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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Reproductiveecologyof Bombinavariegata: characterisation of spawningponds Heinz-Ulrich Jonas Barandun, Reyer* of Winterthurerstrasse CH-8057 Switzerland Institute, Zürich, 190, Zürich, University Zoological was inadynamic sites habitat The useofspawning Abstract. byBombina variegata analysed containing aswell aspermanent were avariety ofdifferent Cool orshadowy notused forspawning at ponds ponds. were numbers increased with water both that when all.Among theephemeral used, egg ponds temperature, areas within numbers inponds between different were also of and ponds. Egg higher among ponds compared than inthose forshorter orlonger Ponds ofintermediate duration with intermediate duration persisting periods. with larvae ofcompeting anuran were densities and arborea, moderate calamita) species (Hyla Bufo predator more often than short-lived with nopredators and This ofspawn used competitors. ponds pattern deposition larval toselect sites and toavoid can beinterpreted asanattempt (warm water) allowing rapid development The sites with numbers ofnewts and invertebrate selection critera seem to predators (permanent ponds). high are and desiccation more for larval survival than and duration beadaptive, because important predators pond remain conditions forBombina asthe Yet, highly unpredictable variegata, competitors. optimal reproductive aremainly determined conditions. ofspawning characteristics and ponds byclimatic Consequently dynamics chances oftadpoles can within afew orweeks, onrainfall and survival days depending evaporation. change Introduction hasa strong influence onoffspring survival. Thechoice ofa spawning byanurans pond occurs before Butmortality rates difInmost mortality metamorphosis. highest species, sitesdepending onpredation ferdramatically rate,riskofdesiccation, among spawning andlarval Banks andBeebee, 1983; conditions, density (Smith, 1987). feeding Rapid because it reduces theexposure totheserisksof larval isadvantageous development isenhanced lowlarval andsufbyhightemperature, density, mortality. Development ficient foodsupply Inorder tomaximize their 1980; Riis,1991). (Pawlowska-Indyk, areconsequently toavoid adultanurans short-lived as success, expected reproductive orponds withhighdensities ofpredators orcompeting anuran larvae wellascoolponds Banks andBeebee, 1983; 1987). (Smith, author. *Corresponding 144 orlakes aregenerally coolandcharacterized Permanent and ponds byhighdiversity which caneatlarge numbers oftadpoles. larval abundance ofpredators Thus, mortality Thishighmortality isusually ratemaybethe (Licht, 1974). ponds highinpermanent inpermanent orlakes(Duellreason regularly spawn whyfewanuran species ponds andsurvival inbothdurable manandTrueb, 1986). mayaffect growth Competition under stable andtemporary butismorepersistent conditions. When ponds, exposed arewarm andhighly which favours tosunshine, deproductive temporary ponds quick Buttemporary Thus, 1987). (Williams, ponds posetheriskofdesiccation. velopment interms conditions oftemperature, andpredation which offer better productivity, ponds ofdesiccation Thisposes worse interms areusually risk,andviceversa (Smith, 1983). ofoptimal sites: theanimals areforced totrade-off adilemma fortheselection spawning andlowpredation riskwithhighdesiccation ofrapid risk. theadvantages development whether therearereasons toassume thatindividuals Inthisarticle, weinvestigate related tothedilemma described above.Under onfactors the choose a pondbased wehypothesize areassessed, thatponds with thatthese densities assumption qualities high aswellascoolandephemeral areavoided. orcompetitors ofpredators ponds is a suitable model tostudy Theyellow-bellied toadBombina variegata organism andunpredictable conditions. Theanimal is under siteselection conflicting spawning inagricultural or known tospawn insmall, ponds, nowadays mostly sunny, temporary Buta wide ofpond isusedforspawning, habitats industrial 1987). (Bauer, range types created wheel tovegetated from