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A Better Way To Treat Cancer:
St. Mary Regional Cancer Center and St. Mary Breast Center
The cover photo and this background photo depict the tranquil beauty of the pond in our
main Cloister Healing Garden, one of several gardens on the hospital campus made possible
through the generosity of the Community League.
2 | A Better Way To Treat Cancer
Take a deep breath.
And read.
This brochure, provided by the Regional Cancer Center and the
What’s more, we know that diagnosing and fighting cancer
Breast Center at St. Mary Medical Center, is a vital resource for
take more than sophisticated technology and medicine. It also
cancer patients and their families. All of us at St. Mary want to
requires compassion, which is at the core of St. Mary’s values.
help you make health decisions with knowledge and confidence.
We provide support every step of the way – whether it be in a
moment of setback or in a moment of victory – to help each
St. Mary Medical Center offers the most advanced diagnostic
patient maintain the faith and courage to keep fighting.
and therapeutic cancer treatments close to home. We are a
comprehensive center, supporting you and your family on every
So please read on. Should you have any questions, please call
level – physical, emotional, and spiritual.
the St. Mary Regional Cancer Center at 215.710.5300 or the
St. Mary Breast Center at 215.710.5393.
Here, you’ll find state-of-the-art medical technology and
cutting-edge clinical trials, paired with a dedicated and highly
We hope you see that our strongest wish is to bring you
skilled team of doctors, nurses, and support staff. You’ll be
comfort and make you well.
cared for as the unique person you are, with a team of
specialists designing your own integrated treatment plan.
St. Mary
In the Top
25% of
Cancer Centers
The Regional Cancer Center at St. Mary is approved with commendation by the American College
of Surgeons (ACoS) Commission on Cancer – a distinction bestowed upon the best cancer
programs in the United States. Only 25 percent of cancer programs nationwide receive ACoS
certification approval. This approval recognizes St. Mary for having established performance
measures for high-quality, multidisciplinary cancer care.
The St. Mary Breast Center is designated a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence by the American
College of Radiology (ACR) and recognized for achieving high practice standards in image quality,
personnel qualifications, equipment, quality control procedures, and quality assurance programs.
A Better Way To Treat Cancer |
More Precise Ways to Detect
Cancer Early
St. Mary doctors use state-of-the-art imaging technology and biopsies to detect and pinpoint cancers.
Your doctor will be happy to help you further understand each of the following technologies and procedures.
But don’t let these innovations be a mystery to you – even basic knowledge of how they work and how they
fight cancer can help relieve any anxiety you might have.
CT Scans — Collecting A Fast, Virtual View
A vital diagnostic tool in the detection of cancer, CT (computed
tomography or “CAT”) scans use a computer to combine a
series of X-rays to produce a three-dimensional image of the
internal organs and structures within the body.
St. Mary uses state-of-the art, “multi-slice” helical CT
scanners, which are extremely fast, accurate, and
comfortable. Helical scanning is eight to ten times faster
than conventional CT scans; often, an accurate scan can
occur within a single breath hold. Helical scans considerably
reduce exam time as well as radiation exposure. In addition,
the helical CT scanner produces a set of data for the entire
scanned region, which is superior to data created in standard
CT studies. The helical CT scanner’s more detailed, refined
image enables doctors to more accurately detect minute
abnormalities for better diagnosis.
The wide-bore CT scanner provides doctors with the flexibility
to optimally position patients during the scan and to readily
account for any motion caused by breathing or organ
movement in preparation for radiation therapy. The wide-bore
CT also makes patient visits more convenient by combining
what were previously two tests into one that can be done at
the Cancer Center.
2 | A Better Way To Treat Cancer
PET/CT — Giving Doctors a Better Picture
Through Combined Technology
The Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Computed
Tomography (CT) scanner system integrates these two
advanced imaging technologies to help doctors determine
what stage cancer is in and monitor the progress of patients’
treatment. In many cases, the information gained through
this technology has changed the treatment course, either
resulting in a more aggressive pursuit of cancer or helping
the patient avoid more invasive procedures.
Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI) — Catching
Subtle Tissue Differences
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) uses
a large magnet and radio waves to create
visible images on a computer that can
detect subtle abnormalities otherwise left
unnoticed, especially in soft tissue and
primary organs. During this procedure,
the patient lies comfortably on an exam
table that slides into a doughnut-shaped
machine. The procedure is painless, and
the scan does not involve X-ray radiation
or radioactive material. New designs
in MRI technology have reduced the
“enclosed” feeling some patients
experience while undergoing this
testing procedure.
