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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Dipak Ranjan Jana, Pramod Kumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Cambridge Institute of Technology, Tatisilwai, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Application of non-convention machining is used in a sense that there are various types of metal like hard alloy, Nitra alloy,
titanium alloy etc., are such that they cannot be machined by convention methods but required some special method/ techniques.
Sometimes special requirements are need by industries. By using conventional methods of machining it becomes difficult to form
such components, hence some non-conventional methods of machining have several specific advantages over conventional
Application of robots are being used worldwide to increase quality (high), accuracy, to increase the productivity and meet the
production requirement of robot application such as computer aided design, computer aided manufacturing, computer integrated
manufacturing, different application in production line, assembly line, material handling, use as service robot, military robot,
agricultural application, Telerobots, nanorobot, mining robot, research robot, space robot etc. Also use of robot now a day has
become famous in the field of clean room, Bio-Medical, Medical, spindling, Water jet, Transaction on Automation etc. In this
study a simple robot port programming for material handling in FMS using ARISTO ROBOT has been done along with
nonconventional machining of step-turning operation.
keywords: Assembly line, sophisticated sensing devices, hazardous material, Automated guided vehicles, laser switched
vehicles, Fahrerlose Transport system ,Accuracy, precision, non-convention ,machining.
1. Introduction
The word of non-conventional is used in sense that where such type of metal removing process cannot be applied in
convention process, there the non-conventional process been applied. Use of non-conventional machining or advantages
of non-conventional machining are
> Electrical energy can be used directly to form a material in shape and size.
>In some non-conventional method the tool does not come in contact with work piece and practically no
wear take place and thus fine finished product is obtained.
>Precision component can be manufactured, where conventional methods cannot be employed.
> Unconventional machining is not limited by hardness, toughness, brittleness of the materials.
> Sometimes small erosion of particular shape is required on work-piece which can be easily be done by
unconventional methods of machining processes.
>Unconventional machining can be used for drilling circular or non-circular holes in very hard materials
Such as stones, ceramics, carbides materials etc.
>Sometimes higher material removal rate can be obtained by unconventional methods of machining.
>Heat treated materials can also be machined by using unconventional methods.
> Very thin section of work piece can also be machined.
>Printed circuits can be produced where basic connection of circuits, consist of very thin metal strips
attached Into insulating base.
>In some of the unconventional methods of machining maintenance cost of tooling is totally been
Automation is the process of following a predetermined sequence of operations with little or no human labour, using
specialized equipment and devices that perform the Production or Manufacturing process and control all of these. It is
achieved through the use of a variety of devices such as sensors, actuators and equipment along with technique that are
capable of observing the manufacturing process, decisions concerning the changes that need to be made in the operation,
and controlling all aspects of it. It has evolved from the field of mechanization, which had its beginnings in the Industrial
Revolution. It produces high quality of product with greater accuracy. Robot works integrates new and recondition robotic
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014
Page 334
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014
ISSN 2319 - 4847
system for a wide spectrum of robot application such as arc welding, flux core welding, plasma welding, welding
automation, electron beam welding, and plasma cutting and tig-welding. Material Handling robots applications are
dispensing machine loading material handling, packaging, part transfer, press tending, injection molding, machine
trending, order picking, pick and place and vision.
Some advantages are repeatability, tighter equality control and higher efficiency, integration with business systems,
increased productivity and reduction of labour. Some disadvantages are high capital requirements, decreased flexibility
and increased dependence on maintenance and repair.
2. Objectives:
To increased productivity, Standardized Product, Reduce cycle time, increased manufacturing flexibility and reduces cost
of production along with high quality. Unconventional machining is used for difficult types of operations like material
removal by using different types of machining with high amount of material removal rate (MRR). Use of robot may be use
for semi or fully automated manufacturing process in lean Production (High quality at low cost).
3. Important types of use in Machining:3.1 Electro discharge Machining (EDM)
In EDM the current may vary from 0.5 to 400 amp and voltage from 40 to 300v DC. The metal erosion takes place by
melting the work piece at the required spot. The eroded materials are taken away by the dielectric fluid. The EDM has
various parts like base, column, head, table etc.