depressions persistent ponds. newly ranging Methods site Study ina military area areaislocated north-east ofZurich, Thestudy Switzerland, training mixed forest withlittle About onethirdoftheareaisa closed forarmoured vehicles. Theremaining areaisa scarcely herbaceous open vegetated sheep pasture vegetation. toa ca.10haareawiththehighest ofboth onclay.Thestudy wasrestricted density created when vehicles the areartificial, andtoads. Allexisting compress ponds ponds theshape ofponds winter andearly soil.Vehicle changed mainly during spring activity from toSeptember, theannual single sampling period April ponds every year.During atleast1989, At18sites, have existed since were disturbed occasionally. ponds although have theirshapes changed. repeatedly werestudied ineachyearofthestudy.Fifteen Intheopenarea,44to46ponds intheforest. Theforest were allcompletely were situated other ponds temporary ponds dried out.Adults and ofthese small andwithout shaded, onlyrarely vegetation; eight intheforest butnocalling, norspawn was were found subadults ponds mating, regularly were notincluded intheanalyses. rainpuddles everrecorded. These Ephemeral ponds 145 which dried outwithin twodaysafterrainhadstopped were alsonotincluded inthe because noadequate habitat measures could betaken. analyses, Since onhuman rainfall andevaporation, dynamics activities, pond depended mainly within differences between were aslarge asbetween ecological ponds spawning periods within wetreated asindependent, even when Therefore, ponds periods. ponds theywere used inmore thanonespawning Thisresults ina totalof302ponds forwhich period. dataareavailable. Forsome ofthem thedatasetonreproduction andpond characteristics isnotcomplete. sizes candiffer between Therefore, sample analyses. characteristics Description of pond Data were collected from 28April to6September 1991 andfrom 5May to16September ofpotential 1992. activities (i.e.,aftersignificant During periods reproduction rainfall) andnumbers ofadultanurans andBufo (Bombina variegata, Hylaarborea calamita) were recorded twice aweek; andnumbers ofneweggswere noted Both presence daily. in 1991and1992, therewerefourseparate In1991:19-24 spawning phases. May, 3-10June,16-30 25-31 7-9June, 24-29 June, June,10-13 July.In1992: July,22-25 these canbegrouped intofivenon-overlapping combined, July.Forbothyears phases seasonal 19-24 3-10 16-30 10-13 June, June, May, periods: Julyand22-31 July.Tadpole numbers were recorded infourcategories Inaddition > 1000. to of 0,< 100, 100-1000, adult andjuvenile wemeasured thefollowing sixpondcharacteristics anurans, during eachspawning period: areaofponds wascalculated from measurements withatapemeasure 1-3 (1)Surface Areas from 0.1 wheel toabout (a small daysaftermaximal filling. ranged depression) 50m2,butvaried inseveral asaconsequence ofdesiccation. daily ponds Consequently, thesizedataareonlyapproximate. wasmeasured duration ofdayseachpond contained (2)Pond water, bythenumber fromthebeginning ofa spawning Insome thisrepresents an cases, starting period. overestimate withrespect tolarval because inirregularly desurvival, shaped ponds, wasa gradual withlarge siccation ofponds thewhole process parts drying longbefore wasdry.However, wascompletely betaken asan pond onlythedaya pond drycould With measure fordesiccation. a operational tadpole development taking upto60days, of70dayswastaken asthemaximum duration forsuccessful pond necessary durability development. were measured onsunny in1991 on31May, (3)Maximum pond temperatures days, 23June, and29July, in1992 on26Juneand30July. cover wasestimated asthepercentage ofthesurface areacovered (4)Vegetation by andSparganium erctum. emergent plants, mainly Glyceria sp.,Alisma plantago-aquatica Inmost cover overthesesaon. ponds, vegetation changed markedly newts T vulgaris) werepredators oneggsandsmall (5)Adult (Triturus alpestris, Thepresence ofnewts wasrecorded andvisually tadpoles. bydipnet sampling during inthreecategories: none(never visit;theirabundance every perpondwasestimated 146 individuals andregularly orsingle few(1-2individuals