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Nature’s Materia Medica
Page #717
PHARMACY - dol. Dolichos pruriens. Cowhage. Mucuna pruriens.
Cow-itch. N. O. Leguminosae. Papilionoideae. Trituration or tincture of
whole pod. Historical dose: Tincture and all potencies.
CLINICAL - Bedwetting. Bloated, abdomen. Colic. Constipation.
Cough. Dentition. Gums, pain. Hemorrhoids. Hepatitis. Herpes,
zoster. Hodgkin’s disease. Itching. Jaundice. Jaw, pain. Neuralgias.
Pruritus. Senile, pruritus. Sore, throat. Worms.
Monday, March 18, 13
Lotus Health Institute
A right-sided medicine
with liver and skin symptoms
Intense itching without
Yellow spots all over.
As if a splinter
in throat
Itching is better from
cold water,
Exalted nervous sensibility
Neuralgia following herpes zoster
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, March 18, 13
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Monday, March 18, 13
Lotus Health Institute
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Botanical name: Mucuna Pruriens
Common name: Velvet Bean, Cow-itch,
Cowhage, Cow-itch, Buffalo bean
Latin name: Mucuna Pruriens
Part used: Seeds, Root, Legumes
Mucuna pruriens is a tropical legume known as
velvet bean or cowitch and by other common
names (see below), found in Africa, India and the
The plant is infamous for its extreme itchiness
produced on contact, particularly with the young
foliage and the seed pods. It has value in
agricultural and horticultural use and has a range
of medicinal properties.
Monday, March 18, 13
Lotus Health Institute
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Lotus Health Institute
In Central America, velvet beans have been roasted and
ground to make a coffee substitute for decades; its goes
by the common name of "nescafé" in these regions, as
well as in Brazil.
It is still grown as a food crop by the Ketchi indigenous
people in Guatemala; the bean is cooked as a vegetable.
In Brazil the seed has been used internally for Parkinson's
disease, edema, impotence, intestinal gas, and worms.
It is considered a diuretic, nerve tonic, and aphrodisiac.
Externally it is applied to ulcers.
Monday, March 18, 13
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Mucuna has a long history of use in Ayurvedic
medicine, where it is used for worms, dysentery,
diarrhea, snakebite, sexual debility, cough,
tuberculosis, impotence, rheumatic disorders,
muscular pain, sterility, gout, menstrual disorders,
diabetes, and cancer.
In India it is considered an aphrodisiac, menstrual
health promoter, uterine stimulant, nerve tonic,
diuretic, and blood purifier.
Monday, March 18, 13
Lotus Health Institute
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Lotus Health Institute
The Mucuna plant and its extracts have been long used in tribal
communities as a toxin antagonist for various snakebites.
Research on its effects against Naja (Cobra), Echis (Saw scaled
viper), Calloselasma (Malayan Pit viper) and Bangarus (Krait)
have shown that it has potential use in the prophylactic treatment
of snakebites.
Mucuna pruriens seeds have also been found to have
antidepressant properties in cases of depressive neurosis when
consumed. and formulations of the seed powder have shown
promise in the management and treatment of Parkinson disease.
Dried leaves of M. pruriens are sometimes smoked.
Mucuna has also recently become popular among lucid dreaming
enthusiasts: when combined with other supplements it stimulates
the cholinergic system.
Monday, March 18, 13
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Mucuna is an Ayurvedic remedy in nervous and sexual diseases.
Traditionally, Mucuna pruriens is commonly used as carminative,
hypertensive and hypoglycemic agent.
Traditional Preparation: One half to one cup of a seed decoction
twice daily. Alternatively 1-2 g twice daily of seed powder (tablets
or capsules) daily can be substituted. For tinctures take 5 to 10
drops in water or juice, three times a a day. For standardized
extract products: follow the labeled dosages provided.
Suggested Use: Take 1 teaspoon 1 - 3 times daily. Mix 1
teaspoon with water, juice, yogurt, add to a smoothie, or infuse
into a tea.
