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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Solar Panels Data Management using Multi-Processing System for Nanosatellite Applications M. Ferrante, F. Bolotti M. Bordin, M. Gianetti, L. Mencuccini, R. Sabatano, F. Affinito VITROCISET Space Division Via Tiburtina 1020, 00156 Rome, Italy Abstract This article proposes a real-time multi-processing system for the solar panels data management of nanosatellite using two redundant microprocessors. A first microprocessor is devoted to the acquisition of currents, temperatures and voltages, measured from the solar panels, managing directly theirs analogical-digital conversions and memory storage. A second microprocessor reads data saved by the first one and estimates the sun direction, providing the results to the on board main microprocessor. This method allows to free the on board main microprocessor from the control functions of the solar panels data, so increasing the main 3 DYDLODEOH time. Introduction In this paper, a sturdy system for the solar panels data management (SPDM) of a nanosatellite is proposed, using two redundant microprocessors. The first one microprocessor is dedicated to the acquisition of currents, temperatures and voltages, measured from solar panels, managing directly theirs analogical-digital conversions and memory storage. The second one reads data on the first microprocessor and estimates the sun direction on the basis of an algorithm focused on an accurate solar panels mathematical model. In case of the partial / total failure of one FRQWUROOHUWKHRWKHURQHWDNHVRYHUFRQWURODQGSURYLGHWKHQHHGHGIXQFWLRQV with reduced, but sufficient accuracy. Moreover, this system is also capable of XSJUDGLQJ WKH WZR 3¶V VRIWZDUH GXH WR D JURXQG VWDWLRQ UHTXHVW 7KH SURSRVHG method has been implemented on “IRECIN”, a modular “pocket” satellite designed and developed in Italy, currently in the manufacturing and testing phase. IRECIN Satellite Architecture IRECIN nanosatellite is a prism constituted by sixteen external sides, 22 cm in width and 9.7 cm in height, weighting less than 1 kg and composed of 3 internal Aluminium plates (Figure 1). The solar panels, made of silicon solar cells, are body mounted on all external faces. The power supply subsystem uses NiMH batteries. Attitude is determined by two redundant three axis magnetometers and the solar panels data. Control is provided by an active magnetic control system (magnetic coils). The spacecraft is spin stabilised with the spin axis normal to the orbit. Omni antennas are distributed to augment communication capabilities during the mission. TX–RX Telemetry Power Control Magnetometers SPDM I2 C bus Main & Coils Control Batteries Figure 1 – IRECIN Architecture and Subsystems Block Diagram The solar panels necessary for power generation are also used as a sensing system for attitude determination, eliminating the need for sun sensor usually employed in spinning spacecraft attitude determination. The price paid for the achieved reduction in weight and power consumption is the increased computation and memory storage for the attitude determination advantageously managed by the proposed multi-processing system. The algorithm to evaluate the sun direction is based on a mathematical model of the solar panels including temperature, space radiation degradation effects on the electrical characteristics and sun angle effects. Three internal plates are foreseen to host the following satellite subsystem: Receiver–Transmitter–TNC (RX–TX). This subsystem performs data-link with the ground stations. The channel bit rate is 9.6 Kbps. Power Control Unit (PU). It includes the solar panels, the batteries and the necessary electronic to generate and distribute the power supply (5 volt) to all subsystems. Rechargeable NiMH batteries ensure very high energy density, reducing power system volume and weight. These batteries are characterised also by a wide temperature range, enabling a simpler thermal design. Main Microprocessors. This subsystem coordinates all activities of the satellite. It communicates with subsystems through an I2C bus. It is able to turn off/on each subsystem in order to manage its power absorption, and to communicate with Ground Station. Telemetry. It retrieves all physical values from IRECIN’s sensor. Magnetometers/Magnetic coils. Two redundant three-axis magnetometers are added on board to measure the earth magnetic field direction. The estimated sun direction and the earth magnetic field direction are then used to evaluate the body axis orientation, using the classic cone intersection algorithm. Spacecraft control is provided by an active magnetic control system through the interaction between the earth magnetic field and the on board magnetic dipole generated by the current pulsed on the coils rolled between internal and external spacecraft sides. SPDM System Description This sub-system (Figure 2) is very important because it is capable to manage