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Index Of Topics In Wayne's Word Articles
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Alphabetically Arranged Articles and Topics In WAYNE'S WORD:
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Absinthe: An Herb That May Have Poisoned Vincent van Gogh
Acacias: An Enormous Genus Of Trees & Shrubs
Acacias & Their Remarkable Symbiotic Ants
Cecropia Trees & Their Symbiotic Azteca Ant Colonies
Acacias Browsed By Giraffes In South Africa
Achiote (Annatto) Dye From Seeds Of Bixa orellana
Agar: See Intertidal Red Alga Gelidium, Primary Source Of Agar
Air Fern: A Dead Marine Hydrozoan Dyed Green
Akee: An Interesting Fruit In The Soapberry Family
Alaska Trip: Coastal Cities & Denali National Park
Algae: An Outline Of Major Algal Divisions In The Kingdom Protista
Algae Photos: Including Green, Red, Brown & Diatoms
Algae Responsible For Pink Snow
Algin, Carrageenan & True Gums (Polysaccharides)
Algin: See Giant Bladder Kelp, Primary Source Of Algin
Alkaloids: Plants Producing Medical Alkaloids & Glycosides
Alkaloids (Hallucinogens): Peyote, Jimsonweed, Mushrooms & Morning Glories
Photos Of Alkaloid-Producing Plants
Poison Dart Frogs Of South American Rain Forest
See Alkaloid Structure: An Animated .GIF
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Allelopathy In The Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea biebersteinii)
Allspice, Witch Hazel, Bay Rum & Bay Leaves
Almond: See Fresh, Green Almonds Right From The Tree
Amaranth: Edible Leaves & Seeds Which Ground Into Flour
Amazing Trivia About Plants: Botanical Record-Breakers
Amber: Nature's Transparent Tomb
Amorphophallus: World's Largest & Stinkiest Arum
An Amorphophallus Growing At Wayne's Word
Anabaena (Cyanobacterium) & Its Symbiotic Water Fern (Azolla)
Anachronisms: Dispersal Of Large Fruits By Large Extinct Mammals
Ancient Plants: Plants That Lived When Dinosaurs Roamed The Earth
Ancient Plants: See Links About Plants That Lived With Dinosaurs
Anther Smut: A Sexually Transmitted Disease Of Flowers
Antibody Model: Y-Shaped, 4 Polypeptide IgG Immune Type
Antlions (Denizens Of The Sand)
Evolution of Microsoft vs. Natural Selection Of Antlions
Ants: Amazing Insects In The Order Hymenoptera
Ants1: Argentine Ants
Ants 2: Argentine Ants & Genetic Variability
Ants 3: Carpenter Ant
Ants 4: Harvester Ants & Dyeweed
Ants 5: Harvester Ants & Pilostyles
Anza-Borrego Desert Wildflowers (February 2005)
Apomixis Defined (Also Parthenocarpy, Parthenogenesis & Agamospermy)
Apples, Pears, Quince, Loquat, Peaches & Apricots
Apple Smaller Than A Penny? Can This Be True?
Araucaria Family: Striking Conifers From The Days Of Dinosaurs
Araucaria: See Beautiful Wood Of Cook Pine (A. columnaris)
Arbortetum: Go To Palomar College Arboretum
Arbortetum & Wayne's Word Introduction Links
Archaebacteria: Possible Life Form On Mars?
Archeocyathida: Extinct Reef-Building Animals Similar To Sponges
Argiope: Black & Yellow Orb Weaver Spider
Arthropods (Insects/Spiders) In Anza-Borrego 1
Arthropods In Southern California #1: Spiders
Arthropods In Southern California #2: Spider Allies
Arthropods In Southern California #3: Butterflies & Moths
Arthropods In Southern California #4: Bees & Wasps
Arthropods In Southern California #5: Beetles
Arthropods In Southern California #6: True Bugs
Arthropods In Southern California #7: Homopterans
Arthropods In Southern California #8: Grasshoppers & Allies
Arthropods In Southern California #9: Flies & Miscellaneous
Arthropods In Southern California #9: Termites (Isoptera)
Artichokes & Other Vegetables Of The Sunflower Family
Arum Fruit: The Exotic Monstera Deliciosa
Ashes To Wildflowers (Post-Burn Plant Succession)
Asparagus: Delicious Garden Vegetable From A Plant Stem
Aspen Clones: One Of World's Most Massive Organisms
Asteraceae (Sunflower Family): 2nd Largest Plant Family
Atkins Diet: Weight Reduction By Eating Fatty Saturated Fats?
ATP Production In Methanogenic Archaebacteria
ATP Production In Desert Varnish Bacteria
Australian Brush Cherry: Colorful But Insipid Fruits
Avocados, Apples, Pears & Peaches
Awards Given To Wayne's Word From Major Science Web Sites
Azolla (Water Fern) & Its Symbiotic Cyanobacterium (Anabaena)
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Bacteria (Archaebacteria): A Possible Life Form On Mars?
Bacteria: Halophilic Bacteria That Thrive In Salt Lakes & Salt Crust
Bacteria (Kingdom Monera): Syphilis, Gonorrhea & Anthrax
Bacteria: The Size Of A Minute Flowering Plant
Bacteria: Thermophilic Bacteria That Thrive In Hot Springs
Bamboo: Remarkable Giant Grasses
Bananas: Genetics Of Triploid Seedless Bananas
Banyans & Strangler Figs: Bizarre Tropical Trees
Baobab Tree In South Africa also see the Baobab Fruit
Barberry: Oregon Grape & A Middle East Berry Used For Raisins
Bat-Pollinated Flowers Of The African Sausage Tree
Bat-Pollinated Mucuna Lianas Of The Tropical Rain Forest
Bay Rum, Bay Leaves,Witch Hazel & Allspice
Beetles: Insect Order With The Greatest Number Of Species
Beetles (Order Coleoptera) In Southern California
Beets, Swiss Chard, Spinach & Lamb's Quarters (Chenopodiaceae)
Bent Nail Puzzle Solved: See Animated GIF
Betel Nut Palm: Seeds That Are Chewed But Not Swallowed
Bignoniaceae: An Interesting Family Of Tropical Trees
Biological Sites On The World Wide Web
Biology & Botany Course Schedules & Syllabi
Biology 101 On-Line Course Supplements
Bird's Nest Fungus (Minute Fungus Resembling Miniature Bird's Nest)
Blackberries, Strawberries, Grapes, Huckleberries & Bearberries
Black Moss (Fat Choy): A Hairlike Cyanobacterium From China
Blood Triglycerides & Cholesterol (LDL's & HDL's)
Blood Types (1): Laboratory Determination Of A-B-O Phenotypes
Blood Types (2): Calculation Of A-B-O Genotypes & Percentages
Blood Types (3): Models For Blood Agglutination By Antibodies
Blue Marble Tree: Incredibly Beautiful Fruits
Boechera (Arabis) holboellii Apomictic Hybrid Pollen Grains
Botanical Jewelry: Necklaces, Earrings & Bracelets Made From Plants
Botanical Record-Breakers (Amazing Record-Breaking Plants)
Botany & Biology Course Schedules & Syllabi
Botany 110 & 115 On-Line Course Supplements
Southern California Trail Guides by Tom Chester
San Diego County Plant Checklists For Botany 110
Endangered Vernal Pools of San Diego County
Jepson Manual Data Base & Other Information
Find Latitude & Longitude, Top Maps & Conversions
Botany 115 Reading Assignments
Bot Fly: A Remarkable Parasitic Fly On Humans
Bot Fly: A Remarkable Parasitic Fly On Rodents & Rabbits
Brain Teaser (Logic Teaser) Questions
Brazil Nuts & Cashews
Brazilwood & Logwood Dyes
Bread: Wheat Bread & Why Corn Bread Crumbles
Breadfruit, Jackfruit, Soursop, Sugar Apple & Cherimoya
Brodiaea Index: To All Brodiaea Pages On Wayne's Word
Brodiaeas & Vernal Pools In San Marcos (San Diego County)
Bromeliads: Epiphytic Flowering Plants That Trap Rainwater
Broomrapes: Unusual Flowering Root Parasites
Brush Cherry: An Interesting Australian Fruit
Bryophytes: Mosses & Liverworts
Buckwheat Family Achenes--Dry One-Seeded Fruits
Bugs (Hemiptera: True Bugs) In Southern California
Bull's Head (Water Caltrop)--Trapa bicornis
Burdock: Vegetables Of The Sunflower Family (Asteraceae)
Burlap (Fabric From Stem Fibers Of Jute): See Plant Fibers Page
Butterflies, Moths & Wasps In Southern California
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Butterfly Exhibit #1: The San Diego Wild Animal Park
Butterfly Exhibit #2: The Living Desert Zoo & Botanical Garden
Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) Of The Logania Family (Loganiaceae)
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C-4 Photosynthesis In Purslane (Portulaca oleracea)
Cactus Fruit & Stems: Tuna & Nopales From Opuntia ficus-indica
Cactus Species: Links To Images On Wayne's Word Pages
Calabash: A Tree With Remarkable Cauliflorous Fruits
Calavera Lake (Lake Calavera): Carlsbad, California
Calendar-For Any Month-For Any Year-For Any Century
Calendars Available From Wayne's Word Via CafePress
California's Pink Salt Lakes--Caused By Halobacteria
Calochortus kennedyi: A Beautiful Orange Mariposa Lily
Camouflage In Animals: Cryptic Form & Coloration
Camouflage In Leafhoppers (Order Homoptera)
Camphor Oil & Cinnamon From Trees In The Laurel Family
CAM Photosynthesis In Cacti & Succulents
CAM Photosynthesis In The Strangling Epiphyte Clusia rosea
Canada: Canadian Rockies Railway Trip (October 2008)
Canna indica (Indian Shot): Seeds Shot From Guns?