St. Mary has multiple MRI scanners
available and recently added a new
MRI system highly specialized for
more accurate imaging of the breast
and prostate areas.
Digital Mammography —
Providing a Better,
Second Set of Eyes
Women can take comfort in knowing
that breast screening at St. Mary is done
with the latest digital imaging technology
available and is linked to state-of-the-art
computer-aided detection (CAD)
capability. This combination of
high-resolution imaging and
comprehensive analysis provides
St. Mary radiologists with diagnostic
tools that are generations beyond the
technology of only a few years ago.
Digital computer-aided detection takes
diagnoses to a higher level than results
achieved with traditional film-based
mammography alone. With this
automatic second opinion, the most
precise early detection is possible. The
latest technology means the best chance
that nothing will be missed.
For women, the test experience is much
the same as traditional mammography.
The difference really happens behind the
scenes. Rather than physically printing
the X-ray images onto a piece of film,
the new sophisticated full-field digital
mammography system transfers images
to a high-powered computer where,
depending on the radiologists’ needs, they
can be viewed as-is or electronically
manipulated. If an area on the image
raises suspicions, doctors can manually
zoom in, magnify, brighten, and
optimize certain parts of the image to
enhance readability and interpretation.
Because the digital images are available
immediately for review on a computer
monitor, waiting time and the need for
retakes are reduced.
Radiologists –
The Best of
the Best
St. Mary radiologists are dedicated
to providing patients with the utmost
in careful, accurate imaging studies.
They also know that technology is
meant to be of service to people
and that reassuring patients is
as important as evaluating them.
St. Mary is accredited by the
American College of Radiology
for CT, MRI, mammography, and
ultrasound, and certified by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
in mammography.
A Better Way To Treat Cancer |
Laboratory, which performs more than 1 million tests
per year with very high accuracy rates, was awarded
reaccreditation from the College of American Pathologists,
a prestigious distinction demonstrating our commitment
to quality and safety.
Minimally Invasive Breast Biopsy
Biopsies — Testing for the Presence
and Type of Cancer
Sometimes it’s not possible to determine from imaging
studies alone whether a growth is benign. In these cases, a
tissue sample must be obtained for laboratory examination.
Depending on individual factors such as tumor size and the
area of the body affected, the tissue removed may be part or all
of an organ or body system (resection), the entire suspicious
mass (excisional biopsy), a small sample of tissue (incisional
or core biopsy), or an even smaller sample of tissue or fluid
(needle aspiration biopsy).
St. Mary’s Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
examines biopsies, resections, and other cultures to identify
cancer. The department offers access to the latest diagnostic
modalities, including molecular pathology, which analyzes
potentially cancerous cells at the DNA level. Our Clinical
4 | A Better Way To Treat Cancer
Because 75% of breast biopsies prove benign (non-cancerous),
it’s best that the technique be as minimally invasive as possible
to ensure less scarring. A stereotactic needle biopsy provides
such a means.
With this kind of biopsy, a hollow needle guided by a
computerized X-ray instrument is inserted into the suspect
lesion at precisely the right point to extract a small tissue
sample. Lab tests are then performed on the sample to
arrive at an accurate diagnosis.
Minimally Invasive Brain Biopsy
St. Mary continues to advance our established stereotactic
surgery program, enabling neurosurgeons to perform
minimally invasive brain biopsies. With this technology, a
neurosurgeon uses a slender biopsy needle to safely reach
the desired location within one-millimeter accuracy. As a
result, suspicious tissue can be extracted with the least
amount of trauma to the brain.
More Techniques to Treat Cancer
St. Mary celebrates the complexity and uniqueness of each of our patients,
so our approach to your particular cancer is a carefully integrated,
multidisciplinary combination of more than 70 dedicated cancer specialists,
technologists, therapists, and nutritional and spiritual support counselors.
We treat the whole person, so that body, mind, and spirit are strong, resilient,
and well-prepared to overcome cancer.
Which of the following treatments will be relevant to you depends on your
type of cancer, where it is located, and other prognostic factors. Once again,
a familiarity with the different techniques – through these descriptions and
through discussions with your doctor – should give you more confidence in
your course of treatment.
IMRT Radiation — Targeting
Tumors Precisely with a
Focused Beam
IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation
Therapy) conforms the radiation treatment
beam to the exact size and shape of the
cancerous tumor and modifies the
intensity of the radiation beam to deliver
the greatest dose directly to the tumor,
while sparing surrounding healthy tissue.