times), (several many observed), noted). invertebrates were ontadpoles Aeschnidae, (Libellulidae, Dytismainly (6)Predators Thepresence and Notonectidae, 1989). (Engelhardt, cidae, Nepidae) Hydrophilidae, fornewts. inthesame wasrecorded ofinvertebrates abundance wayasdescribed Statistics ofBombina numbers torelate statistics Weusedunivariate variegata eggsperpond thataremost characteristics tofivepond variables) (independent variable) (dependent water andnumbers ofadult relevant forlarval duration, temperature pond performance: Inorder totestforinterandotheranurans, insects respectively. newts, predacious variables thesefiveandthreeadditional actions (seasonal independent period, among theeight, andforreducing areaandvegetation surface correlating cover) potentially weperformed a princiofindependent number factors, toa smaller variables composite A lowest varimax rotation. with eigenvalue (PCA) subsequent analysis palcomponent tobeextracted; ofprincipal thenumber fordetermining ofI wasused (PCs) components variables andPCswere between < 10.4501 ("zero loadings") ignored original loadings factors theresulting (Aspey andonlyloadings10.5501 >_ wereusedforinterpreting a precondition for oforiginal distribution Normal variables, andBlankenship, 1977). variables inanyoftheeight didnotexist (all most multivariate independent techniques, arequite ButPCAs oftheKolmogorov-Smirnov-test). Lilliefors-modification P < 0.05; and ofnormality from theassumption deviations 1973; robust (Balthazart, Aspey against noruseofSpearman, rather than datatransformation andneither 1977) Blankenship, scores weusedfactor ofourPCA. theoutcome Peason correlations Therefore, changed thescores toeggoccurrence data.Werelated onuntransformed fromthePCAbased andtoeggnumber ofadiscriminant by (log-transformed) analysis (yesorno)bymeans means ofamultiple analysis. regression tests results. Allstatistical withtherespective Further details ofthetestsaregiven 5.0(Systat, Version forWindows, withSystat were Inc.)anda significance performed level ofP = 0.05wasusedthroughout. Results thistimespan, 19Mayand31July.Within laidbetween were activity spawning Eggs withheavy indistinct butoccurred wasnotuniformly distributed, synchronized periods, for302ponds. inpress). Werecorded andReyer, rainfall activity spawning (Barandun densities from found ofthemwenever In197(= 65%) ranged eggs,intheothers, tobeinfluenced islikely surface. 0.1to61eggs/m2 bya combination Spawning pond thanbysingle rather Nevertheless ofdifferent variables, pondqualities. ecological 147 ofunivariate toillustrate thedatadistribution andto (1)helps knowledge relationships results from multivariate interpret subsequent (2). analyses based onsingle variables 1 Analyses ) ecological ofeggs(dependent,thenumber the variable) perpondisplotted against fivepondcharacteristics thataremost forlarval variables) (independent important perfomance riskofdesiccation), (a):pondduration (representing (b)water temperature ofdevelopment), densities (c)newtand(d)invertebrate (influencing speed (affecting and(e)number ofother larval anurans forfood). predation) (representing competition between thedependent andeachindependent variable weretested with Relationships regression analyses. ofthemonitored varied fromthree (a)Pondduration ( Theduration ponds Within thesamepond, dessication ratevaried theseason, daystoperennial. during onweather andvegetation. There wasnolinear between depending relationship egg number andpondduration r2 = 0.001), buta tendency forponds of (P = 0.543, tocontain thehighest intermediate duration number rz= 0.034; 2nddegree (P= 0.008, While theloweggnumber indurable active polynomial regression). ponds mayreflect asaresponse tohigher avoidance inthese thelow predation pressure (seebelow), ponds inponds duration doesnotseem number ofveryshort toresult from because avoidance, inalmost inseven toads Amore isthat cases, spawned dryponds. likely explanation short-term cannot beused asfrequently forspawning asmore durable ones. Thus, ponds ineggnumbers attherightendofthedistribution thedecrease curve seems