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Somatropin Bodybuilding Dosage VS Genotropin & Serostim
Somatropin, at its most basic definition, is a generic synthetic growth hormone. What does growth
hormone do? It makes things grow. While growth hormone is most closely associated with children
and adolescents who are struggling with height issues or lack of growth in the length of their bones,
Somatropin is often used for other non-medically approved reasons. One of those is in the athletic
and bodybuilding field. Anyone considering such use should ask whether Somatropin bodybuilding
is effective or a waste of money. More importantly, is it safe?
Somatropin Bodybuilding
Human growth hormone or synthetic forms of growth hormone such as somatropin (also known by
a least two dozen other brand names including Genotropin bodybuilding, Humatrope, Serostim,
and Norditropin) is often used as a physical or performance-enhancing drug. It is banned in many
countries around the world as well as sporting competitions.
Unless Somatropin injections are obtained through a physician’s prescription, and carefully
monitored and overseen by a physician, they are illegal. However, there are other safer, more
natural, and more importantly, legal methods that athletes and bodybuilders can use to increase
HGH levels in the body through the use of dietary supplements.
Can I use Somatropin for bodybuilding?
Can you use Somatropin for bodybuilding? Unless you have a doctor's prescription, it isn't legal.
Physicians don’t typically write a prescription for growth hormone for bodybuilding reasons. At the
same time, it's important for athletes and bodybuilders to know that while Somatropin and other
forms of growth hormones can increase muscle size, it will do nothing to increase muscle strength.
While human growth hormone or HGH Somatropin injections can increase a person's body mass
through cellular muscle growth, it is also believed to shorten the time it takes to recover in between
workouts. Bodybuilders also claim HGH has the potential to strengthen ligaments, joints, as well as
heal injured or otherwise damaged tissues in the body. It is also believed to be less detectable than
other drugs that fit into the performance-enhancing category.
What benefits do Somatropin injections offer?
Promotional ads, articles, and large number of bodybuilding websites promote use of Somatropin
bodybuilding routines. They claim that Somatropin:
Increases the capability of protein to synthesize or develop
Increases the capacity of insulin absorption in the muscles
Provides a "safety net" of sorts when using anabolic steroids
Bodybuilders will find a massive number of websites and promotional articles extolling the benefits
of Somatropin for bodybuilding, including an increase in strength, decreasing the loss of muscle
during time off, enhancing fat loss, and promoting weight gain. These articles and marketing ads
claim that when used for bodybuilding, human growth hormone drugs are safe, with very few side
effects. These promotional articles or marketing efforts will also claim that human growth hormone
does not lead to abnormal growth of bone known as acromegaly.
Somatropin For Bodybuilding Side Effects
The National Institutes of Health state that excessive production or amount of growth hormone in
the body does cause acromegaly. "Acromegaly caused by growth hormone releasing hormone
producing tumors: long-term observational studies in three patients." Check out that article. While
you're at it, read another one published by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and
Kidney Diseases on Acromegaly in which acromegaly is defined as resulting from too much growth
hormone found in the body.
According to the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases, too much growth hormone in the body not only causes excessive bone
growth, but also:
Type 2 diabetes
High blood pressure
Increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease
Increased risk for colon polyps (for those diagnosed with acromegaly). Colon polyps may
develop into colon cancer if not removed.
The risk of developing acromegaly is present when an individual who already has normal pituitary
gland function and secretions of growth hormone attempts to accelerate and enhance that
production through Somatropin or other synthetic and injectable growth hormone regimens.
How Much Growth Hormone Should I Take?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a press release in 2011 "Recombinant human
growth hormone (Somatropin): ongoing safety review - possible increased risk of death"
emphasizing that the risk of death and use of Somatropin is relatively rare, but that anyone who
uses Somatropin should do so according to label and human growth hormone dosage
However, the European Medicines Agency did provide a review that came to much of the same
conclusion, although they emphasized that Somatropin medicines should be used appropriately to
decrease risk of adverse reactions.
So while you can use the Somatropin bodybuilding drug, individuals considering growth hormone
injections must carefully weigh the risks of doing so. More natural growth hormone supplements
available in the marketplace today can produce similar results without the risk. Dietary HGH
supplements are designed to enhance or encourage the pituitary gland to increase production and
release of growth hormone. Still, you'll want to have your blood levels checked on a regular basis
to ensure safety.
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