Radiation therapy stops cancer cells from
dividing and growing, and can slow the
growth of tumors. St. Mary’s linear accelerator with IMRT capability offers many
patients new promise in fighting cancer.
With IMRT, the radiation treatment beam
is precisely tailored to the patient’s tumor.
The shape and intensity changes as
radiation is delivered from different angles,
so that the tumor always is targeted and
healthy tissue is protected.
Frameless Stereotactic
Radiosurgery — Eliminating
Brain Tumors Painlessly
Without Surgery
St. Mary offers patients a remarkable
cancer treatment alternative to traditional
surgery by pinpointing brain tumors so
larger doses of radiation can be safely
delivered. Frameless stereotactic
radiosurgery painlessly treats even
inoperable tumors with powerful
precision. In addition, this technology
can detect slight patient movement, so
focused high-energy radiation can target
cancerous cells without harming healthy
tissue just a millimeter away. This less
invasive way to fight cancer allows for
more radiation in a single dose with fewer
treatments than traditional techniques.
Brachytherapy – Internalizing
Radiation for Better Results
A minimally invasive treatment option
for some prostate cancer patients is
brachytherapy (also referred to as
radioactive seed therapy). With
brachytherapy, small radioactive pellets
about the size of a grain of rice are
implanted into the prostate. These seeds
give off radiation over the course of weeks
or months, yet cause little discomfort
because they are so small. Patients
who undergo this outpatient procedure
experience minimal discomfort, have
fewer side effects, and return to normal
routines in a few days.
For certain kinds of cancer, such as breast
and gynecological cancers, High-Dose
Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy also can be
performed, which ensures that the
maximum radiation dose is delivered
where the patient needs it most, sparing
nearby healthy tissue. The dose only
needs to be applied for typically three
to ten minutes. Women with breast cancer
can be treated during the course of one
week with this type of technology.
A Better Way To Treat Cancer |
The Team that Knows What You Need
“I’m Vicki Farrell, and I have been an oncology nurse at
St. Mary Medical Center for more than 20 years. Working as a
team, our doctors, nurses, and therapists focus on the needs of
each patient. We are involved not only with the treatment of
the disease, but also with the patient’s psychological and social
well-being. We also are dedicated to helping the
patient’s family through the process. This team approach
affords the patients – and their families – the support
they need to guide them through their journey.”
HI-ART TomoTherapy — Using CT Imaging to
Guide IMRT for Superb Accuracy
In our commitment to better serve the healthcare needs of our community,
the St. Mary Regional Cancer Center is proud to be one of the first in
southeastern Pennsylvania to offer Highly Integrated Adaptive Radiotherapy
(HI-ART) TomoTherapy. This leading-edge technology combines the most
advanced form of IMRT with real-time CT scanning, allowing doctors to
plan and deliver radiation therapy as precisely as possible. This technology
permits radiation oncologists at St. Mary to offer new advances in treating
cancers of the brain, spine, and other previously difficult-to-treat areas.
Chemotherapy — Cleansing the Body of Cancer
The St. Mary Regional Cancer Center provides chemotherapy procedures
for patients referred by a St. Mary physician. Treatments are done in the
infusion room inside the Cancer Center. The infusion room also is
equipped to provide blood transfusions, which often are needed for
patients undergoing chemotherapy. The Outpatient
Chemotherapy Department is staffed by
registered nurses (RNs) who are
chemotherapy-certified and members
of the Intravenous (IV) Team. For
inpatients, chemotherapy is provided
directly in the Oncology Unit
at St. Mary.
Experience Cloaked
with Compassion
“I am Dr. Benjamin Chack, and I have
been a physician at St. Mary Medical
Center for more than two decades,
treating many patients with cancers
of the head and neck. The staff at the
Cancer Center are the most caring and
compassionate people with whom I have
ever worked. Most importantly, however,
I can be confident in their professional
know-how and ability to assist me in
providing my patients with the most
up-to-date treatments.”
6 | St.
A Better
Mary Way
To Treat
Surgery — Removing Tumors
and Providing New Hope
• Prostatectomy – surgery to
remove the prostate and
affected tissue
Patients who need surgery for their
cancer can count on the expertise
and care of the St. Mary surgical
oncology staff.
Surgery for cancer is local treatment to
remove the tumor. Tissues around the
tumor and nearby lymph nodes also
may be removed during the operation.
After surgery, radiation or chemotherapy
may be used depending on whether
the cancer has spread to other areas
(metastasis) or as a preventive measure
to block its recurrence. Extensive
postoperative care and monitoring are
coordinated by the entire team, including
surgeons, oncology nurses, therapists,
nutritionists, and counselors.
