Download Turnip Turntable - Willie Green`s Organic Farm

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October 3, 2012
Turnip Turntable
These small tender root vegetables are commonly grown
in moderate climates worldwide. The scientific name for
Baby Turnip is Brassica rapa. The interior flesh is like it’s
outside, entirely white. Did you know the ‘tail’ below the
swollen root we know and love is called the taproot?
Willie Green’s Organic Farm
Phone: 425-485-4128
Mailing Address: 14751 N Kelsey St.
Ste 105, Box 502
Monroe, WA 98272
Email: [email protected]
Turnip leaves or “turnip greens”, are edible and resemble
mustard greens in flavor. Turnip greens are a common
side dish in the Southeast US, primarily during late fall
and winter. Baby turnips are best when freshly harvested
and do not keep well. Most baby turnips can be eaten
whole, including their leaves. Their flavor is mild, so they
can be eaten raw in salads like radishes and other
The turnip's root is high in vitamin C. The turnip greens
are a good source of vitamin A, folate, vitamin C, vitamin
K and calcium and are high in lutein. One medium raw
turnip (122g) contains the following nutritional
information according to the USDA: Calories: 34; Fat:
0.12; Carbohydrates: 7.84; Fibers: 2.2; Protein: 1.10;
Cholesterol: 0!
Do you find turnips intolerable and bitter? Then you my
have a sensitivity to the bitterness controlled by a paired
gene. People who have inherited two copies of the
"sensitive" gene find turnips twice as bitter as those who
have two "insensitive" genes.
This is what is in your box and what the heck to do with some of it
Small Share:
Salad Mix: ½ lb
Baby Spinach: ¼ lb
Red Radish: 1 bu
Green Cauliflower: 1 hd
Green Beans: ½ lb
Corn: 2 ea
Carrots: 1 bu
Medium Share:
Salad Mix ¾ lb
Baby Spinach: ½ lb
Red Radish: 2 bu
Green Cauliflower: 1 hd
Green Beans: ¾ lb
Corn: 4 ea
Carrots: 2 bu
Winterbor Kale: 1 bu
Tomato: 1 ea
Large Share:
Salad Mix: 1 lb
Baby Spinach: ¾ lb
Red Radish: 2 bu
Green Cauliflower: 2 hd
Green Beans: 1 lb
Corn: 6 ea
Carrots: 3 bu
Winterbor Kale: 2 bu
Tomato: 2 ea
Baby Turnip: 1 bu
Glazed Baby Turnips and Carrots
1 pound baby turnips (about 2 pounds with greens attached)
3/4 pound baby carrots (about 2 pounds with green attached)
1 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 teaspoon sugar
Trim baby turnips and carrots, leaving about 1/2 inch stems if green
were attached, and peel if desired. If using regular turnips, peel and
cut into 1-inch pieces. In a steamer set over boiling water steam
turnips and carrots separately, covered, until just tender, 6 to 8
minutes. Vegetables may be prepared up to this point 1 day in advance
and kept covered and chilled.
In a large heavy skillet cook vegetables in butter with sugar and salt
and pepper to taste over moderately low heat, stirring, until heated
through and glazed, about 4 minutes. Serves 6
Although the Green Cauliflower is relatively new to the market, one
would perhaps have expected to see it in the commercial market
sooner as it is actually quite easily developed. It is a hybrid of
cauliflower and broccoli, both members of the species Brassica
oleracea, making them fully cross compatible. The cross is easily made
by hand pollination or natural pollinators. Green Cauliflower can also be
found under the name broccoflower or cauliflower broccoli.
Information and recipe below courtesy of
Cheddar Broccoflower Mash
(Weight Watchers recipe! Points: 1 [3/4 cup])
1 head of green cauliflower, chopped into small florets
4 cups chicken stock
¼ cup shredded white cheddar cheese
2 tbsp milk
4 cloves garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
Bring the chicken stock to a boil and add the green cauliflower florets
and garlic. Boil for about 10 minutes or until green cauliflower is soft
and cooked through.
Drain the green cauliflower and reserve 1/2 cup of the chicken broth.
Add the green cauliflower and garlic to a blender with cheddar cheese,
milk, 1/2 cup chicken stock, salt, and pepper. Blend to desired
consistency. Enjoy!