
Prof. D. Cohen
Ministry of Health
Ms. Y. Cohen
Dr. L. Cordova
Protection Agency
Eng. T. Enavy
Expert on
Hazardous Dust
Dr. M. Freund
Ministry of Agriculture
Dr. A. Garuto
Head of Public Health
Services, Ministry of
Dr. S. Gelberg
Head Radiation
and Noise Dept.,
Protection Agency
Mgr. Y. Katz
District Pharmacist,
Coastal Plain Region,
Ministry of Health
Dr. L. Keinan-Boker
Deputy Director,
Israel Center for
Disease Control
Dr. S. Kendal
Nahal Sorek
Prof. Y. Lerman
Head of Occupational
Medicine Center, Clalit
Health Services
Dr. A. Levinger
Physicist, Hadassah
Medical Center, Ein
Mr. M. Levita
Physicist, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Dr. A. Metzner
Head of Science
Dept., Chief Scientist’s
Office, Environmental
Protection Agency
Dr. E. Neeman
Radiation Expert
Mr. A. Pardo
Environment Center
Dr. A. Priel
Ben-Gurion University
Dr. L. Pushnoi
Chief Physician,
Industry Trade and
Labor Ministry
Prof. Y. Riback
Head of the
National Institute of
Occupational Health
Prof. T. Schlesinger
Nuclear Physicist,
Nahal Sorek
Prof. T. Shohat
Director, Israel Center
for Disease Control
Dr. E. Stern
Gartner Institute
Dr. R. Versano
Food Inspection and
Nutrition Services,
Ministry of Health
Dr. A. Weiner
Rambam Medical
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Special Advisory
Dr. Y. Tzhelinski
Plastic Surgeon, Sheba
Medical Center
Prof. L. Rosenberg
Plastic Surgeon,
Soroka Medical Center
Dr. Y. Shechter
Oncologist, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. A. Winkler
Chairman, Israel
Society of Plastic
Dermatologist, Kaplan
Medical Center
Dr. P. Pavlotzky
Dermatologist, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. D. Adel
Dermatologist, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. Y. Alkalay
Maccabi Healthcare
Services, Chairman
of the Israel
Dermatological Society
Dr. R. Wolf
Dr. A. Avinoach
Pathologist, Wolfson
Medical Center
Dr. M. Kropasky
Prof. R. Bergman
Dermatologist, Rambam
Medical Center
Lung Institute, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. A. Chodek
Dermatologist, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. A. Alon
Oncology, Rabin
Medical Center
Prof. A. Ingber
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Dr. Y. Ben-Dov
Lung Institute, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. L. Besset
Lung Institute,
Rambam Medical
Prof. A. Eliraz
Lung Institute, Kaplan
Medical Center
Dr. M. Gottfried
Oncology, Meir
Prof. M. Kremer
Lung Institute, Rabin
Medical Center
Prof. O. Merimsky
Oncology, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Prof. Ben Ami Sela
Institute of
Chemistry, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. D. Shacham
Guided Imaging,
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Dr. F. Feldman
Dermatologist, CHS
Dr. L. Gilad
Hadassah Medical
Prof. H. Gutman
Surgeon, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. M. Lotem
Oncologist, Hadassah
Medical Center,
Ein Karem
MPharm A. Marom
Senior Assistant to
Pharmacy Division,
Ministry of Health
Dr. D. Mimuni
Rabin Medical Center
Dr. N. Nathanson
Dermatologist, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. Y. Pappo
Surgeon, Assaf Harofeh
Medical Center
Pulmonary Disease:
Dr. A. Sichon
Oncology, Assaf
Harofeh Medical
Dr. M. Saute
Thoracic Surgery,
Rabin Medical Center
Dr. A. Yizhar
Thoracic Surgery,
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Intestinal Tract:
Dr. A. Benny
Dr. G. Amir
Prof. N. Arber
Dr. A. Binyaminov
Dr. B. Brenner
Prof. Z. Fireman
Prof. A. Friedman
Prof. P. Greif
Dr. A. Hubert
Dr. Y. Ilan
Prof. H Kashtan
Prof. B. Klein
Oncology, Rambam
Medical Center
Digestive Tract
Pathology, Hadassah
Medical Center, Ein
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Imaging of the