Cannonball Tree: A Cauliflorous Tree From South America
Capers: Delicious Flower Buds From A Mediterranean Shrub
Carambola, Jaboticaba, Banana & Kiwi
Carat: Unit Of Weight Derived From Carob Seed
Carbon Balls: Daldinia grandis & D. concentrica
Carnivorous (Insectivorous) Plants
Carob Tree: A Cauliflorous Species & Derivation Of The Word Carat
Carrageenan, Algin & True Gums (Polysaccharides)
Carrageenan: See Irish Moss, A Source Of Carrageenan
Carrion Flowers (See Stinking Flowers)
Carrot: Herbs Of The Carrot Family (Apiaceae)
Cashew Nuts & Brazil Nuts
Cashews: Plants Of The Sumac Family (Anacardiaceae)
Cassava & Taro: Subterranean Vegetables
Castor Bean: A Plant Named After A Tick
Catnip or Catmint: An Herb That Drives Cats Crazy
Caudiciform Plants That Develop From An Enlarged Caudex
Cauliflory: An Amazing Adaptation For Pollination
Ceanothus Silk Moth: A Striking Southern California Moth
Cecropia Trees & Their Symbiotic Azteca Ant Colonies
Celery: Herbs Of The Carrot Family (Apiaceae)
Cell Division 1: Mitosis In Eukaryotic Cells For Biology 101
Cell Division 1: Stem Cell Research On In Vitro Blastocysts
Cell Division 2: Meiosis In Eukaryotic Cells For Biology 101
Cell Illustrations: Comparison Of Plant & Animal Cells
Cell Membrane: Sandwich Model Of Lipid Bilayer & Mebrane Proteins
Cell Structure & Introduction To Metric System For Biology 101
Cell Structure Introduction: Table Of Cell Sizes
Cell Towers (Cell Phone Towers) That Resemble Trees
Cerbera: Southeast Asian Shrubs With Poisonous Fruits
Cereal Grasses: Photos & Genetics (Rice, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Milo)
Chayote (Sechium edule): A Strange One-Seeded Gourd
Chemicals: Major Chemical Compounds Of Plants (and Animals)
Cherimoya, Sugar Apple, Breadfruit, Jackfruit & Soursop
Cherries, Apples, Pears, Peaches & Avocados
Chicle Gum & Guayule Rubber
Chicory: A Flavor Enhancing Adulterant Of Coffee
Chile Peppers (Self Defense With)
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Chile Peppers: Sweet & Hot Peppers
Chi Square Test For Dihybrid (9:3:3:1) Corn Cross
Cholesterol: Blood Triglycerides, LDL's & HDL's
Chollas Of Anza-Borrego Desert (Wildflowers 4b)
Chollas Of Anza-Borrego Desert (Wildflowers 4c)
Chollas Of Riverside County (Wildflowers 4d)
Chollas Of Riverside County (Wildflowers 4e)
Chollas Of Riverside County (Wildflowers 4f)
Cilantro & Coriander: Herbs Of The Carrot Family
Cinnamon & Camphor Oil From Trees In The Laurel Family
Circassian Seeds (Manjadikuru): Magical Seeds From India
Cleistogamous Flowers In A European Wildflower
Cleistogamous Spikelets In A Native Annual Grass
Clouds (Cumulonimbus) Over Palomar Mountain In September
Cloves, Allspice, Witch Hazel, Bay Rum & Bay Leaves
Clusia rosea: An Amazing Strangler Tree That Is Not A Fig
Cochineal & Saffron Dyes
Cockleburs--Worldwide Hitchhiker & Nature's Velcro®
Coconut: A Most Interesting & Valuable Fruit
Coconut Embryo: The Seldom-Seen Embryo Inside A Coconut
Coconut Pearl: An Alleged Calcareous Stone Inside Coconuts
Coconut Pearl: Disclaimer On The Authenticity Of This Gem
Coconut Spathe: Beautiful Bowls Made From Coconut Spathes
Coconuts & The Remarkable Dispersal Of Coconut Crabs
Coco Plum, Mammee Apple, Pomegranate & Persimmon
Codons: Table Of DNA Base Triplets, RNA Codons & Anticodons
Coffee, Sugar Cane & Pineapples
Coin Flip Page: Randomized Tossing Of A U.S. Penny
Collections: A Note About Collectors & Collections
Color Blindness Table: Check Your Vision
Colors 1: Chart of 216 Colors In 6 Character HTML Code
Colors 2: Wheel of 216 Colors In 6 Character HTML Code
Compact Disks: Damaging, Non-Viral Agents That Ruin CDs
Computer Viruses (Compared With Human Viruses)
Cook Pine (Araucaria columnaris): A Tree From New Caledonia
Coral Tree (Erythrina): Bright Red Seeds Used In Plant Jewelry
Coral Trees (Erythrina): Ocean Dispersal, Pollination & Floral Variation
Conkers: A Game Where You Break Your Opponent's Nut
Continental Drift (Plate Tectonics) & Plant Geography
Coriander & Cilantro: Herbs Of The Carrot Family (Apiaceae)
Corn Genetics: Dihybrid Cross, Linkage & Chi Square Test
Corn: Origin Of Corn From Ancestral Teosinte "Madre de Maíz"
Crabwood (Carapa guianensis): A Costa Rican Timber Tree
Cranberry: A North American Shrub Of Acidic Bogs & Swamps
Crane Flies: The Most Misidentified Flies In Southern California
Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) in Drought Resistant Plants
Crickets: Remarkable Tree Crickets Of The Genus Oecanthus
Cross-Dating: Age-Dating Wood Samples By Comparing Annual Ring Patterns
Crossword Puzzles For Biology & Botany Students & Other People
Cryptobiotic Crust In Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
Cucumber, Pickle & Cucumber Gourds
Cucumber Tree With Cauliflorous Fruits
Curare: A South American Vine With A Very Toxic Sap
Currants & Gooseberries, Blackberries, Strawberries & Huckleberries
Cyanobacteria Living On A Maya Pyramid In Guatemala
Cyanobacteria: Nitrogen-Fixing Cells Living Inside Other Plants
Cyanobacteria Living Inside A Crustose Pacific Northwest Lichen
Cyanobacteria Living Inside The Coralloid Roots Of Cycads
Cyanobacteria (Anabaena) Living Inside The Water Fern (Azolla)
Cyanobacterium (Anabaena) & Its Marriage To A Water Fern (Azolla)
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Cycads (1): Ancient Plants That Lived With Dinosaurs
Cycads (2): Ancient Plants That Lived With Dinosaurs
Cycads: Continental Drift & Worldwide Distribution Of Cycads
Cypresses (Cupressus): Remarkable Conifers Native To California
Cypresses (Cupressus): Selection & Genetic Drift In Cypresses
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Daikon & Other Vegetables In The Mustard Family
Daley Ranch Rock Formations (San Diego County)
Dandelion: Vegetables Of The Sunflower Family (Asteraceae)
Dates: Delicious Fruits From A Dioecious Palm
Dawn Redwood--Ancient Tree That Lived With Dinosaurs
Deadly Datura (Jimsonweed)
Deadly Datura (Jimsonweed) Junkie Moth
Death Valley: A Place To See Endemic Plants
Desert Varnish & Lichen Crust On Rocks
Desiderata: Words To Live By
Devil's Claws: Hitchhikers On Big Animals
Dinosaurs: Plants That Lived When Dinosaurs Roamed The Earth
Dioscorea--Tropical Yam & Source Of Steroid Percursor Diosgenin
Discovery Bay--Central & Northern California June 2004
Dispersal Anachronisms: Dispersal Of Large Fruits By Large Extinct Mammals
Dispersal Of Seeds & Fruits: See Drift Seeds, Hitchhikers & Wind Dispersal
Dispersal Of Seeds With Elaiosomes By Ants (Myrmecochory)
Dispersal--Mechanical Dispersal Of Seeds By Creeping Woodsorrel
