Download Scout_Gauthier, Pet Health Assessment by The Pet Beastro

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Scout Gauthier
February 4, 2015
Main Complaints
Sensitive Stomach
Occasional Stool Eating
Supplement Recommendations
Bone Broth/Answers Fish Stock
½ cup
Probiotic Eleven
1 Capsule
Bach Flower Remedy
3 Drops
*Dosing amounts are listed in the “amounts” column.
How often
**How often is according to AM – Noon – PM, therefore 2 – 0 – 2 would correlate to
“2 caps with AM meal – Nothing at Noon – 2 caps with PM meal”
Bone Broth (or Answers Fermented Fish Stock) – This is loaded with so many
amino acids, minerals and vitamins that just about every dog, cat, and human
should consume it. It helps repair the gut, support the joints, detoxes the liver,
supplies a great amount of nutrients as well as improving allergy symptoms,
digestion, immune system health, brain health, connective tissue, and it even remineralizes the body. It is very high in different amino acids such as proline,
glycine, and gelatin. It is best to use fresh bones and meat with each batch. The
last 8 hours of cooking, add herbs such as thyme, sage, and oregano for their
immune boosting properties. You can add the broth in with food or give in a
separate bowl as a treat. Scout should be getting ½ cup twice daily.
Probiotic Eleven - This probiotic blend is good for supporting proper intestinal
health as well as building the immune system. It is also recommended for lack of
energy, production of B vitamins, weight problems, yeast overgrowth, boost the
immune system, proper elimination, excess gas and skin problems. This blend is
made of 11 strains of probiotics offering several ways to build good digestive
flora in the intestines supporting a healthier pet. Give 1 capsule two hours after
each meal (or 1 mid-day and 1 before bed) without food. This blend of
probiotics would be good for Scout because it is a stronger potency than the
OptaGest and would help not only with his sensitive stomach, but also with his
stool eating. I would still continue to offer the OptaGest because it offers the
digestive enzymes that are needed.
Bach Flower Remedy - This helps support emotions. This remedy will work very
subtly and begins to happen sometimes without the owner noticing the change
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right away. Scout’s blend contains Walnut, Heather, and crab apple. Walnut is
great for any kind of transition, especially for animals who have been rescued or
re-homed. Crab Apple helps to remedy dogs that eat stool. Heather is for dogs
that are overly noisy when they seek attention.
Diet Recommendations
This is just as important as the supplements. By feeding a raw diet, we are able to avoid
many filler’s and synthetic ingredients that mainstream, large manufactured foods are
made with. We are also able to eliminate inflammatory and high sugar foods. The organ
meat is also essential in the fact that it provides the amino acids our bodies need but is
doing so in and unadulterated form.
Consider using filtered or alkaline water. This is eliminating contaminates from city tap
water. Tap water has fluoride and chlorine which disrupts proper gut function and can
fester candida issues. Both fluoride and chlorine are harmful additives that can also
affect our brain function. We also have prescription drugs in our tap water that are not
removed from filtration. This could cause more toxic build up in our pet’s organs.
Other Recommendations
Please avoid over-vaccinating. Vaccinations are very damaging to the immune system. If
vaccines are necessary, we can provide a plan to boost the immune system prior to and
after the vaccine is given. We can also make a homeopathic antidote to help offset the
effects of the vaccine but you will need to obtain the empty syringe of the vaccine from
your veterinarian. We can give you some tips prior to the vaccine appointment.
Also avoid topical flea preventatives or chemicals since these are soaked into the skin
and take a toll on the liver, spleen and pancreas. Topical flea medications (Frontline,
Advantage, etc.) are pesticides that have carcinogenic (cancer causing) ingredients.
These treatments can cause, but are not limited to, skin irritations, cancer, nervous
system damage, organ damage and infertility. There are safe options that we carry at
the store to help repel fleas. The main course of action is building your pet’s immune
system to make them less appealing to fleas and ticks.
You may want to consider adding the Earth Animal Internal Flea & Tick powder. This
blend of herbs helps to rebalance the pH of the blood to make our animals “less tasty”
while boosting the immune system. Many of the herbs in this formula are also
considered nutritive herbs which mean they help nourish the body and they are loaded
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with trace vitamins and minerals. This in turn will help support the skin and coat
Limit or eliminate the heartworm medications if you are comfortable with this choice.
Otherwise May through October only and we can follow up with some liver cleansing
herbs following the monthly dose to help cleanse the body from the medication. Animal
Essentials Detox Blend is a nice blend with a mild liver cleansing effect to promote liver
health after the heartworm medication is given.
All recommendations are purely suggestions. The Pet Beastro does not have a licensed
veterinarian on staff nor does the staff practice medicine. If you feel that your pet needs
immediate medical attention, then you need to take them to your practicing veterinarian or
emergency clinic.
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