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System IT Admin – Course Syllabus
Course Description
The System IT Administrator course is designed to help you manage your BLISS LIMS system. System
installs, upgrades, maintenance, and troubleshooting BLISS system components are covered.
Course Structure
This course is designed as a presentation with guided practice followed by individual practice at the
end of each day. We will utilize VMWare technology to simulate a server-client environment. Each
student is assigned a laptop that hosts a virtual machine representing the database and BLISS servers.
Students are given a thumb-drive containing course materials and manuals. Certificates of Completion
are given at the end of the course.
The schedule in this document serves as a guideline. We may spend more or less time on each topic as
needed. The first three sessions of each day involve lecture and demonstration with some guided
practice in the mix. During the fourth session, I will give you a worksheet to review concepts and
practice configuration. At this time, I will be available to answer your questions on- or off-topics
covered that day.
Instructor Information
Hello, I am Desiree Evans, your System IT Admin course instructor. My experience includes fifteen
years teaching mathematics, physics, and software training in private school, college, university,
online, and corporate settings.
In the seven years I have been with Baytek, I have edited and authored several of our manuals, created
course materials, and continue to perform numerous installations, upgrades, configurations, and
optimization procedures.
I look forward to learning about you and your BLISS LIMS and to sharing my knowledge with you.
Copyright © 2016. Baytek International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Baytek International is furnishing this document for
information purposes only to licensed users of Baytek International’s software and hardware products.
System IT Admin – Course Syllabus
Course Content and Schedule
Session One
8 – 9:45 AM
Session Two
10 – 11:45 AM
Oracle Server Continued
Course Structure
BLISS Architecture and Applications
Oracle Structure
Creating a BLISS Database
Important Database Configuration
Patching Oracle Database
Oracle Server
System Requirements
Installing Oracle Database
Session Three
1 – 2:45 PM
Database Maintenance
Creating a Preventive Maintenance
Backup and Recovery
Database Growth
Session Four
3 – 4:30 PM
Practice Assignments
Review Oracle Structure Terms
Check Important Database
Determine Database Size
Copyright © 2016. Baytek International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Baytek International is furnishing this document for
information purposes only to licensed users of Baytek International’s software and hardware products.
System IT Admin – Course Syllabus
Session One 8 – 9:45 AM
Oracle Client
System Requirements
Installing Oracle Client
Patching Oracle Client
Database Connectivity
1 – 2:45 PM
BLISS Application Server
Case for Production, Replicate, and
Archive databases
Reducing the Production Database
Database Archives
Database Imports and Exports
Oracle Database
Oracle Client
Session Three
10 – 11:45 AM
Database Maintenance
Patching Oracle
Session Two
Server Requirements
Database Connectivity
BLISS Services Installations
Upgrading a BLISS Database
Schema Reports
Baytek FTPS
Session Four
3 – 4:30 PM
Practice Assignments
Patch Oracle Client
Check Database Connectivity
Reduce Database
Copyright © 2016. Baytek International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Baytek International is furnishing this document for
information purposes only to licensed users of Baytek International’s software and hardware products.
System IT Admin – Course Syllabus
Course Content and Schedule Continued
Session One
8 – 9:45 AM
BLISS Application Server
Services Overview
VortalBLISS Service
Report Distribution System (RDS)
COA Server
Session Three
1 – 2:45 PM
BLISS Web Server
Server Requirements
Installing IIS
Server Configuration
VortalBLISS Installation
VortalBLISS Side-by-Side Installation
VortalBLISS Dashboard
Session Two
10 – 11:45 AM
BLISS Application Server
Scheduler and Alog
Email Task and Notifications
Label Service and CODESOFT
Session Four
3 – 4 PM
Practice Assignments
Create a Sample Login Schedule
Configure Label Service
Edit VortalBLISS Dashboard
Create a VortalDESK Inquiry
Course Wrap Up
Course Review
Last Questions
Class Evaluations
Certificates of Completion
Copyright © 2016. Baytek International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Baytek International is furnishing this document for
information purposes only to licensed users of Baytek International’s software and hardware products.