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Escambron Care Sheet
Brought to you by
S & S Bonsai of Colorado Springs, Colorado
(Most of the included information is obtained from several
online sources.)
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if
you were to live forever.”
—Mahatma Gandhi—
The Escambron
(Clerodendrum aculeatum)
General Information:
Clerodendrum aculeatum: A great native for Bonsai material. Interesting collecting material with
beautifully textured trunks and leaves that reduce
easily to 1/4 inch or less. Old wood springs back
easily. Small white flowers.
The Escambron is native to Puerto Rico. Old
deeply gouged trunks are often spectacular looking as bonsai. The leaves can be kept very small
and are bright green when young turning to a
deep dark green. This tree produces beautiful
small white flowers.
At the present time, there is not much information on the care of an Escambron. This one will be
a work in progress.
Temperature: The Escambron is a sun lover; full
sun is its natural environment even in the hottest
areas of Florida and the Caribbean. Do not expose
this tree to freezing weather, protect below 40°F.
Lighting: Native to Puerto Rico, the escambron
likes a lot of sun but will adapt to lower light conditions if forced .
Watering: The watering of your bonsai must never
be neglected. The Escambron likes to be well watered and should not be permitted to stay dry.
Apply water when the soil appears dry - never
allow the soil to completely dry out.
Fertilizing: The Escambron tree also likes frequent
fertilization, which promotes vigorous growth.
Since your bonsai will be growing in a small container and a small amount of soil, it is necessary to
replenish the soils supply of nutrients periodically.
A balanced fertilizer such as BonsaiPro should be
applied weekly during the growing season and a
low nitrogen slow release type in the winter
months such as 2-10-10.
Grows well at p.H. 6.5 * 7.5
Pruning / Training: New shoots need to be shortened only by a little. It is best to pinch them back.
Wiring branches can be done easily while shoots
are still pliable but will get hard within a few weeks
in the growing season. Cutting above the node will
usually cause the branch to put out two new
Insects / Pests: No major pest or disease problems
known as of this time. Use an insecticidal soap such
as Safer Brand once a month or so as needed.
Propagation: Seeds or cuttings and air-layerings
when the night temperatures are above 70°F.
Repotting: Should be repotted every 2 years. Quick
draining tropical type soil works best but will tolerate drier soilless mixes as long as watered often.
Design and Styling: The Ecambron tree can be successfully trained to have a variety of different