* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
HERENCIA Y DESARROLLO Y BIODIVERSIDAD COMPRENDE HERENCIA Y DESARROLLO DE LOS ORGANSIMOS Las estructuras de los organismos se desarrollan según su información genética. Esta información es hereditaria y dirige, a través de las generaciones, la aparición y modificación progresiva de estructuras y funciones mediante la diversidad y selección. Va a herencia y desarrollo Comprende los procesos de replicación, transcripción y síntesis de proteínas en la transmisión de la información genética. Comprende que la misma información genética se expresa en forma distinta en diferentes células. Comprende la contribución de los sistemas nervioso y endocrino en la mantención del medio interno en términos de comunicación molecular. Comprende los principios generales del funcionamiento del sistema a inmune en la defensa del organismo BIODIVERSIDAD La diversidad de organismos se relaciona con el entorno a través de flujos de materia - energía y estrategias de supervivencia especializadas dando lugar a ecosistemas, cuya estabilidad depende de su propia diversidad. Todos los organismos tienen parentesco evolutivo e influyen en los ecosistemas, el caso humano es particular porque a través de su desarrollo tecnológico transforma la naturaleza de forma favorable o desfavorable. . La información genética codificada en la molécula de ADN da instrucciones para ensamblar moléculas de proteína. NIVEL 1: Compara los padres e hijos Los niños comprenden la semejanza entre los progenitores y la descendencia. conceptos de la estructura de los organismos según su información hereditaria, en base a la observación de los seres vivos que le rodean. Sus experiencias resultan de su percepción e interés natural. Los niños piensan en un organismo en concreto. Deben aprender a establecer asociaciones primarias del organismos con su medioambiente: Plantas and animales se parecen mucho a sus padres. Muchas características de un organismo están heredados de sus progenitores, tales como el color de las flores, el número de patas de un animal. Otras características no están heredadas, son el resultado de la interacción de los organismos con el medio ambiente y no pasan a la siguiente generación NIVEL 2 R E P RODUCTION AND HEREDITY La reproducción es una característica de todos los organismos vivos Every organism requires a set of instructions for specifying its traits. Heredity is the passage of these instructions from one generation to another. n Hereditary information is contained in gen e s ,l oc a ted in the chromosomes of each cell .E ach gene carries a single unit of information. An inherited trait of an individual can be determined by one or by many genes, and a single gene can influence more Comprenden que los seres vivos tienen necesidades y características comunes, que cambian en el tiempo SERES VIVOS Y ELEMENTOS INERTES. Los niños conceptúan que es un ser vivo, a través de su experiencia directa con los seres vivos. EXISTEN DIFERENTES CLASE DE SERES VIVOS que pueden ser agrupados en grupos y sub-grupos (CHILE) Plantas (pastos, arboles), animales(aves, mamíferos, reptiles), microbios (del agua, aire, suelo) ORGANISMOS TIENEN UNA ESTRUCTURA que consiste en varias partes que trabajan en conjunto y cada parte influencia en la otra. (NSDL) LOS ORGANISMOS TIENEN NECESIDADES BÁSICAS. Como aire, agua, alimentos y luz y se comportan en función a señales externas e internas. LOS ORGANISMOS TIENE CICLOS DE VIDA, y sus características cambian con el tiempo (AUSTRALIA) Plantas y animales nacen, crecen, reproducen y mueren NIVEL 1: LOS ORGAMNISOS Y EL MEDIOAMBIENTE The behavior of individual organisms is i n f lu en ced by internal cues (such as hunger) and by external cues (such as a change in the environment). Humans and other organisms have senses that help them detect internal and external cues NIVEL 2 REGULACION Y COMPORTAMIENTO Todos los organismos deben ser capaces de usar recursos para crecer, reproducirse y mantener su salud mientras enfrentan los cambios ambientales El comportamiento es una clase de respuesta del organismo a un estímulo interno y externo Todos los animales dependen de las plantas El comportamiento de un organismos esta relacionado al medio ambiente than one trait. A human cell contains many thousands of different genes. n The characteristics of an organism can be described in terms of a combination NIVEL 3: 1. Molecular basis of heredity In all organisms, the instructions for specifying the characteristics of the organism are carried in DNA, a large polymer formed from subunits of four kinds (A, G, C, and T). Most of the cells in a human contain two copies of each of 22 different chromosomes. In ad d i ti on , there is a pair of chromosomes that determines sex: a female contains two X chromosomes and a male contains one X and one Y chromosome. Changes in DNA (mutations) occur spontaneously at low rates. Some of these changes make no difference to the organism, whereas others can change cells and organisms.Only mutations in germ cells can create the variation that changes an organism’s offspring Transmission of genetic inform a ti on to of fs pring occurs through egg and sperm cells that contain only one representative from each chromosome pair. An egg and a sperm unite to form a new individual. The fact that the human body is formed from cells that contain two copies of each chromosome— and therefore two copies of each gene— explains many fe a tu res of human heredity, such as how va ri a ti on s that are hidden in one genera ti on can be expressed in the next. Changes in DNA (mutations) occur spontaneously at low rates. Some of these changes make no difference to the organism, whereas others can change cells andorganisms.Only mutations in germ cells can create the variation that changes an