the available power supply in a smart way. It is able to estimate panels’ status, sun direction, panels’ efficiency, panels’ temperature and satellite’s illumination status (phase sun/ phase shadow). I2 C Bus Communication between C A and CB CA Electronic Acquisition Main C Sensors/Panels Interface CA Sensors SPDM System Figure 2 – SDPM Block Diagram This “ smart” approach allows keeping under control the discharge capacity of IRECIN’s batteries and the absorption due to the different sub systems. For this reason SPDM the sub-system has been designed with a redundant architecture, using two microprocessors. Therefore, in case of a partial/total failure of one microcontroller, the system SPDM is still capable to carry out its tasks correctly. Standard systems based on two microprocessors actually work using only one of them; being the second one just used as back up system. On the other hand, SPDM uses two micro-controllers performing different functions and controlling each other. If one of the two micro-controllers fails, the other takes control on subsystem’s operations, executing its functions and the functions of the previous failed micro-controller, using different algorithms. In order to control the correct functionality of the SPMD the following procedure is adopted: A, the first microprocessor, interrogates periodically (every 500 ms) B, the second one. If B doesn’t answer, then A resets B, waits one period and then verifies again the correct operation of B. If B doesn’t work correctly then A takes the control and switch to safety status. Whenever B doesn’ t receive a new call from A within 500ms, then B executes a reset of A, waits one period and then verifies again the correct operation of A. If A doesn’ t work correctly then B takes over control and go in safety status. The “ safety status” condition is promptly notified to the Main mC. The system SPMD will provide the following main functionalities: To calculate sun position To calculate spin rate To acquire telemetry and status data from solar panels (efficiency, phase sun/shadow) To store the most recent telemetry data To upgrade the software of the 2 mC. To communicate with & 0$,1 ,QQRUPDORSHUDWLRQVWDWXVHDFK &H[HFXWHVRQHWDVNFRPSRVHGE\PRUHIXQFWLRQV All functions, run by the mCs, are implemented using two different algorithms, one more complex that requires more resources [memory, time, computational work load], the other less complex that takes less resources. Given the “ function 1” , F1 uses the complex algorithm to execute the function in a complex way, while f1 executes a simpler version of the function. In the same way, there are two implementation of “ function 2” (F2, f2). Assumed that, in the operative status, “ function 1” (F1) is executed by µCA and “ function 2” (F2) by µCB, in safety status (only one &LVRSHUDWLYH&$&%VKRXOGEHDEOHWRH[HFXWHEHVLGHVWKH F1 (F2), also f2 (f1) (in case of low resources is foreseen the use of both f1 and f2 simplified algorithms). SPDM Detailed Description To understand how this subsystem works is sufficienW WR DQDO\]H 63'0 DQG & MAIN. The others smart sub-systems that composed IRECIN are based using a VLPLODUDUFKLWHFWXUH(DFKVXEV\VWHPFRPPXQLFDWHVZLWK &0DLQE\,2C bus. 63'0DQG &0$,1FDQH[FKDQJHWKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ 63'0¶VVWDWXVERWK &$ and &% Status and telemetry of solar panels. (current, voltage, temperature) Sun position, spin rate Instantaneous and average power from solar panels Request telemetry values. Download new program from 0DLQ & 5HTXHVWRIFDOOIURPRQH &WR &0DLn Notification of anomalies from &WR &0DLQ The main effort has been to design a system to manage both HW and SW in order to share the task. Both microcontrollers are capable of: Communicate contemporaneous with Main Controller, (this issue is solved using I2 C bus), Manage contemporaneous the electronic part that acquires the telemetry value, making the conversion, and storing the information in RAM memory. This task is executed by the sensor/panel interface subsystem (Figure 2). The following tasks are carried out by the &V: To communicate with Main Controller To execute a complex algorithm (F1) in order to estimate sun position with high accuracy (about 1 degree). To execute a simplified algorithm (f1) in order to estimate sun position with low accuracy, but using few resources (time, memory) To manage A/D converter, multiplex, counter to acquire and to memorize the data. To manage A/D converter, multiplex, to acquire in easy way the result of the A/D. To retrieve telemetric data from the other C. Table 1 shows how tasks are divided between & &$7DVNV SPDM safety operation To manage in easy way the electronic To communicate with Main C devices (A/D, MUX) f2 To execute complex algorithm F1 To execute a easy algorithm f1 To estimate spin rate 7RDFTXLUHGDWDIURP &% 7RFKHFNIXQFWLRQDOLW\RI &% &%7DVNV SPDM normal operation SPDM safety operation To manage the electronic devices in To manage in easy way the electronic