Digestive Tract, Meir
Medical Center
Oncology, Rabin
Medical Center
Gastroenterology, Hillel
Yaffe Medical Center
Oncogenetics, Sheba
Medical Center
Surgery, Rabin
Medical Center
Oncology, Hadassah
Medical Center,
Ein Karem
Internal Medicine,
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Prof. H. Kashtan
Surgery, Kaplan
Medical Center
Oncology, Meir
Prof. Y. Neev
Rabin Medical Center
Prof. M. Rabaw
Surgery, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Prof. A. Rivkind
Surgery, Hadassah
Medical Center,
Ein Karem
Prof. A. Shani
Oncology, Sheba
Medical Center
Prof. S. Shneibaum
Surgery, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Center, Chairman of
the Israeli Society of
Surgical Oncology
Ms. R. Ziperstein
Stoma Nursing
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Dr. N. Woloch
Oncology, Assaf
Harofeh Medical
Dr. Y. Ziv
Assaf Harofeh
Medical Center
Breast Health:
Dr. N. Ben-Baruch
Oncology, Kaplan
Medical Center
Dr. T. Elweiss
Surgery, Kaplan
Medical Center,
Chairperson Israel
Society of Breast
Dr. A. Evron
Oncology, Assaf
Harofeh Medical
Dr. J. Fried
Oncology, Rambam
Medical Center
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Dr. H. Goldberg
Oncology, Nahariya
Prof. H. Gutman
Surgery, Rabin Medical
Dr. D. Hershko
Surgery, Rambam
Medical Center
Dr. I. Kadmon
Breast Health Nurse,
Hadassah Medical
Center Ein Karem
Dr. F. Sperber
Radiology, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Dr. Y. Shtadler
Surgery, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Dr. A. Winkler
Plastic Surgery, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. N. ZigelmanDanieli
Oncology, Maccabi
Healthcare Services
Dr. H. Kaplan
Plastic Surgery, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. V. Katz
Surgery, Soroka
Medical Center and
Leumit Healthcare
Prof. O. Netiv
Urology, Bnei Zion
Dr. B. Kaufman
Oncology, Sheba
Medical Center
Prof. G. Beniel
Prof. M. Kerner
Pathology, Rambam
Medical Center
Urology, Belinson
(Davidoff) Medical
Dr. Y. Chen
Prof. B. Klein
Oncology, Meir
Urology, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Dr. M. Kurtz
Surgery, Soroka
Medical Center
Dr. A. Gez
Oncology, Rambam
Medical Center
Dr. A. Nissan
Oncology, Hadassah
Medical Center, Ein
Prof. A. Kuten
Oncology, Rambam
Medical Center
Dr. I. Leibowitz
Urology, Meir Hospital
Prof. M. Pappa
Surgery, Sheba
Medical Center
Prof. A. Lindner
Prof. T. Peretz
Oncology, Hadassah
Medical Center, Ein
Urology, Assaf
Harofeh Medical
Prof. H. Matzkin
Physiotherapist, Tel
Aviv Sourasky Medical
Urology, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Ms. A. Morag
Nursing Services,
Sheba Medical Center
Ms. R. Peleg
Dr. S. Rizel
Oncology, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. A. Neuman
Oncology, Rambam
Medical Center
Ms. D. Sadeh-Tassa
Social Services, Tel
Aviv Sourasky Medical
Prof. D. Puda
Urology, Hadassah
Medical Center,
Ein Karem
Dr. B. Raanan
Oncology, Sheba
Medical Center
Prof. Y. Ramon
Urology, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. M. Sadeh
Israel Cancer
Ms. R. Seat
Social Services,
Sheba Medical
Center, (Tel Hashomer)
Dr. A. Rosenbaum
Oncology, Rabin
Medical Center
Prof. A. Sela
Oncology, Assaf
Harofeh Medical
Prof. T. Segal
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Dr. M. Vigoda
Oncology, Hadassah
Medical Center,
Ein Karem
Dr. R. Speigelman
Neurosurgery, Sheba
Medical Center,
(Tel Hashomer)
Dr. T. Tzuk-Sheena
Rambam Medical
Dr. D. Blumenthal
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Dr. P. Bukstein
Neuro-oncology, Tel
Aviv Sourasky Medical
Dr. S. Constanini
Pediatric Neurology,
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Ms. A. Friedman
Social Services,
