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Project description for A*STAR-Imperial Partnership (AIP) PhD Programme
Title: Understanding the cross-regulatory feedback circuit between HNF1α and HNF4α in determining pancreatic β cell
Heterozygous mutations in hepatocyte nuclear factor 1A (HNF1A) and HNF4A are known to cause maturity onset
diabetes of the young (MODY) (Yamagata et al., 1996a; Yamagata et al., 1996b). In fact, the pancreatic β cell phenotype
in MODY1 (HNF4A) and MODY3 (HNF1A) subjects is very similar (Byrne et al., 1995; Byrne et al., 1996). Hnf1α has been
demonstrated to be important for Hnf4α gene expression in pancreatic β cells (Boj et al., 2001; Shih et al., 2001).
Conversely, Hnf4α has also been reported to be important for Hnf1α gene expression in pancreatic β cells (Gragnoli et al.,
1997; Wang et al., 2000). Therefore, it is increasingly accepted that there is a positive cross-regulatory feedback circuit
between Hnf1α and Hnf4α in the regulation of pancreatic β cell function and its glucose-sensing machinery (Figure 1)
(Ferrer, 2002; Hansen et al., 2002). However to date, it is still largely unclear how the loss of a Hnf1α allele affects the
expression of Hnf4α and vice versa, in pancreatic β cells. Whilst Hnf1α and Hnf4α probably control a common genetic
program in pancreatic β cells, we do not yet know their global molecular targets in human pancreatic progenitors and
mature β cells, and if they are indeed the same molecular targets. Furthermore, it is yet unclear how a single autosomal
dominant mutation in HNF1A and/or HNF4A predisposes MODY subjects to develop diabetes only in the second to fourth
decade of life.
In this project, we seek to understand this intricate cross-regulatory feedback circuit between Hnf1α and Hnf4α which
ultimately determines pancreatic β cell function (Figure 1). Our scientific approach would include the use of:
1) Pancreatic β cells derived from MODY1 and MODY3 human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) to study the
molecular interactions between HNF4A and HNF1A in determining human pancreatic β cell function (Teo et al.,
2014; Teo et al., 2013a; Teo et al., 2013b),
2) EndoC-bH1 and EndoC-bH2 human pancreatic β cell lines (Ravassard et al., 2011; Scharfmann et al., 2014) in
which the expression of HNF1A and HNF4A will be perturbed to understand the impact of their inter-regulatory
relationships on pancreatic β cell function, and
3) Numerous Hnf1α and Hnf4α-relevant cell lines and reagents generated by the Ferrer Lab.
Figure 1. Postulated switch positions of the pancreatic
Hnf1α/Hnf4α circuitry. The loss of one Hnf1α or Hnf4α
allele results in circuit inactivation, thereby affecting the
downstream pancreatic β cell gene function network
(Ferrer, 2002).
Through this collaborative project between the Teo Lab and Ferrer Lab, we seek to understand the following:
1) What are the molecular targets of HNF1A and HNF4A in human pancreatic progenitors and β cells?
2) How can a single mutation in one HNF1A and/or HNF4A allele perturb the whole pancreatic transcriptional
network and affect pancreatic β cell function?
3) Does HNF1A directly regulate the gene expression of HNF4A (and vice versa) in human pancreatic progenitors
and pancreatic β cells?
4) What are the molecular/epigenetic triggers which inactivate the Hnf1α/Hnf4α bistable circuit?
By unravelling the mechanism behind this cross-regulatory feedback circuitry between Hnf1α and Hnf4α, we will gain
significant insights into the glucose-sensing machinery of pancreatic β cells. The ability to improve the glucose-sensing
function of pancreatic β cells is therapeutically relevant to the insulin-resistant state in type 2 diabetes patients.
Contact Information:
Adrian Kee Keong TEO, Ph.D.
([email protected])
Junior Investigator, IMCB, A*STAR
Adjunct Assistant Professor, SBS, NTU
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Dept of Biochemistry,NUS
Professor Jorge FERRER, M.D., Ph.D.
([email protected])
Chair in Genetics and Medicine, Imperial College London
Head, Section of Epigenomics and Disease
Boj, S.F., Parrizas, M., Maestro, M.A., and Ferrer, J. (2001). A transcription factor regulatory circuit in differentiated
pancreatic cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 98, 14481-14486.