toindicate anadaptive thedecrease attheleftenda constraint. response, varied bothwithin andamong (b)Temperature ( Water temperature markedly, Onsunny could increase than10°C within twohours ponds. days, temperature bymore inopenshallow almost constant atthebottom orinvegetation. parts,butremained warmer wereonaverage s: 31.9 2.3°C) ± thanponds which (x:::!:: Spawning ponds were notused wasa significant between 2.4)andthere positive relationship egg number andwater r2= 0.030). Theimportance ofwarm water (P= 0.003, temperature forspawning isalsosupported observations: none oftheshadowy, First, bytwoother coolponds intheforest waseverusedforreproduction. in16cases where the Second, distribution wasrecorded inthermally ofspawn spatial heterogeneous ponds, eggswere found 13times inthewarmer andonly3times inthecooler Thisissignificantly parts. different from anequal distribution Binomial test,one-tailed). (P= 0.011, andinvertebrate larvae ofthefirstseasonal (c,d)Predators (fig.Ic,d): Newts generationoccurred inponds untilabout mid-June. Thesecond invertebrate larval generation didnotbecome fortadpoles before theendofJuly.So,eggs andtadpoles were dangerous from lateJune tobesafefrom tolateJuly, butnotfrom likely aquatic predators predation 148 characterist inrelation toseasonal and seven ofeggs 1. Total number pond period perpond Figure boxes 25-75% Vertical lines show lines medians. solid horizontal 90%, Diamonds ranges. means, represent variable areavailable. data ontherespective forwhich ofponds Nrefers tothenumber 149 which alsowere observed toeattadpoles and crows, (herons, gulls), occasionally bybirds aheron took79outof81largetadpoles within one Inonenearly drypond, metamorphs. canalsoeliminate alleggsortadpoles from newt orinvertebrate Asingle hour. predator time. With such dramatic effects ofpredation onreproductive within ashort asmall pond withpredators toavoid forspawning. beexpected toads could success, ponds Contrary wasnotrelated toaquatic foreither tothisexpectation, predator density eggnumber bothP > 0.450, df= 2).Eggnumber could not larvae newts orinvertebrate (ANOVA; because theoccasional visits ofbirds toponds could berelated toterrestrial predation, bequantified. notreliably other anuran usedthestudied for species ponds (fig.le): Two (e)Anuran competitors started attheendof arborea. Both calamita andHyla species breeding Bufo spawning: Bombina inearly weeks before onetothree did,butstopped variegata breeding April, timeduring thebreeding atany one Bombina continued untilAugust. while Thus, July, tolaytheireggsintoponds withor adults hadthechoice Bombina season, variegata isnotaffected fromother without tadpoles. Apparently, spawning bysuch competition were inthesame theirmales occurred Allthreespecies together pond; competition. several andBombina within 30cmofeachother observed hours, during pairs calling calamita orHyla beside werefound tospawn directly simultaneously spawning Bufo number andthe between There wasnosignificant arborea. Bombina-egg relationship P = 0.877, df= 4);eggswere andHyla-tadpoles ofBufocombined (ANOVA; density laidintoponds containing upto100tadpoles/m2. onvariable combinations based 2)Analyses univariate totheabove variables: independent According among (a)Relationships inBombina determinant ofeggdistribution is themajor analyses, pondtemperature asmentioned alsoseems toexertsome influence. duration However, variegata; pond a multivariate distribution ofspawn a deeper approach, requires before, understanding effects. We andconfound eachother's variables because several mayinteract ecological onthe aprincipal thisinteraction (PCA) analysis component byperforming investigated additional characteristics theunivariate fivevariables from (surpond analysis plusthree within theseason; andperiod cover facearea,vegetation affecting fig.If-h)potentially withcuesastowhere andwhen tospawn. thetoads them and,consequently, providing variables tothree correlated reduced theeight, ThePCA partly original independent I 72.6% ofthetotalvariance component factors, (fig.2).Principal together explaining ofpond