Neurosurgery, Tel Aviv
Medical Center
Dr. Y. Yaniv
Pediatric Hematooncology, Schneider
Children’s Medical
Center – Coordinator
Prof. M. Ben-Arush
Pediatric Hematooncology, Rambam
Medical Center
Dr. R. Elhasid
Pediatric Hematooncology, Rambam
Medical Center
Ms. A. Buchval
Nursing Services,
Schneider Children’s
Medical Center
Ms. D. Gerbler
Head Nurse Palliative
Care, Head Nurse,
Palliative Care,
Sheba Medical Center
Dr. D. Loven
Oncology, Ha’emek
Medical Center
Dr. S. Maimon
Neurology, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. R. Pfeffer
Oncology, Sheba
Medical Center
Prof. T. Ram
Neuro-surgery, Tel
Aviv Sourasky Medical
Prof. S. Constanini
Prof. T. Rappaport
Rambam Medical
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Prof. A. Fenig
Pediatric Radiotherapy,
Rabin Medical Center
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Prof. J. Kapelushnik
Pediatric Hematooncology, Soroka
Medical Center
Prof. Y. Meller
Orthopedic Oncology,
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center Dr. M. Michowitz
Schneider Children’s
Medical Center
Prof. G. Rechavi
Pediatric Hematooncology, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. N. Remo
Oncology, Hadassah
Medical Center,
Ein Karem
Dr. M. Sadeh
Israel Cancer
Prof. A. Toren
Pediatric Oncology,
Sheba Medical Center
Dr. M. Weintraub
Pediatric Oncology,
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Palliative Care:
Ms. S. Ben-Ami
Oncology Nursing
Services, Sheba
Medical Center Coordinator
Dr. S. Perry
Social Services, Rabin
Medical Center
Prof. P. Schwartzman Family Medicine, BenGurion University
Dr. Y. Singer
Home Hospice,
Be’er Sheva
Dr. A. Waller
Home Hospice, Israel
Cancer Association
Dr. S. Wine
Palliative Care Services,
Rambam Medical
Dr. S. Reizel
Oncology, Rabin
Medical Center
Prof. A. Beller
Shaarei Zedek Medical
Prof. G. Ben-Baruch
Sheba Medical Center
Prof. A. Cohen
Gynecology, Meir
Ms. Z. Duvdevani
Nursing Services
Prof. E. Fenig
Oncology, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. E. Fishman
Former Chair of
the Israeli Gynecooncology Society
Dr. D. Grisaro
Gynecology, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Dr. F. Barak
Oncology, Barzilai
Dr. G. Bar Sela
Oncology, Rambam
Medical Center
Dr. H. Levavi
Prof. R. Catane
Oncology, Sheba
Medical Center
Rabin Medical Center
Dr. E. Lavi
Dr. N. Cherney
Pain Clinic, Shaarei
Zedek Hospital
Chair, Israeli Gynecooncology Society
Dr. T. Levi
Dr. A. Eisenberg
Pain Clinic, Rambam
Medical Center
Wolfson Medical
Prof. E. Levi-Lahad
Genetics, Shaarei
Zedek Hospital
Prof. D. Meirov
Gynecology, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. R. Pfeffer
Oncology, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. T. Safra
Oncology, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Genetics and Bio-markers:
Dr. S. Argov
Pathology, Soroka
Medical Center
Dr. V. Barak
Oncology Lab,
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Dr. A. Birk
Genetics, Soroka
Medical Center
Prof. A. Gabizon
Oncology, Shaarei
Zedek Hospital
Prof. N. Chaim
Rambam Hospital
Prof. D. Edreka
Oncology, Sheba
Medical Center
Prof. M. Inbar
Oncology, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Prof. E. Livneh
Microbiology, BenGurion University
Prof. A. Shani
Oncology, Sheba
Medical Center
Prof. S. Shtemmer
Oncology, Rabin
Medical Center
Prof. A. Sulkes
Oncology, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. T. Tishler
Oncology, Rabin
Medical Center
Prof. R. Catane
Oncology, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. M. Feinmesser
Pathology, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. A. Fieder
Sheba Medical Center
Prof. A. Friedman
Genetics, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. R.
