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Fructose intolerance
Dietary Fructose intolerance can be one of the many causes of IBS. Undigested or poorly digested fructose
generates an osmotic force driving water into the lumen of the small intestine leading to faster transit of bowel contents to
the colon where naturally occurring bacteria ferment (break down) these undigested contents with a byproduct of gas.
This may result in symptoms of bloating, excessive gas, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. In some cases avoiding these
food items or having only small servings at a time can dramatically improve and prevent symptoms.
Food to avoid or minimize serving size- high fructose
Most tree fruits contain high levels of fructose.
Bananas, apples, citrus fruits , grapes, Pears, The agave fruits, melons (cantaloupe,
watermelons, honeydews) Berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and
huckleberries), unsweetened and sweetened applesauce.
All vegetables contain fructose- some contain high levels of fructoseasparagus, artichoke, beans, broccoli, leek, cabbage, onion, tomato, peanuts and
Dried Fruits
Dried fruits are rich in concentrated fructose.
dates, figs, apples, pineapples and raisins.
Sauces and Toppings
There are various toppings/sauces with high levels of fructose.
molasses, sweet and sour sources, fruit salsa, barbeque sauce honey, honey
mustards, raspberry ranch, Italian vinaigrette. Pineapple, strawberry, caramel,
blueberry, apple ice cream toppings, Jams and fruit jellies.
Most processed drinks contain high levels of fructose.
dessert wines, port, sherry and muscatel. Soft drinks ,Fruit drinks are found to
contain a blend of sugars, water and fruit juice. Other beverages high in fructose
levels include agave, pear, mango, orange, pomegranate and apple based fruit
Processed Foods
Foods that have been prepared commercially can have high fructose levels. Even
products that are not sweet may contain fructose as an ingredient.
condiments and ketchup, sweet pickles, soups, breakfast cereals, frozen foods,
boxed dinner, canned foods, crackers and breads, pastries and chocolate.
Foods to eat- low or no fructose
The fruits with low levels of fructose include papaya, blueberries, strawberries,
lemons, strawberries, avocados, limes, rhubarb, grapefruit as well as bananas.
Most vegetables contain fructose naturally. Some of the vegetables contain low
levels of fructose such as cooked vegetables, leafy greens, asparagus, mushrooms,
celery, spinach, white potatoes, avocado,cucumbers, root vegetables as well as pea
Recommended low fructose grain product include wheat-free rye bread, gluten free,
corn flakes, degermed cornmeal, oatmeal, grits, rye flour, white rice as well as
buckwheat noodles.
Meat is fructose free naturally.
Dairy and Eggs
Dairy products and eggs are fructose free. Dairy products include cheese, milk, ice
cream, butter as well as yogurt. (as long as no high fructose corn syrup ingredient)
All fat based products as well as fats are fructose free-margarines, butter, olive and
coconut oil, nuts, olives