Dispersal--Mechanical Dispersal: Exploding Pods Of The Sandbox Tree
Diversity Of Flowering Plants
Diversity Of The Five Kingdoms Of Life
Diversity Of The Major Divisions Of Life
Divisions (Phyla) Of Living Organisms
DNA (1) Plastic Model: Biology 101 Quiz
DNA (2) Structure & Function (Biology 101)
DNA (3) PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction
DNA (4) Animated Exponential Replication
DNA (5) Simplified Animation Of Transcription
DNA (6) Simplified Animation Of Translation
DNA (7) Simplified Animation Of Protein Synthesis
Dragon Fruit (Cactaceae: Hylocereus undatus)
Drift Seeds & Fruits: Voyagers Of The World's Oceans
A Nice Assortment Of Tropical Drift Fruits & Seeds
Dispersal Of The Coconut & Coconut Crab
Mary's Bean: Fabulous Drift Seed Of The New World Tropics
Nickernuts (Caesalpinia bonduc & C. major)
Prioria copaifera: Costa Rican Tree With Amazing Drift Fruits
Sea Beans (Mucuna): A Liana Pollinated By Bats
Sea Hearts (Entada gigas): Giant Liana Of The Rain Forest
Duckweeds (Lemnaceae)--incl. Lemna, Spirodela, Wolffia & Wolffiella:
Complete List Of All North American Species
Flow Chart Dichotomous Key To Lemnaceae In California
Images Of All North American Species
Index & Keys To The Genera Of Lemnaceae
Smallest Flowering Plant In The World
Smallest Fruit In The World
Weird Duckweeds From Far Away Lands
World's Smallest Flowering Plant Compared With Bacterium
Durian: An Enormous, Spiny Fruit From Malaysia With A Delicious Flavor
Dyes 1 (Natural Dyes): Madder, Cochineal, Saffron, Woad, Lichen, & Achiote
Dyes 2 (Natural Dyes): See Brazilwood, Logwood & Red Sandalwood
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Earth Star: An Unusual Fungus Superficially Resembling A Star
Eastern Sierra Nevada Trip: Owens Valley, June Lake, Mono Lake
Economically Important Plant Families (For Botany 115 Plants & People)
Economically Important Plant Families (List Of Families for Botany 115)
Echinacea & Other Herbs From The Sunflower Family (Asteraceae)
Ed Groschwitz: In Memory Of My Dear Friend Ed
Eggfruit & Mamey Sapote (Pouteria campechiana & P. sapota, Sapodilla Family)
Eggplant, Tomato & Tomatillo (Nightshade Family: Solanaceae)
Eggs: The Undisputed Largest Cells On Earth
Enzymes: Lock & Key Model & Enzyme Block By Poison Molecule
Ephedra (Mormon Tea or Joint Fir): See The Amazing Plant Division Gnetophyta Ergot Fungus--The Original Source Of LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethyl Amide)
Erythrina: Go To Coral Tree References Under "C"
Eucalyptus: Hardwood "Gums" Introduced Into Southern California
Eucalyptus: See Red Gum Lerp Introduced Into Southern California
Eucalyptus Wood-Boring Beetle Introduced Into Southern California
Euphorbia Family: A Large & Very Diverse Family Of Flowering Plants
Evolution Topics Are Discussed Throughout Many Wayne's Word Articles.
Adaptive Radiation On The Hawaiian Islands
Comparison Between Plant & Animal Cells
Convergent & Parallel Evolution (Homoplasy)
Evolution & The Origin Of Life Controversy
Evolution Of Dioecious Fig Species
Evolution of Humans (1): Dr. Dennis O'Neil, Palomar College
Evolution of Humans(2): Origin Of Clothing & Body Lice
Lichens & The Evolution Of Land Plants
Symbiogenesis & The Endosymbiont Hypothesis
Symbiogenesis & The Origin Of A Protonucleus From A Virus
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Faculty Award For Excellemce In Teaching At Palomar College
Fasciated Stems (Weird Malformed Stems)
Fats: Chemistry Of Unsaturated Plant Oils
Fennel: Herbs Of The Carrot Family (Apiaceae)
Ferns & Fern Allies (Pteridophtes)
Ferns: Fern Fiddleheads For Food
Ferns: Indigenous Hawaiian Ferns
Ferns: Water Ferns (Azolla & Salvinia)
Fiber: Insoluble & Soluble Dietary Fiber For A Healthy Colon.
Fibers (Plant Fibers) For Cordage & Textiles
Fibers (Photos #1): Beach Hibiscus, Roselle (Sorrel), Kenaf & Hoop Vine
Fibers (Photos #2): Luffa, Ti, Pandanus, Broom-Corn, Thatch & Hat Palms
Fig & Fig Wasp Symbiosis:
A Petrified Fig Syconium From The Cretaceous Period
Bogus Nonpollinator Fig Wasps With Long Ovipositors
Calimyrna Fig & Its Amazing Pollinator Wasp
Calimyrna Fig Overwintering Mamme Crop
Cauliflory In Tropical Species Of Figs (Ficus)
Evolution Of Dioecious Fig Species
Ficus dammaropsis: A Remarkable Fig From New Guinea
Figs Of The Holy Land (Their Role In World Religions)
Gall Controversy--Do Fig Wasps Really Induce Gall Formation?
Hybrid Between Common Edible Fig & Creeping Fig
Pollination Patterns In Dioecious Figs
Sex Determination & Life Cycle Of Common Fig (Ficus carica)
Sexuality In Figs--Plant Sexuality & Political Correctness
Strangler Figs & Banyans: Truly Remarkable Trees
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Summary Of Common Fig (Ficus carica) Life Cycle
The Amazing Fig/Fig Wasp Relationship
The Creeping Fig (Ficus pumila)--Source Of Grass Jelly
Vicarious Selection In Figs (Richard Dawkin's Model)
Filbert/Rubber Tree Hybrid (An Astonishing Hybrid Nut)
Fire (Post-Burn Plant Succession): Ashes To Wildflowers
Lightning: Primary Cause Of Natural Forest Fires
Paradise Fire Of Northern San Diego County 2003
Witch Creek Fire (Ramona To Coast) 22 Oct. 2007
Witch Creek Post-Burn Wildflowers: Part 1
Witch Creek Post-Burn Wildflowers: Part 2
Witch Creek Post-Burn Wildflowers: Part 3
Flies (Diptera) & Miscellaneous Orders In Southern California
Flower Diagram: Typical Bisexual Blossom (Good Diagram For Exam)
Flowering Plant Life Cycle: Male & Female Gametophytes
Flowering Plant Life Cycle: 7-Celled, 8 Nucleate Embryo Sac
Flowering Plants: Their Amazing Diversity--Many Links Here
Flowering: Short-Day & Long-Day Plants
Flower Terminology: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Flower Terminology Definitions
Flower Terminology Inflorescences: Part 1 Part 2
Fluorescence In A Chlorophyll Solution
Fonts Point: Anza Borrego State Park
Fossilized Plants In The Western United States & Elsewhere
Fossilized (Preserved) Dinosaur Dung (Excrement) From Utah
Founder Effect: Genetic Drift In Cockleburs & People
Frogs: Poison Dart Frogs Of South American Rain Forest
Fruit Identification (1): The Major Types Of Fruits
Fruit Identification (2): Schizocarps Of Filaree & Cheeseweed
Fruit Identification (3): Follicles Of Scarlet Larkspur & Peony
Fruit Identification (4): Achenes Of The Buckwheat Family
Fruit Identification (5): Achenes Of The Sunflower Family
Fruit Identification (6): Multiple Fruit (Syncarp) Of The Mulberry Family
Fruit Identification (7): Siliques & Silicles Of The Mustard Family
Fruit Identification (8): Unusual Fruits Called Capsules
Fruit--Mystery Fruit #1: Can You Guess Its Name?
Fruit--Mystery Fruit #2: Can You Guess Its Name?
Fruit--Mystery Fruit #3: Can You Guess Its Name?
Fruit Terminology: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Fruit (1)--World's Largest: See The Gourd Family
Fruit (2)--World's Largest Produced By A Tree
Fruit (3)--World's Smallest Produced By Duckweeds
Fruits (Schizocarp Photos): Filaree & Cheeseweed
Fruits (Tropical) #1: Carambola, Jaboticaba, Banana & Kiwi
Fruits (Tropical) #2: Durian, Papaya & Mango
Fungi--The Amazing Kingdom Of Fungi:
Bracket Fungi: Strange Fungi That Grow On Tree Trunks
Ergot Fungus--The Original Source Of Synthetic LSD
Fungi: An Outline Of Major Divisions In The Kingdom Fungi
Fungi From Mt. Roberts Summit: Above Juneau, Alaska
Fungi From Palomar Mountain (Carbon Balls, Bolete, Helvella)
Fungi From Palomar Mountain (Black Morel, Elfin Cup & Armillaria)
Fungi From Palomar Mountain (Scaly Chanterelle & Coral Fungus)
Fungi: Slime Molds (Physarum polycephalum) That Actually Move
Fungi: Stinking Fungi That Attract Blow Flies & Flesh Flies
Fungus Named After An Impudent (Shameless) Phallus
Fungus Photos (1): Inky Cap Fungus & The Delicious King Bolete
Fungus Photos (2): Morels Collected In Southern California
Fungus Photos (3): Shaggy Parasol & Jack-O-Lantern Mushrooms
Fungus Photos (4): The Ubiquitous Domicile Cup Fungus
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Fungus Photos (5): Puffballs (Calvatia & Lycoperdon)
Golden Pholiota Mushroms In The Eastern Sierra Nevada
Oyster Mushroom On Fan Palm In Anza-Borrego Desert
Shaggy Mane Puffball In Death Valley National Monument
Fungus Flowers: Mycotrophic Wildflowers That Resemble Fungi
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Gabbro Rock & Reddish Clay Soils: Endemic Plants In San Diego County
Galls: Strange Growths On Plants Caused By Insects, Fungi & Bacteria:
Galls: California's Amazing Jumping Galls
Galls: Desert Trumpet Inflated Stems?
Galls: Fasciated Stems (Malformed Stems)
Gall Flowers: Fig & Fig Wasp
Galls: Strange & Unique Growths On Plants
Gardenia, Kudu & Long-Tongued Hawkmoth
Garibaldi: California's Official State Marine Fish
Garlic, Onions & Leeks: Amaryllis Family (Amaryllidaceae)
Gelatin From Collagen Proten: See Section On True Gums & Phycocolloids
Genetics Pages For General Biology & General Botany
Basic Structure & Function Of DNA & RNA
Gender Verification In The Olympics
Genetic Corn Grain Inheritance In Biology 100 Lab
Genetic Drift & Selection In California Cypress (Cupressus)
Genetic Drift: Blood Type Frequencies In Populations.
Genetic Drift: Demonstration In The Biology Classroom.
Genetic Drift: Founder Effect In Cockleburs & People.
Genetic Drift: Population Bottlenecks
Genetics Extra Credit Problems For Biology 100 Students
Genetics Questions Hints For Botany 115 Exam #3
Hybridization: Interesting Plant Hybrids In San Diego County
Photographs & Genetics Of Some Cereal Grasses
Polygenic Inheritance Examples For Biology 100 Lab
Gilmania: A Rare Death Valley Endemic Wildflower
Ginger: An Important Spice From Underground Rhizomes
Ginkgo--Ancient Tree That Lived With Dinosaurs
Ginseng & Aralias (Araliaceae) Used For Medicinal Teas
Global Climatic Change, Agriculture & The Greenhouse Effect
Glycosides: Plants Producing Medical Alkaloids & Glycosides
Gnetophyta: Amazing Plant Division Including Ephedra & Welwitschia
Golden Silk Spider: World's Strongest Natural Filament
Gooseberries & Currants, Blackberries, Strawberries & Huckleberries
Goosefoot Family Vegetables: Beets, Swiss Chard, Spinach & Lamb's Quarters
Gourds (The Remarkable Gourd Family--Cucurbitaceae)
Fruits: Squash, Melons & Cucumbers; Teasel & Hedgehog Gourds
Lagenaria Snake Gourd Made By Elaine Armstrong
Volunteer Spaghetti Squash Growing At Wayne's Word
Winged Gourd Seed That Inspired Early Aircraft Design
Grains: Photos & Genetics Of Cereal Grasses
Grand Canyon, Bryce & Zion Nat. Parks + Cedar Breaks Nat. Mon.
Grapes, Blackberries, Strawberries, Huckleberries & Bearberries
Grass Family (Poaceae--Formerly The Gramineae):
Bamboo: A Remarkable Giant Grass
Bamboo Growth Compared With Herbaceous Grass
Grains (1): Photos & Genetics Of Cereal Grasses
Grains (2): Job's Tears & Corn (Maize)
Wind Dispersal Of Grasses (1)
Wind Dispersal Of Grasses (2)
Grasshoppers (Orthoptera) & Allies In Southern California
Grass Jelly From Mesona, An Herb In The Mint Family (Lamiaceae)
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Guaraná & Other Members Of The Soapberry Family (Sapindaceae)
Guava Fruits: Regular Guava, Strawberry Guava & Pineapple Guava
Guayule Rubber & Chicle Gum
Guiana Chestnut: A Large Fruit In The Bombax Family
Gum Arabic and Osama bin Laden
Gums (Polysaccharides) & Phycocolloids As Thickening Agents
Gums (Polysaccharides) & Resins (Terpenes) In The Sap Of Plants
Gum Tragacanth: A Natural Gum From A Spiny Iranian Locoweed
Gundelia tournefortii: Thistle Relative Found On The Shroud Of Turin
Gutta Percha, Chicle, Para Rubber & Guayule: Plant Latex Products
Gynoecium Defined: Also Monocarpous, Apocarpous & Syncarpous
Back To Alphabet Table
Hallucinogenic Plants (Plants That Make You Loco)
Halobacteria: Causing Pink Salt Lakes
Hardwoods: Trees & Shrubs With Hard Wood
Hawkmoth That Feeds On Desert Wildflowers
Hawkmoth That Feeds On Jimsonweed (Datura)
Hedge Apple: A Hardwood Tree Of The S.E. United States
Hemp (Manila Hemp & Indian Hemp): See Plant Fibers Page
Henderson Canyon: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
Herbal Medicines In California: Yerba Santa & Yerba Mansa
Herbs For Food & Medicines (1): Echinacea, Yerba Mate & Rosemary
Herbs For Food & Medicines (2): Incl. Star Anise & St. Johnswort
Hilltopping--A Way For Sexually Active Insects To Meet Each Other
Hitchhiking Plants: Cockleburs--Nature's Velcro®
Hitchhiking Plants On Big Animals--Devil's Claws
Hitchhiking Plants (1)--Ultimate & Most Painful Hitchhikers
Hitchhiking Plants (2)--The Deadly, Sticky Anthocarps Of Pisonia Trees
Hog Plum (Spondias mombin), Papaya, Durian & Mango
Holly (Ilex): Leaves Used For Tea & Cultivated For Showy Red Berries
Honey Bee Excrement At Palomar College
Honey Bee Excrement Article For North County Times
Honey Bees (Including Africanized "Killer Bees")
Hoop Vine: An Amazing Tropical Plant In The Phytolacca Family
Hop Vine: A Member Of The Marijuana Family (Cannabaceae)
Horehound: An Herb Used To Make A Unique Hard Candy
Horseshoe Puzzle Solved: A WAYNE'S WORD Exclusive
House Hoppers: Minute Crustaceans That Appear After Rain
Huckleberries, Grapes, Blackberries, Strawberries & Bearberries
Huckleberry: Hawaiian Huckleberry On The Rim Of Kilauea Crater
Hybrids1: Hybridization & Polyploidy: Hybrids In San Diego County
Hybrids2: Hybrid Scrub Oaks (Quercus) In San Diego County
Hybrids3: Hybrid Penstemons In San Diego County
Back To Alphabet Table
Ice Cream Bean: Unusual Fruit From South America
Imbibition & The Power Of Plants: Amazing Forces Of Imbibition
Imunotoxin: A Molecular Model Of This Antibody-Toxin Conjugate
Indian Corn (In Job's Tears/Teosinte Article
Indian Shot (Canna indica): Seeds Shot From Flintlock Guns?
