Download Bennetts Wallaby Species Sheet

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Bennetts Wallaby Species Sheet
Blumstein D, Daniel J, Foraging Behaviour of Three Tasmanian Macropod Marsupials in
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Sprent J and McArthur C, Diet and diet selection of two species in the macropodid
browser-grazer continuum: do they eat what they ‘should’? in Australian Journal of
Zoology, 2002, vol 50, P 183-192.
Le Mar K, McArthur C, Comparison of Habitat Selection by Two Sympatric Macropods,
Thylogale Billardi and Macropus rufogriseus rufogriseus in a Patchy Eucalypt-Foresty
Environment, in Austral Ecology (2005), Vol 30 pages 674-683
Green RH, (1993), The Fauna of Tasmania, Potaroo Publishing
Strahan R, (1995), A Photographic Guide to Mammals of Australia, Australian Museum
DPIW website ‘Bennetts Wallaby’, accessed May
Driessen (1992), Effects of Hunting & Rainfall on Bennetts Wallabies & Tasmanian
Pademelon Populations
While G, McArthur C, Foraging in a risky environment: a comparison of Bennett’s
Wallabies Macropus rufogriseus rufogriseus (Marsupialia: Macropodidae) and redbellied pademelons Thylogale billiardierii (Marsupialia: Macropodidae) in open habitats,
in Austral Ecology (2005) Vol 30, pages 756-754
le Mar K, McArthur C, Statham M, Home ranges of sympatric red-necked wallabies, redbellied pademelons and common brushtail possums in a Temperate Eucalypt Forestry
Environment, Australian. Mammaloagy., 2003, 25, 181-191,
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