Genetics, Rambam
Medical Center
Dr. R. Appelbaum
Oncology, Rambam
Medical Center
Prof. A. Levi-Lahad
Genetics, Shaarei
Zedek Hospital
Prof. A. Balin
Dr. A. Or-Ortergar
Genetics, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Pediatric Hematooncology, Wolfson
Medical Center
Prof. Y. Cohen
Oncology, Soroka
Medical Center
Dr. M. Sagi
Genetics, Hadassah
Medical Center,
Ein Karem
Dr. A. Levi
Hematology, Soroka
Medical Center
Prof. M. Shochat
Genetics, Rabin
Medical Center
Prof. M. Mittleman
Internal Medicine,
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Prof. D. Ben Yehuda
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem Coordinator
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Prof. A. Nagler
Hematology, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. R. Pfeffer
Oncology, Sheba
Medical Center
Prof. A. Naferstak
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Dr. M. Vigoda
Oncology, Hadassah
Medical Center,
Ein Karem
Prof. Y. Or
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Prof. M. Prokochimer Hematology, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. P. Raanani
Hematology, Rabin
Medical Center
Prof. Y. Row
Hematology, Rambam
Medical Center
Prof. O. Spielberg
Hematology, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. Y. Bikles
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Dr. A. Fizer
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Prof. Y. Meller
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Prof. O. Merimsky
Oncology, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Dr. N. Meushar
Orthopedics, Rambam
Medical Center
Dr. G. Moses
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Prof. A. Kuten
Oncology, Rambam
Medical Center Coordinator
Dr. R. Bar-Druma
Oncology, Rambam
Medical Center
Prof. Y. Cohen
Oncology, Soroka
Medical Center
Dr. N. Ohana
Orthopedics, Rabin
Medical Center
Prof. B. Koren
Oncology, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Prof. M. Seli
Orthopedics, Rabin
Medical Center
Prof. A. Fenig
Oncology, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. S. Fireman
Oncology, Soroka
Medical Center
Prof. R. Feinmesser
Ear Nose Throat, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. A. Gez
Oncology, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Prof. D. Felis
Ear Nose Throat,
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Dr. K. Levernkof
Oncology, Soroka
Medical Center
Ms. F. Kornbrut
Dr. T. Simon
Oncology, Sheba
Medical Center
Speech Rehabilitation,
Israel Cancer
Dr. M. Litner
Tel Aviv University
Ear, Nose and Throat:
Prof. A. Even Sapir
Ear Nose Throat,
Meir Hospital
Nuclear Medicine,
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Prof. M. Gomori
Ear Nose Throat,
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Medical Imaging,
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Dr. A. Gorfstein
Medical Imaging, Rabin
Medical Center
Prof. M. Greif
Medical Imaging,
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Dr. Maharshak
Oncology, Rabin Medical
Center (Hasharon)
Prof. D. Ofir
Dr. H. Sela
Ms. R. Abramov
Social Services,
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Dr. D. Grusher
Prof. L. Baider
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Nuclear Medicine,
Rambam Medical
Dr. Y. Kraus
Dr. M. Braun
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Nuclear Medicine,
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Dr. A. Mishani
Prof. R. Yaakovi
Psychology Department,
Tel Aviv University
Nuclear Medicine,
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Prof. S. Carmel
Center for Multidisciplinary Research
in Aging, Ben-Gurion
Dr. M. Rosin
Medical Imaging,
Maccabi Healthcare