Some of the more common surgical
procedures for treating cancer are:
• Lumpectomy – surgery to remove
the tumor and a small amount of
normal tissue in the breast
• Mastectomy – surgery to remove
breast tumor and affected tissue
• Resection – surgical removal
of part of an organ, most
commonly involving a bowel,
liver, or lung
Areas of cancer surgical specialty
at St. Mary include:
• Bladder
• Breast
• Colorectal
• Esophagus
“My name is Libby Salvati, and my
• Gynecological
family and I go to St. Mary all the
• Head and Neck
• Liver
• Lung
appointments. St. Mary was so
• Neurosurgery
convenient, and I received
• Prostate
top-notch care from everyone
• Rectal
involved in my treatment. The
• Skin
• Testicular
• Thyroid
Not Just
Another Patient
time. When I was diagnosed with
breast cancer, I did not want to
travel far for my many treatment
people there are wonderful. Their
compassion made me feel like I
wasn’t just another cancer patient ...
I felt like they truly cared.”
A Better Way To Treat Cancer |
Inpatient Oncology Unit – Treating Cancer with Passion and Compassion
Though the majority of cancer cases today can be treated on an outpatient basis, your course of treatment
may require you to spend some time in the hospital. St. Mary has a dedicated Inpatient Oncology Unit
organized to provide the most aggressive cancer therapy possible for patients whose treatment must be
carried out during a hospital stay.
St. Mary recognizes that it is important for cancer patients and their families to have a maximum degree
of privacy if their course of treatment requires a hospital stay. St. Mary created a state-of-the-art 16-bed
oncology unit with private, family-friendly rooms, each with a plasma TV and furnished with sofa recliners
for family members who wish to stay overnight with patients. The spacious, smartly designed rooms also
provide more personal space for belongings. An attractive community room is equipped with a refrigerator
and microwave for the convenience of patients and their loved ones. Our Healing Environments volunteers
visit patients, bringing handmade afghans and quilts to help personalize their rooms. These amenities help
provide a home-like environment in a hospital setting.
No-Hassle Parking
There is convenient parking for patients of the St. Mary Regional Cancer
Center and the St. Mary Breast Center in the parking garage at the back
of the hospital campus. The centers are easily accessible from the ground
floor entry of the parking garage. For patients receiving treatment in the
Regional Cancer Center, there is reserved parking on the garage’s ground
floor. All parking is complimentary.
8 | A Better Way To Treat Cancer
More Support to
Live with Cancer
Treating cancer is more than accurate diagnostics and effective therapy. At St. Mary,
we are committed to a holistic approach, which recognizes that improving the
quality of your life is as important as the goal of eliminating cancer. We have the
resources, techniques, and caring staff to support you during your fight so that
healing can occur at every level – body, mind, and spirit. Because a cancer diagnosis
is a challenge that affects your family as well, St. Mary doctors, nurses, and
support staff all work in a concerted effort to help both patients and their loved
ones receive the emotional and spiritual resources they need.
Wound Healing and
Hyperbaric Medicine Center
Pain Management
Our Wound Healing and Hyperbaric
Medicine Center offers a comprehensive
approach to treat hard-to-heal wounds,
allowing patients to resume a normal
lifestyle as quickly as possible. Our
specialists, all with advanced training in
the assessment and treatment of slow-toheal wounds, work with patients and their
referring physicians to coordinate care
and develop the best course of treatment.
The center offers a variety of treatment
techniques to help wounds heal, including
hyperbaric oxygen therapy for cancer
patients experiencing complications
following radiation therapy.
At St. Mary, we recognize the relief of pain
as central to recovery and quality of life.
Our Pain Management Center offers a
holistic approach to alleviating chronic
and acute pain. We use a combination
of therapies with the highest clinical
standards in anesthesia and medication
intervention, in conjunction with
psychological, emotional, and spiritual
support. We provide a variety of
treatments, including injection therapy,
nerve blocks, and acupuncture.
Not Just
Another Hospital
“My name is Richard Hart,
and when I was first told I
had prostate cancer, it was
devastating. After investigating
my options, it was clear that
St. Mary was far and away the
best choice I could make.
They have a high-caliber, fully
developed cancer center;
extremely qualified, impressive
physicians; and every resource
I could need. Through the entire
process, their knowledge and
willingness to help gave me
the confidence and strength I
needed. Today, I feel like a million
bucks. I would unequivocally and
enthusiastically recommend
St. Mary to anyone. I placed all
my trust in them and they didn’t
let me down.”
