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Case Studies in Software Design - Workshop 2.
Intro to Java - Classes and Objects
In order to use Java properly, we need to understand how to define classes, methods and objects. The aim of
this workshop is to introduce the relevant mechanism and syntax to do just that and to show how these
structures are used in some simple applications. We shall also touch on issues of inheritance and polymorphism,
but only briefly.
We will again be using JBuilder - (one of the issues with classes is knowing what methods are defined within a
class. The codeInsight feature of JBuilder is very useful in this respect, as is its Help system).
The notes in this document are very terse. As ever, the people at Sun and the Java Developer Connection have
provided lot’s of tutorials to expand them. Here are some lecture slides I use on another course to explain the
basics of Classes and objects in Java. You may also find them useful.
As we have seen already, these are defined very simply using the syntax:
class Classname { /* insert body of class; internal data, private methods & public
methods */ }
Example: BankAccount, Account
Control to the elements of a class is determined through the use of the access specifier keywords such as
public, private or protected.
Public Classes & Inner Classes
The keyword class can itself be preceded by the word public to indicate that its methods are accessible by
external objects.
Typically, within a finally developed application consisting of many classes, there will be
one public class which contains the main method launching the application. However,
as will be pointed out in the lectures, during the development process, it may be
useful for each class to have its own main to support testing and debugging
The default is that any class is public.
A class can itself be defined using inner classes (classes defined
within another class).
Used for example in
JBuilders handling of
ActionListeners in GUI
development (Anonymous
As we have said, classes can be thought of as datatypes and objects are declared as
An example of
instances of that type. As with other datatypes it is useful to initialise an object
when it is created. This is achieved using a special type of method referred to as a
constructor. Such methods are defined by having the same name as that of
the class, however there can be many different versions of the constructor
according to the quantity & type of parameters. There is a default constructor which is automatically defined,
but it only "sets up" the object without setting any initial values. An example of both uses of constructors is
seen in the BankAccount3 class:
BankAccount3 ba3 = new BankAccount3();
Account sam = Account("Sam Taylor", "Some place", "123456",
Importing Classes
For simple (small) applications, all class definitions can be kept within the same file (eg.
Account & BankAccount). However, the convention is to keep them in separate files,
but in the same directory. By default, all files containing class definitions which
Essentially, a package is a
are in the same directory are "compiled" if javac is applied to the main class.
“protected” folder
eg. for the BankAccount & Account classes, javac will
(directory). See for
access both classes.
example the folders
created by JBuilder when
An additional level of structuring of applications is provided by the
you create a project.
notion of a package which allows files containing Java classes to be
grouped together. To access classes in other packages, they must
be imported:
import packageName.ClassName;
(import packageName.*;//imports all classes within package.)
To place a class in a package, its definition must be prefaced by the keyword package followed by the name
of the package. Once a class is in a package, it automatically has access to all other classes in that package.
However, javac must be told where to find this package using the classpath option.
As we have already discussed in Workshop 1, methods are defined & implemented within a class (and so belong
to it). Methods are very similar to functions in C++ and have very similar definitions.
The 2 key differences are that:
1. methods are classified as public or private (or protected)
2. the only way a value can be passed back is using the return statement. Technically, all Java methods are
pass_by_value (tho' we have to be careful about what value!)
The precise syntax....
accessSpecifier returnType methodName(paramType paramName,......)
{ //Body of statements implementing method }
public void displayDetails()
System.out.println("Name : "+ name);
System.out.println("Address : "+ address);
System.out.println("Account Number : "+ accountNumber);
System.out.println("Balance : "+ balance);
Objects are created by declaring them as instances of a class. Java will allow you to declare without
initialising, but it is always safest to use the new keyword. This is followed by the constructor of the class
Having created an object, methods can then be invoked. This is achieved by using the infamous "dot" notation
invokes the displayDetails() method of the sam object.
if (sam.inCredit()) System.out.println("in Credit");
else System.out.println("overdrawn");
sam.setName("Samuel Taylor");
Look at the code for some simple case studies. First identify which classes have main() methods, what
other classes are used by that class and how methods are invoked. Try to compile and run this code.
