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Heart-Healthy Formula Addresses Cholesterol
Absorption, Production and Metabolism
Safe Natural Substances Can Lower
Cholesterol as Effectively as Drugs:
Cholesterol-lowering drugs; available by prescription , aren’t only expensive but are associated
with some very serious adverse side effects. However, there are natural substances that can
help lower cholesterol safely and even more effectively than these dangerous drugs.
Some not all patients respond to the same nutrients (just as not all patients respond to the same
drugs), Poligugul Complex provides a synergistic combination of proven cholesterol-lowering
nutrients that attack elevated cholesterol from all directions:
Policosanol inhibits cholesterol synthesis within the body and enhances
processing of LDL.
Gugulipid appears to increase the uptake and metabolism of serum LDL
by the liver.
The tocotrienol form of vitamin E appears to decrease cholesterol production
by increasing degradation of HMG-CoA reductase, the rate-limiting enzyme
in cholesterol production.
Beta glucan fiber from oat bran binds cholesterol-rich bile acids and increases
their excretion.
Vitamin E as d-alpha-tocopherol, protects LDL from oxidation, thus, reducing
the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Policosanol from Sugar Cane
Inhibits Cholesterol Synthesis:
While reducing dietary cholesterol may be helpful, not all cholesterol comes from dietary
sources. The body also produces cholesterol. Policosanol, a mixture of long chain, high
molecular weight alcohols isolated from sugar cane, helps reduce cholesterol levels by
inhibiting its synthesis within the body. In test tube studies, scientists observed that policosanol
also enhanced processing of LDL cholesterol.
A review of scientific literature published in the February 2002 edition of the American Heart
Journal reported policosanol reduced cholesterol levels in thousands of subjects as shown in
over 60 published clinical trials. In comparison studies with cholesterol-lowering drugs,
policosanol had a similar to superior therapeutic effect for lowering total and LDL
cholesterol. In addition, policosanol increased HDL levels, whereas pharmaceuticals DON’T.
With doses ranging from 5-20 mg. daily, patients taking policosanol achieved:
8-23% reduction in total cholesterol
11-31% reduction in LDL cholesterol
7-28% increase in HDL
Results in these studies were dose-dependent. While most patients had significant cholesterol
reduction after 8 weeks at 10 mg. daily, others may need 20 mg. daily. Higher doses...up to 50
mg. daily ... did n’t significantly improve results. Several studies also showed the ability of
policosanol to prevent LDL oxidation:
Its actually oxidized LDL that is implicated as
damaging to the cardiovascular system.
All of these studies used policosanol from sugar cane (70% octacosanol). The same long. chain
alcohols are available from other sources (beeswax, rice bran, wheat germ) and these may also
be called policosanol; however, the abundance of the various alcohols (octacosanol, hexacosanol,
tetracosanol, triacontanol, dotriacontanol, tetratriacontanol hexatriacontanol) will vary,
depending on the source
Gugulipid Increases Cholesterol
Uptake and Metabolism:
The oleoresin of Commiphora mukul (gum guggul) is known in Ayurvedic medicine for its
therapeutic value in various disorders of lipid metabolism. Animal research and clinical trials
over the past three decades have confirmed that gugulipid can:
Reduce elevated serum cholesterol with significant reduction in LDL and VLDL.
Increase HDL cholesterol.
Reduce serum triglycerides.
Decrease platelet adhesiveness and increase fibrinolytic activity.
Reduce body weight in obese patients with elevated cholesterol levels.
In one double-blind crossover study, gugulipid’s lipid-lowering effect was comparable to the
drug clofibrate; however, HDL cholesterol increased in 60% of the patients who responded to
gugulipid while clofibrate had no effect on HDL. Typically cholesterol levels drop 14%-27%
in a 4 to 12 week period while triglyceride levels drop 22%-30%. Gugulipid’s action appears
to be due to its ability to increase the uptake and metabolism of serum LDL by the liver.
Tocotrienols ...
Supercharged Vitamin E:
While the tocopherol form of vitamin E is associated with reduced risk of heart disease due to its
antioxidant activity, it shows no significant effect on cholesterol levels. Tocotrienols, a
“supercharged” form of vitamin E, has demonstrated significant cholesterol-lowering effects in
both animals and humans. In clinical trials, approximately 75% of patients responded to the
cholesterol-lowering effects of tocotrienols.
Researchers believe that those who don’t
respond, may have elevated cholesterol due to errors in cholesterol transport or degradation.
The most dramatic cholesterol reduction is seen when tocotrienol supplements are combined
with dietary changes. In a 12-week, double-blind trial, those who responded to tocotrienol
treatment with dietary modification, saw reductions of approximately 23% in total cholesterol
and 32% in LDL. Tocotrienols alone yielded a 16% decrease in total cholesterol and a 21%
decrease in LDL.
Beta Glucan:
The Active Cholesterol
Reducing Compound from Oats:
Beta glucan, a type of cellulose, is the soluble fiber identified as the active cholesterol-reducing
component in oats and oat bran. Cholesterol is reduced in a dose-dependent manner, with
significantly greater reductions observed when beta glucan is increased. When oats are treated
with enzymes that destroy beta glucan their cholesterol-lowering potential is lost. Beta glucan
may perform several cholesterol reducing actions:
This soluble fiber forms a viscous gel that binds cholesterol-rich bile acids and
increases their excretion with the feces. The body is then stimulated to produce
more bile acids (using endogenous cholesterol) which reduces circulating blood
Beta glucan may also bind dietary fats and cholesterol and reduce intestinal
Bacterial fermentation of the beta glucans increases the release of short chain
fatty acids, which may inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis.
Soluble fiber may delay gastric emptying and reduce postprandial insulin
concentrations which also inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis.
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