A Better Way to Treat Cancer
| 9
Spiritual Care
Spiritual strength is at the core of
St. Mary’s ministry of healing. We
honor the individual beliefs of our
patients and seek to open the paths to
those beliefs whenever possible.
Holistic Services — Compassionate Services Promoting
Relaxation and Healing, Peace, and Comfort
The St. Mary Holistic Center is the area’s first hospital-based program dedicated
to promoting the understanding that healing is a journey not only of the body, but
also of the mind and spirit. Treating the whole person creates an opportunity for more
complete and meaningful healing and can help not only with a challenging diagnosis
or chronic condition, but also with the demands of a busy lifestyle.
To support this balanced approach, the Holistic Center offers various services,
learning tools, and classes designed to add another dimension to your care – helping
you to cope more effectively, heal more completely, and feel more rejuvenated:
Lifestyle Enrichment
• Therapeutic Massage
• Essential Breathing
• Yoga
• Deep Tissue Massage
• Therapeutic Touch
• Reflexology
• Craniosacral Therapy
• Myofascial Release
• Shiatsu
• Guided Imagery
• Clinical Hypnotherapy
• “Prepare for Surgery,
Heal Faster” –
Personalized Session
• “Prepare for
Chemotherapy or
Radiation” –
Personalized Session
10 | A Better Way To Treat Cancer
• Tai Chi
• Gentle Movement
The Spiritual Care team is available to
lend emotional or spiritual support to
patients and their families – for those
receiving care in the Inpatient Oncology
Unit and for our outpatients being treated
in the Regional Cancer Center and Breast
Center. The Spiritual Care department
is staffed by certified chaplains and
ordained clergy. There is a chaplain
present in the hospital 24 hours a day,
seven days a week.
St. Mary also has more than 100
volunteers who serve as Friendly
Pastoral Visitors and Communion
Ministers. In addition, so that the
needs of all faith groups are addressed,
we contact local clergy and religious
congregations at a patient’s request.
Palliative Care
Our Palliative Care team is a resource for
patients who are diagnosed with chronic
and life-limiting illnesses, and for loved
ones who are involved in their care. The
goals of the program are to prevent and
relieve suffering, as well as to support
the best quality of life for patients and
their families. The Palliative Care team
provides compassion and comfort, and
supports the patient and family in the
decision-making process.
A Place for Peace –
The Healing Gardens
of St. Mary
Patients at St. Mary have a unique resource
that revives their souls, their spirits, and their
senses: the Healing Gardens. The serene
atmosphere of these gardens is the perfect
place to pray for direction, gather thoughts,
and nurture hope.
Lymphedema Therapy
St. Mary offers special support to patients who are experiencing
lymphedema, or the swelling of tissues caused by the buildup
of lymph fluid. Some cancer patients face this chronic condition
after surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy.
Lymphedema most often occurs in the arms and legs. The
surgical removal of lymph nodes (as in the armpits of breast
cancer patients), radiation therapy for cancer, and traumatic
injury or infection are the most frequent causes of lymphedema.
A Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT) performs massage-like
manual lymph drainage (MLD) that stimulates the pulsation of
the lymph vessel walls to assist drainage of the lymph fluid into
lymph vessels that are still functioning.
In addition to the MLD massage, wrappings with gradient
compression bandages, lymphedema-specific exercises, and
skin care to prevent infection and inflammation are among the
other Complete Decongestive Therapy components used to
treat lymphedema.
St. Mary Medical Center has multiple Certified Lymphedema
Specialists who are specially trained in Complete Decongestive
Therapy to treat lymphedema.
The Healing Gardens are inspired by
12th-century monasteries and nunneries,
which served as the first “hospitals.” Our
centrally located Cloister Garden has six
distinct areas: the lawn, a woodland amble,
a cherry grove, the pond, a Japanese Walk,
and a dining terrace. A second Healing
Garden is dedicated to the families and
patients of the St. Mary Regional Cancer
Center and the St. Mary Breast Center.
St. Mary also is graced with a rooftop
garden and a calming garden and terrace
adjoining the reception area of the
Emergency Department.
The Pennsylvania/Delaware Chapter of
the American Society of Landscape
Architects has bestowed an Honor Award
upon the Healing Gardens at St. Mary.
Thanks to the fund-raising and volunteer
support of the Community League of
St. Mary Medical Center, the gardens are
continually maintained and expanded.
