Download Rhododendron `Bubblegum` Lepidote. A polyploid version of the

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Rhododendron ‘Boule
de Neige’
Midseason flowers are
pure white. A tough,
reliable cultivar with
proven hardiness.
Popular across the
country. 4 ft. x 6 ft.
Zone 5.
Rhododendron ‘Bubblegum’
Lepidote. A polyploid version
of the tried and true standard
‘Weston’s Aglo’. This one has
larger flowers, pink with a
reddish blotch. Early blooming.
PJM-like dark green foliage
turns burgundy in fall. 3 ft. x 3
ft. Zone 5.
Rhododendron ‘Crete’
Buds are purplish-pink, as are the
flowers as they emerge in early
midseason, eventually aging to
white. Silvery new growth and
beige indumentum and a lowmounding habit. A popular yak
hybrid for production. 4 ft. x 5 ft.
Zone 5.
Rhododendron fastigiatum
Lepidote. Dense, low growing
habit although this is listed as
a taller, upright form. One of
the hardiest and considered
one of the finest scaley leaved,
alpine types. Lilac purple
flowers cover the small, shiny
dark green leaves. 3 ft. x 2 ft.
Zone 5.
Rhododendron ‘Holden’s Solar
Explosive, true yellow flowers
sport a fiery red blotch. Superb
hardiness and dark green leaves
mark improvements over
previous Leach introductions. A
great substitute for
Rhododendron 'Capistrano'. 4 ft.
x 3 ft. Zone 5.
Rhododendron ‘Holden’s Spring Herald’
Another new Leach hybrid from the
Holden Arboretum. Pale pink flowers
have a dark purple-red blotch and fade
to white. Early-blooming with domeshaped trusses. Bold, large leaves to
10"long x 2" wide with orange-yellow
indumentum. Vigorous. 7ft. x 8ft. in 10
years and much larger with time. Zone 5.
Rhododendron ‘Pearce’s
American Beauty’.
The compact full truss sits
closely on a tight collar of
leaves. Dark green foliage is
especially wide. Magenta
flowers on large trusses of 15-20
flowers. Robust grower. Very
late bloom. 5ft. x 4ft. in 10
years. Zone 5.
Azalea ‘Arneson Gem’
Red buds open to large, soft
yellow-orange flowers,
shading to strong reddish
orange at the margins. A
prolific bloomer with diseaseresistant foliage. Earlymidseason bloom. Upright,
spreading habit. 3ft. x 4ft.
Zone 5.
Azalea ‘Weston’s Lemon Drop’
Lovely lemon scented yellow
flowers bloom in earlymidsummer. The glossy,
disease resistant foliage turns
dark wine red in fall. 4ft. x 4ft.
Zone 4.
Azalea ‘Weston’s Innocence’
Heavy-flowering, dense,
mounding plant that features
strongly scented, 2” white
blooms in early summer.
Foliage is mildew resistant and
turns burgundy-red in fall. 3ft.
x 3ft. Zone 4.
Agapanthus x ‘Summer Skies’
Sky blue flowers stand atop 3'
stems mid-summer through
early fall. Deciduous basal
foliage. Great in mass plantings
or as a single specimen plant.
The hardiest Agapanthus grown
by Briggs. 2ft. x 2ft. Zone 5.
Anemone rupicola ‘Wild Swan’
Nodding buds atop tall stems
open into pure white flowers
with a blue violet reverse.
Blooms are held high above
deep green foliage. Does not
re-seed. Perfect for massing in
a woodland setting or spotting
into rock gardens. 18” x 24”
Zone 6.
Calluna vulgaris ‘Larissa’
It features bright red buds from
August to October and dark green
foliage. ‘Larissa’ has brighter flower
buds and blooms earlier than
‘Alexandra’. Prune Bud Bloomers
below the faded flowers in fall or in
early spring in colder regions.
Grows 12″ high by 15-18″ wide.
Zone 5.
Calluna vulgaris ‘Sandy’
This sport of ‘Melanie’ has bright gold
foliage that is lime green at the base. It
bears pure white buds from September
to December and is not prone to
scorching in the sun. This is an
excellent choice for brightening alpine
troughs or rock gardens. Prefers full
sun with good soil drainage. Grows
15″ high by 16-20″ wide. Zone 5.
Clematis hybrida ‘Madame Julia
A charming and beautiful small vine that
will produce a plethora of three inch
flowers in a sumptuous shade of rosy
wine-red. Grow it scrambling through a
large shrub or small tree, or over a fence
or trellis. 12 ft. x 6 ft. Zone 5
Clethra alnifolia ‘Sixteen Candles’
This selection from a batch of
'Hummingbird' seedlings is very
compact and heavy flowering.
Holds its 4-6” spikes of white,
fragrant flowers rigidly upright.
Like all summer sweets, it
tolerates shade and damp soil.
Yellow fall foliage color. 2.5ft. x 4ft.
Zone 4.
Enkianthus ‘Lipstick’
White bell-shaped flowers
with hot pink edge. Useful
plant for its vertical habit,
easy care and clusters of
pendant flowers. Fall colour
features bright red foliage
with tones of orange, yellow
and purple. Full sun or part
shade. 6-8 ft. x 3-5 ft. Zone 5.
Enkianthus serrulatus
The flowers occur mid-spring, and
last for the better part of a month.
Come late fall, the leaves turn, and
the plant can seem to be 'on fire'.
Very beautiful and again, quite long
lasting. Enjoys morning sun,
afternoon shade, in a relatively rich
soil. It has white flowers, similar to
those of E.perulatus but larger. 10
ft. tall. Zone 6.
Helleborus argutifolius
‘Pacific Frost’
Foliage speckled cream or
white with new growth tips
that are tinted pink. Flowers
are green. 2.5ft. x 2.5ft.
Zone 5.
Helleborus x hybridus ROYAL
They have long-lasting, cupshaped flowers in a range of
colors that includes shades of
purple, pink, green, white, and
near black, all with a contrasting
center of yellow stamens.
Leathery, dark green leaves
persist well into Winter.. 1.5ft. x
2ft. Zone 5.
Leucothoe grayana
An evergreen ericaceous shrub.
The flowers are hermaphrodite
(have both male and female
organs) Attractive foliage with a
thick leathery texture. Greenishwhite, sometimes pale pink,
flowers hang from the bottom of
the stems. A sturdy deciduous
shrub for a woodland border. 1.5
to 4 ft. Zone 6, possibly colder.
Pieris ‘Tipper’
A new selection of the Lily-of-theValley shrub from Ticknor. It
blooms a little later in the season,
with very upright, light pink flowers,
that hold their colours better than
most . Leaves are glossy green on a
semi-dwarf plant. Expected to be
zone 5.
No image
available. Briggs
believe they are
the only nursery
growing this
Wisteria macrostachys ‘Blue
As a climbing vine, it should be
planted near a fence, trellis or
other landscape structure where it
can be trained to grow upwards
on it, or allowed to trail off a
retaining wall or slope. It grows in
full sunlight at a fast rate, and
under ideal conditions can be
expected to live for approximately
30 years. Huge, 1ft. long, lilac-blue
flower clusters repeat their bloom
the summer, permeating the air
with an intoxicating fragrance. 30
ft. x 2 ft. Zone 4.