Note the use of inner classes and separate classes. What are the differences between the various
TaxClassXX files?
Note: a useful feature of JBuilder - find
an object and a method invocation by
that object (clue sam.incredit()). Delete
the method and the "dot" and then put
the "dot" back in. You should then see a
listing of all the methods associated with
that object.....
In, convert the remaining code into methods
(eg. getInches( ), convert(feet, inches). What happens if
you change the access modifier on the c_in( ) method to be
public (ie. you lose the private static keywords)? How can
you fix this? What happens if you put the c_in( ) & c_out()
methods in a separate class?
This code is a simple simulation of a printer Queue. In it:
A user creates a printJob and sends it to the Printer.
there the Job is stored until it is its turn to be printed.
To simulate the activity of the printer simple, text-based i/o is used.
Various versions of the application are developed, starting from a fairly "procedural" approach
(SimpleSim) to an OO version (Simulator_v4). Look at each of Sim* classes and identify which OO
features are used where (eg. which classes, which objects, which messages, how...) Modify
Simulator_v4 so that the "Delete a Print Job" option works.
Here is one version of a O's & X's game. Modify it so it will work with the Console class.
Define & implement a Board class which encapsulates all the behaviour/responsibilities of the board.
Inheritance in Java
The following discussion is also based on a very trivial simulation of a PrinterQ system.
I suggest you first run the system under JBuilder (create a new project and add all of the files to it then
You will be repeatedly prompted for the name of the owner of a job (just enter a simple string) until you enter
the string "enuf" (without the inverted commas).
The system will then output the details of the jobs entered.
Things you should note:
1) The file contains the main method.
You should study this and notice all the method invocations (ie by which class are they ultimately serviced).
There is one bit of naughtiness. The Integer.toString(Job.count) is accessing a (static) class level variable
which should really be private.
Exercise: Fix this! Declare count to be private and define a public method getCount( ) which will return that
2) use of Inheritance and the Vector & Object classes in Java
PrinterQ is a specialisation of the more general Queue class. Notice the use of the keyword extends in the
definition of the PrinterQ class to indicate this.
Queue itself is based on Vector class defined in the java.util package. Vectors are basically dynamic arrays ie.
if they fill up, you can specify that they should grow. How this is specified is thro' the use of the Vector
Queue also uses the superclass Object in its definition. The simplest way to think of this is that all objects
(int, double, string, user defined classes etc) in Java is a subclass of Object. By defining operations at the
Object level, we're working at a very high level of abstraction and so we can use this class to define eg.
Queues of Jobs, Appointments, Messages etc.... This generallity is achieved by using the method calls of the
objects themselves eg. in the displayQ method there is a call to the toString( ) method. This is a method
associated with every instance of Object (and hence every object) in Java. In fact, in Job we override the
default implementation (ie. define our own version).
Job is a very simple class having a few fields (you can add more if you want!) and methods. Note the use of the
class level variable count to give the jobs an identity number and to keep track of the number of objects
Define two subclasses of Job - BWJob & ColourJob.
Jobs on a BWPQ should be of type "B&W"
Jobs on a ColourPQ should be of type "Colour"
The type of the job should be entered in from the keyboard after the name of the owner and appropriate
items added to the printerQ.
Modify your system so that
a) a B&W job has a "this is a B&W job" message printed before its other details.
b) a Colour job has a "this is a colour job" message printed before its other details.
Further, define a printJob( ) method which will print the first job on a printerQ (ie displays the details of the
job and then deletes that job from the queue). You should also put up a small text based menu allowing you to
select the option of adding or printing an item.
Next refine the printJob( ) method so that B&W jobs are printed before colour ones.
Self study:
We have covered the main concepts of Classes, Objects & Methods in this session, however there are a couple
of implementation subtleties that you should be aware of. These are covered in the for example chapters (3 &
7 of Horstmann's book "Computing Concepts with Java2"). You should ensure that you understand the concepts
the implicit parameter this.
Objects as reference.
Copying Objects.
the nullkeyword.
Check out the OO material in the Java Tutorial from Sun or look at the tutorials at the Java Developer