organism’s offspring. NIVEL 4 NIVEL 5 NIVEL 6 NIVEL 7 donde el vive, la disponibilidad de alimento y recursos y otras características del medioambiente Cuando el medioambiente cambia muchos organismos mueren o se trasladan a otros lugares . El comportamiento de un organismo se desenvuelve a través de su adaptación a su medioambiente, como una especie obstine alimento, se reproduce, y responde al peligro está basada en la historia evolutiva de la especie VA A HERENCIA Y DESARROLLO. La información genética codificada en la molécula de ADN da instrucciones para ensamblar moléculas de proteína. CHILE NIVEL 3 P O P U LATIONS AND ECO S YS T E M S n A population consists of all individuals of a species that occur together at a given place and time.All populations living together and the physical factors with which they interact compose an ecosystem.n Populations of organisms can be categorized by the function they serve in an ecosystem. Plants and some microorganisms are producers—they make their own food. All animals, including humans, are consumers, which obtain food by eating other organisms. Decomposers, primarily bacteria and fungi, are consumers that use waste materials and dead organisms for food. Food webs identify the relationships among producers, consumers, and decomposers in an ecosystem. n For eco s ys tems, the major source of energy is su n l i gh t .E n er gy entering eco s ys tems as sunlight is transferred by producers into chemical en er gy through photosynthesis. That en er gy then passes from organism to organism in food webs. n The number of organisms an ecosystem can support depends on the resources available and abiotic factors, such as quantity of light and water, range of temperatures, and soil composition. Given adequate biotic and abiotic resources and no disease or predators, populations (including humans) increase at rapid rates. Lack of resources and other factors, such as predation and climate,limit the growth of populations in specific niches in the ecosystem NIVEL 4 DIVERSITY AND ADAPTATIONS OF ORGANISMS Millions of species of animals, plants, and microorganisms are alive today. Although different species might look dissimilar, the unity among organisms becomes apparent from an analysis of internal structures, the similarity of their chemical processes, and the evidence of common ancestry. Biological evolution accounts for the diversity of species developed through gradual processes over many genera ti on s . Species acquire many of their unique characteristics through biological ad a pt ati on , which involves the selection of naturally occurring va ri a ti ons in populations. Biological ad a pt a ti ons include changes in structu re s , behaviors, or physiology that enhance survival and reproductive success in a particular environment. Extinction of a species occurs when the environment changes and the adaptive characteristics of a species are insufficient to allow its survival. Fossils indicate that many organisms that lived long ago are extinct. Extinction of species is common; most of the species that have lived on the earth no longer exist. NIVEL 5 :B I O LO G I CAL EVO LU T I O N n Species evolve over time. Evolution is the consequence of the interactions of (1) the potential for a species to increase its numbers, (2) the genetic variability of offspring due to mutation and recombination of genes, (3) a finite supply of the resources required for life, and (4) the ensuing selection by the environment of those offspring better able to survive and leave offspring. The great diver sity of organisms is the result of more than 3.5 billion years of evolution that has filled every available niche with life forms. n Na tu ral selection and its evoluti on a ry consequ en ces provide a scientific explan a ti on for the fossil record of ancient life forms, as well as for the striking molecular similarities observed among the diverse species of living organisms. n The millions of different species of plants, animals,and microorganisms that live on earth today are related by descent from common ancestors. Biological classifications are based on how organisms are related. Organisms are classified into a hierarchy of groups and subgroups based on similarities which reflect their evolutionary relationships. Species is the most fundamental unit of classification. NIVEL 6 2. INTERDEPENDENCE OF ORGANISMS The atoms and molecules on the earthcycle among the living and nonliving components of the biosphere. Energy flows through ecosystems in one direction , from photosynthetic organisms to herbivores to carnivores and decom po s ers. Organisms both cooperate and compete in eco s ys tems. The interrel a ti on s h i p s and interdependencies of these or ga nisms may generate eco s ys tems that are stable for hundreds or thousands of ye a rs . Living organisms have the capacity to produce pop u l a ti ons of infinite size, but environments and resources are finite. This fundamental tension has profound effects on the interactions between organisms. NIVEL 7 IMPACTO HUMANO SOBRE LA BIOSFERA Human beings live within the world’s eco s ys tems. Increasingly, humans modify eco s ys tems as a result of pop u l a ti on growth, technology, and con su m pti on Human destruction of habitats throughdirect harve s ti n g, polluti on , a tm o s ph eric ch a n ge s , and other factors is threatening current global stability, and if not ad d re s s ed , eco s ys tems will be irreversibly affected. El Convenio Marco sobre Cambio Climático de las Naciones Unidas (1992) define al Cambio Climático como una modificación del clima atribuida directa o indirectamente a la actividad humana que altera la composición de la atmósfera mundial y que se suma a la variabilidad natural del clima observada durante períodos de tiempo comparables Leer más: