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Below is a list of native ground covers. We have chosen ones with different features
that are suited to different growing conditions.
Grevillea Royal Mantle – Grevillea poorinda Royal Mantle
A fast growing Grevillea providing excellent coverage, making it ideal for erosion control, and
for planting on sloped sites. Frost and drought hardy once established. Bird attracting. Dislikes
Height: 30-60cm Width: 4-6m
Form: Prostrate ground cover Foliage: Forked green leaves with copper coloured new growth
Flowers: Red toothbrush-like flowers with the main flush in late winter and spring
Grevillea Mount Tamboritha – Grevillea lanigera Mount Tamboritha
A useful Grevillea adapted to a wide range of growing conditions. Bird attracting. Dislikes
humidity. Also looks great in hanging baskets and rockery gardens.
Height: 30-50cm Width: 1.5m
Form: Prostrate with shooting stems Foliage: Small dark green rounded leaves densely covering stem
Flowers: Spider-like flowers, pink and cream in colour, appearing March to December
Cascade of Stars – Philotheca buxifolia Cascade of Stars
A prolific flowering native with pink and white star-like flowers. Its cascading form makes it ideal
for edging along retaining walls or spilling over pots.
Height: 30-60cm Width: 30-60cm
Form: Low growing shrub/cascading ground cover Foliage: Small dark green leaves that are densely
arranged along the stem Flowers: Pink buds open to white star shaped flowers in spring
Native Violet – Viola hederacea
Native Violet is a great little ground cover for shadier spots and makes a super filler for in between
pavers. It can go dormant in severe conditions such as frost or drought but it will grow back.
Height: <15cm Width: 60cm–1m
Form: Dense ground cover Foliage: Green heart shaped leaves
Flowers: Small purple and white flowers similar to pansies. They are also edible
Fine Leaf Myoporum – Myoporum parvifolium
A widely available evergreen groundcover that is fast growing in a wide range of growing
conditions. Its foliage forms a thick mat which makes it great for erosion control and weed
suppressing. Also consider Broad Leaved Myoporum, Purple Leaved Myoporum and Pink Flowering
Height: <15cm Width: 1.5m-2m
Form: Dense groundcover with upright stems. Foliage: Very fine leaves.
Flowers: Small white star-shaped flowers in spring and summer. They are very lightly scented
Pigface – Carpobrotis rossii
A colourful perennial succulent that is coast tolerant and extremely hardly. Needs a spot in full sun
with well drained soil. Good erosion control plant.
Height: 20cm Width: 2m
Form: Prostrate groundcover Foliage: Fleshy succulent spike-like leaves
Flowers: Magenta Pigface flowers with a yellow centre
Call 1300 787 401
Pratia – Pratia puberula
A ground hugging perennial cover that thrives in damp soil. Fast growing, it’s great for planting
around pavers.
Height: 15cm Width: 1m
Form: Matt forming prostrate ground cover Foliage: small soft green leaves
Flowers: Masses of tiny blue star-shaped flowers in late spring to autumn
Cut-leafed Daisy – Brachyscome multifida
A favourite of many gardeners due to its versatility in many garden styles. This pretty perennial
also comes in pink/ deep blue and yellow flowering forms and will attract butterflies to your garden.
Height: 15cm Width: 60cm
Form: Mound forming ground cover Foliage: soft fine leaves
Flowers: Pretty mauve daisy flowers appear form late winter to autumn
Grevillea Gingin Gem – Grevillea obtusifolia Gingin Gem
A hardy evergreen ground cover that will form a dense matt of foliage and provide colour to the
garden in winter. Will grow in a range of soil conditions but thrives in sunny, well drained spots.
Bird attracting.
Height: 30cm Width: 3m
Form: Prostrate ground cover Foliage: Thin bright green leaves arranged densely around the stem
Common everlasting daisy – Chrysocephalum apiculatum
A fast growing perennial ground cover that cheers up the garden with its delightful yellow
button flowers. Suitable for a wide range of gardens, keep moisture up in warmer months.
Height: 15-30cm Width: 60cm – 1m
Form: Prostrate ground cover Foliage: Small silvery green
Flowers: Masses of golden circular balls appear a top of stems from spring to autumn
Running Postman – Kennedia prostrata
Running Postman is an eye catching ground cover that provides the garden with a bit of colour in
winter. Plant in groups for added effect.
Height: 10cm Width: 3m
Form: Spreading ground cover with trailing stems Foliage: Small silvery green
Flowers: Masses of bright red little pea-like flowers in winter and spring
Goodenia – Goodenia ovata prostrate
This creeping version of goodenia will grow in a wide range of soil types. It’s really tough so it is great
for landscaping projects such as erosion control and under trees. Frost and drought resistant once
Height: 20cm Width: 1m
Form: Dense ground cover Foliage: Small fleshy green leaves with double serrated margins
Flowers: Bright yellow pea-like flowers appear from spring to summer
Fairy Fan Flower– Scaevola aemula
A popular ground cover for rockery and cottage gardens because of its long flowering seasonal
White, pink mauve and yellow flowering variety available too.
Height: 20cm Width: 1m
Form: Spreading ground cover Foliage: Small green with serrated margins
Flowers: Pretty fan-shaped purple flowers decorate the plant in spring to summer and may appear
throughout the year.
Call 1300 787 401