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Errors and Warnings in WindMil
Kyle Titzer, P.E.
EA Support
What are Errors and Warnings?
•  Errors and warnings in WindMil indicate missing or
invalid information, or incorrect setup of something within
the model required for the current task
•  The Errors and Warnings attempt to give the end user
enough information to correctly identify and fix any
issues with a model or its setup
•  This will go through and cover many of the common
E&W that are seen, as well as clarify some of the more
cryptic messages that they give
When do you normally see E&W? •  We can group Error and warning types into 3 areas –  Running Circuit Diagnos<cs –  Running analysis –  Other areas •  Usually appear in the Error Browser, but can show as pop-­‐up windows as well Diagnos<cs E&W •  Circuit diagnos<cs mode is designed to check basic model data validity •  Equipment assignment to elements •  Equipment database values •  Other model setup and integrity checks, I.E. transformer input voltages, certain per unit values are within a correct range Element AJributes •  Most elements types that have equipment fields need them assigned. –  Sources, lines, transformers, regulators, devices •  Some are assigned globally using defaults in the preferences. –  Load Mix, Construc<on •  Some are only needed for specific analysis. –  Motors, generators, load zones Missing Equipment •  There are varying errors for each element type related to their respec<ve equipment •  If the error is not clear opening up the element may make the issue more obvious Invalid Equipment Pointer for Regulator •  An equipment reference is all that is needed for diagnos<cs •  Analysis will need filled in equipment values Missing Device Defini<on •  Devices that have not been defined will show up as an empty ‘B’ symbol in the model •  Only need equipment and a group defini<on for most tasks Missing/Invalid Impedance Defini<on •  Transformers need equipment assignment as well as some equipment values •  Transformer equipment is typically shared globally among elements of the same size –  Ex: only need one 15kVA Transformer defined Invalid or Missing Cond Code •  This error can be associated with three different element types •  Overhead lines, Underground lines, and Sources can all be missing conductor code –  Technically an impedance code for Sources •  Lines need standardized impedance data from mfg. •  Sources need unique accumulated impedance Equipment values •  Diagnos<cs checks the equipment values for any equipment assigned to an element in the current work environment •  Not all fields need to be filled in –  Transformers only need base KVA size –  Other fields only needed for specific Analysis Modes Transformer Equipment Errors •  Transformer kVA ra<ng 0.0 –  Transformer base kVA from Nameplate needs to be filled in –  Base kVA is used for all impedance calcula<ons •  Transformer is defined as 3-­‐phase or 3-­‐
winding but configura<on is not 3 phase –  Transformer equipment is set as 3 Phase but the element is single or 2 phase Overhead Equipment error •  Invalid Preferred Neutral for Conductor –  Check preferred neutral se_ng in the analysis manager Overhead Construc<on Errors •  Null Construc<on Code –  Indicates that the line sec<on is set to using default construc<on, but no default has been defined –  Default is defined in Preferences – System Preferences -­‐ modeling •  Zero Distance for Phase to Phase or Phase to Neutral – check Construc<on Code phase and neutral loca<ons –  The construc<on has been defined on the element, or in the Preferences, but has not been populated –  Lines are occupying the same X,Y space, this will cause calcula<on errors Underground Equipment Errors •  Underground are more complex, with the addi<on of concentric neutrals •  There are more fields filled out to define the neutral specifica<ons •  This causes addi<onal errors and warnings related to the individual fields UG E&W •  Invalid Diameter Under Neutral •  OD of Cable on the UG Conductor •  Invalid Number of Strands and Concentric Type Neutral •  Calcula<on of Impedance Failed •  Find Impedance Method •  UG Cable Defini<on Error •  calcUGCrc Failed Zero Distance or Diameter •  The panic inducer! •  Most common warning seen on new models •  Deals with line sec<ons •  If no equipment data has been filled in this appears for every line sec<on •  Can be difficult to troubleshoot since it is caused by one of two separate issues Zero Distance or Diameter -­‐ Causes Caused by either: Conductor Diameter Average Distance Other Diagnos<c Checks •  Check rated Input voltage –  Voltage is 6000% of the parent BaseKv –  The transformers rated input voltage needs to be within a range of the voltage it is connected to –  Could be incorrect Source or upline transformer voltage –  Could be a transformer incorrectly inline (series transformers) •  High Bus Voltage –  Voltage is more than 1.2 pu Check Rated Input Voltage Affected Transformer