Byrne, M.M., Sturis, J., Fajans, S.S., Ortiz, F.J., Stoltz, A., Stoffel, M., Smith, M.J., Bell, G.I., Halter, J.B., and Polonsky,
K.S. (1995). Altered insulin secretory responses to glucose in subjects with a mutation in the MODY1 gene on
chromosome 20. Diabetes 44, 699-704.
Byrne, M.M., Sturis, J., Menzel, S., Yamagata, K., Fajans, S.S., Dronsfield, M.J., Bain, S.C., Hattersley, A.T., Velho, G.,
Froguel, P., et al. (1996). Altered insulin secretory responses to glucose in diabetic and nondiabetic subjects with
mutations in the diabetes susceptibility gene MODY3 on chromosome 12. Diabetes 45, 1503-1510.
Ferrer, J. (2002). A genetic switch in pancreatic beta-cells: implications for differentiation and haploinsufficiency. Diabetes
51, 2355-2362.
Gragnoli, C., Lindner, T., Cockburn, B.N., Kaisaki, P.J., Gragnoli, F., Marozzi, G., and Bell, G.I. (1997). Maturity-onset
diabetes of the young due to a mutation in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-4 alpha binding site in the promoter of the
hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 alpha gene. Diabetes 46, 1648-1651.
Hansen, S.K., Parrizas, M., Jensen, M.L., Pruhova, S., Ek, J., Boj, S.F., Johansen, A., Maestro, M.A., Rivera, F., Eiberg,
H., et al. (2002). Genetic evidence that HNF-1alpha-dependent transcriptional control of HNF-4alpha is essential for
human pancreatic beta cell function. J Clin Invest 110, 827-833.
Ravassard, P., Hazhouz, Y., Pechberty, S., Bricout-Neveu, E., Armanet, M., Czernichow, P., and Scharfmann, R. (2011).
A genetically engineered human pancreatic beta cell line exhibiting glucose-inducible insulin secretion. J Clin Invest 121,
Scharfmann, R., Pechberty, S., Hazhouz, Y., von Bulow, M., Bricout-Neveu, E., Grenier-Godard, M., Guez, F., Rachdi, L.,
Lohmann, M., Czernichow, P., et al. (2014). Development of a conditionally immortalized human pancreatic beta cell line.
J Clin Invest 124, 2087-2098.
Shih, D.Q., Screenan, S., Munoz, K.N., Philipson, L., Pontoglio, M., Yaniv, M., Polonsky, K.S., and Stoffel, M. (2001).
Loss of HNF-1alpha function in mice leads to abnormal expression of genes involved in pancreatic islet development and
metabolism. Diabetes 50, 2472-2480.
Teo, A.K., Valdez, I.A., Dirice, E., and Kulkarni, R.N. (2014). Comparable Generation of Activin-Induced Definitive
Endoderm via Additive Wnt or BMP Signaling in Absence of Serum. Stem Cell Reports 3, 5-14.
Teo, A.K., Wagers, A.J., and Kulkarni, R.N. (2013a). New Opportunities: Harnessing Induced Pluripotency for Discovery
in Diabetes and Metabolism. Cell Metab.
Teo, A.K., Windmueller, R., Johansson, B.B., Dirice, E., Njolstad, P.R., Tjora, E., Raeder, H., and Kulkarni, R.N. (2013b).
Derivation of human induced pluripotent stem cells from patients with maturity onset diabetes of the young. J Biol Chem
288, 5353-5356.
Wang, H., Maechler, P., Antinozzi, P.A., Hagenfeldt, K.A., and Wollheim, C.B. (2000). Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha
regulates the expression of pancreatic beta -cell genes implicated in glucose metabolism and nutrient-induced insulin
secretion. J Biol Chem 275, 35953-35959.
Yamagata, K., Furuta, H., Oda, N., Kaisaki, P.J., Menzel, S., Cox, N.J., Fajans, S.S., Signorini, S., Stoffel, M., and Bell,
G.I. (1996a). Mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-4alpha gene in maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY1).
Nature 384, 458-460.
Yamagata, K., Oda, N., Kaisaki, P.J., Menzel, S., Furuta, H., Vaxillaire, M., Southam, L., Cox, R.D., Lathrop, G.M., Boriraj,
V.V., et al. (1996b). Mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1alpha gene in maturity-onset diabetes of the young
(MODY3). Nature 384, 455-458.