complex way (A/D, memorize data, devices (A/D, MUX) f2 MUX ) F2 7RVHQGGDWDWR &$ To execute a easy algorithm f1 7RFRPPXQLFDWHZLWK &PDLQZLWK 7RFKHFNIXQFWLRQDOLW\RI &$ few instructions. SPDM normal operation Table 1 – &V7DVNV SPDM Hardware Architecture SPDM is composed by the devices depicted in Figure 3: Condizionators Sensors Data Bus Sensor/Panel Interface ADC Analog MUX 1 Control Bus Memory RAM r Counte Address Bus Figure 3 – Electonic Acquisistion Subsystem and Solar panel equivalent circuit & A, & B, PIC16F84 8 bit Microcontroller, 5MHz clock frequency, 1Kbyte program memory (Flash memory), 68 byte data RAM, low power consumption less 2 mA, 5V power supply. Interface: It allows controllers to communicate with sensor acquisition (Figure 3). Electronics Acquisition: This part allows acquiring the value of the physician values (I, V, T). This part is constituted by: A/D converter, analog multiplexer, memory, and adapter for analog signal conditioning. A/D converter used is Ltc1285: 8 pin, low power, 12 bit resolution. It SURYLGHV WR & LWV RZQ UHVXOWV RI FRQYHUVLRQ LQ VHULDO ZD\ (LWKHU &$ RU &% PDQDJHV WKH DFTXLULQJ RI WKH GDWD from A/D. Lm335 is the sensor used for acquiring the temperature. IRECIN is composed by 21 temperature sensors. SPDM uses 20 sensors, 16 are set on the inside face of the later panels. Maxim 471 is the component used as current sensor. Numerical Simulation and Results To evaluate the angle between the sun and a solar panel, an accurate mathematical model of the solar panel itself is needed, including temperature, space radiation degradation and sun angle effects on the solar panel i-v curve. A single diode solar panel equivalent circuit can be assumed as in Figure 3. From this model, connecting 8 cells in series, the I–V curve shown in Figure 4 is obtained for the IRECIN solar panels. The temperature effect on the solar panel’s i-v curve is shown in Figure 4, where voltages and currents are those of the IRECIN solar panels. The open circuit voltage linearly decreases with temperature, while the short circuit current increases with the temperature logarithm. The rate of change with temperature can be accurately predicted by solar cell theory and it has been confirmed by tests run in a solar simulator for the IRECIN solar panels, including solar cell cover material effect. The effect of sun angle on the spacecraft short circuit current and open circuit voltage is: I sc I sc cos 0 V oc V oc 0 V log(cos T ) where s is the angle between the sun and the direction normal to the solar panel. Depending on the available cpu resources, two different algorithms F1 and f1, may be used to determine sun direction. A spacecraft reference frame x-y-z, with z axis along the spin axis, x (out of the first panel) and y axes in a plane parallel to satellite’s bases is used. Elevation “el” is the angle between the solar unit vector “S” and xy plane, while azimuth “ Az” is the angle between the projection of “ S” in xy plane and x axis. Thus the relations between sun power measurements and sun direction are: I up sin(el ) I up 0 Ii cos(el ) cos( i ) Ii 0 [Az i (i 1) * i 1 16 o ] 0 22.5 Figure 4 –Sun Relations and I –V Characteristic Iup, Ii measured currents on panels (top and ith) and Iup 0, Ii 0 maximum currents on panels Since IRECIN is an hexadecahedron and solar panels are mounted on all its 18 faces, the maximum number of illuminated panels is 8 (7 lateral). Both algorithms exploits sun power measurements from these panels (included top/bottom ones) to evaluate the azimuth and elevation angles. F1 algorithm, based on the least squares method and using exact formulas, provides an accurate solution (<2° azimuth), however it requires a great cpu workload. f1 algorithm, instead, based on linearized and normalized equations, leads to a quite satisfactory, low cpu resources consuming result, although less accurate (max error 10°). The following graphs (Figure 5) show the results provided by the two algorithms, varying the ideal sun position (both in azimuth and elevation) and considering a noise disturbance. According to numerical simulation, the proposed sun position algorithm can determine attitude within a few degrees of accuracy, which is often enough for many small, very low cost, missions. Moreover, this system has showed to work FRUUHFWO\ZKHQRQHRIWKHWZR &IDLOVREWDLQLQJDQHUURURIXVLQJRQO\RQH & ameliorating its safety. 23 180 simplified algorithm complex algorithm actual 22.5 22 ) s e er g e d( el g n a n oi t a v el e 140 ) s e er g e d( el g n a ht u m i z a 21.5 21 20.5 20 120 100 80 60 19.5 40 19 20 18.5 actual complex algorithm simplified algorithm 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 actual azimuth angle (degrees) 140 160 180 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 actual azimuth angle (degrees) 140 160 180 Figure 5 – Azimuth and Elevation Estimation using both Methods References [1] Graziani F., Ferrante M. 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