Monday, March 18, 13
Lotus Health Institute
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Lotus Health Institute
Mucuna pruriens has been found to contain L-DOPA, 40 mg/g of the plant. The
plant/seeds contain the bioactive alkaloids mucunine, mucunadine, mucuadinine and
pruriendine, besides B-sitosterol, glutathione, lecithin, oils, venolic and gallic acids.
Studies in experimental model show L-Dopa also helps in the reduction of cholesterol
and blood sugar levels.
Monday, March 18, 13
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Lotus Health Institute
M.pruriens seeds contain high concentrations of
levodopa, a direct precursor of the neurotransmitter
dopamine. It has long been used in traditional
Ayurvedic Indian medicine for diseases including
Parkinson's Disease. In large amounts (e.g. 30 g
dose) it has been shown to be as effective as pure
levodopa/carbidopa in the treatment of Parkinson's
Disease, but no data on long-term efficacy and
tolerability is available.
Monday, March 18, 13
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
In addition to levodopa, it contains serotonin (5-HT), 5-HTP, N,N-DMT (DMT),
bufotenine, and 5-MeO-DMT. As such, it could potentially have psychedelic effects,
and it has purportedly been used in ayahuasca preparations.
The mature seeds of the plant contain about 3.1-6.1% L-DOPA, with trace amounts
of 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin), nicotine, DMT-n-oxide, bufotenine, 5-MeO-DMTn-oxide, and beta-carboline. One study using 36 samples of the seeds found no
tryptamines present in them.
The leaves contain about 0.5% L-DOPA, 0.006% dimethyltryptamine (DMT),
0.0025% 5-MeO-DMT and 0.003% DMT n-oxide.
Monday, March 18, 13
Lotus Health Institute
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Lotus Health Institute
Research discovered the body converts the amino acid tyrosine
into L-dopa. L-dopa is then converted into dopamine. Dopamine
is formed by the decarboxylation of L-DOPA.
Dopamine is an essential component of our body and it's required
for proper functioning of the brain.
Without the neurotransmitter dopamine to serve a damping effect
on neural transmissions, muscles become tense and tremble.
Monday, March 18, 13
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Lotus Health Institute
The L-DOPA’s drug side effects of may include:
■ Hypotension, especially if the dosage is too high
■ Arrhythmias, although these are uncommon
■ Nausea, which is often reduced by taking the drug with food,
although protein interferes with drug absorption
■ Gastrointestinal bleeding
■ Disturbed respiration, which is not always harmful, and can
actually benefit patients with upper airway obstruction
■ Hair loss
■ Disorientation and confusion
■ Extreme emotional states, particularly anxiety, but also
excessive libido
■ Vivid dreams and/or insomnia
■ Auditory and/or visual hallucinations
■ Effects on learning; there is some evidence that it improves
working memory, while impairing other complex functions
■ Somnolence and narcolepsy
■ A condition similar to stimulant psychosis
Monday, March 18, 13
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Mucuna and Parkinson
The seed powder of Mucuna pruriens has long
been used in traditional Ayurvedic Indian
medicine for diseases including parkinson. LDopa significantly affects dopamine metabolism
in the striatonigral tract. This ability helps
improve Parkinsonian symptoms in humans.
The seeds of Mucuna pruriens accumulate 0.2%
- 2% L-dopa in their dry weight. Parkinson's
disease study group evaluated activity of
Mucuna pruriens extract v/s Levodopa/
caebidopa in sixty patients and during their 12
weeks treatment, they proved that the extract
was effective with less adverse effects.
Monday, March 18, 13
Lotus Health Institute
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Lotus Health Institute
Mucuna and Parkinson
In a randomized, controlled, double blind crossover
trial published on Journal of Neurology,
Neurosurgery, Psychiatry, the clinical effects of
levodopa L-dopa/carbidopa (LD/CD) are compared
with two different doses of mucuna preparation.
Eight Parkinson's disease patients were given with
single doses of 200/50 mg LD/CD, or 15 and 30g of
mucuna preparation in randomized order.
This natural source of L-dopa might possess
advantages over conventional L-dopa preparations in
the long term management of Parkinson's disease.