E = Impressed Voltage
V = Discharge Voltage
C = Capacitance of condenser
When condenser C is getting charged from e.m.f, E, applied across it
Then charged voltage of condenser
V = E(1- e-t / Re)
t = charging time
R = charging resistance in Ω
C = capacitance of condenser in farad
V = 0.73e
Discharge current id = V/ RLS where RLS = RL + RS = Resistance of lead + Resistance of s part
V = V0 e-t / RLS c where V0 = voltage across capacitor at t = 0
Current discharge id = v / RLS e-t / RLS c
Energy dissipated through the resistance RLS = 1/ 2 CV0
Maximum current in discharging circuit Id max = V0 /√LC where
L = Inductance of discharging circuit
Metal Removal Rate
MRR α 1 v2
loge [1/ (1- V/E)]
Energy Discharge = 1 CV2
Power consumed ω = 1 CV2 * frequency of sparking
Frequency of cutting is approximately to 0.03
In steel MRR = 27.5 w1.55 mm3/ min where ω = power input
Rough estimate of MRR of metal =4*104 *θ m-1.23 mm3 / amp.min (where θ m is the melting temperature in °C) the
amount of metal by a single discharge is proportional to the diameter of the crater and depth of which the melting point
temperature is reached.
Hence the method of machining, electrical energy is directly used to cut the materials. Functions of EDM are as follows:
 Utilization of whole energy by Appling it to exact spot
 Simple fixtures are used to hold the work piece.
 Very thin job can be machined to desired shape or size.
 All the operations can be carried out in single set-up.
 The process may be applied for the process of still, super alloys and refractory’s etc.
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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014
ISSN 2319 - 4847
3.2 Ion-Beam Machining (IBM)
In Ion-beam machining is used for surface modification. The useful life of many materials depends upon how their
surface reacts with environment. By ion-beam we can performed surface finished as well as coating of the surfaces.
Surface characteristics can be modified by ion –beam machining at low temperature without altering tolerances. There are
three types ion-implanters used during ion-beam machining are mass analysis implanter, nitrogen implanters and plasma
sources implanters.
3.3 Electro Chemical Machining (ECM)
In this process an electrolytic cell is formed by the anode (work piece) and the cathode (tool) in the midst of a flowing
electrolyte. The metal is removed by controlled dissolution on the anode according to faradays law of electrolysis.
3.3.1Metal Removal Rate: (MRR)
According to Faraday’s first law of electrolysis,
Mass of ion liberated by a substance, M = ZIt
Z = constant known as electro chemical equivalent of the substance
I = Current following through the electrolytic cell in amperes
t = time in sec
According to Faraday’s second law of electrolysis,
M = equivalent weight of a substance dissolved
= Atomic weight of material in gms / Valency of material dissolved
= At / v
= Zit = (It / F) * (At / v)
Where “F” is the Faraday’s constant
= 96500 Coulombs = 26.8 amperes
Metal Removal Rate (MRR) = (M / Aρt)
Where, A= mechanical area in cm2
ρ = density of work piece in gm/cm3
The advantages of ECM are as follows.
 The tool does not come in contact with work piece.
 Metal removal rate is very high. It can be removed at the rate of 550 mm3 /Sec.
 Surface finish is very good as it can finish up to 0.4µm by rotation of work piece per tool.
 Thin materials up to 0.5mm can also be machined.
 The surface finished can be affected by selective dissolution, breakdown of anodic film etc.
 Huge amount of energy been consumed.
3.4 Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM)
In this process a focused stream of abrasive partials (10 to 40 µ), carried by high pressure gas or air at a velocity of 200 to
400 meters/sec is impinged on work piece by a nozzle the material is removed by erosion due to high velocity of abrasive
partials. This process can be easily controlled to maintain metal removal rate and best suited for machining of super
alloys and refractory’s types of materials. Hence the abrasive of particles are used to Al2o3, SiC size of the particles used
are 15 to 20µm.
3.4.1 Metal Removal Rate (MRR)
MRR = KNd3 v3/2 (ρ / 12 H) 3/4
K = constant
N = number of particles
d = mean diameter of abrasive particles
ρ = density of abrasive particle
H = hardness of work piece
v = velocity of abrasive particles
For glass cutting the MRR = 16 mm3/ min
3.4.2 Advantages
1. High grain size produces more metal removal.
2. This process can easily control to vary material removal rate.
3. This process is best suitable for machining super alloys.
4. The material cutting action is cool as the gas used serves as coolant.
4. Automation:
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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014
ISSN 2319 - 4847
4.1 Types of Automation
This includes IT, Robots, CAD, CAM, CIM, AGV, NC, FMS. The concept of automation refers to the use of computer
and other automated machine for execution of related task. Automated machinery may be ranging from simple sensing
devices to robots and sophisticated equipments, may be fully or semi automation.