A Better Way To Treat Cancer |
Nutritional Counseling
Because the right nutrition is important in
the prevention and treatment of cancer, a
registered dietitian provides patients at
St. Mary Medical Center with a nutritional
plan that best meets their needs. The
oncology dietitian is involved in the care
of both inpatients and outpatients. Each
patient has the opportunity to request the
services of the dietitian during the course
of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
If a patient is not going to initiate
treatments immediately due to testing
or other factors, the dietitian still will
contact the patient and/or family member
by phone to discuss nutritional status as
requested by the physician or the patient.
All patients who are at nutritional risk
are given the opportunity to see the
dietitian and receive guidance to help
them improve their nutritional status.
Family members are encouraged to be
present for these consultations.
Man-to-Man® prostate cancer support
group, and the Look Good…Feel Better®
support group for women.
In addition, St. Mary partnered with
Gilda’s Club Delaware Valley to offer a
supportive place on the hospital campus
for our patients and their families to
participate in activities, attend workshops,
and meet with others experiencing the
feelings and issues of living with cancer.
to improve his or her lifestyle. That can
mean working with a cancer patient to
develop an individualized fitness program
or helping a senior citizen recover from
hip-replacement surgery. Whether you
need help getting back to where you once
were, or assistance getting to where you
want to be, the St. Mary Wellness Center
can help you meet your fitness and
health goals.
Resource Library
Outpatient Rehabilitation
The Regional Cancer Center offers a
Resource Library for patients to easily
obtain information related to their
diagnosis and treatment. Patients can
review books, magazines, DVDs, and
other resources in the comfortably
furnished room. In addition, patients
have access to a computer in the
Cancer Center Resource Library.
Patients needing physical therapy,
occupational therapy, or speech therapy
can benefit from the Outpatient
Rehabilitation program at St. Mary
Medical Center. Our experienced
rehabilitation team includes licensed
physical therapists, occupational
therapists, and speech/language
pathologists, as well as board-certified
physiatrists (MDs with special training in
physical medicine and rehabilitation).
Wellness Center
Support Groups
Patients find solace through St. Mary’s
cancer support groups. These include
the Breast Cancer Support Group, the
12 | A Better Way To Treat Cancer
The St. Mary Wellness Center is a
comprehensive facility offering preventive,
diagnostic, and rehabilitation services.
Our programs are designed for everyone
St. Mary offers rehabilitation programs for
inpatients seven days a week. Outpatient
rehab programs are scheduled Monday
through Friday with some services offered
on Saturday mornings.
Social Services
True to St. Mary’s commitment to provide a full
continuum of care, an oncology social worker is
available to patients on the Inpatient Oncology
Unit, as well as outpatients in the Cancer Center
and those referred by a physician. Services
include education, community resource referral,
psychosocial assessment, and crisis intervention.
The social worker also can assist patients and family
members in understanding insurance coverage and
benefits associated with discharge planning needs.
The oncology social worker works closely with
supportive care, home care, physicians, nurses,
and other team members.
Home Care Services
Even when your hospital stay is over, the staff at
St. Mary wants to make sure that you are well
cared for.
These services include:
• Skilled nursing care
• Hospice and pre-hospice
• Home health aides
• Pain management
• Physical, speech, and
occupational therapy
• Medical social services
• Spiritual care
• Support services
• Educational programs
A physician referral is required in most cases, and
the specifics of your health situation and home
environment will determine the extent of home
care services you will need. Home Care staff also
can assist with arrangements for home
medical equipment.
St. Mary Home Care offers patients a full range of
interdisciplinary skilled care. Whether it’s follow-up
care after hospitalization or care to help manage a
chronic disease, Home Care provides convenient
in-home services to meet your immediate
healthcare needs.
St. A
Way ToCancer
Treat Cancer
Center |
More Comprehensive Care Close to Home
St. Mary Medical Center is committed to developing and maintaining the best cancer
care program in the region, so that if you or someone you love is confronted with
cancer, you can take comfort in knowing that the highest standards of care are
available close to home.
Cancer Diagnostics and Treatment —
Investing in the Latest, Best Technology
St. Mary has the most advanced cancer-fighting diagnostic
and treatment technologies to date, attracting top doctors
and oncology specialists to practice at our Regional Cancer
Center and Breast Center. St. Mary is among the first in the
region to offer treatment with the newest da Vinci Si HD®
Surgical System, providing a minimally invasive approach
to complex procedures. The robotic-assisted surgery is useful
in the removal of fibroids and other tumors, as well as
staging for treating cervical, ovarian, and uterine cancers.
Minimally invasive surgery for prostate cancer is among
other procedures that are performed with this technology.
