* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Harnessing the power of Nature: First in Class, disease modifying medicines for asthma Andrew Lightfoot, BSc, PhD, MBA Chief Executive Officer [email protected] A new generation of anti-inflammatory medicines Peptinnovate 263,000 patients followed over decades show 75% reduced asthma with no side effects Inverse relationship with TB infection and asthma High incidence Asthma Prevalence Prevalence (000,000) 000’000 40 75% reduction asthma High quality publications Shirakawa, 1997 30 20 No TB Linehan, 2007 No TB Obihara, 2006 Lighter-Fisher, 2012 10 TB 0 Normal USA TB TB Normal TB Europe Normal TB Japan 263,000 individuals Asthma therapeutics is a growing $22bn market where major drugs are failing or are coming off patent in 2016 Pharma companies acquiring innovative new medicines at an early stage - potential for early exit 2 Peptinnovate 40,000 years of co-evolution with man provides a solution for asthma 2002 – 2009 researchers in the UK uncover the causative agent for switching off asthma Single molecules designed by TB to be safe and efficacious in man TB protein secreted into the human body Prof. Clive Page Asthma expert Kings College London Prof. Anthony Coates Professor of microbiology St Georges Hospital 3 Unique and remarkable properties to modify lung inflammation Peptinnovate Peptinnovate’s Innovation: Creating a first in class medicine for asthma from TB Drug Discovery Protein designed by TB New drug molecules PIN201104 Preclinical development Safety and regulatory studies Manufacturing and safety and efficacy studies Initial Clinical testing Differentiating studies in man Patent granted in all major territories IP owned 100% by Peptinnovate Capital required: $4m (@$15m) $4m Valuations: Ph1 ready $80m Ph2 ready $330m Unique position, efficacy already proven in man (TB bacteria) Small investment required to early exit to pharma company 4 Peptinnovate Asthma response uniquely modified; Gold standard asthma drug does not work Single dose of PIN201104 modifies the response to house dust mite allergy – no other drug can do this Fluticasone, the steroid in Advair ($9bn sales pa), does not work in this assay Exquisite safety profile observed with Peptinnovate’s PIN201104 (TB heritage) Industry focused on filling their pipelines with new medicines Data prepared by GSK exclusively for Peptinnovate Fluticasone ($9bn sales pa) does not work in this paradigm 5 Peptinnovate Limited funding required, Exceptional returns and short time to exit Value $000m Discussions ongoing with the key Pharma companies $330m $ valuations $ capital required $80m $15m $4m $15m Phase 1 Human safety $4m 2002 2009 Pre-seed $5m 2016 Phase 2 Human Efficacy 2018 Time Position in July 2015 Valuations based on change of phase with full rNPV calculations David Beadle, former Head of European Pharmaceutical Equity Research Evidence of early exits in this space: Ph1 $200m; Ph2 $500m 6 Peptinnovate Peptinnovate has built a highly experienced & proven Management Team, Board and Advisors Dr Andrew Lightfoot CEO 20 years in pharma Discovery Dr Clare Burgess COO 23 years in pharma Clinical Professor Clive Page Chairman Dr Thierry Plouvier Non-executive director Dr Nicky Cooper CSO 30 years in pharma Biology Prof.Trevor Jones MBE Advisor Richard Nagle (Exec Dir) 30 years in life sciences Commercial Michael Albisser CFO 20 years in finance industry Mr Gunnar Walstam Investor and senior advisor Mr Christopher Smith Investor and senior advisor Much lower risk profile due to proven asthma reduction with 75% in 5 statistically significant respiratory human studies with no known side effects Seed funding sought: $1.5m available out of a total of $4m (pre-money $15m) to be phase 1 ready ($80m valuation) Potential for early exit in 24 months via licence / trade sale to pharma partner 7 Peptinnovate