Dr. T. Sela
Dr. M. Cohen
Oncology, Rambam
Medical Center
Medical Imaging,
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Dr. S. Perry
Oncology, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. M. Shapira
Medical Imaging,
Meir Hospital
Dr. M. Sklaire-Levi
Medical Imaging, Sheba
Medical Center
Dr. F. Sperber
Unit, Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Prof. A. Israel
Nuclear Medicine,
Rambam Medical
Dr. A. Angel
Medical Imaging, Rambam
Medical Center
Dr. Y. Bar-Ziv
Medical Imaging,
Mor Mar Institute
Dr. M. Cohen
Medical Imaging,
Rabin Medical Center
Complementary Medicine:
Dr. A. Caspi
Medicine, Davidoff
Center - Coordinator
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee
Prof. E. Robinson
Chairman, Israel
Cancer Association
Dr. A. Shiff
Internal Medicine, Bnei
Zion Medical Center
Dr. G. Bar-Sela
Oncology, Rambam
Medical Center
Dr. Y. Ziv-Ner
Prof. R. Catane
Oncology, Sheba
Medical Center
Medicine, Sheba
Medical Center
Prof. D. Edreka
Oncology, Sheba
Medical Center
Prof. N. Arber
Medicine, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Tel Aviv
Medical Center
Dr. A. Bar-Ziv
Ha’emek Medical
Sports Medicine
Specialist, Tel Aviv
Dr. N. Constantini
Sports Medicine,
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
Mr. Y. Karni
Sports Medicine
and Nutrition
Dr. L. Keinan-Boker
Deputy Director
Israel Center for
Disease Control
Mr. Y. Lahav
Dietitian, Wingate
Ms. A. Raz
Dietitian, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Prof. G. Rennert
Medicine and
Carmel Hospital
Dr. N. Shapira
Prof. T. Shochat
Director Israel
Center for
Disease Control
Dr. Y. Yarom
Sports, Meuhedet
Healthcare Services
Dr. N. Esna
Dr. L. Goldstein
Prof. A. Kuten
Oncology, Rambam
Medical Center
Dr. S. Lev-Ari
Research in
Medicine,Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Dr. Y. Maimon
Prof. S. Pintov
Dr. L. Schechter
Dr. N. Sheinman
Medicine, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical
Medicine, Assaf
Harofeh Medical
“Maccabi Natural”,
Maccabi Healthcare
Cancer Prevention:
Thyroid Cancer:
Volunteer Advisors
Dr. A. Cohen
Endocrinologist, Sheba
Medical Center
Advocate Y. Horesh
Legal Advisor, S. Horowitz and Associates
Prof. T. Dikstein
Endocrinologist, Bnei
Zion Hospital
A. Ben Cochav
Computing Consultant
Prof. D. Gross
Hadassah Medical
Center, Ein Karem
M. Kidon, M. Teomim – BBDO
Communications Services, Advertising and
Media Consulting Agency
Dr. S. Gruzinsky
Endocrinologist, Rabin
Medical Center
Dr. T. Horn
Nuclear Medicine,
Assaf Harofeh Medical
A. Shatz, A. Zehavi – SEO Israel
Professional Search Engine Optimization
and Site Promotion Services
Dr. A. Liel
Administration and
Department Directors
Soroka Medical Center
Ms. M. Ziv
Director General
Dr. M. Malul
Isotopes, Meir Hospital
Ms. S. Cassuto
Dr. S. Mechlis
Nuclear Medicine,
Rabin Medical Center
Committees and
Projects Coordinator
Mr. M. Bar Haim
Dr. A. Salmon
Oncology, Hadassah
Medical Center,
Ein Karem and
Ministry of Health
Chief Financial
Dr. N. CohenAvigdor
Spokesperson and
Director, Public
Education and
Ms. R. Balistra
Director, Branches
Dept. and ‘Door
Knock’ Fundraising
Campaign Manager
Mr. R. Makrin
Director, Marketing
and Cooperation
Ms. A. Shapira
and Welfare Dept.
Ms. R. Edan
Director, Human
Resources Dept.
Mr. A. David
Director, Maintenance
and Logistics Dept.
Prof. N. Stern
Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center
Dr. B. Uzieli
Oncology, Hadassah
Medical Center,
Ein Karem
Dr. M. Weiss
Endocrinology, Assaf
Harofeh Medical Center
Prof. G. Zidan
Oncologist, Rebecca
Sieff Hospital
Luboshitz Kasierer
Ernst & Young
Chartered Accountants
S. Dolinski
Internal Auditor
"Door Knock" Fundraising
Campaign's Jubilee