The da Vinci is designed to offer unparalleled visualization
and greater precision. With minimally invasive surgery,
patients typically benefit from reduced blood loss, less
pain, less scarring, and a lowered risk for infection.
Clinical Trials — Researching Better
Ways to Treat and Beat Cancer
St. Mary Medical Center also is leading the way when it
comes to revolutionizing cancer treatment. St. Mary has
enhanced access to various cancer clinical trials, collaborates
14 | A Better Way To Treat Cancer
with prominent resource organizations supported by the
National Cancer Institute (NCI), and operates under the
highest standards.
The clinical studies provide the opportunity for patients
to enroll in leading-edge clinical trials in a nearby
community setting.
More Cancer Specialists
At St. Mary, we know that cancer is best treated through a multidisciplinary
approach that uses the insights provided by a wide range of cancer specialists.
Each of these specialists is an expert in his or her own field of cancer care and
is knowledgeable about the latest cancer research.
Some of the most talented doctors in their fields have joined the St. Mary cancer
team. Recent additions at St. Mary include a board-certified breast cancer surgeon
and radiation oncologists with training from top medical schools such as Johns
Hopkins, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania. These doctors have
chosen to practice at St. Mary because the cancer detection and treatment
technology we possess is cutting-edge and because they know that they are
among colleagues who place the highest value on patient-centered care.
Our doctors are measured not only by their expertise and success in treating
cancer, but also by the hope and confidence they inspire in their patients.
Treatment of
Breast Cancer
“I am Dr. Catherine Plzak,
Medical Director of the
St. Mary Breast Center.
Caring for individuals with
breast concerns requires an
organized approach by a team
of medical professionals in
multiple specialties. Our goal is
to promptly provide the highest
quality care with compassion.
I look forward to working in
our community to guide
and help patients become
knowledgeable, active
participants in their journey
through this complex
health challenge.”
A Better Way To Treat Cancer |
Who’s Who In St. Mary Cancer Care
Breast Care Coordinator – A
registered nurse who helps Breast Center
patients navigate through all aspects of
their cancer care and support, including
coordinating care with physicians,
scheduling appointments, answering
questions about treatment options, and
ensuring that patients receive continuity
of care in a timely fashion
Expert Care
“I’m Dr. Robert Cardinale, Medical
Director of the St. Mary Radiation
Oncology Department. Because of
its investment in cancer treatment
technologies and commitment to
excellence for the region, St. Mary
is able to attract top-notch cancer
specialists. Personalized care is
delivered in a compassionate
environment, where physicians,
nurses, technologists, clergy,
support staff, patients, and their
families genuinely care for and
support one another.”
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Genetics Counselor – A board-certified
genetics expert who identifies geneticrelated cancer risk and recommends
genetic testing options for families who
may have cancers commonly passed
down from one generation to the next
Medical Oncologists – Specialists
who coordinate cancer patient care,
interacting with other specialists from
several disciplines such as radiology,
pathology, therapy (chemotherapy,
radiation, and surgery), palliative care,
and counseling
Pathologists – Board-certified
physicians who study and analyze tissues
obtained from biopsies to determine
whether cancer is present
Protocol Coordinator – A person
who coordinates clinical trials
Radiation Oncologists – Boardcertified physicians whose education
and experience are directed toward the
evaluation, care, and medical management
of a patient requiring radiation therapy
Radiation Physicist/Dosimetrist –
A specialist trained in the measurement
and application of the radiation beam
for medical treatment. The physicist/
dosimetrist computes the dosage of
radiation needed for each individual
patient and plans the treatments
Radiation Therapists – Licensed
certified professionals who apply the
radiation treatment and assist patients
as they come in for treatment
Radiation Therapy Nurses –
Registered nurses certified in oncology
with special training in both patient
counseling and managing conditions
related to radiation therapy
Radiologic Technologists –
Technologists trained to administer
imaging technologies such as
ultrasound, CT scan, and MRI
Radiologists – Board-certified
specialists who interpret the data
gained through imaging technologies
More Ways to Prevent Cancer
At the St. Mary Regional Cancer Center and the St. Mary Breast Center, our philosophy is that we should
do all we can to ensure the debilitating effects of cancer are never experienced in the first place. Therefore,
helping members of the community find and implement ways to prevent and detect cancer early is an
essential part of our mission.
Since your best protection against cancer is prevention and awareness, St. Mary offers several programs,
from family cancer risk evaluation to free community screenings to classes to help people quit smoking.
Basically, we want to help our neighbors stay cancer-free.