surface andduration ischaracterized and,thus,canbe byhighloadings (PC1) anuran andlarvae ofcompeting Densities ofinvertebrate termed size". predators "pond thatthese more withthisfactor, alsocorrelate species prefer larger, suggesting species 2 desiccation. toavoid Principal component complete mortality through ponds permanent ofperiod. from the asindicated Following bythehighloading "seasonality", represents scores ofseasonality reflect factor onPC2andtheirsigns, otherloadings increasing 150 aprincipal based ontheeight 2.Result from variables offig.1.Names ofthe analyis, Figure component are initalics above thecircles, variances three (PCs) components given explained principal bytherespectiv PCwithin thecircles. Numbers above thelines PCs and variables refer tofactor connecting original loadings ones lines. Positive areindicated relationships bysolid, negative bybroken newtdensity andreduced cover, season, increasing vegetation decreasing progressing PC3represents "thermal withhighfactor scores conditions", Finally, pondduration. andhighvegetation lowwater cover. Two results ofthisPCA representing temperature distribution ofnewts wasbetter First, require special explanations: explained byseasonaduetotheirabsence from aftermid-June. litythanbypondsize.Thisismainly ponds Newts were alsohighly often visited mobile, and,thus, ponds onlyduring single nights than were lessrestricted topermanent invertebrate one Second, ponds predators. although would thatwater increases from toAugust, temperature April expect pond temperature wasnotrelated toseasonality. Theexlanation liesinanopposing probably (i.e., cooling) effect ofvegetation which increases withprogressing season (seePC3) (seePC2). 151 1.Summary ofrelationships between and Table statistics conditions described activity spawning ecological by from 2.Table statistics from thediscriminant thethree based (PCs) fig. a)lists principal components analysis or table shows statistics from the ontheoccurrence ofspawn based on (yesno), b) multiple regression egg inboth from theTables included butomitted forreasons ofclarity. numbers. Constants were tests, between actoecological inrelation factors:Therelationship spawning (b)Spawning wastested factors extracted intwoways: andthethree First, ecological bythePCA tivity between withandwithout wasusedtodistinguish a discriminant ponds spawn, analysis wasperformed ofeggnumbers; a multiple to second, regression analysis independent ofthetwoanalyses intable1. PCs.Results areshown tothethree relate eggnumbers wasnotsignificantly related topondsize(PC Inbothcases, 1 and ) seasonality spawning conditions Thissupports thedominating effect withthermal butincreased (PC3). (PC2) Thediscriminant function from thefirst found intheunivariate oftemperature analysis. 60%ofallponds, 102outof164without and classified about correctly spawn analysis different from Thisissignificantly 66outof113withspawn. (x2= 10.611, expectation Thediscrepancy thateggnumbers were related topond duration in df= 1,P = 0.001). inthis PC1 orPC2(also theunivariate test,butnottoeither duration) representing pond thefactthatcalculation ofprincipal assumes arises from components analysis, probably duration a linear which isnottrueforpond ( relationship Discussion variable selection turned outtobethemajor of Water ecological affecting temperature Theobserved forwarm and sitesinBombina variegata. preference ponds, spawning corroborates oftypical forwarmer within a pond, descriptions parts previous spawning Itisalsoinaccordance with sitesasbeing Grossenbacher, 1987; 1988). (Bauer, sunny forhigher water found inother anurans, (Kuhn, temperatures e.g.,Bufo bufo preferences Wollmuth etal.,1987; etal., andvarious Ranaspecies 1984; (Sinsch, Sj6gren 1993) 152 ofsuchpreference is usually Theadaptive seenintheresulting 1988). significance andearlier theanimals faster larval toescape the metamorphosis, development allowing withitshighpredation anddesiccation risksassoonaspossible environment aquatic andBerven, ForBombina this Newman, 1979; 1980). however, (Smith-Gill variegata, theadults' forwarm isnotsufficient toexplain because successful preference ponds, wasnotrelated towater oftheireggsandlarvae buttopond development temperature, inpress): andReyer, durable duration eggslaidinmore (Barandun ponds produced these contained more eventhough more insects newts, metamorphs, ponds predacious inBombina thewell known trade-off andother anuran between Thus, variegata, species. riskinsmall, andhigher and desiccation ususally predator-free ponds competition higher Semlitsch andReyer, riskindurable 1983; Woodward, 1983; (Smith, ponds predation Thisresult toexplain siteselection isdecided forthelatter. 