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The journal is published three times per year. Articles are
diswelcome from students of anthropology and from people in other dis­
ciplines. It is preferred that the main emphasis should be on
analytical discussion rather than on plain description. Papers
should be as short as is necessary to get the point over. As a
general rule they should not exceed 5,000 words. They should
follow the conventions for citations, notes and references used in
th8 A.S.A. monographs. COmments will also be welcome.
Communications should be addressed to the Journal Editors,
Institute of Social Anthropology, 51 Banbury Road, Oxford.
We have a stock of certain back issues, available at the same
Vol o IV no.3 and
prices as the current volume. Vol. III no.2, Vol.
Vol. V no.l are no longer in print. The subscription rate is ­single issues: 60p or $2 for individuals, £1 or $3 for institutions;
for one year: £1.50 or $4 for individuals, £3 or $8 for institutions.
All prices cover postage. Cheques should be made out to J.A.S.O.,
and sent to the Journal Editors, 51 Banbury Road, Oxford, England.
pr.oofThe editors wish to apologise for the standard of proof­
reading in the last issue, which was rather more hurriedly produced
than we would have wished for. Thanks are due to Tim and Kathy
Weiskl, who translated Mare Aug~'s paper, to Paul Dresch, and all
those who have helped with the production of this issue.