Family Risk Evaluation Program
If you have a family history of cancer, you may benefit from
a risk assessment with our staff through the Family Risk
Evaluation Program.
Having a family history of cancer can increase a person’s risk
of developing cancer. Five to 10 percent of cancer diagnoses
are due to genetic factors that are inherited.
The experts affiliated with the Family Risk Evaluation
Program include medical and radiation oncologists,
board-certified breast surgeons, fellowship-trained
general surgeons, gynecologists, social workers, spiritual
care counselors, and genetic counselors. We offer
personalized cancer screening and risk-reduction plans.
During a comprehensive education session, a cancer
risk counselor will obtain a detailed evaluation of your
personal and family medical history. The various risk
factors for cancer will be explained, as well as the
potential benefits and limitations of currently available
screening methods.
The counselor also will provide up-to-date information on
medical screening recommendations for high-risk individuals
and available genetic testing options.
Learning you have an increased risk for cancer can enable
you to take active steps toward reducing your risk by providing
you with options for early detection and prevention. Your
awareness helps not only you, but also your children and
grandchildren, saving generations to come.
A Better Way To Treat Cancer |
Cancer Screenings
St. Mary hosts free cancer screenings,
including skin cancer screenings every
spring, for members of the community.
The skin cancer screenings are performed
by board-certified dermatologists to aid
in the early detection of melanoma.
Breast Health Initiative
The St. Mary Breast Health Initiative
provides uninsured, financially eligible
women ages 40 or older with free
screenings and educational awareness
programs for the early detection of
breast cancer. Supported by a grant from
the Philadelphia Affiliate of Susan G.
Komen for the Cure®, the Breast Health
Initiative was introduced in Fall 2008.
Services are provided at the St. Mary
Regional Cancer Center, the St. Mary
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Breast Center, and the Bucks County
Health Improvement Project (BCHIP)
Adult Health Clinic in Bensalem, where
women also are given access to primary
healthcare services for their families.
“Clearing the Air!” SmokingCessation Program
St. Mary is proud to be a totally smokefree hospital. Smoking is not permitted
anywhere on the St. Mary Medical
Center campus, including the parking
areas. To help individuals stop an
unhealthy habit that contributes to
several diseases including lung and
throat cancer, St. Mary offers free
smoking-cessation classes. Each class
consists of five sessions in a careful
sequence designed to maximize chances
for success. Topics include deciding
which nicotine replacement product
(if any) is right for you, how to best deal
with cravings, and how to avoid weight
gain. The costs of the course are defrayed
in part by the Bucks County Tobacco
Control Project and the Pennsylvania
Department of Health.
Lung CAD RapidScreen™
All chest X-rays conducted for any
reason on patients ages 30 and older at
St. Mary are automatically sent through
our computer-aided detection (CAD)
technology to detect lung cancer in its
earliest stages. Because early discovery
more than triples survival rates in this
common cancer, it’s important that
the CAD X-ray system can catch the
disease even in patients who are not
yet experiencing symptoms.
Life After Treatment –
A Celebration
At the St. Mary Regional Cancer Center and the St. Mary Breast Center, we not only
believe that beating cancer is possible, but also that fighting against and overcoming
this disease can be one of the most victorious experiences in a person’s life and a cause
for celebration. Adversity can be character-strengthening. Cancer survivors often cite
their fight as both one of the worst and the best things to have happened in their lives.
In many cases, the strength developed through these struggles gives people a
newfound zest for life.
At St. Mary, our holistic approach to detecting, treating, and coping with cancer
and its effects is designed specifically for each individual and his or her physical,
emotional, and spiritual needs. Your fight is our fight, and we’d like to be your
partner during the journey.
A Better Way To Treat Cancer |
Important Phone Numbers
Bereavement Support Group
Breast Care Coordinator
Breast Center
Breast Health Initiative
Cancer Center
Cancer Registry
Cancer Support Groups
Clinical Research/Protocol
20 | A Better Way To Treat Cancer
Community Cancer
Family Risk Evaluation
Gilda’s Club at St. Mary
Health Sciences Library
Holistic Services
Home Care/Hospice
Inpatient Oncology Unit
Pain Management Center
Palliative Care
Radiology/Imaging Services
Rehabilitative Services
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Social Services
Lymphedema Therapy
Spiritual Care
Mammography (to schedule)
Nutritional Counseling
Wellness Center
A Better Way To Treat Cancer |
St. Mary Regional Cancer Center
St. Mary Breast Center
1201 Langhorne-Newtown Road
Langhorne, PA 19047
22 | A Better Way To Treat Cancer