Introns, Exons, Transposons & Transgenic Plants
Irish Moss (Chondrus crispus): A Source Of Carrageenan
Ironwoods: Trees With Very Hard Wood That Sinks In Water
Island Wari (Board Game Played With Caribbean Nickernuts)
Ivory-Nut Palm: Source Of Vegetable Ivory
Back To Alphabet Table
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Jaboticaba: Tree With Cauliflorous Berries
Jackfruit: The World's Largest Fruit Produced On A Tree
Jack-O-Lantern Mushroom That Glows In THe Dark
Jack's Pond: Plant Checklist For Nature Preserve In San Diego County
Jelly Palm: Brazilian Palm With Fruits That Taste Like Apricots
Jerusalem Artichoke Or Sunchoke: A Sunflower With Potato-like Tubers
Jerusalem Cricket Of Southern California: Also Known As Potato Bug
Jet: The Carbonized Remains Of Ancient Araucaria Forests
Jewelry: Natural Jewelry From Seeds, Amber & Vegetable Ivory
Amber: Nature's Transparent Tomb
Botanical Jewelry: Necklaces & Bracelets Made From Plants
Canna indica (Indian Shot): Seeds Shot From Guns?
Circassian Seeds (Magical Beans From India)
Coconut Pearl: An Alleged Stone Inside Coconuts
Job's Tears: Nature's Perfect Bead
Mary's Bean (Fabulous Drift Seed Of The New World Tropics)
Nickernuts (Caesalpinia bonduc & C. major)
Sea Beans (Mucuna): A Liana Pollinated By Bats
Sea Hearts (World's Longest Bean Pod & Remarkable Drift Seed)
Vegetable Ivory: From The Tropical Ivory-Nut Palm
Job's Tears: Wild Grass That Produces Nature's Perfect Bead
Jojoba Oil: An Unsaturated Liquid Wax
Jujube & Other Interesting Stone Fruits
Jumping Beans (Mexican Jumping Beans
Jumping Cholla--The Most Painful Hitchhiker
Jumping Galls (California's Jumping Galls)
Jumping Genes (Transposons) In Indian Corn
Jurassic Park: Plants That Lived When Dinosaurs Roamed The Earth
Jute (Burlap Fabric & Gunny Sacks): See Plant Fibers Page
Back To Alphabet Table
Kaffir Plum, Hog Plum & Mango (Cashew Family)
Kava-Kava: An Natural Tranquilizer In The Pepper Family
Khat (Catha edulis): A Tree With Stimulant Alkaloids
Killer Bees (Africanized Honey Bees)
Kingdoms Of Life (1): Diversity Of Five Kingdoms
Kingdoms Of Life (2): Major Phyla Compared With Military Categories
Kingdoms Of Life (3): Diversity Of Major Divisions (Phyla)
Kiwi, Carambola, Jaboticaba & Banana
Kukui Nuts, Candlenut & Tung Oil Tree
Kumquat (Fortunella): An Interesting Citrus Relative
Back To Alphabet Table
Lake Tahoe, Owens Valley & White Mountains Images
Landrace Defined: The Almagro Eggplant From Central Spain
Lanternflies: Remarkable Insects Of The Tropical Rain Forest
Largest Flower On Earth--Stinking Corpse Lily
Largest Fruit In The World
Largest Fruit Produced By A Tree
Largest Vegetable In The World
Legume Family 1: Vegetables & Fruits (Edible Beans & Pods)
Legume Family 2: Taxononomy & Remarkable Diversity
Lemnaceae (Duckweed Family)--incl. Lemna, Spirodela, Wolffia & Wolffiella:
Complete List Of All Known Species Worldwide
Complete List Of Western North American Species
ID Of Dried Duckweeds On Herbarium Sheets
Images Of All North American Species
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Index & Keys To The Genera Of Lemnaceae
Smallest Flowering Plant In The World
Smallest Fruit In The World
Weird Duckweeds From Far Away Lands
Lichens--Remarkable Association Between Fungi & Photosynthetic Algae:
Alphabetical List Of Lichen Images On Wayne's Word
Buellia pullata In The Palomar College Arboretum
Lichens & The Evolution Of Land Plants
Lichens & The Evolution Of Life (Symbiogenesis)
Lichen Crust On Rocks & Desert Varnish
Lichens: Crustose Lichens On Rocks & Boulders.
Lichens: Crustose Lichens On Soil & Bark
Lichens: Crustose & Umbilicate Lichens Of The Rocky Mts.
Lichens: Fruticose & Foliose Lichens On Soil & Bark
Lichens: Reproduction By Isidia & Soredia
Lichens: Striking Fruticose Soil Lichens In Florida
Lichens Used For Textile Dyes & Perfumes
Life Cycle Patterns: Human, Moss, Fern & Flowering Plant
Life Cycle Quiz Hint Page For Biology 101
Lightning: Primary Cause Of Natural Forest Fires
Images Of Lightning, Lightning Strike & Thunderheads
A Hollow, Overhead, High Voltage Transmission Cable
Living Fossils At Palomar College Also See Plants Of Jurassic Park
Locoweeds: Source Of A Valuable Herb & Carbohydrate Gum
Locoweeds: Wild & Crazy Plants Containing Potent Alkaloids
Logwood & Brazilwood Dyes
Longan (Far Out Fruit From The Far East)
Longest Bean Pod In The World
Loquat, Quince, Pears, Peaches, Apples, Cherries, Jujube & Avocados
Lotus: Sacred Lotus Or Asian Water Lotus
Lumber: Structure & Anatomy Of Wood
Lychee, Longan, Rambutan & Guaraná
Back To Alphabet Table
Madder: A Bright Red Plant Dye From Europe
Madrone: A Striking North American Tree With Red Bark
Magnolia: See Primitive Blossum Of Magnolia Family
Mahogany Family: A Little-Known Fruit Called Sentul Or Kecapi
Mala Mujer: A Plant With Stinging Hairs (Trichomes)
Mammee Apple, Coco Plum, Pomegranate & Persimmon
Mamey Sapote & Eggfruit (Pouteria sapota & P. campechiana)
Mancala: A Fun Board Game That Is Also Called Wari
Manchineel Tree That Poisoned Columbus' Crew
Mango, Papaya, Durian & Hog Plum (Spondias mombin)
Mangosteen, Carambola, Jaboticaba, Banana & Kiwi
Mangrove 1: Red Magrove, Black Mangrove & Tea Mangrove
Mangrove 2: Dispersal Of Germinated (Viviparous) Seeds
Manila Hemp (Stem Fiber Used For Rope): See Plant Fibers Page
Manjadikuru (Circassian Seeds): Magical Seeds From India
Mantispid: Remarkable Insect That Resembles A Preying Mantis
Maple Syrup From The Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum)
Marijuana (Indian Hemp): A High Quality Bast Fiber
Marijuana (Indian Hemp): A Relative Of The Hop Vine
Mars: Archaebacteria--A Possible Life Form On Mars?
Mary's Bean (Fabulous Drift Seed Of The New World Tropics)
Mastic (Gum Mastic): An Oleoresin From The Mastic Tree
Mescal Bean & Peyote Cactus
Metasequoia--Ancient Tree That Lived With Dinosaurs
Meteor Crater In Northeastern Arizona
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Metric Conversions In JavaScript
Mexican Jumping Beans
Microsoft Success vs. Darwinian Natural Selection Of Antlions
Mike Sonoda: Tribute To A Brave Soldier In Iraq
Milk Thistle: A Prickly Herb Used To Detoxify The Liver
Milk Tree (Palo De Vaca): A Milky Sap Used Like Cream
Milo: A Beautiful Polynesian Hardwood In The Hibiscus Family
Mimivirus: The Largest & Most Complex Virus
Mite: Red Velvet Mite Of The Colorado Desert Of Southern California
Molecule Diagrams: Enzymes & Cell Membrane Sandwich Model
Monkeycomb: An Unusual Costa Rican Tree
Monocot & Dicot Characteristics
Monstera Deliciosa: An Exotic Tropical Fruit
Montana, Idaho & Wyoming #1: Thumnails Of Scenic Photo Links
Montana, Idaho & Wyoming #2: Images Of Spruce Trees & Cones (Picea)
Montana, Idaho & Wyoming #3: Images Of Larch Trees & Cones (Larix)
Monterey Bay & Northern California: Thumnails Of Scenic Photo Links
Moraine Lake, Valley Of The Ten Peaks, Alberta, Canada
Morinda citrifolia: The Remarkable Painkiller Tree Called "Noni."