4.1.1 Information Technology: <IT>
It is used to create the data, store, retrieve and issue the material for production to disseminate information.
4.1.2 Robots:
Types of automated equipment those execute with different task that are normally handled by a human operator. In
manufacturing, Industrial Robots are used to handle wide range task, which includes assembly, material transportation,
welding, spray painting including unloading/ loading of heavy or hazardous material, inspection and testing as well as
operation including process operation particularly in “online production” in Assembly line.
4.1.3 Computer Aided Design: <CAD>
The main functions that would utilize the computer are:
 Layout design
 Individual component modeling
 Assembly modeling
 Interference and tolerance stack checking
 Engineering drawings
4.1.4 Computer Aided Manufacturing: <CAM>
Computer Aided Manufacturing deals with different functions of production planning and control. It includes the use of
NC machines, industrial robot and other automated system such as AGV for manufacturing on line production. CAM also
includes CAPP, GP, and Production scheduling and manufacturing flow analysis. CAPP means the use of computer to
generate process planning for the manufacturing of different products.
4.1.5 Computer Integrated Manufacturing: <CIM>
Functions are linked on integrated computer network. The manufacturing related functions include PPC, shop floor
control, CAD, CAM, purchasing, marketing functions. The objective of CIM is to allow changes in production design, to
reduce cost and optimize production requirement. CAD & CCAM are the overall production system into CIM. The
features are flexibility in design and manufacturing through software support. CAD does the design with calculating
features like strength, stiffness and weight. Computer Graphics enables the design to study the object by rotating of the
components on the screen, separating it into segments, enlarging specific portion of the components to be observed in
CAM means the use of a computer to assist in manufacturing of part. In CNC, automatic control system of foils and robot
control and applications such as preparation of programming on punch tape. CAM technology is mainly concerned with
three areas like NC, Process Planning and Robotics with the aspect of Planning, Managing, Monitoring and controlling
all phases.
Objectives: To make planning & operation sheet.
 To do tool offset & make tool offset sheet.
 To learn format of program for multiturning on CNC train software.
 To write a program & make simulation .
Job Assignment:To simulate and write part program for given prismatic part for turning operation: TO MAKE PLANNING & OPERATION SHEET:Billet Size: - Φ25.4 * 70 (mm)
Tool holder
Turning length
Semi qualified tooling
for CNC machine
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014
Tool tip
stn no.
Tool offset
Page 337
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014
G – Codes
Positioning < Rapid Traverse >
linear interpolation< feed >
circular interpolation (CW)
circular interpolation (CCW)
Inch data input
metric data input
Return to reference point
Tool nose Radious compensation cancels
Tool nose Radious compensation left
Tool nose Radious compensation right
Cutting cycle A< step turning>
Threading cutting cycle
Feed per minute
Program stop
program end
Spindle forward (CW)
Spindle forward (CCW)
Spindle stop, power off
tool change
coolant ON
coolant OFF
chuck open
chuck close
program end
M98 `
sub program call
sub program exit
M / C zero reset
Mid program start
U0 = Relative axis 1 to x;
W0 = Relative axis 1 to z; Spindle Speed S 900 Write A Program and Make Simulation & Then Operation:Format (Writing) A Program for Turing < Stop >
G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M03 S900
M06 T2
G00 X25.4 Z5
G90 X24.4 Z-40
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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014
ISSN 2319 - 4847
X23.4 Z-40
X21.4 Z-40
X20.4 Z-40
X19.4 Z-15
X18.4 Z-15
X17.4 Z-15
X16.4 Z-15
X15.4 Z-15
G00 X25.4 Z5
G26 U0 W 0
Integrated Computer network
fig1. Automated retrieval system of material
fig2. On loading & off-loading to CNC machines with
the help of robotics
fig 3. Manufacturing in Robotics
4.1.6 Automated Guided Vehicles: <AGV>
Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) increase efficiency and reduce costs by helping to automate a manufacturing facility
or warehouse. The AGV can tow objects behind them in trailers to which they can autonomously attach. The trailers can
be used to move raw materials or finished product. The AGV can also store objects on a bed. The objects can be placed on
a set of motorized rollers (conveyor) and then pushed off by reversing them. AGVs are employed in nearly every industry,
including, pulp, paper, metals, newspaper, and general manufacturing. Transporting materials such as food, linen or
medicine in hospitals is also done. An AGV can also be called a laser guided vehicle (LGV). In Germany the technology
is also called Fahrerlose Transport system (FTS). Lower cost versions of AGVs are often called Automated Guided Carts
(AGCs) and are usually guided by magnetic tape. AGCs are available in a variety of models and can be used to move
products on an assembly line, transport goods throughout a plant or warehouse, and deliver loads.