Monday, March 18, 13
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Lotus Health Institute
Mucuna Pruriens Aphrodisiac Effects
Mucuna pruriens can improve sexual behavior, libido, and
performance. The research shows that sexually active animals
had increased sexual desire and improved sexual performance
after 21 to 28 days.
Another research shows that Mucuna Pruriens heightened
arousal and increased sexual activity to a moderate extent but
also sustains it for a longer time as indicated by the increase in
below This study show that Mucuna Pruriens can be used to
improve libido and performance.
Mucuna Increase Sperm Count
Traditionally, M. pruriens has been used as an effective
aphrodisiac It is still used to increase libido in both men and
women due to its dopamine inducing properties and in
Ayurvedic medicine it is said to increase sperm count.
Dopamine has a profound influence on sexual function. Use of
Mucuna pruriens is well documented in Siddha medicine for a
host of uses.
Monday, March 18, 13
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Lotus Health Institute
Some benefits of raw Mucuna Pruriens Seed Powder
may include:
● Increasing libido & sexual performance for men & women
● Improving mood & sense of well-being / antidepressant
● Increasing energy levels
● Boosting natural release of Human Growth Hormone
(HGH) & Testosterone
● Increasing bone density & fighting osteoporosis
● Improving skin texture & appearance
● Improving Parkinson disease
● Supporting healthy blood sugar levels
● Strengthening immune system
Monday, March 18, 13
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Main Actions
Standard Dosage
Main Actions
Standard Dosage
Capsules: 1-2 g twice daily
lowers blood sugar
reduces fever
is L-Dopa alternative, relieves pain, increases
testosterone, reduces inflammation
Decoction: 1/2 to 1 cup twice daily
increases libido
kills parasites
reduces spasms
calms nerves
Standardized extracts:
lowers blood pressure
lowers cholesterol
Follow label instructions
increases urination
Monday, March 18, 13
Lotus Health Institute
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Some benefits of raw Mucuna Pruriens Seed Powder may include:
● Regeneration of organs (heart, kidney, liver, lungs)
● Improving sleep (promotes deep sleep & lucid dreams)
● Increasing sperm count
● Reducing body fat & decreasing cellulite
● Antioxidant properties
● Decreasing wrinkles
● Improving cholesterol profile
● Increasing lean muscle mass
● Potential use in the prophylactic treatment of snakebites
Monday, March 18, 13
Lotus Health Institute
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Benefits of Mucuna Pruriens:
Improved mood and sense of well-being
Improved sleep (promotes deep sleep)
Increased energy levels
Reduced body fat & decreased cellulite
Increased lean muscle mass
Decreased wrinkles, Improved skin texture & appearance
Increased bone density and reversal of osteoporosis
Enhanced libido & sexual performance
Strengthen the immune system
Improved cholesterol profile & regeneration of organs (heart, kidney,
liver, lungs) and tissues
Monday, March 18, 13
Lotus Health Institute
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Mucuna: Human Growth Hormone
L- Dopa contains natural secretagogues which may support the body's
ability to stimulate the natural release of growth hormone. The blood carries
the dopamine into the brain, where it naturally increases HGH production
from the pituitary gland.
The increased dopamine levels also optimize the production of other
hormones, including testosterone, leading to increased sex drive and
improved sexual performance for both men and women, beneficial in
stimulating muscle growth, as well as burning fat from fat cells.
Monday, March 18, 13
Lotus Health Institute
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Velvet bean is now being considered as an alternative to the pharmaceutical
medication levodopa. In one case study it was given to a Parkinson's patient
for 12 years instead of the pharmaceutical L-dopa medication.
It was found to slow the progression of Parkinson's symptoms (such as
tremors, rigidity, slurring, drooling, and balance), and to have none of the
side-effects of the current pharmaceutical L-dopa.
Monday, March 18, 13
Lotus Health Institute
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, March 18, 13
Mucuna Pruriens Seeds: Brain Supertonic
Monday, March 18, 13
Lotus Health Institute