Morning Glories & LSD
Morning Glories: The World's Most Beautiful Vines
Morse Code Conversions In JavaScript
Mosses & Liverworts (Bryophytes)
Moth Lacewing (Neuroptera: Oliarces clara)
Mountain Apple: An Exotic Souheast Asian Fruit
Mountain Lions (Short Wayne's Word Article)
Mouse: Electronic (Computer) & Mammalian
Mucuna (Sea Beans): A Liana Pollinated By Bats
Mucuna (Sea Beans) In The Hawaiian Islands
Gigasiphon: A Rare African Tree With Seeds That Resemble Sea Beans
Mukwa Wood (Pterocarpus): A Beautiful Hardwood From Rhodesia
Mulberry: An Interesting Multiple Fruit Of The Moraceae
Mulberry Family: Flowers, Multiple Fruit (Syncarp) & Silkworm
Mushrooms--Hallucinogenic (Psychoactive)
Mustard Vegetables: Kohlrabi, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Rutabaga, Radish, Etc.
Mycotrophic Wildflowers That Resemble Fungi
Back To Alphabet Table
Naked Ladies: See Photograph Of
Names: Curious Names Of Flowering Plants
Natal Plum: A Spiny South African Shrub With Tasty Fruits
Nickernuts (Caesalpinia bonduc)--Used In Island Wari Board Game
Nigella damascena: Unusual Flower of "Love-In-A-Mist"
Nikon D-40x Images (Part 1)
Nikon D-40x Images (Part 2)
Nikon D-40x Images (Part 3)
Nikon D-40x Images (Part 4)
Nikon D-40x Images (Part 5)
Nikon D-40x Images (Part 6)
Nikon D-90 Images (Part 7)
Nitrogen Fixation In The Roots & Leaves Of Plants:
Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria In Root Nodules Of Legumes
Nitrogen-Fixing Cyanobacteria In Coralloid Roots Of Cycads
Nitrogen-Fixing Cyanobacteria In Water Fern (Azolla)
Noni (Morinda citrifolia, Rubiaceae): The Remarkable Painkiller Tree
Nori (Porphyra): The Remarkable Red Alga Used For Food In Asia
Nutmeg Fruit: The Source Of Two Different Spices
Nuts: Botanical Definition & Photos Of Representative Examples
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Back To Alphabet Table
Oaks In San Diego County (Scrub Oaks & Hybrids)
Oats, Rice, Wheat, Barley, Rye, Triticale & Sorghum
Oils: Chemistry Of Unsaturated Plant Oils
Olives, Peaches, Pears, Apples & Avocados
Ombu (Umbu): An Amazing Tree From The Argentine Pampas
Onion Bulbs & Why They Make You Cry
Opium Poppy: Selected Images (Latex Oozing From Pod)
Optical Illusions On Your Computer Monitor
Orchid Flower: Details Of The Remarkable Structure
Outstanding Teacher Award At Palomar College
Owens Peak ("P" Mountain) North Of Palomar College
Back To Alphabet Table
Painted Lady: A Migratory Butterfly In Southern California
Palm Fruits: Pejibaye, African Oil Palm, Saw Palmetto, Jelly Palm, Betel Nut
Palm Thatching For Roofs: The Bayleaf Palm Of Belize
Palms: The Source Of Vegetable Ivory From The Seeds
Palms: The Swamp Palm (Raphia taedigera) Of Costa Rica
Palms: The Infamous Wine Palm Of Chile
Palomar College Arboretum Plant List & Map
Palomar College Arboretum Images 1 (Palms)
Palomar College Arboretum Images 2 (Bamboos)
Palomar College Arboretum Images 3 Agaves)
Palomar College Arboretum Images 4 (Conifers)
Palomar College Arboretum Images 5 (Legumes)
Palomar College Arboretum Images 6 (Trees 1)
Palomar College Arboretum Images 6b (Trees 2)
Palomar College Arboretum Images 7 (Shrubs 1)
Palomar College Arboretum Images 7b (Shrubs 2)
Palomar College Arboretum Images 8 (Wildflowers)
Palomar College Palomar College Arboretum Lichens
Palomar Mountain Fungi: Carbon Balls, Satan's Bolete, Morel, Helvella
Palo Verde Wash (1): Anza Borrego Desert State Park
Palo Verde Wash (2): Anza Borrego Desert State Park
Panama Hat Palm (Carludovica palmata)
Papaya, Durian, Mango & Hog Plum
Paper Made From Plant Fibers & Wood Pulp
Paper Made From Textile Fibers: See Torn U.S. Dollar Bill
Paper Wasp & Its Papier-Mâché Nest
Paradise Nut: One Of The Monkey Pot Trees Of South America
Parasitic Flowering Plants: Nature's Most Bizarre Blossoms
Parasitic Flowering Plant That lives Inside Another Plant's Stem
Parmentiera edulis: An Interesting Cauliflorous Tree
Parsnip: Herbs Of The Carrot Family (Apiaceae)
Parthenocarpy Defined (Incl. Stimulative & Vegetative Parthenocarpy)
Parthenogenesis Defined (Also Apomixis & Agamospermy)
Passionflower Fruit & Remarkable Blossom
PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction For Replicating DNA
Peanut: A Fascinating Subterranean Legume
Pears, Peaches, Apples, Apricots, & Avocados
Penis Sheath--A Most Unusual Use For A Gourd
Pennies As Size Relationships In Wayne's Word Images
False Penny Used As Size Relationship
Penny Used In Random (50-50) Coin Flip
Penstemon Hybrids In San Diego County
Peppers (1): Chile Peppers--Self Defense With Pepper Spray
Peppers (2): Chile Peppers--Sweet & Hot Peppers
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Peppers (3): Black Peppers & Kava Kava Root
Pepper Trees (Schinus molle & S. terebinthifolius) Of South America
Percent Increase & Decrease Calculated in JavaScript
Periodic Chart Of Elements: Determining # Of Protons & Neutrons
Persimmon (Black Persimmon) Also Called Black Sapote
Persimmon, Pomegranate, Mammee Apple & Coco Plum
Petrified Forest National Park In Arizona
Taxonomic Problem With Araucarioxylon arizonicum
Petrified Wood In The Western United States
Peyote Cactus & Mescal Bean
Phallus Impudicus #1: A Fungus That Resembles A Penis
Phallus Impudicus #2: A Fungus That Resembles A Penis
Photosynthesis, Transpiration & Cellular Respiration
Phyla (Divisions) Of The Kingdoms Of Life
Phytoliths In Grass Cells & Dinosaur Poop
Pickle Cucumber & Cucumber Gourds
Pilostyles--Minute California Relative Of World's Largest Flower
Pineapples, Sugar Cane & Coffee
Pistache (Chinese Pistache): Beautiful Tree With Autumn Foliage
Pistachio Nut: Technically A Botanical Drupe
Pinyon Mountain: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
Plant Distribution & Continental Drift (Plate Tectonics)
Plant Kingdom--Diversity Of Five Kingdoms Of Life
Plant Kingdom--Diversity Of Flowering Plants
Plant Kingdom--Diversity Of The Major Divisions
Plant Lists For San Diego County (Incl. Jepson Manual Information)
Plant Sexuality (Plant Political Correctness)
Plasmids: Crown Galls & Transgenic Plants
Plate Tectonics (Continental Drift) & Plant Geography
Pokeweed (Poke Salad): An Interesting Vegetable
Poison Hemlock & Water Hemlock: Relatives Of The Carrot
Poison Oak--More Than Just Scatching The Surface
Pollination: Amazing Insect-Flower Interrelationships
Strategies For Insuring Cross Pollination
Bat-Pollinated Mucuna Lianas Of The Rain Forest
Coral Trees (Erythrina) & Hummingbirds
Deadly Datura (Jimsonweed) & Its Moth
Fig & Symbiotic Fig Wasp Articles
Milkweed Blossom (Asclepias): Family Asclepiadaceae
Mimulus (Monkeyflower): Thigmotrophic Stigma
Stinking Flowers (Carrion Flowers) That Attract Flies