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014
Page 339
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014
ISSN 2319 - 4847
4.1.7 Flexible Manufacturing System: <FMS>
Emphasis core machine tools are the comprehensive system, robots and automated material hand system on the
manufacture of similar product or computer using different routing among the machines. FMS supplies with plurality a
set of NC machine part programming. If programmed form a supervisory control computer system transporter, each
moving under the control of material handling system.
4.1.8 Numerical Control: <NC>
NC machines tools that execute operations in sequence or part of a product. Individual machines have their own
computers for that purpose; such tools are commonly referred to as computerized memory controlled machines. In other
case, many machines may share the same the computer; they are called direct NC machines.
The utilization of NC in manufacturing follows steps to be considered:
 Process planning
 Part programming
 Tape preparation
 Tape verification
 Production process
5 Robot and its types:
5.1 Industrial Robot:
Industrial robot is an automatic position controlled reprogrammable, malfunction manipulator having several degrees of
freedom capable of handling materials, parts and tools or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for
the performance of a variety of tasks.
5.2 Agricultural Robot:
They are being used for repetitive farm tasks such as harvesting, plowing fields and even planting seed.
5.3 Mobile Robot:
They are referred to as autonomous or self guided vehicles and are taught to navigate the space they are required to work
around or in.
5.4 Telerobots:
They are used to conduct tasks in environments that are too hazardous for humans to work in.
5.5 Service Robots:
The Japanese were the first to invest heavily in the development and commercial deployment of service robots. Robots are
now used for far more than industrial applications.
5.6 Nanorobots:
It is an extremely small robot that operates on microscopic scale with sizes ranging from 0.01 to 0.1 micrometers.
Currently most nanorobot research is being done in the medical and military fields.
5.7 Military Robots:
Possibly the worst part of robotic application is in military use, as it may curtail human life instead of upholding it.
5.8 Mining Robots:
They are designed to help counteract a number of challenges currently facing the mining industry.
5.9 Research Robots:
Research robots are focuses not only the specific industrial tasks, but on investigations into new types of robot, alternative
ways to think about or design robots, and new ways to manufacture them.
5.10 Robots on Earth:
 Cartesian robot / Gantry robot
Used for pick and place work, application of sealant, assembly operations, handling machine tools and arc welding.
 Cylindrical robot
Used for assembly operations, spot welding and handling at die-casting machines.
 Spherical / Polar robot
Used for handling at machine tools, fettling machines, gas welding and arc welding.
 SCARA robot
It is a robot which has two parallel rotary joints to provide compliance in a plane.
 Articulate robot
Used for assembly operations, spray painting, gas welding, arc welding and handling at die-casting machines.
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014
Page 340
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014
ISSN 2319 - 4847
5.11 Robots in Space:
Space based robotic technology at NASA falls within three specific mission areas: exploration robotics, science payload
maintenance and on orbit servicing. Today, two important devices exist which are proven space robots. One is the
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) and the other is the Remote Manipulator System (RMS).
Use of industrial robot for “online” production process:
This system is a totally free service and tailored to allow differing degrees of access and interaction. The main benefits
and functions of the service are:
a) Automatic notifications by email at the main stages of production as follows:
 Order creation
 Receipt of goods
 Receipt of artwork and/or where necessary artwork amendments and associated charges
 Paper proofing amendment and/or approval
 Pre- production sample dispatch, amendment and/or approval
 Completion of production or order cancellation
 Order dispatch
 Automated Assembly
b) Direct customer and/or consumer interaction for things like amendment instructions and/or approvals:
This significantly decreases Administration and massively speeds up the production process. It also removes errors of
communication common with other forms of communication.
c) Order tracking:
During production our customers and the consumers can log in at any time to track the order status as it progresses
through our production system. This facility is available 24/7 making it the fastest, most convenient way to find out
information and the status of a job.
d) Increased efficiency and lower costs:
The resulting increase with efficiency allows us to minimize costs and so keep our prices lower.
e) Delay notifications:
If there is a delay of any sort the system automatically generates a warning email to advise all parties. This occurs on a
daily basis.
f) Future features:
Future features of the system will allow for even greater levels of interaction, such as customer/consumer amendment of
the delivery address and delivery method.
