Download Radio Show about Breast Thermography On October 3rd, 2010

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Radio Show about Breast Thermography
On October 3rd, 2010, George Noory of KFI640am hosted Dr. Martha Grout and Mary
Budinger. They discussed the advantages of thermography and the dangers of
You can read about the show here on our website but also download the audio from
KFI604am’s website
Dr. Martha Grout and medical journalist Mary Budinger discussed how a variety of
diseases and health problems can be treated with alternative medicine approaches.
They noted that while October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, they'd like to see
people shift from awareness to prevention. "We already know what causes the
cancer to grow," said Budinger, who cited exposure to chemicals in the daily
environment, as well as electromagnetic pollution. The focus on mammography is
not helpful, as women are irradiated during the tests, and this may actually cause
cancer, noted Grout.
The technique of thermography, which measures the heat signature that comes off
the body, and detects inflammation, is a safer alternative to mammography, she
added. For cancer patients, an alternative to standard chemotherapy is Insulin
Potentiated Therapy- which targets cancerous cells by combining glucose with low
does of chemo, Dr. Grout detailed. Budinger shared revelations on such conditions as
heart disease and skin cancer:
Cholesterol is required by the body to form cell membranes, and has never
been shown to be causative of heart disease.
Rather than sun exposure, skin cancer is associated with a lack of Omega 3 in
people's diets.