Yucca & The Symbiotic Yucca Moth
Contact Pollination In Ribbon-grass (Vallisneria)
Contact Pollination In The Duckweed (Lemna gibba)
Links To Waynes Word Articles About Pollination
An Orchid Flower That Resembles An Insect
Polygenic Inheritance: Kernel Color In Wheat & Human Skin Color
Polyploidy & Hybridization: Interesting Plant Hybrids In San Diego County
Pomegranate, Persimmon, Mammee Apple, Mamey Sapote & Coco Plum
Popeye® The Sailor & The Ingestion Of Spinach Leaves Through His Pipe
Poppy: Minute Southern California Poppy (World's Smallest)
Population Growth Exercise & Questions For Biology 100 Lab
Potato: A Tuberous Plant From The Andes Of South America
Potato Bug Of Southern California: Also Known As Jerusalem Cricket
Power (The Power Of Plants)--Amazing Forces Of Imbibition
Prions: Protein Molecules That Cause Mad Cow Disease
Prionus: A Large, Long-Horned Beetle In Southern California
Prioria copaifera: Costa Rican Tree With Amazing Drift Fruits
Probability (1) Examples With Coins, Dice and Cards
Probability (2) Random Coin Flipper Using JavaScript
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Protozoans (Kingdom Protista): Images Of The Four Major Phyla
Pteridophytes: Vascular Plants Without Seeds
Pterocarpus: Interesting Legume Tree Used For Hardwood & Red Dye
Puffballs: Giant Puffballs Of The Genus Calvatia
Purslane: A Plant With C-4 Photosynthesis
Puzzles: Crossword, Horseshoe, Bent Nail, Wari Board Games
Back To Alphabet Table
Quillaja saponaria: Soapbark Tree (In Soap Lily Article)
Quince, Pears, Peaches, Apples, Cherries, Jujube & Avocados
Quizzes: Wayne's Word Tutorial Quizzes
Back To Alphabet Table
Rafflesia arnoldii: World's Largest Blossom
Rambutan, Lychee, Longan & Guaraná
Raspberries, Blackberries, Strawberries, Grapes & Huckleberries
Record-Breaking Plants: Botanical Record-Breakers
Resins: See Photos Of Natural Resins & Incenses From Plants
Resins (Terpenes) & Gums (Polysaccharides) In The Sap Of Plants
Resurrection Plant: Selaginella lepidophylla (Division Lycophyta)
Rhubarb: Vegetable From A Leaf Petiole Used In Pies
Rice, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rye, Triticale & Sorghum
Root & Stem Microscopic (Cellular) Anatomy
Rose Apple Fruits & Beautiful Blossom (Myrtle Family--Myrtaceae)
Rose Hips & Other Fruits Of The Rose Family (Rosaceae)
Rubber-Producing Plants: Guayule Rubber & Chicle
Rye, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Triticale, Rice & Sorghum
Back To Alphabet Table
Saffron & Cochineel Dyes
Sages (Salvia) In California
Salt Lakes: Pink Color Caused By Halobacteria
Sandalwood: An Interesting Parasitic Tree
Sandalwood: Red Sandalwood Used For A Dye
Sand Dunes: A Phenomenon Of Wind [Incl. Amazing Dune Plants & Animals]
Sand Grains [Incl. Tropical Beach Sands Made Of Corals & Calcareous Algae]
San Marcos Gabbro In The San Marcos & Merriam Mountains
San Marcos Mts: An Interesting Range In N. San Diego County
Santa Lucia Fir: A California Conifer With Bizarre Seed Cones
Margarita Peak In Northern San Diego County
Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve: Brodiaeas
Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve: Wildflowers
Santa Rosa Plateau (1): Rock Formations On The Plateau
Santa Rosa Plateau (2): Rock Lichens On The Plateau
Santa Rosa Plateau (3): Santa Rosa Basalt & Endemic Brodiaea
Santiago Peak Volcanic Rock In San Marcos, San Diego County
Sapote (Black Sapote)--An Interesting Fruit In The Ebony Family
Sapote (Mamey Sapote)--An Interesting Fruit In The Sapodilla Family
Sapote (White Sapote)--An Interesting Fruit In The Citrus Family
Sarah's Wobbling Wheel Home Page
Sassafras: Flavoring From Deciduous Tree Of The Eastern U.S.
Satan's Bolete Mushroom (Boletus satanas)
Saw Palmetto: An Endemic U.S. Palm & Potentially Valuable Herb
Scat (Animal Dropping) Collection From The Rocky Mountains
Scenic Photographs From The Rocly Mountains
Scorpion: See A Large Scorpion Of The Southwestern United States
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Sea Beans (Mucuna): Drift Seeds From Bat-Pollinated Lianas
Wild Sea Beans In The Hawaiian Islands
Sea Beans: Drift Seeds That Resemble Miniature Hamburgers
Seagrape, Grapes, Blackberries, Strawberries, Huckleberries & Bearberries
Sea Dragons From Coastal Waters Of Southern & Eastern Australia
Seagrasses: Marine Flowering Plants That Live Submersed In Oceans
Sea Heart (World's Longest Bean Pod & Remarkable Drift Seed)
Sea Hearts Used As A Musical Shaker Instrument
Sea Shell Display In Shadow Box (Assorted Mollusks & Echinoderms)
Seaweed (Kelp) Photos: Including Green, Red & Brown Algae (Also Agae Products)
Seed & Fruit Dispersal: See Drift Seeds, Hitchhikers & Wind Dispersal
Seeds Bearing Elaiosomes Dispersed By Ants (Myrmecochory)
Seeds Dispersed From Exploding Pods Of The Sandbox Tree
Seeds For Jewelry (From Seeds, Amber & Vegetable Ivory): See Jewelry
Seeds: World's Largest & Smallest (Palms & Orchids)
Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica): A Plant With Rapid Leaf Movement
Sequoia Trip (Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Parks)
Sesame (Sesamum indicum): Economic Plant Photographs #44
Sexual Suicide (Male Gender Inequity & Exploitation)
Shellac: See Resinous Excretions Of The Lac Insect Called Seed Lac
Silk From A Silkworm Larva That Feeds On Mulberry Leaves
Silver Sword 1: An Amazing Hawaiian Endemic Related To A Tarweed
Silver Sword 2: A Tarweed In The Same Subtribe As The Silver Sword
Size Relationships Used In Wayne's Word Images
Skin Cancer #1 Removed From Left Nostril & Ala
Skin Cancer #2 Microscopic Images Of Ala Tissue
Skin Cancer #3 Basal Cell Carcinoma On Forehead
Slime Molds: Kingdom Fungi, Division Myxomycota
Slime Molds: Photos & Animated Gif Image
Slime Molds: See Wayne's Word Fungus Article
Smallest Flowering Plant In The World
Smallest Flowering Plant Vs. A Bacterium
Smallest Fruit In The World
Sony T-9 & T-10 Photography Tips
Sony T-9 Orb Weaver Spider Images
Sony W-300 Mounted on Microscope
Snow Hippo--A WAYNE'S WORD Exclusive
Snow: Pink Snow That Smells Like A Watermelon
Soapberry Family: Some Very Interesting Fruits & Seeds
Soap Lilies In California--Bulbs Used For Soap (Also Photos Of Soapberry)
Soursop, Breadfruit, Jackfruit, Sugar Apple & Cherimoya
Sperm: Photo Images & Illustration Of Human Spermatozoa
Sphinx Moth That Feeds On Desert Wildflowers
Sphinx Moth That Feeds On Jimsonweed (Datura)
Spiders & Allies In Southern California
Spiders At Wayne's Word (Common Orb Weaver Spider)
Spinach, Beets, Swiss Chard & Lamb's Quarters (Chenopodiaceae)
Spinach: Did Popeye® Smoke The Leaves Of This Vegetable In His Pipe?