 To learn joint movements.
 To learn format a program for PTP operation or ARISTO Robot software.
 To write a program & make simulation.
 To study co- ordinate system: where some major co- ordinate system based on which robots are generally
The common design of Robot co- ordinate systems are:
 Cartesian co-ordinate system
 Cylindrical co-ordinate system
 Polar or Spherical co-ordinate system
After giving the values in the appropriate axis box, we can see the changes in the respective axis in the coordinate
position (WCS). Let no see in detail, all the coordinate used in MATLAB ARISTO ROBOT.
Three co-ordinates x, y, z are arranged at right angled as shown in the figure. The co-ordinate system is situated at the
centre point at the base. Co-ordinate axes are measured in mm & the positive direction are indicated in the figure by
arrow tips with the help of this system. We consider the actual location of Robot.
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014
Page 341
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014
ISSN 2319 - 4847
The joint movement, the joint axis (for i) is established at the connection of two links. This joint axis will have two
normal’s connected to it , for each of the links w.r.t. relative position of two such connected links ( link –i, -1 & i)is given
by di which is the distance measured in a plane normal to the joint axis. Hence di and Φi may be called the distance & the
angle between the adjacent links respectively. They determine the relative position of neighboring links.
(+) (-)
(+) (-)
(+) (-)
(+) (-)
(+) (-)
(+) (-)
 To learn Robot commands.
 Format of program for joint command.
This command is capable of moving the axis one by one. The angular values are provided to it as the parameters for the
operation. The individual axis terminates this movement one by one.
This command is capable of moving the entire axis simultaneously. The co-ordinate values are provided to it as the
parameters for the operation. All the axes terminate their movement simultaneously.
JOINT A1 90.15, A2 90.00, A3 90.00, A4 0.00, A5 90.00, A6 0.01
JOINT A1 49.23, A2 89.47, A3 89.71, A4 0.00, A5 90.00, A6 0.01
JOINT A1 49.23, A2 -45.52, A3 45.77, A4 0.00, A5 90.00, A6 0.01
JOINT A1 49.23, A2 -45.52, A3 45.77, A4 0.00, A5 -7.67, A6 0.01
JOINT A1 49.23, A2 -45.52, A3 67.82, A4 0.00, A5 -23.26, A6 0.01
JOINT A1 37.75, A2 -45.52, A3 67.82, A4 0.00, A5 -23.26, A6 0.01
ATP X +473.67 Y +382.282 Z +229.54 W 38.41 P 84.04 R 0.66
ATP X +473.52 Y +382.17 Z +213.88 W 85.54 P 89.09 R -0.79
PTP X +493.05 Y +381.86 Z +255.46 W 38.42 P 88.93 R 0.67
JOINT A1 37.75, A2 -71.29, A3 80.74, A4 0.00, A5 -20.38, A6 0.01
JOINT A1 -47.54, A2 -71.29, A3 80.94, A4 0.00, A5 -20.37, A6 0.01
JOINT A1 -47.54, A2 -97.29, A3 85.62, A4 0.00, A5 -20.38, A6 0.01
PTP X +355.48 Y -388.49 Z +355.25 W -47.42 P 83.94 R 0.1L
PTP X +356.46 Y -389.57 Z +324.23 W -47.42 P 84.27 R 0.1L
JOINT A1 90.15 A2 -90.00 A3 90.00 A4 0.00 A590.00 A6 0.01
7. Conclusions:Where conventional machine are not able to performed operation for a particular job or work with respect to material
specifications, we can go for unconventional machining, such as Electro Discharge, Ion-Beam, Electro Chemical and
Abrasive Jet machining process. Hence we can get very high accuracy of product.
Implementation of Industrial robot in semi or fully automation deals with the optimization of energy efficient drive
systems by précised measurement and control technologies along with high accuracy of product with high quality at low
cost product (lean production) also. Hence energy efficiency in Industrial process is becoming more relevant in the global
market competition.
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Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014
ISSN 2319 - 4847
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Page 343