1992) helps whyspawning andpredators. ofcompetitors small is notaffected Moreover, choosing bydensities andinvertebrates isnoguarantee toescape withnooronlyafewnewts predation. ponds Thelackofaquatic birds, predators maybecompensated byhigher predation through andVaira, Avoidance ofspawning atthese small (cf.Crump 1991). ponds particularly withhighpredator densities hasbeen documented forsome other inponds anurans, e.g., conditions andWilbur, under but forHylachrysoscelis (Resetarits 1989), experimental andselecting remain unknown and thecuesusedforsearching, (Ritke discriminating, Mumme, 1993). ofpondduration anddesiccation forlarval deWiththeoverwhelming importance it ispuzzling thatthetoads seem topayonlylittle inBonabina variegata, velopment useanenvironmental cueforeggdistothisfactor attention hand, and,ontheother ofreproductive This tribution thatis a poorpredictor success, namely temperature. Interms andbiological reasons. of mayarisefrombothmethodological discrepancy measured atother thanthespawning times. In were often characterisitics method, pond forinstance, sizeatthetimewhen surface measurements were drying ponds, quickly thansizeatthetimeofspawning. some characteristic wasoftenlarger Also, taken, and/or different ofthepond.Thefinding that were overlonger parts periods averaged wasnotuniform with totemperature, indicates that within respect eggdistribution ponds unitforcharacterizing conditions. thepond spawning Spawning maynotbeanadequate hasalsobeenfound inseveral siteselection within heterogeneous ponds ecologically Wollmuth etal.,1987; etal., other 1978; Caldwell, 1986; (Howard, Sj6gren amphibians 1988; Warkentin, 1992; Kuhn, 1988; 1993). Waringer-L6schenkohl, inourstudy areaarehighly because conditions Interms ofbiology, unpredictable, pond andpondduration onweather conditions. A bothwater directly depend temperature andextend theduration ofa pond rainshower canlower byas single heavy temperatures willresult inwarm water afewhotdays, much asthree weeks; causing high evaporation, theexceptional inJuly asseenduring andcanleadtocomplete desiccation, droughts andAugust of1991 and1992 andReyer, inpress). sizeand (Barandun Although pond information about these cuesarefarfrom timeoftheseason offer some conditions, pond 153 ofthermal reliable. Thisisillustrated conditions from most being bytheseparation (PC3) andbytherelatively lowcomponent between other loadings pondcharacteristics pond andPC2(seasonality), Under these duration andPC1 conditions respectively. (pondsize) inwarm ofintermediate duration willoften result ofunpredictability, ponds spawning failure. withheavy rainfall intotalreproductive Yet,when (Barandun synchronized a higher itwill,onaverage, fitness thanspawning incooler, andReyer, inpress) yield where slow andhighpredation rates areguaranteed. development ponds permanent students and friends fortheir inthefield We thank themany and B.Anholt, G.Guex, help Acknowledgements. onthemanuscript. and R.D. Semlitsch forcritical comments References andsnails and statistical tails: J.E.(1977): ofmultivariate W.P., Spiders Application Blankenship, Aspey, In:Quantitative Methods intheStudy ofAnimal data. todiverse Behavior, ethological p.75-120. analysis Press. Academic Hazlett, B.A., Ed., London, factorielle ducomportement ches machrochir J.(1973): Balthazart, agonistique Tilapia Analyse (Boulinger, Behaviour 46:37-72. 1912). Factors site choice T.J.C. 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