Spinning Wheel Animated Gif Image #1
Spinning Wheel Animated Gif Image #2
Spittle Bug: An Interesting California Insect That Secretes A Froth Nest
Sponge Gemmules & Bryozoan Statoblasts The Size Of Wolffia Fruits
Star Apple: An Interesting Tropical American Fruit
Starbucks: Insect Visitors At Starbucks Across From CSUSM
Statoblasts & Gemmules That Resemble Seeds & Fruits Of Wolffia Plants
Stem & Root Microscopic (Cellular) Anatomy
Stem Cells Of Embryos & Cell Division (Mitosis)
Steroids From The Tropical Yam (Dioscorea)
St. Johnswort: An Herb To Treat Depression
Stinging Hairs (Trichomes): See Mala Mujer, Mucuna & Nettle
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Stinking Flowers (Carrion Flowers) That Attract Flies
An Amorphophallus Growing At Wayne's Word
Flatulence & Why Carrion Flowers Stink
Stinking Corpse "Lily"--World's Largest Flower
The Stinkiest & Largest Arum On Earth
The Stinkiest Arum At Quail Botanical Gardens
Stinking Fungi That Attract Blow Flies & Flesh Flies
Strangler Figs & Banyans: Truly Remarkable Trees
Strawberries, Blackberries, Grapes, Huckleberries & Bearberries
Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo): An Interesting European Fruit
Stromatolites: Fossils Of Ancient Colonies Of Cyanobacteria
Living Stromatolites In Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
Sugar Apple, Breadfruit, Jackfruit, Soursop & Cherimoya
Sugar Cane, Pineapples & Coffee
Sumac Family (Anacardiaceae): Representative Plant Images
Sunchoke or Jerusalem Artichoke: Sunflower With Potato-like Tubers
Sunflower Family (Asteraceae): The Largest Plant Family
Sunflower & Safflower Oils From Achenes Of The Asteraceae
Surinam Cherry: An Exotic Fruit From South America
Sweet Potato: Root Crop From The Andes Of South America
Sycamore Trees (Platanus racemosa) In Twin Oaks Valley
Symbiogenesis: Genomic Mergers & Evolution
A Theory For The Origin Of Vascular Plants
Symbiosis: A Marriage Between Two Or More Organisms
Wayne's Word Hyperlinks About Symbiosis
Back To Alphabet Table
Tamarind: A Delicious Tropical Legume Fruit
Tardigrades: Minute Animals That Live On Mosses & Lichens
Taro & Cassava: Subterranean Vegetables
Taxodium Family (Taxodiaceae): Redwoods, Pond Cypress & Giant Sequoia
Tea: Black & Green Teas (Tea Family: Theaceae)
Tea: New Zealand Tea Plant (Myrtle Family: Mytaceae)
Tea: Yerba Mate Tea (Holly Family: Aquifoliaceae)
Teosinte: The Ancestor Of Modern Corn
Terminology Of Flowers (Part 1)
Terminology Of Flowers (Part 2)
Terminology Of Inflorescences (1)
Terminology Of Fruits (Part 1)
Terminology Of Fruits (Part 2)
Terminology Of Fruits (Part 3)
Terminology Of Fruits (Part 4)
Terminology Of Leaves (Part 1)
Terminology Of Leaves (Part 2)
Termites In Southern California
Textiles: Fibers From Plants For Cordage & Textiles
The Five Kingdoms Of Life
Theory, Hypothesis & Law Explained & Compared
Tick (Dermacentor occidentalis) Embedded in Abdomen
Tick (Ixodes): A Deer Tick in Monterey County
Tomato GIF & JPG Comparison Photos
Tomato, Tomatillo & Eggplant (Solanaceae)
Tonka Beans (Dipteryx odorata): A Source Of Coumarin
Tragacanth Gum From A Spiny Iranian Locoweed
Images Of Passenger & Freight Trains In The Western States
Trains(1): Cajon Pass (San Bernardido Co.) & Campo (San Diego Co.)
Trains(2): Nevada, Utah & Essex, Montana
Trains(3): Freight Train: Kingman, Arizona
Trains(4): Passenger Train: Verde Canyon, Arizona
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Trains(5): Passenger Train: Grand Canyon, Arizona
Trains(6): Trains At Williams, Ariz. & Needles, Calif.
Trains(7): Torrey Pines State Park (Los Peñasquitos Lagoon)
Trains(8): Old 3751 Steam Locomotive At Los Peñasquitos Lagoon
Trains(9): Old 3751 Steam Locomotive At Los Batiquitos Lagoon
Transgenic Plants, Introns, Exons & Transposons
Transpiration, Guard Cells & Stomata On Leaves
Transposons (Jumping Genes) In Indian Corn
Travertine Palms Wash: Anza-Borrego Desert
Trilobite: An Extinct Cambrian Trilobite From Utah
Trivia About Plants: Botanical Record-Breakers
Tropical Fruits #1: Carambola, Jaboticaba, Banana & Kiwi
Tropical Fruits #2: Durian, Papaya, Mango & Hog Plum
Tumbeweed (Russian Thistle): Naturalized Weed From Eurasia
Turmeric: An Exotic Spice With Very Beautiful Flowers
Tung Oil Tree, Candlenuts & Kukui Nuts
Turions: Overwintering Bodies On Some Species Of Duckweeds
Back To Alphabet Table
Umbu (Ombu): An Amazing Tree From The Argentine Pampas
Unicorn Plants: Hitchhikers On Big Animals
Unknown Plants: Drawings For Botany 110
Back To Alphabet Table
Vanilla Orchid: Source Of A Delicious Spice
Vegetable Ivory--From Ivory-Nut Palm
Vegetable (World's Largest)
Vegetables (1): Kohlrabi, Broccoflower, Brussels Sprouts, Rutabaga, Onion, Leek
Vegetables (2): Asparagus--A Delicious Garden Vegetable From A Plant Stem
Vegetative Terminology (Leaves 1): Types, Arangement, Venation, etc.
Vegetative Terminology (Leaves 2): Shapes, Apices, Margins, etc.
Vegetative Terminology (1): Modified Roots, Stems & Leaves
Vegetative Terminology (2): Types Of Spines & Thorns
Vegetative Terminology (3): Phyllodes & Cladodes (Modified Leaves & Stems)
Velcro®: An Amazing Invention From Hitchhiking Plants
Velvet Mite Of The Colorado Desert Of Southern California
Verde River Valley, Arizona (June 2009)
Vernal Pools In San Marcos (San Diego County) & Brodiaea Species
Viruses (Human Viruses Compared With Computer Viruses)
Viviparous Seeds & Viviparous Animals
Agaves With Viviparous Plantlets
Ferns With Viviparous Plantlets
Grasses With Viviparous Plantlets (Bublets)
Mangroves With Viviparous Seeds
Viviparous Animals That Bear Live Young
Volcan Mountain Wildflowers--San Diego County
Back To Alphabet Table
Wari (Board Game Played With Caribbean Nickernuts)
Water Caltrop or Water Chestnut (Ling Chio)--Trapa bicornis
Watermelon: Genetics Of Triploid Seedless Watermelons
Watermelon Snow: Pink Snow That Smells Like A Watermelon
Water Ferns: Azolla & Salvinia (Salviniaceae)
Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica): An Aquatic Morning Glory
Waxes: See Photos Of Natural Waxes From Stems & Leaves
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Dichotomous Key To The Hippo Staff
Elaine Armstrong--Computer Graphics Artist
History Of The WAYNE'S WORD Hippo Staff
Portrait Of Mr. Wolffia (Editor) & Elaine Armstrong (Computer Artist)
Portrait Of The WAYNE'S WORD Hippo Staff & Their Relatives
Sarah's Wobbling Wheel Home Page
Wayne P. Armstrong's Bibliography Page
Wayne P. Armstrong's Biography Page
W.P. Armstrong's Page In Life Science Department, Palomar College
WAYNE'S WORD History Crossword Puzzle
WAYNE'S WORD T-Shirt: Official Hippo Staff T-Shirt
Welwitschia: A Remarkable Gymnosperm From Africa's Namib Desert
Wheat, Rice, Barley, Oats, Rye, Triticale & Sorghum
Wigandia: An Interesting Tropical Shrub At Palomar College
Wildflower Index: To All Wildflower Pages On Wayne's Word
Wind Dispersal Of Seeds & Fruits
Blowing In The Wind: Seed & Fruit Dispersal
Plumose Styles Of Mt. Mahogany & Cliff Rose
Winged Gourd Seed That Inspired Early Aircraft Design
Witch Hazel, Allspice, Bay Rum & Bay Leaves
Wood: Cross-Dating Wood Samples By Comparing Annual Ring Patterns
Wood: Hardwood & Ironwood Trees (Including Wood That Sinks In Water)
Wood: General Wood Structure & Microscopic (Cellular) Anatomy
Wood: Logs Sawed At The Mill At Palomar College
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Xerarch Succession By Lichens On Bare Rock
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Yam (Dioscorea)--World's Largest Vegetable
Yellow Bay, Montana: Derivation Of The Common Name
Yerba Mate: South American Drink Sipped From A Gourd
Yerba Santa & Yerba Mansa: Medicinal Herbs From California
Yew (Pacific Yew Tree): The Source Of Taxol
Yucca & Yucca Moth: Amazing Story Of Pollination
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Zigadenus: Star Lilies & Death Camas (In Soap Lily Article)
Ziricote: Beautiful Caribbean Hardwood In The Borage Family
Return To The WAYNE'S WORD Home Page
Return To The Biology GEE WHIZ Trivia Menu
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All text material & images on these pages copyright © W.P. Armstrong
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