Upline Element High Bus Voltage •  Seen on Source elements •  Caused by the Bus Voltage value being outside the accepted tolerance of the Base Out Voltage (± 20%) –  Ex: Base Voltage of 120, Bus Voltage of 126 •  Commonly caused by imports not using the correct units –  Import file expects per unit value to be Base Voltage agnos<c Things Circuit Diagnos<cs will not check •  Correct Connec<vity –  Is the tap fuse actually connected in series? •  Coordinates –  Where is my model? •  Validity of equipment values –  We only check for a number, not a correct one •  Ampacity of 1? Diameter of 1? Transformer kVA of 1? •  Element se_ngs –  Capacitor & Switch status –  Regulator and Device se_ngs Analysis Errors and Warnings •  Each analysis mode requires specific data, and runs through specific rou<nes •  Errors include missing equipment data that is needed for certain analysis modes •  Errors encountered during analysis itera<ons and calcula<ons •  Will also include warnings and errors not fixed from diagnos<cs Fault Current •  Fault current relies on the impedance model to run •  Any errors that were not fixed during diagnos<cs will remain and should be fixed for accurate results Load Alloca<on •  Will start seeing errors and warnings related to having load on the model •  Errors related to overloading •  Errors related to load specific se_ngs –  Element se_ngs –  Model se_ngs –  Analysis Manager se_ngs Load Control Point errors •  Desired kW is Less on LCP Less Than Fixed/Downline LCP kW –  Indicates that there are series LCP’s where the downline LCP is using more load than the upline LCP can provide –  E.G. Upline LCP uses 100 kW, Downline LCP uses 200kW –  Not possible unless there is genera<on •  kW Less Than Fixed kW Plus kW Losses –  Indicates that there is a Load Group using the Diversity (Fixed) method –  Diversity (Fixed) kW amount and Coincidence Factor is more load than the LCP can provide •  Swing kvar Applied To Group With No kW –  Occurs when the load group that is designated as swing PF does not get any load assigned to it –  Indicates other issues with Load Alloca<on •  Load Alloca<on Not Converging –  Does not give a specific cause –  Indicates other issues with Load Alloca<on –  Check other Errors and Warnings and fix them first –  Check for overloaded elements –  Check LCP and Load Group se_ngs –  Validate model data again kVA clamped at 70% •  This errors is commonly seen when a model has overloaded elements •  Deals with a combina<on of two se_ngs –  kVA Load: This references the use of a Constant KVA Load Mix used on element in the model –  Clamped at 70%: This references the load voltage clamp Per Unit value defined in the analysis manager Constant kVA Load Mix •  Deals with reac<ve type loads (e.g. running motors) •  As the per unit Voltage decreases, the current increases to compensate •  If the Voltage gets to small the equa<on fails to come to a load flow solu<on –  The clamp se_ng prevents the per unit voltage to drop below that amount –  Once the voltage is clamped we treat the load as a Constant Current load ran at the clamp voltage. •  Default Load Mixes are 100% Constant kVA –  This represents worse case scenario 𝐼=​𝑘𝑉𝐴/𝑉 kVA clamped solu<ons •  Usually indicates overloading on the model but doesn’t indicate a specific area or element –  Sort the model by lowest voltage, highest thru amps, or highest kW on element •  Check model validity – 
Load data for the element, kWh, kW Consumer phasing and voltage Transformer sizing Secondary line size, length, equipment specs •  Change the Load Mix –  100% Constant kVA is not realis<c –  Most models are a blend of Constant kVA and Constant Impedance Summa<on of Losses (kW or kVAR) •  WindMil uses two different methods to calculate losses on the –  Ran behind the scenes as an internal valida<on of results •  Losses calculated per element from I2*R are compared to total systems losses calculated from the Total kVA, load, adjustments, charging etc. Summa<on of Losses Causes and Fixes •  Can be caused by a Voltage Drop Tolerance that is too high –  Try lowering the tolerance in the analysis manager •  Check for other poten<al issue in the model –  Fix any other load related errors or warnings •  If no resolu<on is found call support Load Mix Errors •  The Load Mix of a load bearing element must match the connec<on type of the element it is aJached to –  e.g. Wye, Delta, Center Tap •  Newer version of WindMil allow for default load mixes for each connec<on type –  Under System Preferences, top Load Mix op<on is only used if the rest are undefined Load Mix Errors •  Delta Connected with Wye Connected Load –  Upline transformer is Delta secondary, but consumer Load Mix is set to Wye •  Load Defined Center Tap but Phase is not Two –  Center Tap Load Mix on a non-­‐Center Tapped element •  Invalid Line Connect for Load –  Two Phase element with a Center Tapped Load Mix, but the transformer is not set as Center Tap •  Delta Connected Load Second Phase –  Deals with elements switching from Wye to Delta –  Ex: Load on A and B phases are combined into a single A-­‐B Load –  Has been removed from newer version of WindMil Voltage Drop •  All of these Errors and Warnings indicate overloading or bad load data on the model –  High Load on Phase of Element –  Voltage drop is greater than 150% on element –  Vd Greater Than One •  Double check the load values using the selected elements window •  Rerun Load Alloca<on and make sure the results look accurate Other Errors and Warnings •  Could Not Get Memmap defaults –  Deals with the link to LightTable –  Delete MISshare.mem file •  Floa<ng Point Overflow –  Mainly occurs in 8.1 versions due to file corrup<on •  Access Viola<on –  Can be many causes, indicates an issue in the main func<ons –  Always close WindMil completely aser seeing this •  Error ??? –  Call Support! SQL Errors •  String or Binary data will be truncated –  Most common SQL error –  The External Table field has been set to a specific length, and the edit made within WindMil has exceeded that length –  Edit field length in SQL to allow longer entries •  Modifying a missing External Table row –  Missing table, missing row, or missing element record •  Incorrect Data Type –  Ex: entering a non-­‐date value into a Date field •  Ques<ons?