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Chilean sea bass
4 oz
6 oz
8 oz
The Conference for the Conservation of Antarctic
Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) and The National
Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) certify
via Dissostichus Catch Documents (DCD) that all of Kendell’s
Chilean sea bass products are legally caught and sustainable.
CCAMLR is the premier
international governing body,
which determines acceptable
quotas for Chilean Seabass.
CCAMLR was established by
the Convention for the
Conservation of Antarctic Marine
Living Resources, which employs
an ecosystem approach to the
conservation of marine living
resources incorporating standards
designed to ensure the
conservation of individual
populations and species and
the marine ecosystem as a whole.
September 2011
The U.S. is a Contracting
Party to the Convention, as
well as a member of CCAMLR.
All of Kendell’s Chilean sea
bass products are fished from
vessels equipped with
satellitelinked Vessel Monitoring
Systems (VMS) that track vessel
movements to insure compliance
with set quotas.
All vessel VMS data must
be reported to the centralized
CCAMLR system in order to
be imported into the United
States. The United States
does not allow Chilean sea
bass into the country without
proper documentation including,
but not limited to, DCD’s
and CCAMLR’s chain of custody
documents, referred to as
Catch Documentation Scheme
(CDS). The CDS requires fishing
Captains, exporting officials
and importing officials
to sign off on the legality and
sustainability of the catch.
Kendell’s Chilean sea bass
products are US Food and
Drug Administration (FDA)
& NOAA regulated as well as
CCAMLR, National Marine
Fisheries Service (NMFS) and
Hazard Analysis Critical Control
Point ( HACCP) certified.