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CONTACT: Dane Twining
Director, Public Relations
Telephone: (212) 972-3131
Fax: (212) 983-1382
email: [email protected]
PLMA’s 2012 Pet Care Pavilion proves store brands
are going to the dogs… and cats
NEW YORK ― To call attention to the rising importance of pet care categories in store
brands programs, PLMA has announced that a new Pet Care Pavilion will be presented as
part of its 2012 Private Label Trade Show, November 11-13, in Chicago.
With pet owners comprising two out of every three households, Americans spent $20
billion on pet foods alone last year, and an additional $12 billion on pet care and supplies.
About 60% of all pet food sales and 30% of pet supplies were in a traditional supermarket,
drug chain or mass merchandiser. The remaining sales are spread amongst the large pet
superstores and smaller independents.
Store brands are a big part of the business, too. In the traditional channels, private label
accounts for unit market shares of 12.9% in pet foods and 17.4% in pet supplies, which
includes toys and accessories and products to keep pets healthy and fit.
“Turning a spotlight on the growing range of pet categories is overdue,” according to PLMA
president Brian Sharoff. “With retailers of all kinds increasingly attuned to what America’s
73 million pet owners want for their cats, dogs and other animal friends – whether it’s in
terms of nutrition and health, recreation, or grooming and supplies – it’s clear that the
market dynamics favor solid growth in the private label pet arena.”
Private Label Manufacturers Association
630 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 ● Telephone: (212) 972-3131 Website:
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PLMA announces new Pet Care Pavilion for 2012
Pet foods and pet care are proving their value in the store brand assortments of today’s
retailers, and the private label pets pavilion will showcase latest trends, nutritional
formulations, and pet care products from exhibitors on the trade show floor, as well as
from top retailers across the country.
In virtually all channels of trade, store brands pet foods have been expanding well beyond
their basic value propositions to include premium and gourmet varieties, as well as
nutritional formulations for special health and dietary needs, such as weight management,
plus pet treats, pet toys and grooming products.
At the premium end of the spectrum, consumers have shown growing interest in pet
products made from more natural and organic components. Developments in pet
healthcare too have grown dramatically in recent years, as innovations that mirror
healthcare for humans expand within the pet marketing realm.
Well known store brands in pet foods include Walmart’s extensive Ol’ Roy line, which has
long ranked as the number one dog food brand in the country. In addition, Walmart offers
a Maxximum Nutrition brand of balanced natural formulations, and the Special Kitty
brand for cat foods and supplies.
Safeway’s Priority Total Pet Care includes scientifically formulated products backed by
experts in pet care and nutrition. Kroger’s Pet Pride brand includes foods that address
individual pet health needs, from weight management, to formulations for improved skin
coat, heart, eyes, bone and dental health.
Costco offers a similar range with its Kirkland Signature brand while Sam’s Club sells its
pet products under the Simply Right brand. Target sells a wide range of specialty pet
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PLMA announces new Pet Care Pavilion for 2012
products under the Boots & Barkley brand. In the nation’s drug chains, shoppers can find
the Pet Shoppe brand of pet foods from Walgreens offering gourmet selections for dogs
and cats, and CVS offers its own Petcentral brand of pet accessories and supplies.
Among the leading pet superstores, Petco has a full line of Petco branded products, while
PetSmart brands include Authority, Great Choice, Top Paw and Simply Nourish as well as
separate store brand lines for small animals, fish, birds and horses.
PLMA’s 2012 show will be held at Chicago’s Rosemont Convention Center. With more than
2,100 exhibit booths from leading manufacturers of private label goods across virtually all
food and non-food product categories, the annual PLMA show is the industry’s largest and
most dynamic marketplace devoted entirely to store brands. There are as many as 50
exhibitors emphasizing pet foods, pet care and similar products that will be featured in the
new private label pets pavilion.
More than 4,500 visitors attend the PLMA trade show each year, including buyers and
executives from the leading U.S. supermarkets, drug chains, mass merchandisers,
wholesale clubs, convenience and specialty retailers, in addition to wholesalers, brokers,
importers, exporters, and suppliers of ingredients, services, research, consulting and more.
Editors: To arrange an interview with PLMA President Brian Sharoff, contact PLMA’s press
representative at (212) 972-3131.