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Proteins are composed of amino acids. How do you know this is an amino acid?
This molecule contains an amino (-NH2) group, a carboxyl (-COOH) group, and a radical (R)
What does the “R” stand for on the amino acid above?
R is for Radical. It is named this because it differs from one amino acid to the next.
Imagine that the three amino acids shown above bond together. Draw a circle around the portions that
would be lost from each amino acid when forming a bond.
Circle the –OH of the carboxyl group and the H of the amino group between each two amino acids.
What molecules would be formed from the portions that you circled? Water
What type of bond would now link the C of one amino acid to the N of
the next amino acid? Peptide Bond was formed (a specific covalent bond)
Would the resulting protein molecule best be called a monopeptide, dipeptide, or
polypeptide molecule? Hint: the mono/di/poly relates to the number of amino acids used, not the number
of bonds formed.
A monopeptide consists of one amino acid. A dipeptide consists of 2 amino acids. A polypeptide
consists of 3 or more amino acids. Therefore this is a polypeptide because it contains 3 amino acids.
Would the resulting protein molecule best be called a monomer or polymer?
This molecule is a polymer because it consists of 3 amino acids. An amino acid by itself is a